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Avon Middle-High School yearbook PDF

136 Pages·1995·15.1 MB·English
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A Of Memories Lifetime "From who! we get. we con make a living; what we give, however, makes a life/* ArthurAshe Dedication 2 Class Best 16 Seniors 17 Morss Review 33 Underclassmen 34 Senior Specials 54 Welcome, Dr. Anthony Roselli, our new Superinten- dent ofSchools Faculty Events/Activities/Sports 40 Baby Pictures 108 AVON HIGH SCHOOL Avon, Massachusetts Our 1995 Year- book is dedicated to the memory of Stephen S. Mills. And Administration, racy Staff tty RichardBullock DonaldDutler IndustrialArtsAsst Marh/English/SocialStudies Mr. HarryLevine Principal ScottCelli CaroleClough Ir isalways difficult to saygoodbye to a veryspecial Marh/Science Spec Ed/English groupofstudents Theachievementsoftheclassof1995 willforeverbeaparrofthehistoryofAvon HighSchool Throughyourefforts,throughyourcommitment,through yourhardwork,youhavetrainedyourmindsalongwith yourbodies;youhovegrownineveryaspectofyourlives, youare, indeed, acredittoourschool, acredit royour parents, andacreditroyourselves Takeyourdiplomas nowandcherishthem.Theysay,inaveryrealwoy,just howmuchwecherishyou.Thinkofthemnorastheend ofoneffort,burratherasonemilestoneonalongpath, andknowthatyouhavemadeanexcellentbeginning. LelandConti ChristineFrew Spanish/Science Phys. Ed./Health DanielHerlihy PaulChapman RichardGifford JoanGriffin Asst Prin/Science Asst. Prm./Soc St. Science/Marh SchoolNurse Thank-you, Avon Educofion Association, for donating this page. 3 FrancesHarch WilliamHealey RobertHenderson DruceJulien ClericalAsst Music Soc Sr/Depr Head Dusmess/Morh ? ScorrKellerr FrankLane MichaelLane PererLynch Science/Arh Dir Hisrory/Marh Librarian/Media IndustrialArts JohnLyons VirginiaMahoney MarilynMalcolmson HamerManning English/Soc Sr Art GuidanceCounselor Science/Marh DominicMasrriano ParriciaMcGrorh TrudyMiller ChnsropherMorss Phys Ed./Healrh Science/Morh Dusmess/MarhDepr Head English/Depr Head .riVP. MaryNasuti ConstanceO'Brien DonnaPhillips DororhyPhillips ResourceTutorialAsst. English French HealthAssistant LoisQuinn DavidBuggies GeraldineRyan LoreleiSass Math/Computers Larin/English HomeEconomics GuidanceSecretary t AndyouthoughtIcouldonlyplayBasketball1 JeanWilson Prm,Secretary School Ufa The halls rhar began lifelong friendships . . . The rooms where our futures began The people who gave us direction , The building, the foundation of our M.emories -ColleenMcKinnon Curley,MoandMon Toh-dahi Alwayscoolinrhesun HACKIN'' JusrChillin'' Darrell,whororeyoudoing?

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