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Preview Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms

Army Regulation 310–50 Military Publications Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 15 November 1985 Unclassified USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:23:12 PN 1 FILE: r130.fil SUMMARY of CHANGE AR 310–50 Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms This revision-- o Contains new and revised abbreviations, brevity codes , and acronyms. o Incorporates chapter 4, sections I and II of the previous regulation into chapters 2 and 3. o Redesignates chapter 5 of the previous regulation as chapter 4. USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:23:13 PN 2 FILE: r130.fil Headquarters Army Regulation 310–50 Department of the Army Washington, DC 15 November 1985 Effective 15 November 1985 Military Publications Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms has been made to highlight changes from the a p p r o v a l f r o m H Q D A ( D A A G – A M S – P ) , earlier regulation dated 15February 1984. ALEX, VA 22331–0301. Summary. This regulation governs Depart- Interim changes. Interim changes to this m e n t o f t h e A r m y a b b r e v i a t i o n s , b r e v i t y regulation are not official unless they are au- codes, and acronyms. thenticated by The Adjutant General. Users Applicability. This regulation applies to el- will destroy interim changes on their expira- ements of the Active Army, Army National tion dates unless sooner superseded or re- Guard, and U.S. Army Reserve who manage, scinded. prepare, and distribute Army correspondence. P r o p o n e n t a n d e x c e p t i o n a u t h o r i t y . S u g g e s t e d I m p r o v e m e n t s . T h e p r o p o - Not applicable. nent of this regulation is The Adjutant Gener- Impact on New Manning System. This al’s Office. Abbreviations, brevity codes, and regulation does not contains information that acronyms which are considered to have an affects the New Manning System. Army–wide impact will be submitted on DA A r m y m a n a g e m e n t c o n t r o l p r o c e s s . Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publi- This regulation is not subject to the require- cations and Blank Forms), with justification, History. This UPDATE printing publishes a ments of AR 11–2. It does not contain inter- t o H Q D A ( D A A G – A M S – P ) , A L E X V A r e v i s i o n w h i c h i s e f f e c t i v e 1 5 N o v e m b e r nal control provisions. 22331–0301. 1 9 8 5 . B e c a u s e t h e s t r u c t u r e o f t h e e n t i r e Supplementation. Supplementation of this revised text has been reorganized, no attempt D i s t r i b u t i o n . A c t i v e A r m y , B , C , D ; regulation and establishment of forms other ARNG, B: USAR, B. than DA forms are prohibited without prior Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number) “O” listings • 2–15, page 80 “P” listings • 2–16, page 83 Chapter 1 “Q” listings • 2–17, page 91 General, page 1 “R” listings • 2–18, page 92 Purpose • 1–1, page 1 “S” listings • 2–19, page 98 References • 1–2, page 1 “T” listings • 2–20, page 109 Explanation of terms • 1–3, page 1 “U” listings • 2–21, page 116 Responsibilities. • 1–4, page 1 “V” listings • 2–22, page 126 Policy • 1–5, page 1 “W” listings • 2–23, page 128 General instructions when originating and using abbreviations, “X” listings • 2–24, page 129 brevity codes, and acronyms • 1–6, page 2 “Y” listings • 2–25, page 130 “Z” listings • 2–26, page 130 Chapter 2 Alphabetical Listing of Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Chapter 3 Codes, and Acronyms, page 2 Alphabetical Explanation of Authorized Abbreviations, “A” Listings • 2–1, page 3 Brevity Codes, and Acronyms, page 130 “B” listings • 2–2, page 19 “A” listings Abbreviated Performance Characteristics (APC) • 3–1, ’C’ listings • 2–3, page 22 page 130 “D” Listings • 2–4, page 33 “B” listings • 3–2, page 140 “E” listings • 2–5, page 41 “C” listings • 3–3, page 142 “F” listings • 2–6, page 45 “D” listings • 3–4, page 150 “G” listings • 2–7, page 50 “E” listings • 3–5, page 155 “H” listings • 2–8, page 53 “F” listings • 3–6, page 158 “I” listings • 2–9, page 55 “G” listings • 3–7, page 161 “J” listings • 2–10, page 59 “H” listings • 3–8, page 163 “K” listings • 2–11, page 61 “I” listings • 3–9, page 164 “L” listings • 2–12, page 62 “J” listings • 3–10, page 166 “M” listings • 2–13, page 66 “K” listings • 3–11, page 168 “N” listings • 2–14, page 75 “L” listings • 3–12, page 168 “M” listings • 3–13, page 170 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 i Unclassified USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.52 05-20-98 13:18:37 PN 137 FILE: r130.fil Contents—Continued “N” listings • 3–14, page 176 “O” listings • 3–15, page 179 “P” listings • 3–16, page 181 “Q” listings • 3–17, page 186 “R” listings • 3–18, page 187 “S” listings • 3–19, page 191 “T” listings • 3–20, page 198 “U” listings • 3–21, page 202 “V” listings • 3–22, page 210 “W” listings • 3–23, page 211 “Y” listings • 3–24, page 212 “Z” listings • 3–25, page 212 Chapter 4 Other Abbreviations, page 213 National distinguishing letters for use by NATO Armed Forces • 4–1, page 213 Quadripartite Standardization Agreement (QSTAG) Abbreviations • 4–2, page 213 Appendix A, page 214 USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.52 ii AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-20-98 11:24:51 PN 138 FILE: r130.fil Chapter 1 1–5. Policy General a. Abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms in this regulation may be used when preparing military records, publications, corre- 1–1. Purpose spondence, messages, operation plans, orders, and reports within This regulation— DA, except as qualified in h below. a. Authorizes standardized abbreviations, brevity codes, and acro- b. Abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms that conflict with nyms to be used throughout the Department of the Army. this regulation will not be used in official correspondence or Army b. Prescribes procedures for the use of abbreviations, brevity publications. codes, and acronyms within the Department of the Army. c. Do not use an abbreviation, brevity code, or acronym unless— c. Governs the use of abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms (1) Usage saves time. in correspondence with other Department of Defense (DOD) Serv- (2) The lack of space in a table or form makes it necessary. ices, Armies of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and (3) It is readily understood and can be identified by the recipient. Australia. d. Except as indicated below, abbreviations, brevity codes, and d. Lists national distinguishing letters reserved for identifying acronyms used in correspondence with the other DOD Services, NATO Armed Forces. A r m i e s o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , U n i t e d K i n g d o m , C a n a d a , a n d Australia–will be spelled out the first time used, followed by the 1–2. References abbreviation, brevity code, or acronym in parentheses. a. Related publications are listed in appendix A. (1) Customary or assigned short titles of official publications. b. In addition to those listed in chapters 2 and 3, abbreviations in (2) Abbreviations for points of the compass. the following publications are authorized for Army use: (3) Model designations and symbols assigned to aircraft, missiles, (1) FM 21–30. This FM authorizes abbreviations used in opera- vessels, and vehicles. tional plans and orders to form military symbols. This includes (4) Abbreviations for titles, ranks, and grades. reports, records, overlays, and charts. (5) Standard abbreviations for geographical locations. (2) FM 21–31. This FM authorizes abbreviations used in maps, (6) Standard dictionary abbreviations. overlays, and related activities to form topographic symbols. ( 7 ) A b b r e v i a t i o n s f o r t y p e s o f w e a t h e r p h e n o m e n a u s e d b y ( 3 ) D O D – S T D – 1 2 D . T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n s u p e r s e d e s aerologists and meteorologists. MIL–STD–12C. (8) Flight plan abbreviations set by the Federal Aviation Admin- (4) MIL–STD–129F. This publication contains markings for ship- istration or the International Civil Aviation Organization. ment and storage. (9) Abbreviations used by specialists and technicians when com- (5) SB 708–6C. This supply bulletin lists abbreviations and sym- municating with colleagues only. bols approved for— e. Under the terms of Standardization Agreement (STANAG) (a) Preparing some Federal Catalog System item identifications. 2066 (AR 340–10), abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms nor- (b) Listing Federal Catalog data in supply manuals and the parts m a l l y a r e n o t u s e d i n m i l i t a r y c o r r e s p o n d e n c e b e t w e e n A l l i e d lists appendixes of technical manuals. Forces. When used, they will be spelled out and followed by the (6) AR 105–32. This regulation lists authorized addresses for authorized abbreviation, brevity code, or acronym in parentheses. electrically transmitted messages. Commonly used international metric terms are authorized. (7) AR 680–29. This regulation contains the two–letter abbrevia- f . A s g o v e r n e d b y Q u a d r i p a r t i t e S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n A g r e e m e n t tion for Army branch designations. (QSTAG) 163, the following abbreviations may be used in military communications among United States, United Kingdom, Canadian, 1–3. Explanation of terms and Australia Armies: a. Abbreviation. An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word. (1) Those printed in italics in chapters 2 and 3, and those listed For example, appt—appoint, asgd—assigned, or PA—Pennsylvania. in chapter 4. b. Brevity Code. A brevity code is the shortened form of a frequ- (2) Those common to technical areas are used among similar ently used unclassified phrase, sentence, or group of sentences. For offices. example, COMSEC means communications security, SQT means skill qualification test, and MOS means military occupational spe- g. The short form for abbreviating the grade of rank titles of cialty. When originating brevity codes— colonel and below may be used when abbreviation is desire for official correspondence, literature, personal correspondence. auto- (1) Use letters that convey the meaning of the language they matic data processing (ADP) applications, and the areas where space represent. is limited. The full grade of rank title will be used when correspond- (2) Do not represent the same word with more than one brevity ing with the general public and non–DOD agencies. The full general code. officer title will be used on official correspondence. The short form (3) The first letter of the brevity code and the first letter of the of abbreviating general officer grade of rank (LTG, MG, BG), may phrase should be the same. be used on informal correspondence and personal correspondence as c. Acronyms. An acronym is a word formed from the initial desired. Short form abbreviations for military grade of rank are letters of a name or parts of a series of words. For example, TAFFS shown in chapters 2 and 3. means The Army Functional File System, MARKS means Modern h. Abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms not contained in A r m y R e c o r d – K e e p i n g S y s t e m , a n d A S A P m e a n s a s s o o n a s t h i s r e g u l a t i o n m a y b e u s e d w i t h i n D A u n d e r t h e f o l l o w i n g possible. conditions: 1–4. Responsibilities. ( 1 ) W h e n n e e d e d t o m e e t e l e c t r i c a c c o u n t i n g m a c h i n e Heads of HQDA agencies and major Army commands will submit requirements. to HQDA(DAAG–AMS–P), ALEX VA 22331–0301, recommended (2) When published as part of a DOD or DA standard data changes, corrections, additions, and deletions to AR 310–50 on DA element. Questions on the suitability of abbreviations in the standard Form 2028 (Recommended Changes To Publications and Blank data elements are resolved by the Commander, U.S. Army Informa- Forms). Required documentation will include— tion Systems Software Support Command, ATTN ASB–TE, Fort a. A reference as to where and how the term is used. Belvoir, VA 22060–5456. b. An explanation of the term if it is not defined in AR 310–25. (3) In correspondence between office and activities in the same c. The extent of usage within DA. scientific or technical field where specialized abbreviations have d. Justification. been developed. (4) To process supply requisitions as prescribed in DA directives. USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 1 05-21-98 07:23:19 PN 3 FILE: r130.fil (5) When commonly used and listed in standard dictionaries and AACG are not in conflict with this regulation. arrival airfield control group 1–6. General instructions when originating and using AACOMS abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms Army Area Communications System To ensure uniform treatment in forming and using abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms, follow the guidance below. AACS a. Length. Airways and Air Communications Service (1) Words or phrases that contain seven letters or less should be avoided. AAD admission and disposition; Army air defense (2) Limit the length of an abbreviation, brevity code, or acronym to avoid clumsiness and confusion. AADCCS b. Existing words, abbreviations, and brevity codes. Army Air Defense Control and Coordination System ( 1 ) A v o i d a b b r e v i a t i o n s o r b r e v i t y c o d e s t h a t f o r m e x i s t i n g words. AADCOM (2) Avoid abbreviations and brevity codes identical with those Army Air Defense Command(er) authorized for other terms and phrases. They will not be authorized unless the meanings are so different that there is no possibility of AADCP confusion. Army Air Defense Command Post c. Derivation. Nouns are listed in the singular form and verbs in the present tense. Form plurals of abbreviations and brevity codes AADS by adding a lower case “s” (for example, MACOMs). antiaircraft defense system d . C o m b i n a t i o n s . A u t h o r i z e d a b b r e v i a t i o n s m a y b e c o m b i n e d if— AADV (1) The resulting abbreviation or brevity code has not already acquisition aid vehicle been assigned a different meaning. (2) The entire phrase or sentence has not been assigned a differ- AAE ent abbreviation or brevity code; for example, AG is the authorized Army Aviation Element brevity code for Adjutant General’s Corps. Abbreviations and brev- AAF ity codes designated for groups of words must not be separated and Army airfield used singularly. For example, the “A” in “AG” stands for “adjutant” in “ Adjutant General’s Corps,” but if the word “ adjutant” is AAFES abbreviated, “ adj” must be used. Army and Air Force Exchange Service e. Periods. Do not use a period after an abbreviation or a brevity code unless it ends a sentence, the absence of a period would cause AAFU confusion, or it is listed in the U.S. Government Printing Office augmented assault fire units (GPO) Style Manual with periods (for example, U.S.). f. Capitalization. List abbreviated words in lower case letters; AAH acronyms and brevity codes in capital letters. advanced attack helicopter g. Scope. Abbreviations and brevity codes recommended for in- clusion in this regulation will— AAG (1) Have Army–wide application. army artillery group (opposing forces) (2) Not be unique to a single branch, department, or technical activity. AAGE Army Advisory Group on Energy AAGR Chapter 2 air–to–air gunnery range Alphabetical Listing of Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms AAHA awaiting action higher authority 2–1. “A” Listings AAL A additional authorizations list Army (in combinations only) AALS AA Active Army Locator System arrival angle; avenue of approach; assembly area; anticraft; Active Army AAM Army aircraft maintenance: Army Achievement Medal AAA antiaircraft artillery AAM air–to–air missile AAC aerial ambulance company, Alaskan Air AAO Command; acquisi- AAMG tion advice code antiaircraft machine gun AACFT AAMS Army aircraft Army aircraft maintenance shop USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 2 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:23:24 PN 4 FILE: r130.fil A&E ABCA architect and engineer American, British, Canadian, and Australian AAO ABCMR authorized acquisition objective Army Board for Correction of Military Records AAOD ABDR Army Aviation Operating Detachment Army battle damage repair AAP ABF Affirmative Action Plan; Allied Administrative Publication; Army availability balance file ammunition plant ABL AAPM Allegheny Ballistics Laboratory Army Aviation Planning Manual ABM AAR antiballistic missile Army Area Representative ABMC AARA American Battle Monuments Commission Access and Amendment Refusal Authority abn AARDAC airborne Army air reconnaissance for damage assessment in the continental United States ABRES AASA advanced ballistic reentry systems Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army ABS AASC Army broadcasting service Army Area Signal Center AC AASE Active Component; actual cost Army Aviation Support Element ACA AASHTO airlift clearance authority A m e r i c a n A s s o c i a t i o n o f S t a t e H i g h w a y a n d T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Officials ACC air control center; area control center AASLT air assault ACCB air cavalry combat brigade AASP Army Automation Security Program ACCESS Army Commissary Computer Entry Store System AASTA United States Army Aviation Systems Test Activity ACCHAN Allied Command Channel AATCO Army Air Traffic Coordinating Office ACCLAIMS Army COMSEC Commodity, Logistical and Accounting Informa- AATRI tion Management System Army Air Traffic Regulation and Identification System ACCMB AAVN Aircraft Crewman Badge Army aviation ACCNET AAWSSC Army Command and Control Network Army Atomic Weapons Systems Safety Committee ACCOR AB air base Army COMSEC Central Office of Record ABA acct American, British, Australian; appropriation and budget activity account ABAR ACCTSTR alternate battery acquisition radar accountable strength abbr ACDA abbreviation Arms Control and Disarmament Agency USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 3 05-21-98 07:23:30 PN 5 FILE: r130.fil ACE ACOP airspace control element; Allied Command Europe; assessment of Airborne Corps Operation Plan combat effectiveness; Assistant Chief of Engineers ACOUSTINT ACEMIS acoustical intelligence Automated Communications–Electronics Management Information System ACP Air control point; airlift command post ACET automatic cancellation of extended targets ACP Allied Communication Publication ACF area confinement facility; Army Club Fund ACPD Army Control Program Directive acft aircraft ACPM Activity Career Program Manager ACG acq area coordination group acquisition; acquittal ACGP ACR Army Career Group Ammunition Condition Report; armored cavalry regiment ACIA acred Aviation Career Incentive Act of 1974 accreditation ACIIB ACRB American Civilian Internee Information Bureau Army Council of Review Boards ACIIB(Br) ACRP Branch American Civilian Internee Information Bureau Army Cost Reduction Program ACIMS ACRV Aircraft Component Intensive Management System armored command and reconnaissance vehicle ACIP ACS Aviation Career Incentive Pay Army Community Service; asset control subsystem ack ACSA acknowledge; acknowledged; acknowledgment Allied Communications Security Agency ACL ACSI allowable cargo load; authorized consumption list Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence ACLANT ACSIM–C4 Allied Command Atlantic Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Management–Command, Control, Communications, and Computers ACLDB Army Central Logistics Data Bank ACSIM Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Management ACLS automatic carrier landing system ACT air control team; armored cavalry trainer; American College Test ACLV accrued leave ACTA Advanced Combat Training Academy ACM area club management; American Campaign Medal ACTPO accountable property officer ACMS Army Command Management System; Automated Career Manage- ACV ment System air cushion vehicle ACO ACVC administrative contracting officer Army commercial vehicle code ACOA(F&A) ACW Assistant Comptroller of the Army for Finance and Accounting aircraft control and warning ACofS AD Assistant Chief of Staff active duty; air defense; Army depot USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 4 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:23:35 PN 6 FILE: r130.fil ADA ADDIC advisory area; air defense artillery Alcohol and Dependency Intervention Council ADAD ADDS air defense artillery director Automatic Data Distribution System ADAM ADE area denial artillery munition air defense emergency; Assistant Division Engineer ADAOD ADEPREP air defense artillery operations detachment Army Deployment Report–System ADAOO ADF air defense artillery operations office automatic direction finder ADAPCP ADFSC alcohol and drug abuse prevention and control program Automatic Data Field Systems Command ADAR ADG air defense area advance development group ADARS ADIE Army Defense Acquisition Regulation Supplement acquisition data input equipment ADIZ ADASP Air Defense Identification Zone air defense annual service practice adj ADatP adjutant Allied Data Processing Publication ADL ADC Area Dental Laboratory; authorized data list; automatic data link active duty commitment; Aerospace Defense Command ADM ADC admiral: atomic demolition munition aide–de–camp ADMC ADCC Air Defense Missile Command Air Defense Control Center ADMCEN ADCCCS administration center Air Defense Command, Control, and Coordination System admin ADCEO a d m i n i s t r a t e ; a d m i n i s t r a t i v e ; a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ; a d m i n i s t r a t i n g ; assistant division communications–electronics officer administrated ADCO ADMINI A i r D e f e n s e C o m m u n i c a t i o n s O f f i c e ; a l c o h o l a n d d r u g c o n t r o l office ADMINIO administrative orders ADCO A i r D e f e n s e C o m m u n i c a t i o n s O f f i c e ; a l c o h o l a n d d r u g c o n t r o l ADMS office automatic digital message switches ADCOC ADMSC area damage control center Automatic Digital Message Switching Center ADCOP ADMSG area damage control party advise by message ADCOP ADMSLBN Air Defense Command Post air defense missile battalion ADCSP ADNAC Advanced Defense Communication Satellite Program Air Defense of North American Continent add ADO addendum; additional advanced development objective ADDC ADOT Air Defense Direction Center automatic digital optical tracker USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 5 05-21-98 07:23:40 PN 7 FILE: r130.fil ADP ADUM advance development plan; automatic data processing automated data unit movement ADPC adv Automatic Data Processing Center advance; advanced ADPE ADVDISC automatic data processing equipment advance discontinuance of allotment ADPMIS ADVMOS Automatic Data Processing Management Information System advanced military occupational specialty ADPS ADVPMT automatic data processing system advance payment ADPSC ADWEPS Automatic Data Processing Service Center Air Defense Weapons Cost Effectiveness Study ADRB ADX Army Disability Review Board advanced development experimental; air defense exercise ADPSSEP AE architectural engineering Automated Data Processing System Security Enhancement Program AEA ADPSSO assignment eligibility and availability Automated Data Processing Systems Security Officer AE&S ADRB air equipment and support Army Disability Review Board AEC adrp area equipment compounds; Army Education Center; Atomic En- airdrop ergy Commission ADRRB AECC Army Disability Rating Review Board Aeromedical Evacuation Control Center adrs AECO address; addressee Aeromedical Evacuation Control Officer ADS AECP air defense sector; automated data system Army Extension Course Program ADSAF AEDS Automatic Data Systems Within the Army in the Field Atomic Energy Detection System ADSEC AEF advance section American Expeditionary Force ADSSHPDA AEL advise shipping data authorized equipment listing ADSID AELP Air Defense Systems, Integration Division Allied Electrical Publication ADSL AEOO authorized depot stockage list aeromedical evacuation operations officer ADSM AEP Air Defense Suppression Missile; Air Defense Service Medal; Auto- Allied Engineering Publication mated Data Systems Manual AER ADSS Army Emergency Relief automated data subsystem AERB ADSTADIS Army Educational Requirements Board ADT AERDL active duty for training; atomic damage template Army Electronics Research and Development Laboratory ADTF aero artillery direct fire trainer aeronautics USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 6 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:23:46 PN 8 FILE: r130.fil

Army Air Defense Control and Coordination System. AADCOM .. actual time of departure. ATEP annual training equipment pools. ATERM air terminal armored vehicle launched bridge . Crane Army Ammunition Activity. CAAP.
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