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Version 3.0 Avoiding Haag’s Theorem with Parameterized Quantum Field Theory Ed Seidewitz∗ 14000 Gulliver’s Trail, Bowie MD 20720 USA (Dated: 27 September2016) Under the normal assumptions of quantum field theory, Haag’s theorem states that any field unitarily equivalent to a free field must itself be a free field. Unfortunately, the derivation of the Dyson series perturbation expansion relies on the use of the interaction picture, in which the 6 interacting field is unitarily equivalent to the free field but must still account for interactions. 1 Thus, the traditional perturbative derivation of the scattering matrix in quantum field theory is 0 mathematically ill defined. Nevertheless, perturbative quantum field theory is currently the only 2 practical approach for addressing scattering for realistic interactions, and it has been spectacularly p successfulinmakingempiricalpredictions. ThispaperexplainsthissuccessbyshowingthatHaag’s e Theorem can be avoided when quantum field theory is formulated using an invariant, fifth path S parameter in addition to the usual four position parameters, such that the Dyson perturbation expansionforthescatteringmatrixcanstillbereproduced. Asaresult,theparameterizedformalism 8 provides a consistent foundation for the interpretation of quantum field theory as used in practice 2 and,perhaps, for betterdealing with othermathematical issues. ] h PACSnumbers: 03.65.Ca,03.70.+k,11.10.Cd,11.80.-m t Keywords: quantum field theory; Haag’s theorem; scattering; perturbation theory; parametrized quantum - mechanics;relativisticdynamics;spacetimepaths p e h [ Haag’s theorem is very inconvenient; it means that the for which perturbation theory is always used. So, the interaction picture exists only if there is no interaction. question remains as to why perturbation theory works 3 —Streater and Wightman [1] so well for this, despite Haag’s Theorem (see [12] for a v clear discussion of this point, and of Haag’s Theorem in 8 general). 5 6 I. INTRODUCTION InthispaperIwillshowthatHaag’sTheoremdoesnot 5 apply to a parameterized formulation of QFT. Not sur- 0 Haag’sTheoremstatesthat,underthenormalassump- prisingly, this formulation starts from different assump- 1. tions of quantum field theory (QFT), any field that is tions than traditional QFT. A parameterized formalism 0 unitarily equivalent to a free field must itself be a free is one in which field operators have a fifth, invariant pa- 5 field[1–3]. Thisistroublesome,becausetheusualDyson rameter argument, in additional to the usual four posi- 1 perturbation expansionof the scattering matrix is based tion arguments of Minkowski space. : v on the interaction picture, in which the interacting field There is a long history of approaches using a such a i is presumed to be related to the free field by a unitary fifthparameterforrelativisticquantummechanics,going X transformation. And, as Streater and Wightman note, back to proposals of Fock [13] and, particularly, Stuekel- ar Haag’s theorem means that such a picture should not berg [14, 15], in the late thirties and early forties. The exist in the presence of actual interaction. idea appeared subsequently in the work of a number Therehasthereforebeensomeconsternationinthelit- of well-known authors, including Nambu [16], Feynman eratureoverthefoundationalimplicationsofHaag’sThe- [17, 18], Schwinger [19], DeWitt-Morette [20] and Cooke orem (in addition to [1], see, for example, [4–6]). Nev- [21]. However,it was not until the seventies and eighties ertheless, currently popular textbooks (such as [7, 8]) that the theory was more fully developed, particularly tend to simply ignore it. Indeed, the non-perturbative by Horwitz and Piron [22, 23] and Fanchi and Collins Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmerman (LSZ) [9] and Haag- [24–27], into what has come to be called relativistic dy- Ruelle [10,11]formalismsforscatteringdonotrunafoul namics. ofHaag’sTheorem,soitis possibleto formulatescatter- A key feature of this approach is that time is treated ing theory for QFT rigorously. comparably to the three space coordinates, rather than Unfortunately, the LSZ and Haag-Ruelle formalisms as an evolution parameter. The result is that relativis- are not useful for practical calculations of the S-matrix, tic quantum mechanics can be formulated in a way that is much more parallel to non-relativistic quantum the- ory. Further, the approach is particularly applicable to the study of quantum gravity and cosmology, in which ∗Electronicaddress: seidewitz@mailaps.org the fundamentalequations (suchasthe Wheeler-DeWitt 2 equation) make no explicit distinction for the time coor- mation {∆x,Λ} (where ∆x is a spacetime transla- dinate (see, e.g., [28–34]). tion and Λ is a Lorentz transformation), the states Extensionofthisapproachtoasecond-quantizedQFT transformation according to a continuous, unitary hasbeensomewhatmorelimited,focusinglargelyonap- representation Uˆ(∆x,Λ) of the Poincar´e group. plication to quantum electrodynamics [35–41]. The for- 2. (Uniqueness of the Vacuum) There is an invari- malismIwillusehereisderivedfromrelatedearlierwork ant vacuum state |0i such that Uˆ(∆x,Λ)|0i = |0i, of mine on a foundational parameterized formalism for which is unique up to a constant phase factor. QFT and scattering [42–45]. This formalism was devel- oped previously in terms of spacetime paths, but, in the 3. (Spectral Condition) Let present work, it is presented entirely in field-theoretic mathematical language, without the use of spacetime Uˆ(∆x,1)=eiPˆµ∆xµ. path integrals (though the concept of paths still remains helpful for intuitive motivation). I also previously ad- Then PˆµPˆ = −m2, where m is interpreted as a µ dressed the perturbative expansion of the S-matrix in mass, and the eigenvalues of Pˆµ lie in or on the the spacetime path formalism [42], but later corrected a future light cone. flaw in the original approach [45]. The discussion here follows the axiomatic approach described in more detail Note that the spectral condition given above captures in [46],which recasts the argument from [42] using the the assumption that particles are on shell, meeting the insights of [45]. mass-shell constraint, p2 =−m2, and that they advance To show how Haag’s Theorem formally breaks down, into the future. In particular, time evolution is given by I will step through an attempted proof of the equivalent the (frame-dependent) Hamiltonian, Hˆ =Pˆ0. of Haag’s Theorem for parameterized QFT, paralleling QFTisthenthe theoryofquantumfields thatoperate the proof of the theorem in traditional axiomatic QFT. on these states. Define a field operator ψˆ(x) that, for Inordertoprovideacontextforthis,Sec.IIgivesabrief each spacetime position x, acts on the states of the the- overview of the axioms of traditional QFT and Sec. III ory. Actually,inordertoavoidimproperstatesanddelta outlines the formalproofofHaag’sTheoreminthatthe- functions, one should instead use the so-called smeared ory. fields ψˆ[f] such that Section IV then presents the parameterized QFT for- malism axiomatically and describes free fields satisfying ψˆ[f]= d4xf(x)ψˆ(x), (1) those axioms. (The axiomatic formalism for parameter- Z ized QFT is only outlined here to the extent necessary for any f drawn from an allowable set of test functions. for the purposes of this paper—for a fuller presentation However, for simplicity, the presentation here will freely see[46].) SectionVnextshowsthe promisedresult,that use point fields instead of the smearedfields, though the Haag’sTheoremdoesnotapplyintheaxiomaticparame- mathematics can still be interpreted in terms of a more terizedformalism. This allowsa straightforwardinterac- rigourous use of test functions and distributions [1, 46]. tionpicturetobedefinedinSec.VI,inwhichinteracting Also, I only consider scalar particles here, which is suffi- fields are related to free fields by a unitary transforma- cient for addressing Haag’s Theorem. tion. Section VII gives some concluding thoughts. Thefieldsψˆ(x)satisfythefollowingaxioms,commonly Throughout,I willuse aspacetime metric signatureof known as the Wightman axioms [1] (presented here for (−+++) and take ~=c=1. fields that are not self-adjoint). Axiom I (Domain and Continuity of Fields). The field II. AXIOMATIC QUANTUM FIELD THEORY ψˆ(x) and its adjoint ψˆ†(x) are defined on a domain D of states dense in H containing the vacuum state |0i. The The first formal proof of Haag’s Theorem was based Uˆ(∆x,Λ), ψˆ(x) and ψˆ†(x) all carry vectors in D into on axiomatic quantum field theory [1, 3]. This section vectors in D. summarizes the axiomatic basis for QFT necessary to Axiom II (Field Transformation Law). For any Poin- prove the theorem. Section III then outlines the proof, car´e transformation {∆x,Λ}, whichwillbesubsequentlyreconsideredinthecontextof parameterized QFT. We begin with assumptions about Uˆ(∆x,Λ)ψˆ(x)Uˆ−1(∆x,Λ)=ψˆ(Λx+∆x). (2) the Hibert space of states in tradtional QFT, and then continue with axioms on the fields that operate on these AxiomIII(LocalCommutivity). Foranyspacetimepo- states. sitions x and x′, Axiom 0 (States). The states |ψi are described by unit [ψˆ(x),ψˆ(x′)]=[ψˆ†(x),ψˆ†(x′)]=0. rays in a separable Hilbert space H, such that the follow- Further, if x and x′ are space-like separated, ing are true. 1. (Transformation Law) Under a Poincar´e transfor- [ψˆ(x),ψˆ†(x′)]=0. 3 AxiomIV(CyclicityoftheVacuum). Thevacuumstate Suppose the representations possess unique invariant |0i is cyclic for the fields ψˆ(x), that is, polynomials in states |0ii such that the fields and their adjoints, when applied to the vacuum Uˆ (∆x,R)|0i =|0i . state, yield a set D dense in H. i i i 0 Suppose, finally, that there exists a unitary operator Gˆ There is at least one class of field theories that satisfy such that, at time t, the Wightman axioms, those in which the fields are free, that is, they describe particles that do not interact. The ψˆ (t,x)=Gˆψˆ (t,x)Gˆ−1. 2 1 Hilbert space of a free-field theory is thus a Fock space thatisthedirectedsumofsubspacesofstateswithafixed Then number of particles. The fields themselves are solutions Uˆ (∆x,R)=GˆUˆ (∆x,R)Gˆ−1 of the Klein-Gordon equation 2 1 and ∂2 −∂x2 +m2n ψˆ(x)=0, c|0i2 =Gˆ|0i1, (cid:18) (cid:19) where c is a complex number of modulus one. with the two-point vacuum expection values This theorem immediately implies the following corol- h0|ψˆ(x)ψˆ†(x )|0i=∆+(x−x ), (3) lary. 0 0 Corollary 1. In anytwotheories satisfying thehypothe- where ses of Theorem 1, theequal-timevacuum expectation val- ei[−ωp(x0−x00)+p·(x−x0)] ues are the same: ∆+(x−x )≡(2π)−3 d3p 0 2ωp h0|ψˆ (t,x′)···ψˆ (t,x′ )ψˆ†(t,x )···ψˆ†(t,x )|0i = Z 1 1 1 1 N 1 1 1 N 1 h0|ψˆ (t,x′)···ψˆ (t,x′ )ψˆ†(t,x )···ψˆ†(t,x )|0i . and ωp ≡ p2+m2. 2 2 1 2 N 2 1 2 N 2 The usual approach for introducing interactions is to The second theorem is a generalresult originally from p use the interaction picture, relating the interactingfields [47]. ψˆ (x) to the free fields by a transformation I Theorem 2. If ψˆ(x) is a field for which the vacuum is ψˆ (t,x)=Gˆ(t)ψˆ(t,x)Gˆ(t)−1, cyclic, and if I h0|ψˆ(x)ψˆ†(x )|0i=∆+(x−x ), where the time-dependence of Gˆ is intended to reflect 0 0 the presence of interactions. Such a ψˆI(x) can be con- then ψˆ(x) is a free field. structed that satisfies the Wightman axioms (though its Using these theorems, we can prove Haag’s Theorem. Lorentz covariance is certainly not manifest, due to the time dependence of Gˆ(t)). Unfortunately, Haag’s Theo- Theorem 3 (Haag’s Theorem). Suppose that ψˆ (x) is 1 rem shows that, under the Wightman axioms, any field a free field and ψˆ (x) is a local, Lorentz-covariant field. 2 unitarilyrelatedtoafreefieldwillitselfbeafreefield,so Suppose further that the fields ψˆ (x), ψˆ˙ (x), ψˆ (x) and an interacting theory cannotbe consistently constructed 1 1 2 in this way. ψˆ˙1(x) satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem 1. Then ψˆ2(x) is also a free field. Proof. Since ψˆ (x) is a free field, its vacuumexpectation III. HAAG’S THEOREM 1 value is given by Eq. (3). The corollary to Theorem 1 then implies that, at a specific time t , 0 IwillnowoutlinetheproofofHaag’sTheorem. Haag’s Theoremactuallyfollowsfromtwoothertheorems,which 2h0|ψˆ2(t0,x)ψˆ2†(t0,x0)|0i2 =∆+(0,x−x0). (4) I presenthere using notationconsistentwith that ofthis Any two position vectors (t,x) and (t ,x ) can be paper, but without proof. For details on the proofs, see 0 0 brought into the equal time plane t = t by a Lorentz [1]. 0 transformation, if their separation is spacelike. Along Theorem1. Letψˆ (t,x)andψˆ (t,x)betwofieldopera- with the given covariance of ψˆ2(x), this means that 1 2 Eq. (4) can be extended to any two spacelike positions torsattimetdefinedinrespectiveHilbertspaces,inwhich there are continuous, unitary representations Uˆ (∆x,R) andthen,by analyticcontinuation,toanytwopositions: i oftheinhomogeneousEuclideangroupoftranslations∆x h0|ψˆ (x)ψˆ†(x )|0i =∆+(x−x ). and three-dimensional rotations R, such that 2 2 2 0 2 0 Haag’sTheoremisthenanimmediateconsequenceofthis Uˆ (∆x,R)ψˆ(t,x)Uˆ−1(∆x,R)=ψˆ(t,Rx+∆x). and Theorem 2. i i i i 4 BecauseofHaag’sTheorem,aQFTofinteractingpar- Pˆ such that ticles that satisfies the Wightmanaxiomscannotbe uni- tarily equivalent to the known theory of free particles. Uˆ(∆x,1)=eiPˆ·∆x So far, such an interacting theory (for the case of four- dimensional spacetime) has yet to be found. Neverthe- andinterpretPˆ astherelativisticenergy-momentumop- less,aspreviouslynoted,empiricallywell-supportedpre- erator, as usual. However, we will not require that the dictions of the standard model are based on calculations eigenvalues of Pˆ be on-shell. using perturbative QFT, which assumes that the inter- Of course, PˆµPˆµ is still a Casimir operator of the acting fields are, in fact, unitarily related to the free Poincar´e group and, so, acts on any irreducible repre- fields, in contradiction to Haag’s Theorem. sentation as an invariant multiple of the identity. Thus, This naturally leads one to consider whether there in the parameterized theory, we are not requiring that mightbeanalternativesetofaxiomsforQFT,forwhich the Uˆ(∆x,Λ) be anirreducible representationfor single- Haag’sTheoremwouldnotapply,butwhichcouldrepro- particle states. Position states duce the resultsoftraditionalperturbativeQFT.Inpar- ticular,notethattheproofofTheorem3essentiallyrelies |xi=(2π)−2 d4pe−ip·x|pi onaconflictbetweenthe presumptionthatthe fields are Z Lorentz-covariantandthespecialidentificationoftimein are essentially superpositions of momentum states with the assumptions of Theorem 1. This provides a motiva- p2 =µ,forallµ,positiveandnegative. Thisissometimes tionforconsideringparameterizedQFT,whichdispenses consideredexplicitly as a superposition of different mass withanyidentificationoftimeasanevolutionparameter states [37, 48, 49] (see also the discussion at the end of for fields. Sec. IIA of [42]). With this motivation, I present, in the next section, Moreover, in the parameterized theory, the Hamilto- a modified set of axioms that are satisfied by a parame- nian operator is no longer Pˆ0, the generator of time terized QFT, andI describe the nature of parameterized translation. Instead, it generates evolution in the frame- free fields that satisfy those axioms. Then, in a subse- independent parameter λ. Nevertheless, analogously to quent sections, I show that the proofof Haag’s Theorem the definitions for time evolution, we can still define breaks down under the new axioms, allowing for an in- Schr¨odinger and Heisenberg pictures for evolution in λ. teracting field that is unitarily equivalent to a free field, That is, consider a state |ψi ∈ H and a Hamiltonian andoutline howsucha fieldcanbe constructedusing an operator Hˆ defined on H. The Schr¨odinger-picture evo- interaction picture in the parameterized theory. lution of the state is then given by |ψ(λ)i=e−iHˆλ|ψi. IV. PARAMETERIZED QUANTUM FIELD THEORY Similarly, if Aˆ is an operator on H, then its Heisenberg- picture evolution is given by This section presents the basic axioms of parameter- izedQFT,generallyparallelingtheaxiomsfortraditional Aˆ(λ)=eiHˆλAˆe−iHˆλ. QFT aspresentedinSec.II.Thisis notintendedto be a complete presentation of the parameterized theory, but, In general, a Hamiltonian operator Hˆ defined on H is instead,tojustoutlineabasicaxiomaticfoundationpar- required to have the following properties: alleltothe overviewgivenfortraditionalQFTinSec.II. 1. Hˆ is Hermitian. Forafullpresentationofaxiomatic,parameterizedQFT, see [46]. 2. Hˆ commutes with all spacetime transformations We begin by stripping the assumptions on the Hilbert Uˆ(∆x,Λ) (and, hence, with Pˆ). space of states down to the minimum necessary for a relativistic theory. 3. Hˆ has an eigenstate |0i ∈ H such that Hˆ|0i = 0, andthisistheuniquenull(normalizable)eigenstate Axiom 0* (States). The states |ψi are described by unit for Hˆ, up to a constant phase. rays in a separable Hilbert space H. Under a Poincar´e transformation {∆x,Λ} (where ∆x is a spacetime trans- Note that the concept of a vacuum state |0i has es- lation and Λ is a Lorentz transformation), the states sentially been re-introduced here, but only relative to a transformation according to a continuous, unitary rep- choice of Hamiltonian operator. Each Hamiltonian op- resentation Uˆ(∆x,Λ) of the Poincar´e group. erator must have a unique vacuum state, but different HamiltonianoperatorsdefinedonthesameHilbertspace Note, in particular, that there is no equivalent here of may have different vacuum states. On the other hand, the spectralcondition. Thatis, webegin, forthe param- the Hamiltonian operator is not required to be positive eterized theory, with states that are inherently off shell. definite, since it is no longer considered to represent the Nevertheless, we can still define the Hermitian operator energyobservable,so this vacuumstate is not a “ground 5 state” in the traditional sense. However, when H is a wheremistheparticlemass. TogetherwithEq.(5),this Fock space with a particle interpretation, the vacuum gives the Stuekelberg-Schr¨odinger field equation [14, 42] state for an identified Hamiltonian will be the “no parti- cle” state. i ∂ ψˆ(x;λ)= − ∂2 +m2 ψˆ(x;λ). (7) Fields in parameterized QFT are defined in the same ∂λ ∂x2 (cid:18) (cid:19) way as fields in traditional QFT, as operators ψˆ(x), for each spacetime position x, that act on the states of the We can also define the momentum field ψˆ(p;λ) as theory. Theaxiomsarealsosimilartothoseoftraditional the four-dimensional Fourier transform of ψˆ(x;λ). Like QFT. However, they are altered to account for the lack ψˆ(x;λ), ψˆ(p;λ)evolvesinλusingHˆ. TakingtheFourier ofspectralconstraintsandthedifferentconceptionofthe transform of Eq. (7) gives the field equation Hamiltonian. ∂ Axiom I* (DomainandContinuityofFields). The field i∂λψˆ(p;λ)=(p2+m2)ψˆ(p;λ). (8) ψˆ(x) and its adjoint ψˆ†(x) are defined on a domain D of Recall that the four-momentum here is not necessarily states dense in H. The Uˆ(∆x,Λ), any Hamiltonian Hˆ, on-shell. Since p2 is relative to the Minkowski metric, ψˆ(x) and ψˆ†(x) all carry vectors in D into vectors in D. p2+m2 cantakeonanyvalue,positive,negativeorzero. Equation (8) may be integrated to get Axiom II* (Field TransformationLaw). For any Poin- car´e transformation {∆x,Λ}, ψˆ(p;λ)=∆(p;λ−λ )ψˆ(p;λ ), (9) 0 0 Uˆ(∆x,Λ)ψˆ(x)Uˆ−1(∆x,Λ)=ψˆ(Λx+∆x). where Axiom III* (Commutation Relations). For any space- ∆(p;λ−λ )≡e−i(p2+m2)(λ−λ0). time positions x and x′, 0 Taking the inverse Fourier transform of the momentum [ψˆ(x′),ψˆ(x)]=[ψˆ†(x′),ψˆ†(x)]=0 field in Eq. (9) then gives and ψˆ(x;λ)= d4x ∆(x−x ;λ−λ )ψˆ(x ;λ ), (10) 0 0 0 0 0 [ψˆ(x′),ψˆ†(x)]=δ4(x′−x). Z where AxiomIV*(CyclicityoftheVacuum). IfHˆ isaHamil- tonian operator, then its vacuum state |0i is in the do- ∆(x−x0;λ−λ0)≡(2π)−4 d4peip·(x−x0)∆(p;λ−λ0). main D of the field operator, and polynomials in the field Z (11) ψˆ(x) and its adjoint ψˆ†(x), when applied to |0i, yield a Thetwo-pointvacuumexpectationvalueoftheparam- set D of states dense in H. 0 eterized field is given by These axioms are presented in terms of the essen- h0|ψˆ(x;λ)ψˆ†(x ;λ )|0i=∆(x−x ;λ−λ ). tially Schr¨odinger-picture operators ψˆ(x). However, for 0 0 0 0 a Hamiltonian Hˆ, we can now also define the (parame- This represents the propagation of a particle from four- terized) Heisenberg-picture form of a field operator: position x to four-position x over any path q with 0 q(λ ) = x and q(λ) = x. Such a path is said to have 0 0 ψˆ(x;λ)=eiHˆλψˆ(x)e−iHˆλ. intrinsic length |λ−λ0|. To represent propagation over all possible paths, we need to integrate over all intrinsic Taking the limit of infinitesimal ∆λ then gives the dy- lengths. Integrating over all λ>λ gives 0 namic evolution of the field as ∞ ∂ dλh0|ψˆ(x;λ)ψˆ†(x0;λ0)|0i=∆(x−x0), (12) i∂λψˆ(x;λ)=[ψˆ(x;λ),Hˆ]. (5) Zλ0 where AsfortraditionalQFT,wecandefineaparameterized ∞ field theory of free particles that satisfies the above ax- ∆(x−x )≡ dλ∆(x−x ;λ−λ ) ioms. And, again,the Hilbert spaceof sucha theory is a 0 0 0 Zλ0 Fock space ofstates ofa fixed number ofnon-interacting ∞ particles. Instead of the Klein-Gordon equation, how- = dλ∆(x−x0;λ) ever,for aparameterizedfree field,we requirethatHˆ be Z0 chosen such that =−i(2π)−4 d4p eip·(x−x0) p2+m2−iε ∂2 Z [ψˆ(x;λ),Hˆ]= − +m2 ψˆ(x;λ), (6) ∂x2 is just the Feynman propagator [42]. (cid:18) (cid:19) 6 V. HAAG’S THEOREM RECONSIDERED Therefore, ∂ ∂2 In this section I will show that Haag’s Theorem does i hx;λ|= − +m2 hx;λ|. not, in fact, hold under the axioms given for parameter- ∂λ ∂x2 (cid:18) (cid:19) izedQFT givenin Sec.IV.To seethis, considercarrying However, out a proof of Haag’s Theorem for parameterized fields similartotheoneoutlinedinSec.IIIfortraditionalfields. ∂ ∂ First,Theorems1and2maybeadaptedfortheparam- i hx;λ|=i h0|ψˆ(x;λ)=h0|[ψˆ(x;λ),Hˆ] ∂λ ∂λ eterized fields. The axioms of the parameterized theory, =h0|ψˆ(x;λ)Hˆ =hx;λ|Hˆ , though,donotrequireauniquevacuumstate,sowemust simplyassumetherelationshipbetweenvacuumstatesof the two fields in Theorem 1* below. This simplifies the since h0|Hˆ =0. Thus, the Hamiltonian Hˆ acts as derivationoftherelevantconclusionofequalityofexpec- ∂2 tation values. Hˆ =− +m2, ∂x2 Theorem 1*. Let ψˆ (x) and ψˆ (x) be two (off-shell, 1 2 Schro¨dinger-picture) field operators, defined in respective which is the position representation of the required free- Hilbert spaces, and Hˆ and Hˆ be Hamiltonian operators field Hamiltonian (see Sec. IV). 1 2 defined on those Hilbert spaces, with vacuum states |0i Further, the equal-λ expectation value for ψˆ is 1 and |0i . Suppose, that there exists a unitary operator 2 Gˆ, such that h0|ψˆ(x;λ)ψˆ†(x0;λ)|0i=∆(x−x0;0)=δ4(x−x0). ψˆ (x)=Gˆψˆ (x)Gˆ−1 This, together with Axiom III*, implies that 2 1 and h0|ψˆ†(x ;λ)ψˆ(x;λ)|0i=0, 0 |0i2 =Gˆ|0i1. for all x and x0. In particular, in the limit of x0 →x, Then the equal-λ vacuum expectation values of the fields h0|ψˆ†(x;λ)ψˆ(x;λ)|0i=|ψˆ(x;λ)|0i|2 =0, are the same: h0|ψˆ (x′;λ)···ψˆ (x′ ;λ)ψˆ‡(x ;λ)···ψˆ‡(x ;λ)|0i so ψˆ(x;λ)|0i =0, for all x and λ. This and the commu- 1 1 1 1 N 1 1 1 N 1 tation relations of Axiom III* indicate that ψˆ(x) and its = h0|ψˆ (x′;λ)···ψˆ (x′ ;λ)ψˆ‡(x ;λ)···ψˆ‡(x ;λ)|0i . 2 2 1 2 N 2 1 2 N 2 adjoint can be used to build the states of a free-particle (13) Fock space. Proof. With the given assumptions, the expectation val- Now, even given Theorems 1* and 2*, the following ues are clearly equal for the Schr¨odinger-picture fields. proposition corresponding to Theorem 3 turns out not The parameterized Heisenberg-picture fields are related to be true. to the Schr¨odinger picture fields by the unitary trans- formations exp(−iHˆ λ), and the vacuum states |0i are Proposition 3* (Haag’s Theorem?). Suppose that i i invariant under the corresponding such transformations. ψˆ (x;λ) is a free field and ψˆ (x;λ) is a local, Lorentz- 1 2 Therefore, the vacuum expectation values of the param- covariant field. Suppose further that the fields ψˆ (x;λ) 1 eterizedfieldsareequaltothecorrespondingvacuumex- and ψˆ (x;λ) satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem 1*. Then pectationvaluesfortherespectiveunparameterizedfields 2 ψˆ (x;λ) is also a free field. and, hence, to each other, for all λ. 2 Theorem 2*. If ψˆ(x;λ) is a field with aHamiltonian Hˆ Given the assumptions of this proposition and the corollarytoTheorem1*,wecaneasilydeducethe equiv- having vacuum state |0i, and if alent of Eq. (4): h0|ψˆ(x;λ)ψˆ†(x ;λ )|0i=∆(x−x ;λ−λ ), 0 0 0 0 h0|ψˆ (x;λ )ψˆ†(x ;λ )|0i =∆(x−x ;0)=δ4(x−x ). 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 where ∆(x−x ;λ−λ ) is given by Eq. (10), then ψˆ(x;λ) 0 0 However, just as Eq. (4) was at the single time t , the is a free field. 0 equivalent equation for the parameterized theory is at Proof. Let hx;λ|=h0|ψˆ(x;λ). Then, thesingleparametervalueλ . Butnow,ifwetrytogen- 0 eralize this to unequal parameter values λ and λ , there 0 hx;λ|= d4x hx;λ|x ;λ ihx ;λ | is no equivalent of the Lorentz transformation to use in 0 0 0 0 0 ordertobringthe parametervaluesbacktoequality. All Z that is available is parameter translation, which would = d4x ∆(x−x ;λ−λ )hx ;λ |. 0 0 0 0 0 maintain the difference λ−λ . 0 Z 7 Therefore, it is possible for ψˆ (x;λ) and ψˆ (x;λ) to that ψˆ′(x;λ) is also a free field under the Hamiltonian 1 2 have the same equal-λ two-point vacuum expectation Hˆ′. value, but for their unequal-λ expectation values to dif- However,since ψˆ′ isdefinedonthe sameHilbertspace fer. Thus, Theorem 2* does not apply and the proof of H as ψˆ, it can be evolved equally well using Hˆ rather Haag’s theorem does not go through. thanHˆ′. Doingsoresultsintheinteraction-picture form Theorem1* can be considereda kind of inverseto the of ψˆ′: well-known Wightman reconstruction theorem (see [1], Theorem3-7). Aconsequenceofthereconstructiontheo- ψˆ′(x;λ)=eiHˆλψˆ′(x)e−iHˆλ =Gˆ(λ)ψˆ(x;λ)Gˆ−1(λ), I remisthatanyQFTsoverspacetimethathavethesame vacuum expectation values will be unitarily equivalent. where Theorem 1* shows that fields that are so unitarily re- Gˆ(λ)=eiHˆλGe−iHˆλ. lated will (not surprisingly) have equal vacuum expecta- tion values. (For parameterized fields, we do not require So the interaction-picture field ψˆ′(x;λ) is still unitarily I theexpectationvaluesinEq.(13)tomeetaspectralcon- related to the Heisenberg-picture free field ψˆ(x;λ), but dition or for the vacuum state to be absolutely unique, now by a transformation Gˆ(λ) that is not constant in λ but the proof of the reconstruction theorem otherwise (presuming that Gˆ and Hˆ do not commute). goes through, for a QFT that also does not meet such conditions [46].) The result is that the field equation for ψˆI′(x;λ) is no However, the key point here is that the assumptions longer that of a free field. Consider that of Theorem 1* and the resulting expectation values of ∂ ∂Gˆ(λ) Eq. (13) are all for parameterized fields at equal values ψˆ′(x;λ)= ψˆ(x;λ)Gˆ−1(λ) ∂λ I ∂λ of λ=λ . If a similar conditionto Eq.(13) also held for 0 ∂ different values of λ for the two fields, then the unitary +Gˆ(λ) ψˆ(x;λ)Gˆ−1(λ) operator Gˆ relating the fields would have to be indepen- ∂λ dentofλ. Inthiscase,itisclearthat,ifonefieldsatisfies ∂Gˆ(λ) −Gˆ(λ)ψˆ(x;λ)Gˆ−1(λ) Gˆ−1(λ) the free field equation Eq. (7), then the other will, too. ∂λ But the fact that Eq. (13) only holds for equal val- ∂Gˆ(λ) ues of λ means that the fields can be related by a dif- = Gˆ−1(λ)ψˆ′(x;λ) ∂λ I ferent value of Gˆ(λ) for each value of λ. Theorem 3, +iGˆ(λ)[Hˆ,ψˆ(x;λ)]Gˆ−1(λ) Haag’s Theorem, shows that the additional requirement ofLorentz-covarianceofthefieldspreventsasimilarcon- ∂Gˆ(λ) structionintraditionalQFTinwhichGˆ dependsontime −ψˆI′(x;λ) ∂λ Gˆ−1(λ) (as requried by the traditional interaction picture). In =i[Hˆ′(λ),ψˆ′(x;λ)] parameterizedQFT,however,the translationgroupof λ I does not mix with the groupof Lorentztransformations, ∂Gˆ(λ) so dependence of Gˆ on λ is not a problem. +[ ∂λ Gˆ−1(λ),ψˆI′(x;λ)], (14) where VI. INTERACTION PICTURE Hˆ′(λ)=eiHˆλHˆ′e−iHˆλ =Gˆ(λ)HˆGˆ−1(λ). In the absence of Haag’s Theorem, we are free to use an interaction picture representation for developing an But, since ψˆ′(x;λ) evolves according to Hˆ, I interacting parameterized QFT, which is what will be ∂ doneinthissection. Beginbyconsideringafreefieldψˆ(x) ψˆ′(x;λ)=i[Hˆ,ψˆ′(x;λ)], ∂λ I I defined on a Hilbert space H with a free Hamiltonian operatorHˆ andvacuumstate|0i. Nowconsideraunitary so we can take transformation Gˆ of H onto itself. This then induces a Hˆ′(λ)=Hˆ +∆Hˆ(λ), transformedfieldψˆ′(x)=Gˆψˆ(x)Gˆ−1 withaHamiltonian Hˆ′ =GˆHˆGˆ−1 and a vacuum state |0′i=Gˆ|0i. were Now, in this case, ∂Gˆ(λ) ∆Hˆ(λ)=i Gˆ−1(λ). ψˆ′(x;λ)=eiHˆ′λψˆ′(x)e−iHˆ′λ ∂λ =eiHˆ′λGˆe−iHˆλψˆ(x;λ)eiHˆλGˆe−iHˆ′λ Now, as a free field, ψˆ(x;λ) satisfies the commutation condition with Hˆ given in Eq. (6). However, since Gˆ(λ) =Gˆψˆ(x;λ)Gˆ−1, does not depend on x, this also implies that since Hˆ′Gˆ = GˆHˆ. So, the Heisenberg-picture forms of ∂2 the fields are also unitarily related by Gˆ, which means [ψˆI′(x;λ),Hˆ′(λ)]= −∂x2 +m2 ψˆI′(x;λ). (cid:18) (cid:19) 8 Substituting this into Eq. (14) then gives is necessary to integrate over the ending parameter val- ues to get the correct full propagation factors for each ∂ ∂2 particle: i ψˆ′(x;λ)= − +m2 ψˆ′(x;λ) ∂λ I ∂x2 I (cid:18) (cid:19) +[∆Hˆ(λ),ψˆ′(x;λ)]. Gλ0(x′1,...,x′N′;x1,...,xN)= I N′ ∞ Thus,the fieldequationforψˆI′(x;λ) hasthe formofthat  dλiGλ0,λ1,...,λN′(x′1,...,x′N′;x1,...,xN). foraninteracting field,withthe interactionHamiltonian iY=1Zλ0 ∆Hˆ(λ).   Note also that the λ-dependent transformation Gˆ(λ) This, then, is just the probability amplitude for scat- tering from x ,...,x to x′,...,x′ . And, indeed, as essentially induces a different effective vacuum state 1 N 1 N′ shown in [46], for the correct choice of Gˆ(λ), and in the |0′;λi=Gˆ(λ)|0i=eiHˆλ|0i limit of the the x1,...,xN in the infinite past and the x′,...,x′ in the infinite future, the above expression 1 N′ for each value of λ, such that Hˆ′(λ)|0′;λi=0. However, canbe expandedtoexactlyduplicate,termforterm,the Dyson series for the scattering operator, as derived us- consider the construction of multi-particle basis states ing perturbationtheory in traditionalQFT. Exceptthat from the interaction-picture field adjoints, all at a fixed the derivation from parameterized QFT does not suf- value of λ=λ : 0 fer from the mathematical inconsistency resulting from |x ,...,x ;λ i =ψˆ′(x ;λ )†···ψˆ′(x ;λ )†|0′;λ i Haag’s theorem. 1 N 0 I I 1 0 I N 0 0 I =Gˆ(λ )ψˆ†(x ;λ )···ψˆ†(x ;λ )|0i 0 1 0 N 0 =Gˆ(λ )|x ,...,x ;λ i. VII. CONCLUSION 0 1 N 0 Further, since |x ,...,x ;λ i ∈H, it can be expanded 1 N 0 I The original argument by Haag for what has become in the free-particle basis states for any λ, such that knownasHaag’sTheoremwasbasedonthe requirement that the vacuum state |0i be the unique state invariant |x1,...,xN;λ0iI = relative to Euclidean transformations [2]. For the free ∞ N theory, |0i is a null eigenstate of the free Hamiltonian d4x′i |x′1,λ1;...;x′N′,λN′i Hˆ. Haag observed that the effective vacuum state |0′i N′=0 i=1Z ! of the interacting field should also be invariant under X Y hx′1,λ1;...;x′N′,λN′|Gˆ(λ0)|x1,...,xN;λ0i, Eofucthliedeuanniqtruaennsefsosrmofat|0ioinism,wplhieicsh,thuantde|0r′itheeqausaslusm|0pitiuopn where to a phase. And, since |0′i is a null eigenstate of the interacting Hamiltonian Hˆ′, it follows that |0i is, too. |x′1,λ1;...;x′N′,λN′i=ψˆ†(x1;λ1)···ψˆ†(xN′;λN′)|0i. However, interaction terms in Hˆ′ generally include the interaction of the field with itself, such that Hˆ′ does not The matrix elements annihilate |0i (it “polarizes the vacuum”). This is then a contradiction. Gλ0,λ1,...,λN′(x′1,...,x′N′;x1,...,xN)= Asimilar argumentcouldbe made in the case ofa pa- rameterized theory, if the assumption is made that the hx′1,λ1;...;x′N′,λN′|Gˆ(λ0)|x1,...,xN;λ0i vacuumstate|0iis the unique state (upto aphase)that is invariantunder Poincar´etransformations. Then, since then represent the probability amplitude for N particles Gˆ(λ) must transform as a Lorentz-invariant scalar not at spacetime positions x ,...,x at the starting path 1 N dependent on position, the interacting vacuum |0′;λi = parameterλ toresult,underinteraction,inN′ particles atspacetime0positionsx′,...,x′ attheendingpathpa- Gˆ(λ)|0i would also be Poincar´e invariant, and, thus, 1 N′ equalto|0iuptoaphase. Thatmeansthat|0′;λiwould rameter values λ1,...,λN′. Now supposethat the interactionrepresentedby Gˆ(λ) actually be independent of λ, which implies that Gˆ(λ) is restricted to a limited region of spacetime, and would commute with the free Hamiltonian Hˆ and ψˆ′ I that the x and x′ are all outside this region. Then would be a free field. i i G (x′,...,x′ ;x ,...,x ) is the probability In the parameterized formalism presented here, how- λ0,λ1,...,λN′ 1 N′ 1 N amplitude for N particles to propagate into the given ever,thefreevacuum|0iisnot requiredtobetheunique region, interact and result in N′ particles propagating Poincar´e-invariantstate. It only needs to be the unique out of the region. Note that each of the outgoing parti- (normalizable) null eigenstate of the free Hamiltonian. clesisallowedadifferent endingparametervalue. Thisis Unlike |0i, the parameterized interacting vacuum |0′;λi important,because,asdiscussedatthe endofSec.IV,it depends non-trivially on λ. It is the null eigenstate of 9 the effective Hamiltonian Hˆ′(λ) (which is itself depen- correct, only the derivation was lacking. dent on λ), not Hˆ, and can exist without compromising Further, as argued in [50], different formulations of the uniqueness of |0i. QFT may lead to different interpretations, even while Put another way, the vacuum |0i is symmetric rela- being empirically equivalent. Clearly, one would like to tive to translations in λ. This symmetry is preserved base any interpretation on a formulation that is rigor- in the interacting theory in the sense that the physics ouslydefinedmathematically. Butthisisproblematicfor is not effected by a translation in λ, and, in this sense, traditional canonical quantum field theory, since models all |0′;λi are equivalent. However, fixing on a specific of realistic interactions using the canonical formulation λ=λ breaksthe underlying symmetry for the interact- run afoul of Haag’s Theorem. 0 ing theory, choosing a specific |0′;λ i, distinct from |0i, Theparameterizedformulationpresentedhereresolves 0 as the effective vacuum state for constructing interact- this problem. Further, by allowing the Fock representa- ing particle states. In this sense, the additional degree tion of a free field to be extended to the corresponding of freedom in the parameterized formalism provides the interacting field, this approach allows the intuitive par- possibilityfortheinteractingvacuumtobedifferentfrom ticle interpretation of the free theory to be carried over the non-interacting vacuum. to the interacting theory. Indeed, it can also provide for Thus, in parameterized QFT, it is possible for an in- a fuller interpretationin terms of spacetime paths, deco- teracting field to be unitarily related to the correspond- herence and consistent histories over spacetime [43, 45]. ing free field. And, as shown in [46], it is possible to Of course, this does not resolve all the mathematical choose this transformationso that the traditionalDyson issues with traditional QFT, such as those involved in perturbation expansion for scattering amplitudes can be renormalization. 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