� 2oo( THE AUSTRALIAN . BULLETIN Victorian U.F.O. Research Society V.U.F.O.R.S. OFFICE BEARERS P.O. Box 1043, Moorabbin, Vic. 3189, Australia INCORPORATED 1988 PRESIDENT JUDITH MAGEE Commentasr ew elcomaed,d reesmsa itlov [email protected] VICE-PRESIDENT & TREASURER VUFORS Webp agaet h ttp://www.ozemail.eom.au/-vufors CLIVE YATES SECRETARY Print Post Approved MARCH2001 TONY COOK WfLCOMf PP338968/0023 PUBLIC RELATIONS & INVESTIGATIONS TheS ociweetlyc omreesp oorftu sn usupahle nomena. PAUL NORMAN Thesaereve a luaotnet dh eowinr m eriatnsid r fe quested MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY arkee pitnt hset riccotnefsitd ence. Contents GARY WING TheS ocieextcyh ainngfeosr mwaittsihio mni Aluasrt ralian MINUTES SECRETARY andove rseaosr ganisaastw ieolanlsss c,i enatniddsi tss·, JOAN PRICE semnia tteots h peu bilnifco rmoanlt oicoiannl t,e rasntda te PAGE ARTICLE overseadse velopmienni ttqssu artpeurbllyi ctahtei on, PHOTOGRAPHIC OFFICER "AustrUa.lFi.aBOnu. l lewthiinc'ih:s p ostteoda ll members. EDITORIAL AVIATION CONSULTA NT Alclo mmunicasthiooubnlesad d drespseterhd re e turn 2 & COORDINATOR addrsehsowsno nt hree oafrt hbiusl letin. 3 ON TilE UFO TRAIL RIC WILSON s NARCAP 8 TilE EARLY YEARS. EDITORIAL STAFF RENSE.COM UFO NEAR MISSES. ©COPYRIGHT 9 -MID AIR JUDITH MAGEE 14 UFO POTPOURRI. PAUL NORMAN PRESS CLIPS Nop arotft hpiusb licmaayt biero enp rodwuictehdto huet 16-17 TONY COOK UFO POTPOURI writctoenns oefnVt. U.F.O.R.S. 19 INTERNATIONAL REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES 20 SKYWATCH CELEBRITY ENCOUNTERS NORTH EAST JAMES OWEN 21 UFO ALL RIGHTS RfSfRVfD ON THEI NTERNET MARY-LOU OWEN 22 UFO'S GIPPSLAND WENDY WOLFE Contribpuutbiloindssohn eondte cessraerfitllhepyeco tl i· 23 VICTORIAN UFO REPORT -STHG IPPSLAND. SOUTH GIPPSLAND cyo ft hVe. U.F.O.R.S. 24 AUSTRALIAN REPORTS- STH AUSTRALIA UFOINV ESTIGATIONC ENTRE. JOHN THOMPSON 25 TASMANIAN !OCIETYNEWS -ITEMSF OR SALE. SOUTH EAST DAN HAYLOCK 31 MID-WEST YVONNE CHURCH MfMBfRSHIP RfNfWAL 32 DISCUSSIONNI GHTSAND SUBSCRIPTION RATES. SUNRA YSIA ALLAN WILSON Frodetailsmoefmyobuerr srheinper weaflte,otr hm eo nth/ WESTERN JAMES KENNEDY yearc odionntg h aed drIe asbes o fyo url atbeusltl etin. OUTER MELB. TANYA SMITH I Thiisn dictahlteae bssut l lfeotwrih ni ycohau r fei nancial we woualpdp reyocuirar teen ebywa tlh dea tseh own. AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 1 EDITORIAL March 2001 ON THE UFO TRAIL W hen I first joined this Society's followed suit by being the first to land men on the Paul Norman © 2001 Committee in 1959, there was a large moon. Since then outer space appears to have D number of dedicated UFO researchrs grabbed the imaginations of many people - films uring the 1950's and 1960's I often listened we were sitting. I have often wondered how many endeavouring to make some sense out of the subject with weird entities that may be robots controlled Radio Station WOR in New York City. of these experiences were similar. This case has which is very high on the speculation scale, unless from elsewhere, appear far too often in the films Various people were telling of their been proclaimed throughout the world as an you believe any or all of the so-called contactees. all age groups are bombarded with. experiences concerning contacts with Aliens from abduction. IT WAS NOT! other planets. I ventured to hear· and meet George Adamski, who The recently formed National Aviation Reporting The most outstanding case I have heard of came made numerous claims of contact with aliens of a Center on Anomalous Phenomena is a scientific This was a late night broadcast and the "contactees" frbm a friend and investigator in California who human kind. Whether or not one believes his story, based organisation which will no doubt, treat the ·appeared to be sincere when speaking of contacts was interviewing an experiencer claiming to be he certainly did excite interest in the subject of subject in a very serious manner and we hope that as if there were real. seeing an entity. The investigator vectored his wife UFO's .. whatever their findings may be, they will present to the position where the entity was supposedly The only rational person to them to some reputable UFO organisations for the standing, and although his At that time there were many investigators doing appear on the program was benefit of their readership. wife could see nothing, an excellent job of sorting out reports, considering retired Major Donald there was a tingling the little known then about spac· e travel and the It is interesting to note that many of the names listed Keyhoe, Director of The feeling throughout her elements "out there'. in this publication, have been associated with the National Investigations ... the saucers body, indicating that some subject for decades, and no doubt their findings Committee on Aerial sort of energy was In the early 1960's, the Russians made history by will have been thoroughly examined. We wish Phenomena, {NICAP). It present. sending Yuri Gargarin into space, then America them well with their endeavours. was amazing, the number passed over daily of people who believed the If any of our members or contactees; but then came r e c i p r o c a t i n g the evidence, revealed by organisations know of HOVERING UFO CLOSES AIRPORT IN SOUTHERN SIBERIA space probes. Nothing to similar incidents, where substantiate the claims. strange feelings like static "An airport in southern Siberia was shut down for an hour and a half Friday," January 26, 2001 "an On the contrary, just the opposite was true-such are noted, I would like to know the details. unidentified flying object (UFO) was detected hovering above the runway, the (Russian) Interfax news as Venus being too hot for the conditions the Another area for caution is believing everything agency reported." contactees were reporting. Who was lying, the that is heard or written. For example, I have used contactees or the entities who were giving the false "The crew of an Ilyushin Il-76 cargo plane refused to take off, claiming they saw a luminescent object information? in lectures and discussions, a broadcast stating that hovering above the runway of Siberia's Barnaul regional airport., local aviation company director Ivan Gordon Cooper encountered a UFO while he was Komarov was quoted as saying." Consequently, I treat with caution the stories being in orbit over Perth. I did not realize the report was told by the "abductees" of the present day. Some false until I read his new book titled - Leap of "The crew of another cargo plane refusing to use the runway" at Barnaul "for the same reason, landed of these experiences appear to be unexplainable, Faith, an Astronauts Journey into the Unknown. their jet at another airport, Komarov said." and I have interviewed a considerable number of The false report stated that a UFO, which experiencers but have never found one who felt approached Major Cooper, was also seen by the "The UFO took off and vanished from the airport 90 minutes later, according to the Interfax report." good about their experience. There appears to be two hundred people at the Muchea Tracking Barnaul is a mid-sized city in southern Siberia, located 200 kilometers (120 miles) south of Novosibirsk deception going on. I was an observer on one of Station, near Perth, Australia. It was reported twice and about 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) east of Moscow, the capital of Russia. these occasions when the experiencer described an on NBC radio network before he had been picked entity who took her into the central room of a space up by the recovery vessel. CrediUtF:O R ounduVpo lum6eN umbe6r, F ebrua8,ry 2 001 EditoJro:s epTrha inor ship [Maureen Puddy, 1972]. She was speaking http://www.ufoinfo.com/roundup just like others who were under hypnosis, however, A 1973 book Edge of Reality, claimed Gordon Cooper reported a greenish UFO with a red tail the actuality was that she never left her car in which 2 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTRALIAN UFO B�LETIN 3 National Aviation Reporting Center on during hi� last orbit. "It was caught on screens by they landed, the Air Force Pilots went into an office ground tracking stations". The report was and filled out a report, about the encounter; which becoming more colorful over the years, was documented by radar reports. There was no Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP) (Hollywoodized! ) It got so bad that there were investigation and his two pilot friends never heard deliberately falsified tapes of communication with anything more about the incident. astronauts where UFO material was simply edited It was in Europe in 1951, when Cooper had his in falsified reports and general misinformation on Dr. Richard F. Haines has updated activity of the recenuy formed National Aviation Reporting Center first UFO sighting. When the alert sounded. The the subject, Smoking gun tactics do a great on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP). squadron mates and himself dashed from the ready disservice to us all. Cooper stated "I know credible people, including Military and Airline pilots, who room and scrambled skywards in F 86's, to As a result of doing a comprehensive review of his AIRCAT pilot sightings files for the period 1950- have had legitimate sightings, but have not filed intercept the unknown. When they reached the 2000, he discovered over one hundred in which air safety appeared to be affected. He has written a reports for fear of being grouped with all the "nuts" maximum ceiling of forty five thousand feet, the detailed summary of these and other cases found in FAA, NASA-ASRS and NTSB files. objects were still above the F-86's and flying much who don't care about the truth" faster. The focus is on aviation safety in America as it relates to unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). NARCAP Gordon Cooper is not Anti UFO. In his book he does not use the older and pejorative term UFO and they take no official position on what these visual tells of much more interesting cases than the false For the next two or three days, the saucers passed and electromagnetic phenomena represent. The NARCAP mission is to provide pilots, radar operators one; two of which were witnessed by himself. A over daily. Sometimes they appeared in groups of and air traffic controllers with a highly confidential place to report their sightings. In this way NARCAP friend of Cooper's, a veteran Captain for U.S. Air four, other times as many as sixteen. They could will eventually collect reliable , scientific data that may be of interest to mainstream scientists and has had four good sightings during his career. One out maneuver and outflank the F -86's at will. They technologists and also help improve aviation safety. moved at varying speeds, sometimes slow, other right off his wing, but was warned by management, times very fast and sometimes they would come to Contact Information: Interested parties may contact NARCAP as follows: not to discuss or report UFO sightings because they a dead stop as the F86's would zoom past "were bad for business". Administrative or Related Information check www.narcap.org underneath them. He states that the military is not any more To Mail a report or request a reporting form write to: To my knowledge, the book is not yet in Australia, forthcoming. His example was, two Air Force · but it may be purchased from: test pilots, close friends, were returning from a P.O. Box 140 Boulder Creek, California, USA 95006 Conference at Write Patterson in 1958, flying T- Special Markets Department 33 jet trainer, at thirty thousand feet. They were 1-800-732-3666 (24 :< 7) contacted by Albuquerque Regional Air Traffic for Harper Collins, Publishers Inc. ww.wnarcap.org a large South Eastern section of the United States tahnedm a.s keTdh iefy t hreeyp ocroteudld ssoeme eatnh ianigrc gralifnt tiinn gfr oinn tt hoef 10 East 53 Rd. Street, New York. N.Y. 10022 EPuxbleicc AuffatiDirivsreR:ect en or:w Tieckd RoeB rec k IDrnt.e rJonahntioC narall AodvsCu aorrd! osoP,o nugal RenzoC abessi�I taly or if interested contact me at the meeting. Price sun, too far ahead to identify. Radar showed the $41.95 US Dollars postage paid. G.V .N i kolaReusvs,ia craft "going right along our airway". They ask if Technical Advi.sorJ the T-33 could get closer for a looksee, which the Dr. Richard f. Haines� ChieSfci entist PaulN orman,A ustraJia pilot did. The first thing they noticed .was that it JoelB artlett,M eteorology MarcoOr landiI,tal y Gustavo Rodriqu� ATC,C hile as not leaving a contrail. No evidence of exhaust, Capt.N eiDaln ielps.i l{orett. ) even though they looked back and saw that the T- SusanDr eiske�I S/IT Dr. Vladimir Rubtsov. Ukraine 33 was putting out a big contrail at the same Brian Leyda, Metallurgy Dr. Erling S�nd. Norway altitude. The pilots saw that the craft did not have James McCampbell, Engr. ClasS vahn,S weden wings. Then they pulled right next to it and saw James McClenahen,A T C RicardoV ilchC�o sta Rica that it was a big metallic saucer. BradleyS auerI,T Illobrandv onL udwiger,G ermany The jet and saucer stayed together for about ten Brian E.S mit� Aerodynamics V.-JB.a llesteOrl mo�S pain minutes, flying in lose formation. Then the saucer Dr. WillSymi th. Physics DominiquWee insteFirann.c e tipped up and streaked up and out of sight. When Robert Stahl Flt. Instructor 5 AUSTRALIAN UFO BUI:-LETIN 4 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN NARCAP ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE FACT SHEET AND STAFFING aboutt he National Reporting CentoernAno malous Phenomena asc ientific, The Aviation is non-profiotr ganization comprised ofan executived iviands ionaresearc hd ivisiotLI tis presensetelkyi taxng exemstatus.p t Qtiajn: Tbe NatioAnavli atRieoponr tiCnegn toenrA nomalous Phenomena was The Executi veDivision plays the following roles: caresri outda yt oda yo perations, establishedlat ei nt hey ear200 0 in response to an identified oecid fur coordinatceso mputerdatabase planning and executioinn c ooperation with the Research highq uality scientiandfic t echnologicadatal as theyare related to so-called Divisciooo�rdinat es and o support staffing conducts all ffice activities, and recoDDDeDds anomalous aerial phenomena ofvari ous kindsand U.S. aviation safety . . jointly (with the Division)new NARCAP and approves Research Technical Advisors aod As aresult ofa c omprehensivrevie ew offift y yearso fp ilotand air Research Associates. Icot oducts public relations activities, performs fund raising, traffic controllesri ghtrienpogrti snt he F. U.S.A, Dr. Richard Haines, financial and budget planning and execut io� distributes NARCAP technical reports, and aretired NASA Sr. Research Scientandist investigoatfovariorus performs otherin- house activities directly and indirectly related to achieving the -unexplained aerial phenomena, discovered adisturb ingly�� of NARCAPmis sion. · incidinevntosl ving in flighwthere the ofthe aircraft apparent proximity phenomenon impacted flighsafetyt either �ly orindirec: t1y . In so� The ExecutivDei visiomadne oft hefo llowinsecgt ions: cases c ockpit �nts wereaf fected while mother cases� �gbt is up Secretarial and Office Support,D ataH andlingand SecurityS,pec ial Programs, Webmaster,and PublicAf fairs. maneu verwser ecar ried ouitn o rdtoer a voanid apparent collision with theo ther object/phenomenon.In still othercases cockpit ��line was compromised and radio communicatiownsit hgr ound authoritieS was ofteintner rUpt ed. · The Research Divispiolanythe s followin& roles:maintain s alist ofcur rent lyqualifi ed aviastpeciioanisl tands consultantsr,e commendsand joinatplpyr o(withves the ExecuDtiivvisei neown N)AR CAPT echnical Aandd viResearcsors h Associates, Mission:N ARCAP setu pand operates anat ional-ledatav eclo llectionand reporting syshastfe omuser bya viation pr(opfiesl�sotrafitfioscnals, C?� llers,� macoinstetains st aic maottmpoter heseE hxeecnsutitivecDvehirecte no ilrci fabolreac roaryh fa fi veilad/tciiaseon nvinf-eorstrmateiilgocaa�ot tpndeioroud�vc itdse s trustwooperatorsrth)y. Ian wiltdtho l robecuogme hlackycno ewpltasede gadpea robaflboeeus ctsommerc o1rognialanizata 10anlnd privat thate ts focuseandd timerleyv ioefwunusua s l atmospheprheicno mena that meetp redefined aviaotperatiioonsn, procedurande st,ec hnologyI.wilt l guarantee complete asc rani atviatceiarroriiesana,sof uteap tproyp-edriatre eincl iatacdtent,i pervifttooidetrms e erminedse t ailwanaledhey therse sar sur eporortundedi envgeace qhntualifi es reportcoenrfi dentfioalityl logwuiindge useldi nbeyNs A SA'sA viatSafieotyn ReportingS ysteImtw. i lclo ndustatcet-o f-the-ana.Iarty sc:so fr eportede vents reporteincdi dentin o rderto discoverits cause orid entitandy p,repares summary reports. andprepare summary technicraelpo rtthast s houbel odfmt erest tot he The ResearchD ivisiomadne upo f follosewicntgi oIncnsi:d enTtec hnical is the nationsc'ise ntanidfia cv iactoimmounnity . Te� NatioTnalec hnicAadlv isorBso ard,F oreiTgnec hnicaAld visorsBo ard,and ResearcAshso ciaPtreo gram. ContIacntf ormatiIonnt:e rpeartstiede masy contNacAtR CAasP follows: l\flTOI'i 2010 UFO SympOsium FoAdrm inistrativeo rR elaIntfeodrm atcihoenc W\.kVW . narcap rr � orcal l: helTdh aet Mthel.JF beaO�ut i2f00ul H1 Ayantnt uRaelg UeFncOy Slr\'yminpoe sHiuomte lw inil Ol ber rateTsh feo srymposi attendeuems coat mmione-ttehalfe h taos oenstea-bfoliushrtedh t ahdem ciosssti oonf Executive DirectOoffirc'es. . ... Mr. Ted Roe .... (83313)8 -4783 ange County. California. onJ uly 4()-22. Symposium Chair most UFO conferences. In addition there is a significant man JanH arzan bas announced the theme o,f the event ppce break for early registration. The admission price as "2001-Joining the Cosmic Neighborhood.. for the whole conference is $89 per person prior to April ToR eportan AnomalouAserial Phnoemena call: Speakers \\ill be addressing the premise that "we are 29,2001, and S99 perpersonpriortoJuly 1, 2001. Ad Toll-frneuem be(ra viatpiroonf essioonlnayl).s: .( 8.007 )3 2-3(62664 x7) not alone'' and bow that is changing our world-view. The mission at the door will be $109 for all speakc;r presenta following are confirmed speakers for the July event: Dr.t ions. Please send your symposium registration to JohnM ackD.r R. ogeLre iDrr,E. r iDca viDsr,B. ob MUFON ORANGE COUNTY, 19744 Beach Blvd., ToMail aR eport Roerq ueaRst e portiFnogrm wri tet o: WinoodgS,,ta B notbPrao Ttt,n. F rDiaednmiSaehnlRee ,yh aanWnD ood,r B.,a Drrry.SDo twnev· epPnaM yaBb 2le64 to, H"MunLti'FHOinoNn.' ' Beach, CA 92· 648. Make checks P. Box 140 Boulder CreeCka,l i9f5.00 6 0. Greearnd JaimMea ussan. 6 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 7 f!H£ £AR£Y YEARS A selection of n;ports from various magazines publish'ed in the 1 950s and 1 960s Rense.com * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Leicester. England - November 3. 1962 LUFORO Bulletin ( London U.F.O. Research Organisation ) At 4.28 p.m. Eric Adkins. a draughtsman and engineer. was walking in a southerly Two Dramatic Mid direction towards his home in Eynes Mowsell Estate. Leicester. Ahead of him a woman and child were walking along when suddenly they stopped. looking up at the sky. Air UFO Near Mr Adkins looked up too and was surprised to see a blinding yellow light with orange centre flying overhead at a height he estimated to be 16.000 feet and at a speed of 600 m.p.h. As he watched it fly south across the clear darkening blue sky. (the sun was Misses In·1967 setting behind clouds on the south-western horizon). he could just make out an elliptical form. flat on three edges as a triangle and he estimated its size as 450 feet. From F [email protected] Now well to the south. the object flipped and drifted at right angles to its original course. 11-30-00 to Mr Adkins' left. presenting, as it did so. a side view so that a light could now be be seen on top as well as underneath. Reaching the south-east. in the direction of Oadby. it The following two encounters were excerpted from: stopped and hovered. Finally it disappeared flying north-east in the twilight at 4.44 p.m. AviatiSoanf etyi nA mericaA- PreviouNselgyl ected Washington. D.C. - June 6. 1964 Factor Panorama ( U.F.O. Phenomena Investigation Australia ) by Richard F. Haines, Chief Scientist Washington area residents report that unidentified flying objects are haunting the skies again. Mr and Mrs Nelson Rodeffer of Colesville spotted a ''very brilliant star with reddish NationAavli atiRoenp ortiCnegn teorn A nomalous 4 overtones" moving against a background of fixed stars in the northern sky last Sunday Phenomena night. The UFO. also observed by the Rodeffers guests. made a sharp left turn. then a . -NARCAP- U-turn. zig-zagged and stood still. The object rocked. moved and finally shot straight up October 15, 2000 out of sight. The maneuvres lasted for about 30 minutes, giving the Rodeffers time to call http://www.nidsci.org/arHcles/pdf/narcap.pqf relatives and friends in Rocville. who also spotted the object. The Rodeffers called the Goddard Space Centre. which confirmed that the object "could not be either satellites January, 1967 or weather balloons". Night UP SW New Mexico Bismarck, North Dakota - November 26, 19 68 Jimmie Moran, a passenger on a Lear Jet 23 en route to T!JeAPROBullebiJ (Aerial Phenomena Research Organisation) Cr: John Schuessler Las Vegas, NV from Houston, Hobby Airport, Texas At 5.40 p.m. Jack Wilhelm. Jack Reeves and John Fischer. three air traffic control was the first to sight the bright red light associated with a employees at the Bismarck. North Dakota airport tower. spotted two bright lighted objects sharply defined object ahead of them at their 10 o'clock in the northeast sky. During the five to seven minutes that the objects were in sight one position in the dark sky. He was seated on the left-hand object was headed in a northerly direction at a 45-degree elevation and the other side of the passenger cabin. Flying at FL410 to the NW travelling south at an elevation of 30 degrees. Suddenly the southbound light executed a just beyond jetway J-86 which ended at El Paso, the sudden. 1 80-degree turn. rose and joined the other object. The two hovered together for pilot, Carl M., filed for a direct flight to Winslow (AZ) just a few seconds. then flew off to the northeast and disappeared from sight within on a heading of 300 degrees. He was delivering the new aircraft to its owner .. An unnamed FO was also on board seconds. Wilhelm later said that in his opinion "there's nothing that could make a and saw the UAP which kept pace with the jet off its maneuver like the lower one did and at that rate of speed". When the objects were sighted the Bismarck tower got in touch with the Great Falls Air Force Base in Montana by telephone and found that radar at the base had registered an "erratic target'' approximately 83 nautical miles northeast of Bismarck. Robert Watts of Civil Aviation and a student. who were flying in the vicini1y of the airport at the same time. also observed the same objects. Continued 1? 18. 8 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 9 Two DramntMiicd -AiUrF O NearM isseIsn1 967 Two DramatiMci d-AiUrF O NearM isseIsn1 967 left-hand side for 29 minutes. Their airspeed was 300 having trouble ajusting (sic) each time to the panel white kts. (Mach 0.82). lights. At this close fonnation the encounter lasted 29 minutes. ... My passengers in the back were hollering at In the pilot's own words, I told Jimmie and the other me to get them away from the object... After a few passengers in the back, that maybe it was a light on a minutes the bright red light of the vehicle went out, but I weather balloon. A few minutes later my passengers could not get a good look at the vehicle, because my called me again, saying the bright red light was moving, eyes couldn't adjust to the darkness before the vehicle so I told them that the light was in a military flight turned the bright light back on. Then the vehicle slowed training block, so it might be a military plane.The light down [meaning unclear] to the point that I pulled away had a red ray below the light towards the ground and from him. about 2000 ft. below the first light, a second oval light appeared, then a third light, and then a fourth, said Capt. The passengers were overjoyed when the light went M. Each had a red ray of about 2000 ft. from one to the behind the left engine ... But that was short lived. The other. Then the lights retracted one at a time until there vehicle passed us up at a speed so that the red light was was one light shining bright red. Then it ran the lights trailing the object like a comet for as much as 150 yards. down again, but at a 40 degree angle. And then retracted irslowed down again, which allowed me to overtake the the lights the same way. Capt. M. then radioed vehicle at Winslow. We both made a left turn over Albuq�erque Center to inquire if they showed any Winslow at 41,000 feet. The UAP remained with the jet aircraft at their 9 to 10 o'clock position. They replied to beyond Flagstaff (where the aircraft was now under they did not have any transponder signal there. Los Angeles Center control which, the captain learned, also had the UAP on their radar). The captain said, My At this moment the UAP's light extinguished for 30 passengers were still hollering and in a panic for me to seconds and came back on again. Then Albuquerque get them away from the vehicle. The UAP finally Radar (AR) called me and said they had the object on accelerated to the west at a 30 degree climb angle when their radar. . 39 miles west of our aircraft and moving at . we were only fifteen minutes from landing at Las Vegas. the same heading. Next Albuquerque Radar contacted a No official inquiry was made of this high altitude Nation.al Airlines DC-8 then over Casa Grande, AZ encounter. (Pilot report fonn) heading for Houston and learned from its captain that . ..h e had been watching the light and said it did everything the Captain on the Lear Jet said it was doing. October 2 7, 1967 AR asked the DC-8 captain if he would like to make a 03001; UP NE Jacksonville UFO report, and the captain said no. AR asked the (Atlantic Ocean) captain for his name, and he told them it was none of their damn business. It was at this point that the This fascinating aerial encounter involved Charlie Little, frightfully close near miss occured. pilot of a Piper-Twin Commanche PA-30 (N7942Y). He ., was multi-engine rated and a flight instructor. Two other In the pilot's own words, AR called me to tell me the commercially rated pilots, and a passenger were also on object was closing in on me, and before they finished board. Having taken off from Opa-Locka, FL to telling me, the vehicle was so close that the blips on the Morristown, NJ, they were headed ENE at 8,000 feet radar screen became one. [The captain's sketch of his altitude in uncontrolled airspace under an IFR flight plan cockpit window outline shows the UAP filling at least 75 but were in radio contact with Jacksonville ARTCC for percent of the window's forward area!] The red light was safety reasons. Stars were visible in the darksky. so bright that when I looked up from the instrument _ Panel and would look back at the panel my eyes were Ground control helped them maintain a correct heading 1 0 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 11 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN ' Two Dramatic Mid-Air UFO Ncar Misses In 1967 • Two Dramatic Mid-Air UFO Near Misses In 1967 when their two VORs apparently displayed significantly large angular deviations toward the east. About half-way As a pilot, I did not believe in UFOs but we had just had between Jacksonville and Charleston, SC over the ocean a near mid-air collision with one! When Little told radar at least three of the occupants saw a light moving across control what had just happened he was met with ridicule. the sky and interpreted it to be a commercial flight at Later he recalled, I became very angry and threw the high altitude bound for Miami. But the light began to microphone on the floor instead of hanging it on the ., descend and approach their airplane. The pilot radioed clip ... We all knew we had just seen a UFO but we didn't radar control to inquire if any other traffic was seen in know what to say. We were afraid that if we told their vicinity (now at their one o'clock position high and anybody we would lose our pilot's licenses. This was seemingly southbound). The answer was negative. very important to us because we were all hoping to become commercial airline pilots. It could be the end of Little turned his landing and taxi lights on. He said our careers. Investigator Smith also discovered that Little (later), As the light came closer and closer, it was very was told by radar control that a United 8727 captain apparent that we were going to pass very close and that allegedly had just reported the same shaped object over the aircraft was not making any move to avoid us. He Washington (about 535 miles away)f I could not locate then asked for permission to descend immediately ... We any record of this other claimed sighting which isn't may need all the way to the deck immediately. He surprising given the continuing attitude of derision received permission to do so even though permission shown toward air crew by authorities on the ground and was not legally required. Under the circumstances, he the understandable reticence to rep011 bizarre aerial was probably trying to set an example of extra-safe sightings. ' procedures for the benefit of the other two pilots on board: Little then disengaged the autopilot, pulled the One final word is appropriate. Is it possible that throttle back and pushed the wheel forward ...t rying to Jacksonville radar was actually tracking the UAP and not avoid a head-on collision. We descended to 6,500 feet the aircraft when the several clock-wise deviating VOR but the lights came closer and closer. Then they saw not events were taking place? It isn't clear whether the one but six, huge, round, bright, white lights in a aircraft had a transponder (they were relatively (horizontal) row. A collision seemed imminent. expensive at the time) so that ground radar might have Panicking, I yelled, 'We can't get away from him!' The hnd only a weak return from the aircraft's skin paint. situation seemed hopeless; there was no way to avoid Indeed, broadband ru.dar in the 1 960s wasn't particularly him. We were all going to die because the pilot in the effective when it comes to a non-transponder equipped other craft wasn't paying attention. Little had to shield aircraft. The far larger radar skin paint return from the his eyes with his hands the lights were so intense. triangular object might have been significantly larger Suddenly, a soft green light was all over our cockpit. than that of the aircraft. If true, this would explain the progressive clockwise deviation of the ground radar's At the very instant of collision, ... the craft made an track that also corresponded with the south-bound unbanked 180 degree turn, remained ahead for a few movement of the UAP before it apparently changed its seconds and then took off and disappeared like a flash heading to approach the aircraft .. (Smith, W., A huge bulb. At least two of the witnesses agreed that the huge open triangular UFO, International UFO Reporter, Pp. 4- object was a gray equilateral triangle, each side at least 6, Sept./October 1984, Center for UFO Studies, Chicago, 200 feet long and twenty feet thick. Its outer edges were Illinois). very smooth and sharply defined (with no rivets, doors, antennae, windows, etc.) while at its center there was a triangular-shaped opening or hole large enough to fly through.· It flew with one side directly forward. 12 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 13 . . Planes Paced by UFOs Over Florida From: The APRO Bulletin, November-December 1968 UFO POTPOURRI On November 27, 1968, two pilots of small planes reported having been followed by football-shaped objects for a distance of about 30 miles. One of the pilots, Robert John Schuessler, Post Office Box 369, Morrison, CO 80465-0369 Holder, said that he was not really sure what he had seen except that the objects appeared [email protected] as bright moving lights. The other pilot, L.P. Duplantis, gave the press a little more detailed description of what he had seen, which seems to indicate that he might have been ., December 2000 closer. He said the four objects were flying in an echelon about a quarter of a mile behind his plane, on was in the lead and the others sta�ked to the right. He commented Pilots See Formation Over Australia that the flight characteristics were like nothing he had ever seen, and that he watched as From: The :\PRO Bulletin, January-February 1969 one of the objects lowered three telescopic legs before it descended to a landing in a swampy area about 20 miles west of Melbourne's Cape Kennedy Regional Airport. The A detailed observation by two Australian pilots, Captain Gordon Smith and landing took place near a "restricted U.S. Air Force bombing range." Captain Walter Gardin, was made .-\ugust 22, 1968, as they were flying a Piper �aYajo between Adelaide and Perth. The observation began at 0940 G.M.T. (1740 W.S.T.). Airport Tower Personnel Observe UFO They were cruising at 8,000 feet with a true airspeed of 195 knots, tracking 270 degrees From: The APRO Bulletin. November-December 1968 Magnetic. They observed a formation of craft maintaining station with the Piper �avajo. The formation consisted ofone large ·'aircraft" in the middle, "formatted to the ri!:!ht and left and above, were 4 to 5 smaller aircraft." · - On November 26, 1968. at 5:40p.m., Jack Wilhelm, Jack Reeves and John · Fischer, three air traffic control employees at the Bismarck, North Dakota airport tow·er Captain Smith immediately radioed Kalgoorlie D.C.A. Communications Center spotted two bright lighted objects in the northeast sky. During the five to seven minutes asking for information about other flights. When they were there were no other flights in that the objects were in sights, one object was headed in a northerlv direction at a 45- the area they told Kalgoorlie of their observations. "At this time we lost communication degree elevation and the other traveling south at an elevation of 30 degrees. Suddenly the with Kalgoorlie on all frequencies;· said Captain Smith. "We were getting Kalgoorlie southbound light executed a sudden, 180-degree turn, rose and joined the other object. carrier wave with no voice propagation, only rash and static. In the next 10 minutes I The two hovered together for just a few seconds, then flew off to the northeast and transmitted about 7 times and I believe Walter did about 5 times with no results. Also disappeared from sight within seconds. \Vilhelm later said that in his opinion "there· about this time we noticed that the main ship split into two sections still maintaining the s nothing that could make a maneuver like the lower one did and at that rate of speed." same level, and the smaller aircraft then flew out left and right, but staying at the same When the objects were sighted, the Bismarck tower got in touch with the Great level, and coming back'to the main halves of the bigger ship. At this time, there appeared Falls Air Force Base in Montana by telephone and found that radar at the base had to be about 6 smaller aircraft taking turns going out and coming back and formatting on registered an "erratic target" approximately 83 nautical miles northeast of Bismarck. the two halves. Sometimes the two halves joined and split, and the whole cycle Robert Watts of Capital Aviation and a student, who were flying in the vicinity of continued for 1 0 minutes. the airport at the same time, observed the same objects. The shape of the main "ship" was described as having the ability to change "from spheroid to a slightly elongated form" although "not drastically." It remained a constant dark gray or black. The smaller "aircraft" were described as "cigar-shaped" and of ·'very Pilots Sight UFO Over Pyrenees dark color." The witnesses also stated that the small "craft" had a peculiarity ·'not From: The APRO Bulletin, September-Octobei :967 associated with normal aircraft in that they appeared to travel out and come back \\ithout actually turning like a normal airplane would have to." · A high-speed, cone-shaped UFO was sighted by the crew of a Douglas DC-6 At 0950 G.M.T., the entire formation departed ·'at a tremendous speed.'' This was aircraft enroute from Majorca, Spain to Britain on September I 0. 1967. First Officer · Patrick Hope estimated the object was 100 feet in height and about 80-feet wide at its done "as if at a single command." The time involved in disappearing was calculated at widest point. It appeared metallic and the upper part of the object was clearly outlined. about 3 to· 4 seconds, diminishing in size until they were out of sight. The pilots When first seen, the object was just a silver speck and seemed to be moving directly described the weather as fine with no haze above 5,000 feet. Coincidently, immediately across the flight path of the DC-6. It was apparently at the same altitude as the aircraft, after the departure of the UFOs, radio communication was restored in a normal manen r. which was 16,000 feet and could be seen against the Pyrenees. One of the officers, The report of this interesting obserYation concludes that the witnesses believe they Captain Fred Underhill, said that he tigured the object had traveled about 60 miles in the observed objects "with the solidity of aircraft." first minute he watched it-which would be about 3,500 miles per hour. The object slowed down and turned toward the airliner so its shape became clearer. It came within 5 miles of the plane. flying at the same speed. then disappeared belov,; the plane. 14 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 15 PRESS CUTTINGS OF INTEREST JANUARY l'OST,,THURSDAY, OCTOBER •NA11UNAL 28,1999 . Unexplained 'fireball' streaks across Maritime sky 911a ta bou9t: 3p0.ml.o ctialm e HALIFAX • Policaen de mertore porta gi antb allo fs mokaen d gency ltihnreosu ghtohueMt a r fireA. f ewm inutelsa teari,tr r af itimwese rfel ooded wicalthls l atefi cc ontrolilnMe orns ctoNn.,B ., yesterdaaftye ra large firebraelplo rttewdo plasnaews" afi re streakacerdo tshsen ights ky. ballo fs ome sloarstti nagb ou1t2 Therwee rer eporotfps ossiblsee conds." impacint sn ortheNrenw B runs Emergency cirnSe wts- Quen wickn,e atrh Qeu ebebco rdeanrd tinN,. B.w,e reb elievteobd e o n onN ovaS cotiaEas-st ern Shore. theiwra yt oa fi reth atm ayh ave "We,a tt hipso inbte,l ieivtie s beecna usebdya ni mpact. somes orotfc elestiocaclur rence," Lt.-CmdCrh.a mberlaisna id said Lieutaennt-Commandetrh erwee rer eportosf a ni mpact GlenCnh ambelraionft heHalifax in OysterP ondN,. S. searchd--arnesccueen trThee.r e An RCMP spokesperisno n weren or eporotfsm issianigr nearbMyu squodobHoairtb our Thiiss a p aintbiyna gn a boriglianda.ySl h ew asf ollowed crafth,es aid. said somethhithiten gw ateorff tot het own ofA licSep rinagtls l .OOpimn1 997.Tchrea wfta s Lt.-CmdCrh.a mberlasiania d th�ey coastal community. 20 womani nL iverpoN.oSlc.,a, lled The Canadian Press kimw estth ewne nte asItth asa b ludeo mew itahfl atb ottom with lighotnst hee dge.tIhtewn e ntb actko warPdisn Gea pT hilsa dy sawt his timetsh ayte a.rI. t w asa lssoe e1n4 y earesa rlier UFO 2 kimw esotf t het own. 10 UFO RESEARCH A.S. Ketth Douglass A quarterlyn ewsletteorf unusuarle portso n varioussu bjectsPu.b lisheda s an P.O. Box 3205 exchangwei tho thers of a liken ature. Send commenttso : GeneDu plantier, AHce Springs NT 0871 17 ShetlanSdt reetT,OR ONTO, Ontario,C anadaM 2M 1X5 Ph: (08) 8953 3023 16 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 17