V O L U M E 3 0 H N U M B E R 2 5 F E B R U A R Y 1 8 , 2 0 1 1 O F F t h e C H A I N A usti n’s A ni m making of this cover AdvocOattehse rA’asrel W ate Elfaacrhe d in the Throats ere harme by Josh Rosenblatt • p.22 w s al m ni a o n Wantin’ Violins: Anne Akiko Meyers The Local Definition of ‘Locavore’ Michael Nesmith Makes It Once Again Keep Austin Weird Wednesday see austinchronicle.com for breaking news, daily listings, stalking america with a gatling gun, aff loves ‘bones,’ here comes Pee-wee, eric mitchell r.i.P., and more electronic shifts 2 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E FEBRUARY 18, 2011 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m FEBRUARY 18, 2011 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E 3 contents VOL. 30, NO. 25 (cid:40) FEBRUARY 18, 2011 PNUicBkL IBSaHrEbRaro EDITOR Louis Black SENIOR EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Cindy Widner FILM Marjorie Baumgarten ARTS Robert Faires MUSIC Raoul Hernandez NEWS Michael King NEWS MANAGING EDITOR Amy Smith FOOD Virginia B. Wood SCREENS, BOOKS Kimberley Jones SPECIAL ISSUES, GUIDES, INTERNS Kate Messer ASSOCIATE EDITORS NEWS Nora Ankrum MUSIC Audra Schroeder CALENDAR ARTS LISTINGS Wayne Alan Brenner COMMUNITY LISTINGS James Renovitch ASST. LISTINGS Anne Harris 6 arts food STAFF WRITERS POSTMARKS Wells Dunbar, Margaret Moser, Lee Nichols, Marc Savlov, Jordan Smith CONTRIBUTING WRITERS news 29 39 Perry Nixes Texas DIY 2011; Event Menu: Feb. 17-23; TV EYE Belinda Acosta OFF THE RECORD Austin Powell Arts; Two Theatres Go and Food-o-File DAY TRIPS Gerald E. McLeod FASHION Stephen MacMillan Moser 14 ACIlSemD eTnackye sS oSutoghckt foofr IVmepteernadnin; ga nLda yMofofrse; HIMbesadesdtnea; r a ORnvedem ra eH Cmehebolesrra eflo dr 40 LarOeCaA fLa rImSe ArsS wLaOnCt AyLo uD tOo EbSe wWahrye COVERJA ISLLOUNS STRTOAUTITON BY MLPIRTRE. RSOAM RADRicTU YW CPilAliTNaTmISOs R N.U. Steinberg CLELTATSESRICSA ALT, D3AAMNC ME iLcIhSaTeINl GVSe nRtoubrai Polgar BPYO IMNTIC AHUASETL IKNING 30 PRESTO CON FUOCO BofY f aVuIRx GloINcaIAl B. WOOD CAWSRESEBTA D.T AIIRVREET C DDTIIORREREC CBTTrOOiaRRn/ CPBRhaOrriDsry UL CinTnIOeNn MANAGAESRS TJ.a WsoEnB SDEtoVuEtLOPER Adam Theriault See Perry’s complete state of the FMoer yveirosli,n liisfet Aisn nbee sAtk iko 42 RESTAURANT ROULETTE music GRCAaPrHriIeC LDeEwSiIsG,N DERouS gN Satt.h Aanm Benrotwn, Mark Gates, Tim Grisham, Shelley Hiam, played fast and fiery STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS John Anderson, Jana Birchum 16 sCtIaTtYe HadAdLrLe sHsU aStT aLuEstinchronicle.com BY ROBERT FAIRES 49 OFF THE RECORD Austin City PINRTOEORFNRSE ZAeDkEeR SB Maribkaer Co,r iRssoebye,r Mt Caorkh eFna,g aWni,ll MEiodnaimca, RAinegseel,a S Gaararnhe Sr,m Eirtihc , PKicrikshtianret zT, ofte 34 screens Limits Live at the Moody Theater Sara Reihani, Liz Rodriguez, Meghan Ruth Speakerman, Katie Tomasino, BY WELLS DUNBAR BOOKS Poser: My Life comes online, SXSW ramps up, Molly Wahlberg 1218 LWDEeoGmmEseL;n Aa’;Nn CdDo MmA omBreiiltlt eToe ‘SPeroattesc fto Or uLor cal iCTNnilic ac2kki3ri neF g YlDy oInegsn adt ehPreoe sBr;eo sTm hbbey by 4 454 BMTVYig uEBeYElE LAIrNteDtAa oAnC OCeSdTaAr Rapids; and 50 BaMMnYoId CnA HklUoeAcSeEaTslLI sN m Nm ePEosOSpsMW -wuIEpiTt LhHtLh yeTo huGerr aHmeamdys AASACDEPANCVDhnIEOOigRVUlRleTiN plIEAaTSsC I,ESRCN XLpOGEoTeU CiDcsNIUIh TRRSTt EIEiVcICXEhNTESwOC URiGJneT SefIVfi mECSoa Jnrel yMroanuld,l v HCeoerhraditlelhre, rA Fnrnaentktoev Sish,e Altloi nG aPrantetel,r sEolinz,a Cbeatrho lNynit z, THE HIGHTOWER REPORT 36 AFTER A FASHION Texas Legends, ‘Before They Were BY RAOUL HERNANDEZ RADETVAEIRLT OISPIENRGA CTOIOONRSD MINAANTAOGRE YRa Tsombiin We hAintederson 22 tSicAsF EofT AYu NsEtinT aOnRim DaEl AwDe lfEaNreD ? The poli- BMYA CSMTEILPLHAENN M OSER 46 LAeNgYe nGdIsV’EN WEDNESDAY One 52 TEXAS PLATTERS Hayes Carll, MCHAHRRiOnKNoEjTToOIsNUaGR, ADMGIRaE rESiCsasTraOa RhK EiBlgruionsr eeCr,,o ENlllilieecrno leM CasatsPetnRabOnroMonOo,T kCI, OhLNaaSrul erMesAn HN MeAiGodEdriRec rkLy,o, CgLaainnth H YNeogrururineygee,n ,A Tbriagna il BY JOSH ROSENBLATT man, 10 years, and some seri- Erin Ivey, Todd Snider, etc. Pham, Ashley Sherwood; photographers: Eric Lachey, Matthew Wedgwood ously sublime weirdness PROMOTIONS DIRECTOR/PERSONALS/CIRCULATION Dan Hardick CLASSIFIEDS DIRECTOR Cassidy Frazier CLASSIFIEDS COORDINATOR Michael Bartnett BY MARC SAVLOV 61 NEWS OF THE WEIRD SENIOR CLASSIFIEDS ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Brian Carr LEGAL NOTICES Jessica Nesbitt CLASSIFIEDS ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Whit Broders, Mike Harrell, Bobby Leath, Zach Lucey NATIONAL ADVERTISING Voice Media Group (888/278-9866, www.voicemediagroup.com) OFFICE STAFF calendar back CONTROLLER Liz Franklin SUBSCRIPTIONS Jessi Cape CREDIT MANAGER cindy soo ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT Cassandra Pearce INFO CENTER Cory Plump SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR Rebecca Farr a 60 COMMUNITY 72 FILM 97 LOVERS LANE ASST. SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR Frederick Stanton u SPECIAL EVENTS Elizabeth Derczo s Help kick cancer in its crabby ass Film Reviews: Cedar Rapids, I Am CIRCULATION tin BVLLOOGGSS wCaituhs Seaturday’s Pub Crawl for a NBiuembebre: rN Feovuerr, SJuasyt NGeov eWrith It, Justin 99 EASY STREET PDeernriys eD rParkicee, TMoamr tFina,i rEcrhicil dM, cRKuibnenne yF, loGrreasn,t JMoneilncah eFro, eMl-oStoomrcmycelers M, Bicrheanet lM, alkus, c GALLERIES THE LUV DOC Paul Minor, Norm Reed, Dane Richardson, Eric Shuman, Chris Volley, h BALLOTS + 62 DAY TRIPS 74 SHOWTIMES NCiOchoNlaTs RWiIbBbeUlsmTaOn, RJoShn Williamson, Bryan Zirkelbach ro POLLS BY GERALD E. MCLEOD 80 100 COMIX Rob Brezsny, Jim Caligiuri, Lloyd Dangle, Doug Freeman, Sam Hurt, Michael Kellerman, John n DAILY LISTINGS SPECIAL SCREENINGS Leach, Tom and Ray Magliozzi, Tony Millionaire, Peter Mueller, MM Pack, Josh Rosenblatt, Jonelle ic COMMENTS + 65 SPORTS 82 MUSIC MR. SMARTY PANTS Seitz, Chuck Shepherd, Tom Tomorrow, Roy Tompkins, Shannon Wheeler, Richard Whittaker le.com TGCB OURU FNNEIODATEREEKSUSSINMTGSS TSBCEOoYnX CNvACeISCEn KtRRio OBWnLA ACLRTeEBCnRAHtGeRrIORLS skate into RmRbeeEencClleooOfrwidMtss, M, S sbEehubNotaw DSdcEowaDhas enM&,s i?JQca huSsaauoesnnli d, G Aatuihersae t in 111100019 CCFRALREA ET ASWLSIKL ILF IEDS ContaTchte KAautset iMn eCshsreorn aictl eth oef fienrtse rnno hnoptaliynineg, 4in5t4e-r5ns7h6ip5s x. 3 03. /b NEWS 66 ARTS RJiomllmery &E aPta Wcko roldf ,W Coalvrreies , Rpoludsri guez, ASTROLOGY The Austin Chronicle (ISSN: 1074-0740) is published by The Austin Chronicle lo Reviewed: La Sylphide (Dance); Marnie Stern, and more THE COMMON LAW C5o1r2p/o4ra5t4io-n5 7w6e6e k©ly2 5021 0ti mAuesst ipne Cr hyeroanr iaclte 4 C0o0r0p . NA.l lI -r3ig5h,t s A ruessteinrv, eTdX . 78751. g UT New Music Ensemble 84 VENUES Subscriptions: One year: $60 2nd class. Half-year: $35 2nd class. Periodicals s (Classical); ‘Chloe Yingst: Postage Paid at Austin, TX. Missing’ (Visual Arts) 86 ROADSHOWS + CLUB LISTINGS PTXO 7S8TM76A5S.TER: Send address changes to The Austin Chronicle, PO Box 49066, Austin, Unsolicited submissions (including but not limited to articles, artwork, photographs, and résumés) are not returned. Weekennnd Beer Buuusssttteeer Bottlenecks 4 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E FEBRUARY 18, 2011 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m PUT 20 YEARS OF JUDICIAL EXPERIENCE TO WORK FOR YOU. JUDGE CHARLIE BAIRD LET US WORK FOR YOU!** T H E F O W L E R L A W F I R M . C O M 919 CONGRESS AVENUE, SUITE 900, AUSTIN, TX 78701 | 512.441.1411 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m FEBRUARY 18, 2011 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E 5 Postmarks LETTERS TO THE EDITOR must be signed with full name and include daytime phone number, full address, or e-mail address. Letters should be no lon- ger than 300 words. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Letters may not be edited, added to, or changed by sender once we receive them. General e-mail address: [email protected] Postmarks forum: austinchronicle.com/forums/postmarks Mailing address: The Austin Chronicle, PO Box 49066, Austin, TX 78765 WONDERFUL JOB BY JORDAN SMITH Dear Editor, Re: “A Parliament of Experts” [News, Feb. 4]: Again, Ms. Smith, a wonderful in-depth report. I am impressed with your journalism – and how time- consuming it seems to provide the whole picture. NOTES ON THE ‘DRUG WAR’ The government comes up with ways to save As a young naive adult, I thought our legal/jury what are the qualifications of an “expert”? And money by taking money away from education. system was fair. Later on I realized that whoever how are the “qualified experts” included into Dear Editor, Why? They are just going to keep throwing can lie the best wins – and along with reading the process? I am writing to you about the article by Jordan money at this so-called “drug war.” your story, add to that: whoever testifies inaccu- And, unfortunately, it appears that money/talent Smith in the Feb. 4 issue “The War on Talking This war has been going on, officially, since rate information or excludes scientific evidence can be the deciding factor of guilty or not guilty. About the Drug War” [News]. Why am I not sur- the Reagan administration and has done noth- can win. And, as described through your story, Paul Birdsall prised by the government’s reaction to Border ing but cost billions and billions of dollars. The Patrol Agent Bryan Gonzalez’s statement? When definition of insanity is doing the same thing did having an opinion become grounds for over and over and expecting a different result. “PAGE TWO” IS TAKING A BREAK. dismissal? Let me say that I do not do drugs The drug war is just that, insanity. The govern- nor do I think they should be legal; however, I ment should find a new way to spend less think anyone, no matter what the circumstance, money on the drug war and stop taking money should be allowed to have an opinion. away from education. They should change their Did our government forget that this country either you are with us or completely against us was founded by free-thinkers that didn’t side way of thinking and give Bryan Gonzalez his with their former government’s policies? I agree job back. After all, he was named employee with Bryan Gonzalez. I think the war on drugs is a joke, and something different needs to be done. CONTINUED ON P.8 25% OFF 30LB BAG OF ADULT DOG FOOD NOW $35.99 UNTIL FEB. 28, 2011 FREE HOME DELIVERY 4604 Burnet Road Nutritious Pet Food (1 block North of 45th St.) Knowledgeable Staff 512-452-3883 Quality Pet Supplies www.barknpurr.com Call Us Today: Free quote at: 328-6688 BlueWhale.com Delivering Peace of Mind since 1988 6 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E FEBRUARY 18, 2011 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m FEBRUARY 18, 2011 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E 7 P0STMARKS CONTINUED FROM P.6 of the month the month he was fired, and I don’t LIVE MUSIC IN JEOPARDY think there are a lot of young educated men lining up for the job of border patrol agent these days. Dear Editor, Sincerely, On Thursday, Austin City Council voted to Michael Hausen change the city’s sound ordinance in ways that will very likely destroy this city’s live music. I own four Downtown bars, and I am scared that this CELEBRATE ALONZO’S council is going to run me out of business. Until this week, when the Austin Police Department Dear Editor, measured volume coming from one of my ven- Thanks for doing the great article on Ray’s Bar- ues, they would do so at the property line – where B-Q [Restaurant Review, Food, Feb. 4]. I just live the music had the potential to disturb neighbors. right around the corner and used to love to eat Now, APD must measure volume from the speak- there. Ray is a great guy, and he puts his heart er or instrument producing the music, regardless into the food. of how likely the music is to be a nuisance to oth- I wanted to point out another of Montopolis’ ers outside the venue. I live Downtown and am finest restaurants which is just a couple of blocks glad that we have a sound ordinance. There are south of Ray’s location: Alonzo’s taco restaurant. times when a band or venue is just too loud. But Alonzo’s is having its 20th anniversary this week how loud it is should be measured from where and is now being run by the second generation of people live and work and might be disturbed, not the Alonzo family. It is where the working families from the source of the music. Due to the unique of Montopolis meet to eat. The simple truth is physics of sound waves, how loud a speaker is just about every school kid in Montopolis grew up doesn’t necessarily translate to how loud it is at on Alonzo’s tacos. Like the restaurant, the food a neighboring residence. Gary Etie has regularly isn’t fancy but it is good and where else can you explained this issue on his Austin City Permits get a burger, fries, and drink for under $3? Or blog. If council doesn’t fix this immediately, all two eggs, two Jimmy Dean sausage patties, and outdoor music in Austin is in jeopardy. Live music three pancakes for under $4? is the cultural and economic core of this city. Members of the Habitat for Humanity volunteer Don’t let council kill it. crew I work with have told me one of the things Brad Womack that gets them out of bed and on the site is know- Owner/operator ing there will be Alonzo’s tacos waiting for them. Molotov Lounge Not only is Alonzo’s a great place to eat, but The Dogwood John Jr. gives a great deal of his time and energy to Chuggin Monkey working with at-risk kids. He’s a great role model. The Dizzy Rooster Anyway, I thought I would throw that out there. Thanks, Delwin Goss CONTINUED ON P.10 POSTMARKS ONLINE UPDATED DAILY austinchronicle.com/postmarks (cid:34)(cid:49)(cid:42)(cid:45)(cid:47)(cid:48)(cid:35)(cid:46)(cid:54)(cid:34)(cid:39)(cid:50)(cid:39)(cid:43)(cid:37) HARRY (cid:33)(cid:31)(cid:43)(cid:54)(cid:32)(cid:35)(cid:54)(cid:36)(cid:49)(cid:43) _C__O_N__N_I_C_K_,_ J_R__. & ORCHESTRA ...as long as it’s not YOUR dumpster. Keep raccoons, possums and other urban wildlife at bay. Chem-free takes an eco-friendly (cid:10)(cid:31)(cid:41)(cid:41)(cid:54)(cid:48)(cid:44)(cid:34)(cid:31)(cid:52)(cid:54)(cid:31)(cid:43)(cid:34)(cid:54)(cid:47)(cid:31)(cid:50)(cid:35)(cid:1) approach that’s friendly for your family, pets and the environment. NEW CD/DVD LONG CENTER (cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:5)(cid:54)(cid:22)(cid:36)(cid:36)(cid:54) (cid:2)Identification & evaluation SATURDAY, MARCH 26 (cid:2)Elimination of food sources INITIAL SERVICE WITH ON SALE NOW ANNUALAGREEMENT (cid:2)Sanitation issues THELONGCENTER.ORG Cannot be combined with any other offer. (cid:2)Blocking entry points 512.474.LONG (5664) (cid:2)Trapping & relocation LONG CENTER BOX OFFICE (512) 837-9681 www.chemfreepestandlawn.com AVAILABLE MARCH 1 HARRYCONNICKJR.COM 8 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E FEBRUARY 18, 2011 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m Store Closing A New Way to Shop for Furniture... and get the best deal....see our large selection of home office desk, files and chairs! 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POORRIFCIGFE.S PSRAILCEE Shoot Fur products labeled to show country of origin of imported furs. + 18-55mm VR like a Pro NIKKOR Lens 14.2 Megapixel, 3 Frames/sec, 3” LCD, Photographer THIS LOCATION ONLY Battery & charger, 1920 x 1080 Full HD Highland Mall Regular: $699.99 559999..9999 AustinPhotoWorkshops.com -$100 Instant Rebate or call 512.467.7676 Austin Nikon Inc. limited warranty included with *FREE new camera purchase. Not responsible for typographical errors. Instant Savings valid 2-HOUR $30WWOORRTTHH OF through Feb 26, 2011. PHOTO CLASS DIGITAL PRINTS We accept Macy’s Card, Cash, Visa, Discover, American Express and Gift Cards. Sorry, no checks. ALL SALES FINAL. NO RETURNS OR ADJUSTMENTS. with new camera purchase. Locally Owned for 34 Years We will accept returns on purchases made before 1/9/11 with proof of purchase. Due to the nature of this sale, we can no longer honor coupons, mall certificates, or advertised prices offered at other Macy’s locations or websites. During this sale, we will continue to accept Gift Cards and Gift 33881100 NN LLaammaarr BBllvvdd -- AAuussttiinn 551122..446677..77667766 Certificates. Reg./Orig. prices reflect offering prices. Savings may not be based on actual sales. Intermediate markdowns may have been taken. Mon-Fri: 9-6; Sat 10-6; Sun 1-5 The Fur and Rug departments are licensed departments and discounts may vary from the storewide discounts. NEW & USED CAMERAS PHOTO LAB RENTALS REPAIRS CLASSES a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m FEBRUARY 18, 2011 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E 9 P0STMARKS CONTINUED FROM P.8 INCOME TAX TAX FOX’S LIES is aware of this and that we have the highest towns. It includes pure, low-cost drugs; clean REFUND crime rate in the city, are low income, minority needles; counseling; and, if requested, treat- Dear Editor, majority, and low opportunity. The people that ment. The Swiss have voted for it in repeated SALE Congress should pass a Fox Truth Tax on Foundation Communities wants to help real- referendums. If the conservative Swiss can do every lie printed and/or broadcast by Rupert ly deserve better. The homeless population, it, we Americans can do it too. Murdoch’s empire. This money could totally especially homeless women who are the most John Chase fund both NPR and PBS, and the surplus underserved, deserve to be placed in areas of Palm Harbor, Fla. 6 PIECE QUEEN LOUIS from such a windfall could create 10 new higher opportunity. Placement in areas of high- PHILLIPE BEDROOM SET “real” stations per year! And even fund er opportunity is known to increase success $799 MOVE OVER, ‘MIS-LEADERS’ health care! rates for people that are placed in permanent BRING THIS AD AND GET A Jim Franklin supportive housing. Dear Editor, FREE NIGHTSTAND (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST - LIMITED TIME ONLY) The Planning Commission voted on Jan. 25 Oligarchies everywhere are shuddering with FAUX MARBLE COUNTER OPPOSES ZONING CHANGE FOR and approved the rezoning with the requirement fear as they watch world events unfold. Rightly, HEIGHT TABLE WITH 4 of a Conditional Overlay and a private restrictive they worry that they may be next. They and STOOLS SUBURBAN LODGE covenant between the Greenbriar Neighborhood their self-proclaimed “greatest generation” $269 and Foundation Communities. The Greenbriar have failed miserably. Their methods are Dear Editor, Neighborhood is amenable to this compromise. infested with dishonesty, insatiable greed, Regarding the rezoning for property at As of yet, we have not gotten a reasonable cov- conceit, war crimes, and fixed elections. They 2501 S. I-35, currently known as Suburban enant approved by Foundation Communities. have shown contempt for the people, the envi- SECTIONAL Lodge: My neighborhood opposes the zon- Yours truly, ronment, the truth, and every law that inconve- WITH OTTOMAN ing change. The rezoning of Suburban Lodge $599 Cyndi Gilbert niences them. to a Single Room Occupancy is an unde- Greenbriar Neighborhood Association When John F. Kennedy moved to end the sirable use for the commercial property QUEEN SIZE within our area. The property in question Vietnam War, they had him killed. They didn’t PLACTAFPOPRUMCC BINEOD backs directly up to single family housing. STUDY SWITZERLAND’S DRUG PROGRAM like Al Gore so they had the Supreme Court FINISH appoint George Bush. When blatant war Foundations Communities application to the $199 Dear Editor, crimes were leaked (www.collateralmurder.com), WE SELL Austin Housing Finance Corporation clearly If the goal is to reduce the impact of addic- they imprisoned the suspected leaker (Bradley ALL MATTRESS SETS HALF OFF states the planned development is for 120 QUEEN SIZE EURO TOP units for Permanent Supportive Housing. tive drugs – and their prohibition – we should Manning) and shut down most methods MATTRESS SET study Switzerland’s heroin-assisted treatment for people to finance those who published Our area, ZIP code 78741, has the most $199 program. It more than pays for itself in reduced the material. LIKE affordable housing units in the city. We have criminal justice costs and allows addicts to It’s time for mis-leaders everywhere to get out US 3,592 affordable units – that’s 473.25 units ALL OFFERS WHILE SUPPLIES LAST ON per square mile – in an area of 7.59 square work and pay taxes. It began in 1994 as of the people’s way. It’s time for the people to Zurich’s reaction to their infamous “needle seize the power and for peace, truth, and justice miles. The distant second is the area of park” and has spread to all 26 cantons, now loving people to lead. 78753 with 1,879 affordable units. We are includes other addictive drugs, and has treat- considered a Low-Opportunity area by Kirwin ment centers located in all but the smallest CONTINUED ON P.12 Institutes mapping. Foundation Communities IN THE BIG TAN BUILDING ACROSS FROM WALGREENS Billy Gardell LIVE See the star of CBS’s hit comedy Mike and Molly and Comedy Central’s special Billy Gardell: Halftime! Gardell’s down-to-earth point of Saturday, March 12, Noon–2pm view and commentary on American culture are sure to make you nod (cid:47)(cid:133)(cid:105)(cid:202)(cid:45)(cid:204)(cid:62)(cid:204)(cid:105)(cid:202)(cid:10)(cid:62)(cid:171)(cid:136)(cid:204)(cid:156)(cid:143)(cid:202)(cid:85)(cid:202)(cid:1)(cid:213)(cid:195)(cid:204)(cid:136)(cid:152)(cid:93)(cid:202)(cid:47)(cid:56) your head and laugh out loud. Contains adult language. THE ART & S MAY 21 | SAT 8PM OUL O TheLongCenter.org | 512.474.LONG (5664) A F Tickets also available at the 3M Box Office at the Long Center. Groups 10+ call 457-5161 or email [email protected] JOIN US to Keep Texas Smart! NITSU 10 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E FEBRUARY 18, 2011 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m