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Auralization: Fundamentals of Acoustics, Modelling, Simulation, Algorithms and Acoustic Virtual Reality PDF

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RWTHedition RWTHAachen Michael Vorländer Auralization Fundamentals of Acoustics, Modelling, Simulation, Algorithms and Acoustic Virtual Reality First edition 123 Prof.Dr.MichaelVorländer RWTHAachen InstitutfürTechnischeAkustik Neustraße50 52066Aachen Germany [email protected] ISBN978-3-540-48829-3 e-ISBN978-3-540-48830-9 DOI10.1007/978-3-540-48830-9 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2007932291 ISSN1865-0899 ©2008Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9, 1965,initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violations areliabletoprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelaws andregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. CoverDesign:deblik,Berlin,Germany Printedonacid-freepaper 987654321 springer.com Foreword RWTH Aachen University is one of Germany’s leading universities of technology with a long tradition of close collaboration with national and international industry and research centres. The University was founded as a polytechnical institute by an industry initiative in 1870, in a then fringe area of the Prussian heavy industry. Re- established as the Institute of Technology of North Rhine-Westphalia after World War II, it has always shown a strong commitment to contribute to the advance of science and engineering and to respond to the increasing demands made by society, ultimately advancing the development of the economy at a national and international level. In light of this, RWTH Aachen University and Springer-Verlag Publish- ing have recently signed a cooperative agreement on the publication of selected works of authors from the University within a special series titled “RWTH edition” and published in English. The present work comprises the first volume of this series, which has evolved from the long-standing, fruitful cooperation between the two partners with the explicit goal of fostering the sustainable dissemination of groundbreaking research results to the international scientific community, thereby initiating and facilitating scientific exchange worldwide. Such a step was deemed particularly mean- ingful considering the growing importance of interdisciplinary projects worldwide, which are based on innovative solution-finding and sound basic research. As Rector of RWTH Aachen University, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Springer-Verlag for its commitment and ongoing co- operation. May this series arouse the interest of the scientific community and con- tribute to an outstanding and solid education of our students and graduates. Sincerely, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Burkhard Rauhut Preface Acoustic virtual reality is a rather new and growing discipline. It integrates methods of physics and acoustic engineering with psychoacoustics and electroacoustic sound reproduction. The keywords of acoustic virtual real- ity are “simulation,” “auralization” and “spatial sound reproduction.” The expression “auralization” is analogous to the well-known technique of “visualization.” In visual illustration of scenes, data or any other meaning- ful information, in movie animation and in computer graphics, we describe the process of “making visible” as visualization. In acoustics, auralization occurs when acoustic effects, primary sound signals or means of sound reinforcement or sound transmission, are processed into an audible result. The word auralization is used today to describe the process of signal gen- eration, processing and reproduction as well as its result: the perceivable sound as auralization of an acoustic problem, a room, a building, a car, or any other industrial product. The concept of auralization was first introduced in relation to acoustic modelling of sound fields in rooms. Already in 1929 in Munich, Spandöck and colleagues tried to process signals from measurements on a model scale so that one could listen to the acoustics of a room, in spite of the fact that the “room” was just a scale model on a laboratory table. The idea was formulated quickly, but at that time it was extremely difficult to put it into action. Twenty years later, in 1949, magnetic tape recorders were avail- able. Spandöck et al. finally presented their system based on ultrasonic signals, scale models and a tape recorder working at several speeds (Spandöck 1934). This technique can be considered an analogue computer. The basic elements were already present in this approach: Sound field modelling, processing with an arbitrary sound signal and sound reproduc- tion. The results at that time were not comparable with the expectations of audio quality we have today. Background noise and low bandwidth limited the listening experience, but nevertheless these experiments must be con- sidered the first successful auralization. With the dramatic development of computers, the concept of simulation and auralization was reinvented by Schroeder et al. (1962) at the beginning of the 1960s. In 1968, the first room acoustical simulation software devel- oped by Krokstad et al. (1968) was applied in room acoustics. By the VIII Preface 1990s, the processor speed, memory space and convolution machines were sufficiently powerful to allow room acoustical computer simulation and auralization on a standard personal computer or on relatively small work- stations. In the early 1990s, the word “auralization” was introduced (Kleiner et al. 1993). Since that time, several improvements in modelling algorithms, in binaural processing and in reproduction technique have been made. Today, commercial software for room acoustical simulation is con- sidered incomplete without an option for auralization through the sound card of the computer. Several other fields of acoustics also included the term auralization in their vocabulary, particularly product sound design and building acoustics. The main theme of this book is the general technique of auralization and its manifold applications, both offline and in real time. It covers three main components: sound generation, sound transmission and sound reproduc- tion. The methodology of simulation and auralization developed from dis- cussion of methods for acoustic modelling. After starting with chapters on a general introduction into linear acoustics in fluids and in structures and on basic features of sound perception (psychoacoustics) in a free field and in rooms, in Chaps. 7 to 9, an introduction is given to the aspects of signal processing and auralization methodology in a general sense. In Chap. 10, the reader will learn about simulation models and techniques of applying numerical approaches for various acoustic problems. Virtual environments must usually be created in virtual rooms or similar enclosures. The technique of simulation is therefore explained in more detail by placing more emphasis on acoustics in enclosures in Chap. 11, including room acoustics auralization in Sect. 11.6. (It is presented as a first example where the technique of auralization is applied.1) Chapters 12 and 13 deal with strategies of simulation and auralization for applications in architec- tural acoustics other than room acoustics: airborne and impact sound insu- lation and structure-borne sound sources in buildings. Another field with application of auralization is vehicle acoustics. The global model of binau- ral transfer synthesis (BTPS), used in automotive acoustics, is discussed in Chap. 14. The final Chaps. 15 and 16 are focused on aspects of real-time processing and 3-D sound reproduction technology. This book is organized as a comprehensive collection of acoustic fun- damentals, of methodology and strategies of acoustic simulation and au- ralization. With the mathematical background of third-year university stu- dents, readers will easily be able to follow the main strategy of auralization and apply their own implementations of auralization in various fields of acoustic engineering and virtual reality. For readers interested in basic 1 Historically, it was also first established in room acoustics. Preface IX research, the technique of auralization may be useful for creating sound stimuli for specific investigations in civil engineering and in architecture. Virtual reality applications with acoustic stimuli are also crucial in linguis- tic, medical, neurological and psychological research and in the field of human–machine interaction. Acknowledgments “Auralization” has become a big field of interest in the acoustics commu- nity. Having taught a course in “Acoustic Virtual Reality” during the past eight years, I have recognized the need to concentrate all work done in acoustic simulation, auralization and acoustic virtual reality systems into a textbook. This book would not have been possible without the contribu- tions of many helping hands. The contributions of the doctoral students Oliver Schmitz, Tobias Lentz and Dirk Schröder in our activities in aurali- zation and virtual reality systems created a strong focus of research in the institute. Also Ingo Assenmacher, who is collaborating with us to imple- ment acoustics in the RWTH Aachen Virtual Reality centre, must be men- tioned. Inspired by requests from numerous graduate students and col- leagues in Germany and abroad, the idea of extending the lecture notes into a book was born quickly. Finally, while teaching “Acoustic Simula- tion and Auralization” during a sabbatical in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, the book project was started. I am particularly grateful for the support by Pascal Dietrich who created figures in a way I never could have done myself. The permission to use the world’s largest database of acoustic absorption was given by Dr. Ingolf Bork from PTB Braunschweig. Many more colleagues could be named here who supported the book project by contributing information, discus- sion or figures. I am grateful also for excellent feedback and support from all members of the Institute of Technical Acoustics (ITA), of RWTH Aachen University. First and foremost, I thank my predecessor as head of the institute and my academic teacher, Prof. Heinrich Kuttruff, for teaching me not only the physical and technical basics but also the inspiration, mo- tivation, beauty and fun of acoustics. Jonathan Rathsam from the University of Nebraska checked the linguis- tic quality and corrected my “German English.” Due to his patience and kind proposals for modifications, I managed to finish the book in hopefully acceptable English, at least from the viewpoint of nonnative speakers. Thomas Lehnert from Springer Publishers was very patient and always helpful in clarifying formal and technical aspects in template style and layout. The cooperation was very smooth. X Preface Last but not least, my family must be mentioned. For several months I was not able to contribute acceptably to the daily life of our home, school and other fields of family activities. I can only promise Angelika, Paul, Tobias and Benjamin that this will be better from now on. Aachen, June 2007 Michael Vorländer Content Introduction......................................................................................... 1 1 Fundamentals of acoustics......................................................... 7 1.1 Sound field equations and the wave equation.................... 8 1.1.1 Sound field quantities............................................ 9 1.1.2 Derivation of the wave equation............................ 10 1.2 Plane waves in fluid media................................................ 13 1.3 Plane harmonic waves........................................................ 15 1.4 Wideband waves and signals............................................. 15 1.5 Energy and level................................................................. 16 1.6 Sound intensity................................................................... 19 1.7 Level arithmetic................................................................. 20 1.8 Frequency bands................................................................ 21 2 Sound sources............................................................................. 23 2.1 Spherical waves.................................................................. 23 2.2 Harmonic monopole source and sound power................... 24 2.3 Pulsating sphere and radiation impedance......................... 26 2.4 Multipoles and extended sources....................................... 28 2.5 Spherical harmonics........................................................... 31 3 Sound propagation..................................................................... 35 3.1 Reflection of plane waves at an impedance plane............. 35 3.1.1 Examples of wall impedances................................ 37 3.2 Spherical wave above impedance plane............................. 41 3.3 Scattering........................................................................... 42 3.3.1 Object scattering.................................................... 42 3.3.2 Surface scattering................................................... 43 3.4 Diffraction.......................................................................... 47 3.5 Refraction........................................................................... 48 3.6 Attenuation......................................................................... 49 3.7 Doppler effect.................................................................... 51

"Auralization" is the technique of creation and reproduction of sound on the basis of computer data. With this tool is it possible to predict the character of sound signals which are generated at the source and modified by reinforcement, propagation and transmission in systems such as rooms, buildin
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