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Preview Australian UFO Bulletin 1994 09 September

THE AUSTRALIAN Victorian U.EO. V.U.F.O.R.S. Research Society OFFICE BEARERS P.O.B ox 43,M oorabbinV,i c3.1 89A,u stralia INCORPORATED1 988 PRESIDENT JUDITH MAGEE VICE-PRESIDENT PAUL NORMAN WfLCOMf SEPTEMBER 1994 PUBLICATION NO VBH122 Registered by Australia Post SECRETARY TheS ociewetlyc omerse poorftu sn usupahle nomena. TED SKEWES Thesaree eva luatoendt heownir m eriatnsid r fe quested arkee pitnt hset riccotnefsitd ence. TREASURER ThSeo cieextcyh ainngfeosr mwaittsi!mhoi �nlr A ust�rna li andM rseaosr ganisaastwe ilolan sss c,a enatn1dds itss­, Contents CLIVE YATES semintaott hepesu bilnifco rmoanlt oicoiannl t,e rasntda te Mrseasd evelopmeinnti stq su artpeurbllyi ctahtei on, MINUTES SECRETARY "Austr.Ua .lF.iOaB.nu llewthiinc'ih:s p ostteoda ll PAGE ARTICLE TONY COOK members. Alclo mmunicasthiooubnlesad d drespseterhd re e turn MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY addrsehsowsn o nt hree art hobifus l letin. 2 Editorial GARY WING 3 6 On The U.F.O.Trail - Paul Norman ©COPYRIGHT SIGHTING INVESTIGATIONS OFFICER 7 9 R.I.A.P. Bulletin. PAUL NORMAN Nop arotft hpiusb licmaayt biero enp rodwuictehdto huet Post-Soviet UFOlo�y. Writctoenns oefnVt. U.F.O.R.S. PHOTOGRAPHIC OFFICER 10 11 China Scene - English F.S.R. GEORGE SIMPSON ALL RIGHTS RfSfRVfD 12 13 Oklahoma M.U.F.O.N News Contribpuutbiloindssohn eondte cessraerflitelhcpyeto li· EDITORIAL STAFF cyo ft hVe. U.F.O.R.S. 14 21 Letter and Report from Prof.Carlos. JUDITH MAGEE PAUL NORMAN 16 17 Press clips. MfMBfRSHIP RfNfWAL TONY COOK 22 27 Groom Lake - Desert Rat (Area 51) .F odretaoiflyosumrembersrheinpe rweafltoe, tr hm eo nth/ ELECTRONICS CONSULTANT yearc odionntg h aed drIebeas sIo fy oulra tbeusltl etin. 28 31 Sighting Reports and Society News. Thiisn dictahlteae bssut l lfeotwrih niyo cuha rfei na­ncial PETER CLOSE we wouladp preycoiuarrte en ebyw atlhd ea tseh own. AUSTR ALlAN UFO BULLETIN 1 ·EDITORIAL -September 1994 ON THE UFO TRAIL �=-- Paul Norman © 1994 D uring a radio talk-back program last April, an Astronomer was discussing astronomy in general, including the Comet collision with the Planet Jupiter, when a lady from Canberra 'phoned in and said: A few days after listening to the to his flight path. It moved from a 3.30 - 4 "Doctowr,es awa largber igohrta nglei gthotn igthatht, separaintteodt wob right orange "explanation" of the UFO's over Canberra; as o'clock position behind and below his right lighatnsdo nefl ewo ver MoSutnrto mlwoh,i lteh,e·o theflre w ovteher m ountainisnt he given by the Astronomer on talk-back radio, wing to 11 o'clock position where it went out opposidtier ectAino ane.r oplwaasn ec hasintgh eb riglhitg ohvte Mro unStt romIlsot .h ere (see Editorial), I left Melbourne for San like a light bulb being switched off. The pilot an explanation?, Francisco on 22nd April, to commence my remembered remarking out loud' (a passenger 1994 journey ON THE UFO TRAIL. was also a witness), that he had never seen any The Astronomer answered, aircraft move so fast. Even 'planes on Air "Went hesea rel ikei nterestsiinggh titnhgaastp peafrr omt imteo t ime,b utIw oulsda y,t he For the following three months, it was good to strikes when passing his De Haviland Beaver, aeropltahnaeyt o us aw,w as flyining thaditr ectiboycn o incidenacned t het wo- objyeocut s associate with the informed scientists who in Vietnam were slow in comparison. He also saww erwee athbearl loons,! actually study the problem of Unidentified remarked on the improper colour of the light, Flying Objects. he should have seen a red 'position' light as Now, a meteorologist would know immediately that the two lights were NOT weather balloons, the object passed right to left, but as it going in opposite directions, but the bright orange lights were out of the astronomers field of Upon arrival, commenced 'phoning switched off, it passed through a soft green and endeavour. individuals from a list sent to us, of people who as its light faded, the shape was �evealed. During a later radio talk-back program, another astronomer admitted that colleagues in his field did had responded to the Fredrick Valentich see strange, unexplained objects in the sky, but they were some sort of natural phenomena. Just Documentary televised by Unsolved Mysteries The entire encounter lasted no more than 5 what kind of natural phenomenon, he did not know, and showed no interest in trying to find out. on 30th December 1993. seconds. During that time, it covered a distant So, it is left to the UFOlogists to pursue the study of Unidentified Flying Objects if we are to ever of 3 - 5 miles and passed in from of us at a learn the Whither, Whence and Why of the UFO. Unless the initiative remains with the intelligence The first call was from a pilot whose encounter distance of 1/2 - 3/4 mile, at an estimated behind these mystery objects. � occurred on the 9th November, 1978, twelve altitude of 1800 MSL, or 400 feet below our days prior to the Valentich incident. At 17.25 altitude of 2,200 feet. Very close to the ground. Eastern Standard Time, (USA), an egg-shaped QUOTE object, which the pilot said was a real enigma to Other witnesses - were pilot of C-172 on him, at first thought it to be the landing light of approach to Hanscom Field, and operator on Truth will always be truth re�ardless of lack of a Business Jet overtaking his aircraft on the BOSTON Approach Radar. All reported to 4n. derstanc;L\,ng, disbelief or ignorance, right. As he was still on a runway heading, off Federal Aviation Administration. Runway 29, from HANSCOM FIELD, BOX � BOXBOROUGH, Massachusetts. On that I contacted the crew member of a U.S. Air assumption, he took a careful look at the object Force C130, flying in Australia about the same ELECTIONS: wanting to avoid a collision. time as the Valentich disappearance, who . .... heard the Captain of a Qantas Air Line flight At our Annual General Meetin� to be held on December 5th, The object was a brilliant white and moving on reporting that an unknown flew across his bow. a new Committee will be either declared or elected. a closing course, at approximately 45 degrees The ex Air Force man is currently writing All nominations must be submitted on a clean sheet of paper; must be also signed by a nominator, seconder, who, together with the nominee, must be financial members of this Society. All nominations are required to be in the hands of the Secretary NO LATER than the 1st November, 1994. AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 3 2 AUSTRAUAN UFO BULLETIN ON THE UFO TRAIL � ON THE UFO TRAIL � continued other members of that crew for additional I was robbed by a gang of ruffians. unfortunate experience and chose to ignore it, Marilyn had mentioned to me in previous details. Fortunately, they got the wrong wallet with no which proves that all they are concerned with is years that she would like me to meet a friend money, but they snatched the one with my making money, regardless of another's of hers who had reported several fascinating One of the most outstanding encounters passport and travellers cheques, which I circumstances. They have had as free ride, for experiences involving UFO's. One of the great reported, involves a similar incident as the immediately blocked. However, my schedule far too long, without appreciation. Encounters surprises of the trip was when she introduced Valentich Case, the only difference being, the was interrupted, as I had to fly back to is of the same group as Paramount, the me to Dr. Edward CARLOS, Professor of fine craft was seen disappearing into the water. The California for necessary papers to apply for a Company that messed up the Travis Walton, Arts, an Artist, who on Easter Sunday, 1990, victim was an aviation instructor and an replacement Passport. Fire in The Sky film. on the HEBREDEAN ISLAND OF IONA, excellent pilot. The incident occurred of a New experienced several hours of missing time, York State beach. A colleague who is a pilot is While in Florida, I was contacted by a The trip to Los Angeles was not altogether lost during which he photographed an orange light assisting with this case which is still under researcher from the Fox TV recently organised however, because it provided me with the descending from thick clouds over a bay and investigation. department ENCOUNTERS, who wanted an opportunity of meeting with Ann Druffel, who across the waves of a large circle from which interview and information concerning is writing a book on Professor James mist rose. The experience inspired many By May 9th, I was caught up with telephone Australian UFO activity, so on my return to McDonald, and was interested in any works of art and led to X-rays, an MRI scan, calls and correspondence that were awaiting me California, I decided to oblige the Fox TV information I had on his visit to Australia in and 30 hours of hypnotic regression. in California, as well as visits with researchers program, by making an appointment for 1967 as well as the difficulties Philip Klass had in that area. With only three months in the U.S., interview which was to take place in Los caused him while on his visit here. His is the most outstanding event in the newly it was necessary to fly more than usual to keep Angeles on 23rd May, before resuming my published book "ABDUCTIONS" by Dr. John on schedule. schedule in the Eastern States. In addition, I was invited to attend the Board of E. Mack, Professor of Psyc!Uatry at the Directors meeting of Los Angeles MUFON that Cambridge Hospital, Harvard Medical School From 11.20 pm, I flew overnight to Orlando, I travelled from San Francisco to Los Angeles night, where I gained some useful information and founding director of the Center for Florida, to begin my tour in the Eastern States. for the interview and when I arrived, the with regard to their investigation and research Psychology and Social Change. The book is Meeting with those who had requested program researcher informed me that plus giving them an up-date on our activities. published by Maxwell Macmillan appointments to discuss their reports and Encounters refused to do an interview unless I Intema tio nal. experiences, as well as visits with friends and gave them the telephone numbers of the Next morning, I returned to the Eastern states to relatives. My first appointment was with Dr. people who had responded to the Unsolved resume my interrupted schedule, beginning Needless to say, it was the mention of the Willy Smith for an update on UNICAT, his Mysteries Program. I replied that I did not with a visit to retired Dewey Fournet, the bright orange lights report, which I have been outstanding computer system of investigated betray confidence and besides, it was the former Pentagon's liaison officer for the noticing, for · the past few years have been UFO reports. business of another company. I bid the USAF's official UFO research department's increasing on a global scale, that compelled Encounters researcher good-bye and hung up! Project Blue Book. me to listen to his whole experience, and for From Orlando, I began a thirty day bus pass, That trip cost me 24 hours delay and $200 the next three hours I reeorded his story. with the intention of travelling north as far as expense! The following few days were spent travelling Beginning with this edition, we will publish, New York State and Massachusetts, where I day and night visiting. With relatives and with permission of Dr. Carlos, some of his have a colleague who is a pilot and is assisting I had already recognized that Encounters was observers who had reported UFO sightings, expl.':riences and/or articles. He is the ·co­ with investigations of three aircraft and pilot following a similar characteristic to other encounters and/or experiences, including pilot author of Chapter 14 in the book. If any of our incidents in the north east. media patterns - to prey on non-profit cases in Massachusetts and New York State. members have had similar experiences, we organisations without remuneration. would appreciate hearing about them and so While in the Greyhound Bus Station, at Tampa, Encounters was aware of my recent The most outstanding occasion was in the home would Dr. Carlos. of a cousin near Chattanooga, Tennessee. 4 AUSTRAUAN UFO BULLETIN �STRAUAN UFO BUUETIN I RIAP BULLETEN �ON THE UFO TRAIL � Volume 1, Number 2 April -June 1994 On the 17th June, I was invited to attend the Hotel in Austin, Texas from 8th to lOth July. PublishQeuda rterlbyy· ResearcIhn stitount Aen omalo,uP shenomena Organisation for Paranormal Understanding Philip Klass was on hand as usual, but I P.O.Bo4x6 84, 31002K2h arkov-2U2K,R AINE DistribuFtreedeA mongR IAP Felloawnsd D onators and Support (OPUS) at the ROSEBRIDGE noticed the dwindling group he attracts each © Copyrigh19t9 4 RIAP - AllR ightRse served GRADUATE SCHOOL OF INTEGRATIVE year has dropped to six, two less than last year. PSYCHOLOGY, CONCORD,· CALIFORNIA. This is a recently formed support. group for It was a pleasure to meet Dr. 'VLADAMIR counselling people who have undergone these RUBTSOV from the UKRAINE, at this most unusual occurrences and request Conference and to exchange information. assistance. EDITORIAL In my opinion, the highlight of this For three days - June 23 to 25 - the Rocky Symposium, was the paper given by Robert .POST-SOVIET UFOLOGY: A VIEW FROM INSIDE Mountain Conference, headed by Dr. Leo Dean, who began his UFO research while on Durintgh em anyy earbse,f o"rpee restroiinkfao"r,­ Beginning 19f86r, otmh isst reamlteutr nehdo,w ­ Sprinkle at the University of Wyoming, was in active duty in the U.S. Army, where he served matioonn S ovieUtF O,s ightiwnagssf orW estern everi,n taor eafll oodI.tb ecampoes sibfloeSr o viet progress, primarily for people who reported for 27 years, including time at Allied Powers, researchearsr ealg em,b ecausoef. t heh igbha rriers citizienng se neraanld,f oSro viuefto logiinsp tasr ­ LOST TIME. and other experiences. The Europe with NATO as Intelligence Analyst thaitth a dt oo vercoomnei twsa yt ot hWee stT.h ese ticultaogr o,a broabdy i nvitatoifto hnesif ro reign weret heb arrioefrt sh ed ead silenocfme a ss-mediaf rienadnsdc olleag(uaelst hotul:tgeeh x ivti sawse re highlight of this Conference was the lecture with Top Secret Clearance. He was on duty at andt hew itnesses theamssw eellvalse t sh,ep rob­ nota bolisuhnet�ti hle d isintegroaftt hieUo SnS R), given by Dr. John Mack, Author of the above the time of the series of UFO appearances lemso ft ranlsati.na gnds endinga broda un­ whicrhe sulitnec do nsidereaxbplaen siofot nh eda ta mentioned book. We will include an article or which almost set off hostilities between NATO authorzied materi.a SlosmeS ovieatm ateur exchangMeu.t uavli siatnsdp articipoaftu ifoonl o­ two in next editions by Dr. Carlos, concerning and Warsaw Pact Nations, almost triggering ufologgircoaulpb se gacno ntawcittsth h eiWre stern gisftrso tmh eC .I.iSni. n e'tmational ufcoolno­gical colleaguaeses a rlays t he6 0-s}?,u tt hesceo ntactsf erencaersen ol ongesro methienxgt raord.i nary . lost time and related events, including his own, off World War 111. remainfeodr d ecadersa thecra utioOunse.c ould Event hes ecrUeFtO reportcso,l lecbtyet dh. eM in­ for the benefit of those who are interested in receiwvietg hr atitfruedece o pioefsA mericanE,n g­ istroyfD efensoeft hef ormerU SSR,a reg ettin � that field of UFOl ogy. These events, of which veteran UFOlogists are lisho,rF rencUhF O books.a ndj ournablust,h e opein nt hea tmosphoefrt eh en ew-foufnrde edom. aware, occurred during the early 1960's, will woulhda vet hougtwhitc eb efosreen diinngr eturn Thiissi nf acqtu itane e w situtahtaictoa nni nfluence The MUFON Symposium was at the Hyatt be discussed at our September Meeting. anyd escripotfai UoFnO sighttihnaght a dn otb een vermyu cht hew orludf oloAgnyd.i ts urerleyq uires publisihnet dh e" centprraels s". ac orrecetv alua.t·i on Ofc ourset,h ef eebslter eamloeftt h eS oviUeFtO Sucah ne valuatiisto hnem oren eedesdi ncaett he Correction - Page 1 - On The Trail. - 19 days after the Valentich dattah adti dr eacWhe stern ufoolroggainciazla tiopnrse setnitm et woo ppositviee wpointosn t hes itua­ andp eriodicals1 boctohnr tealiinaeabdnl den ots o tio-n over-enthusainados vteirc- sceopnteisc­ Encounter. reliarbelpoer tbse,i nag u suamli xtuorfeo bvioush aveb ecomwei despread. Over-ebnetlhiuesviea sts IFOsa ndq uasi-UFwOistU hF Osi nt hes trict setnhsaet d eclassiSfoiveidUe FtO data wsiolllvt eh e oft het erm.T hiwsa sf ulelxyp lainaanbdld ei dn ot UFO probleamn dw ilplr ovteh eE T hypothesis; HaveY ouS eenA PresCsu ttinTgh at raismeu chd iscontoentn hte p arotfW esternu folo­over-sceaprteci ecrst atihna tth eS oviUeFtO files gistAsf.t earl le,v eryounned erstoodt htehsdaeat t a contaoinnl ruyb biswhh icihsn otw orthyo fs erious weroeb tainwietdh d ifficiunal ttyo talitsatriaatne ,a nalysainsd,o nt hew holteh actu nniRnug ssians VUFORSM ayB e InteresItne? d beinagn oth-era ndv aluab-lceo nfirmatthiaotn ares imply ttroye ianrgnt hel onged-for dollars, flyisnagu ceurnsd esroc ialidsomn· o td iffseirg nifif­oistoinnc gr edulWoeusst ernu fologfiasitrtsya les PleasSee ndI tT oU s cantlfryo m theidre mocratciocu nterpaArntds . insteoafdr eailn format"iIonfn a.c gti,v etno day's thangkoo dnesfso trh at. economcirci siinsR ussi-a,e xclaitmhses cience We RelyO n You,T heM embership writJearm eOsb erg-, thousanodfps e oploefa ll classbeustp, a rticuflraormtl hye m ilitsaerrvyi ces, ared esperately -seoerdk eilnigb eractreelayt ing - anythitnhga cta ns eltlo W esterbnu yerwsi th � ::-+ VUFORS 6 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTRAUAN UFO BULLmN 7 I bucks. UFO files are one of the few exrrtable raw nated by numet'Qus sensational newspaper articles, RIAP Bulletin, 1994, Vol.l, No.2 materials with a market In the West. .. " . so usual for the Western countries. Then a UFO Is this a sound approach to the UFO reports from observer in the Soviet Un Jon r�ely knew anything I the former Soviet Union? The Soviet government, concrete about the established traits· of the UFO though not democratically elected, was neither more appearance and behavior. At best, he knew th�t, F. Haines. It is engaged, in particular, in translating sagrpteonhudvdepeun ircdtoneem,dm cnhe teononnro omt mnslo.i,o sIgsirtinie ccnt aocecluler ep lpivdrteh e ndrteo oanttteho,is oaom nnefxe s co nioostauhtf rseiadbrne-eyd,n I tcaugidnnfineotamnrrbaeoocli ettn h brneeaead t Utfi uucoF­rlblaOy­l aestmoexce rvciaaso tannr;tdt eo aiwhrynnesdg,p triaoofepr ght edhaerire ,rmd eaoeca fpodtfdli ycetpi h autueolpl apo tehhrv-ieiessn n cAmtit ecao iannf dstvdi eif vetmieocwry yjs,o eoU unfurF dnSnO uchaisslie,us nd aarcilnede po as on,nb C'rid­ttt iq"cmtouanimbtdeluio tdniidoiefni fzesai.rng eagFni"not rso" tfi al l ttnhhleoeesn sgU"ei slFt"linO,m ea esns sudewb setj"he ,c est tt rruyatpoopgiicgdkale lp dmrf oocaarng eyass m�sr ceosh­tf pfuFarnfeeoo drmloseopro gapoRnitcisurao tlsnua s namniitadta iyntt se o trUironiga StflaoAosn rm ofEifrzfn oiaycgmteoil.u oi 6tsr nhAh seot w alcCeanna. dsnIot. ,Sp dcyi.nio osIinuotn.rtnwtaie bt�rolulten hts tita•nhehvdgeee servers. After all, the UFO problem is a practical one: worthy of complications. It concerned both "official" seaNrcohneertsh eblye sssu, rtphreis eg.e neral situation is not �o bad. advantages and disadvantages of ufolog.tcal studt.es a pilot in the sky encounters "flying saucers", let's and "non-official" observers. The military pilots, for We have such serious specialists, engaged 10 ufo­ in this part of the world. · pssssecaurinaycehc,sn te,mit .caii ostA trlcs etpa aorntrhofnetbe eoi lntnes macbthlmei ano etnfeh d starie o mtscwocoe inrne,e dnagiattwa irsriaystdy ii nim(eto vhpoare issns r ae lta ieapfbomn itecchsre eae -t tolooe frab syndei.noi) Asnn cage­ ftexUoioFlJanloO.m Ow" epfbirnlneeocrg,mo g tus h rotnaehmt teeihenrs tetsior mtep rvaue"erro scnt tori wo egdnfahron eac ntotilnh uyteih lsdjde:u rndfrtehog oeetem x sbci esotrth nfeeoespodr e poeaqrtsnuesi enitenn-gnSsc .teot ruhsve ioceir­ft JlsMno .teOgru.Yiibcatcuhet.ruleS grrhs'es tes usv)odp,cp ihoieDnensirn,so. k noaYo,rs ,uet h.adDVne,r. dfP.an lmmLao.taorMonu vis.y,Gn GDosit�mprhd.ie driArs�tehi.�d.Fs W .R(Pbceeuoy pong aatlortsrcfoahf r5i,.hy c�Da iavtarosel. wpN.i otI1h I.SI ;e3a e U,d , FipffoO.f re 2rwee4axn;vac emeRo!p uv-lReebre:t RfsPFeoueSrvtseRr sne,iV anc..1-ek 9osS7 FYc3iS,ue R.VnB,t o.1i ls"9. At7s18n9 ,g,o VebNlo shloe.a. r2 iv2r4e",, \\ such encounters rarely lead to any real damage or ufology as if on behalf of the Western one. His crite­ (and this is extremely important) a considerable phenomenon over South Ural.-FSR, 1979, Vol. other appreciable consequences. Therefore the rion is simple: those who disagree with Mr. Oberg's number of scientists, scholars and engineers who are 251 No.1. Soviet government, deeply stuck in the arm race, opinion on the nature of some UFO (or rather not prejudiced against the UFO subject matter (as �See: Gresh B. Soviet UFO Secrets.-MUFON conflicts in the "third world", economic difficulties, "UFO") sightings are incompetent and must not be distinct from the majority of their Western UFO Journal, 1993, October, No. 306, p. 3. etotc t.,h sei mproplyb lwemas. nToht ea bUleF tOo praeypo "erxtsc eswseirvee "b aetitnegn tciooln­ gtoisletsr awteildl h ianv et htoe qcuivairlaiznetdin esoc thiee toyb. v"ioSuesriloyu hso peUFlesOsloly­ csoerilleoaugsluye sa)n da npdro aferses itohnearlelyfo. rTe h�1es acadyn tloea sdt,u m�y .1 tist p. 37 0O. berg J, Soviet Saucers.-OMNI, 1994, April, blslDeceteaar" t.angI ecundYdhed uiastee)h.npvA eadee .ln dFsard oenoue aamcnnllodiyittln elziueer,efc s dost De,ult odhrbcg. hau Uit stFc tFnosm.OYno"a d uridnneai.atiZ tiftolheia gbnse aetr sUenle., dad S ka StttnrRhhideer ( dmoft uithsrogese htuliv r noce fodsc ua eollirlldn­­, i<scsUnrli . adfFe..emse >Occr Et eleteohnvddgeet i rUswUdytsooFi Fdt sOhOert i c sollaa olna dirnn seetdish omfi ersrtpmoh tt mlowee an o 1gR ,tt9a hetu7ihsens7te sa. : ""i qlai iDuee alenolnsy ntdfliaie osdtanhuid s"rcair enUe noggFf ba OtRrehd ?ure esi I1tcofs 9 iasa6nloln7­., taTCscuitrh.morneIepa."S ,t-i ci.tv u.tme orrAa aasseaby sncii isslhtm i lktiodeiinelwivaofsi ft wndniicogonoun wt,l a tootni hfne vtestlhehy hrio es"yuf o U pmtwierohFasenOsng eg re mnp etvrootsieins"arb,,dyl blbd eca"uuamitntyn " tbw iedlnyiirifl mssels pcp h�iltinaaedterny idt a cohitletfyees.' NUSSSpaS45Sab S cORGlReub:i :dnR eSAedrtenag isSlit eaiJytissa.a trtOL icica.shpMhtn,.ie oc.cs1,ami ki9tlM. 7a,yA l9ep n ann.(in ak'P9kalhr2yole .isv azpi t.sriD m.()n.Uo AMts F.Nf,oeO Posr .cneS o4itikwrg7ohh3,v t)Isiyn.nk asgavtsylie taiunn tIi ey.tGh oev.f them. Sometimes they even issued typewritten Really and truly, having read such a passage, any as well. 6 JUSA-ciSAAF, P.O.Box 880, Los Altos, CA works (in a very limited number of copies, but avoid­ Russian (and, just in case, Ukrainian) ufo1ogist will Contacts and collaboration between serious re­ 94023-0880, USA. ing the vigilant eye of Glavlit _.;. the Soviet censor­ hurry to swear that never in his life he believed in searchers from the Commonwealth of Independent sinhfiopr)m. aTthioenr,e aiss w ienl l tahse as eg oowdor dkeas la o flo "tn ooifs eim". poHarvtainngt tRhues siaalnies n rnemateumreb eorf wthelesl ew hdaat mtnheed w o"UrdF "Oqsu"a! raWne­ Santadt eds,e vEeulroopp. eO anned oAfm tehriec ain wstirull mceerntatisn lfyo rc osnutcinhu ae - Vladimir V. Rubtsov collaboration is the recently-created Joint USA-ciS no access to secret data about space and military tine" can mean and do not want to take risks. When Aerial Anomaly Federation, headed by Dr. Richard tests, the researchers could, in a number of cases, such a prominent American ufologist does all he can mistake rocket launchings and atmospheric reen­ to set us in the right way, it only remains to obe­ tries for genuine UFOs. But it is sufficient to diently follow his instructions. Thank you, scrutinize the seven volumes of Dr. Zigel's. collec­ Mr. Oberg, for our happy future! tions of UFO reports, to understand that this ore is To be on the safe side, I must confess that it rich in metal. In fact, it can be noted that the intel­ seems to me quite plausible that the 1967 "crescents" MORE NEWS FROM PUERTO RICO · lectual and professional levels of the "underground" were in fact missile warheads reentering the atmos­ Soviet ufology were high, despite the hard condi­ phere after an incomplete circuit around the globe. seeiUnFgO sf lyinnogi selesslLya koCeva errtg. aenaa ndh overing tions, under which these researchers worked. Does it totally exclude the question of the crescent­ Thef ollowniontwgei blelf ounhdi ghcloyr roboraatnidiv net eresting. abovteh eoiwrn h ouseasn dt hefiarr mssh,o otmdgo wnb eamso f In short, the "over-enthusiasts" seem to be some­ shaped UFOs out of ufological consideration? Not IEtuh gaesbn eee nBs auoupfDep orlv ieiePrndNl ,oa vienNmse.bwY e 1or99r 2Sk,t baytF UeSS,RA r,ae nadcd aeDmrre . lairgedoh entst cogr rioabusepoo dsrft a enegnea-gcieonrtls how peu1a rtrwehkh�d sit,n t d ieog mh.eTt sho ents oUepF a,On sd what too hasty in their conclusions. Most likely, necessarily. This question needs, to my mind, a toh imf rotmh ef ami(lrye sidoefnP tuse rRt.1oc o)o noeof f h 1wso rk manys quarreo tatliinggh otrws i ndowosfm anyc olouornst he there will be no startling revelations in the UFO more detailed examination. colleaguEeDsI.T OR. bottoOmn.e l adrye sidtihnegrh ea sh adm anys 1ght1onftg hse se files of the former Soviet .military, although there As for the Petrozavodsk "jellyfish" phenomenon, "stranlgieg htosv"ea,rn do vearg ainS.h eh ass een� "smarleld certainly can be important information there on it was certainly closely connected with the launching "Itnh seo uth-wesptaertor fnt hIes laonfPd u erRtioc oi,nt hteo wns obj·c�tp"a sbsy h erf rodnoto orn en ighatn d� nothne1rg haht u ge UFO sightings in the USSR, the statistical data, and of the "Cosmos-955" satellite, but there were some ofC aboR ojaon dL ajas, atrheem raen yr eports UaFbOosuf. to r whitdeo me-shapUeFdO witah r otath1gnhght o vereodv era the views of the Soviet establishment on the UFO important anomalous features as well. I hl;)pe to pub­ thle ascto uplofey earasn,d a tp resetnhtre e portasr es t1clolm1 ng nearbhyi slhlo otidnogw nb eamso fl igthotw artdhseg roun..Od n tphhee npohmeneonmone,n aosn w. Telhl aesse o nd aWtae swteilrln p irnovbeasbtilgya etixopnasn odf ldisehta ial ipna ap efur tdurisec iussssuien go ft RhiBs. phenomenon in some iwnhfe rroLetm"a h NkeeCesat aterwrh ottaL aotagw keintenmsslh ao oe rcrietaesa ht s aemendav .lve lire l,sl pnaeagcmeie afdPlr alorLymma aJ.ra, eS J,O ylheiatgaps hnpotoev t nihiv,entit rghdh sa eintstyhtiha u gesyrha a,tttrm h ,eeceeh a yiuewlsastles o blld yoi ut otphabk �e�. O1 a.Vtn NAe ilsn��l o(e rsSemp osautnsr1f asonbhrgn egh t existing UFO files, not transforming, however, our Is ufology in the states of the C.I.S. perfect? Of whoser esidehnatvseo nm anyo ccasiosnese ns tranfgley ing "UFOs")." understanding of the phenomenon too radically. course, not. Not more than American or European objectTsh.i ssm alvli llaigsoe n eo ft he" hottfelsatsppo.� s"f o� But the "over-sceptics" are also wrong. In fact, this · ufology is. In some respects our ufology is even UFOst hahta veb eenr eportaendy whesrien cteh eg reaFtl ap information is quite worthy of serious - and un­ "less perfect", for the simple reason that it is just somey earasg oo vetrh eH udsoVna llienNy e wY orSkt ate. prejudiced -analysis. In the 50-s, 60-s, and even beginning to develop under the new conditions of "AtP armaretjhoep eoplaer el iviinnfg e arT.h eya re in the 70-s the ufological "research field" in the freedom and market economy. As a result, it is not USSR remained practically "clean", not contami- AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 9 8 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN THE CHINA SCENE By Gordon Creighton lightning bolts or man-made objects such as balloons or the FEIDIE TA NSUO. In FSR 38/(p4ag es 21-2w2e ) IChinasadthEsboeleman uTocra·dt ti ho"Tnamaremf,etih " lwTteecyuhUan assesireNiFpni dwn Oa Cap Degpeanttoo h siortmilec rstuain( setmIFt a ml(olemunintfibeirm osoandtrn d resoeCe "etw1sa x phpeMsamire9)in tn. aa ve9gicpdasnlwelleie3eenle aboarin,c nG nsaya gdto htthw Rberv ane,o aeesepotwtfrnmd uvDe wrtseetera�thhecne einemm l t erepotrfrehb eri-oB'sbe "nen e T �rtrant thw�to 8sinundoeht) , U1shAlsaiiengni9trrkhiespoteelt7elidlindrtft 8h ge STTse assftah.h,to t w-ee rthtlup reik oleIesasre S liar d noht em bowb asp1jviinioecgdde9rtuhye ttti s b4esaist oflniessain .7geoi dcnn aewd,tv e Xiteasmdh sn etiao o borg-finear HvtsAetetuh u thwTaguaaanasedi, pps d4repoteh i 0ine7 I0gnn,, ot0trtwernahm0 eah0dete nCnitoUnih on tFitnw nhinOaaeol Bp1aCOtghvuaAhNe9avbisiInel Ueli8 aaWs saFb,hfro3bnIleOEmoe uddh Nm st e ao n) ai v, dnte B P pboee viAsa uttehh aubriIeeiml,l kol a iDssD Msrp ooodhAoon af efrto n idat(UnfwgarQ, ln o'FiaoansUtnOns atlC Eedoysl�xl. hS. e crociTeganenTaneIleeOlldh s eiao zieNncsste atoch S wstenelh eirtrlaAtasy tsaC tlN,o i e SIihnf Dk.i�,ihb nnH cao eAdBdi oosrn Nkceotnaru .Swap FlgnWapEhStsikooeIlnoEDad ng hRtf Ie ao�iigESndnsr ataurRiCghnnneaenrhddddt ,epasi trcsCroo votinhemlccAlideraeoene alanase ftn slog trsysinpee uteneom eeod aealdld a rauP fl rsok yeltr a,hn ea maun)oo aglcnnrt o.oihocNetd,eni u g weoi t osarmnModoua churcttoiaal a liwvdAneondst Ce ilgmdp t achghehaneo tR rieid rttdthi .hait c nehaea cme eniIbi nRtm/sieer s Aviitweepn geueuwfrsialsa gelt vhttlisir agtisosasitbeainliti,otitch oa nv iot Inmroh reeste onr hn ui Cnfricytahn a dsthwt iele siltur ntenehbseldd aaes,l e t ry account of the prevailing hostility between the two CHINUAF'OSR ESEARCJHO URNAL as I know, his boko was issued only m France, m but - as I warned him would be the case - the regimes-no direct air-link can possibly exist between French. I have a copy, and found nothing very accompanying Government officials kept a close eye on cfrhBoaoenunijsntintrainiteignrs g anan t Ftdoda rpboT aEayuia penhsdarietiee rnd( Tet soas i okwsrui eanfcsoh 'r s atrit hreCfa tlea pmsp aiasatatettl n)oe trurl- yto m uan"annAdy-le moiret anhndseoe"r iTt has eFChxEiiossIDm tiesmd IEa.u s niuTIiAstt tai NbsC lSpheUu inmbOeolsei.ms h eWjeondurnalte finhoa rLv b eanor innec ofUh mioFdweOena, t Ranhioeon swin eo arllfoan ctnhhdge, niobinnfoetCe" ewrehgbnn siteeio nnnoi geep noosastregr enoeiind xwd ncc issaii t cenidnusxyfge su iolntia ryiityol.e n·en iSlrketa gnoaer nf nipi"yagunon awrita rgsh nhIgCt e akne eiUherbo ,nSidepow A n ru,sa,taCi tun h an ceyesnath�i rhhzas, iaeegd ss rnsa. , mahniemyno tnitoheneI nv ee dwmry ahy o v l"leoetrna yigt lis,pm eisreeoico teuah"nsa dotc nahn seepe vadogeifderk i2nldeonft2to a lpf ehimFpairnSnR g ma w3luoh8cnihec/ .hI w aw4lisat hos "artificial constructs" . of our wee terrestrial minds. city far to the south-west of Beijing, and we first SoutAhm ericaan,dB ritaainndI, a m stiwlali tiinng recently related to an important British legal official by Consequently, so the reports said, the UFOs have been received a few copies in 1987It i.s sai d to be produced vaifn�r repliteoms y enquiries abo(Fuot r,t his.offi cers of the Communist Chinese KGB, but at present coming and going very frequently indeed between monthly, and is printed on very poro paper, of the size shouiltdt urno utt hatth eA lieanrse s purninggo od it is not possible for me to say anything more about Taiwan and the Mainland and general format of the American TimeM agazine. this• And even those few Chinese in the two camps Its monthly circulation is claimed to be no less than whose consciousness has expanded suffic;iently to take 300,000, a figure that would sound staggering anywhere in such a thing as the concept of"alien craft" also seem else in the world And I find it difficult to credit. to have shown scant respect lately for political In theory they are now sending the journal to me distinctions, because they have just recently concluded regularly, but so far only about twenty issues have their very own first JoinMta inland/TaiwUaFnO reached me since 1987Th.e contents usually include Conferehneclde in, Beijing! a great deal of padding (articles about Space Travel, According to a statement put out by the Communist regime's Xin-HuNae wsA gency,th e Astronomy etc.) and they seme to be careful never to FLYING SAUCER REVIEW publish anything of serious interest from China itself delegates at the conference spoke of possessing logged except humdrum reports of the usual type about sightings records of almost 6,000 of these UFO trackings to and of objects seen at great altitudes, spirals in the sky, and fro across the Formosa Strait! ANNUASLU BSCRIPT(IFOONRF OURI SSUEPSE RY EAR):· sky phenomena in general. They have indeed often We are indebted to FSR's Malaysian Consultant, carried excellent translated accounts of exciting close UNITEKDI NGDO1M5:. 0P0O UND(Ss incgolpei esp o4u.n0ed0as c h) Ahmad Jamaludin, for the following rather fuller account, published in the English-language newspaper encounters with UFOs, and with entities, but in all the ALLO THERC OUNTRI(EISN CLUDUISNAG)1 :8 .P0O0U NDOSR $ US35.00 The Staorf ,K uala Lumpur, on December 9,1 993: thisseusees frthoamt I hthaev ee searleyn th(foeyre hignav)e bewrintine caregs fulof toAn steolneicot (sincgolpei5 e.s0p 0o unodr$s U S9.00) UFOaSEAEBNOVETAnNANSTRAITS Ribera, Aime Michel, Donald Keyhoe, and so on. In (USd ollaprasy afblnNe e wY orWke.c annaoctc eUpStd ollcahre qudersa wonnf orebiagnnko su tstihdUeeS A) other words, all nice" safe" material, because from far­ away foreign sources. Oversaeiarsm eaxitlrU aS:A$- 1o. oo Alolt hceoru nt6r.i0pe0os u nds BEIJING-AFP. Bewildered onlookers have spotted nearly 6,000 unidentified flying objects (UFOs) hovering To judge, then, by the few issues of FEIDIE Oversseuabss crsihboeurrlsed m biytc heqdurea winnS terolnia n� agn ikn t hUen i� t�elngdoomrb. yc heeqi un above the Straits separating China from rival Taiwan, TasAumsNSeU tOha tt hsoatm heabodve ybe eeinth eper rmin iChinatted t oo rre haecrhe amveid l(yI us dolldarrsa wInnt hUeS Ao nloyrb, y I nternaMtoinoeOnyra dle1 nrS te.r.lI irfne gm1ttb1yGn igr toh eFnS R, s the Chiliese Xin-HuNae wsA gencyq uoted experts as purloins them, along with a great deal of other material accounnumtb ies3r 5 63 251 saying. Some of the UFOs -seen by astronomical that never reaches me) the magazine strikes me as very Allm aleld,i tomarttieaarln ds ubscrisphtoiubolenad sd drestsoe:d much of a write-off. However, I might possibly be observatory workers and civil and military pilots above wrong on that, for all those missing issues since at least The Editor TSOa iewxanpe rtSstrai frot-m thdee twfieod sraidtieso nwahl oe xhpavlaen jautisot nc,o nsacildu dtehde 1987an,d maybe even earlier, could possibly have FSRP ublicatLtido.Pn,Os B ox1 62H,i gWhy combeB,u cksH.P 13SD Z, England contained something of value to us. If it has been a three-day symposium here. running for at least seven years to date, that means at The Xin-HuaA gencysa id that more than 5,000 least 84is sues to date -of which I have just 22. of the 6,000 "flying saucers" were seen from the With regard to kidnappings and disappearances Mainland.• Some of the experts believed that they came and killings in China, our readers will be aware that a VUFORS Committee wishes to thank members who have from remote galaxies, while the more rationalist fewsu ch reports have arrived on the FSR editorial desk, contributed to this edition of the Bulletin by but these have always come vioat hecrh annenlsot, b y delegates argued that they were natural phenomena like sendin� press clips etc. 10 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 11 ·• E - l�v "o.. ....r. c.. l ·S"·· ·� (..'.... DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE Your Right ContinfMrotmd p age 11 The resiusml ytD ierctoMresss agteo be publishiend t heu pcomings ummer Know editioofn thOkelA homa MUFONt11s to (MUFON Oklahoma's Quarterly NewslettI earl)s.io n tetnods endt his "Ti'uth messatgoeM s.P auleyI. w antto a ssure the Mutual UFO Network, Inc. • Oklahoma Affiliate • Summer 1994 yout haI ta m inn ow aya tetmptitnog r Swu.: Supplement t.o the MUFOO UFO Journal -Mont/1/y Mi.oguzonu of the Mutual UFO Network. DudoCOJIL'<! t.o Socnt.lfoc 5l.udv of Unodunt.lfocd Ffojlng Obtcct& und RcluiL'<l Phcnom<:non crtiicitzheDae t tlisnhto was a wholfeor, ,,l,UoFOuSl � nd . thearreoe f tewne ldlo nsegem entosf g reat wh.olo� l41pp<!ning "'L :I"Ii"nI:t Yhg er easlt aull eO klahoO\a! inetresatn d/or miumchport anceT.h ank youa gafionr ygoruerra etpo rting! r .. •!•�··· Lou:oowrtrs conlailln csross-sectiono l thnel05l 1,,, .111111cul Okl•hoOU\I'Oa ca5<!5.Y ouw il�la da bout •:wrvthfrlolml sgi ghtrienpogr ttsoll bduc\IUIll\c cuunttus Snicerely, ·�nit n•util.Alndti, ounlnsi.k tn "nybo kso onU !Us, most 111 tht :1w.sti.cationleds ipnN1l'fte n1tiw £1111cmrttrs were JeaWna ller-Seifried ''""lurtl'\1 withinp atshte yfeo.uurs ! DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE OklahoMUmFaO N StaDtier ector rtu• u111bo,1oku feO<. -uS<!S specificaulnla y"t• na�l.: coutn� lrum Native Encounters _1fryO kjwlAth oWamaMllnaUtre -FStP OijariNut dSlUJ tet DyDai'trtstc ltioinrnet trv iewotsk bhonvleoipuw Oort!nuoi hfesboowar llnh sniyesoi t mmc c!hu,Iah ac pat itsshc o liatuet pocsyr hstp oce hrbodleol mi neymvoomoeeuf,unsn to dwtce omhes nwoei eeennn tmw o ht evspupeoeb rsa ryeo tp t phudoh furta epoloylcsfi lWeieldemaesli eber.yrnont etf ttc eotwhtruhaBei raki nstuebge! pl l ev'Sesos m ehow (N1490o15r)6 13m2n9al-egO1n00wk,oo5l -:da•D hroi7mv3a0e7 1 tI\p lh�et,,ht �· . '1!l.:H1i'U·l1·' !!t rlrl�'"fi ' u" (lgll� th>ct< "''f'niht(•i!\" 'n�k Qlo.l!<..fi"n" nl>n .S ni"bewll�tSMgl' ll lih '"dullh<!unlt" Ul<t ""luf'OHl"skr n.tai'\lilu liNtlyy1i!Sl teted l)( 1 1hao1w triI!r hohne. �rteO tp n kku!h<!uuMul lrUl�lwl>ll Ilh hUNl.llio�'lIIUIW! maid)• I. 1rAI.l!\5. .1 lix·'po. lptera:wyhrt uli!o. rn ul OnOwAS.llfiltllyr ntcrw•�dtl•4 l . 1lerll'iw /1rma1 /iiTlt'th 2{tflf'l nXo •a Jtliul"lhk•dm.' .!Hw�a 'f ryJ yu/ll�'t'S. ,!., !f>R,. withD r.J ohnM ackH,a rvardt housandisn doifv idfirugahltse,tn hienmgo ro urd ayasr ien deendu mbered! beP sydcc ohUnicnoaientvreM ryetta,refy s2do ti4 rot",t1P ys 99r h4oeu,afst ps peouahrpri "votem ifod d pai nasbedr cc aoodmnibifusgenismygnsoo tgw nth idhed emeaci,-bhr sia ypoll trniloecete ao ndtpegh h.iIa entsig LJza r /77 tiJt ojtor all, row tpionrtistg ra J lotKrl FtlOhtRatr} d ttan nstis tisonttnto}tj[a tion EXTRA! EXTRA! r: 0--- -Yt-s!- I-""'-"-' -l-u"- '-'-'-"-"- -IUi.l-r"n-l''l-l'-'s-'-'·-P" l-ir"-r$-"r-:re"'- "-�- II-IJ�.l'I-'J-'!I- <�-/ N�ll-li-w- 1:--:14n-•r�u-t-crJ-- ---� disdcirtegi hnirse searHcehh .o� spe rhapsw ondeirf t hew holoef m.mkinids m OkwbomOa( v. Memberosc't heU nviersoiftO yk lahoma , _ _,...,Q-IJ--Ioo .... _ .. ,,,._,... .... _ ... bpercoogmroreafoo mf poerwaet edrr ufusllahy odv doyi cmee?Tmt hpoet do� esmseunmtpetiIdis tt?o hah nits nn okom te!Tt hhueirn neigaq s.uomend a Mbrl.e JLeafzfa lier Physics Depmaerttr emceenntt Tlhye.y Nfuactoivrme ters ""_,, __"""' .... -... --.. -... ________ ...... _.. _--_-.. - ..-..,.,- -..--..-·-. ,.· -·..- - epudrnimeirpgsio tehnrenhitw tscao do mnremcokseef itn brhtyetitsp doshr t e eehds eidt tegiormgerdioesnof .-u ­sssp otrmo.tcefl1.o orknuitgitn stinrd atws ok eiglirtp rsinhleg o .aiularftwsCnd eoliedw w y,t ea h ! na ttdbo g e 1.titnec4O r/4kl o4KE.. FB1OrhtRiCot imoRto�noOy .K,t 7d31 14 daneywchiedree dI nt hetrthhee a ctacn o smnoots beex cleipfet ODcoOrIlnrJ .1d "'UeUImtr br""t T. nnu.JoImb<-tUdldl"a o •y ! -Or-..r:.. --�· -o--·-11--18nk--lftd-yow--cloec'-k---or·- __.,--·-·- --..-·----·----.,-·lof-.- --\loe---lul------lip:- u_ll-_l (U.L--_-'-'"_---_·--).ID . : ODrr.. M R.oKbke\rBf tani kdneigras't wsta esmt opobtd v eibouunskalI nyt ya hmgi tnnoto .httlept uebmlpgi tIhci e.nrd eto,hno ap' vrtteo o v eM .ty 261,9 94 Earth! L-Al-lo-,.- 4 -.. ..--.n..r-or- J-d-l·•-l'<J•·• ll•lc•Mrd•• 0•. Seil••rt.d•,• li•lt• ln•..-••••Or•lwe•, -••-••·O•K• nD•7•1 •••••••••••.J unionrfmedd nd incompeteinnt h isp rove haningty otj uisfYtm y position. I've .m.tloyfts ehi wso rbek ingd oneby M ack donmey r esearacnhdI k nows omethisi nDge ar Jell: .md othhiegrhq luya ileidrf esearcihne grosi nogn !I dhoo pet ot a·hs omeo ft th• teh fieolfdd bducttiroanu mHae.s houlpdr essuorteT theseco urageoaunsd Letm et ,hmky out oryo ucr .uef.mudl beh eladc countfaobrlh ei si gnorandceet.e rmianbeddu cteixopenr ienacnerds c ompetent luonfRd iclhianrgSd e ifrit·d's Dean" a liar ancdo n a man.s"h ipbse causmey steriohuisg,h ­ Whyw oulNdB C o�lloswu cahn i gnoratnhte cioru nselDourest .ot hdee evlopmenitn tervlioetrwe h o�bductnieownss eg ment, Dean's wife,D eCaenhc,ei alridafl yingm etalloibcj ectasl most personto c ommenotn thew orko fa ofs cientpirfiocces osu rw estecrunl tuMraey 2 5t.h wI. tpsa rticpulleadrwslheyed n the commaenndtb ecamuep setp.r ovokae cdo nrfontatbieotnw een Pulitpzreiwrzi e nenr?I tw asa bsurLde!t hasp lacea dm oratoroinu mpe rsono�iltb ecamnee cesstdowry a iutn ttiehl n ext "Hec ans ay dhoee snb'etl ihviem . NATOa ndt heS oviet Uinnti hoen thiguys expilnah ows leep-paraclayns biesl si beafseodn f.i1tohr c ircummtsira.nli ghtt o .tiri t,c onsidertiehn g Hec anc'atl hli ma liars,he"s aid.e arl1y9 60s. oiCCOfUorna tlt lh em ulutdietosf m ultplieev idencWee. can sneoetmt or esi.s1t0e mb.trr.lssegsmienngt o n D.lldmt, Klasasn dC ecilDieaa nb egan Onl1y5 c opioefts. h er epowretr e subjeacbtd uctieoxnpe riencest-h-eoo rp portuyn tiopt ublicly trhiodwsiehc ou o�lded resDsri.Mn dgc ke'fsf oirntb se h.o1fl f arguing abouRto berDte an'cso m­printbeudt,D ean- whoa tt he od.wocthluhvbume dnerusnin coovwttmfobhetie leidho vfpec" eneorh, sdrs l eolbeh dnieaLesSenSvesrt!wn pehtcevi i"i i ept emntnl iewbeeoseevxnsrrepseerglata d aTost wihw trbniaeoy prnmtn aardpkogbsno t ohduv uo niitttwatneh h !cSgipe c cbrr eie ogpelrstnieoaattPescsbhirf.sisbelfioo aeeyefcilshm' stsa nav hivodeinite g os dttc r ieohiy. fman spfbelidgecuimxucne ltt entirysxwtyouigpeh J nbn ret jslinpoehoe du tcornottw c ogjI i er u rtnr nseogsetae.wtilt tsocih.ech eze l. er t s.tl. AsprpoRromootkybacn e ebUo roFmDtuOmae tsah ah ninedsg,ah eh arrldegsy tee iaecmrwnnlaUejht ar.doi seS rl­s.e,i fiedmnat hpoe"eosnThylewtsha o i,aidgt nass izhhd l ubKe i obuldspnjta, ege s nscs.tatt m nh ehdecKngii olo aetnanngn gtsflt re hshihere iceearst qdttmmol .u eianio ismlnfnc eyeaotk ,gnhsli"et)adnays do tiroii h det"dtber a(I . eb ecttl luaoh itdneUe iv cFviniahOeUtt nla Fmp.hcsnOeh aeogsn em"t de- onyI dt et t ­ he camei tnot hep ubleiycew ithhi sCl ost possible-n-e-cneosrs taory.ti l subjectHso.w ever,s emnys ittiov ittphty.ir istc ulu -workiantgN orthA tlanTtrieca ty kindo fe motions,a"i dRo bert implicatairoenm su ch greater Encountas movieL!e th ime xplatihne W hatevhearp penetdo c ommons enses,u bjweictln lo ra llow tomo ev erltooeh k Organizaotfifiocnein s E uropien Dean6,5 ,o f TucsAorni,z . thawne r ealize." numerooucsc urreonfsc eisma irpl hysicfaailt, ah nds ensitiPveirthyat?ph sle acokf improprioeftyt hec ommenptrse ,ented the ea1r9l6y0 s. Klasssa ihdew ould ltoow vrei te Deana cknowlevdigoelda tani ng mukigns,i mlpatns,s iumltaneonuso set hes'e' ofladhs ioneidd"e aisso neo ft hed uriMnsg. P auleDy,u'dsmt preesnti.l!on PhilKilpa sas , UFOd ebunker a story aab oreuatal l ien spoaactehh­e t oonk ott od ivulmgiel i­ bleewdest, bceldo theetsc,. , rbeypo rrteeads oonusrc ilviaizitoni sb ecomitnhge o f DMra.c k'efsof rtisn b ehaolfft eh whol ivienWs a shingtDo.nC,a. n,d shibpu,t " in28 yearIsh avnee vert arys ecrebtust stahiadht e o nly researchers! moscto rruspatv,aa gnedd estructtihvee. tbitdnoui nc experienc(Me.tyr s2,4 ,1 994). writefso ra viatimoang azines, founad casteh atI canno(te x­doeist o nt heU FO issuaen dt hat Whenw ec onsiadletlrh feac tst,h imsa n histoofrym an. Youh avoen ltyo w atch -questioDneeadn 'sst orayn,d t he plaini)n prosaiacn d earthlhye f eltc ompeltloes dp eaoku t. exchanqguei ckbleyc amheo stile. terms." "Thiisst ooi mportahnets ,a"i d. When a reportaesrk eKdl ass Deans aiNdA TO ofifciawlrso te" TheA merican pheaovpaerl ieg ht about etxhceh anKglea,s csa lled an in-edpthr eporatb oustp ace-tok now." 12 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 13 LETTER -- 172 Tennessee Avenue, Sewanee, Tennessee 37375 was bending over. I was standing upright beside him. I looked up and saw the ufo flying slowly USA over the trees, but visible to me because of a break or abrupt deep dip in the tree line. The low (phone: 615-598-0203) flying, quite large, craft flew slowly from west toward the south from our spot on the road. My friend is talkative and was talking loudly, and there was a lot of other external noise if I June 2, 1994 remember correctly-either my car was still running or the noise was because of the chain being pulled through the digger and being wrapped on the metal sides of the cart. But, I saw the ufo and Paul Norman shouted out, "Look! Look!," and pointed, but he never heard me speak or saw my gesture. This was The Australian U.F.O. Bulletin ironic because earlier that day talking about encounters (mine) he said he'd like to believe but he The Victorian U.F.O. Research Society never even had seen a ufo. And, he missed it. P.O. Box 43 I said nothing more though about it to him then, but did tell my son when he eventually appeared Moorabbin, Vic. 3189 and we were ready to drive home, the three miles to Sewanee for dinner, and to return the rented Australia machine. I asked my son to watch the sky on the way home to see if he saw it. Later by eleven we were free but exhausted; I felt guilty for not going back out to look for it but not enough to go. My Dear Paul, son was not interested, he had to get up at 5:30a.m. to go to work. Neither of us mentioned it to our friend- I thought, 'What was the point of doing so?'. You were a delight to meet. I appreciate that Marilyn brought us together. I have not heard from Leo Sprinkle; I realize you won't receive this until you arrive back in Australia after the conference, so I It was just after dark, about 8:30-9:00p.m., I estimate (I don't wear a watch, won't run on me) guess that is out as a possibility for this year. when the sighting occurred. I have enclosed the form, filled out.. .. my handwriting isn't all that legible, so I thought Pd explain The craft: on the word processor: It was large -larger than an automobile or a van. It was three levelled with the top level being the lowest, and had windows around it-maybe circular-I'm not sure, but each was separate or isolated "Patterns • Somewhere on the Path of Reconciling Repetitive Sightings and Encounters" from the others. The sighting I am to describe took place on a Fritlay or Saturday evening in September, 1993. The craft glowed orange and seemed orange perhaps because it was surrounded or covered with an Besides me, my son and a friend were working three miles out of town in a rural, wooded setting, orange hazy bright glow. Therefore the edges were softened somewhat but it was still clearly visible digging a ditch for a waterline up the middle of a 400ft. lane, with a machine we rented for the day; as to its structure and form. The haze reflected orange as well. The windows seemed lighter, more it was a long tiring day of outdoor heavy work. The sighting occurred around 9:00p.m. light yellowish than the craft itself. The three tiered structure was circular in form and looked like a childs toy top, the kind one plays with on the floor, and causes to run by pushing up and down with The setting: a spiral metal handle. The middle section of the craft was the largest in height; the lower one was a From a main rural road, Rt. connects Sewanee and Sherwood, Tennessee (ten miles apart over steel smaller circular form like the top level compared to the middle section. mountain incline). From Rt. cutting off in a C form giving a two way access toRt. is a less travelled rural paved road. On the back comer foot of the C shaped road is a lane leading off 400 ft. through There was no sound I could hear. It was travelling slowly in a horizontal line just above and across trees to a small house (my son's) (it having just been moved there from Sewanee). We were digging the tops of the trees by perhaps fifty to one hundred feet at the most. a ditch with a rented machine up the middle of that lane for a water line extending from a 'town' waterline connecting the small village (located along the backside of this C shaped road) to In the vicinity less than a tenth of a mile away, as it was, is a cross country huge electric power-line, Sewanee. It is almost entirely wooded and edged by a cliff. but not in sight of where we were; one would have to be on the edge of the cliffs all along this area to see it. The cliff edge of this wooded rural area was, I estimate, also about a tenth of a mile away -. The friend and I were working on loading the digging machine onto a u-haul type metal cart; I had certainly the craft was only a few hundred yards from us and just above the tree tops. Yet it was far just moved the car to accommodate this manoeuvre, backing into the beginning of the lane but still enough to not loom huge to me in its size. along the small rural paved road. My friend was, if I remember, messing with the gate and a chain, either the chain connecting the cart to my car or to hook the gate. We were standing together and he Am I becoming blase about sightings, I wonder. I have had three sightings during the fall, winter and spring ....a nd two encou�ters one of which was related to a sighting. 14 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTRAIJAN UFO BULLETIN 15 -I I m � • ���5(!cic.c ;.�-�=��=,=��•Q.!": '< 'g: :go; �-::r::r41Q.IIi)Q.lli)::r�f:E>(..::s�(I)1! · . " ,1 "C �g�::r-;�e.Q.-�Q.fi"'c_Qs · C ��;(I)�-:n=-::rII)Q.�v.=-==��="I · " ��s=S:" (I)c�"'C;;-v.-=-r-t"�c-� · "' -=-�c:=n�n:�IIi)-a(I)Q.!:.--=;=-,;- · · ::� Vl�!t- · a=-=��""'cJl;�a=--���-=<:=s · -·· ii -< � ft=. Ii:==cn-.�-a(I)c-;.-ft i) " · . ana-C��-='��_�rJ'J!!--=-r')5 . 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S.�»- · tt=� tt::rn · .;</,a�"� _,ib��- � /6./t/f.l 0/Jt-. '� O· oe> DCC> "C..ft�!;>(ft..�: . C ·�-II)6"nQ.= -=�Q.'JI'� · =.=a:;-n2 = ==Q."'"\,ofsa;"' &:.II)::sa=�- "C �fl:-:.IIi)=.Cl .=-::rWl<I�5' .I!�'-=.-=:r'JI' - ;'n���=c= lt1l *�\ Coclst UFO sightings -3�· n�=� -Q.=-��-�=-= ;tz: :��-&:. ;::r�-:r- · •�,.,· �(l)<I�I! 1 *,� increase: Expert � • �=��,., n= =�'<=-•�41 1! �411! Ii::i) �� t on Melii' l ;;c� �; 2.-;··=lli) �=� ftg=- a=-� ��a. fti';; i * SRUeports�SH bIyNS EA LLY BCEoNaNstETT a:s�20 �f�0 peo;spt.iloe'hn sa da tmtoenntdthlehyde 1 * trheesc ild.eohnstateovrst ece ovmeeaao lnu m_ to- f MTaoromoocrohrwy'dsom rCeeWe'Ats iH naaglt l �-c cS�legahm�tgm ngusm.be r ofU FO fporrtoedm7 . p.UmF w Oi ltdlesi tsicnusgtsi hster ae et - CD Lastm ontahl o�nf ivpeoep le PineG ap. tn BEGA DISTRICT NEWS Urem�dretn�h� fepatrF ealdt.y me mcgi? db.eJtsne J._co ts._ whMir.cS hhp aidr·s oa ibetdegh noem ienesgti inncges , tn anda loca_le xperts a1tdh ey May1 990, aimedto helpeopp le FRONT PAGE - 1-7-9 4 . werebe commgm oref requent.d eawli thU FO sightings. 0 Coastc o-ordinaotfoU rF O And hsea isdc eptics were Research QueensJleafnfdr eyw elcoem. c: Spirsoa iadbo ut50 sightings" Critiacnsd s ceptiacrse ... Locals report werer eporteodn theC oast greaTth.e yk eeups o n trtaoc k ... eachy ear. be thorougihn o uri nvestiga- -· And reports werael ways tions,Mr" Spirsoa id. moref requent wthheenrw ea s Whilheec oncedethda ts� me :l a lootf m ilitarya ctivity, ofr e-ther eports he rece1ved c UFO sigh·ti:tags peganridnlges ots(iwh nhew e orriel twd aa. ·ha p- cthingo� dm beo rpebeu lt�i oewvnato b hlseeosa m,1� d tn r ha"v We�e eh ean1·v 1_1eharC de dpeoiepb thille gswnh,,o hebe T eroexfmusoo�larrmo toedw'. as mc eecteipantlcgc los o tui ls d 0 ·.�� RmonEI n POreceiRntheTn tS oBqwef eksUanid Vseven!aentifiedlley local- u Plntily noin.residentwgsObjects thK ihav.-ese . notreported com -,. MUrFMO Srsp Swlpar_s1sosa rdo•so.s a . t1 rdm.o tnaegsrm esatnm. y ss$5ii fooonnvre,aia rsd dnu eodail nntsad cns ldu$3u p dapefes dro i.rpes nc-us-sce• pticsMR . SPIRO. .w.e lcomes--h CseandcInei nolnwhaoge to re tBep pothey rted saiddacribeds isbeg wash,as t fiUFOsolwnaog m. alowed bytran· v •-ebriJbtnmg·lm Jipt_ m. . • UMLFaAOy7S :S TAI peGMrHOsoTnNI rNTeGHportS ed . .:¥·· a. nd ina manufa.ct urer ..CD:l. : wbehindhich ber kept·car_�.. - and diAp· - peariDa ime-ti*ly · segrreeiodsngu ahndib anrtf ihtrgeNsleh ooi atsgc�ahhiag tmtr twothe hae. 'knows what he saw' CD� The $itliariOnscUtd.tbe womaa. so.:tmldl dlllt•- � • May8 :A UFO was report­A Y ANDINAm anw ho harse· tn pett,eD1'lel ami losud dealy aadler ·t'reponsipdislp tpe.-ed aapllli�iOUuded �-.�.- ··.sty her-lliPt. �cal' -D.1il.�:. :a : �lllli ailhtift·::�· lOibllll' llp-·, .lid- .z doredBwelenpoyach rt .soedP evse eoeeepnrscoil rngveiu e nbaraa Pn nae ldicrli romeagcegnhr idtaa. ftnnpot erhHtveoeke en bendtrl hof ycrwo woeersUnh m Fova Ofl ith sine isf cegaeeahwd.art ntiwdhnni gols hl a sm'stay In tda mrumapsd eaa nntdhd e t mhheya icrhr eiocankd ­ ..I. �with�;. The w obindo�-ject·w- sw-Wldtiptsas-- reported li._ ghts Jial. .byltinl:oft a-_youafbad_l Beg : a West..to· res.. bei..-. : ·:-catrW•aace hMcatear tenoy h 1fr t0e te:hfy hApoe ao ertco ibyeduledjectt pto .seowl f e eeidiin nrndngtvai envasyi t ngirwilla -eaim"lsgoImohu 'aantsfnvnkse o toeedthhethrf nei e c rmomce n,hal'at"a thoslrn eto wag m hfeareasi vyybe nmtsi !'e,rwi d n ahne nodna g.c e e e ctsa mone qthueie tg raonudn ds tbe-ill ' dent who imlymediate ifonrmed herpirents . · bri&hlti gihntt heT ewantin­ did notw ishto be named,sa id. He saidI tw ass imiltoa rhis Al�l sipuap haveoc curred in clole proximity to Cooroya reaa bout 4am. · "Butth ese onesa res od is­second experiewnhciec sahw a Begaand in many instances have been reported by Theysa idt hel ighhtad 1 tinct,ha vIe nevesree n, any­grouopf s malloebrj ectsl eave 1 reseMw· portedvAei eltUthrFbohopeopO a use le.fromlrner andepo.i rted n Sv�yestig idneatialon.Begayvgrouoa i en. recent pVthe alsay seyl·· taSt w.s� eei·. ksgeOMt .· htings which habetwvtaUiesebe eenne ftrpecabrhondiaigasae rvhrcTi .teaemohd r vdttret t edoo edyhtsbe i ehalmc f feiotoigerio dtwhomsttonel wh tcou hlowaeal a Mindrssideldaannr. t r s Sg noahagtpi oftp­eboutea­ i rrr thilingsi miinT"Uanch IF swgeegO terems in siaacnalbe alnnthetfililde,,itigmwkihd m oehheee. nnoo dv a"hts.u ie lo gd nomolh ofosodsttpeoa ftfbe pt s pllhiiieigle'nhovsgttse. semtth·th aoeaA er rn bogmwthi ruhaalaoteeis1sy,u x 4nloa npey ianidrehvtedh iaaei iiern nangnsdbgwwgss hc a a eshopepe endtwie,e o edhcd tbere.ah hgVnn lutheai onerncn­ ­g I • ·havebe en mistakforen V e­ are." about Bpamn dc ontinued nus, which becomes Thes eU-employmeadn ufac­throutghhe n ight. brightbecaeurse, It frightt­urers aihde h adh isf ir"setx ­ "Iw asi nt hepa ddock servic­ ened thepeo ple and had a tra-tetrrrie'as'le xperiencinega machiwnhee ns omething red glow. whenh ew asj usts iyxe arosl d.s tarteedm ittilnigg hhte,s "a id. �� .:"::r0=� :: :..��­� &2...., 0ec > gedoa•llur Moyreaww edasTyob h .ee2h j4ic ne:ec:th Tyismh w n oaotv dwb hede re iriY aorrengaanae hnd concporttilh­elu­a y.l fmri noeSgponio rtnnthscethaae e etgdt nwoY ,tho.as e ni44 dg-ihynateaboia iunrntg-ohtc slwal dosu dcqa­run"iidImce matyktan ho eddsentse ththta eeid·ha lg irlrs .otaou unnpmn da yd n a drthebec ma sm e �\0 �• ;tr1 � � mbouoncedo.n dTiheeroc btjiectso naw nerde ringing" Aboubetgt awnomt oodr nitvhseam geo ct rhai­se x"tIewtna dsaii nnhw geh iilgtihIegwt tho.htu a lwstdaa sy 3i 6-.�.1.r;E();�0� �e o� 0oo� ()�c sadaiebougdttr o eeh asahabo novv uebeea reg nd nr toaheuborutnde .f1 5or thzeyTr.h eelwm ooaIaks nthised u spoah biejiscthd enaet w .a "s bk rayin gdh tih tiwTh spae rs amo f apeenrsw htaa uyinnh dddeh t r erefaieeddftoedt oa lrtwe oaawyvn.e i!!� • May2 6: A yellow·whlrtede a ndg reeno bjechto verinbgu th isc arw,h ichhe hadn ot ,.::'!!.. ��0Etr1 � �t!j �z �c ltihgeGwh yatms pr ieaeportr edelay. seeni n owviefMreo uwniNtti nnesdseerdwr.hy i chhi s hnoatdsa tnayrp rto.b lewmist h, would .:;l�e· o:�t"' �. (). 00 I ... in� ARE YOU ABOUT TO CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS? '1 I E �. ..�.��I-- �- ----------------� PLEASEN OTIFY US OF YOUR CNIGI:fA o�· ADDRESSA S IT INSO TF. CONOMICAjL TO SENDB ULLEITNS ANDR ENEWAS LOUTA SECONDT IEM,A FTERT HEIR RETUilNT O US!

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