AUTOIONIZATION Recent Developments and Applications PHYSICS OF ATOMS AND MOLECULES Series Editors P. G. Burke, The Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland H. K1einpoppen, Atomic Physics Laboratory, University of Stirling, Scotland Editorial Advisory Board R. B. Bernstein (New York, U.S.A.) C. J. Joachain (Brussels, Belgium) J. C. Cohen-Tannoudji (Paris, France) W. E. Lamb, Jr. (Tucson, U.S.A.) B. W. Crompton (Canberra, Australia) P.-O. LOwdin (Gainesville, U.S.A.) J. N. Dodd (Dunedin, New Zealand) H. O. Lutz (Bielefeld, Germany) G. F. Drukarev (Leningrad, U.S.S.R.) M. R. C. McDowell (London, U.K.) W. Hanle (Giessen, Germany) K. Takayanag! (Tokyo, Japan) ATOM-MOLECULE COLLISION THEORY: A Guide for the Experimentalist Edited by Richard B. Bernstein ATOMIC INNER-SHELL PHYSICS Edited by Bernd Crasemann ATOMS IN ASTROPHYSICS Edited by P. G. Burke, W. B. Eissner, D. G. Hummer, and I. C. Percival AUTOIONIZATION: Recent Developments and Applications Edited by Aaron Temkin COHERENCE AND CORRELATION IN ATOMIC COLLISIONS Edited b~ H. K1einpoppen and J. F. Williams DENSITY MATRIX THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Karl Blum ELECTRON AND PHOTON INTERACTIONS WITH ATOMS Edited by H. K1einpoppen and M. R. C. McDowell ELECTRON-ATOM AND ELECTRON-MOLECULE COLLISIONS Edited by Juergen Hinze ELECTRON-MOLECULE COLLISIONS Edited by Isao Shimamura and Kazuo Takayanagi INNER-SHELL AND X-RAY PHYSICS OF ATOMS AND SOLIDS Edited by Derek J. Fabian, Hans K1einpoppen, and Lewis M. Watson INTRODUCTION TO THE THEORY OF LASER-ATOM INTERACTIONS Marvin H. Mittleman ISOTOPE SHIFTS IN ATOMIC SPECTRA W. H. King PROGRESS IN ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, Parts A, B, and C Edited by W. Hanle, H. K1einpoppen, and H. J. Beyer VARIATIONAL METHODS IN ELECTRON-ATOM SCATTERING THEORY R. K. Nesbet A Continuation Order Plan is available for this series. A continuation order will bring delivery of each new volume immediately upon publication. Volumes are billed only upon actual shipment. For .further information please contact the publisher. AUTOIONIZATION Recent Developments and Applications Edited by Aaron Temkin Laboratory for Astronomy and Solar Physics National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland PLENUM PRESS • NEW YORK AND LONDON Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Autoionization: recent developments and applications. (Physics of atoms and molecules) Includes bibliographies and index. 1. Auger effect. I. Temkin, Aaron. II. Series. QC793.5.E627A96 1985 539.7'2112 85-6334 ISBN- 13: 978-1-4684-4879-5 e-ISBN- 13: 978-1-4684-4877-1 DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4684-4877-1 © 1985 Plenum Press, New York Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1985 A Division of Plenum Publishing Corporation 233 Spring Street, New York, N.Y. 10013 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher CONTRIBUTORS A. K. BHATIA Atomic Physics Office Laboratory for Astrophysical and Solar Physics Goddard Space Flight Center National Aeronautics and Space Administration Greenbelt. M D KWONG T. CHUNG Department of Physics North Carolina State University Raleigh. NC BRIAN F. DAVIS Department of Physics North Carolina State University Raleigh. NC GEORGE A. DoSCHEK Eo 00 Hurlburt Center for Space Research Naval Research Laboratory Washington. DoC. B. R. JUNKER Office of Naval Research Arlington. VA C. WILLIAM MCCURDY Department of Chemistry Ohio State University Columbus. OH A. TEMKIN Atomic Physics Office Laboratory for Astronomy and Solar Physics Goddard Space Flight Center National Aeronautics and Space Administration Greenbelt. MD v PREFACE About five years ago, Professor P. G. Burke asked me to edit a sequel to an earlier book-Autoionization: Theoretical, Astrophysical, and Laboratory Experimental Aspects, edited by A. Temkin, Mono Book Corp., Baltimore, 1966. Because so much time had gone by and so much work had been done, the prospect of updating the 1966 volume seemed out of the question. In 1965 the phenomenon of autoionization, although long known, was just starting to emerge from a comparatively intuitive stage of understanding. Three major developments characterized that development: In solar (astro-)physics, Alan Burgess (1960) had provided the resolution of the discrepancy of the temperature of the solar corona as observed versus that deduced from ionization balance calculations, by including the process of dielectronic recombination in the calculation; Madden and Codling (1963) had just performed their classic experiment revealing spectroscopically sharp lines in the midst of the photoionization continuum of the noble gases; and Feshbach (1962) had developed a theory with the explicit introduction of projection operators, which for the first time put the calculation of auto- ionization states on a firm theoretical footing. There were important additional contributions made at that time as well; nevertheless, without going into further detail, we were able to include in our 1966 volume, in spite of its modest size, a not too incomplete survey of the important developments at that time. To do the equivalent now would be virtually impossible. In considering the alternatives, I felt that laboratory experimental developments in particular have far outstripped what can reasonably be included in the confines of a single book. Therefore, I have omitted them completely. The situation with regard to solar and astrophysical applications at first seemed also too vast for inclusion. However, the unlikely has become fact by virtue of a magnificent effort by Dr. George Doschek. His chapter, "Diagnostics of Solar and Astrophysical Plasmas Dependent on Autoionization Phenomena," is, in my opinion, a masterful exposition and summary of diagnostic analysis and applications of autoionization in almost the entire realm of space physics. It is necessarily a large part of this book. I hope the reader will find it enlightening and useful. It will surely have a vital place in the space physics literature. The remaining chapters I have chosen to include are devoted to theory and calculation. Even here a severe limitation was required, but in the belief that good theory allows good calculations, and the value of calculations cannot exceed the quality of their theoretical underpinnings, we could be selective. vii Vlll PREFACE In the category oftheory-calculation we could certainly have included an overview of methods and programs, developing mainly from the close- coupling formalism, that dealt directly with electron scattering including resonances. Fortunately, there have been a number of recent reviews, so we have not felt it mandatory to include such a review here. Too recent to be included here and in a somewhat different category are successful develop- ments, primarily calculational in nature, including resonances in many-body diagrammatic and random phase approximation (RPA) techniques. In contrast, there has been very little written of a review nature on the calculation of electron-atom (atomic ion) resonances within the context of the Feshbach theory. Since that theory has long provided the theoretical basis for much of the work of the Goddard group, I believe the present volume is a very appropriate place to present such a review. In our first article, Dr. Bhatia and I have attempted to review, from a more pedagogical point of view rather than from one of completeness, our work on two-electron systems (one-electron targets) for which theory allows explicit and rigorous projection operators to be given. We have included, however, a more detailed exposition of a recent calculation ofthe line-shape parameter, because that requires a rather different approach to a part of the Feshbach theory known as the nonresonant continuum. I believe the idea of a more generally defined nonresonant continuum may be of value in other contexts as well. In a second article, Dr. Bhatia and I have undertaken the process of implementing the Feshbach approach to more than two-electron systems. As a prerequisite for actually doing calculations, we have found it necessary to precisely define the projection operators (P and Q) in complete and explicit terms. We have chosen to include a part of that analysis here because it also serves the pedagogical aims we have also attempted to fulfill. In the second part ofthat chapter we have discussed approximations ofthese operators that we have called quasi-projection operators (I' and ~). Historically our introduction of these quasi-projection operators preceded our recent develop- ment of the projection operators themselves. Notwithstanding, quasi- projections allow for meaningful calculations to be done, and we have briefly reviewed some of them. The fact that one can calculate with projectors without them being idempotent (the latter property usually being implicit in the definition of the name "projection operator") is not confined to the specific quasi-projection operators we have introduced. In the third chapter of this book Drs. K. T. Chung and Brian K. Davis describe a hole-projection formalism wherein electrons in inner orbitals are projected out of an otherwise general ansatz for the wave function of the total system by a projection-type operator, which can certainly be considered in the category of quasi projectors. Their theory relies on a mini-max theorem which (although rigorously proved only in a one- PREFACE IX electron context) states that the physically meaningful state is realized when the energy is minimized with respect to the parameters of the complete wave function, but at the same time the energy is maximized with respect to the parameters describing the excluded orbitals (the holes). It is clear that the formalism should be particularly effective in calculating inner-shell vacancies of many-electron systems; however, even for 3-electron systems, to which the calculations have thus far been confined, as the article will show, the results are very impressive. In their summation the authors refer to a recent paper wherein they have combined their hole-projection method with elements of complex rotation to calculate widths. I expect that augmentation to become an important addition to the methodology. Complex rotation is the subject of the last set of articles in this volume. The basic idea can be expressed in many ways, but for the purposes of this Preface one way is to notice that a stationary (i.e., bound)-state wave function has the time dependence exp ( - iEt/h), where E is a real number. Therefore, if a state is decaying, it should be describable by a complex time dependence W = E - ir/2; then its imaginary part will automatically describe the decay width (the inverse of the decay time) of the resonance. From the calculational point of view this has the implication that certain states, which are not quadratically integrable on the real axis, do become integrable off the real axis. This (measure zero) set of discrete states are uncovered-according to a basic theorem of Balslev and Combes-if the electronic coordinates are rotated in the complex plane beyond a minimum amount which, not surprisingly, is related to the width of the resonance. From the calculational point of view, however, this is a most important fact, because it removes boundary conditions from the problem. Thus, it implies that one can, in principle, calculate a many-electron resonant state without knowing the wave function of the target system. This, in turn (and again, in principle), overcomes a major shortcoming of the projection-operator approach, wherein although the eigenfunctions of QHQ are discrete and exist on the real axis, the projection operator Q does depend on the eigenfunctions of the target system and therefore must be approximated for more than one-electron target systems. In addition, both shape and Feshbach resonances can emerge from the complex rotation approach. Briefly stated, Dr. B. R. Junker concentrates on applications to atoms and ions, whereas Dr. C. M. McCurdy deals with molecular systems; both authors have made a concerted effort to coordinate their respective treat- ments. An important element of the approach of these two articles is the idea that it is preferable to retain the Hamiltonian in its real form and put the complex nature of the calculation completely in the ansatz for the wave function. How best to do this is not yet completely settled, but I believe these treatments go a long way in elucidating the technique. For simpler systems x PREFACE (e.g., He -) the results are probably the most reliably accurate of any thus far obtained. We are pleased to have these two contributions from two expert practitioners whose interests are calculational as well as theoretical. I would like to thank all the authors for their contributions, and Professors P. G. Burke and H. Kleinpoppen for their encouragement. I am as usual indebted to Dr. A. K. Bhatia, in this case for his additional help in preparing the index. Silver Spring. Maryland AARON TEMKIN