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Ss A/T AN MEDICIN Po £ PT OR OS oe ow eo A Vi Pace we [ of Bf | ae RRIes NCI{o fPi LNcE & S 4 Be YA N2 DG e Be Apn PPL| IX CA{ T\ IO| N a poet tLeet ricThe etie hs , . A i: x 7%. ae Ss : : i . i % i ~ er] 1 ; ; vies SOLS je ‘ “ co, 2 ten te ANB I N * Rive -. i? ¥ a —) Y z -y ? 2 a , Niort) Pritesiue- devian, ond Voda s 295: j DetcuMiaanta’ Some)! Atamnal oct ] ¥ -. ‘A ange Aa Vonert Mey Mig dirtte F - lah ilndveaetsy ol’ Qhoret i RSA? a =m . rd #' Awe ' Cnr gil ; } Ganes eW ARIO, BINS - WrreTcie hWinik eawt,ii fe 7 * Yate Werth, Merk mae . AVIAN MEDICINE: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATION BRANSON W. RITCHIE, DVM, PhD Assistant Professor Avian and Zoologic Medicine Department of Small Animal Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine University of Georgia Athens, Georgia GREG J. HARRISON, DVM Director, The Bird Hospital Lake Worth, Florida President, Harrison’s Bird Diets Omaha, Nebraska LINDA R. HARRISON, BS Editor, Journal of the Association of Avian Veterinarians Lake Worth, Florida ©1994 Wingers Publishing, Inc., Lake Worth, Florida WINGERS PUBLISHING, INC. Post Office Box 6863, Lake Worth, Florida 33463-6863 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 93-60501 ISBN 0-9636996-0-1 Art Director/Designer: Kari W. McCormick Text Manager: Roy A. Faircloth Electronic Typographer: Richard Larson Proofreading: Virginia Skinner, DVM, Robin Berry Administrative Assistants: Gabrielle Jackson, Shirley Harlan, Chris Migliore Color Separations: Color Trend, Inc., Boca Raton, FL Printing and Binding: Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor, MI Anatomy Overlay Printing: Lithotype, San Francisco, CA Anatomy Overlay Binding: Curwood, Inc., Fremont, OH Legal Counsel: Terry Clyne AVIAN MEDICINE: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATION ISBN 0-9636996-0-1 © 1994 by Wingers Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permis- sion from Wingers Publishing, Inc. All inquiries should be addressed to Wingers Publishing, Inc., Post Office Box 6863, Lake Worth, Florida 33466-6863. Made in the United States of America. Library of Congress Catalog Card number 93-60501. MG) SS ce I GG A ah el Contents (Ccroi nUOr sam eri... yok be eee oeo a ee eka) oe 9 Prologue INGKMOWLEAPEIMENtS 1 camer] Gaten nie eei ene che area ee 11 AVIAN CONSERVATION: Ore word ann PreGes os tKHATiRI | 13 THES VETERINARIANS: ROLE wus twoAs btonea 3 17 IEr Efacenr testy eyen aaNeOEE tOIE, ois1 5 Robert Groskin IManrandsbirdse rete SRE fbn cen see NED cielb 2 oe 18 Conservation Biology “armaai smlatee eeade. .2 c s 20 mi SECTION ONE _T HE COMPANION BIRD Hee AVIAN PATIENT os 5 ete)od es 26 PERSPECTIVE ON PARROT BEHAVIOR ...... 96 Ross A. Perry Greg J. Harrison Selection of Companion Birds .............. Ail Behaviorinithe Waildiere 6, sake ae. cee ee ee 97 (hesHomeHnvironmentisces cs anwar naitaeca=ni s., 33 Companion,Bird| Behavior 4 ...13.- + «eae eeke- > = 100 Trainin Grek we eee AWE rte es ahs 3. 2 101 me MMCAVIAN FLOCK’ 7... quteul wactekua&ns ®a g 45 Behavioral Modification#ira-is Sac Eee. 5. 104 Susan L. Clubb, Keven Flammer Block: Preventive Medicine ~ Ree: sf) Gee sw 2 46 DEFENSE MECHANISMS Evaluating and Treating Flock Problems ........ 59 OF THEVAVTANUAOGT. <2o.> e.ae. 3; 109 Helga Gerlach RUM CIO ie Aso Reid. tes ate Gl acetate VE 9 65 is 63 INonspecificiDefense, <2. ANI Here. Bees oe 110 Randal N. Brue SpecitieMefense 242.5 Siss Giiy Gees, cates moans 114 WWVEiteTaies terres Fane Pode Mates fe, eee echt atts may ha tase wec and6 5 Disturbance of the Defense System .......... 119 Nutrient Interrelationships 9". + oe 2 oe = 66 Methods for Determining FUTURE PREVENTIVE MEDICINE ......... 121 Nutrient: Requirements) 44). u.y. -)a bie©s. 69 Branson W. Ritchie Current Nutritional Knowledge ............. 73 Overviewsot DNA‘andtRNAL Sites eames «5 6 22, Essential Nutrients DNAsProbewWechnology: 7.44 ©. hioee ose eae 122 and Their Biological Functions ............ 78 AVACCIIVGS: Aan mara cote irae Os CR en ne are ee 126 AnGimnienbioa MOTsi g ea urin tiarserceeete inea hhaas esax enn a teceya aT PH gm SECTION TWO _ PATIENT EVALUATION ee PRACTICE DYNAMICS i: 20, BurraA cieros < 131 11 IBTOCHIEMISTRIEES = te 1 Maccarone 223 Cathy A. Johnson-Delaney Manfred Hochleithner Getting tartedwesar cw tae teen ee ah ee ithe 132 IuaboratorysConsiderationsiies oergss ee. creel1 s 224 Accommodating the Avian Patient .......... 136 Reference Values - Reference Intervals ........ 225 Environmental Responsibility ............. 142 Py pesrOfy LES tli S, sme S PP Memeo sores sachets cnn closeups 226 Undies heats, tht sass,s eus pata eke aera < miaars) 2aKh 8 MAKING DISTINCTIONS IN THE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ......... 144 12 IMAGING TECHNIQUES. Sr.a tes wos2 46 Greg J. Harrison, Branson W. Ritchie Marjorie C. McMillan ANAMNESIS) 2.2 ines SAOae Le 145 fechnicali@onsiderations yy) cotsussie .ney) ce s ae2 47 Physicaliixamination —.)2. 5 1 een ies os 147 Radiographic Interpretation .............. 249 @ontrastsProcedures: Vents, ee, eee seni Gliny os 256 SU TAR NTAT OLOGY | terre nce h tac came ele og toeo c 176 Alternative LmMaging Gets: vel FRE Risse <A) «ye2 60 Terry W. Campbell Radiographic Anatomy and Abnormalities ...... 261 Processing the Avian HematologicSample ...... sUEY 13 ENDOSCOPIC EXAMINATION Interpretation ofthe Avian Hemogram ........ 188 ANDI BIOPSY DECHNIQUBS*. (250 os oc cess 327 Evaluation of the Hematopoietic Tissue ....... 191 Michael Taylor ONCOLOGY oe a aes eighnenta onc 199 Clinical Applications of Endoscopy .......... 339 Terry W. Campbell Biopsy, lechniquesterinrs catrterr asset -ec. <iseches. - 347 Sample Collectiontwnai-t.1 gue See sod a eee 200 14 INECROPSY, EXAMINATION 0, clus net ) so. 355 Evaluation of the CytologicSample .......... 205 Kenneth S. Latimer, Pauline M. Rakich Cytology of Commonly Sampled Pluids‘and Tissues ..Tererewaceons sjtboi g2e 208 INecropsyRecorde™ cote vache sme tel e Boi os 356 Preparing for the NecropsYeugst i-yetaeael sa. ~~ fait The: Necropsy Examination ty-e3 32) e paged’« - -3 58 Specimen Collection for Ancillary Testing ....... 376 me SECTION THREE TREATMENT REGIMENS 15 SUPPORTIVE CARE 17 ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY . . . .) 2) See AND EMERGENCY. THERAPY ~~ se-.c-scecnvowmveemwenene 382 Keven Flammer Katherine E. Quesenberry, Elizabeth V. Hillyer Factors Influencing Himergency otabilizations areees ee e 383 Selection of an Antibiotic Hmergency Problemsiye «6 4s s.5. 22 6 « coeeeene 398 Antibacterial Therapy Antifungal Therapy IG” TRAUMA MEDICINE 2 en eer eee Lo 417 Laurel A. Degernes 18 FORMULARY Branson W. Ritchie, Greg J. Harrison Principles of Wound Management .......... 418 Specific Traumatic Injuries Product Information and -Their-;Management,. “jel aes Gees.6 422 Therapeutic Agents Drug Dosing Chart me SECTION FOUR _ INTERNAL MEDICINE 19° GASTROENTEROLOGY _. . . .averaek. 5a... 482 25 ONCOLOGY J.T. Lumeij Kenneth S. Latimer ThesReak, Joico. +,: SRA Coe ee Re ds 484 Integumentary System The Oropharynx and Salivary Glands ........ 485 Respiratory System The, Esophagus and\Cropmea eee eeeG s 489 Circulatory System The Proventriculus and Ventriculus ......... 498 Musculoskeletal System The Small and Large Intestines ............ 506 Urogenital System "PheWloacar sits) dis ncie ea ees ee ee ec 509 Digestive System ‘Phe! Pancreas: sit. s45 by ch coin See eee ee tee 512 Endocrine System ThePleuno-peritoneum, = “eae einen... 514 Nervous System and Eye Hemolymphatic System ZA). EIBP ATOLOGY ae rae atime te ee 522 J.T. Lumeij 26 OPHTHALMOLOGY Diagnostic Considerations % ==) en-8 re eee) 523 David Williams Liver, Diseases” 2 3.6303. A eee: 532 Anatomy of the Eye Treatment of Laver Disorders Ais eee eS © 536 Ophthalmic Disorders ae NEPHROLOGY ES a ccck a tent ie Re ae ey aoe 538 27 CARDIOLOGY J.T. Lumeij J.T. Lumeij, Branson W. Ritchie Anatomy and Physiology of the Kidney ........ 539 Evaluating the Avian Heart Clinicopathologic Diagnosis of Renal Dysfunction . . 543 Electrocardiology Diseasesiof theiKidn eyie-eni were acerceedetecitereiccmoercercte 550 Arh ythMi as oeenrs.cey iarc cproestersieica)a 0r)et roteorasmre y Therapeutic Considerations) | 3. =. + soe 2 oes 553 Cardiovascular Diseases 22, PNEUMONOLOG Yemyeigtin cot ce ee eee ae 556 28 NEUROLOGY Thomas N. Tully, Jr, Greg J. Harrison R. Avery Bennett MheiRespiratoryal racterteanss oe See ee, 557 Neuroanatomy Respiratory Physiolopyam cus iat ee) 2 eaeceee e 567 Neurologic Examination Disenosticiléchnigues S35. 0. oo Cee 571 Diagnostic Techniques Aerosolaherapyean. « Sen. 20 cs eee Sc eae eee: 573 Neuropathies Specific Respiratory Diseases ............. 574 Infectious Neuropathies Congenital Abnormalities 25... ENDOCRINOUOGY a,a lt anecvteean nve eoeelea:e Ae 582 J.T. Lumeij 29 THERIOGENOLOGY The Hypothalamus and PituitaryGland ....... 583 Kim L. Joyner CalciumyMetabolisim=.. < sata eca chorer ee 587 Female Reproductive Anatomy Ther EbyroidiGlangsmpe ease; coe cn eet eaten ae 593 and Egg Formation The AdrenaliGlandsS.c-.. a ecu nee eee 597 Male Reproductive Anatomy Endocrine Control of Feather Formation ....... 601 Female Reproductive Disorders DiabetesiMellitns i teat niin eet h wien ecacae eee 602 Male Reproductive Disorders Polyuria/Polydipsia(BU/PD) a aes nice Reena 604 Artificial Insemination Non-disease Factors ZA. .DERMATOLOG Ya ange. AEJen B IE? aoe, 607 Affecting Reproduction John E. Cooper, Greg J. Harrison Artificial Incubation Anatomy and Physiology 30 NEONATOLOGY obtietAviandintegument ta, ccs, eviewcsost. e ae 608 Keven Flammer, Susan L. Clubb General Diagnosis and Therapy ............ 621 Specific Etiologies Hand-raising Birds of Generalized Dermatopathies ........... 623 Common Problems of Neonates Diseases‘of the Feathers 25028 Fi PW hee ns 633

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