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Preview Australian UFO Bulletin 1991 09 September

5:-tf Cfj THE AUSTRALIAN • BULLETIN Victorian U.EO. V.U.EO.R.S. Research Society OFFICE BEARERS P.O. Box 43, Moorabbin, Vic. 3189, Australia INCORPORATED 1988 PRESIDENT JUDITH M. MAGEE VICE-PRESIDENT PAUL NORMAN SEPTEMBER 1991 PUBLICATION NO VBH122 SECRETARY WfLCOMf Registered by Australia Post MARK SAWYERS TheS coiewteyl comreesp oorftu sn usupahle nomena. TREASURER Thesaere ev aluoant etdoh wenim re riatnsid rf e quested CLIVE YATES arkee pitnt hset riccotnefsitd ence. TheS coieetxyc hainngfeosr mwaittsihio mni Aluasrt ralian Contents MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY and� rseoarsg anisaastw ieolanlsss c,i enatnidds itss­, STEVE PARTRIDGE semmattote hspe u bliincfo rmoanlt oicoiannl t,e rasntda te oversdeeavesl opmienni ttqssu artpeurbllyi ctahtieo n, PAGE ARTICLE LIBRARIAN "AustraUl.iFa.BnOu .l lewthiinc'ih:s p ostteoda ll J8IIIJ l5JI!J IIIIIITTL members. Alclo mmunicasthiooubnlesda ddrespseterhd re e turn 2 Editorial PUBLICATIONS OFFICER addrsehsosw onnt hree aorft hbiusl letin. 3-4 On The UFO Trail ftl' 5-9 Oberth Lecture Notes IJUIL FtitiCAICstZ 10-12 International UFO News Bulletin SIGHTINGS INVESTIGATIONS OFFICERS ©COPYRIGHT 13-14 Letters to the Editor PAUL NORMAN 15 Local Sighting - more details in J?Ht' "' '''C''F'IL Nop arotft hpiusb licmaatybi ero enp rodwuictehdto huet the December issue. writctoenns oefnVt. U.F.O.R.S. 15-16 International UFO News Bulletin OFFICER 17-18 FSR Russian Report Kharovsk ALFRED LENDVAI 18 UFO Newsclipping Service RIGHTS RfSfRVfD ALL 19-23 Detailed Report on Russian Reports OFFICER Contribpuutbiloindssohn eondte cessraerfitllhepyeco t l i­ 24 Crop Circles in Japan PETER CLOSE cyo ft hVe. U.F.O.R.S. 25 Feel Alienated - You're Not Alone 26 Bits and Pieces OFFICER 27 VUFORS - Geelong Meeting MfMBfRSHIP RfNfWAL GARY WING 28-31 Society News � Frod etsao ify oumre mbersrheinpe wraeflte,otr hm eo nth/ � y�er� omgo nt haed drIebeas sIo fy oulra tbeusltl etin. Th11sn d1ctahlteae bssut l lfeotwrih ni ycohau r fei na­ncial wew oualpdp recyioaurtree n ebwyat lhd ea tseh own. AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 1 EDITORIAL --�maBm�Baamm.-.�am����������������� ON THE UFO TRAIL My third visit was with Dr. Willy Smith, in Florida, where I have found his UNICAT project of much After reading the editorial of the Flying Saucer Review Volume 36 No.2; an excellent publicationt o which I have value. In the past, I have experienced a lot of diffi­ subscribeds ince about 1958 when I joined this Society,I am Paul Norman© 1991 culty retrieving selected information and printouts led to write along a somewhat similar vein.I do not advocatea ny cult, religiono r politicalo piniorl,b ut there from computer systems. UNICAT is the project are so many flaws in our way of life that unless there is a On 30th April, 1991, I commenced my overseas created by Dr. Smith and Dr. Allen Hynek, a vast drastic change of thinkinga mong the peoples of this world tour on the UFO trail, with the first task of replying improvement over other systems. Four days were I'm afraid it will cease to exist. Young people, by and large, grow up without respect for parents or any type of to correspondence awaiting attention at my first spent sorting out the best cases for UNICAT from authority - remember to, there are always exceptions to stop in California. The following Sunday, I attend­ Down Under. Several other visits were made with every rule- but ask what they'pdu t in place of authority, ed the Western States Division of the Mutual UFO researchers who want to remain anonymous. they haven't a clue. Their education,b oth at home and Network (MUFON) a meeting I look forward to school has deteriorated to a shockingl evel, some leave On 5th, 6th and 7th, I attended the MUFON Sym­ school without being able to spell or pronounce words when in the area visi�ing with veteran UFO inves­ posium where I visited with many friends and correctlyo r to add a list of riumbersw ithout the aid of a tigators and researchers of many yearS. One of the acquaintances. The Symposium was held at the computer- which does not always give them the right ans�er. most interesting talks of the day was by Dr. Rich­ We are sold irradiated food apart from radiation pumped Hyatt Regency near Chicago's O'Hare Airport into our atmospheret hrough bomb tests and leaking nuclear ard F. Haines, who told about his recent trip to with 800 persons attending. The speakers and sub­ reactors. Russia, where he met researchers in that country. jects follow below. I heard this and many more rather frighteningt hings about 30 years ago. It was discusseda mong UFO researchers but Another interesting visit took place with Lucius After the Symposium, I motored to Flushing Mich­ because it came from a somewhat dubious source, Farish, who publishes the significant newspaper igan with George and Shirley Coyne, who had "contactees",w e heard very little if anythinga bout it, we stories from around the world. A valuable publica­ paid no heed to it. invited me to their home for a visit and to speak to It seems that there is "method in madness" - we kill off tion concerning what the newspapers are printing the Michigan Branch where George is Regional Di- 50 million sheep and buy in $80 million worth of wool. We about the subject. buy in cheeses and close down our cheese factories. Our clothing factories, small manufacturers and retailers go down the gurgler while we import from Korea, China and .so on. These are but a few examples.W here d�J our National Spirit go !! ?? �oN,J We will have double the population we now have by the year MUTUAL UFO N�TWORK, INC. 2020. The world is not growing the amount of food and grain it was so the starvingh ordes will still be with us. Why didn't we listen to those "contactees"a nd learn from 1991/NTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM what they told us ? We may not be in this horrifics ituation now. Gordon Creighton says he was listeningt o a talk by the Indonesian seer and teacher Pak Subuh. Someone asked him what we should do re the growing population to which he replied that it was not our problem and that there was no SPEAKERS: point in worryinga bout it, as we could do nothing about it. But he said "Tuhun (The Indonesian for God or Allah) would ColiAnn drewsE.n glancdo,- authofo Crir cular Evidence and Crop Circles­ sees to it". And I for another hope he will! � The LatesEvtid ence; "English Crop Circles" JohnC arpentMe.rS.,W ., Springfield, MO.; "Clinical Hypnotherapy" Michael Charest, M.A., Durham, NC. and Dennis Stacy, B.A., San Antonio, TX; Perhaptsh eraer es omei ndividaumaolnsgo urr eaderswhhiop "Revieofw t heC rop Circles Mystery" Stanton FriedmaMn.,S. , Canada; "New Disclosures on Roswell" woulcda rte ow rite otphieniri oonrso ,ft heiUFrO experience, LindMao ultoHnow e, M.A., Huntington Valley, P.A. and John Altshuler, M.D., propountdh etihre orifeopsr u blicaitnit ohenB ulleotri n EnglewooCdO,. ; "Cattle Mutilations" . David Jacobs, PhD., Wynmoor, PA.; "What Can We Believe in Abduction Accounts?" Discussaitot nh eH all. c. e. Scott Jones, PhD., Falls Church, VA.; "Government UFO Connections" Ifs o,p leasseu bmiyto upra peorr r eportI.ft hee ditocrosn sider Bruce Maccabee, PhD., Sabillasville, MD.; "Gulf �reeze Up-date" Prof. Jl3an-Pierre Petit, France; "Has Science Something to Do with UFO's?" itap propriwaet wei lplu bliisth. Gene Phillips, J.D., Highland Pk., IL.; "Insights into the Ancient Astronaut Theory" Zechariah Sitchin, Author, New York, NY.; "The Twelfth Planet-Key to the UFO Enigma" Michael Swords, Ph.D., Kalamazoo, MI.; "Modern Biology, Close Encounters and the ETH" 2 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 3 ON THE UFO TRAIL - continued rececnotn firmaIt airorni voendt heF loricdoaa st : Lecture Notes earloyn t hem orningt hen ewsb rokceo ncerning rectfoorrCe ntraUl. S.Aa.n dS hirliesSy t atDei ­ thed iscovoefrf yi vAev engeari rcrbaeflti evteod For Lecture About Flying Saucers 1954 rectfoorrt hes tatoefM ichigaMny. t alcko vered bet he onesd itshaaptpr eeadd urintgh ee arly RINGSAND CIRCLESO F THE AUSTRALIAN By Herman Oberth fortiHeosw.e vre,u poni nvesattiigotnh ec raft KIND,S CEPTICSO F THE AUSTRALIAN provetdob ea no ldetry poef a ircraft. KINDa sw elals r eceinntf ormatcioonnc erntihneg Now,a fteorv ert wom onthosf c on.�.tanttr aveIl , FrederiVcakl entidcihs appearaanndct eh e KnowleFsa mileyx periewnicteah nu nexplainehdo pet or elafxo ra fewd aysfi shinignt hem oun­ 1. Observations : Theisrp eeidss ometimveesr hyi gh19. k m/sehca s objeocntt heN ullarPbloari Anm.e ricuafno logistst ainosfC aliforbneifao rbee ginnimnyg s econd hcenm easurde withw irleessm easuring arei ntrigwuietdth h esceasse sa ndI h adt heo p­ phasoeft heNo rthesrnu mmeirn the IUh .oKp.e to instrum(erandtars). Accelerations arc so higthh at Forc enturpieeosp le hsaeveens trange, shining portuntiotp yu tt her ecorsdt raicgohntc ernitnhge telalb out sionmtee ressttionrgia etts h See ptember nom an cousltda nidth ;e w ould he pressteodt he misinformaitnijoencb tyes dc eptoifcst heA ustra­ meetinSgo.b et here. ohjecitnst hes kyT.h eo ldersetp oratrscf o und walaln dh riusde.T hea ccuracoyf s uch form PliniaunsdS enecaac,c ordtiont gh eB a�ler liakni nd. Introduction to the measuremehnatss nboete ndo uhted.I ft hree NatoinalNe wsppaera,n dh ave heenn amed Durintgh et ourI ,m adea ttempttous n ravtehle Lecture Notes About Flying Saucers "ShiniSnhgi elds." wroCuJlyud hp eoo ntn lh�mye o ar4n mdwe oausulrdwe amietfnI owt rofsu ,ulrd tnhoet r mysteroyfa nimamlu tilatiWohnys a.r et henyu ­ merousi nt heU niteSdt ataensd s os caricneA us­ 1954 by Herman Oberth Theraere ahou5t0 ohcsrvatikonnosw nf romt he measuremehnutt tsh,e riese xistmionrge t ha5n0 timeh eforWeo rldW ar1 1. Thent henu mber of suchm easurementthsew; i relessesL( �r adaorr) tralTihai?is s i ns pitofet hef actth aAtus tralhiaas presented later in this Bulletin. appearanicnecsr ca�tehdeA; l lies thiotwu agsah t theA mericAainFr orcaen d Navy. awrhcui scehd som anyc attlmaen,y UFcOa seass w elals t he Australfiaarnm erc'asr feo r hainsi malWsh.e n Paul Norman 1991 © Germasne crweeta ponan,d theG ermantsh oughti na lfli ghtecarnsno,t he so inaccurtahtaett h e itw aso neo ft heA lliSeisn.c 1e94 7, the rcporoLr':i informatoihotna inweidt ht hemc an he doubted anythignoge sw rongw ithan a nimatlh,ef armer ProfessHoerr manO bertwha st hec o-desigonfe r eyewitneisnscerse acsoensddi erhaly. Iti ss aihdy completely. callst hieVn e tW.h enw e visairte awsh erUeF O activhiast oyc currweeda lwayass ki fa nythiunng­ theV -2 rockeHte. i sa lskon owna st hef athoefr the EngAliri Msahrs hall Lord Dowdintgh atth ere Landinhgasv en otb eenp rovedR.e porathsou t usualh ash appenteodf aramn imaTlhse.o nltyh ing moderns pacter aviedle afsa,rf ,a arh eaodf hi ss ci­ haveh een1 0,00(0r eporhyt 1s9)5 �. landings have toh et akewni tcha reA.n American unusuails a nimal pDaoneisca .n imamlu tilatioennst ifciocu nterpHaer twsa.so neo ft hef irst top The appearancuessu aladlr�ycs criahscd di sks,w ho usually is realisstenitcm e a newspaper havea nythiasnsgo ciatweidt hU FOs?I th as been scientwihsotsr ecogniUzFeOds a sre alH.i st hink­ sometimaessh allosre llipsoIit sdosm.e timesw hich stattheast a UFO had beendo wned over suggesttheadmt a nyo ft hesien cideonctsc unre ar abiliwtays way aohfeh aidss luggitshhi nking happetnhsa t tdhisekss pel acoen eu pont heot her,H elgolaUnFdO.a n : thef irlsett toerrsU nidentified atomipcl anatnsd s toraagree aAsus.t raloinal hya s associiantt ehses c ientciofmimcu nity. thel argeisntt h ec entetrh,es mallteorw artdh e Flying ObjecItp .r eftehri dses ignatiownh icihs experimepnltaanlt s. I firmsett t woo fh ics olleagwuheisla e m embeorf endst,of orma no hjcctt hes hapoef a c igar. whibceht ttehra tnh ee xpress"iFolny iSnagu cerwsh"i ch theA utheDry erO bservatoArmya,t euArs tronom­ thefnl iaewsa yw ithhi gshp eedS.o metimoense remindosn et oom ucho rk itchetnr adgiees. Howeveirt,i sn otetdh aMta ralinigsta h el ocation icaSlo cieattyV anderbUinlitv ersNiatsyh,v ille­ already saws ucahc iga(rU FO)st oppianngdu ntie ThereupI ownr ottoe t he Mayoor rH elgolaanndd wheraet omibco mbsw eree xplodiendt hee arly TennessMeye m.a in motfiovjreo initnhgeS ociety intsoe paradties kTsh.e d ikssa lwayfsl y ai n tot heC hairmoarn t heS pace Exploration Society sixtiMeasn.ys ightianrgres e poritnet dh aatr eaan d thec ontamindautseitds s preadiinna gl dli rectionwsa st oc ornerm onthlsyp eakedrusr,i ntgh eq ues­ mannears i rt hed riviesa ctipnegrp endicutloa ri nH amhurg. Hec heckweidt thh ew eathsetra tion tiopne riaondd a skt hem" embarrasqsuiensgt"i ons thep lanoer tdhies kw;h ent hey sarucs pendedo fC uxhavcann dI r eceivaends werfsr omh oth blowbny t hew indH.o wevetro,m y knowledngoe , abou"tfl yinsga ucerTsh"es. p eakecrasm ef roma ll ovearc ertatienr ratihne kye ehpo rizontal; swihdeents h atth eriesn ot a tru·we ord in thew hole mutilathiaovnoesc currtehde re. oveArm ericaan dI e njoyed wattchheibinargs hful thewya ntt of lvye ryq uictkh,e y (ttiilaptn) d f ly reporIrt o.u ntdh ee xplanaltaitoaenrr t ael re cture, IF ANY READER OF THIS ARTICLE HAS express.ions whenb yct ohnefsqreuo enstteido ns. witthh ep landei recftoerwda rdI.ns unligwhhti,c h and a Helgolanders aidA: ha lloonh ad heen tietdo HEARD OF AN ANIMAL MUTILATION IN So,i tw asa pleasasnutr prwihseen I l earntehda t ish righttheartn h eiorw ng leamintgh,e yap pear an airplane with a long cord andh ad hecn usead s AUSTRALIA PLEASE NOTIFY VUFORS DrsB.l u mricahn dF erdifer,o mR edstoAnres nel glittelriiknmege talT.h eya rcd ark oraanngde at argfeotar n it-aicrraft training. Thep eoplsea wi t ALONG WITH THE SOURCE OF THE woulbde t hes peakeTrhsi.ps a peirsa re sulotft hat cherrrye da tn ighitf,t heriesn ot mupcohw er and as theytal ked ahout itt,h eayd demdo rea nd REPORT. meetinAg f.e wd aysl attehre p apewra sr eceived, necessafroyrt hep articumloavre men, tfor morea,n dl 'inally ith ecamae U FO huilftor m Unreliatbalbel oairdeqs u estionable. translaantdee dd itbeydt hestew og entlemAeln­. instanwchee,n t heayr cs uspendceadl mT.h en, unknowmne taalnd reporotr6s d ead personasn d Durintgh itsr iIpre ceivecdo nfirmaftrioomanm il­ thougmho rei nformathiaoscn o met ol ighsti nce theayl sdoo n ots hinvee rmyu chI.f m ored rivinga ni nternatcioomnmailt tuendee r thegu idance or itasroyu rtchea atn a reian t heB ermudTar iangilse 1954, thipsa peirs a goode xamplteh astc ientific poweri sn ecessaryt,h es hiniinngc erases NorwegiDarn. H ansL ohegr toc hecikt I.t w as avoidebde causeo fa stronmga gnetic bfeo­rcep ioneuefro logiwsetrsea lreardeys earchtihneg (brightaenndts h)e ayp peayre lloywe,l low-greefnu,r ther rehpyao rhoty esdc oufto,re xamplteh,a t lievteodb et hec ausoef s omed isappearainnc epsh enomenoofnU FOs. green likaec oppefrl amaen,d i na s taotfeh ighesth es awa landed UAF Od.r eadful giant appeared thavti ciniTthyi.s sasmteo rhya sco me froms ev­ speeodra cceleraetxitorne mewlhyi te. andh eb reathoen dth e hoys couwti thm ustard eraslo urcoevse trh ey earJsu.s ttw od ayasf ttehri s Sometimtehse syu ddenbllinyk ore xtinguish. gasH.e s howetdh eh urns to proviet A.s they 4 AUSTRAUAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 5 brought him to a lie-detector, it turned out that he 2. Explanations near the horizon that reflect sunshine as UFOs. brighter at higher speeds. At high speeds, the got the burns from a camp fire. And he never saw a sometimes meteors, in one case a large missile. implement turns and flies with the plane The following can he said about these appearances: UFO in his life. In Prague, then in Vienna, we were l'irst to develop perpendicular to the flight direction. As the a. The whole thing is not true ! during the war an instrument which really looks Russians have a part of the V7 plans, and built the A Mr. Adamski now reported about a beautiful i. Rumors, like the case in Helgoland or like a UFO: V7. It was a helicopter. and had two vehicle. a pan of the reported UFOs may he from humanlike being, which came out of a landed UFO pompous fellows as .the hoy scout or Mr. Adamski. wings of 25 meters length, and at the ends were there. and conversed with him. This Uranide spoke fairly good English. Mr.A damski brought the root prints ii. A part is humbug (a joke), also. There "staurohr" (ram jets). You must know that a Helmut V. Zhorowvsky in France is building as proof. He dug them out o!' sort clayey soil. On was a rarmer in France who launched balloons "staurohr" looks something like thjs: machines similar to the V7. Although there is the right shoe-sole there was a swastica nailed with filled with hot air. He later explained that he just some doubt in the function of the V7, a number of roundhead shoe nails, together with other wanted to sec the name or his community in the Y7 (side view): rcporL'i lead to the assumption that there arc such meaningless symbols; there also were figures on newspaper. In South Germany a man painted machines. the left shoe-sole, which arc not explicable. As they balloons or children with luminescent paint and () But not all! First or all. the V7 flies with much studied Mr. Adamski, they found that he was not of launched them in the evening. and there came UFO noise, hut most UFO reports specify complete sound mind. rcporL"> from this area. noiselessness. Secondly. they also produce a This didn't hinder a good business man named iii. Sometimes they arc mistaken. objects. contrail (vapor trail) in the atmosphere.-The UFOs Leslie to publish a well-selling book with him. For instance, one saw seven shining points tlying in do not. Adamski is said to he an Al.itronomer from Mount a V-formation in the light of a relkctor. As they Strauohr: Thirdly, they can only reach speeds or l.S km/sec. Palomar observatory. Actually, he is the owner of switched on a second retlector, it turned out that the Fourthly. there were no V7 machines in 1461. an icc cream parlor on the way to Mount Palomar. points were the blight bellies or wild geese. There arc reports from that year which we cannot This hook shows pictures of UFOs also, which look Against this. I cannot accept the following neglect. The historian for Philipp des Guten von terribly similar to street lamps. explanation: it" a shining object is located on the Burgund reported on the All Saint's Day in 1461 C 3 I talk about this only to show you how careful you ground -ror instance. a lamp -and it reflects in the that a disk appeared over Arras in France, which have to he about (proof for) this type or UFO upper glass or an airplane cockpit. the pilot would was half as large as them oon, and Llew exciting report. thin· k there is a shining object rlying ahove him. figures. There arc further reports from that time It has to be said about photographs that our An experienced pilot should he ahle to distinguish which cannot he considered as impressive because techniques arc that far (advanced) that any between a reflection on the windshield and a real in case some--body wanted to impress others at that photograph can he falsified. If I would he a judge, object. time. he rather talked about meetings with sainL">. for instance, I would not consider a photograph Likewise. the explanation of a mirage docs not The official American office ,.vhich deals with which (purportedly) shows a person in a specific satisfy me. First or all, they arc very rare in our these reports is the A TIC (Air Technical place as an absolute proor for something. Likewise, area-how many mirages did you sec in your life? It is started with a rocket and begins to work at a Intelligence Circle). Until I 9S2, their work had there are numerous ways to falsify photographs or And o!kn enough UFOs appeared at times where a speed of 700 m/sec, reaching its maximum been available for quite a number of people; today Flying Saucers. With the fact that a photograph can mirage was impossible according tow eather maps. effectivity at 1200 to 1400 m/sec, hut -it cannot fly it is secret. -Until 1 C)52. the Circle collected 1200 be falsified, it is not said that it actually is (it could After all, mirages do not show flying disks but" much faster because or the high development of reporL'i. 01' them, somewhat more than .')() ry,; have he real, and is not necessarily falsified). As the lakes, palms, castles. heat inside. been identified ast hings that I have previously phonograph of Edison was demonstrated the rirst iv. I shall rdcr later to this explanation as The air comes in at the front. It is compressed and presented (as UFO explanatii.oe.n, sth)e ;se ven time at the Academic in Paris, one member became electric discharge phenomena. grows hot. Fuel is put in at PoinAt. developing wild geese. hoy seouL<.;. balloons, V7. etc. The next angry and shouted that the demonstrating engineer h. There arc several things which have hecn additional heat.A nd because of the pressure due to 40 r1r. have not been identiCied, but arc so similar to was a swindler and a ventriloquist.-A ventriloquist reported as UFOs, ror instance. weather balloons. the expansion or air, it escapes and the tube is the (other) idcntiricd things that they probably arc certainly could have made these sounds, too. hut Three ladies rrom New York wrote me in the pushed. hoaxes (frauds). hallucinations. or earthly objects, actually it was no ventriloquist but a speaking autumn of 19)4 that! should know they saw a UFO If a V7 is suspended over a countryside. not much too. Forin stancc. the Adamski case. machine which produced these sounds. and reported it to the Air Forces which answered fuel is needed, and therefore the flame hlazc Against that (there arc) .14 reports that cannot be that the object was a registered balloon. An appears dark red. Due to the high speed of the explained this \vay. and if one allows further accurate description t'ollowed to me, so accurate wing, the Llame appears as a dark red ring on the explanations, there were there maining 9 % ror that I coulodnl y repl"yM yl adiIe asls.o thinthkat sky. Thesp eed of the endof the rotating ring is 900 which one or theab ove explanatcianonnost h e it was ar egistered balloon!'' m/sec. From a greater distance, the whole thing denied completely, hut it is very unlikely (to be Eventuaolnel ayls o mistakes airplanes which tly looks like a shining disk. The flambee comes explained by one of the previou.';. explanations). 6 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTRAUAN UFO BULLETIN 7 3. The Real UFOs. assumption is mistaken, it can be made with (quanta) which do not spread apart hut stay together therefore, the planet keeps only one 50,000th or reservations. like a rain worm. These energy quanta have several the passing radiation. a. The Theory of Ba11 (or Chain) Lightning As one sees here arc new assumptions and it is up properties which we know from studying �atter. Ir this screen is connected rigidly with a heavy disk To natural science the following is known : to Benedicks to prove them. He says. for instance : These quanta exhibit more material propcrttcs the behind it, a mechanism dev<.:lops which can pull Observations, arc collected rirsl. Then, an inquirer If one directs a positive and a negative electrical shorter the waves arc. For instance, they have a itsell' up into space like the !aLe Munchhausen, and develops a theory. He says : If one assum�s this wind (air stream) inclined toward each other. this del'inite. unimaginably small mass; thcrct'ore, their with an acceleration that is considerably higher and that is such and such, it would cxplatn the causes shining spnL"i in dry air and darkness. But he direction can he changed hy the gravity or the Sun. than the acceleration due to gravity (on the Earth's discussed appearance. - Whether his theory is right rorgcts that such a test can be made in a l horatory In the reverse: as material particles become like surface). � can only he shown by further inquiries. Likewis , ether waves, the quicker they fly (the higher their � and that the tension differences cannot nsc nearly Pinkcll now assumes the possibility of such other inquirers may find other theories to explam velocity). . as much outside in the air, and that the air never is screens. He l)oints out that very thin plates can he the appearance, of course, which they constder as dry enough. One can further ask, why hall used as screens that arc made or copper and special more reasonable. lightning has hecn so rare in the past, whereas UFO alloys. He says further that these plates polarizethe � . The Swedish physicist Prof. Benedicks wantc to reports arc so frequent today. Bencdicks gave an gravitational inl'lucncc such that two plates 111 a explain these remaining percenl"' (the unexplamed answer which seems to he reasonable : The a1. r �pccil'ic position do not weaken the gravitational /VVVVVV /VVVVVV 9% of UFO reports) by hall lightning. sp;icc has not hecn checked nearly as intensi ely as influence. hut they destroy the influence if the � In connection with lightning strokes sometimes the today. - But this answer does not expla1 n the upper plate is turned 90 degrees against the lower development or shining halls can be observed sudden increase - hy radar measurements. too - one. which, in general, are only 20 to 30 em. in diameter. since I 947, as the air space has not heen watched as Electromagnetic Quanta 1 personally do not under�tand two things ahout It is not sure that larger ones than 1 meter have less intensively as bet.ween '45 and '47. Waves this LewetzO\v-Pinkcll Theory: heen seen. They develop in the space between the Under these aspects, 1 think that the assumption of i. If gravity extends with the velocity of clouds and the earth, or course; (they) hover, jump Pinkell now assumes the Lcwetzow-rays and hop around, and usually end with a �lap iBse tnheed il:'coklslo iws innol!�t tphreoohrayh.l eA. tM thuec hb megoinren irncga soot� atbhl1.es represent a transition between matter and radi�ti�g ldiegvhtd oopn,l yro, rn ointsictaenacbele, wohbiscehrv watoiounlds cshhaonuglde (extinguish with a clapping sound or ex�lo�wn) century, a Gcrman engineer, Dr. lng Walter energy. and that hy turns a particle regularly IS tn the length of' a year since historical times. after several seconds or arter one halt ot one an electromagnetic state and a particle state� Lcwetz�)W, developed a gravitational theory. ii. The Lcwctzow particles would have to be minute. Sometimes they simply go out (disappear thcrct'ore. it is on its way at Point "A'' as a particle, Ir one could sec the matter with a microscope much smaller than the smallest material or extinguish); hut there is no cont'irmed at Point "8" a wave, at Point "C" a particle. at Point which enlarges very much. one \Vould not see a particles. Pinkcll therdorc assumes particles observations about this as far as I know. They arc "0" a wave again, and so on. The waves cannot solid mass anymore hut a very thin dust cloud. and waves which arc millions of times v e r y r a r e a n d c a n o n I y b e s c e n d u r i n g a int'luence a dust grain. hut the corpuscles can. But thunderstorm or shortly after the last of . the ra.m Lcwctzow now assumes there arc much smaller waves can be changed into longer ones by means or smellier and slwrtcr. n.:spcctivcly than the particles in existence which rush through space �o known hard gamma-rays. 11· one alloys falls. But in 1461. in Arras, there had not been any special screens. Then the waves cannot ch�nge thunderstorm because this would have been such with unimaginable high speeds. They are nume�ous� corpuscles- as also, !'or instance. sunl�ght ts metals and works with the alloys. actually and usually hit dust grain !'rom all sides m�ny tlmes the location or the atoms will he changed. an unusual occurrence the historian would have . . changed to long wave heat rays ir the Sun sh1nes on such that the particle remains in cqulilhnum . As I sec it. his intention is similar to one reported it. whereas the circumstance that he was a hlack object, or as the X-rays can be translormcd �� because the pushes absorb one another. On the b who has a number or cages for elephants using the Moon for comparison (to the 0) into visi le light by a "Baryum-Piatin-Cyan" contrary, an ohject in outer space which is loc�ted and shirts them to make sure that a mouse directly indicates that it (the Moon) was shtntng Screen). ncar a celestial hody which is similar (looks like) cannot get hy. - As a matter of fact, all (and that the weather was clear). mNoawy aBlseon ebdei cpkoss ssiabilde :u Inf doenre a a cslseuamr essk yh.a laln ldig chotuinldg hw!'rehoaimvcyh hciislto tluiondcgas twethdhe ib coehnh epjcarocthtt.e acT tc haec leprseatlrit'oa lro efh, o thtdhey1. spr eaocrhtei.t��veleecsst A __IV__.. B __V\I\IVV _. C• IV---t D --V\I\IVV -t E• IV---t F V\I\IVV etroaxdiplaeeydri.. mWene tsa roen n tohti sa tbhleeo troy imnfalduee ninc eth ger Waveitsyt he !'rom 20 to 150 meters in diameter, and does not less pushes from one side than !'rom the other, and But ir one docs not consider the type and necessarily clap (explode) or extinguish. they may is pressed tO\\·ards the cc lcstial holly. If we now place such a screen b etwecn "A"·c 1nd development ol' gravity !'iclds the assumption of hccomc invisible because they rise so high that "8", a body placed behind "B" shall not he hit hy � Lewctlow's friend and co-worker M.S.,B.S .. Horst artificial gravity f'iclds would explain all the reports nohody can sec them; then (under t ese any further particle which comes from "A". But, Pinkell did further work on this theory. completely: assumptions) the appearances could he cxplHned. nevertheless, the rays reach it from the opposite Whether hall lightning appears as solt.d hod1�es on You have to think ahout electromagnetic waves side with full force, only weakened hy the Earth. In i. The high accelerations could not do any radar screens has never been observed. It may he which arc di!Tcrcnt than those on the surface of a comparison, the weakening hy the Earth is very harm to the pilot, because the man would possible in connection with the intensive i�mization pond. Electromagnetic waves are combined .as small; aren't there stars on whose surface the rail together with the vehicle. and would not or the air, and as long as there is no proo! that tru.s quanta (bundles or energy). These arc wave chams gravity is 50,000 times as strong (as on the Earth); be pressed to the hack wall. 8 AUSTRAUAN UFO BULLETIN . d AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 9 To be cont1nue • cont 'd --?� hibit featuring spacesuits and moon rocks. Silence: Military Testimony about UFOs.·. . Vol. 1. No. 2 Sept. Oct. 1990 ::CUSAl $3.00(For.) For further details contact Mr. Johsen This conference wi 11 also highlight the TakanJoAP. ANHa.k ui City Municipal Office, 200 abduction phenomenon. as well-known abduc­ � � � Asahi-Machi. Hakui City. Ishikawa Pref .. tees TRAVIS WALTON. ROBERT WCA and BETTY 925, FAX 41: (0767) 22-4484. ANDRF.N.ASS) WCA aoo ED WALTERS discuss * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * various aspects of their abduction experi­ * INTIRNATIDNAL U.f.D. NilS BUlliTIN * ences. WALTER) and his wife FRANCES wi 11 ilillTill STATES also present a slide show featuring their .AN INDEPEDNENTI NTERNTAINOAL REVIEW ISSUEDFO RM UTUAJILNOFRMAITON OF SCIENTITSS now-famous--and increasingly controver­ PROFSESOINALS ANDI NTERETSEDP ARTISE OFG OEVRMNETNAL, MILTAIRYA ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CELEBRATES FOUR1H sial-GULF BREEZE UFO photos. ��PUBILCA CTIVIETSIA���======�\�F NDR ESEAR,C HREL��=�ATE1DTO THES TUDY ����=��== YEAR IN CONNB:TICUT THEU F.OPROBL..E M Continuing on the abduction theme from a * More than a dozen UFO researchers and ab­ professional viewpoint, hypnotist · FRED Edited by Diane MONTROSE, 182 E. Chester Street, Valley Stream, N.Y.,l1580 'rel:.�516)568-0772 ductees will' be featured in OMB3A ca-1MMU­ MAX. whose regression subjects inc 1 ude NICATIONS' fourth ·annual edition of 'mE Whitley Strieber and Betty Andreassen �, JAPAN UFO EXPERIENCE. ' scheduled for 13-14Oc to­ Luca, will explain how hypnotism works in ber 1990a t the Ramada Inn in North Haven. such cases by demonstrating the regression .Connecticut. The conference, orqanized technique on Betty and her husband, Rob­ and chaired by internationally known para­ ert. California researcher ANN DRUFFEl.., INTERNATIONAL UFO NEWS JAPAN'ESE PRIME MINISI'ER PLED3ES SUPPORT norma 1 researcher and author JOHN WHITE, c<rauthor of mE 1UJUNGA CANYON COl'ITACI'S, FOR INTERNAn-ONAL UFO � will offer a comprehensive look at the UFO will offer adv-ice. in a talk entitled "How phenomenon, as eminent investigators from to Resist UFO Al:xiuctions. • detai 1 ing in­ In a press release addressed to the Hon. around the world present their theories formation on how potential abductors were OOVIET. OiiNESE UFO RESEARCHERS TO SHARE KAZUO SHIOTANI. Mayor of Hakui City, site and findings concerning the nature of able to resist their abductors. Bioengi­ DATA of the INTERNATIONAL SPACE AND UFO SYMFQ­ UFOs, where they come from,· why they are neer DR. JAMES HARDER wi 11 describe the CEX:AP) SIUM slated for 23-25 November 199,0 Prime here. what the government knows about the extraterrestrial races reported to him by­ V"AA.Ef('{ DvtrZHILNYI. head of the �S Minister TOSHIKI KAIFU became one of the phenomenon, and why it is covering up this hundreds of abductees over a three-decade PHEl'OiENA FAR EASTERN COMMISSION. first world leaders to publicly admit the knowledge. period and offer his theories on how they headquartered in the Soviet city of Dalne­ need for more serious study of the UFO function as a part of a galactic society. . gorsk, has announced that on 10 May 199.0 phenomenon. In referring to the 21st cen­ The speaker 1 ist is a virtual who • s who in his research group hosted two UFO re­ tury as the "Era of <Alter Space. " Toshiki ufo1ogy. French researcher JACQUES VAlLEE Rourrling out the two-day program are jour­ searchers from Peking, People's Republic called Japan an 'urerl rdeveloped country' will offer his opinions in a talk entitled nalist ANTONIO HUNESEU , reporting on UFOs of 01ina. The meeting, coordinated by the with regard to the UFO problem arrl ex­ "Confronting the UFO Experience--:-New Di­ in the USSR and 01ina, English author PAUL Soviet embassy in Peking, concluded with pressed his hopes that the Hakui Symposi­ mensions of Reality." Former Apollo as­ DEVEREUX. describing his research into B:AP an agreement between the two groups for an um, in bringirYJ together top-level re­ tronaut BRIAN 0 • I...EARY, staunch advocate unusual energy effects at prehistoric exchanJe of UFO-related material. Dvuz­ searchers from the U.S. arrl the U.S.S.R., for a congressional investigation into the sites. and GENE PHilliPS, fourerl r and hi lnyi reports that has already re­ would contrirute to worldwide peace am government UFO coverup. wi 11 speak on president of the ANCIENT ASTRONAUT SOCIE­ :EX:AP ceived important documents and videotapes would be the first step toward interna­ "UFOs and Inner/<A.tter Space." Nuclear TY. presenting a slide-illustrated lecture· from his 01inese counterparts. The work tional cooperation in the stuiy of UFOs. physicist STANTON FRIEDMAN will put aside entitled "Ancient Astronauts-uFOs arrl. :EX:AP done by is financed by the Soviet the MJ-12 controversy to reveal the latest Early Human History." Government. its members are on the govern­ In addition to the Symposium, featurirYJ findirYJS concernirYJ the 1947 · Roswell ment payroll. has also concluded COLMAN VON KEVICZKY. ANTONIO HUNEE1JS ard Crash/Retrieval S<1ge, in anticipation of For ·further information contact OMEl3A COM­ working agreement with a number of Soviet BRUCE MACCABEE from the U.S. , and DR. the eagerly awaited boko --slated for a No­ MUNICATIONS. PO Box 2051. Cheshire, Con­ state institutions. including the Soviet VI.JU)IM!R AZHAZHA and cosmonaut PAVEL POPO­ vember release--by Center for UFO Studies necticut 06410. or call JOHN WHITE at B:AP air force institute, from which :ErAP has VIOi from the Soviet Union, Hakui City associates Kevin Rarrlle and Don Schmitt. 203-27221-5.1 received computer and research equipment. wi 11 feature a nine-iyia lorYJ exhibi tior * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .. . has further extemed an invitation (71-25No vember), with displays to include Also scheduled to speak on the government to American researcher Maj. (Ret.) COLMAN a 'mythological UFO city.' rare, enlarged coverup issue is former NEW YORK TIMES re­ • • • • VON KEVICZKY, MMSE to meet with his group UFO photos from around the world, repro­ porter and Pulitzer Prize nominee HOWARD at the em of Nove�r of this year. Von ductions of some of the more famous UR: BU.JM, whose recently released boko OliT Keviczky will visit the Russian cities of crash/retrieval scenarios, an historical 1HERE: mE GOVERNMENT Is SErnEI' Q!E,IT FOR Vladivostok am Dalnegorsk. display rargirYJ from the 1947 Kenneth Ar­ EXTRAIERREOSI'HIALS [see BXlKS, , below] . ARE YOU ABOUT TO CHANGE (Ia.JFON) nold sightirYJS to the present, and Ameri­ delves into clandestine government­ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * can and Japanese state-of-the-art space military activities associated with the technology displays, as well as a NASA ex- search for extraterrestrial 1 ife. Free­ YOUR ADDRESS? lance writer and researcher HARRY LEBEl.­ SON, former UFO editor for OMNI Magazine, INTERNATIONAL U.F .0. NEWS BULLETIN isa bi-monthlyp ubliactiono f the editor. 'Cpoyrihgt@ 1990 will present a lecture entitled "Broken --Please Notify Us-- DianeM ontros.e Subscription Rates: $ 15.00 �y Air --�20.00 per year. (Can. $ .20/25.00) Printed in tJ 10 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 11 Letters rro %e t£cfitor cont 'd UNITID SI'ATES Dear U.F.O. Society, � SEEl<S 'IW.L OF UGH!'' DATA Please find enclosed diagrams & notes concerning corn field crop American researcher GRm lONG is in the formations that appeared in the·U.K. on Fawley Downs, Winchester in Southern process of amassiD:;J data on the 'ballo f England by investigators in the area during a night watch vigil. light ' phenomenon . Data receivedw illbe SLllDIIldr ized in catalogf orm. withana lysis Note: the symbol which I found in a physics booklet (picture 'B') and c. ompare it to performed in terms of space. time. weath­ er.e arthquake activityhum.i dityar rl oth­ picture 'A' on same sheet. er factors. as well as a cross-re fe­ rencirYJ of variables suchas motion/ col­ or, duration/color.a ltitude/cloor. shape Yours Sincerely, · chdrYJes/color.e tc. l.J:>rYJ ist hea uthoro f EXAM!Nit-K; 1HE � LIGHI' TiiEDRY. the first piermicals tudy of Mr. R.J. Snow extensive uro activityd ocumented at the Yakima Imian Reservation in WashirYJton Leicester state. The b::>ok offers ac omprehensive England history of nearly 200 sightirYJS over a 2Q-year pericd by multiplew itnesses arrl closelye xamines theT ectoincs trainTh eo­ ry as a poss iblee xplnaationo f theY akima phenomenon. Acco:rdirYJ to· l.J:>rYJ.t here are apparently .K�Y (/2/ZVWII FLArrENED �c�N AP.E�S. three main categorieso f orarYJe balls of light-although theyare not relegated to Coll.NFiELD onlyt he color ordl"YJ'e . Catego ries, based ® 7LA�I< /)A"rt(WA'IS � · on size are : small-s everal inches to .SwiP.t-ElJ caP..N A�GAS. about three feeti nd iameterard oftenas ­ sociated withre ported alxluct ions; basket­ ball-sized ballsusua l lys eens everla feet• above the earths surface, most ofteno b­ served in rural areas am popu larly known c as 'hgost 1 ights'; ard ballso f 10 foere t more idni ameter. oftene xhibitirYJ fea­ = tures sugg estiev of artificialc onstruc­ tion such as domes . internal structure . windows, etc. Thesel arg er balls seem to G) behave ina distinctlyc ontorlled manner. - While most of l.J:>rYJ 'Sr eports are from the CJ United states.h e is anxious to estbalish contactw ith serious investiagtors and re­ searchers fromaround the world who have had exposure to thisph enomenon . 0 ContactGreg l.J:>ng at: 141SW20 97thP lace, +' 'A' Above symbol that appeared on Fawley Downs, Winchester, U.K. on evening of Tigard, Oregon 9722.4 * * * * * * * � * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3rd and 4th of August, 1990. Sent to me hy the investigators of corn circles Mr. Pat - Delgado and Mr. Colin Andrews authors of Circular Evidence. The symbol was sent to - = me in their October issue News Letter 1990. (.) 12 �USTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN 13 cont 'd Local Sighting Just before midnight on an evening in mid May this year, two West Newport men coiL noticed the street outside bathed in red W'.J.III�?JA�rr�lJEFlECTOa. PJ..ATES light. Once outside they observed a noise­ less "big, red glass ball" gliding slowly about 50 feet above the houses in the street. The sighting last�d approximately eight minutes before the object dulled in colour, Picture drawing 'B' is a symbol that is used in physics and can he found in the booklets emmitted "sparks" and left the area by on physics for GCE 0 LEVELS & CSE studies. travelling East at very high speed. Note: the similarities of the 2 main ringed shapes are the same and also the 'V' or arrow See the accompanying drawing. pointing from left to right. It denotes a T.V. picture tube with its Electron flow passing through the tube towards • • • the screen. The coil is situated on the outer neck o[ all T.V. tubes and the plate deflectors are *INTIRNATIONAl U.f.D. situated on the inside neck of the T.V. tube. *�� NIWS BUllETIN � y���:::=:::: Edited by Diane .M O. NTRO. S.E,.. 182 E. Chester� St<: r e.e t, V__al:;.l·_.- e_y S_tre_am,_ H._Y.,_l15_80 _'l'el ..:.J5__1._ 6)5___6B-�_ 0??2. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTES SPACE JUNK 1HREATENS 'HEAVEN'S HIGHWAYS' The military now routinely tracks 6,645 The curved bars in picture ' A' are most likely a symbol for screen, as in T.V. screen. space objects which are at least 10 centi­ In a report entitled "Orbital Debris: A meters in diameter, the size threshold for The 3 swirled smaller circles are most likely the symbols for amplifier stages inside Space Environment Problem." the Congres­ radar visibility. COT.A officials fear sional Office of Technology Assessment that "[c]ontinuing, steady growth of or­ T.V. sets. (COfA) issued a strong warning to space­ bital debris could, by 2000 or 2010. ren­ faring nations to reduce their space junk der some well-used low-Earth orbits too They rotate in clockwise patter which should mean that they are positive protons and of before low orbits around the Earth become risky to use." They further cautioned electricity which is being parabolically beamed into the tube and then bounced off both stoopa cedcarngafetro tuso usfoer. saThteelslei tarees atndhe omanrbitedn s tshtaatt iotnh ec oushludt tbele eandrrlang therede p ro-by pospasedce sjupankce, dc1lect9r plates by the energised coil. This causes the line spot build up of picture inside typically used by manned spacecraft, citing the incident in 1983 when a chip of science missions and spy satellites. paint collided with the shuttle Columbia all T.V. set screens on the inside of the chemically coated screen. and badly damaged a wirrlow. The vast majority of the junk is said to The complete symbol of the Fawley Downs, Winchester corn crop formation is be made up of fragments from broken-up Acknowledging the inadequacies of existing obviously a physics symbol which denotes a television sets picture tube. rospackceetcr asftta,g eass , weilnal casti vpae inpat yflloaakdses, , abm-spent COTAintern raetpoiornta ls ttrreesastedie st hande neagrede efmoren tans, tihn­e 1. So all corn crop circles arc made from a beamed electromagnetic source, which is . otnesetds noufc lsepaarc e rweaeacpotorsns . andExpe dretbrs ibes lfierovem tcearnllayt dioevnaotl edt rteoa toyr boitra la grdeebremiesn;t specifi­ radiated downwards towards Earth onto the corn fields. that 30,000-70,000 bits of debris at least *( NEW* * YORK* * T* IMES* * ) * * * * * * * * * * * * * one c�ntimeter in diameter may already be 2. If they are not, then they are made manually at ground level. <?rb1. t1ng the earth. According to scien­ lsts, � one-centimeter aluminum sphere Radiation has been found in the areas of most corn circles, so they must have been made travelllng at 22,000 miles an hour in ** * * * space would strike a spacecraft with the by the first assumption. energy of a 400-pourxi weight hitting the ground at 60 miles an hour. 14 AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN AUSTilAUAN UFO BULLETIN 11 IV - EXTRACT FROM BULLETIN No. 8/1989 cont'd ISSUED BY THE YAROSLAVL' UFO STUDY � tricts of the region. where l'J..1MrOUI.!!I :r&dm­ GROUP © sightirgs were reported. 1• lying Saucer Heview. �VO 1NOONEZH niEGR:XJP SJV 8:X)f{IET UN�ION MARKS rnm;roo n.trin;r these early years, VJAPRC research­ (Trsnslstlon from Russian. G.C.) Address on page 23. ers became accustoaed. to events of high One year after the now-famous Voronezh strangeness ,. which defied logical mcpl.,.._ The Phenomena at Kharovsk Babaevo, in Vologda Province, Ira Glazova sightilllr-5 caught the attention of world tion. Ne�less, they . were ast.a.amed and her father looked out of the window and media, the VORONE2H JOINr MOru.aJS PHE­ by the unbelievability.of saae of. the 1989 We have reported on this in Bulletin No.7,* and observed a "dazzingly bright shining globe tD(Em RESEARCH CXJ.1MITI'EE (VJM'RC) has Voronezh reports. · now give herewith further details of the so-called with a trail" fly past. It was travelling from published a 175-page book in Jrussian enti­ "Kharovsk Phenomena'� N.W. to S.E., and they observed it for one tled llt.JFOO IN VOOONE2H . II The book . a col­ Nearly 500 witnesses have been interviewed Members of our Group went to Kharovsk and, minute, until it vanished over the horizon. lective effort by VJAPRC researchers Yu. by·V JM'RC to sightin;rs within the region, together with investigators from other cities, As is already known, A.D. Golovatskaya J.J:IZI:'flr1f:1for Sov'JIDJ i1I'SE:Veam, t F u.G fo.KI logSSSELIILANJVistsOV. . , AiscVc. oa· rd MARibreiak�through t o i'NJV.YUR AI. urxiswhighicehrst in;rstareaf f ed.has vetgroui l"bel pongo ne i .sso·i bang ...n.tmerOU ck .S.l. og · rn· fged atwchitath,t re­tthhee otlohtohek eeersvd e tnihntestr oer ,e twahleelys e a- hlshaoda pctpaaemkneeinn tgops .l tahLceei k. ceMo nmocraleunosyvio eonrf, tohthuaert "a"ofilsvsoha -lm-lsiekhneat pitoaendile, dno or" sater "ca. ailSs"ih;n e"g s tmroeoas lele mmwbpinlhignasgs" i;sg ealadns dst" ha;a nat Group has received a whole lot of letters from at first the object was flying from N.W. to.S.E. IJ:JZJ:Jcally imposI'SFN. esveibnl ea tyoe arpu baligosh isut cwhas a boOkpr actii­n ports to check out. · Vologda Province, in which eyewitnesses describe and then changed to a westward course. the Soviet Union, where a ban of objective Many witnesses have sul:mitted. photographs theTirh eo wmno sotb wseidrvealyti orenps oorft esdim, iinla trh peh Seonvoimete pnrae. ss, of onTe haen pdo stshibe ilsitaym teh aot bijne catl l wthaess eo tbhsreerve ecda seiss discuss ion of the phenomenon in the mass to VJM'RC for analysis. some of. which were the sightings in that region were the following: therefore not ruled out. media has lo� been in effect. presented in a two-hour television program 1. The landing of four shining globes, and the (As regards the sightings of black, headless, broadcast in December 1989, alon;r with re­ emergence, from each of three of them, of flat, robot-like "beings", nothing of this kind It was 1967 when the Committee on the sults of various analyses made of soil black, headless, flat, robot-like "beings". was seen at any of the other places and this Study of UFOs , affiliated with the Central Samples. · 2. The observation, near a road, of a shining, raises doubt as to the reality of the existence House of Aviation am Cosmo nautics, was mushroom-shaped object. of such beings as described.]** established in Moscow. This was the first I.t.czo sev acknowledges that post-World War 3. Observation of an elongated object which Further on in this Bulletin we will give the publicly acknowledged organization to II UFO sightings in the Soviet Union have flew overhead, and hovered, and inside which account of one of the cases reported from stlrly the phenome non in the Soviet Union. been as numerous as those in the United could be seen four dark human-like figures. Perm' Province in the summer of 1989. rut the committee existed only for a few states arrl many other countries.· Appar­ 4. Sighting of two shining human-like "beings" In our opinion, the anomalous phenomena in months before it was disbanded. It did, ently. the threat of bein;r committed to on the surface of a lake. Vologda Province belong to the increasingly fre­ however. serve to motivate many enthusi­ mental hospitals effectively kept witness­ 5. Sighting of a globe, on the surface of which quent general picture of phenomena of this kind in asts who formed what I.z.c otsev calls an es from reportin;r incidents. am U:ts:>zo ev appeared constantly changing images and, in recent years, both here in our country, and also "invisible college, 11 a non-formal network feels this policy has resu lted. in the loss particular, the outline of a human face, a throughout the world as a whole, and clearly the of researchers united by a common inter­ of decades of valuable data. · · · dive-bomber aircraft, a tank, etc. A detailed case constitutes in itself "a single peak in a whole est. \ account of this case can be seen in the mountain range", as one might say. As of November 1990, however. _V.ru'RC newspaper "TRUD" of June 24, 1989; in the Firstly we must bear in mind the events at In fact, it was only in November 1989 that states that they are receiving new excit­ newspaper "KOMSOMOL 'SKA YA PRAVDA" Kharovsk. It is still too soon for us to be able to tfrohem subthjee csth aodfo wsUFOs, whweasn aitl lowwased ptloa ceedme rgone in;r reports on a '�1.-u-: 'basis. ' · 6. oOfn J uJnuen 2e5 ;2 a4n, d 1a9ls8o9 ,i na o twhoerm paanp enras.m ed A.D. draWwe anayls ofi npaol scseosnsc luotshioenrs, saibmoiulat ri,t ainllt.e resting re­ Golovatskaya saw a long flying object. ports from the Vologda Province, and we shall con­ the ageooa of BIO:E:NE:OOOINFORM-89, the In conclusion, V.».PRC ·calls 'for a ,.world­ 7. The following account agrees with Golovatsk- tinue to say more about them in future issues of EnFirsergyt A ll andU nion InCofonrmferaetniocen ofEx "Prochangbleems oinf winidvee stcioopegatirn;rat itohne ophf eenomeffortnosn . by all those "aOyan'sj; une 24, 1989, from 2246 hrs. . until 2250 goautro rBsu wllhetoi na.r eI nw otilrrknin, gw oen w thoeu l"dK ahsakr otvhsokse P hinevneosmti­­ Nature." held in Moscow arxi atterxied by hrs., in the village of Chebsara (in the Sheks­ ena" to send us as soon as possible their accounts 1200 participants representi� various Contact: YURI . I.J:izi:Jr.'SfN �-..VO OONEZH . JOINT ninskiy region of Vologda Province) the of the case. scientific and parapsychological disci­ AtDW.aJS � ; RESD.RCH cx:MmTEE . middle-school girl student Ol'ga Kozlova and plines. Box 1. 394006 Voroneztt-:.6, '•U.S.S.R her sister both observed a low-flying, large, The Case in Perm' Province Quly 16, 1989): * * * * * * * * * * * * •.• *'* * * * * * rocket-shaped object that looked as though "Almost the same as at Kharovsk" The Voronezh investigation group had actu­ totally covered with glass ('of an aluminium ally been corxiuctin;r research for some ITALY colour, with a yellowish tint'). Behind it came In the Chernushenskiy Region of Perm' Pro­ twelve years before � it was given a a darkish orange-coloured 'tail' about half the vince during the summer of 1989 there were some governme nt go-ahead to officially organize POIOL FIC RESE7UPiER m:gJCES � NEW length of the main object itself. The eyewit­ happenings somewhat reminiscent of the Kharovsk in the sprin;r of 1990. When VJAPRC was B:Xl<S ON UFO PHEN:t=1EN)N ' ness continued: "It (the craft) seemed as case. No mention of them appeared anywhere, informally organized in 1978, it went vir­ . though consisting of several rockets. The tur­ either in the local newspapers of that Province, or tually unnoticed by government and public Sociologist and journa list Dr. ROBERro PI­ bines of one rocket; the whole rocket itself via the Radio and 'IV, nor was it even known to alike. Nonetheless. VJAPRC succeeded in � . a researcher.· with . the ·c:ENI'9) UFO­ (apart from its 'nose') of a second; and the the Perm' Branch of the All-Union Commission on establishin;r lines of commun ication with I.roiCO W.ZIONALE. has in ·curre nt release 'nose' of a third. The 'nose' was blunt. The Anomalous Phenomena. The person giving the ac­ �eroflot Air_lines. meteorological serv­ three books through his Italian· Jx,iblishers turbines and 'small wings', plus the 'nose', count is G. Sharoglazov, a beekeeper at the Gor'kiy lces, geolog1cal and geophysical expedi- Rizzol i and Mo�i. ·· · · · ·· were all of a red colour. The 'nose' was shoot­ Collective Farm:- tions and other organizations. Most of ing out orange-yellow stars. Finally, it "On July 16, as usual, I spent the night at my the sightin;rs came from the eastern dis- The Rizzoli release ,. •itJFo; VIS�T<m DA c8h0a°n, gaendd choeuadrseed boyfT ato bwiat rmdso Kreh athroanv skI .0 I0t° w oars aopf itahrey ginu atrhde- hwuoto. dAsn. dA bthoeurte m I idsanwig htwt,o I ssttreapnpgeed, uount­ travelling quite silently, and at varying known shining objects, almost touching each other, spee�s." hanging at a height of about 200 m. or so above 8. On that same day, at about 2300 hrs., at the ground. They were egg-shaped, and bigger 18 AUSTRAUAN UFO .BULLETIN �UCTJtAf.IAN UFO BULLETIN 17

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