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Index to Volume 53 Australian Journal of Agricultural Research Index to Volume 53 Abbott LK Abd El Monein Abecia JA See For eCscuc Atkins CA See P. Baars R See Zewdu 7 Bahceci | See Kirnak H ef Baker GH See Svendsen TS « Bamire AS, Fabiyi YL, Manyong technology among farmers in Nigeria: a Tobit analysis. 90] Barbetti MJ See Bayliss KI Bariana HS See Nadella KD Barker DJ See Assuero SG Barlog PK Effect of magne growth and alkaloid content Barnett JL. See HemswortPhH « Basford KE See Musial JM et a Bayliss KL, Kuo J, Sivasithamparam K, Barbetti MJ Differences symptom development in subt ean <¢ er vley JWD, M ind d I at sultu p host resistance. 305 xperiment in soutl Bebeli PJ See Linos AA ef a 7 ges in pH and organic carbon w Bell MJ See Robertson MJ e7 a 2 y in the Western District Bellotti WD See Denton MD et « | ikraborty S See Kon Bernet GP See Garcia-Gil MR « Bhalla PL See Crockett P er al hapma M, Hammer G Using crop simulation to Bhuiyan SA, Galea VJ, Ryley MJ, Tay D e Factors influencing ‘ te genotype by environment interaction effects for sorghum germination of macroconidia and secondary conidia er-limited environments. 379 Claviceps africana. 1087 e rice TV Dark leaf spot (4/ternaria brass ola) on Chinese Biel C See VignoOlRi eor al. 1375 ibbage: temporal spread and its influencing factors. 1095 Blair GJ See Chen W eral. 529 Chen W, Scott JM, Blair GJ, Lefroy RDB, Hutchinson KJ, King K Blakeney M Intellectual property, biological diversity, and agricultural Harris CA _ Diet selection and productivity of sheep grazing research in Australia. 127 contrasting pastures. 529 Blaney BJ, Dodman RL Production of zearalenone, deoxynivalenol lement S See Quisenberry S ef a/. 865 nivalenol, and acetylated derivatives by Australian isolates of Clements JC, Dracup MN, Galwey NW_ Effect of genotype and Fusarium graminearum and F pseudograminearum in relation to nvironment on proportion of seed hull and pod wall in lupin source and culturing conditions. 1317 Index to Volume 5 Cloete SWP. Greeff JC, Lewer RP Heritabilit estimates, genetic and agles HA, Hollamby GJ, Gororo NN, Eastwood RI Estimation and phenotypic correlations of lamb production parameters with hogget utilisation of glutenin gene effects from the analysis of unbalanced live weight and fleece traits in Western Australian Merinos 281 data from wheat breeding programs. 367 Direct and maternal genetic (co)variances for ason PJ See Dunshea FR ef al. 779 ind fleece traits in Western Australian Mer astwood RF See I agles HA et al 367. 1047 CocksP S See NormanH C eta $21, 83 t lL 609 calle C See Guines F etal. 401 Coleman GJ See Hemsworth PH et ai Edlington JP See OraRNm et al. 391 Condon AG See Botwright TL et a dmeades D¢ The effects of liquid fertilisers derived from natural CookS E See Skerritt JH et « le products on crop, pasture and animal production: A review. 965 Cooper M See Chapman S C etal. 37! Cruickshank A W et lhaniS See RoyoC etal. 561 105. See Jahufer MZZ « > NadellKa Detal. 931 llisK J See DovH eet a/ 68 1 Cottam YH See ReveDlK lef a llison FW See Zhang XG et a 1295 Coventry DR See Denton MD ef Cox MC See Allsopp PG ] abiyi YL See Bamire AS et a 901 Cox MI See DunshFeRa e f aichney GJ, Gordon GLR, Welch RJ, Rintoul AJ Effect of dietary free Cranwell PD See Dunshea FR er ipid on anaerobic fungi and digestion in the rumen of sheep. 519 ockett P, Singh MB, Lee CK, | c purity analysis of ure | See Robertson M J eta l. 793 brid broccoli (Bra 1 oleracea Vat. it ) seeds using RAPD arre |, Robertson MJ, Walton GH, Asseng S Simulating phenology ind yield response of canola to sowing date in Western Australia Browt 11D AW elton WL See Whish JPM « nor and S. sclerotior isher AD See Lowe TE et al. 707 Cullis BR See Stringe itzGibbon F See Cunningham SA ef al. 893 Culvenor RA Dobbie warty NM See Hall DG eta/. 1341. See Holst PJ etal. 175 perr sisten“nrc e undelrer orncaal da | Abecia JA, Zuniga O, Lozano JM Variation in the ability of perennial grass, Phalaris aqu é ph 1059 melatonin implants inserted at two different times after the winter CunninghaSmA , FitzGibbo ‘ The futu ire Of pollinatotorr s tor solstice to restore reproductive activity in reduced seasonality ewes she Australian agriculture Forrester See Culvenor RA ef a 1059 Gianguinto G_ Water table depth rench RJ Soil factors influencing growth and yield of narrow-leafed very in bell lupin and field pea in Western Australia. 217 ysimeter studies 201 Dawes WR See McVicar 1 jalea VJ See Bhuiyan SA ef a DennisE S See RungiDs ef « 551 illagher E¢ See Stephenson RA Denton MD, Coventry DR, Murphy PJ, H m JG, Bellotti WD alli JR See Cangiano CA ef a Competition between inoculated and alised Rhe i obium alwey NW See Clements J C et a See Norman HC efra/. 821 eguminosarun [ for nodulatior innual clovers in A4 alkaline soils arcia del Moral LF See Royo C etal. 561 Dichio L See Cangiano CA ef a 541 arcia-Gil MR, Bernet GP, Puchades J, Gomez |, Carbonell EA, Asins Dobbie MJ See Culvenor RA etal. 1059 MJ Reliable and easy screening technique for salt tolerance of Dodman RL See Blaney BJ et a 131 citrus rootstocks under controlled environments. 653 Dove H, MayesR W, Lamb CS, EllisK J Fa fluencing the release jardner PA See Oram RN eral. 391 ate of alkanes from an intra-ruminal, controlled-release device, and senc Y,M cDonald GK, Graham RD A soil-based method to screen for the resultant accuracy of intake estimatior zinc efficiency in seedlings and its ability to predict yield responses Dowling S See Hemsworth PH ef a/. 493 to zine deficiency in mature plants. 409 Dracup MN See Clements JC er ] 114 { 7 jianquinto G See Dalla Costa L ef al. 201 Dunshea FR Metabolic and production responses to different porcine silmour AR See HalDGl et al. 1341 somatotropin injection regimes in pigs. 785 junta F See MotRz eot al 1285 Dunshea FR, Cox ML, Borg MR, Sillence MN, Harris DR Porcine joddard PJ See Villar Det al. 259 somatotropin(pST) administered using a ommercial delivery j0dwin ID See Nadella KD ef al system improves growth performance of rapidly growing, group- iogel BJ See Stephenson RA ef al housed finisher pigs. 287 yomez | See Garcia-Gil MR et al Dunshea FR, Kerton DK, Cranwell PD, Campbell RG, Mullan BP, King Gonzalez JS See Carro MD eta l RH, Pluske JR Interactions between weaning age, weaning weight iordon GLR See Faichney GJ ef ai sex and enzyme supplementation on growth performance of pigs jororo NN See Eagles HA eral. 367 939 irace BS, Sheppard AW, Whalley RDB, Sindel BM Seedbanks and Dunshea FR, Kerton DK, Eason PJ, Pluske JR, Moyes T Diets seedling emergence of saffron thistle (Carthamus lanatus) in containing high quality animal proteins increase growth of early- eastern Australian pastures. 1327 weaned pigs. 779 Graham RD See Genc Y etal. 409 Greeff JCSee Cloete SWP etal. 281 Eady SJ See Prayaga KC etal. 993 Greeff JC See Cloete SWP etal. 271 Eagles HA, Hollamby GJ, Eastwood RF Genetic and environmental Gregory NG See Lowe TE etal. 707 variation for grain quality traits routinely evaluated in southern Guines F, Julier B, Ecalle C, Huyghe C Genetic control of quality traits Australian wheat breeding programs. 1047 of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.). 401 Index to Volume 53 Hall DG, Gilmour AR, Fogarty NM, Holst PJ Growth and carcass Kearney GA See Cayley JWD eta l See McKenzie FR ef composition of second cross lambs. 2. Relationship between al. 1203. See Smith KF et al estimated breeding values of sires and their progeny performance Kemp PD See Assuero SG et al. 29 under fast and slow growth regimes. 1341 Kenyon PR, Morris ST, Revell DK, McCutcheon SN Nutrition during Hammer GL See Chapman S C et al 379. See Potgieter AB eta i mid to late pregnancy does not affect the birthweight response to Hamza MA, Anderson WK Improving soil physical fertility and crop mid pregnancy shearing. 13 yield on a clay soil in Western Australia. 615 Maternal constraint and the birthweight response to mid pregnancy Hanna JE See Revell DK etal. 697 shearing. 511 Harris CA See Chen W eral. 529 Kerton DK See Dunshea FR et a 7 Harris DR See Dunshea FR ef al. 287 Khangura RK, Barbetti MJ Efficacy of impact to manage blackleg Harris RH, Scammell GJ, Muller WJ, Angus JF Crop productivity in (Leptosphaeria maculans) in canola. 311 relation to species of previous crops and management of previous Kimbeng CA, Rattey AR, Hetherington M Interpretation and pasture. 1271 implications of genotype by environment interactions in advanced Hassan S See AliA etal. 333 Stage sugarcane selection trials in centralQueensland. 1035 Heard TA See Cunningham SA etal. 893 King K See Chen W et al Heenan DP See Simpfendorfer S et al. 323 King RH See Dunshea FR er Hemsworth PH, Barnett JL. Hofmeyr C, Coleman GJ, Dowling S Kirkegaard JA See Robertson M J ef See Ryan MH ef al Boyce JM The effects of fear of humans and pre-slaughter handling 1173. See Simpfendorfer S ef al. 323 on the meat quality of pigs. 493 Kirnak H, Tas I,H iggs D, Kaya C, Bahceci! Effectso f deficit irrigation Hendriks WH See Ravindran V et al. 1257 on growth, yield, and water use efficiency of eggplant under de Herralde F See Vignolio OR et al. 1375 semiarid conditions. 1367 Herridge DF See Turpin J E eta l. 227,599 Klieve AV, Ouwerkerk D, Turner AF, Roberton R The production and Heslop-Harrison JS Exploiting novel germplasm. 873 storage of a fermentor grown bacterial culture containing Hetherington M See Kimbeng CA et al. 1035 Svnergistes jonesii, for protecting cattle against mimosine and 3- Higgs D See Kirnak H er al. 1367 hydroxy-4 (1H)-pyridone toxicity from feeding on Leucaena Hignett CT See Knight AJ ef al. 571 leucocephala | Hillcoat NS See Turpin JE et al. 227 Knight AJ, Blott K, Portelli M, Hignett CT Use of tree and shrub belts Hocking PJ See Santonoceto C etal. 459 to control leakage in three dryland cropping environments. 571 Hofmeyr C See Hemsworth PH ef al. 493 Knights SE See Ryan M Heral. 1173 Hollamby GJ See Eagles HA et al. 367, 1047 Koen TB See Johnston WH et a/. 715 Holland JF See Robertson MJ et al. 643,793 Komolong B, Chakraborty S, Ryley MJ, Yates DJ Identity and genetic Hollis DE See Adelson DL eral. 1003 diversity of the sorghum ergot pathogen in Australia. 621 Holst PJ See Hall DG etal. 1341 Kumari SG See Makkouk KM eral. 1077 Holst PJ, Fogarty NM, Stanley DF Birth weights, meningeal lesions Kuo J See Bayliss KL et al. 305 and survival of diverse genotypes of lambs from Merino and crossbred ewes. 175 agudah ES See Bayliss KL ef al Holst PJ, Murison RD, Wadsworth JC Bone mineralisation and strength amb CS See Dove H etal. 681 in range cattle. 947 awn RJ See Singh G etal. 1183 Hopkins DL, Thompson JM_ Factors contributing to proteolysis and awn RJ, Watkinson AR Habitats, morphological diversity and disruption of myofibrillar proteins and the impact on tenderisation distribution of the genus Vigna Savi in Australia. 1305 in beef and sheep meat. 149 ea JM See Schlink AC etal. 183 Howieson JG See Denton MD et al. 1019 ee CK See Crockett P etal. 51 Hutchinson KJ See Chen W etal. 529 efroy RDB See Chen W etal. 529 Huth N See Robertson MJ et a/. 429 an Leur JAG See Makkouk KM ef al. 1077 Huyghe C See Guines F et a/. 401 ewer RP See Cloete SWP ef a/. 271, 281 ingtao L See McVicar T etal. 55 Irwin JAG See Musial JM etal. 629 inos AA, Bebeli PJ, Kaltsikes PJ Cultivar identification in upland cotton using RAPD markers. 637 Jackson PA See Singh G etal. 1183 isle AT See Bhuiyan SA etal. 1087 Jacobs JL See McKenzie FR et al. 1203 lewellyn D See Rungis Dera/. 551 Jahufer MZZ, Cooper M, Ayres JF, Bray RA Identification of research odge GM _ Studies of seed production in two Austrodanthonia grass to improve the efficiency of breeding strategies for white clover in cultivars. 1197 Australia—A review. 239 Lopez S See Carro MD etal. 47 James JW See Safari E eta l. 771,955 Lopez-Aguilar R See Murillo-Amador B ef al. 1243 Jessop RS See Whish JPM etal. 1335. See Zhang XG etal. 1295 Lopez-Bellido FJ See Lopez-Bellido RJ et al. 1027 Johnston WH, Koen TB, Shoemark VF Water use, competition and a I opez-Bellido L See l opez-Bellido RJ et al. 1027 temperate-zone C4 grass (Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees Lopez-Bellido RJ, Lopez-Bellido L, Castillo JE, Lopez-Bellido FJ complex)c v. Consol. 715 Sunflower response to tillage and soil residual nitrogen in a wheat- Jones HG See Murillo-Amador B et al. 1243 sunflower rotation under rainfed Mediterranean conditions. 1027 Jones RM See McDonald CK etal. 9, 107 Lopez-Cortes A See Murillo-Amador B ef al. 1243 Julier B See Guines F etal. 401 Lowe TE, Gregory NG, Fisher AD, Payne SR The effects of temperature elevation and water deprivation on lamb physiology, Kaltsikes PJ See Linos AA et al. 637 welfare and meat quality. 707 Kaya C See Kirnak H era/. 1367. See Murillo-Amador Betal. 1243 Lozano JMSee Forcada F et al. 167 Index to Volume 53 Nakamura H The geographical diversity of the frequency of the G D/f allele in Asian common wheat and the transmission route 1uses for decreased through which the wheat may have reached Japan. 1265 traploid Chioris Negassa D See Zewdu T et a 7 Norman HC, Galwey NW, Cocks PS Hardseededness in annual clo rs iriation between populations from wet and dir y environments 82 Hardseededness in annual clovers: variation within populations and subsequent shifts due to environmental changes R3] Norton RM See Ryan MH er O'Leary GJ See SadraVOs e t a ( Ylesen TD, Menzel CM Wiltshire N. McConchie CA shoot elonga tion in lychee in stern Australia en JK See Bussell WT er in RN See Bradley FH er a ram RN, Edlington JP. Gardner PA Selection for resistance t aterlogging in Phalaris ac I 39] screening for genotypic iniation efficiency of phosphorus uptake and utilisation. 295 differences in wheat for uptake and utilisation o f 837. Growth and P uptake by wheat genoty is the only P source. 845 See Klieve AV ee Carro MD « nt and maitir eased spike eid | Condil itions ' Tk AS See NadelKlDa e r Cangiano CA ef WR, Zhang | Abbott LK, Atkins ¢ ire on nodule it l ) 46 see Stephenson See Dunshea FR See Knight AJ er Hammer GL, Butler DG ial and temporal pat yield and their rela with ENSO See Robertson MJ « See Robertson MJ ¢ ( Eady SJ »] j i-G -e Brown DJ Tilahun K et a dé ee Santonoceto © ef la KD, Peake irroll BJ Ranilla MJ See CarMrD oef a \ rapid PCR ection of f Rattey AR See Kimbeng CA et al 1035 heterozygotes in seg gating IBL/IRS Ravindran V, Hendriks WH, Camden DJ homas DV, Morel PCH. transiocation ann d 1 nort | wheat | Butts CA Amino acid digestibility o f meat and bone meals for Naglis G See Skerritt I !1 22 broiler chickens. 1257 Index to Volume 53 Rebetzke GJ See Botwright TL er al. 1137 Scammell GJ See Harris RH ef a/. 1271 Reeves TG, Cassaday K History and past achievements of plant Schlink AC, Wynn PC, Lea JM, Briegel JR, Adams NR_ Effect of breeding. 851 cortisol acetate on wool quality in sheep selected for divergent Rengel Z See Osborne LD et al 295, 837. 845. See Thomas BM staple strength. 183 tal. 1211. See Scott JM See Chen W eral. 529 Revell CK See Taylor GB et al 1011 Sheppard AW See Grace BS et al. 1327 Revell DK See Kenyon PR er a/. 13, 511 Shoemark VF See Johnston WH e7 a Revell DK, Morris ST, Cottam YH, Hanna JE, Thomas DG, Brown S, Sillence MN See Dunshea FR ef al. 287 McCutcheon SN Shearing ewes at mid-pregnancy is associated Simpfendorfer S, Kirkegaard JA, Heenan DP. Wong PTW Rdeo duced> with changes in fetal growth and development. 697 early growth of direct drilled wheat in southern New South Wales- Rharrabti Y See Royo C eral. 561 role of root inhibitory pseudomonads. 323 Rhind SM See Villar D eral. 259 Sindel BM See Grace B S etal. 1327. See Whish JPM eral. 1335 Richards RA See Botwright TL et al. 1137 Singh B, Usha K Nodulation and symbiotic nitrogen fixation by Richards RA Current and emerging environmental challenges genotypes of blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] as affected by Australian agriculture the role of plant breeding. 881 fertiliser nigrogen. 453 Richards RA, LukacsZ Seedling vigour in wheat—sources of variation Singh G, Chapman SC, Jackson PA, Lawn RJ Lodging reduces sucrose for genetic and agronomic improvement. 41 accumulation of sugarcane in the wet and dry tropics. 1183 Rintoul AJ See Faichney GJ etal. 519 Singh MB See Crockett P ef al. 51 Roberton R See Klieve AV eral. | Sivasithamparam K See Bayliss KL ef a 305 Robertson MJ See Farrel et a/. 1155. See Turpin JE et al. 227, 599 Skerritt JH, Adams ML, Cook SE, Naglis G Within field variation in Robertson MJ, Carberry PS, Huth N, Turpin JE, Probert ME Poulton wheat quality implications for precision agricultural management PL, Bell MJ, Wright G¢ . Yeates SJ, Brinsmead RB Simulation of 1229 growth and development of diverse legume species in APSIM. 429 Slafer GA See Passarella VA etal. 1219 Robertson MJ, Holland JF, Cawley S, Potter TD, Burton W, Walton GH Smith FA See Zhu YG eral. 211 Thomas GA Growth and yield differences between triazine-tolerant Smith KF, Kearney GA Improving the power of pasture cultivar trials and non-triazine-tolerant cultivars of canola. 643 to discriminate cultivars on the basis of differences in herbage yield Robertson MJ, Watkinson AR, Kirkegaard JA, Holland JF, Potter TD, 19] Burton W, Walton GH, Moot DJ, Wratten N, Farre 1, Asseng S Smith SE See Zhu YG ef al Environmental and genotypic control of time to flowering in canola Stanley DF See Holst PJ et al. 175 and Indian mustard. 793 Stephenson RA, Gallagher EC, Gogel BJ Macadamia nut size and Robinson C See Bussell WT er a/. 729 maturity influenced by lime and nitrogen applications. 677 Robinson JB, Butler DG An alternative method for estimating the value Stephenson RA, Gallagher EC, Pepper PM Macadamia yield and of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), including case studies of quality responses to phosphorus. 1165 crop management in the northern grainbelt of Australia. 423 Stockdale CR See McNeill DM era 755 Roche JR See McNeill DM etal. 755. See Stockdale CR er Stockdale CR, Roche JR A review of the energy and protein nutrition Roget DK See Sadras VO et al. 587,811 of dairy cows through their dry period and its impact on early Royo C, Villegas D, Garciade l Moral LF, Elhani S, Aparicio N, Rharrabti lactation performance. 737 Y, Araus-Ortega JL Comparative performance of carbon isotope Street KA, Abd El Moneim AM, Cocks PS The performance of discrimination and canopy temperature depression as predictors of subterranean vetch (Vicia sativa ssp. amphicarpa) in a cereal genotype differences in durum wheat yield in Spain. 561 pasture rotation in north-west Syria. 609 Rozsypalek SH See Cangiano CA eral. 541 Stringer JK, Cullis BR Application of spatial analysis techniques to Rungis D, Llewellyn D, Dennis ES, Lyon BR_ Investigation of the adjust for fertility trends and identify interplot competition in early chromosomal location of the bacterial blight resistance gene present stage sugarcane selection trials. 911 in an Australian cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivar. 551 Svendsen TS, Baker GH Survival and growth of Aporrectodea longa Ryan MH, Norton RM, Kirkegaard JA, McCormick KM, Knights SI (Lumbricidae) fed on sheep or cow dung with and without Angus J Increasing mycorrhizal colonisation does not improve moxidectin residues. 447 growth and nutrition of wheat on Vertosols in south east Australia 1173 Ryley MJ See BhuiyanS A eral. 1087. See Cruickshank AW ef al Taleisnik E See LunaCM etal. 663 1105. See Komolong B er al. 621 Tas 1 See Kirnak H et al. 1367 Tay D See Bhuiyan SA etal. 1087 Sadras VO, Roget DK, O'Leary GJ On-farm assessment of Taylor GB, Revell CK Seed softening, imbibition time, and seedling environmental and management constraints to wheat yield and establishment in yellow serradella. 1011 efficiency in the use of rainfall in the Mallee 587. On-farm Thomas BM, Rengel Z Di-ammonium phosphate and mono- assessment of environmental and management factors influencing ammonium phosphate improve canola growth when banded in a P wheat grain quality in the Mallee. 811 fixing soil compared with triple superphosphate. 1211 Safari E, James JW Pedigree Analysis of Selected lines of Merino Thomas DG See Revell DK etal. 697 Sheep. |. Inbreeding 771 Gene contributions. 955 Thomas DV See Ravindran V etal. 125 Santonoceto C, Hocking PJ, Braschkat J, Randall PJ Mineral nutrient Thomas GA See Robertson MJ et al. 643 uptake and removal by canola, Indian mustard, and Linola in two Thompson JM See Hopkins DL etal. 149 contrasting environments, and implications for carbon cycle effects Tilahun K, Raes D Sensitivity analysis of optimal irrigation scheduling on soil acidification. 459 using a dynamic programming model. 339 Save R See Vignolio OR etal. 1375 Tinoco-Ojanguren CL See Murillo-Amador B ef a/. 1243 Savin R See Passarella VA eral. 1219 Troyo-Dieguez E See Murillo-Amador B eral. 1243 Index to Volume 53 ner AF See Klieve AV ef a White TCR Outbreaks of house mice in Australia: limitation by a key urpil JE See Robertson MJ et al 429 resource. 505 urpin JE, Herridge DF, Robertson MJ Nitrogen fixation and soil Wiltshire N See Olesen TD et al. 977 rate interactions in field-grown chickpea (¢ rietinum) and Wong PTW See Simpfendorfer S ef a/ fababean (Vicia faba). 599 Wood JT See Culvenor RA etal. 1059 furpin Jt Robertson MJ. Hillcoat NS. Herrid DI Fababean (Vicia Wratten N See Robertson MJ et al. 793 f ha) in Australia’s northern grains canopy development, Wright GC See Robertson MJ et a! 429 biomass and nitrogen accumulation an oning 7 Wynn P¢ See Schlink AC eta/. 183 Yami A See Zewdu T et al Yates DJ See Komolong Beta 621 ignolio OR, | le | ul ilves J P L, Save R Yau SK _ Interactions of boron-toxicity, drought, and genotypes on Growth of Lotus on under two eis of irrigation barley root growth, yield, and other agronomic characters. 347 Yeates SJ See Robertson MJ er al. 429 D. Rhind SM Arthur Goddard PJ Manipulation of thyroid rmones in ruminants tool to understand their physiological ~wdu T, Baars R, Yami A, NeCgraa ssa D i/n) sacco dry matter and nitrogen degradation and their relationship with in vitro dry matter digestibility of Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.) as influenced by height of plant at cutting Zhang G See MecVicar T etal. 55 Zhang | See McVicar T et al. 55 643. 793 Zhang XG Jessop RS, I llison FW Differential response to selection f or aluminium stress tolerance in triticale. 1295 tobertson MJ ef a/ Zhang XK, Rengel Z Temporal dynamics of gradients of phosphorus ammonium, pH and electrical conductivity between a di- Hen}n e’ ummonium phosphate band, and wheat roots. 985 Wellings CR See Park RI r Zhu YG, Smith FA, Smith SE Phosphorus efficiencies and their effects Whalley RDB See Grace BS et a on Zn, Cu, and Mn nutrition of different barley (Hordeum vulgare) Whish JPM Sindel BM, Jessop cultivars grown in sand culture 21i1f Zuniga O See Forcada F efa l 167

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