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AutismOne 2008 – part 2 of 3 - Dr Amy Yasko PDF

91 Pages·2009·19.24 MB·English
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Preview AutismOne 2008 – part 2 of 3 - Dr Amy Yasko

An Individualized Approach to Autism • Adaptability of the program for integration into other autism programs that individuals may already be using. Two in depth case studies to illustrate the practical dynamics of following the Yasko protocol •• The second hour will be devoted to looking at several of the pieces of the puzzle of autism, again with an eye toward dovetailing this program with other existing therapies. • The third hour of the symposium will focus on the nutrigenomic aspects of the Yasko program with specific examples of the use of biochemical feedback to monitor progress based on a program of supplementation designed around nutrigenomic testing. • The remaining time will be allocated for questions and answers. Some of the Predisposing Factors That Increase Susceptibility to Autism • Increased Glutamate Receptors ((ttoottaall ““EExxcciittoottooxxiinn”” lleevveell)) • Methylation Cycle Mutations/Metal Burden • Chronic Bacterial Infection/Metal Burden • Chronic Viral Infection/Metal Burden Predisposing Factors That Increase Susceptibility to Autism • Increased Glutamate Receptors (total “Excitotoxin” level) • Methylation Cycle Mutations/Metal Burden • Chronic Bacterial Infection/Metal Burden • Chronic Viral Infection/Metal Burden STEP ONE What we call “Step One” in the program is basically balancing glutamate and gaba along with general organ support. I have picked some examples of those who posted on the discussion group (www.ch3nutrigenomics.com) with very positive changes just from Step 1. TThhee ppuurrppoossee ooff ppoossiittiivvee ffeeeeddbbaacckk iiss ttoo hheellpp ttoo ssuuppppoorrtt each other on the site not for promoting the program so I will only show you posts where we have received express permission to share the content, we will not use any names, but I did want to give examples of those children that were able to benefit simply from Step One support to illustrate the utility of Step One for integration into other programs. Step One Support 7 year old female Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:35 pm Post subject: Toilet Paper Bandit Started 01/07 My 6yo autistic daughter has been on the ammonia and gaba/glutamate In this short time, she has made protocol since early February. steady improvement in language and cognition. Within a week, she verbally requesting to "go potty”. started Now, in the past week, she she took pottying a step further. Rather than asking me for help, goes by herself. I have not witnessed this, but being part mom and part detective, I draw my conclusions from the evidence in the bathroom and other parts of the house. Today she used an entire roll of toilet paper and put it all in the toilet. It was a terrible mess and I could not be happier!!! Not she is wiping and flushing too! only is she going independently, Hopefully hand-washing is next. The information I have found on this message board has been extremely helpful! Thanks to Dr. Yasko and everyone who shares their knowledge!! XOXOXO’s mom, My daughter has made many gains since starting Step 1. The very happy little girl best part is watching her transform into a who, only recently, discovered the joys of being a "Daddy's Girl." (increased comprehension, There are many other positives potty training, more language). In fact, there are too many to mention. So... since a picture's worth a thousand words, I would like to share some with you. MMaannyy tthhaannkkss ttoo DDrr.. YYaasskkoo aanndd aallll tthhee ppaarreennttss wwhhoo sshhaarree tthheeiirr knowledge. We would have never tried this protocol without all the feedback offered in this forum. With much appreciation, Started 01/07. Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 6:55 pm Post subject: good progress in 5 months Step One Support 11 year old male

min or your own without moving to hid it or fad it or fix it. Excerpts from “The Invitation”, by Oriah Mountain. Dreamer. It doesn't interest me what you do for a living.
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