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Australian Bryozoa Volume 2: Taxonomy of Australian Families PDF

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Australian BRYOZOA Volume 2 Taxonomy of Australian Families Editors: Patricia L. Cook, Philip E. Bock, Dennis P. Gordon and Haylee J. Weaver Australian BryozoA Volume 2 Taxonomy of Australian Families Editors: Patricia L. Cook, Philip E. Bock, Dennis P. Gordon and Haylee J. Weaver © Commonwealth of Australia 2018 All rights reserved. Except under the conditions described in the Australian Copyright Act 1968 and subsequent amendments, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, duplicating or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Contact CSIRO Publishing for all permission requests. A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of Australia. Published by CSIRO Publishing Locked Bag 10 Clayton South VIC 3169 Australia Telephone: +61 3 9545 8400 Email: [email protected] Website: www.publish.csiro.au Front cover: Triphyllozoon munitum (photo: K. Gowlett-Holmes) Set in 10.5/14 Palatino and Optima Edited by Peter Storer Cover design by James Kelly Typeset by Thomson Digital Index by Max McMaster Printed in China by 1010 Printing International Ltd Series editor: H.J. Weaver Series graphics design: B. Kuchlmayr Volume 2 to be cited as: Cook PL, Bock PE, Gordon DP and Weaver HJ (eds) (2018) Australian Bryozoa Volume 2: Taxonomy of Australian Families. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne. Individual chapters cited as: Bock PE, Taylor PD, Hayward PJ and Gordon DP (2018) Class Stenolaemata, Order Cyclostomata. In Cook PL, Bock PE, Gordon DP and Weaver HJ (eds) Australian Bryozoa Volume 2: Taxonomy of Australian Families. pp. xx–xx. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne. CSIRO Publishing publishes and distributes scientific, technical and health science books, magazines and journals from Australia to a worldwide audience and conducts these activities autonomously from the research activities of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of, and should not be attributed to, the publisher or CSIRO. The copyright owner shall not be liable for technical or other errors or omissions contained herein. The reader/user accepts all risks and responsibility for losses, damages, costs and other consequences resulting directly or indirectly from using this information. Original print edition: The paper this book is printed on is in accordance with the standards of the Forest Stewardship Council®. The FSC® promotes environmentally responsible, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world’s forests. Contents List of authors v 1 Class stenolaemata, order Cyclostomata 1 Philip E. Bock, Paul D. Taylor, Peter J. Hayward and Dennis P. Gordon 1.1 Definition and general description 1 1.2 History of discovery 2 1.3 Morphology 3 1.4 Natural history 5 1.5 Classification 6 1.6 Taxonomic treatments of families of Cyclostomata 6 References 27 2 Class Gymnolaemata, order Ctenostomata 33 Patricia L. Cook, Philip E. Bock and Dennis P. Gordon 2.1 Introduction to the class Gymnolaemata 33 2.2 Order Ctenostomata 33 2.3 Classification of the Ctenostomata 37 2.4 Taxonomic treatments of families of Cyclostomata 37 References 54 3 Class Gymnolaemata, order Cheilostomata 61 Patricia L. Cook, Philip E. Bock, Peter J. Hayward and Dennis P. Gordon 3.1 Definition and general description 61 3.2 Colony morphology 63 3.3 Zooidal morphology 63 3.4 Classification of Cheilostomata 74 3.5 Relationships within the Cheilostomata and with the order Ctenostomata 79 3.6 Taxonomic treatments of the families of Australian Cheilostomata 79 3.7 Taxonomic treatments of families of Cheilostomata 81 References 251 4 Class Phylactolaemata 281 Timothy S. Wood 4.1 Definition and general description 281 4.2 History 284 4.3 Morphology and physiology 285 4.4 Natural history 289 4.5 Fossils 290 4.6 Collection and preservation 290 4.7 Taxonomy 291 References 293 Index 296 This page intentionally left blank List of authors Philip E. Bock Paul D. Taylor Museum Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, Australia. London, United Kingdom. Patricia L. Cook (deceased) Timothy S. Wood Glen Waverley, Victoria 3150, Australia. Department of Biological Sciences, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, United States. Dennis P. Gordon National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington 6021, New Zealand Peter J. Hayward Southgate, Swansea SA3 2AH, United Kingdom. This page intentionally left blank 1 Class Stenolaemata Order Cyclostomata Philip E. Bock, Paul D. Taylor, Peter J. Hayward and Dennis P. Gordon 1.1 Definition and general description may be encrusting or erect and branching or foli- ose. They are typically dense, opaque white in Stenolaemata is the most ancient bryozoan class, colour, occasionally flushed pink or purple, and with a fossil record beginning in the earliest Ordo- vician, ~500 million years ago (Taylor and Ernst the calcification can appear speckled because of the 2004; Ma et al. 2015). Seven orders are recognised presence of numerous tissue-plugged pseudopores. currently (Taylor and Waeschenbach 2015), of In the Crisiidae, exemplifying the erect, branching which only Cyclostomata survives and includes all Articulata, the zooids are arranged in narrow rows living stenolaemate species. Globally, the order with openings on only one side of the slender, flex- Cyclostomata includes some 543 species assigned ible colony of branches linked by cuticular joints to 98 genera and 23 families (Bock and Gordon (nodes). Erect colonies of species of Tubuliporina, 2013). The group comprises, on average, ~11% of Cancellata and Cerioporina are unjointed (with the the species in any Recent bryozoan fauna (range single exception of the tubuliporine genus Crisuli- 0–24%, Banta 1991) and only rarely dominates in pora), gracile to robust, and have zooids arranged terms of numbers of colonies or biomass. evenly, in clusters or in ordered transverse rows. Stenolaemates are commonly termed ‘tubular Many species of Tubuliporina have encrusting col- bryozoans’, in reference to their elongate, slender, onies, occasionally taking the form of simple, uni- usually cylindrical zooids. The basal and vertical serial chains, but more often narrow, oligoserial walls of the zooid are heavily calcified, and the lobes or circular to irregular, flat disks or low small terminal membrane at the distal tip of the domes. Colony form may be diagnostic for a given tube represents the only area of flexible, uncalci- cyclostome species, or may show extraordinary fied body wall. Colonies grow through the exten- variation apparently in response to environmental sion and sequential division of a multizooidal influences. Homeomorphy in colony form between budding zone, termed by Borg (1926) the ‘common species, genera and even families has been a con- bud’, which in some groups persists in later ontog- siderable source of taxonomic confusion. eny as an extrazooidal, hypostegal body cavity. Fundamental morphological differences exist Living Cyclostomata are important as models between cyclostome zooids and those of other for reconstructing the anatomy, biology and ecol- extant bryozoans. The orifice, medially situated in ogy of extinct stenolaemates, but their classification the terminal membrane, can be closed by a sphinc- remains a problem at all taxonomic levels, and ter muscle; below it, the body wall is introverted to especially at family level. Colony form varies – they form a tentacle sheath enclosing the tentacle crown 2 AustrAliAn BryozoA (= lophophore) and the entire polypide is enclosed bryozoan collections, and in the second report of within a further envelope of mesodermal tissue (= the Bryozoa collected during the H.M.S Challenger the membranous sac). The entosaccal cavity within Expedition (Busk 1886). Kirkpatrick (1888b) the membranous sac is considered to be a coelom, described five species (two of them new) from Port but the exosaccal cavity surrounding the sac is Phillip, Victoria, and later listed four from Torres probably a pseudocoel (Nielsen and Pedersen Strait (Kirkpatrick 1890a). Although additional spe- 1979). Basic zooid form varies little throughout the cies were described, or recorded from Australia by order, and polymorphism is limited. The hollow early writers, they have attracted very little special- spines of some species, and the tubular units com- ist interest. Indeed, apart from minor taxonomic prising the anchoring rootlets in Crisiidae, are coe- contributions, often appended to more detailed lomic chambers, with a lining peritoneum but no accounts of cheilostome-dominated faunas, present polypide, and can be considered kenozooids. knowledge of the Recent Cyclostomata is due Other types of kenozooids include the cancelli of entirely to the research of very few authors. Cancellata and the alveoli of Rectangulata. Species S.F. Harmer made some of the earliest signifi- of Plagioeciidae may have distinctive, dwarf cant contributions with his work on the embryo- zooids, termed nanozooids, each equipped with a logy of Crisia, Lichenopora and Tubulipora (see minute lophophore comprising a single tentacle Harmer 1890, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1898). His first that appears to serve a cleaning function (Silén and report on the Bryozoa of the Siboga Expedition Harmelin 1974). The conspicuous brood chambers (Harmer 1915) was an important contribution to seen in most cyclostome species are highly modi- the study of Indo-West-Pacific cyclostome faunas. fied zooidal polymorphs, termed gonozooids, that However, the work of F. Borg provides the base- sometimes expand into space that would other- line for all modern studies of the Cyclostomata, in wise have been occupied by autozooids or particular his morphological and systematic stud- kenozooids. ies (Borg 1926, 1933), together with his monograph The reproductive cycle of cyclostomes is pro- on the Antarctic cyclostome Bryozoa (Borg 1944). foundly different from that of the other bryozoan Significant subsequent publications include: classes and involves polyembryony. In all living Nielsen (1970) on metamorphosis and develop- cyclostomes, the fertilised ovum undergoes several ment of the ancestrular zooid; Nielsen and Ped- cleavages to form a primary embryo. Blastomeres ersen (1979) on zooid wall structure and separate from the primary embryo, singly or in lophophore eversion in Crisia; a monographic sys- groups, and undergo further cleavage to form sec- tematic and ecological survey of Mediterranean ondary embryos. The secondary embryos may tubuliporines by Harmelin (1976); research on then fragment and continue cleavage to form ter- skeletal ultrastructure, organisation and its rele- tiary embryos, so that the gonozooid becomes vance to cyclostome phylogeny (Taylor 2000; packed with large numbers of clonal offspring Taylor and Weedon 2000, and references therein); (Hughes et al. 2005). and Waeschenbach et al. (2009) on the molecular phylogeny of cyclostomes (see also Taylor et al. 2011; Waeschenbach et al. 2012). The ecology and 1.2 History of discovery morphology of living cyclostomes has attracted Busk (1852) first distinguished Cyclostomata from some recent research interest (e.g. McKinney 1988, Cheilostomata, because of the round, non-opercu- 1993), but taxonomic and faunistic studies on late openings of the zooids, and recorded five spe- regions other than the Atlantic (e.g. Hayward and cies from Australian seas. Further Australian Ryland 1985; Ramalho et al. 2009) and Mediterra- records were provided in the cyclostome volume of nean (e.g. Hayward and McKinney 2002) are still Busk’s (1875) catalogue of the British Museum relatively few (e.g. Brood 1976). 1 – Class stenolaemata, order CyClostomata 3 1.3 Morphology distribution (Weedon 1998; Jenkins and Taylor 2017). This type of calcification, with the mineral- Colonies of cyclostome bryozoans can be extremely ised skeleton directly underlying an organic cuti- plastic, with an architecture and geometry cle, is known as an exterior wall. Growth of the responding to environmental influences; homeo- colony proceeds by the expansion of an uncalcified morphy is widespread. The most regular colonies portion of cuticle to form a multizooidal bud, the are those of Crisiidae, the sole family of the subor- der Articulata. Crisiid colonies are erect, unilami- ‘common bud’ of Borg (1926), which is then sequen- nate, uniserial to biserial, and branching. Each new tially divided by interior calcified walls to partition ramus (or internode) buds adventitiously from a off new zooids. These interior walls are lined on single zooid at a point on the preceding ramus that both sides by epithelium, contain interzooidal may vary in location (Ryland 2000). The proximal pores and lack a cuticular layer. Cyclostome skele- part of the new zooid – the basis rami – is sepa- tons comprise three types of walls defined topo- rated from its distal portion by a flexible joint, the logically: basal, vertical and frontal. Basal walls node; the node appears to develop in place of the are generally exterior walls, except in some bifoli- calcified body wall, which is resorbed. The number ate species where the basal walls of the back-to- of zooids comprising a node, and the pattern of back zooids may be interior walls. Vertical walls branching, are sometimes characteristic for a genus are interior walls, whereas frontal walls may be or species. Colony form is more diverse in the sub- either interior or exterior walls depending on sub- order Tubuliporina, ranging from uniserial order and zooidal polymorph type. The calcified encrusting chains, to lobate sheets, discs or frontal walls of articulates and tubuliporines, mounds, to erect, branching growths, which may including the tubular extensions around apertures have a colony architecture characteristic for the called peristomes, are formed by exterior walls to genus, or vary according to habitat. Few genera are which the soft tissues are firmly anchored, and are recognisable from colony form alone, and in most referred to as fixed-walled. The gonozooids of tubuliporines the morphology of the gonozooid is cerioporines, roofed by calcified exterior walls con- a particularly significant taxonomic character. taining pseudopores, are typically subcircular in More recently, the morphology of pseudopores overall shape, occasionally longitudinally ovoidal, (see p. 4) has been found to be of taxonomic value or digitate and irregular. They may occupy space at (Taylor and Zaton´ 2008). In many tubuliporines, the the expense of kenozooids and extend around and apertures of feeding zooids are spaced evenly between the autozooids. A hypostegal pseudocoel across the colony surface, but in others they are normally links the autozooids and kenozooids grouped into connate rows or subcircular fascicles. above the ends of their vertical walls, an organisa- Species with apertures in clusters have been sepa- tion called free-walled. Frontal walls in cancellates rated by some bryozoologists into a distinct subor- when developed are interior walls lying beneath der, Fasciculina, but this is probably not a natural the hypostegal pseudocoel. The gonozooids in this group (Taylor 2000). All Cancellata and most Cerio- suborder and in rectangulates are roofed by inte- porina develop erect colonies, often robust, and rior walls, making the skeletal organisation of richly branched or capitate, but colonies of the Rec- these two suborders entirely free-walled. tangulata are always encrusting – growing as discs, The morphology of the polypide is relatively mounds, cups or cones. uniform throughout the Cyclostomata. The zooidal In all living cyclostomes the larva that founds orifice lies at the centre of the terminal membrane the colony metamorphoses to produce a hemi- and can be closed by a sphincter; between the ter- spherical protoecium, bounded by an outer, cuticu- minal membrane and the tips of the withdrawn lar body wall that undergoes calcification on its tentacles lies a cavity termed the atrium (or vesti- inner surface and contains pseudopores varying in bule). In most genera, the atrium is closed just

Bryozoans are aquatic animals that form colonies of connected individuals. They take a variety of forms: some are bushy and moss-like, some are flat and encrusting and others resemble lace. Bryozoans are mostly marine, with species found in all oceans from sublittoral to abyssal depths, but freshwat
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