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Automatic Control 1990. Distributed Parameter Systems Theory of Discrete Event Systems PDF

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Preview Automatic Control 1990. Distributed Parameter Systems Theory of Discrete Event Systems

IFA C SYMPOSIAS ERIES Editor-in-Chief JanoGse rtlDeerp,a rtmeonfEt l ectrEincgailn eering, GeorgMea sonU niversFiatiyr,fa Vxi,r gin2i2a0 30U,S A JAAKSOOa ndU TKIN:A utomatCiocn tr(ol1 1Ttrhi enWnoiralCldo ngr(e1s9s9)N1 o,s1 .- 6) DEVA NATHAN: IntelliTguennitna gn dA daptiCvoen tro(l1 99N1o,. 1) LINDEBERG:S afetoyf C omputeCro ntrSoyls tem(sS AFECOMP'91()1 99N1o,. 8) JOHNSONe ta lA:d aptiSvyes teimsnC ontraonld S ignParlo cess(in1g9 90N,o .I) ISIDOR!N:o nlineaCro ntrSoyls teDmess ig(n 1990N,o .2) AMOUROUX EL JAl: ControoflD istribPuatreadm etSeyrs tem(s1 990N,o .3) CHRISTODO&U LAKISD:y namiMco dellianngdC ontrooflN ationEaclo nomie(s1 990N,o .4) HUSSON:A dvanceIdn formatiPorno cessiinnA gu tomatCiocn tro(l1 990N,o .5) NISHIMURA:A utomatCiocn trionlA erospa(c1e 990N,o .6) RIJNSDORPe ta lD:y namicasn dC ontrooflC hemicRaela ctoDriss,t illCaotliuomnn asn dB atcPhr ocesses (DYCORD'89()1 99N0o7),. UHiA HN: PowerS ysteamnsd P owePrl anCto ntro(l1 990N,o .8) REINISCH THOMA: LargSec alSey stemTsh:e orayn dA pplicati(o1n9s90 N,o .9) KOPPEL:A& u tomatiionMn i ningM,i neraanld M etaPlr ocess(in1g9 90N,o .JO) BAOSHENGH U: AnalysDiess,i gann dE valuatoifoM na n-MachiSnyes tem(s1 990N,o .11) PERRIN:C ontroClo,m puterCso,m municatiinoT nrsa nsporta(t1i9o90nN ,o .12) PUENTE NEMES: InformatiCoonn trPorlo bleimnsM anufacturTiencgh nolo(g1y 990N,o .13) NISHIK&A WAe ta l:. E nergSyy stemMsa,n agemeanntd E conomic(s1 990N,o .14) DE CARLI:L owC osAtu tomatiToenc:h niquCeosm,p onenatnsdI nstrumeAnptpsl,i cat(io1n9s90 N,o .15) KOPACEK GENSER:S kilBla seAdu tomatPerdo ducti(o1n9 90N,o .16) DANIELS&:S afetoyf C omputeCro ntrSoyls te1m9s9 0( SAFECOMP'90()1 990N,o .17) OtheIrFA C Publications AUTOMATICA thjeo urnaolf I FA C,t heI nternatiFoendaelr atoifoA nu tomatCiocn trol Editor-iGn.-SC.Ah xeilebf2y·1,1 C oronDerti veN,o rtLhi nthicum, Maryla2n1d0 90U,S A IFA C WORKSHOP SERIES Editor-iPni-eCtEheyrik ehofff·U,n iversoifTt eyc hnology, NML-B5 E6i0n0d hoven, TheN etherlands Fulllio sft A CP ublicaaptpieoaantrts sh e en odf t hviosl ume IF NOTICET O READERS Ify ourl ibrairsny o ta lreaad syt anding/contoirndueacrtu isotno moerrs ubscritbote hri sse riemsa,yw e recommentdh ayto up lacae standing/contionrus autbisocnr ipotridoetnro r eceiivmem ediatueploynp ublicaatlinloe nw v olumesS.h oulydo ufi ndt hatth ese volumenso l ongesre rvey ourn eedyso uro rdecra nb ec ancelaltea dn yt imwei thonuott ice. Copieosfa lplr evioupsulbyl isvhoeldu measr ca vailabAl fuel.l yd escripctaitvael owgiulebl e g ladsleyn otn r equest. ROBERMTAXWE LL Publisher AUTOMATICCO NTROL WORLDC ONGRES1S9 90 'Itnh see rviocfme a nkind' Proceedionftg hs1e 1 tThr iennWioarll Cdo ngreosfts h e International FoefAd uetroamtaitCooinnct r ol TalliEnsnt,o nia, 13-1A7u gus1t9 90 USSR, (isnix v olumes) Editbeyd U.J AAKSOO InstitoufCyt bee rneotfit chEsset onian AcadeomyfS cienTcaelsl,Esi tnonn,i UaS,S R and V.I .U TKIN InstiotfPu rtoeb lienCms o ntrol, UMSoSsRc ow, VOLUME III AutomaCtoinct rionAl e rospaRcoeb usCto ntrol NonlinCeoanrt r·oC lo ntrAoplp licatoifOo pntsi mization · DistribPuatreadm eStyesrt ems TheoroyfD iscrEevteen Sty stems Publishfoedr the INTERNATIONAFLE DERATIONO F AUTOMATICCO NTROL by PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD NEW YORK BEIJINGF RANKFURT SAOP AULO SEOUL SYDNEY TOKYO · · · · · · PergamPorens sp ieH,e adingHtiolnHl a llO,x fordO X3O BW,E ngland UK PergamPorne sIsn,c M.a,x welHlo useF,a irviePwa rkE,l msforNde,w Y ork1 0523U,S A USA PEOPLE'S MaxwellP ergamCohni naB,e ijiEnxgh ibitCieonnt rXei,zh imenwDaaij iBeei,j in1g00 044, OF REPUBLIC PeopleR'esp ubloifCc h ina CHINA PergamoPnre ssG mbH,H ammerweg6 ,D -624K2r onberg, Germany GERMANY KOREA PergamPorne sKso rea, Box3 15S,e ou1l1 0-60K3o,r ea KPO MaxwelMla cmillPaenr gamPounb lishAiunsgt raPllyi a LakesB usinePsasr k, AUSTRALIA LordS treeBto,t anNyS,W 2019A,u stralia Ltd, 2 PergamonP res8sth,F looMra,t suoCkean traBlu ildi1n-g7,-N 1i shi-Shinjuku, JAPAN Shinjuku-Tkouk,y o1 60J,a pan IFAC Copyright 1©9 91 AlRli ghRtse serveNdo.p ano ft hpisu blicmaayt bieor ne producsetdo,ri enad r etrisyesvtaeolmr transmiitnat neyfd o nno rby anmye ans:e lectreolneicct,r omsatganteittcai,pcm e e,c hanical, photocopyriencgo,r odrio ntgh erwwiistheo,pu etnn issiinwo rni tfirnogm copyrihgohltd ers. lhe edition First 1991 LibroafCry o nesgsCr ataloPugbilnigc Daattiao n in Dataap plied/or BritisLhi brCaaryt alogPuubilnigcD aatitoan in A catalroegcuoef rodtr h itsi tilsae v ailfarboltmeh B eri tiLisbhr ary ISB0N- 08-041263-7 ISBN (Set) 0-08-040174-0 Thesep roceediwnegrrsee prodbuycm eeda nso ft hpeh oto-porffsoectuse isnsg manuscripts supplbyi lheeda uthoofrt shd eif efrepnatp ersTh.e m anuscrihpatsvb ee etynp lhee usdi ndigff erent typewritaenrdtys p efacThees l.ay -out,flgutraebslo efss o mpea pedrisnd o atg receo mplewitlhe ly lhes tandraerdq uiremceonnstse:q uelnhtreleand yp rodudcotenisoo dtni spcloamyp luenteif onniTtyo. ensurer apid publidciastciroenpc aotnuhcynldi o sbt e c hangendo:cro ulhlde En glibsehc hecked completely. thThreee raedfaeorrraeses ,k etdoex cusea nyde ficieonfclh iiesps u blicwahtiicmohayn bed uet ot haeb ovmee ntiorneeasdo ns. TheEd itors PrintiendG reaBtr itbayiB nP CCWh eatons Exeter Ltd, AUTOMATICCO NTROL 11tThr iennWioarll Cdo ngreosfs tIhnet ernatFieodnearla toifAo unt omaCtoinct rol Sponsobrye d InternatFieodnearla toifAo unt omatCiocn tr(oIlF AC) Co-sponbsyo red InternatAisosnoacli afotriM oant hemataincdCs o mputSeirm ulat(i!oMnA CS) InternatFieodnearla tfoiroI nn formatPiroonc ess(iInFgI P) InternatFieodnearla toifOo pne ratiRoensaela rScohc iet(!iFeOsR S) InternatMieoansaulr emCeonntef derat(iIoMnE KO) Hostbeyd InstiotfuC tyeb erneotfi ctsEh set onian AcoafSd ceimeyn ces TalliTnenc hniUcnailv ersity InC o-operwaittiho n InstiotfuC toen trSocli enc(eMso scow) USSRN atioCnoamlm ittoefAe u tomaCtoinct rol InternatPiroongaralm Cmoem mittee V.U tkiUnS,S R (Co-Chairman) JaaksUooS,S R( Co-Chairman) U. R.I sermaFnRnG, ( Vice-Chairman) R.E vansA,U S (Vice-Chairman) NatioOnragla niCzoimnmgi ttee V. A.T rapezniko(vC hairman) A.W ork (Vice-Chairman) N. A.K uznetsov (Vice-Chairman) IV.. P rangishvil(iV ice-Chairman) I.T oome (Vice-Chairman) VJ.V enets (Secretary) Aasmae H. Jaaksoo U. V.A.L ototsky S.SM.a rkianov E.D.T eryayev VJ.U tkin I.NV.a silyev M.Veiderma SUBJECT AREAS VOLUME/ PlenaPrayp ers IndustPrrioabll ems LargSec alSey stems LineSayrs teTmhse ory VOLUME/I Stochastic aCnodSn ttartEoesl t imation ModellainndgI dentification BiomediEcnagli neering AdaptiCvoen trol VOLUMEII I AutomaCtoinct rionAl e rospace RobusCto ntrol NonlinCeoanrt rol ContrAoplp licatoifOo pntsi mization DistribPuatreadm eStyesrt ems TheoroyfD iscrEevteen Sty stems VOLUMEI V ApplicaotfiA ornt ifiIcnitaell liagnedEn xcpee rt SyosftA eumtso maCtoinct rol DistribCuotmepdu tCeorn trSoyls tems ArtificIinatle lliigneR necael -tCiomnet rol SoftwarEen gineeforri Rnega l-tCiomnet rol IndustArpipalli catoifMo ondse rCno ntrMoelt hods ControoflC arsS,h ipasn dE ngines IntellCiogmepnotn enatnsdI nstrumfoern Atust omaCtoinct rol ControoflE lectrDirciavlea sn dP oweErl ectronics ContrSoyls teEml ements VOLUMEV AutomaCtoinct rionMl a nufacturing RoboCto ntrol IndustSryisatle Emnsg ineering Computer-aCiodnetdrS oyls teAmn alysainsdD esign Man-machSiynset ems ControoflT ransportSaytsitoenm s WateRre souracnedsE nvironmeSnytsatle Pmlsa nning VOLUMEV I ControofEl l ectGreince ratPilnagna tnsdP oweSry stems ContrionlM ineraMli,n inagn dM etaPlr ocessing ControoflC hemicParlo cesasnedPs r ocesfosre Nsa turParlo ducltiskF eo od, WoAogdr,i culture ContrSoyls teAmp proatcohD evelopment StratePgliacn nionfEg n ergSyy stems ModelliCnogn,t raonldD ecisiMoank inignS ocio-ecoSnyosmtiecm s AutomaCtoinct rEodlu cation Sociaanld C ultuArsaple cotfsA utomation ImproviInngt ernatSitoanbaill ity Copyrig!hFAtC !©t Thr ienWnoriladl AUTOMATIC CONTROL CongrTeaslsl,Ei Isn tno,Un SiSa,R,1 990 IN AEROSPACE SPACEA ND DEEP SPACEE NVIRONMENT Peglrein M. OffcieN atido'nEatleu tdd eeR se cheArercophsaetsi (aOlENeRsA )Fr,a nce Int hipsa pewre d escrtihbveea riotuysp eosfe nvirontmheanatts pacvee hicmlaey Suenmmacryo untSepra.ci esd efinaesdw hati so utsitdheee artWhe. w ilslt afrrto mt hea tmosphere (troposphaenrdes tratosphaenrdme a)k er eferetnotc hete y poefa ggreswihoincsph l anheasv teo - facTeh.e fu tursee congde neratsiuopne rsopnliacno erst heh ypersonneiwgc e neratwiiolnl encounnteewpr r obleWmes,t. h en, cotnhsseip daecrew hicahr tifiscaitaell littehse snop rabciet , arounpdl aneotfts h se olsayrs teamn do bvioutshlinsey p acweh icihsb etwepelna neotrfs u rther planeStosm.et ypoefp rotecatgiaoinn st rwaidlbilaem ti eonnt ioned. 1W.H ATI SS PACE Thiissa v erdyi fficuplrto bltehmo uighte nteirnts h Fel uid Dynamitchse orwhyi chha sm adet remendporuosg ress ? duritnhg2e o r3 l asdte cades, ttoth hapene krsf ormaonfc es Int hipsa pesrp aciesd efinaes".Vd h aits o utsitdheeea rtIht�s. computeHrosw.e vetro,f insdo lutiionnt sh atty poef quiotbev iotuhsat th sep ackmweh i cshukm rr outnhdeesa �r,tl est probleimtis sn ecesstaosr tya frrotm i nitbioauln dairnyi tial saybe tweeanl titufrdoems0 to5 0 musbet considered conditimoenass uraetdt hes ame tiTmhee.d ensiotfy asa w hol;et hiisst haet mosphaenrdte h setr atosp;ht ehree n measuremiesfn rtisg htlfuolwal nyd t henictie ss tiald lr eam iti su suatloc onsitdheserp acienwkm hi cahr tifsiactiealll itest og eatc oherseenottf b oundairnyi tdiaatlSa a.t elgliitvaee s orbiit.,ea .l titfruodme2 s5 0-3 00 to3 6.0k00m w here tremendoaumso unotfd atbau,tt h meo sitm portoannett,h at thgee ostartyis oantaelliptleasc ;et dh issp aciesf afrro m ist hev ertipcraels saunrdet emperaptruorfei ilnem sa ny anh omogenesopuasc aesw,are e w ilsle e;i ti sd ividienmd a ny poinotfts h eeart h nogti vebnys atellmietaes urements. zones ceonntt ehreeea dr tThh.is sp accea nbe extentdoet dh e are moon. Anothdeirf ficulliteiysn t hef actth aatt,t hep resetnitm e meteoroluosgeim sodtesl sw hicdho n otta kien taoc coutnhte Thent hes pacbee tween plia.nete.ht seso ,l sayrs tem deepe neregxyc hanognte h seu rfacoeft hocee an( otrh lea nad)s space cnooubtle cd o nsidleirekdte h sep acoeu tsitdhseeo lar welalsoc eanogrpaepohp dloee sT.h eriesa nu rgennete tdo systehmo,w eveirtc, o ulbdea m odeolf t hsep acaer ouan d buialm tod elw hicwhi lclo nsider theesxec heanneagrnegdsy sta(rt hseu ni sa " mediusmt"a. r. . ) doenso trte aste parattheaelt ym osphaenrdte h ocee an( iits lescsr ucfoirae ln eregxyc hanagbeo vteh lea nbde cauosfte h e Howevetrhs ep acaer ouenadc phl .a niesqt u istpee citfiotc h is lowesrp ecihfieca otf t heg roun;di na dditioovne,r the planoert eacnha tusraatle lof_lt iht�ipe l a�n;et hessep aces oceancsh,e micraela ctinoanmse,l y with Cn0o2tb,e could begitnobto e w elkln owns,o med etawiillsbel g ivelna ter. ignor;oe ndt hlea ntdh,pe h otosyntthheesrimsa lb anleatn ce isa bountu loln,l tyh el ocaall beodfot hel anhda st ob e We wilble gibny t hea tmosphaenrde t.shtrea tosphere,e ntereidnt hmeo del). speakionngl yo fw hatc o_ncernase ronauc;iurc ssp ace activitIitie sws o.r thwhnioltien g thacto mmmoesrtcp ilaaln es flya ltitubdeetsw e0en a nd1 1k m ;m ilitpalrayn oers 2.2W. jndshears observaptloarnyse usc ahs t heLo ckheEeRd- f2l myu ch Thiiss t heo nlpyh enomentohnaw te w ilclo nsidIethr a.s high(eurp t o2 7k m):T hep :esene�tc eptiiosCn o ncorde beeind entdi rfeiceen(t91l8y 0()1. A) ccordtionP gr oTfh.. whichha sa na scendcirnugi sstea rtfrionmg 1 1km and Fuji"tada o wnbuirssa ts trondgo wndrwahfitc ihn ducaens terminaattai bnogu1 t6 ,km8( idte penodnst hlee ngotfth h e outburosftd amaginwgi ndosn orn eart heg round. cruipshea sTeh)i.is sd uet oth ef actth :a t Damaginwgi ndse,i thsetrr aiogrhc tu rveadr,eh ighly a)t hiiss a no ptimutm�r jectowri�hy re�grdt of u�l divergTehnets .i zoefsd ownburvsatrsfry o ml estsh aonn e consump(titohpnel aniesfl ymga tt hoep umulmi ft/drraaugo kilomettote ern osfk ilometDeorwsn.b urasrtsesu bdivided duritnhge w holcer uifslei ghtth ew; e ighotft hep lane intmoa croburasntdsm icroburasctcso rditnotg h eir decreastihntegh ,r ubseti nkge pcto nstatnhtep, l angee tas horiwnstcaalol fed amagiwnign ds". positivveer tiscpaele d).. . b)t heirsne oo thceorm merctriaaflfii cnt hiasl ttturdaen ge Macrobu:r stAl argdeo wnburwsitti ht osu tburst winds Ina f utuwrhei cihs n ott oof ar, slae.y at r'os. u n2d00 5i,t is eixntteennmdsaieicn ner gxo cbeuoosrffss4t tk ec mna uisnhwe oisrd iezsopnrtteaoalrnd a,dd Aoin-m leinksei on. highly probaas belceo gntedhn aetr !a1ot fis ou�prsonpilca nes damagDea.m agiwnign dlsa,s t5it nog3 0m inutceosu,l bde wilblei no peratTihoenym. a yfl ya th ighaelrt itaunddte� es ash igahs 6 0m /sec. needt o have a precisoef t h�k sntroaw�ltpeohdegr1ees . obvio;u isn a mored istafnutt u1rte1 sp ossibtlhea t Microbu:r ssAtm aldlo wnbuwristtih t osu tbudrasmta,g ing Thhyepywe irlsrloce noaimcachml etrictfsiuludaicelaghs smh 7 at0oys er 8m 0ek rmg.(e 5< M <6 ,5). hwoinrdieszx otnsetcnaadlloi aennnl,g4i y n ktme onrmls ieecs rIson.sb pucirotosueftil tidssn m daulcle damagiwnign dassh igh7 a5ms / sec. THEA TMOHSEPRE 2. 2.1. Preskennotw !edti:eh aet mosphere of (1D)r.T h.F ujifrtoam t hUen iverosfiC thyi cahgaosg iven Predicitsi onpnoe tr forcmoerdr etcotdlay2y 4.H predictiont hebe setx planaotfit ohnipssh enomeinnta w ob ooksT.h e isa cceptoanba lp er obabili;t7 y2H b iasjs uisastn i ndicationD ownbur(s18t95 a)n dD FW Microburs9t8 6p()u1 blisbhye d andl ontge rpmr edic(tw1ieo enko rm orei)sb ad. thUen iversity.[!]. AppearaonfcMe a crobur:bs etcsa uosfei tlsa rgheo rizontal Lightniisan m go res eveprhee nomenLoonn.gr angaei rcraft scalae m,a crobuirssc th aractebryia z peidl oef c oladi r receiav seh oetv er3y0 00t o5 000h ourwsh ilseh orrta nge creatbeyda successoifdo onw ndrasfotfst -landing beneaaitrhc rraefcte iav seh oetv er2y00 0-0030 hour;s damageisf, thpea rernati ncloSuidnsca.ed omeo fc oladi irsh eavier thana ny, rarely sdeevsetrruec,to ifto hnep lanbey l ightniisn g thew anna ir surrouintdt,ih neag t mosphperriecs sure insidvee rarery a r(el etshsa 3nc asedsu ritnhgel a s3t0y ear(s2)) thed omei sh ighetrh ani tse nvironmTehnetp. r essure gradifeonrtc peo,i nting ofruotmwt ahredd o mea rea, pushesT hec onsequeonfca ed si reschtom ta yr angfreo m: thceo ld outward inducwiinngd bsge uhsittnyhd el eading edgeo fairt hec oladi ro utfloTwh.e g usftr ondte notes the -destructoifso onm ee lectroenqiuci pment leadiendgg oef g ustwyi ndwsh icphu sthh ed omeb oundary -deviatoifao cnt uatdourrsi ans gh ortitm ei ft haec tuators awayfr omt hseu bcloruedg ion. connecttoea dn alog controllers are -anu nexpecetveodl utiifot nh eayr ed igitally controlled Microbuarrsdeti sf fefrroenmtt o rnad:om icrobugresntesr ate duritnhgte i mnee cesstaodr iya gnotsheee r ror. a horizonvtoarlt emxa deo fa ring whai tloern adios composoendl oyf a v ertivcoarlt (eFxi 1g.) . Letc'osm menat l itmtolreea boutth lea scta se. A lightniinscg o mposoefda s hordtu rat(iaobno 2u00t p st o Tremendoruiss akpsp ewahre na p laniesi nfi naalp proaocrh 2µ s)i mpulosfes everal thouasmapnedrswe isto ghfr adients int ake-pohfafs eessp ecidaulrliytn hg3e 0t o60 seconadfst er which can 1r0e0akc Ah/ µsT.h isp ulsies f ollowed by thteo uchdoowftn h em icrobuTrhsetm .a ximuimn tensoift y anothepru lsem,u ch longeirn durati(osne veral the wianrdeis n t he0 -m3 0al titude Irnta hnigssel .i ce millisecownidtsh) i,an nt ensoifat byo u1t0 a0m per(eFsi g. windasr e varyingb ortaihpn si pdalcayen dt imceoo rdinates, 5)M.o red amageasr ed uet ot hilsa ttiemrp ulsiwohne,r as givisnegv ewrien dshears. interferweintcehel se ctoenqiuci pmeanrteds u et ot hefi rst pulse. To givaen i deoaf t hep owero fs uchp henomenloent 's consitdheerF igu2re w hicihn dicattheess h apoeft hew ind The structoufrt eh ep lanhea sn ota constant linetsh ep rescritbreadj ecftoorr tyh ep lan(e 1,t) her eal impedanacned t huoss cillactuirnrge natpsp eaorn the trajecotfot rhye p lanwei tht hei ndicatoifto hne w ind structwuirtefrh e quencliyeisn bge twe5en0 0kH zt o5 00 (directiinotne,n seintcyo)u ntoernie tdtrs a jectTohreyp .l ane MHz. Computecrlsoc kfr equencairewesi thtihni rsa ngaen d, fleiwn a strong witnadiwl h icwha st her eal coafut shee consequenitnltye,r ferbeentcweeset nh el ightnainndtg h e crash. computemrasy e xisitft hes hieldiisnn ogt p ropermlayd e (Fig6.) . Microburasrtens o tn ecessaacrcyo mpanbiyeh de avrya ins (Fi3g.)a n dc anb es tatioonratr rayv eling. Whenc omposimtaet eriaarleus s edt,h ermee talizaitsi on mandatoTrhye.b eswta y, whicpha iidbs y a lososf Vertidcoawln v elocihtaivebese emne asuruepdt o1 5m/ s in mechanisctarle ngitsth o i ncorpoar maettea lmleisch i n thhee artof a m icroburst. betweelna yerAs r.o ugphr otecitismo and eb ya ne xternal conductcionagti ng. Iti se stimattehdaa ttl eaosnte l argceo mmercpilaaln iesl ost everyye ar (USSR andn otCt haiknean aicnctoo unitn) Atp resetnitm aen dt hantkost heex periegnacien beydt hAe windshedaurest om icroburTshtesri.es a nu rgennete dt o 320( whicihse lectroniccoanltrloyl lweed c)a ns ayt hat detetchtpe h enomenaotin t bsi rbtoht frho mt heg rounadn d protectionl iagghatniininssfgt u lelffye ctive. on-board. Ifa p laniestr appeidna m icrobutrhseat c tiontsob et akebny Icing thep ilomtu sbte r apiadn dp reciTshee.ya roep postiott eh e 2.4. instincptriivmreee actiTooen s.c afrpoem ad ownburistit s, Ther ecent evoloufpt liaonnesws h iccha nb er oughly necesstaoir nyc retahseee n erogyft hpe lanteh,e ntcoea pply summariazsed immediatfeullpylo we(ri itsw elkln ownt hafrto,m t heid dle statteh,ef ultlh ruissot b tainoendl5 yt o8 s econldast .e).r.. a)r eplaceomfem nett alplaircbt ysc omposmiattee rials Durintgh fien aalp proach,t hopenl caeni ess tabiloinzt ehde b)e xtensuisveoe f c omputaernsde lectroenqiuci pments ILSa xiist ast titiusda eb ou0t° o rs lighntelgya tiTvhee. c)h igdhi lutijoenet n gi(nuep t o9 ) vertiscpaele idsa bou4tt o5 m /sI.f a downw indo fm ore d)a utonomnoauvsi gatdieovni c(eIsN So)rs emaiu tonomous tha1n 0m /sa ppeatrhse riesn oh opet oo btabienfo r5et o8 (GPS,Gloniassn so)ti nfluenbcyet dh ei cinpgh enomenon seconds a pnoestvi etritviesc paele Tdh.e a pproascphe ed excepmta,yb et,h rouag)h. beinagb ou7t5 m /s; t hea ltitwuidlecl o ntintuode e crease rapiddeulryi 4ng00 t o6 00 m beforbee ginitnobg ep ositive. Howt he acroeftii ocdnee veloopns composite wmiatthe rials regatrodm etalolniecs T hed iffereanrcneeo sti mportant. Howeveirtc anb es aitdh amto smtod ern aircrhaafvtoe r w ill ? soonh avea dedica"tmeodd ei"n t heA utomatPiicl ofotr Ther eaplr ogrecsosm efr omt hek nowledogfie c incgl ouds, escaping tfhreDo aml lFaos rWto rt(hD FW)d ownburasst primartihleydi ert ectifroonm t hger ounadn dt hien formation identibfyiP erdo fT.h .F ujiItnat .h en exftu tudreet ectoifo n whiccha nb ed erivfeodtr h bee nefoiftt h cer ew. windshewairlsbl e a chievaendd p lanewsi lalv oisdu ch dangeraotumso sphpehreinco mena. Thei n-fligdhet- iciisns gt ial plr oblebmu,tt hiissn ott he purpoosfet hipsa per. 2.3Li.g htnianngd /ors troneg! ectromagnetjc fields Thee xtensuisveoe f c omputoernbs o arodfa p lanhea sl ead tom ored etailsetdu dioefts h eel ectrospthaetniocm einnta h e atmosphaenrdce o nsequetnobet tltye prr otecotfie olne ctronic equipments. Stronegl ectrosftiaetli(dc5s 0 k0V /mm)a yb ee ncountienr ed (1R)o yaJlo rdani(aFnl ig6h0t0 o)n M ay 1,41 97T6h.e thev icinoifta y C umulo-Nim(bFuisg 5.) T.h eyi nduce accideonctc ureadt0 2:3l8oc atli me; thissh owst hat curreinntc so nductmiantge riaanldvs o ltagienis n sulating microbmuasyta ppedaurr innigg h[t1. ]. onesT.om inimitzheee ff eccto,r reschti eldainndgg r ounding oafce tlueacttoarrnoesdnoq) ifu tc ih pemc eo(nnstnesen cstcoicarnobsgml, pea usrt eme rarenscd,ea itvoerrys., (2l)i ghtnairnveg e royf teanc companbiyes dtr onagd". e:ses atmosphecroincd itiSouncashs s evere turabnudl1 ecnmcge. Howevefror,r adiaon dr adio-navidgeavtiicoaenns t,e nnas Morea ccideanrteds u et ot heslea sttw op henomernaat her arnee cessaoruitlsyit dhese h ielding praontdte hcuttshi eoyn thatno l ightning. aree xposteods tronegl ectromagfineeltidcs . 2 3.T HES TRATOSPHERE Thesdee generelsecaetdnot c hceels e aaitrru rbul(eCnAcTe) phenomewnhoincc ho ubledd angerfoorpu lsa nWeess .t ill Thes tratoshpahbsee ree"n d iscovaettr heeend od"f t hlea st havfeew d atoanth ec haractoeftr hikisistin codfst urbulence. centbuyrT ye issedreBe onncT. e issewraestn hcfie r stto Thef atcht aiittsd iffictuold te teietci tt ohneb ro aorrdfr om sensdm ablall looenqsu ipwpietidhn strumwehnitcwshe re the groundi mtmo ardkeae nsg eforrot uhspe i lots. therne cupertahtaentdkoa sp arach[u2te] . Ast ot hdeo soefso zonteh aotn em aye ncoudnutreiran g Thes urprwiassge r ewahte inat p peatrhedta htte e mperatursetr atospflhiegrhlitec,ts 'asay t 1 3k mh igihit s w orthwhile ceasteodd e creaabsoe9v 00e0 m /10000.m . notitnhgai tnt haei rcondistyisotnoeifman p gl anteh e temperraitsuberytne h aei irnt hceo mpression stage, before Then amoef s tatoswpahsae draep otnelday r ound A1t9 20.t hhee aetx chanigs4e 0r0,° ACt.t hatte mpertaht0eu3 ri es thsea mtei mtehn ea moeftr opospwhaesgr iev aettn h lea yer decompionsteodT h0e2n.tc hee,ir sneo o zoinent hcea bin. extenfrdoimnt gh e etaotr ht"ehb asoeft" h e stratosphere.The etymoliowsgi ys: ie ng reetrokp,o ss uggetshpters e seonfc e Atl aswtem, u ssta ayw oradb oduuts wth icihsc oncentrated larmgoet iwohnisc cho uptlhleea yeorfts ha et mospahnedr e att hter opopaanusdsl ei ghalbtolvAyetl . e atswtoi ncidents straitnodsi cmaotreheso rizloanyteawrlhs i cghl iodneeo n havbee erne porbytp elda nfelsy iinnt ghv ei cionfai nta yc tive thoet herav. e rbyro asde nsteha,ei mro tiosna tisfies thveoslec a(nnrooa deacrh froo mt hoen -boraarddac rl,on uodt definIni tions. visiabtnl ieg ht, tsuervbeurlese tnrcoesn,mg e lllosso,sf powedra,m agoengs l acsosr,r odsuieto oHn 2 S 04HF, and Thez onienb etwetehtrneo pospahnetdreh setr atosphere HiCsl ). caltrloedp opaaunstdeh u ep pzoenre o ft hsetr atosiptshh eer e stratop(a5u0s-ke6m 0) . Wec ouldc onnoctl tuhdipesa ragroantp hhse tr atosphere withroeucta ltlhiienn gt erna(tUiSoA-nU aKl - F)s tudy Thet emperagtruared iientn htrteo pospihs-e 6r°e/k; tm hiiss concerntihniegm pctth aato ff leoef2t 0 0p lanseusca hs thtee mperdartoufoprr ea na drabdaetciocm pression. "CTohnec owroduelh"da voent hsetr atosepqhueirlei (btrhieu m temperaotftu hrtroeep opaui:ss e iniqtuieasl tcioonnc etrnhecedh emirceaalc tbieotnwste heen nitroogxeyndg eesn erbaytt ehjdee etn giannetdsh oez one). -att hpoel e:s 5-0°tCo6 0°aCta na ltitouf5d e- 6 Thec oncluosfti hogenr owuaps o ppostiott heie n ifteiaarls , -att heeq ua:t o7-r0°tCo -8 0°aCta na ltiotkmfu1 d4te o1 6 thaitst ,h 0e3 d ensity iwnocurleadan sdne o dt ecrease. km. Afterwthhiacltoe n cluwsaisso lni ghmtoldyi fainedad decreoafts he0e 3 d ensmiutsybt e e xpecbtueatdt a l evel Thte emperpartoufrarieel g eisv iennF ig7.( aasf unctoifo n whicdho enso itn duacp eo tendtainagle r. thael titaundide nF) i g.8( aasf unctiooftn h lea tiattu de solstices). Thust,hs et ratoslpihkteehr aeet ,m osphiesnr oeat,q uiet zonTeh.e f actth atth eirsne o noer v erfye wc louidsas n Thesdei fferienna cletsi taunddte esm peraotfut rhees additionafolr m roeravesi ogni lance tropopaluesatedosa s ingulwahriicgthey n erjaestttre esa ms. ! Thiissa " tuboefs" tr onwgi ndw,i tshp eeadl walyysi ng betwe2e00na n3d00 COMMON CHARACTERISTIOCFS " SPACE" km/h . 4. Commerpcliaanlme asye ncousnutcjeher t -strAe asmesv.e re Termjnoloev turbuliesen xcpee riwehnecenen dt erainnldge avtihnjege t 4.1. streahmo,w evienrs itdheje e t-sttrheteau mr,b uliesn ce Fronmo wo ns,p awcielt la kietu ss umaela niin.tgeh .se p ace moderaotrse m all. whicihs" abovtehu"ep pesrt ratoslpehtse'arsaye t m, o re tha1n0 k0m fr omt hseu rfoaftc heee a rWthhe.nr efertiona g Insitdhsee tr atostphheearrreese o mlea rge iznwo hniecsh planoerat satoefal p lliatnweeh ti chhaa sn a tmosphere, then thet emperaatrueIr Oets o2 0°Ch igher thtemhe aann agaiiitns n ecestsosa preyc tihfveyo luamreo utnhdpe l anet tempera(t"uhlroaetks e Tsh"e)my.u sbtet akiennta oc count whicihsc onsidered. fort hflei gmhatn agemoefan ts tratopslpahneer.i c Agressioyfti hteys oac[e3 ][ 4] Abovteh treo popatuhsteee ,m persattaufyriserc sotn stant 4.2. (abo-u5t3t °h,te e mperoaftt uh"rese t anadtamrods phere"I)nt hsep accoen sidneorwte hde irsne o m oraei (ro gra fzo r antdh einn creases. othpelra nets). thHaeoi wmreo vleerc udlone osdt i sapear suddeannldty h ediern siisqt uyo tientd e romffr eem ean Ath ighaelrt itthuedireshe e aatb sorptdiuoetn ot hoez one patAhr.o utnhdee a rittihs a, b oouft0 ,1m6a tZ km anda,t5 0 thaem bitaenmtpe raitrosuu rgeh elqyu taotl h e = (presiss3u .r1e0H 4p a). IOO one thkmge,r ouTnhdi.is sw hyt hailsti tiuscd oen sidered the upairpl eirm oiftt h setr atos(pthhseetrr aet opause). We wilsla ya woradb outth aet omoixcy gwehni cihs Abovet hsetr atopaan uesgea,tg irvaed aipepnetaa gras;i i nit s encountbeertewdeZ e n1 50an dZ 400k m,a z onien noats c onstaastn htoe n ien t he tropobsupiths e arilesw ays whiclho ewa rotrhbs iat=t eltlriat(ves=es e§l 6e ) . smaltlhea-r6n ° Ath ighaelrt ittuhdeierssne o m ormeo lecuolrae tso mosf /km. Oxygene, Nitrogegna zw haincdh octohtmehpreo se Anothpearr ticuolfta hrseitkm trya) to ispsth hegeri eap notl ar atmosphPerrees.sa unrdse o unvde lochiatvnye o m ore vort(edxi amoefat beor3u 00t0 whichhai st msa ximum meaniBnugtt. h earreae l ootfo thpearr ti:ce ulleecstr ons, ofe neragtay n a ltiotfu2 d5ke m ( winmdasyr ea2c0h0 protpohnost,o ns,i ohn(esca ovsyrm aiycms i)c,r omet;e orids km/h). electreoqnuiicp mmeanybet sp ertubrytb heedps aer ticules. Wes awt hatth earreea lssotr onwgi ndasta boutk m.I n IO Twom aicna sheasv teob ec onsiddeurete otd w od ifferent betweent wtzoho ensieeits s q uite frteofiq nudez notni ens phenom:et nhtraea pppeadr tiwchuilcmehas i nalcuytp otnh e whicwhi nids v erqyu iet somneutl(il"m setsr,a tonull" agionfgt hceo mponaenndtt hshe e aviyo nwsh icihn duce phenomenon). unwanteevde nts ScEaUl( lSeidn Egvleen Utp seatn)d , sometiimrerse,v edrasmiabglees . Ins piotfet hee xtredmrey neosfts h es tratospheric atmospohnetery ep,oe fs tratospchleorueidxcsi (sntasc red Letu sf irst trhegece anlemlr aaplo fp arti(cFuil9ge).s. clouadt2s 0)- 3 0k mT.h eayr set i(lFli8 g).. Partic(uelleesc atrnopdnr so taorniesn jefrcotmeb de hitnhde Them otioonfts h mea sosfa iarr seu bjetcott hegede neral shocwka v(et hceoym freo mt hseo lwairn ;dt )heayl scoo me dynamliacwsas n tdh ebye halviekw ea veosnt hsee aT.h e fromc osmriacya sf tienrt erawcitttihhoh eni ghaetrm osphere "grawvaivteyhs a"v aew avelelnygitbnheg t we1ae nnd1 00 (neutgriovnes paronetdol nesc tr;oh nesa vy nuucptl oe ons kmo nt hheo rizodnitraelca tnid1o k nm i nt hvee rticalF ea rael spor esent). dirteicoTnh.e rareae l ssoh opretr iwoda ves cfroommit nhge frictbieotnw edeinff erleanyte( rKse lvin-Hwealvmehso)l.t z 3 Eleacrmtreao incnsol nyci ennz troa�ntneetsade,n rn da l 2 exteirntnah ilen tzeortnnhfeael l u cottfuh aet ions4 .4H.eay y jon(sc osmrayisc) [5] · popudleanatsntiidehot ne�ye s rpgeaycrq trueusi !!t;IIe ll all Thheabyve neee ng iltneph caeTts heteed.fi _froae tfrch ete s thareeiy m poorrot raodnmfeta r g mmtoumvd ete)h e extzeornFnai(e12lg. 03 . tghpierv oaetnesodl n ef cltruoxnS EtUy( ps§e4e . 3ea.)nb de cmooamrnemed o 1 rm�rept ant becoatfuhv seeler as yrc giaenl tee( gVrLtaSetIci)ho mnq ues conItitows uo rr.tn howtthihitnalhegteel ectron flux obno oasfra dt ellites. correspttooeh nxedt zieonhrnngatae swhl oo w rnhsri ecahc h . theaear htti lhga htT ihmtieustad hnefoaspsrt o. o l ra(broi rt s Thiiosn sf rcsootmma erss . Friegl.a t1i3v es hows their neart hapego glrdaeutrseeo)s l ieiocmsntro osrneesv ere abunwdiatnhct etor h eaegtiaonrrmu dim; cbi ietsr thfoaernq uoartboirtisa,l density will fluctuate more. modublsyao etlreaudrTp hteeinioerrnras gn_fr.ygo a em s fewM Vet hou nodGfrVe Se. od gmsee n heeriaaovotnynes s Altaw srete mtihtnamhdtae gdnieopttfoieh lceaei rn sto ht as pomraanTdnhieiecarsr an. ev eorfsa ogeleruar p tions cen;tt hiewisrehst dy hi easarn ne o imtnash loeAyu �a t_hcn � 10 peyrea antrdo m aejrourpp estroic loyancrysl e ea rs). wihtidhge hno sefil teaicneptrdsro onTtshso ein ts1u.sa tion 1 3 (11 Thleasbtereh irind ggoh( s eelsep crtroaotnhnodesn a,sv )y summoariFnzi egd. 11. ioWnhsa.t caornes eftqothurheee e ln eccetsr onic equiiapns m aetnetlsl ite Hearer ea pspormvoeax :li muaetisv e Thieo noiass" p cpholelardese lm eahc"ate,vrn eoeo nrfsg y ? Oln oewq uoart(boLirpEtirOsao) lab nrloce�t� m tOsin c al. tohreod feeV r. 1 LEpoOl oarr(b fiiantc st l a�butothvu1eaedssr e treso )n g Thtrea pppaetihdca uevnlelee yrsbg ieynt gw keeteVon 60° 100 inteTrhhaiabcssetc eionon nfiS.rp Imo.et d MeV. Iafh iegnhep rrargorytii o?nvnt te Shsie l i!mtcac iyru ema,t e A1 s osltrarso empn adr ottfioh creuod 1lf0eke Vres. heaivobnyyas n ucrleeama wcrht �iidcouhdnpt t,o h e Thdeac toan ctehmrneii cnrgo amrneeo�ts twe erloll" dnsa hteuiarovanylsa "c. o n_Tdthuhecynet: fiic�osaentnc o _rt knoatwshin eo npiasrtdeiodcAs ltteehp ssre. e u smteehn et ocacnpudrr o avd oeksetotsrftrh u aecn tiTsohi1ntiss hst e o r. defrboramir str eefapcarpt eosstd eeann(nttsg§ ieee a rl 7) "luaeptff cehc t". FoSrP IO( Tp oorlbakirmt )t,,o S EaUrr ee corded 800 5 6 4.3T.yp e ofd amagetsh acta nb ec austeod eayceha r. satemtes Altaw sietn trtoLhdEeu:lT c i en etraarnw sehfiniesecr rh,g y Twmoa ina crtoeyn ps:ei sd ered thleoo sefsn eoarfp g ayr pteuirnco iluftel onetfg h teh trajIeitcqst u ooiMrtneye pV.deg r/' ic .Mmee2.Vg .-.c1 m2 at)h dea mwahgireceshfrs outmlhi ten te(gorra tion . : Iafin op na tshsremosmu o mgfah t Iedtnr aoglpi sv en accumoudflo arsteeics;oe nit)dvh eeepdoye tf nh de 1 ene(rntgohiytiatn est on te ce�smhsoeeas nrt�ei orlngyee st ic compiotansneiedsntl htsfi ieaflna dynit,dnhd geoo, sf e s whdirctohhgp er ecahtaIertsrghe einsseg) rr.geo nyaro t te r parStuitccyhlop eefesf b.fe eccmotom �renemsd o re thtahonen -eonffew rigrtyeh gt taohr tede chnology impfotorwrrto ea anFstibo renscstta.�h tu x�es n�ott fhl eo n . availabalned T bhceeot nwcietlsehu nas ti otnh e duroatfthm ieio s(nst ieoslnaestc1 eomlmtol 1piaetlrelasyt ed 1970 1990. fo5y re ;ai trnhns ee f xuttt huweribyelde le s_d_f?ir 2g0 nepgrreoatabsoitoa fpmecb aerci.s o ulF.sSfrioe.eE etr(x sUny ola m�c hramu e tppi algF)s er�1e r aa0 o ntnfd yeoaofrp se rlaiStifeeo)cn.boa enlctd ahslueeysn eos f1 UV1ty 1978 MehVan edof ;ft eoicdhtta!a (y sF ig. necwo mp(o0µn,mte3 en cthstnc oou lmoudgloiyass)te is1v 0e0 14). incFroeerxa asfmeaoMdp rO.l cS eo mpeolneaecnntrdto ,n s ThLeEv Ta rwyititahnhetg o mice� enro�ugte my� b er and prodteopcnoh�sssa_ irittgnho t�_xooeeit f htr ea! nr�assni sd ioinitwss o, r tihnwtrhoaicd lauepcs tieuncTrgth1e 1is 0s n . moditfhcyeh iarr aatsci t�me1aenew ssIaau nydt;ic o.dstn i h e th"es ensioabftr l aen Fssoieursacr tcofohmar pca.oe n"e nt crariarsntgamelamb ydee in sto wrhgaeca nem rdztoeasdme spetchirifetsishd chee onfil nde d. habsed eenp oIssnpi iatitcems eda .n dtauotso?enr lyy . compwohnhieacbnvhete es n t rote essitsetd agamst these No:Tt heo tuhigeasghr r eo uwrpnifo istrnkah g pe p earanc_e agreNsosraimtloahclnleo sy m. p moasnyte danont'?s�sfe s oSfE wUh,fi eocxrha pmrpotldeheuxe,c� eoho f�aeb n igte 01. Gkr ayT/heyere odasutrimeo.oi nc rodmeebtneso nds, iwno (rmde ompror ryoc etshpseroo brat)bhb,1ai ohttft s y oerv einasc udmuueslft:af tievcet 2 aw oarrmdeo driefmivaeelidronT ywsh .t e hunesa,s e e lf detaenccdto irnrcgeo cldtietikshHn,eeag mc ionidgse , bt)h dea mwahgiaecrdsheu t eio n tebreatcwteieonn s val(usacubodcalehures se ie tndFh ree snactThee llleictoem particalntedchs oe m ponent. . . .Iw Ih wiaclsha uinOncc hteodb er -nogiesneei rncatotomi podonunt meeot n �tr(wasic)tu ho n 1988). _ par(tiinistoca clt ue msu lbaetic1tva�heu e snre�oef fect mopraer otiritf ch eleneiedsrro, nge ohyste a ��c nucal range) SOME SPECIFIECN VIRONMENTS -disfulnoccaitltniii sozmuneaeciods,hnn m g- ,o ff 5. Itnhp iasr wacego rnasspoiehmdn eev riw rhow!n!cmlhel n ts -sienvgelneSt Ew Uhu aipracsge hee tn erotafhl ei zation reqsupiearcteitfo aesrlna ttioepfolr nlto wiobht ewiesics lh l preevfiifaoneenu cl ste s cutrbosnyisct em. hatvfaoect eh em. Compaonrneeeev nxetprdso i srtereodac dt;eil vayfeti onor n thseo l;a rpa r octfielleimlcps stl� d iaa obc.tno hc ve�ee. l l Elecctroomnpaiosrcnuese r nrwtoi�suat nthde :ten hdae lrsr Radajtjobne lotf J upi(t2e.)r[ 6] owsnh iseulrdriaonntugdhn m eda etdoe ofn tahlesr 5.1. Thmea gfineeoltJfdiu cpi ihsti (eg4rgh, a 1au ttsh se compoosrnt ernouttfcsh st eau trTeehle elq iutieva.l ent equTahtveoo rlo)uf.mm eat ghnee itvsoe lsr�pygh ee re Fc"iot12gmhg .piiitqa ocvndhunndke oeoyieinss tg nnre iee/ etfost,n dcaic rs4hl pa m ts "esoroel2i , twfaw�oo e ira�nnrrtly.no fbahesvwoieod � rntrtrair. ucao( bhnnS7ic 0mpmo.0eopmtk0tl0tpehm Tti aoje)hheoer r.oeesnpcea of letdtpf ai i hie snoetdao(mnt eh rtfRa oq=ethr p 6e u heo7l p00a t(ak ltanam1h;aRote n0to n=Jri tdh ue io er an sl ) 800k m9,7i °n clina7t tion). preosafme angcdneie stco. Theeff edcotrsieevcsbeea yc i ovmepadotr nhekee nnnc;>t � n antdhm ea nuhfatatsoca ttkuhieren aemtcr oc T oh1uisns t .(1in ) A tlrh aed iatidoutnpeo arti (cdyueplcheeo lteornasti)o n whtyha ersroeelm aeb oirt�ahw teowo rhrlsiidice mhsu liasstm eaa nldlT sa tt ihoItepTf. swa o hualvdep lbaeceend tahgeoi cfno gm p(oenleeon�csnattr nsood tmo hcanef ra)s to uttsrhiaedd weio ahutialbovdenme e u nhc ihag nthdhe er tisinbpm foaaeFgrsc oee ierxos as.amy CtopnE rlwcR(besehTGi iro iEt6mnnOt s7uo9t )o m 1luo 0oyas net tarehs s wi(2.ton) nhhu boseilaoitt gdiltUn oh tthS pa .i A nU t dSuh SdeaRepxv . rpet olw ahdoheneocusia. rcbcmcAlr mu eenhtorlds hnet ud c lear 1962, iIcatfadb undess i thetuoifiis euopmsellnra d aotaAilverln iroau.gdcium aeranmcdnilT�mo dtisa mmc n patola� hdoe1;1hefnmis t ga shpe evyeaeenr(araee>Efar 5trd t lMsheg e e exyrVT p )hlehb.eolae yssevc tliceahootr uewnosl sney,s (hdiegnmhse itI2it afitytl s h)c e.aA smleu b spetuo tu tsiedaemr atghfn iielestiol cwd . anTdia n side (1). 4 Thes atel(lIiEotu,er soG paan,y mesdeee)tm obe condu;c tor Afttehre fslei gohntfesi lhma ldo 2st2 ofi twse ig(h2t5 ,4 % thenh iag ehl ectrofsitea(lt5di0 kc0V /na)p peaarnsd filmf,l iSgThSt- (31)I) th. a bse efno utnhda tths ei lver contribtuot etrpsaa pr ticles. useidn e lecctornitcba eccta uisnes ulbaetcoaruo sfte h e mm formatioofsn i lverA- odxiirdeecet.ffi evwciattps yo inotuetd Atl aash ti gshy nchrroatrdoina( tiTo 1n60 °Ka t1 0.c4m )is (maximduemg radocactuirowsnh etnh mea teriispa lla ced = emitbtyet dhp el anet. perpenditcotu hlseap re ed). Mars[ 7[]8 []9 ] Toe xpltahioenx ydipzriocnegs siehtsa b,se epnr opotsoe d 5.2. introdutche0e w itahk ineetniecro gf5y , e3V a tt hiem pact. Int hpisa ragrwahpihch,ha bse en inbsyap p iarpegedir v en Thiesx planation prevails today. byB entCo.nC lar[k7,w] e,w ilclo nsiadm earnm isstioo n Marisn cluads itnaogynt hpel anoefatfe w days. T)ldee nsoif0t y( anodt hceorm poniesrn etp)r esFeingt.e d 16T.h ef lurxe ceibvyae s da mpdleep enodnts h sep eoefd Thed uratoifto hntre i (po ne-iwsba ye)t we6te on1 0m onths thes atel(laibtoe8u tk m/sf or sthheu ttTlhee) . (depeonntd hste y poeftr ajecatnopdre yr ioodfl aunching)t.h ermodytneammpiecr oaftt uhorexe y gaetno mhsat so b e Duritnhgfle i gthhtge r avwiitlbyle n u;la lr tifi"cgiraalv ity"a dde(dg eometritcota hlselp ye)oe fdt hsea te;lt lhiettneh,se maye xiistfth s ea teilssl piistnte a biTlhiozuetgdhh.ta ytp oef impaecnte rlgiybee tsw ee3n,a 9n 7de V. acceleirsfa atfrrio omtn h ger aveintcyo unotnee raerdtt hhe, timfoerp hysical ceaxbnee rr ecdiuseceaescdd h a tyo 2 0- 30 Ati aslteu,ts p oionuttt h dei ffiocfut lhsteiy m ulaitni ons mni, nstoef2a d- h3o ufrosar n orno tastiantge llite. laboratIotir svi eerdsyi. f fitcopu rlodtu chei gflhu xo f0 withporuotd ucailnsOgo+. T hed issocoifa0 t2ci aobnne Thes pacewcirlablfee t x posdeudr ianl go npge ri(o6-d1 0 madbey h eaotrb, y e lecdtriiscc haIrtcga ebnse o. b taiinne d monthtsoc) o smriacy Ass.s aipdr eviosuhsileyl cdaoi unlgd ap lasma gebnyae l raasteerd. bew ortshta nnos hieladtai lnblge caoufst ehp er oductoifo n secondpaarryt imcolredese ,n saen dc onsequmeonrtel y Thiissw hyt hoeb servoaftd ieognr adation beyn countered dangerfoormu asn H.o wevreerc esnttu dtieenstd oc ome componoennb tosa orfda s ateilslo fia tg er eiamtp ortance. bactkot hfei rtshto utghtai,ts t ,h aats hielodfai bnog5u t TheS POTI ( Ja1n9.8 5s)a tel(lpioltoaerr b 8i00tk ,m )h as g/c2wm oulbdeb etter. beelna uncahneoddp eradtuerdia nm gi ssoifos nol aacrt ivity (SPO1Ti ss tilolpe riant ainondno )fi rmc onclumsaiybo en s Theiresa notdhaenrg wehri cihsn optr edicatl aobntlgie m e derifrvoemdt hefslei gBhuttSs P.O T2 t ob el auncihne d ahe:at dh iists h peo ssiboifel piitdyos sodliflacar reo utbursts1 99w1h,i cwhi lclo rrestpoao h nidg h opfes aokla acrt ivity, (hiegnhe rpgryo taonnedsl ectrmoanisn ly).t hDleua rsitn g wilblee quipwpietsdho mmee asuredmeevnictco ensc erning 40y eatrhsme o sstp ectascoullaarr wflhairchehas v bee en thaec tioonf0 onc ertain materials. carefaunlallyyw zeerdFe e b1.9 5(6p enetrraatdiinagt ions) anAdu g1.9 7(2t hlea rgeevsertre cordIestde )e.mt sh atth e 7.T HE DEBRIPSR OBLEMS flarMea ro1sf9 89a lisasvo e rpyo werofnuelC.la lculations inditchaattthes e h ielmduisnbtgeo ft hcel a2s0gs /c2m (1) Map-madoeb jec(tasr tefa[c1 t1s]) (Fi1g5.) . 7.1. SincOec tob1e9r5 (7S pout1n)ti hke hraev bee en morteh a3n00 0l aunclheeasd tioan bgo 3u6t00 s atel;l iat es Thec onsequoeftn hcfiaegt u riest haatni ntesrnhaell mtuesrt bep roviidnte hdse a teltols iatvmeea sasn dt hafrte quent great noufom bbjeeric nta sd dittiooo lnsd a telsluicthe s, boostienrsst,r umdeenbtrsi,s cfroommdi enlgi beorra te observaotfti hosenu msnu sbtec arroiuebtdy t haes tronauts during the travel. accideenxtpallo sairooenr sb itingt haeera oru(tnhFd.r om nowo nd,e brwiislc lo mprailsklei nodfss ucahr tefacts). Collisbieotnwsed eenb rmiasyl eatdom ultidpelberw iist h Hypervemlioccriotmye tsetocirolinlds st aih tauzta;etr hde ir enercgoyu bledv erhyi ghtth,ef ilruw xi lblem uclho wer differoernbti ts. thatnh eo ned uet od ebroirsb itairnogu tnhdee arth. Manoyr ganisaarcteoi oopnesr oantit nhgsa utb jienoc rtd tero Thes urftaecmep eroaftM uarrvesa rifroemsl 8 5°(Ka 6t: 00 toi dendteibfr(yin sa tmuarseds,i, m ension, trajectory), to loctailm teo)2 75( a1t4 :0;0t )h aet mosptheemrpee raturtryea ssetshsre i sekn countbyea rs eadt e(lcloiltlei asnidto on ) issrueec ommendfaottrih ofenu st uarste ot haeb andonned varifreosm2 05°tKo2 45°PKr.e ssiusar beo 7uH tP a; t he objeicntt hsse k y. atmospihsme ardeoe f 2C( 095 N1( 2,7A r( 1.6 %) %) %) 02( 0,13. .T.h eg raviisat byo 0u,tg3 . %) Surveililspa enrcfeo rbmyre add acrosn ventoirpo hnaasle arratyyp teh,e slea taerrea blteo t ramcakn yo bjects Iti so nlpyo ssitbowl ael wki tahp ressuarnidhz eeadt ed simultane(ouupts ol2 y0 0- 300)b,y o pticaanld spacesuit. electrodoepvtiiccLeaaslr. gt ee lesceoqpueisp,wp ietdh radiometdeertse cmta yoo fmb ajgencitt1su6 d.e5 . THEA TOMICO XYGENP ROBLEM[ 10] 6. Theg eostatoirobniiasatr l yr ecardoyw daenddp articular Wem entitohnni esw p robl(ewmh iwcahsf iresvto kaefdt er attenitspi aoitndoi denatlidlfe yb rciisr culoantt hioinrsgb it. thaen alyosfoi ns- boeaxrpde rimientn htUesS s huttles)L owfr equerandcayr( s1 5M0H z)h,i gpho we(r1 0 with becanueswed esihganvste ob ei nitiated soon. phase aanrtrean(yn3 a0x 0 2 0m )a rteh meo MWss)tu itable detecftoorr sg eosotrabtiitosn.a ry Inhabistpeadc ecorpaefrtai tnle o we arotrhb (iLtE O) (betw1e5e0nt o2 50k m)i,. ew.h,e recaosm mercoifa l Fort he fiutit suer nev isatgode edv elop teslpeascceo pes scienstiaftieclo lpietrieansts eia dlet irtaundogefe3 00- 1000 operaitnti hniegn fradreodm a(i1nµ0 m w hiccho rrespond km( angde ostatoinoenasar arety3 6000 km)t hdea mages rougthlo3y 00 °KF).oh ri gshi gntaonl o irsaet iitmoa yb e discovoencr eerdt maaitne rwiearmleus c mho rsee vetrhea n necestsoua srceyoo led detectaot7r 7s°o Krb ( eClCoDw). inh ighaelrt itTuhdeecyso .u lndo bte e xplawiintehdo ut takiinngta oc cotuhnaett omoixcy gwehni cihsn owk,n own Mostt hodefe brtriasc king faarlceoci altiietntdi h eUesS A- tob ep resientn htai lst irtaundgee . anpdo ssiibnUl SyS Rt ooH-o.w evEeurr oipsqe u iatcet ive int hfiise ld. Them ostty pidcaamla gweesrn eo toendK aptfiolnm Usn.ti l thaen alyosffi lsi gShTtSs-- 1S TS-o4ft hUeS s huttle, Kaptwoansc onsidaestr heed mosmta stteiarnibs alplea ce. (1u)n iuts eidns hielddeisniiggst n h eeq uivamlaesonsfAt l pecrm 2; o bvioaulstllh myea terwiiactlhhs se a teilsml aidtee ofa,s w elalst hgeo odlso adoenbd o arpda rtictiotp haet e (1M)a nyo thperro perotfti heKesa ptwoenr dee graded shielding. (colaobrs,o rptgarnaociften h, se u rf.a).c..e 5

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