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Automatic Registration of Optical Aerial Imagery to a LiDAR Point Cloud for Generation of City PDF

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Preview Automatic Registration of Optical Aerial Imagery to a LiDAR Point Cloud for Generation of City

UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff DDaayyttoonn eeCCoommmmoonnss Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Department of Electrical and Computer Publications Engineering 8-2015 AAuuttoommaattiicc RReeggiissttrraattiioonn ooff OOppttiiccaall AAeerriiaall IImmaaggeerryy ttoo aa LLiiDDAARR PPooiinntt CClloouudd ffoorr GGeenneerraattiioonn ooff CCiittyy MMooddeellss Bernard Olushola Abayowa University of Dayton Alper Yilmaz The Ohio State University Russell C. Hardie University of Dayton, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://ecommons.udayton.edu/ece_fac_pub Part of the Computer Engineering Commons, Electrical and Electronics Commons, Electromagnetics and Photonics Commons, Optics Commons, Other Electrical and Computer Engineering Commons, and the Systems and Communications Commons eeCCoommmmoonnss CCiittaattiioonn Abayowa, Bernard Olushola; Yilmaz, Alper; and Hardie, Russell C., "Automatic Registration of Optical Aerial Imagery to a LiDAR Point Cloud for Generation of City Models" (2015). Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Publications. 363. https://ecommons.udayton.edu/ece_fac_pub/363 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. Automatic Registration of Optical Aerial Imagery to a LiDAR Point Cloud for Generation of Large Scale City Models BernardO.Abayowaa,c,AlperYilmazb,RussellC.Hardiea aDepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngineering,UniversityofDayton,Dayton,OH45469,USA bPhotogrammetricComputerVisionLaboratory,TheOhioStateUniversity,Columbus,OH43210,USA cSensorsDirectorate,AirForceResearchLab,WPAFB,OH45433,USA Abstract This paper presents a novel framework for automatic registration of both the optical and 3D structural information extracted from oblique aerial imagery to a Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) point cloud without prior knowl- edge of an initial alignment. The framework employs a coarse to fine strategy in the estimation of the registration parameters. First,adense3Dpointcloudandtheassociatedrelativecameraparametersareextractedfromtheoptical aerialimageryusingastate-of-the-art3Dreconstructionalgorithm. Next,adigitalsurfacemodel(DSM)isgenerated fromboththeLiDARandtheopticalimagery-derivedpointclouds.Coarseregistrationparametersarethencomputed usinggeometricinvariantsofsalientregionalfeaturesextractedfromtheLiDARandopticalimagery-derivedDSMs. Theregistrationparametersarefurtherrefinedusingtheiterativeclosestpoint(ICP)algorithmtominimizeglobaler- rorbetweentheregisteredpointclouds. Theregistrationframeworkistestedonasimulatedsceneandaerialdatasets acquiredinrealurbanenvironments. Resultsdemonstratestherobustnessoftheframeworkforregisteringopticaland 3DstructuralinformationextractedfromaerialimagerytoaLiDARpointcloud,whenco-existinginitialregistration parametersareunavailable. Keywords: largescalescenemodeling,aerialimagery,sensorfusion,3Dregistration 1. Introduction borne platform or satellite. The LiDAR sensor sends shortpulsesthattraveldowntothescenesurface,some Textured models of large-scale urban environments of which are reflected and detected by the sensor. The are desired in many applications involving scene visu- elevationateachsurfacepointisthendeterminedfrom alization, analysis and understanding. These applica- thetotaltraveltimeofthepulses. tionsinclude,butarenotlimitedto,urbandevelopment The LiDAR point cloud (LPC) generation process planning, 3D scene classification, obstacle avoidance providesverylittletonodataonverticalsurfacessuch for low flying autonomous vehicles, and generation of asbuildingfacades. Moreover,theLiDARsensordoes 3Dcitymaps,suchasGoogleEarthandMicrosoftVir- notprovidecolorinformationforthescene. Although, tualEarth. therearesystemsthatarecapableofco-registeringim- There are several methods for modeling urban en- agestotheLPCatthetimeofcollection,thesesystems vironments including the use of aerial or terrestrial haveseverallimitationsbecausetheyrequirefixingthe LightDetectionandRanging(LiDAR),3Dreconstruc- relativepositionandorientationofthesensors[1]. tionfromimagesequences,airborneSyntheticAperture Radar(SAR)Interferometry,andacombinationofthese Detailedstructuralandopticalinformationareneces- methods. The combination of aerial LiDAR and aerial sary for generating photo-realistic 3D models of urban optical imagery is becoming increasingly popular for environments.Highresolutionobliqueaerialimagesef- modelingurbanenvironments. ficientlyprovideopticalandstructuralinformationcom- Aerial LiDAR provides highly accurate height mea- plementarytoaerialLiDARwithhighplanimetricaccu- surementanddirectgeo-registrationoflargeregionsina racy. An optical imagery-derived point cloud (OIPC), fastmanner. InaconventionalLiDARdatacollection,a representingthestructurecontainedintheopticalaerial downward-looking LiDAR sensor is mounted on a air- imagery, can be obtained through a 3D reconstruction PreprintsubmittedtoComputerVisionandImageUnderstanding May16,2013 process. invariantsofthesalientregionalfeaturesextractedfrom Image-based 3D reconstruction is well developed in theLDSMandOIDSM.Inthefinestep,thecoarsereg- computer vision and photogrammetry fields and has istrationparametersarerefinedusingtheiterativeclos- been an active research area for decades. Innova- estpointalgorithm(ICP)toobtainfineestimatesofthe tions such as better image quality, improved radiome- registrationparameters. try,advancesinmultiple-viewgeometryandemergence Anoverviewoftheproposedregistrationframework of graphics processing unit (GPU) makes image-based isshowninFig.1.Theinputtotheproposedframework modelingpracticalforlargescalescenes.[2–5]. is a sequence of optical aerial images of the region of Although,OIPCscanprovideinformationonthever- interest to be modeled, and the LPC containing the re- ticaldetailsofascene,theyareusuallynoisy.Moreover, gion of interest covered by the optical aerial imagery. surfaceswithweaktextureareoftenremovedfromthe The output of the framework are fine estimates of the reconstructionoutputastheyaredifficulttomodelusing 3Dtransformationandtheabsolutecameraposesrelat- image based 3D reconstruction methods. Radiometric ingtheOIPCandtheopticalaerialimagerytotheLPC, errors,suchassensorsensitivity,illuminationchanges, respectively. and atmospheric effects may also lead to missing re- The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. gionsanderrorsinthefinal3Dmodel. We begin with a review of relevant literature in the re- Sincetheinformationfromopticalaerialimageryand maining part of Section 1.1. The coarse registration aerialLiDARarecomplimentary,bothsensortypescan parameters estimation process is described in Section becombinedtoacquiremoredetailsthanwhatisobtain- 2. This includes the extraction of the OIPC and rela- able by either sensors when used alone. The aerial Li- tivecameraparametersfromtheopticalaerialimagery, DARandopticalaerialimageryhavetobetransformed LDSM and OIDSM generation, salient regional fea- to a common reference frame before a model can be ture extraction, and coarse 3D transformation estima- generated from both data. Earlier methods require co- tion. Section3discussestherefinementoftheregistra- existing initial registration parameters such as Global tionparameters. Finally,resultsandconclusionsfollow Positioning System (GPS)/Inertial Measurement Unit inSection4andSection5,respectively. (IMU) metadata for texture mapping the optical infor- mation extracted from aerial imagery onto the LiDAR 1.1. RelatedWork data. Moreover,themajorityoftheexistingalgorithms TheproblemofregisteringimagestoLiDARhavere- are directed towards texture mapping the optical infor- ceivedconsiderableattentionintheliterature. In[6,7], mation extracted from aerial imagery onto the LiDAR an approach was presented for texturing terrestrial Li- data. In addition to optical information, 3D structure DARwithgroundimagesusingfeaturesonbuildingfa- can be extracted from optical aerial imagery that may cades. Theyextractparallellinesegmentsintheimages becomplementarytotheLPC. using vanishing points. They also extract parallel line Inthispaper,wepresentanovelframeworkforauto- segments in the LiDAR data. The intrinsic and extrin- matic registration of both the optical and 3D structural sic parameters of the camera are then estimated using information extracted from oblique aerial imagery to a groupsofrectangularstructuresobtainedfromthepar- LPC without prior knowledge of an initial alignment. allellinesinbothsensortypes. Thecameraparameters Theframeworkemploysacoarsetofinestrategyinthe arefurtherrefinedin[8]throughsparsepointcloudsob- estimationoftheregistrationparameters. tainedbyapplyingstructurefrommotiontechniqueson Inthecoarsestep,theframeworktakesadvantageof theimagesandin[1,9]byutilizinglowlevellinearfea- the advances in image-based 3D reconstruction to ex- tures. These approaches provides photo-realistic mod- tract a dense OIPC, and the associated relative camera els of urban environments. However, they are limited parameters, from the optical aerial imagery. The ex- to modeling interior and exteriors of a few buildings. traction of the OIPC reduces the mapping between the In [10, 11], the terrestrial LiDAR based modeling ap- optical aerial imagery and the LPC from a perspective proachisextendedtolargerscenes. projection to a 3D similarity transformation. Next, a In [12] Ding et al. presented a texture mapping ap- LiDAR digital surface model (LDSM) and an optical proachthatisalsobasedongeometricfeaturesextracted imagery-deriveddigitalsurfacemodel(OIDSM)isgen- fromopticalimagesandaLDSM.Firsttheygeneratean eratedfromtheLPCandOIPC,respectively.Thedigital initial estimate of the camera orientation and position surfacemodel(DSM)representationenablestheextrac- byutilizingvanishingpointinformationandGPS/IMU tionofsalientregionalfeaturesinthescene. Coarse3D measurements. Next, they refine the rough camera pa- registration parameters are computed using geometric rameter estimates by extracting and matching features 2 Figure1:Anoverviewoftheregistrationframework. corresponding to orthogonal structural corners in the buildingfacadesandroofoverhangs LDSM and optical images. With this approach many In[17],Zhaoetal. developedanalignmentapproach outliers are generated and sometimes sufficient corner for registering structure obtained from oblique aerial featurecannotbeextracted. images to a nadir-view LPC. The camera position and A similar approach is presented by Wang and Neu- orientation parameters for the image sequences are re- mann that does not require the computation of vanish- covered by applying the method described in [18] to ingpointsandallowforlargeerrorsininitialGPS/IMU matching features in the sequences. A dense model of registration [13]. They achieve a higher level of accu- the scene is then reconstructed by combining the cam- racyinthecameraparametersthan[12]byusingmore eraposeandfocallengthdatawithaplane-plus-parallax robustfeaturescomputedfromconnectedlinesegments framework presented in [19, 20]. They use GPS/IMU intheLDSMandtheopticalimages. measurements for initial alignment of the point cloud Anotherapproachforregisteringopticalimagesonto from the two sensor types. The similarity transforma- aerialLIDARistoexploitthestatisticaldependencein tion between the point clouds obtained is then refined thesemulti-sensordata. Mastinetal.[14]introduceda using the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm [21– registration method that estimates the camera parame- 23]. Although this work provides an efficient method ters between the LPC and optical images by maximiz- for aligning an OIPC to an LPC, the alignment frame- ing the mutual information between the images, a pro- work employed requires knowledge of initial registra- jectionoftheLPContotheimageplane,andanimage tionparameters. TheGPS/IMUmeasurementsrequired representingthenumberofphotonreturnsfortheLPC. for initialization may not be available, or they may be veryerroneous. The aforementioned approaches for registering opti- cal aerial imagery and LiDAR focuses on adding op- RegistrationoftheOIPCtotheLPCisa3D-3Dregis- tical detail to the LiDAR model using features com- trationproblemwithvastliterature. TheICPalgorithm mon to both sensor types. However, the scene struc- is the gold standard for solving this registration prob- tureobtainablefromtheimageryarenotintegratedwith lem. However, thealgorithmrequiresaroughregistra- theLiDAR.Thefacadedetailsfromthesemethodsare tion estimate close to the true solution in order to con- often inferred from range information obtained from verge. Therefore, the point clouds have to be roughly the LPC, using surface reconstruction algorithms such alignedbeforeICPcanbeusedtorefinetheregistration as[15,16]. Thesemodelingmethodsdonotaccurately ofthepointclouds. represent structures elevated above the ground or hid- Severalautomaticalgorithmshavebeenproposedfor denfromoverheadviewsuchasbridges,elevatedroads, coarse registration of 3D point clouds. However, most 3 algorithmsaredesignedforregistrationofobjectswith Therelativecameraparametersdescribethemapping high density surfaces where local descriptors based on ofthe3DpointsintheOIPCtothecorrespondingpoints surfacenormals,surfacegeometryandprincipalcurva- inanopticalimage. Thismappingisgivenby tures can be reliably computed [24–27]. The more ro- bustapproaches,applicabletolarge-scaleurbanscenes, x=P X , (1) O O require the point cloud to be recovered from a similar whereX ∈(cid:60)4xnistheOIPCinhomogenouscoordi- O sensorsuchasLiDARwherethe3Dpointsaredirectly nates[30],x∈(cid:60)3xn isthecorrespondingopticalimage recorded with minimal noise such that the structure of points in homogenous coordinates, and P ∈ (cid:60)3x4 is O thepointcloudisnotlostbysubsampling[28,29]. therelativecameraprojectionmatrix. nisthecardinal- Asurfaceregistrationalgorithmbasedontheinvari- ity of the OIPC. The relative projection matrix can be ance of intersecting coplanar line segments was intro- decomposedas duced in [28]. However, the algorithm is designed for pointcloudsthataredirectlyobtainedfromasimilar3D P =KR [I|−t ], (2) O O O sensor. Also,thealgorithmrequiresthepointcloudsto beofthesamescale. where K ∈ (cid:60)3x3 is the calibration matrix. RO ∈ (cid:60)3x3 Existing algorithms for registering optical aerial im- containstherelativecameraorientation,tO ∈(cid:60)3x1 rep- agery and LiDAR rely on manual correspondence or resentstherelativecameraposition,andI ∈ (cid:60)3x3 isan GPS/IMUmetadataforinitialalignment.Manualcorre- identitymatrix. Thecalibrationmatrixisgivenby spondence is a tedious process and may be impossible   fwoarylsaragveaislacbelneesa.ndGiPtsSa/cIMcuUracmyeiasseuarseimlyenafftsecatreednboyt ianl-- K= s0x sκy uv00 , (3) 0 0 1 terferencesuchasdropouts. Theyarealsopronetodrift andbiasesbecausetheaccelerometerandgyroscopesof where s and s are the scale factors in the x− and x y theIMUaresensitivetotemperaturefluctuationsdueto y−coordinate directions, [u ,v ]T are the coordinates 0 0 changesinaircraftaltitude. Thesesystematicerrorsac- oftheprincipalpoint,andκistheskewfactor. cumulateovertimeandmeasurementsmaybecomeun- In this registration framework, the relative camera reliableforlongvideosequences. Moreover,highlyac- parameters and the OIPC are recovered using Visual curate GPS/IMU systems are very expensive and may StructurefromMotion(VisualSFM),anendtoendsys- notbeavailableforobliqueimagescollectedonanun- tem for large scale 3D reconstruction from unordered mannedaerialvehicle(UAV).GPS/IMUinformationfor imagesequences. VisualSFMisselectedforrecovering theobliqueimagesand/ortheLIDARdatamayalsobe therelativecameraparametersandtheOIPCbecauseof missingentirely. itsaccuracyandrobustnessforlargescalescenes. The systemdoesnotrequireuserinterventionaftersetupand itisfastandefficient. 2. CoarseRegistrationParametersEstimation In VisualSFM, features and correspondence are first Thissectiondescribesthecoarseestimationofthepa- computedusingaGPUimplementationofscaleinvari- rameters relating the optical imagery and the OIPC to ant feature transform (SIFT) [31]. A multicore bundle the LPC. The mapping between the optical aerial im- adjustment technique [32] is then used to estimate the agery and the LPC is reduced from a perspective pro- relativecameraparametersforeachimage,aswellasa jectiontoa3Dsimilaritytransformationthroughthere- sparsepointcloudrecoveredfromtheimages. coveryoftheOIPC.Acoarseestimateofthe3Dtrans- Bundle adjustment is a collective nonlinear refine- formationbetweentheOIPCandLPCisthencomputed mentoftherelativecameraparametersaswellasthe3D using geometric invariants of salient regional features locations of matching image points present in a scene. extractedfromtheOIDSMandLDSM. Thisprocesscantakealongtimeforlargescenes. Mul- ticore bundle adjustment significantly reduces the pro- 2.1. RelativeCameraParametersandOIPCRecovery cessing time for large scenes by exploiting CPU and The recovery of the relative camera parameters and GPUparallelism. Thecameraparameterscomputedfor theOIPCisthefirststepintheregistrationframework. each image are the focal length, a single radial distor- Errorsinthisstepwillcausetheregistrationframework tionparameter,thecameraorientation,andtheposition. tofail. Hence, arobustandaccuratesystemforrecov- Fig. 2 shows camera positions, orientations and sparse eringrelativecameraparametersandOIPCisnecessary pointcloudrecoveredbyVisualSFMthroughSiftGPU forthisstep. andmulticorebundleadjustment. 4 basedontherelativeheightofthelocationwithrespect to the ground level. The generation of the LDSM and the OIDSM enables the extraction of regional features intheLPCandOIPC. 2.2.1. StatisticalFilteringofOutlierPoints The LPC and OIPC contains noise and outliers that needstoberemovedbeforetheLDSMandtheOIDSM can be generated. This filtering step is especially im- Figure2: Camerapositions,orientationsandsparsepointcloudre- portant for the OIPC as the 3D reconstruction process coveredbyVisualSFMthroughSiftGPUandmulticorebundlead- usually generate more noisy point cloud compared to justment. theLPC.Astatisticaloutlierfilter[33]isusedtoreduce the noiseand outliersin the LPCand theOIPC. Let d i betheaveragedistancefromeachpointX toitsnearest i neighbors. Ifweassumetheresultingd formsagaus- i siandistribution,thefilteredpointcloudisdefinedas X ={X ∈X|d <µ+ασ}. (4) F i i where X is a set representing the original point cloud. Theparametersµandσarethemeanandstandardde- viationofthevectorformedbyaveragedistancesd,re- i spectively. The parameter α is the multiplier that de- termines what distances from µ is considered in deter- miningwhatpointsareinliers. Theaveragedistancefor each point is computed using using 50 nearest neigh- Figure3:TexturedOIPCrecoveredbyVisualSFMthroughPMVS. bors, and α is set to 1 in our experiments. An exam- pleofinliersandoutliersafterfilteringoftheLPCand OIPC is shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, respectively. The VisualSFMgeneratestheOIPCfromtheopticalim- inliersareshownasbluedotsandoutliersasreddots. agesusingPatch-BasedMulti-ViewStereo(PMVS)[5]. Asmentionedearlier,aerialLiDARdoesnotcapture PMVS follows the stereo triangulation approach to thedetailonfacadeofbuildingsinthescene.Duetothe dense reconstruction. The process starts with sets of sparsenatureofthesefacadepoints,theyareremovedas corresponding points which are developed into dense outliers in the filtering process along with true outliers patches through a match, expand and filter technique. such as the region of the scene containing water bod- The sparse points are repeatedly expanded to neigh- ies. Thefacadeinformationisusuallycapturedinmore boringpointswithcorrespondences,andvisibilitycon- detail in the OIPC. However, the OIPC contains more straintsareusedtofilteroutfalsecorrespondences. outliers compared to a LPC. Most of these outliers are PMVS reconstructs a dense OIPC of static objects inregionsbetweenbuildingsinthescene,resultingfrom visible in the images. Non-rigid and moving objects errorsinstereocorrespondence.Theremovaloftheout- in the scene are ignored in the reconstruction process. liers from the point clouds help reduce the chances of Inourexperiments,onlyimagepatchesthatarevisible erroneousheightvaluesintheLDSMandOIDSMgen- in at least three views are reconstructed. This reduces eration process, which leads to better detection of true the chances of poor reconstruction in weakly textured regionalfeaturesinthescene. regions. The input to PMVS are the image sequences and the computed camera parameters corresponding to each image. Fig. 3 shows textured OIPC recovered by 2.2.2. Nadir-viewRotationoftheOIPC VisualSFMthroughPMVS. Thepointcloudshavetobeinnadir-viewbeforethe LDSMandOIDSMcanbegenerated. TheLDSMcan 2.2. LDSMandOIDSMGeneration be directly generated from the LPC since the LPC is The LDSM and OIDSM are image representations collectedinnadir-view. TheorientationoftheOIPCis oftheearthsurfacewhereeachlocationcarriesavalue arbitrary; therefore,thepointcloudneedstoberotated 5 Figure6:Nadir-viewtransformationoftheOIPCusingtheeigenvec- torsofthedominantplaneinliers. sothattheorientationofitsprincipalaxescorresponds tonadir-view. Mostsceneshavethreeprincipaldirections. Thetwo major axes are parallel to the ground plane, and the Figure4:InliersandoutliersintheLPCafterstatisticaloutlierfilter- ing.Theinliersareshownasbluedotsandoutliersasreddots. minor axis is perpendicular to the ground plane. As- suming the region of interest represented by the OIPC is large enough such that the ground plane have mini- malvarianceinthepointclouddata,theprincipalaxes can be extracted using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)[34]. In some urban environments, the terrain may not be relatively flat. As a result, direct application of PCA to the data may not yield principal axes corresponding to nadir-view. To ensure the selected dominant plane isrepresentativeofthegroundplane,anefficientRAn- dom Sample Consensus (RANSAC) plane extraction approach is used to search for the dominant plane in thescene[35]. Followingthedetectionofthedominant plane, the eigenvectors of the major axes are extracted fromtheinliersofthedominantplaneusingPCA.The OIPCisthentransformedtonadir-viewusingarotation onlytransformationmatrixcontainingtheeigenvectors ofthedominantplane. Thetransformationisgivenby (cid:34) (cid:35) V 0T H = , (5) N 0 1 whereV ∈ (cid:60)3x3 beamatrixwhoserowsaretheeigen- vectorscomputedonthedominantplaneinliers. Anex- ampleofanadir-viewtransformationoftheOIPCusing Figure5:InliersandoutliersintheOIPCafterstatisticaloutlierfilter- theeigenvectorsofthedominantplaneinliersisshown ing.Theinliersareshownasbluedotsandoutliersasreddots. inFig.6. 2.2.3. LDSMandOIDSMResampling TheLPCandtheOIPCmayhavedifferentpointspac- ingsandpointdensities. Therefore,directgenerationof 6 Figure8:AOIDSMgeneratedfromtheOIPC. Figure7:ALDSMgeneratedfromtheLPC. 2.3. SalientRegionalFeatureExtraction theLDSMandOIDSMmyresultinlargeresolutiondif- Urban scenes usually contain maximal structures el- ferences. Toreducethenumberofcandidatesetsinthe evated from the terrain level, such as buildings. These featurematchingprocess,theLDSMandOIDSMneeds structuresaresalientregionalfeatureswhichcanbeex- tohavecloseresolutions. SincetheLPCandtheOIPC tractedfromtheLDSMandOIDSM.Amorphological areobtainedfromthesamescene,thevariancealongthe reconstruction transformation technique is used to ex- minoraxisofbothpointcloudsshouldbesimilar. The tractthesalientregionalfeatures. Consideragrayscale ratio between the LPC and OIPC minor axis variance DSMwhosepixelvaluescorrespondtotheheightatthe willdependonthelevelofoverlapbetweentheoptical pixellocations.Thegoalhereistoextractregionsinthe aerialimageryandtheLPCcoverage. scene that are distinct from neighboring regions based Letλ andλ representtheaveragedistancebetween on their height. Hence, we define a salient regional l o each point and its nearest neighbors in the LPC and featureasconnectedcomponentsofpixelswhoseexter- OIPC, respectively. Also, let σ and σ represent the nal boundary pixels all have a lower height value, and l o standard deviations along the normal direction to the whose centroid is consistent over a specified range of groundplanefortheLPCandOIPC. morphologicalreconstructionthresholds. TheLDSMcanberesampledtoanewspatialresolu- tion 2.3.1. Regional Feature Extraction by Morphological Reconstruction Morphologicalreconstructionhavebeenproventobe λˆl =τσl. (6) an effective technique for extracting regional features from different image types including DSMs [36–39]. Oneoftheadvantagesofmorphologicalreconstruction is that unlike classical morphology, the extracted fea- Similarly, the OIDSM can be resampled to a new turesarenotdependentonthechoiceofstructuringel- spatialresolution ement. Instead, the process makes use of a flat struc- λˆ =τσ , (7) turing element that works for different types of shapes o o of interest in an image. The flat structuring element whereτ=max(λl, λo). commonly used assumes a 8-neighborhood connectiv- σl σo AnexampleofaLDSMgeneratedfromtheLPCand ity. i.e. a 3x3 matrix of ones. The structuring element aOIDSMgeneratedfromtheOIPCareshowninFig.7 determines what neighboring pixels are considered in andFig.8,respectively. themorphologicalfilteringofeachpixel. 7 Morphologicalreconstructioniterativelytransformsa marker image by geodetic dilation using the flat struc- turing element until stability is reached. The transfor- mationisconstrainedbyanotherimagecalledthemask image. Themarkerimageisderivedfromthemaskim- age by subtracting a threshold from the mask image. The threshold determines what regional features in the image are detected. The range between the minimum andthemaximumpixelvaluesofaregionalfeatureex- Figure9:AnIllustrationofthemorphologicalreconstructionofaone tractedataspecifiedthresholdislessthanthethreshold. dimensional(1D)signal. This allows for detection of different regional feature setsatdifferentthresholdsofthemaskimage. Furthermore,thesamethresholdcanbeappliedtoex- For large images such as large scale DSMs, succes- tract regional features of similar heights regardless of siveelementarygeodesicdilationscanquicklybecome theirlocationintheimage. Forexample, ifbuildingA intractableinreasonabletimebeforestabilityisreached. isonahillandbuildingBisonavalley.Ifbothbuilding To overcome this problem, efficient morphological re- AandBareofthesameheightfromtheirsurrounding constructiontechniquesthatonlyconsiderpixelswhose terrain,theywillbothbedetectedasregionalfeaturesat valueswillbemodifiedduringthegeodesictransforma- thesamethreshold. tionareoftenusedinpractice.Thefasthybridgrayscale GivenagrayscalemaskimageI andareconstruction reconstruction algorithm proposed in [39] is used for thresholdh. Themarkerimageisgivenby geodesicdilationoftheLDSMandtheOIDSM. An illustration of the regional features images ex- J = I−h. (8) tractedfromtheLDSMatdifferentthresholdsisshown inFig.10. Fig.10(a)istheoriginalLDSMimageFig- AnelementarygeodesicdilationofmarkerimageJcon- ures10(b),10(c)and10(d)aretheregionalfeaturesbi- strained by mask image I using a flat structuring ele- nary images generated at thresholds 5, 25 and 50, re- mentS isgivenby spectively. At each threshold, the reconstructed image is subtracted from the LDSM. A binary image is gen- R(1)(J)=(J⊕S)∧I (9) I erated from the resulting image by setting every pixel where ⊕ is the dilation operator and ∧ represents the greater than zero to one. The regional features of the binaryimagearethendetectedusingconnectedcompo- point-wiseminimumbetweenthedilatedmarkerimage nentanalysis[40]. ThewhiteregioninFig.10(d)isdue andthemaskimage. Themorphologicalreconstruction R(n)(J) of the marker image J is obtained by n succes- tothepresenceoftreesclosetothebuildingsinthere- I gion. Theboundaryoftheregionchangeswithsucces- siveelementarygeodesicdilationsofthemarkerimage sivemorphologicalreconstructionthresholdsandthere- asfollows foretheregionalfeaturesisunstable. Unstableregional R(n)(J)=R(1)(J)◦R(1)(J)◦...R(1)(J) (10) featuresareeliminatedinthesalientregionalfeatureex- I (cid:32)I(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)I(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32) (cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)I(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:32) (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) traction process. The regional features of the OIDSM ntimes are detected in a similar manner. Similar to Fig. 11, where n is the iteration number at which stability is Fig.11showstheoriginalOIDSMandregionalfeatures reached. i.e successive elementary geodesic dilations extractedatvariousthresholds. doesnotchangetheimageanylonger. An Illustration of the morphological reconstruction 2.3.2. SalientRegionalFeatures ofaonedimensional(1D)signalasdescribedin[39]is The morphological reconstruction transformation showninFig.9. Themarkersignal J isobtainedfrom generatesnumerousregionalfeatures,mostofwhichare masksignalIbysubtractingthresholdhfrommasksig- notrepresentativeofinterestobjectsinthescene.More- nal I (top-left). Successive elementary geodesic dila- over, othersceneobjectssuchasincompletemodelsin tions is then applied to marker image J until the pixel theOIDSMandtreesinboththeLDSMandOIDSMare values does not change any longer (top-right). The re- detected as regional features in the scene. Most of the gionalfeaturessignalatthresholdhisgeneratedbysub- falseregionalfeaturesareeliminatedfromtheOIDSM tracting the transformed marker image from the mask andLDSMbasedontheirsaliency. image(bottom). The average height of the regional features varies 8 Figure10: AnIllustrationoftheregionalfeaturesimagesextracted Figure12:LDSMsalientregionalfeatures fromtheLDSMatdifferentthresholds:(a)istheoriginalLDSMim- age(b),(c)and(d)aretheregionalfeaturesbinaryimagesgenerated atthresholds5,25and50,respectively. amongdifferenturbanenvironments.Inordertocapture true regional features at different heights, regional fea- tures images are generated for the LDSM and OIDSM atdifferentmorphologicalreconstructionthresholds.At eachthresholdfeaturepointsareextractedfromtheeach detectedregionalfeaturesbycomputingthecentroidof theregionalfeaturesacrossallthresholds. Thecentroid ofeachregionalfeatureistheaveragecoordinateofall theconnectedcomponentspixelcoordinatesbelonging totheregionalfeature. It is expected that all true regional features of the scene will have a consistent centroid regardless of the morphological reconstruction thresholds at which they are detected. The range of the morphological recon- structionthresholdsneedtobesetsuchthatitishigher than the range between the minimum and maximum grey values of the true regional features in the scene. In our experiments, the morphological reconstruction thresholds ranges from 5 to 100 in steps of 5. These thresholds ensures that different shapes of interest ob- jects in the scene are detected. Regional features whosecentroiddonotchangeacrossaminimumof10 Figure11: AnIllustrationoftheregionalfeaturesimagesextracted morphologicalreconstructionthresholdsareconsidered fromtheOIDSMatdifferentthresholds: (a)istheoriginalOIDSM salientregionalfeaturesofthescene. image(b),(c)and(d)aretheregionalfeaturesbinaryimagesgener- atedatthresholds5,25and50,respectively. Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 shows the salient regional fea- tures extracted from the LDSM and OIDSM, respec- tively. The salient regional features detected contains interestobjectssuchasbuildingsinthescene. 9

Follow this and additional works at: http://ecommons.udayton.edu/ece_fac_pub. Part of the eCommons Citation. Abayowa, Bernard O.; Yilmaz, Alper; and Hardie, Russell C., "Automatic Registration of Optical Aerial Imagery to a LiDAR Point computer vision and photogrammetry fields and has.
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