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Automated Software Testing in an Embedded Real-Time System Johan Andersson and Katrin ... PDF

209 Pages·2007·1.54 MB·English
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Final Thesis Automated Software Testing in an Embedded Real-Time System by Johan Andersson and Katrin Andersson LITH-IDA-EX--07/046--SE 2007-08-17 Linköping University Department of Computer and Information Science Final Thesis Automated Software Testing in an Embedded Real-Time System by Johan Andersson and Katrin Andersson LITH-IDA-EX--07/046--SE 2007-08-17 Supervisor:Mariam Kamkar, Linköping University Guido Reinartzt, IVU Traffic Technologies AG Examiner: Mariam Kamkar, Linköping University Datum Avdelning, Institution Date Division, department Institutionen för datavetenskap Department of Computer and 2007-08-16 Information Science Linköpings universitet Språk Rapporttyp ISBN Language Report category Svenska/Swedish Licentiatavhandling ISRN LITH-IDA- EX--07/046--SE X Engelska/English X Examensarbete C-uppsats ISSN Serietitel och serienummer D-uppsats Title of series, numbering Övrig rapport URL för elektronisk version http://www.ep.liu.se/ Titel Title Automated Software Testing in an Embedded Real-Time System Författare Author Johan Andersson Katrin Andersson Sammanfattning Abstract Today, automated software testing has been implemented successfully in many systems, howev- er there does still exist relatively unexplored areas as how automated testing can be implemented in a real-time embedded system. This problem has been the foundation for the work in this master thesis, to investigate the possibility to implement an automated software testing process for the testing of an embedded real-time system at IVU Traffic Technologies AG in Aachen, Germany. The system that has been the test object is the on board system i.box. This report contains the result of a literature study in order to present the foundation behind the solution to the problem of the thesis. Questions answered in the study are: when to automate, how to automate and which traps should one avoid when implementing an automated software testing process in an embedded system. The process of automating the manual process has contained steps as constructing test cases for automated testing, analysing whether an existing tool should be used or a unique test system needs to be developed. The analysis, based on the requirements on the test system, the literature study and an investigation of available test tools, lead to the development of a new test tool. Due to limited devlopement time and characterstics of the i.box, the new tool was built based on post execution evaluation. The tool was therefore divided into two parts, a part that executed the test and a part that evaluated the result.. By implementing an automated test tool it has been proved that it is possible to automate the test process at system test level in the i.box. Nyckelord Keywords Automated software testing, embedded systems, software test procedure, software testing, on board integrated system. A BSTRACT Today, automated software testing has been implemented success- fully in many systems, however there does still exist relatively unex- plored areas as how automated testing can be implemented in a real- time embedded system. This problem has been the foundation for the work in this master thesis, to investigate the possibility to implement an automated software testing process for the testing of an embedded real-time system at IVU Traffic Technologies AG in Aachen, Ger- many. The system that has been the test object is the on board system i.box. This report contains the result of a literature study in order to present the foundation behind the solution to the problem of the the- sis. Questions answered in the study are: when to automate, how to automate and which traps should one avoid when implementing an automated software testing process in an embedded system. The process of automating the manual process has contained steps as constructing test cases for automated testing, analysing whether an existing tool should be used or a unique test system needs to be developed. The analysis, based on the requirements on the test sys- tem, the literature study and an investigation of available test tools, lead to the development of a new test tool. Due to limited devlope- ment time and characterstics of the i.box, the new tool was built based on post execution evaluation. The tool was therefore divided into two parts, a part that executed the test and a part that evaluated the result.. By implementing an automated test tool it has been proved that it is possible to automate the test process at system test level in the i.box. A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many people have helped us making this report to what is has be- come. It has been a real pleasure to have gotten the splendid oppor- tunity to carry out our master thesis at IVU Traffic Technologies AG in Aachen, Germany, and at the same time been able to put ourselves right into the adventure it was coming like aliens to another country. We particularly want to direct our thanks to Dik Lokhorst for having the confidence in us carrying out this interesting project, to Guido Reinartz and Dieter Becker for guiding us through the maze of im- plementing a new testing process, to Wolfgang Carius not only for always helping us when we bothered him with our troublesome re- quests, but also for always doing so with a smile, to Peter Börger for always being able to spare some time and his willingness of using his impressive programming skills to help us solve problems, to Andrea Heistermann for her interest in our work, to Oliver Lamm for intro- ducing us to the world of public transport software, to Andreas Küp- per for friendly conversations that made us feel like home. We would also like to thank our college Matthieu Lux for pleasant collaboration and for many exciting discussions during the lunches, our examiner Mariam Kamkar for giving us support and guidance, and our oppo- nents Martin Pedersen and Johan Millving. Please accept our apologies if we have not included anyone in this acknowledgement that we should have. Hurghada, Egypt, July 2007

Automated software testing, embedded systems, software test procedure, software testing, on plementing a new testing process, to Wolfgang Carius not only for could be running IIS, Apache and WebLogic (3 choices) and Win-.
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