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THE AUSTRALIAN Victorian U.F.O. Research Society P.O. Box 43, Moorabbin, Vic. 3189, Australia INCORPORATED 1988 DECEMBER 1994 Print Post Approved PP33896810023 Contents PAGE ARTICLE 2 EDITORIAL :3 Pro.iectP hoenix to Look for Life in Space from Australia 4 On The Trail 6 Case Briefs 1: MUFON UFO Network Explorations & Review 8 Case Briefs 2: Interviews 11 Blue Book Pearls - Greenville SC. 15 Letters - from Edward Carlos to Paul Norman 16-17 Press Cuttings 19 Contact Forum 22 RIAP Bulletin - UKRAINE Research. 23 Australian Sightings Reports 24 Tasmanian Reports for 1993 27 MUFORUM - The Wh�le Truth or Black­ holes of Disinformati6n 29 Reports from Zimbabwe 31 Society- News. AUSTIWJAN UFO BULLITIN 1 DECEMBER --1994 I RELEASE 94-U�. May 19, 1994. Contact:Matthew James 06-274-7594 W PROJECT PHOENIX TO LOOK FOR LIFE IN SPACE FROM AUSTRALIA. Australia is becomin� the centre of important work in the search for extraterrestrial intelli�ence (SET!), Whether or not we like it or are prepared for it, t.h rou�h its part'ici pat in� role in Pro.iect Phoenix. From we are findin� an ever increasin� number of people January 16, 1995 the CSIRO Parkes Radio-telescope shall scan 230 nearby Sun-like stars in a targeted search for from man�·w alks of life. experiencin� extremely signs of intelligent life. With advanced signal pro­ s tr an�e and t r a 11 rnat i c event s t'nt he i r 1 i v e s . o ms 1t v cessio� equipment supplied by the SETI Institute, stemmin� in the dark hours, which in the past some hard headed from NASA's abandoned HRMS project, scientists will use researchers would have considered to be an excursion the CSIRO's radio astronomy facilities to scan the into the dream world. But if this were so, those who southern skies for four and one-half months. have these dreams. would probably write them off as such and not suffer the traumatrc affects so commonly At a recent Planetary Society lecture during the Australian resultin� Lon� after, to the extent of completely Science Festival, Parkes director Professor Marcus Price indicated that the search would involve local staff and chan�in� their lives. continue as lon� as funds permit. He said that the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics would provide the 1 to 3 GHz lbw­ We cannot afford to ''preach"a s it apparently �oes noise receiver and antenna feed required for the project. a�ainst the grain of man:v. interestedi n the nuts-and­ A separate antenna at Mopra will provide for a signal bolts attil11rle of thoue;ht on the LIFO sub.iect.b ut as validation if a candidate event occurs. There will be a two the world is today. an:vthine;· is worth a try. week opportunity for Australian scientists to use the SET! The overses tr·end,i n almost all countries, is towards equipment for their projects. the Spirit.t1al. In the earLv days of l'FOlog�•t,h rough The SETI Institute equipment is all housed in a transportable which many of us �raduated, numerous alleged vnn and includes a spectrum analyser, interference tester, 'contactees' were told we would need to change our ways doppler shift analyser and decoding equipm�nt. It can of thinking if this beautiful Planet �.;eret o remain analyse signals d6wn to 1HZ over a 20MBz bandwidth in .real livable! time. This is rou�hly equivalent to studying five simultaneous television pictures for signs of intelligence! Unfortunately in those days, they were laughed at, When it travels to the northern hemisphere, the equipment rjdiculed and sent to a psychiatrist and man�·w ere tput will examine some 750 stars fro� USA and France. away'. It is currently not much better, but thanks to the knowlede;e of some experienced researchers and a At the lecture, Professor Price also stressed the importance serious studv of case histories, these people can now of this exciting exercise, though noting that no economic receive assistancea nd those who have contacted this cost-benefit analysis was possible to support it in monetary Society, have been counselled with some considerable terms. Private funds.have enabled the SET! Institute to save measure of success. NASA's original program from oblivion after Congressional cutbacks. Who knows; possibly Project Phoenix may answer the ultimate question of 'Are we alone'? If the answer is affirmative, then the implications are awesome, or the search must continue. Should the answer be negative, then SET! represents a challenge to the established order, with far reachin� political, social, and religious results. We welcome to VUFORS Committee, Mrs. Mary OZSPACE BOOKS! 1 .SPACE 48pp.colour, whose job it will be to counsel those who 2. SPACEPORT AUSlRALIA 122pp.B&W, genuine cases of UFO Trauma Experiences. * 3. SPACE AUS1RALIA 140pp.colom * +Audiotape, + SETioinf . VALUE $40 +SlO Express P&H. ASuatech Communications, G.P.O.B. 2086. Canberra 2601.06-241-6019. 2 AUSTRAUAN UFO BULNLETI AUSTRALIAN UFO BUWTIN 3 ON THE UFO TRAIL � ON THE UFO TRAIL continued � � I It was revealed at that time, this was the third incident within a By Paul Norman seven month period. The 1994 Symposium of the MUTUAL UFO NETWORK, be�an with a press Bob Dean, in his paper to the Symposium, gave a first hand account. conference on Friday 8th July, durin� which time America's fore­ This is how it began at 2.12 AM., February 2, 1961. most skeptic, Philip Klass, lost his cool when Robert Dean, a retired Intelligence Analyst, who had held a top secret clearance "A telephone bell breaks the silence and the noisy clacking of the keys filled the room. Almost immediately six different telephones while serving at SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, ALLIED POWERS, EUROPE; begin to ring and the half-asleep staff jumps in response. Squadron ·(SHAPE!, where he worked as a member.of the INNER COMMAND STAFF, Leader Lindsey shouts at the contrtoller "Colonel Allen! I've got told about the incidents when UFO activitv almost set off Berlin on the line; they say the Soviets have gone on a situation hostilities between NATO and WARSAW PACT �ations, nearly tri�ger­ Red Alert and are closing all the bridges and gates around the City". ing off World War 111. Master Sergeant Bridgeman, US Army loudly reports, "Sir, both RAMSTEIN and BITBURG have scrambled all their 'birds'. Seems they Klass lost control of his faculties when he called Dean a liar have picked up lots of bogies arid are trying to identify''. and Dean's w]fe Cecicia, challenged Klas� sR:ving "yon can sa�· you don't believe him, but you cannot call him a liar". The Flight Lieutenant Cunningham RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) stands challenge was more than Klass could handle, he punched her on the with phone in hand, "Colonel Allen! RHEIN is on full alert and have nose with his ball point pen. Luckily it did not punch out her scrambled their F-89s, they want t9 know who the hell is over them eye. However, this was another incident which indicates that right now" ' Philip Klass has a subconscious fear that the UFO' s are real. Within a matter of minutes it was all over. The bogies swept over I missed out on this demonstration of the skeptic's frustration, Central Europe from the east, turned north and disappeared off NATO which occured while I was attendin� the MUFON State Directors' radar somewhere over the NORWEGIAN SEA and within the NORTH ATLANTIC meeting, where I gave a report on the false statement made by ar1 TREAT ORGANIZATION'S MILITARY HEADQUARTERS which were in shambles. Australian Astronomer during a talk back program in Australia. The NATO Intelligence Agencies were to learn later that the same (See Editorial,September 1994 Edition of Australian UFO Bulletin. l shambles existed within the Soviet and Warsaw Pact Organisations. This incident that led up to the above excitement resulted in The UFO activity referred to by Dean, occurred in early 1961. the establishment of the Hot Line between the East and West nations. That period of activity is common knowledge among people who read In addition, a thorough study was established at SHAPE Headquarters. ' ' their newspapers at that time. In fact, the series of incidents According to Bob Dean, a study was directed by Air Marshall Sir Thomas was the cause of the hot line being set up between NATO and Warsaw Pike. Both Pike and General Lyman Lemnitzer, US Army had the Commands to advise each other that when UFO's were present, that equivalent rank of five stars. they were not first strike missiles from one side of the other. The SHAPE/NATO study was entitled THE ASSESMENT. It was finally publishe� in 1964. Only fifteen copies were ever produced. The Another and more recent period of UFO activity, demonstratin� complete package contained testimony interviews photographs and in- concern for the NATO forces, will be reviewed at the VUFORS public .depth studies by historians, theologians, atmospheric physicists, meeting on December 5th. astronomers, astro-physicists, sociolo�ists and psychologists. Robert Dean gave more details of the 1961 incidents from his paper The study was established and conducted out of frustration, because at the July lOth afternoon session of the MUFON Symposium. no information was provided either by Washington or London on the continuing problem of Unidentified Objects flying over the Soviet On February 2, 1961, at the closed door meeting at the office of the Union, Central Europe and NATO Military installations at will. Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, !SACERl Air Marshall Sir Thomas PIKE, ROYAL AIR FORCE announced, "Gentlemen, needless to say every- Washin�ton and London were purposely not providing information thing we discuss here will be considered Top Secret'', Shortly because everything e;iven to NATO went directly to Moscow via an after 2 AM. this morning, all hell broke loose, we and the Soviets enormous spy ring located in Paris. . This ring was eventually broken. almost went to war. We have learned that the massive intrusion The French Government (Charles De Gaul) withdrew France from the NATO Military Alliance and NATO moved SHAPE from ROQUENCOURT, just outside into air space was not the Soviets and an hour a�o, we were of Paris to CASTEAU near Brussels in 1967. informed by the Warsaw Pact Command, that they have concluded that the event was not caused by us". At .this point; the French copy of the Asses��ent was called back. SHAPE authorities were pretty certain that the French Military copied "Now the big question is what really happened! And what are we �oin� it because just after that, they established GEPAN under the National to do about it? Apparently the unidentifieds were lar�e circular, Gendarmerie. GEPAN was the National French UFO Research metallic, in formation, very high and very fast. All reports Ore;anisation. indicated there were 30 or 40 of them". 4 AUSTRAUAN UFO IULLmN MII'I'MUAII. UPO IULLI1'DI I· . i ) OOE BRIEFS: EXPLO/t4TIONS & REJilEW JULY I AUGUST 1994 �ONTHEUFOTRAa � About 4:00 a.m. .on the morning of remained for one hour· or ·more and a� times the September 2nd, someone shouted: ''Whoa. .. Look teardr<?P would mov� in close to the dark spot of at that!" Looking to the NNE, at 41 degrees, an Some of the Assessment conclusions will be discussed at the VUFORS orange ball was seen to be rising above the distant meetin� night 5th December. · hills. The rise was relatively rapid and already at Fig. I B'ig. 2 The paper �iven by Robert Dean is included in the Proceedings of this time it was essentially obese, but appeared to o the 1994 MUFON Symposium. be more vertically oriented - like a disc resting . ·. · " TTEhXeA SP ro78c1e5e5din-�4s 09a9r eU SaAv.a ilaUbSl.e$ 2f1r.o5m0 .M UFinOcN lu1d0e3 s OLpoDsTtOaWgNeE . ROAD, SEGUIN, btimvtoee otrteoornie bcab sasoeelr lrv yaao.pne bp gsAstreeho-rvira setca hdhnasce itin noasge rs.n a hdwnFaaegdrne aecys n hbankl oatulyhdll, ad asceswt o hewma weven ee dmo rebfead e usyso ei nt n b.sbo etetulI icatneh nwivameevddleel . .· .- ;. ·'. ..·. �.' .. .. .· ��. .·· .. . ... l· .,.· l . .. .. ·.. ::. . ... ; . . .·®� be necessary to study the liP film before we can 'be . .· :·. P��i· g.;C'. •� ·. . ' c:· . .:;) .B' i.g. ;4 certain on the details. But the orange ball . appeared larger than Venus would have been and, MUTUAL UFO NETWORK for a time, it appeared to be approaching. c:::) Needless to say, everyone was exhilarated. . CASE BRIEFS: EXPLORATIONS & �VIEW As this red-orange luminosity ascended it ( . began to take on the coloration �d appearance of . ( the stars. As it turned bright silver, or white, it ' .. · ISSUE#l Northern California .-1/fdiate July I August 1994 appeared to have a magnitude greater than that of bViennocusu.l ars,Th iti sw asis at op osianyt, sowuitrhceo uot f tchoen si8d erxa b40ly the larger luminosity. . (Figure 3) At times the larger luminosity became quite thin (Figwe 4), but greater apparent magnitude than what one would cooduc:tecWl iDclcomo DOrthem to c Calitime,.. fBtVftornia, l we. In wil anl beef fpubolishinrttog respo andnew to perinumerousodi cal torequests be known for �continued BN/1informatioa. 1bia �oo. odical� wilODSbel sekxyp einctc rfeoars ead t,y ipti caaplpe plaraneedt .t oA bse cito'sm eele svmataliolenr .i nTh thee nhoarmd bealleyn i tret a:pmpeenardoedus mly o. srheo rtlikeen ead pbyud usegy c. igMary townha t Brilpubmostthelisbcd Sanf ·.:of J �ouroaefro expcnsesptbcringm stime. usual toutily Cbc Rnandwc:ks takshoul wie is ll.p $d 1nolace 2be.rmal 00every sel fony r sixta to ppearother MUFis moaOntsues, Ntheor th C $itiIIU,1�lS6t . 00 p Brilofan lshoul thenedl• . gdPt �emaiop.ne ubBoxliralng�l ibe7fi668veshO neceuaryN o,r � LandscapI1X umcs. ��Thia bcl �e yearS d�ta pu. oresen.Ad nJUSl _Besubscritlrkepti ymmanalo �-eynae, Cal J oae�ifto �oCtiM. rmaAsr igne ntherea lh peraevseunms,p itti ownas w asal stoh aitn ascr eitas asceing nitdse dd ihstianghceer . disc,potrhesume rl.oca anptitdeo dns t iwannas tdih tneh gas kyto wn, eleike wdge ertwe. odealinO pnlaet escang wfaci ithhno agld h�c twughoe 94707-0668� . from the' obseiVers. There WaS a large metallic such plates out in front of one, and tum them transformer case at the summit and about the time about, so as to create the difef rent shapes seen on of the .ulitial appearance of tl)e orange luminosity, this early morning. What was more puzzling was CASE.2:. AND 'IliEB yWI VirRgiEl SStaf Hf, UStaMteM DEireDct!o r tIhndee epequindenJThpmree enI nto tematiofwasf t heb ulkyparty allll Pinwdce tururehe arevy p(/ reseanIFd).n setaSvtioemvreales ooofff usetwlihkhee i twires aeo ·fve . l umtiyhoe io pnb8osit eoxsefty t 40 .disk.hae p bcasepearedin (oculars,Fiprebe gtano 1.) b· tteoh ebh ecoumgig mianlo· utindgcl ymmilk. oBrey­ coparamttho enext fiocgureecindaum tivocasioenn.r tial, Thiscalw h aepreasocpearanly mo raetcasio licenokeet hd oe tahfr estimanh mo rtes,oamrp discus hitoeo wlobasgyae osi se-nolif keo enaf bSnioiggm h·te htoiimfll Se·e· j pbusteetf mo: rbeseo. ru1, t21h:0� e·11�99 ta 3.m, os:e f voenCn · ltoehfae rus l�m .ceelm.i moObreaaksdb lae, Tsowusoem lulemegrd a odahpefa hvtt heHilh eea partytril hsee parte mtwi meaduscettac wt. okhrt .Ara hpv rieto hrwe oterival onffa dtoreachine rtreth, dea ltifthog opt ughht heoeyf bcoinacnglt,in e.do\w, nedtsThis . ..o fiSQn Uris smtihlvee etim circbr ooesttlreo ,m.had milko·rri gb-ahwa tgh"mh,·i taniwelk ed-discrew qh uaalsoit e�- cv. sirceilrtvti.le ecaThr, looleyrr cridCaortnktesntrseass bAl,etan .w sdoh menoe f t thitmeh eel u mdwuionrironksgi ty to hfbe e Trgeanare lvyot orm aoJprnapeminaegrs miCnale t.talhifeo rnmcalli ooia. nly: lThighThet i,s pt ahpthea ths wur, asnroo unstt efdareipn gsoa nfludot hrwa omsfh diHminimgg,h ewarneaddy sumnCoerathrlwakct.mies t F Oanroamks,d · thisdown sou vanth· wintesatogt ett owardshpoe instle oe nptheine gcoul laketownd anloo od,kf surmilk-wunro hidinte,g· b oubt jewcetre. Iott w'grase apterer sIumnteends iatyt tthhane ti .tmhee mtraonresf odnnisteanr tcase, t hecam sineg tinog an o fe ntdh.e Wwiirtehs thnee arna kthede S2o0uu,rl fu isul ra t Bsoimartnak to eDf "rdrieovseat.di·n ".aTh thtioaetn .aj opwgpsasr oxio ff3m 9to a t00teh e'l4oca 7eas" ttiN ofnoro rtomhf omwnhoo eann -.b swoingee p Otturna hilt spolsedi n t arovionewun t. d,heIn t thtimoepre e, o fww etehre es p milreahilesdl an ouodtf btmhuaatyt othishna vfurt ecircul bheeerarn t habo odyuseghp atw,r asaitt e wi 5eb�eodyhmins tposehxet elrnarisbgalele rtt hoba odytt hiet, wepylasane, etrthe.le ax Eoebvdeje rycbtou nat epc peohnaardta eagd io" ashusi g.ah "v Ieantry hd ah tdihgh eb eemexcnaign team ituveednryet Latitude, and 122 38'41' West Longitude. There prepared to wait-out the long night. The night was larger luminosity. (Fipre 2) positive experience. At approximately 06:00 a.m., wloasad ead fuldowl. mn oo. wnit ha nedq Uiinp mspeintet, otfh ee vvieryewo naen db etihneg · Swparmirits anwder be almhighy ,� bdu tt hase vtisiheb ihliotyurs was pasglasseds-c thleearre. center oAsf t tihme elu pasminositysed, a darandk osupot to af ptpehisar deard kinen thede "wLoith oka puppr oaabcohvien gyo dua!"y bDreiarkec, tslyo moveeorn oe ursh hoeuatedds, taot expectations· ·provided an . experience that will was a sense that this might just be another center or "hole" appe�e.d. a milk-white teardrop 90 degrees elevation, could be seen hundreds. of never be _forgotten. · : · eventless night. shaped luMinosity · that� lay horizontally and at a ·bright point so· u· rces zigzagging their way across distance from the larger luminosit}'. The aperture the sky. 8 AUSTitAiiAN UFO BULLITIN AUSTIWJAN UFO 1ULUT1N 7 C4SE BRIEFS: EXPLORA710NS & REJ'1EW Most appeared to be moving . So what was it that was seen that early �. • .. 1 :· /' southwestward from the general area of the morning of September 2, 1993? What appeared as .·,, luminosity. The folk around Clearlake are familiar a star or planet to the naked eye, but filled the lwuimthi nostihtiies s apsh e"nfioremfleineso.n" Thande re idweenreti fya lsot hae 40spa bcein oocf uplearrsha?p sT ton Ohtazah orfd t hae g tuoetassl , fiiet ldis oofu trh ev i8e wx CASE ,B .. RIEFs'. : •' EXP·• LORA.' nO·,N,S' &' REn EWI '•· SEPTEMBER I OCI'OBER 1994 number of zigzagging lights flying in opposition • that we were watching a gigantic mother ship � t;o cl�ar that is, back in the direction of the great extended discharging and receiving its space shuttles. We PN: Ifi rsbtecam e interweshteeInsad w o noef t he hadb .. ·iul.ped� r�l �hetdo gewthietrh � � luminosity. When we finally began departing the have no knowledge of our proximity to this ship, unknowns . I wasin a Powers tatioinnT ennesseeO.n e· twos ilbeams�er fl yiarnogun �t haer eIath. a bde en scene . about 06:37 a.m., the "stat' was but it may have been the equivalent to hundreds of camieno vetrhpow ee rs tatiohno,v efroeardh aal f seenb y3S wiestnsesth at-wc.oknf.Wow e h aadb out bapearprionxigm oaf taeplpy roxi60 mdaetgerlye e60s deelegvreateiso nNE. an d had a meters in diameter • or perhaps even bigger. maipnpurttoheaaes,tctnpe hh sdeeape d we aodayfa sfh aseastl icojape -ttbe urit.th ad 30th�0 rmwe opourb�ltstedth. d e ra eanythinad lpg. i Whgbhcumt ott,nh nleaewy bsb o 5ru0otoa k f e lootfpe op·lwee re wattehsc kyha innwdge rree porting LS: What year was that? everythingt hesaywi nt h.ew oafyal igShoUtt. e rwee re alte 5as0�g ood sighttihnocagct$\ur edt hdaaty . MUTUAL U F 0 "N E TW 0 RK PN: 1953. ':·• .' ,: · • ''t • • ·. ' I LS: ·Were ·most of the slghtlngs within a certain · . LS: Do you have the Impression that It was just distance. · or··ra nge ·of· miles from the area where CASE BRIEFS: EXPLORATIONS & REVIEW ldoorakiinn egn ethrgye pfroowmer I ts?ta tlon over or perhaps trying to Valentlch dlsap�? .....,.-..: t ,�· · PN: They �er.areolin d th,eV icMteoJrbioau;am ned, PN: WelilIf,kn ew thewnht aI know now,I w ould J3ass �trai.t� cas,· alotnhg'ge r eOacte aRno·a dS.o me Issue#% Northern CalifornitJ AJfiliale September I Odober 1994. havgeo ndeow na ncdh ecktehdie ns trumentsI.w aosn ofth es igb.wtinegn·1s �00- 15m0·.i·. laep�a rtI.tw asa carleelav daeib orynoot gkha d enarsday o n madet tb hodtieym feI yo wmerasel at ltohce oodmm ee pre'W,�g�a�r,. .:.� :.:.·. ..·:. . ·· ��� � SymposiIumds imyn A pusl�tinur, Teexas to � lasot �July. thNaot rtohuer rnpr eCamliiefro rniissua'es aottf eCasempt. Batrie af sb iw-maso nat hbliyg phiutb laitca MtioUnF fOorN l'oc:as 25l thM AnUFOnualN hoeultIwi. eco wnopetutan tebnt rasd ,ctoa kw wm h yabI ttoo hkto huwerganehas atb l ythi-ezflreyedi ng asLS: sumYoeu � tyo�uo'bave h�nad s etvoe lrantle wraocrtl.dWt ftahm tohues m caedseias. toI habde ennos oundS.oI w enbta ctkot hdeoo ra nId some dearee. ..Wh at . changes since 1953 have you mfNocusewsembe lisetters o nrs.s tartedn oCluerthe rn Boffrie Ca ftwil iwthfoi llrniaa c:. b:On c:aantingu ethanks aes, thwee havegood to swKatartorthike dw iHat hne Maewsddeslietieytto'ens ra ltwoe exmc hpeahxnascegeils l peornnot glocalirssamue iwsn ivoteshf tiseveNgaoti. raoCalnsl M. ifUoWhirniFlOaN eM oc uhUra FmpOtaeiNrsn wsatartetcdhpi eatfdy oa iarttnc egon uttipoorolf enme po i rtsfrn oumtthSo ee snro.aeno tu urtIaIt .l ly . naccuotlcedrat eI nn ·�M.»thert .moued� niao?Wa ':nod ay s·y Iosu a . Olinttdle tehaasti er?ge t·tin g an happendeudr aipe nrgi oodfa ctiviThtye.r wee roeth er and other· UFO groups.· We anticipate being able to bring our readers fascinating articles, good Interviews and information from around the globe. State Section Directors who have already presented casea to the State Director are people awrhosaouw in ttdoo . PN: Therele'ss sri dicnuowl teh abna ctkh eThne. invited to submit the most interesting of those casea to the Case Briefs Editor for posisble publication in future issues. GallPoopli lnt h'e� O'ssh owetdh aotn l1y5 o%f t he Please feel free call me at (415) 715-4519 for more information. · LS: If you could choose only one slghtlne that your eel . pubrleiacl tihithaeetdr weas a nytthoii (tnt ghU FeO We welcome sublcriptiona to Case Briefs. Issues are $2.00 each and wiU usually be available at the bi-monthly wa$ the most Interesting, mysterioua or challenging phenomBeunntaow )i .tsa ro�5d0 %o rm ore. Bay Area MUFON meetinp. For those. who are not able to attend, the price for six issues is $16.00 which includes the case you have ever lnvestlgated, �hat would Jt be? c265hosopet85 o y,f ouSanmailing. � �11ranc:isc. en jPoylease Caseo, CA forwa !J rie94rft1d26. andyo urN wo ech. eCalifoeckncoura orrnia mgeon ySoetauy troe cr Dodmeirrmec toet:no tsrCase, aVirn gBsiluried ggSft sae ff,Edsti oAaitns.or ; Mtanail utLaurat uaEdl iUto S.rFt, c..OKais.c thirN, eC twHueo6Meaeyr Briek, P.fs 0, Ediand. Boxto Ir PANus: trWaelliailavitw,na o tiuohlbnidet s ht.geto rhryee:da imtsayepsspettai•e rnaryoa l fnl c e sdLSho o:y uoludW tbhehi� corenn t· hced�eony tn·rayioatukin egf .te hmeel o .b stihtgg aotfe sttthod meiairs yte'asff koeIrtsns?v e ostri gwahtoerers FredeVrailcekn dtuircihan UgF O.e ncouonnt er ·,. , . . ·\.' Octob2e1r;1 9 7I8oct.c u rreddu rtihnbegi ggeflsaitpn PN: Ii nvesttihgcasesea t weh eyroeuh ,o pefulgleyt, . - .. :Paul Norm�;,.:��. AustralUiFaOhn i story. tangiebvildee ..nceI 'am ri utsa nbdo lmtsa nh,ow evIe r, lN.T�RYIE�S Tcn'nCssCC:Aft:e rsix yeainnt' . h beo rNaUrian. vydhSr .eal>C: igseaiadnn LS: Did you feel that the Unsolved Mysteries program olfim syt.ofit t�ehln.o�ed t u,h'Ist edt rooJcn ·row.A i ctethsue;thisair lss ehl o yympd,ene iocosseu iptsti ve career b1 thePow er induS. tryH eh ash·e lvadr ious that aired here In America last September accurately hypng�o ionng..'I .h aveen counttehrawet;hd e irte ·.A poSitio· nsw hichincl ud� Superinteinnda e nt reflected the mysteries of the Valentlch case? didtinein' wti thth e� ts; : � .: hydroeJcctriwwce rs tatioanndEn gineeirnChar ge in y�u · ·wiM1b'mba.u utemtUt·obta ··.Fuah'·:�•Glia .PaO: u e\lr:N..:0 u· I·:· d tb,l·:U.U.� ts . •. : ·.wa·Ne:bo ya.,: ·· � :OI'I- .br·' C lapol•ts'·o J· · •.u.O.. ·: ul ,rda•:'·.•Pma lum·NVE, ..y� wu y9tb·AIUUI,' :: Auatral·:a. by ..Uol •, ,wbealawu JL �f;RSapeakeut te, N' . ·A� WMOI·la'·a' aTI:rfti � RMANnod.lo .�re N.-Oa ei uc1agnollftaN-i'IDU�otrulm :. cWITIal.�lab ey � ,aU to•tliciDJabFb ..l�BIW/Oesdf'aafter ra. toI.·ra -deac ca.at' . •&Jamtch tpatrie·i arcber bed �tbe. uanpr. .· ·· dedi4poacRLSphrfl uresCarcbe�:MUF teamnocaWho y rOm�fe�eNen na ean59ciinveStie V.ICedid?ssiri.tlyorganiza l.. ·since.e.'o·.: ti· JOU�.ty �- .ga'iW ofreai (VU·to powftn·ns, · 1r979e oF�tf '?rbecO •the . �:the .;-p · :� .lan· UFOm)o j f�e iot. I dth�n·i pthasoeewasnOrmresh· enbeanetVi Neddee n·Ico haCAPIn .notoaf tth a mmrif b.e hee aoHUFOUeovefirsemnaFOnreerist abe n · r WdbnpeaiPdNornaueti:Y twettdi.ty saYes,havehes, od tipThfl tsendinet mpeeiphiytin tsheargaanagsc ed Ihue rehwrbotheod ehb se ttetiot •tiiVm msashd7do raup nip tvoow :uw eltiagecelThcae. ri1h l clsv.eeotn n2taytlt et rmtynhclgipht u bdhrheoe eveoe dn.a ruee eypo rsp e ftbavtmdett rteharrsaa jey .u b ate oowttisnasecs, reihdfe noii dVtti ittwles od ignt a gnhesyhu ghV d laagettae othtiawa•ecct hh cnuth tnlasyepnueaesat lha ge vitrdn anudvesnelia. wya er tnoct l,ei tehl c , yh . scruotLSPioc;taPILSfN� nlihtbet:::: . .p y aga SoN-�·.�u ' ·.as o.l� ht. .Ou.w:a.,N�. n n��yo t:�obody'syool t·y. .towo ..ti rsdt.·ealii.t�· :�:"Ul�.::e·t6i.e . , ·d�ne . .::vnwitJ)' U. .ly..apev.e .O.d..reN tb ..vbc r. :e�d d ·o · .ai.o�l· ' �r���.t.�··tri·th�ha: iod..g. � .�m:' eey tyt•sci .a � y tdoy'can o: caseer u.s� h . l rn:Infac nb letn,vepec knevInts? ses·tr e' tlOwas'viotJ gevnn gas.e b a�t.eelo at l Jersyomn vbnsg. ysruntoeote o?n�ot' · bte fr r .ucan ie o h·o au tnst.em tin o • AUITRAUAN UFO BULLETIN • BLUE BOOK PEARLS CASE BRIEFS: EXPLORA.TIONS & REJIEI W SEPTEMBER I OCTOBER 1994 G ree nvi lie, SC investigating a case. 'Course they have tried to ridicule PN: Just recently I have been following up on some The bird explanation, as one of the many causes advanced by the Air Force cases. cases as a result of the Unsolved Mysteries program. wh i 1 e a tt em pt i n g to e I u c I date the pro b Ie m pre.s ent ed by the U F 0 A witness, when he encounters a UFO and its a We got a good case in northern California. One reply phenomenon, has some peculiarities that attract the attention of the analyst. real close encounter, at least its real to him, he thinks came from a fellow who was on an Air Force flight in For starters, it is a cumbersome hypothesis, as it mandates, since all of everybody is supposed to believe it. So he goes out and Australia at about the same time as Valentich. He those incident& occurred at night, that the bird& be flying rather low and in starts telling his story and he starts receiving ridicule, called into the program and said he would be willing to the proximity of lights strong enough to cause a reflection from their but he doesn't know enough about the subject to defend talk to an investigatqr. . I �elieve Virgil Staff folol wed feathers. Yet, during its "bird period", from August 1951 to August 1952, the himself. . ·Whereas thC investigators, if we get ridiculed, up on this and has spoken to him on the phone. An Blue Book files list no fewer than 10 sightings, a density difficult to we just dish it right back in their lap. One of our investigation is currently going on. understand as this explanation hardly appears at other times. favorite lines to usc when debunkers start talking about little green men is "well the only little green men we LS: You might be Interested to know. that on my Olght Secondly, fifty per cent of the listed incidents were in the sta�e of Texas, a know of are humans who arc so green that they don't out here I spoke . at length with one of the flight -remarkable coincidence. In addition, when analyzing the incidents 'in detail, know what's going on." That works well with newsmen. attendants. I told her the reason.I was going to Austin it becomes clear that while some of them undoubtedly were birds (Flint, MI. That usually stops them. was fO attend the MUFON Symposium and she was 5204201; Fargo, NO, 5204252) others certainly were anything but birds very Interested In learning more.about our activities. (Lubbock, TX, 51 08253; Tremonton, UT, 5207024) yet in spite of the LS: In America we have Native American tribes that After we had landed, as I was on my way out considerable existing evidence (photos and movie film) they are considered have a long mythology about sky spirits. During your the door, she pulled me .aside and told me that she had to this date controversial by the skeptics. · years In Australia have .you heard anything similar mentioned me and my organization to the captain. about the belief systems of the native peoples? Do the She.was sUrprised to hear that he knew about MUFON A legitimate question is whether other cases listed as birds by the Air Force Aboriginal people have mythology like that? and was even more surprised when he told her that he are really so. To press the point, we have selected a rather obscure incident, PN: Yes, the Aboriginals have been seeing them for ·hflaigdh tsse. enH ae UhFadO ·m16-ad1e8 ay earerspo artg od irectlyduring toon Je . oAf llheins wdeittnaeilsesde cd irbcyu mvesrtay nwceesll aqmueanliafibelde tcoiv tihliea na noablsyesirsv.e rs, under well defined and hundreds of years and they consider them to be spirit Hynek and even knew abOut . the Symposium. I was lights, which are almost the same words and very surprised to hear that he had talked about his descriptions used in the African tribes. Actually, I have sighting to his crew, as I have heard that airlines will never investigated any American Indian cases back in suspend or even ftn pilots �ho do.. · the states; THE INClDENT PN: Many of th� pilots ha�e had sightings. On most of LS: It seems there Is a similarity, a belief In sky spirit these. flights -.sinc,e 1976 J have been flying out of The· night of May 13 , 1952 was clear and quite ideal for astronomical mythology that many Indigenous people around the Australia ·nearly �ery. year. :�.1 wind up on the flight observation. A group of amateur astronomers on the campus of Furman world have. deck talking to the pilots. Not so much now because of University. at Greenville. South Carolinas. set up their instruments in an the terrorist activity, but I had a liWe button that I used . appropriate location. where there were neither ground lights near nor haze. a PN: It could be, yes. to wear that said·VUFORS and people would see it dark area essential for good astronom leal observing. The group was formed by and want to talk.·· I would ask the pilots if they ever saw four individuals, typically not well characterized by Blue Book. where we find LS: Finally, Is there any area or any Issue that you anything and I would get to hear �me very interesting the naFratlves provided by 3 of them. All we know Is that one was a "responsible ·nwoortulhde rnlik Ce atlaiflokrni abao?u t or share with our readers In stories. .. .· . " . '· .. .' .:: astduudlet nct,i tibzuetn a"t, aannyo rthaeter tah e"y lwocearle laalwl ypearr"ti,c ualnadrl ya w ethlli-rqd uaal ifsieendi otro ohbigshe rvsec haonodl ORUM assess lights moving in the sky. At 22:33 EST, when almost ready to return. one of them (James Richardson) called the attention of the others to four objects flying in a diamond formation. The depositions in the Blue Book files are very consistent in describing the objects. which were flying about 10t o 15 degrees off directly overhead at an unknown altitude on a heading of about 300 degrees. They were going on a straight course, oscillating slightly. The distance separating the objects was about five times the width of each. The objects were "self-illuminated", of oval shape, brownish orange and dull glowing in appearance. Their size was estimated as that of a half-dollar at arm's length. quarter turned, and they were on sight for a length of time estimated by the individual witnesses from 3 to 10 seconds. disappearing from view behind some trees approximately 30 ft high and 150-200 ft distant . from the observation point. There was no noise. "no trail or sparks or any other illumination other than the glow of the objects themselves". 10 AUSTRALIAN UFO aULLETIN AUSTRALIAN UFO BUumN 11 BLUE BOOK PEARLS (cont'd) 2 This sighting, admittedly, has a low information content, and its main merit is 3 the quality of the witnesses, who were not only r�putable members of the The insurmountable difficulty for the bird hypothesis is that we know that birds community but amateur astronomers as well. trained in the observation of the are not self -illuminated as reported, and in addition, there were no ground skies and less prone to misinterpret what they were seeing. lights, powerful or otherwise, in the surrounding area. In one of the witness's words: Nonetheless, the report refers to some concrete items important to the analysis, which are: We found the atmosphere to be unusually clear ..... it was the first time In several weeks that we had been able to separate the rings from i) 4 silent objects observed flying in a diamond formation. the planet (Saturn). Conditions were such that it appears physically impossible for the objects to have been illuminated from ground ii) in the absence of local sources of light, the objects were luminous. or lights or other sources. in the words of the witnesses. "self-illuminated", "possibly translucent" As the report tells us the angular size of the objects, we can make some order iii) they presented an angular size described in equal terms by three of of magnitude estimates of distances �nd sizes. The basic formula to use here is: the observers, and as determined below to be 0.-0323 radians. � = a/d, (1] lv) the time of observation was between 3 and 10s econds, with a well · defined field of observation. allowing an accurate estimate of their angular where 13= subtended angle and a = linear dimension at distance d velocity From Fowler's FIELD INVESTIGATION MANUAL. p. 48, the angular size Any credible explanation must take into account all of the above. corresponding to a half-dollar, at arm's_ length (26 inches) is 2137' which corrected for a quarter turn, and reduced to radians yields: DISCUSSION Although the investigating officer evaluated the case initially as "unknown•, � = 0. 0322g radians an anonymous hand wrote .. WHY?" next to it in the official records, and the incident is now listed as •possible geese•. This is not surprising in Now, a reasonable size for a migrating bird, say a goose or a duck. is 2ft. and view of many similar episodes for which the stimulus was indeed a flock of using the same formula (1] again we find the distance to be 62ft. At this ·birds. Biased by this knowledge, whoever did the determination was indeed . distance, on a clear and quiet night, the flopping of the wings .of a heavy bird would have been quite noticeable and easy to recognize. misguided by some statements of the witnesses, such as: From the report we learned that the objects. first noticed overhead. "Motionw as similatro !Jsavy winged biirndfl si ght" "Iw oulds 4y IIIII obj11ctsw 11r11 similatro 11111 '1. vbbockL ight·sa sr 11port11t:l disappeared behind some 30 ft. trees located at a distance of 150- 200 ft from the observers. Taking the more conservative value of 200 ft. the angle inL IFEm .tg.tzin•" "Eacht hes haps oftJ goose with_onvetc k or tall" subtended by the trees was 8•32 (_, 8.51), and the total angle traveled· by the objects while in view was 81.5 degrees(= 1.42244 rad) .. This took an amount which are simply analogies aimed at better describing what the observers had of time estimated between 3 and 10s econds, and again, assuming a value of 5 seen. Nowhere in the depositions can one find the statement quoted by the seconds, the average angular speed is: in vesti ga ti n g off i ce r (1 s t. Lt. Arth u r P a Im e r of A i r F o r c e In t ell i g en c e ) " o n e observer was inclined to believe these were geese", which the later reviewer dl3/dt = 81.5/ 5 = 0.28 45 rads/sec modified to read "two". As pointed out by Loren Gross. in all fairness to Lt . Palmer, he pursued the problem beyond the acceptance of the bird hypothesis. While directly overhead, the distance was 62ft. and thus the linear velocity is: not only remarking that there were no nearby ground lights. but also writing that: v = 62x 0.2845 = 1 7.638 ftlsec = 12M PH � It is not known how much light a bird will reflect, but it seems logical The average fl lng speed of Canada geese has been very precisely measured that a relatively bright light ground source of light would be to be 30 mph . Higher velocities have been observed (45 MPH),.but lower needed. values like the on·e calculated. will result in the bird stalling. The bird hypothesis has become untenable. to which he added. To see if another interpretation of the data is possible, consider the Objects appeared to wobble in flight and being oval-shaped statement of one of the witnesses: appeared to be flying sidewards. Altitude I would say was below 1 ,000 ft. if they were about the size of which is exactly what one would expect if the unknowns were disks. geese, AUSTRALiAN UFO BULLETI'N 13 12 �IWJAN UFO BULLETIN Letters 4 172T enaessee Avenue and develop it to its logical conclusion. The actual dimension of geese is of Sewanee, Tennessee3 13 75 the order of 2 ft, as assumed before, and at 1,000 ft their angular size would June 8, 1994 be: a. = 2/1000 = 0.002 radians Paul Norman quite different from the value obtained using the half-dollar estimate. To get a TheAumalian U. F. 0. Bulletin %TheVictorianU. F. 0. ResaearchSociety feeling for this number. one should keep in mind that it is equal to the angle PO Box43, subtended by two pennies on edge at a distance of 4 ft. �oorabbia,Vic.,3189 · =:�� ?AOI-1 The angular velocity is still the same as determined before (0.2845 rad/sec). but if .we assume a distance of 1.000 ft. the speed �f the objects would be: v = R x dP/dt = 1000 (ft) x 0.2845 (rad/sec) = 284.5 ft/sec. or: v A� 200 MPH Thank you for your call y5erday when you were on Sherwood Road. h turns out I know some Finally. for a subtended angle a. = 0.0323 radians. the actual size of an object at more of your cousins; Linda Meets worts with my wife, Sinh, at St. Andrews-Sewanee. The a distance of 1000 ft. is: world networks becomes more and more intimate. a =d x a. = 1000 x 0.0323 = 32.3 ft or: a = 32.3 ft Thankyouaswellforastingtoreprint "Metamorphosis" (PartOne)iaTheAustrilaons iuU. f. 0. Bulletin Of course, you have my permisosi n; I ampteful you liked my speculati e1u10 gh to It must be noticed carefully what has been done. When we assumed we had want to use it. The article, ''Metamorphosis," was published origiayall in Corqqforum (�olume 2, birds (with a = 2 ft) and that th·e angular size of a half-dollar was a correct Number 2. Mlrch/Apri11994) whose editor is Man: Daveaport (author of the boto Visitors from tcehosatnti smtisahtteee n.d twi swetia tanhcr raei v 3ei2ndff ota rtcm raaantfit o immn op(vo1is,n0sg0i b0al te fat )s siwtpuaeaset idoa nols.f o B aucbtoo rluraett ec2tr0.. 0ww Meh PeonHb .wt aei nceodn jercetsuureltds 1Jarticle as aJu)and I reprint. recomm Thaotead thatyou this for b calulletin liDg andme toth eccmfinil editor b suothch b. eI m higemihlyooedreco immnacboeadw EditOrledgiJig Marc the Dave.uportinsight.'s 6ook; he offers both an overview, historicalyl , of the pheaomenon and he provides a In retrospect. the analogy with geese flying at 1.000 ft is more natural and less fresh I received a flyer just today tba M�re Dneapcxt is speaking in Memphis, June 2S, contrived than using the apparent size of a coin at arm's length . which takes for 1994, 6:30 -11:00 p.m. 1t t1r Memphis Was sell-Rudolph StudesltAl'WIUii Center (Madison granted that the witness is familiar with somewhat abstract mathematical AvemJe). lrealize thatisthecl�dayofDr. Sprintle'sLiramie, WyodlioJ, Conference but if concepts. you are retumiJig to this repon it aught just be on your way. · CONCLUSIONS In short. the bird hypothesis postulates that we are dealin g with self­ As an eaco.arrutmyself, I could a help but think seriously about his th� and justifications of illuminated birds. flying silently below the minimum speed required to provide the� of these 'lipt bei.ags' or aeatures' (my names for them.) and thear aerial aafts as capableoftru!Cetld ingtime, becausehisrationalizlti onofthepheaomeaonisaprobabilityin the required lift. Since such birds do not exist. it follows that the objects observed by the amateur astronomers were not birds. Of course. from the keepina with my own experiences. The idea of these crature havia2 a commonheritlge to other revised calculations the objects could have been conventional planes. except earth sfeesei , ICknowledging the oft stated si.millrityto the humuletus. is not uareuonable to me. I for the fact that planes are not self-luminous. oval and noiseless. thus failin g to have found in my own studies thltcenain skeletal shapes aad certain fetal shapes , 110t ju• satisfy basic conditions (i) and (ii). At this point. it has become evident that the m•mm•li•n and 110tstrictlyfawll1 species,lte bioloJiCalyl similltuto visual shape and apcepearan . initial evaI uation of ..U NKNOWN" made by Lt. Pa-l mer was correct. Also. through my art wort aloJJf time �go (which seems more and more baviJJg been an Or. Willy Smith WlCOnsciouslypreterhum•n m•mfestaioniastiBitedthroughtheeacouaters iaimical tothespiritual­ C UNICAT ·Project aesthdicim.pliCitiom ofm ydevelopmeot) I realized that space and time �teconceptswhicli we have REFERENCES J�ly 22. 1994 agreed to agree. Thereby we mightha ve a cenlralized illusion(maya) upon which to build other conceptsandreflectionsinourbrmicascendency(ifaceadencybethedirection). Theexperiencing Blue Book Project Microfilm Files. Roll 9. of the ll'tS can alter the usual notions of both concepts whea the lltistic expresosi n is true to its 2 Gross. Loren E.: UFO 's: A HIS TORY-. January-May ·1 9-52. p. 58: Original creative, esseatial, i.i.mlgc source (atleastinmy cue tba seems to be the case). By nature of metamorphic experience, u eagenderedincreative/atts' expresosi ns, the alteration of or Source: Blue Book Files, Roll 9. transf ormllionol'temperal-localized time/cosmictimelesmess ' andthe 'aspatialitylttheheartof 3 Randle. Kevin D .. in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF UFO's. R. D. Story. Ed .. gravity/space conformations' • the usual notions of both concepts ll"e invariably altered. 1981. p. 2i 5. See als·o Ruppelt. E. J .. UNIDENTIFIED J:LYING OBJECTS. 1956 .. p. 130 (Ace paperback)_. I am enclosing the other article which we discussed recently on thep hone after ourdelig htful aftemoontogether. The article tided, "Some SpirituaJR. esonances ia BacoUDI«Recollectioos: Healing" 4 Hynek. J. Allen: THE HYNEK UFO .REPORT. 1977. p.235. See also CC!Jaizance of the Pathology of GuilBt uUandeti,n ofAnom(Palirtov Ones�) wuence pub lished in the April, 1994 Keyhoe. Donald E.: T�E. FLYING-S·AUCER·C:ONSPIRI\.CY. 1955. p. 304. (VolumeS. NumberZ) publicllion, which is edited by David 6 Ge 1r uo es sB· . oLoo kr eMn-i cE r .o . fU i I mF 0 · f i,. Is e: s A. -r'Ho IllS T1 0 0. RA Y' g� .� oJ o a dn �s .uM ma my 1a r9 y 5 , 2c:a·. -_. n .P . b7e .9 f. o u n d i n GotlioGotliffersbb the',s M w m.ort Do.st , TI seri hishaveo buu sflle, etinlinlet les W,iss alsuentoped»ne, openin t Tmhyde iat bscuullssietinptstem on ,to thatthro u.od uI ghaventudh t e e' enco exmunteredcely olentwn ste seri'w. esardshiBeca of anoupse om of f�Dr Dro.u .Gotli s b�, & Jens•n. Ka.ren: "&i·rds of a feather'1, in AIR &· SPAC,E',.Jui.Y 1994. p.62. continued 1 1., 18. AUITaAUAN UPO auu.mN 11 14 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULI.ETIN � Press Cuttinas Of Interest � ·$* .. Herald Sun, Wednesday, Sesmmber 7, 1� I�� � ,p �:��. Qua ke theory U FOs �� on ���.,.,. -§ !Q=. v � 0���:1� ��'! �I!� �'b ·� �· :;.� � 41':� l' '.�!. It l',� $ " REPORTS of UFOs in By GRAEME O'NEILL, ate d with· a rthquaeksB.u th e Well1s27,km soutohfT ennantb e dutoe balll ightni-ng MI0•Iy g �s�� ,._i,h� ft0A •lt)t e�!• �,:�S # ,.§ r��;:,·��.. �..� ,""�..0� ���. -- :I� 91�����1 ..t.,�., �Ji'-=Ic; � �� f�ca.§PO;sf¥ H I" nax Th �e S' p� da�tal�s 'ots naait udwydhtap h 30e hna e eynpn0 thotdhf Tehi rooeso n EnemrlB AgFT ea e.b rco·aB"- rmrni o5edkr. 9e nD. 9a H4iil. yl lT ruth fracapqmntaentoniuooraliTloT harnsdrmartahrearen ilT gk h'ennadn netogileeCs raroiia esrgndos orrrenuAnglati hhw omntf eillgCarthntiasowd eeto rerhcttnsv,or ne1kryeeqgeinShifl e gknek- t9 u eapbnael yw ,tto-e6haat rersg omaon h-6aekboihe hwtcryea.reyuneninmealh janh Nttrgo s dgdpais qu250r a oes hr oT i yeeus0A v,po r mtaeekmbe-ri0 ta,us­bere­ rtseetlxn ea0k­ s h ­ ­ 0e,0sTclbe Sevflisepqna o.eiirraokoaeunEartSeiusmngesrr, tahvslnon the k qCwestnddsagl ae,tsiueereralcoJruou i osn i kane raeoctridgit.t,dk knpeoCnnt ny candah c eeo prgeugeearee fifelereossky eslOat n eer,redsr,stexhe ffi hik . po i rdppeaicete d lahvrtnae blafteurtvye en t reeyiDreriAe n dapoh nrtrd nustraliaerygre ossocrtedaC Tho Tre­gan,emti ttaeemrt neh-h nn eh ene­­­­ a htnlcstmhitc"rede oeoritrugehThisimdiThDsmsusmre,cshaeeoeted ereskyo ssedeet J s m c o Msaffra npo ,ouelfmpsatne cr,na o ro968nsortle a�ecPOS& iLo1g<!s npnu e"�e.· gssiaue lng sa tr.ds ha lnajd ireebil ii ini oreopoxllbF dseegdrposnrtypedldagt eoetoh rt st l uyoreohvnrar ga b a e rkleao prth rttotyi a om'rerlgitqaeWl h nsgaeo flEtelhuJ yeie in auaecapzo-ereaoacsgn pstn hrtrtedglo kwplh htsoiddaoiha eceieitYatsie ­off­ db'n·n. e n·n­n t­ s ­g.sapeohwgemced inwsedEC erpiaronsaeFTi odreSMNsted elrtwitsPuseth1eceaosieanhttO99 h imkghiste n ediqsruSl2e n,c ihlcv u oearc t,rannnge uranEaecineeastmic gtt ttrredm FTt kLoie bibeinhhsiwicodricPfilaematv rocfeestaeehgnioeeoeOTil tep ontso ti surgesdsamsblegrogramsh aS ire ho rPrise nhic c·xatinCelervntsp1.amapevasv as-ytaaa s98l cri usedeisociliys t n 0ioshiet sqfCot itnsorniannywmamteuresruo t' ceeaamtedbaued nihsi.rekysgyi kysne n ine. ­ed g ati4hwardsnwfroWocg7Eart hbg.uhemhfhhAAc.alhisrReonten5 i 'at1cori rs iute sr 5ow6e ath 3ec. otit,gprdihim,.gig ew6omh eo tomwhoin1ocglo a pntepdsn ngirus9nawsursl g Mre lky gt .asinca doool aa . e mn urigafted aynertsMr bto gsnv erneedahSema iincadso Mrak qpaFlngrusMr dd,nyoiuteofsall g ah e hisfr naMumor ra W tedscogkaberkas nhs1 hia me elwr ,itct5bte n ocee mi t gato­e o'donkh1hrasu­rsedle e,l' ht ,m ooys k • Sky I n originoefst heA licurung ALIEN PROBE IS peoplweho uvei nt hdei s­ (From page 1) trichta dk nown oft he . UFO lighftosarl ontigm e. WATCHING US Lou Farkawsh,o rutnhse The proprieotfo trh e roadhouaste W yclfief newspapaetr T ennant SPACE scientists have been b&med. by a caught Well3,7 4knomr tho fAl ­ CreekJ,a.� minAfi anos, mysterysa tellite whichw as recentlyd.e tected iceS pringdse,c larheism ­ 31t,ar velltehed1 30ktom or.bTiltte1n gA tmhee riEcartansh .t houghtth eR ussians had by selfa ccustometdo theW yciflfeW eloln T uesday launched the probe as a spys ateWte.B utt he pBhueton neo moehfnoi nes.m ployeest- aovn ide tlwihi tpev he uedptno ome evne•or -ny - tRl)otu hsskeetreans p n ·aantthi ooenyu egw hoNitntASh Ae vh&den selntsn tMu opsc tohwec. ratNto camera Malcolm Whitise not so thisnhgeh adh eard. launching facilities has lo.id claim to blase -o-ne ofth em gave "One oft hemi sb igger the diamond-shaped ··-----·--- This Is a dramatic him sac aret hiwse ek. thatnh oet heanrd t hearye probe-whichse ems SAF BltLLETIX t-1994 1 shot of an unidentified t"hHreeo w aoa.d-;n Md roinvdiaannylig og nhgt pogrseietfsir oonamoebo nedu a t4no 5t hedre,­" tCoorebe e- fiperlodt.ec ted by a tcfhellyiffi negs kWoiesebljl ect lneas tase rw eeenW kyIn.­ rwuhesnhitt e codamw ea rdhdoiswm n,Loa "un d saiMsd Afianosw,h ose NoTwr abcotftkjnns gf ear sc.._ien-=-tis.ts__- -began- -to trom'lbe vlpidceoture feooomtaceea articalboeu t thweam�. that it could have track t.hesa teWte at ia.kea by lmparJa said. publi�hiend Daa rwin originated in outer thes ame time. cameramaa GLEN hmgihfa"uvMlr!'nitan Iaioenolslcduactemb tuhdts xlt ebe omrieo .peaft tvuri"Wwo oitse aher n,litnoyhatteegho ocen io whpr, csf aasetp a oet s irehrnh1oion nas5 net d g ­ . e h9neartiewAscsi".evwiThkm t2 etsaleee h0phrpwndlyem yatai acoae y pehygnmrcy prqsebhideetcnoeuu ut t rdatst-et .wyiou t s- h.cwseetot"ei"n arsscerniDndt ybodhpo o houao­uneutywb y . l e sswstp!CAleraccap"iehmarneiteawceeeB nkascml krnriutUeineiedocdostt.sugt env an. um ths aDt wpssaied.w Rhrtaa e atuM14 btd: &i aksy&so N 0h uns"ts tlAS'wanadoTh r i ur aasevAdaat- e · n.. atuntqadbehilnn"van huiransUgatousWfoodevmitee eoc tvs ualetec hacraftrteep ed.hn,cvmr acir oly le taete lco.llarge. baWooaey"outoensl e(l tn tainsto oootb callse kalso ann agltn tda t.sc edya tot k btWaraDADmbeSOa.eWJeyovoLaddv.aAMUclDea auara telfttIJeo,;rlefab Wtbe werla o8ree ieeD .ftTbyW kklod eeatel Uaa rrUonatfUho apanT taomdti&IJ teberoad , atreaaDJbadt tb aetheda·ce h at et glLooeuoneg,pe i rn4ast7tihao,ooy h snsep. h i asft seoalre na wtsaaaikistedahi nenhty gpa oh d bro uettc?wo eu"-si -sstvthheiee l l Daily Sport. 19.0:3.1J3. 0 The my'"st er__i_... ouObs, , jectr. - ,se __en In the skies over Wycllffe Well roadhouse tbeCreI e �. k ,e vt:bre, ery ale pwet afe o. r thelig hts tot hew esto f prnitsb ack fromt he hisr oadhounosew and developer. then esvienrceh ear rived Ands hew illr etutrno from Adelaidsee ven WyclfieWf elsolo n- -this yearsa gob utt hehya ve timwei tahv idecoa mera. Melbourne Herald-Sun ? Are You Financial ? been causihnigm s ome . AAP learneadbo utt he troubrleece ntly. September 7th, 1994 phenomenforno m Ross "Theys iutp t heroer,a nge Dowe of theN ational with sroemdea ndg reen UFO ReportianngdS ight­ � Check Your Address Label � andt hecoy me downt o ign Hotlinweh ichhu a thger ound bejfuosrhfeal f new numbero f 190- pastni ne atn ighth,e" 224-352AAP9. said. 18 AUSTilALIAN UFO BULLETIN 17

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