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Preview August 29, 2006 To appear in: A. Mitchell Polinsky & Steven

Online Appendix Equilibria in Health Exchanges: Adverse Selection vs. Reclassi(cid:133)cation Risk Ben Handel, Igal Hendel, and Michael D. Whinston (cid:3) y z January 7, 2015 Abstract This Online Appendix has three sections. The (cid:133)rstpresentsdetails ofthe choice modelestimation algorithm, as well as additional estimates from our primary speci(cid:133)cation not included in the main text. The second describes our model for consumer self-insurance from savings and borrowing in detail. The third provides additional (cid:133)gures and tables referenced in the main text. Department ofEconomics,UC Berkeley;[email protected] (cid:3) Department ofEconomics,Northwestern University;[email protected] y Department ofEconomics and Sloan SchoolofManagement,M.I.T.;[email protected] z 1 B Online Appendix: Choice Model Estimation Algorithm De- tails and Additional Results Thisappendixdescribesthedetailsofthechoicemodelestimationalgorithm. Thecorrespondingsection in the text provided a high-level overview of this algorithm and outlined the estimation assumptions we make regarding choice model fundamentals and their links to observable data. In addition, after thepresentationoftheestimationalgorithm,wediscussfurtherspeci(cid:133)cationdetailsandresultsforour primary choice model. We estimate the choice model using a random coe¢ cients simulated maximum likelihood approach similar to that summarized in Train (2009). The simulated maximum likelihood estimation approach has the minimum variance for a consistent and asymptotically normal estimator, while not being too computationally burdensome in our framework. Since we use panel data, the likelihood function at the family level is computed for a sequence of choices from t to t , since inertia implies that the 0 2 likelihood of a choice made in the current period depends on the choice made in the previous period. The maximum likelihood estimator selects the parameter values that maximize the similarity between actual choices and choices simulated with the parameters. First, the estimator simulates Q draws from the distribution of health expenditures output from the cost model, F , for each family, plan, and time period. These draws are used to compute plan jkt expected utility conditional on all other preference parameters. It then simulates S draws for each family from the distributions of the random coe¢ cients (cid:13) and (cid:14) , as well as from the distribution of j j the preference shocks (cid:15) . We de(cid:133)ne the set of parameters (cid:18) as the full set of ex ante model parameters k (before the S draws are taken): (cid:18) ((cid:22);(cid:12);(cid:27)2;(cid:22) (A );(cid:27) (A );(cid:11);(cid:22) (A );(cid:27) (A );(cid:17) ;(cid:17) ): (cid:17) (cid:13) (cid:14) j (cid:14) j (cid:15)K j (cid:15)K j 0 1 We denote (cid:18) one draw derived from these parameters for each family, including the parameters sj constant across draws: (cid:18) ((cid:13) ;(cid:14) ;(cid:11);(cid:15) ;(cid:17) ;(cid:17) ) sj (cid:17) j j KT 0 1 Denote (cid:18) the set of all S simulated draws for family j. For each (cid:18) the estimator then uses all Q Sj sj health draws to compute family-plan-time-speci(cid:133)c expected utilities U following the choice model sjkt outlined in Section 3 in the main text. Given these expected utilities for each (cid:18) , we simulate the sj probability of choosing plan k in each period using a smoothed accept-reject function with the form: 1 () ( (cid:0)Usjk(cid:3)t (cid:1) )(cid:28) Prsjt(k =k(cid:3))= (cid:6)K(cid:0)Us11jkt(((cid:1))) (cid:6)k((cid:6)K(cid:0)U(cid:0)sU|^s1kjtkt(cid:1)((cid:1)))(cid:28) 2 This smoothed accept-reject methodology follows that outlined in Train (2009) with some slight modi- (cid:133)cations to account for the expected utility speci(cid:133)cation. In theory, conditional on (cid:18) , we would want sj to pick the k that maximizes U for each family, and then average over S to get (cid:133)nal choice probabil- jkt ities. However, doing this leads to a likelihood function with (cid:135)at regions, because for small changes in the estimated parameters (cid:18), the discrete choice made does not change. The smoothing function above mimics this process for CARA utility functions: as the smoothing parameter (cid:28) becomes large the smoothed Accept-Reject simulator becomes almost identical to the true Accept-Reject simulator just described, where the actual utility-maximizing option is chosen with probability one. By choosing (cid:28) to be large, an individual will always choose k when 1 > 1 k = k . The smoothing function (cid:3) (cid:0)Ujk(cid:3)t (cid:0)Ujkt8 6 (cid:3) is modi(cid:133)ed from the logit smoothing function in Train (2009) for two reasons (i) CARA utilities are negative, sothechoiceshouldcorrespondtotheutilitywiththelowestabsolutevalueand(ii)thelogit form requires exponentiating the expected utility, which in our case is already the sum of exponential functions (from CARA). This double exponentiating leads to computational issues that our speci(cid:133)ca- tion overcomes, without any true content change since both models approach the true Accept-Reject function. Denoteanysequenceofthreechoicesmadeask3 andthesetofsuchsequencesasK3. Inthelimitas (cid:28) grows large the probability of a given k3 will either approach 1 or 0 for a given simulated draw s and family j. This is because for a given draw the sequence (k ;k ;k ) will either be the sequential utility 1 2 3 maximizing sequence or not. This implicitly includes the appropriate level of inertia by conditioning on previous choices within the sequential utility calculation. For example, under (cid:18) a choice in period sj twowillbemadebyafamilyj onlyifitisoptimalconditionalon(cid:18) , otherpreferencefactors, andthe sj inertia implied by the period one choice. For all S simulation draws we compute the optimal sequence of choices for k with the smoothed Accept-Reject simulator, denoted k3 . For any set of parameter sj values (cid:18) the probability that the model predicts k3 will be chosen by j is: Sj P^k3((cid:18);F ;ZA;ZB;H ;A )=(cid:6) 1[k3 =k3 ] j jkt j j j j s S sj 2 Let P^k3((cid:18)) be shorthand notation for P^k3((cid:18);F ;ZA;ZB;H ;A ). Conditional on these probabil- j j jkt j j k j ities for each j, the simulated log-likelihood value for parameters (cid:18) is: SLL((cid:18))=(cid:6) (cid:6) d lnP^k3 j J k3 K3 jk3 j 2 2 Here d is an indicator function equal to one if the actual sequence of decisions made by family j jk3 was k3. Then the maximum simulated likelihood estimator (MSLE) is the value of (cid:18) in the parameter space (cid:2) that maximizes SLL((cid:18)). In the results presented in the text, we choose Q=100, S =50, and (cid:28) =6, all values large enough such that the estimated parameters vary little in response to changes. 3 B.1 Speci(cid:133)cation for Inertia In the main text we did not describe the details for our speci(cid:133)cation for consumer inertia. The model for inertia, which is similar to that in Handel (2013), speci(cid:133)cs an inertial cost (cid:17)(ZB) that is linearly j related to consumer characteristics and linked choices, ZB: j (cid:17)(ZB)=(cid:17) +(cid:17) ZB j 0 1 jt ThecharacteristicsinZB includefamilystatus(e.g.,singleorcoveringdependents),income,several j job status measures, linked choice of Flexible Spending Account (FSA), and whether the family has any members with chronic medical conditions (and, if so, how many chronic conditions total in the family). B.2 Additional Results Intheinterestofspace,thetextonlypresentedtheriskpreferenceparameterestimatesfromourprimary speci(cid:133)cation, since this was the key object of interest recovered there for our equilibrium analysis of insurance exchange pricing regulations. Here, for completeness, in Tables B1 and B2 we include the fullsetofestimatesintheprimarymodelforreference, includinginertiaparameters, PPO random 1200 coe¢ cients, and " standard deviations. Overall, the parameters not discussed in the text have similar estimates to those in Handel (2013), though the risk preference estimates di⁄er here because they are linked explicitly to health risk to estimate correlations between those two micro-foundations. 4 Empircal Model Results (1) Paramater Parameter / Model Primary Model Standard Error Risk Preference Estimates (cid:22) - Intercept, (cid:12) 1:21 10 3 5:0 10 5 (cid:13) 0 (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:22) - log((cid:6) (cid:21) ), (cid:12) 1:14 10 4 9:8 10 6 (cid:13) i(cid:15)j i 1 (cid:0) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:22) - age, (cid:12) 5:21 10 6 1:0 10 7 (cid:13) 2 (cid:0) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:22) - log((cid:6) (cid:21) ) age, (cid:12) 1:10 10 6 1:3 10 7 (cid:13) i(cid:15)j i (cid:3) 3 (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:22) - Manager, (cid:12) 4:3 10 5 5:2 10 5 (cid:13) 4 (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:22) - Manager ability, (cid:12) 1:4 10 5 1:2 10 5 (cid:13) 5 (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:22) - Non-manager ability , (cid:12) 7:5 10 6 2:4 10 6 (cid:13) 6 (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:22) - Population Mean 4:39 10 4 - (cid:13) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:22) - Population (cid:27) 6:63 10 5 - (cid:13) (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:27) - (cid:13) standard deviation 1:24 10 4 3:5 10 5 (cid:13) (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:3) (cid:3) Inertia Estimates (cid:17) ; Intercept 1,336 76 0 (cid:17) ; Family 2,101 52 1 (cid:17) ; FSA Enroll -472 44 1 (cid:17) ; Income 96 15 1 (cid:17) ; Quantitative 6 27 1 (cid:17) ; Manager 162 34 1 (cid:17) ; Chronic Condition 108 24 1 TableB1: Thistablepresentsthe(cid:133)rsthalfofthefullsetofprimarychoicemodelestimates: thesetofestimates relevantforouranalysisofexchange pricing regulation ispresented and interpreted in much more detailin the main text. Standard errors are presented in column 2. 5 Empircal Model Results (1) Parameter Parameter / Model Primary Model Standard Error PPO Preferences 1200 (cid:22) : Single -2,504 138 (cid:14) (cid:27) : Single 806 47 (cid:14) (cid:22) : Family -2,821 424 (cid:14) (cid:27) : Family 872 48 (cid:14) Other (cid:11); High-Cost, PPO -805 79 250 " , (cid:27) , Single 50 340 500 " " , (cid:27) , Single 525 180 1200 " " , (cid:27) , Family 141 56 500 " " , (cid:27) , Family 615 216 1200 " Table B2: This table presents the second half of the full set of primary choice model estimates: the set of estimates relevant for our analysis of exchange pricing regulation is presented and interpreted in much more detail in the main text. Standard errors are presented in column 2. 6 C Online Appendix: Self-Insurance Model Section 6.3 describes our extension that allows for consumers to save and borrow to self-insure against health shocks. That section in the main text describes the key features of our model of saving and borrowing as well as the results from that model. In this section we provide some additional details on this model and present a more formal treatment of it. Weallowforborrowingandsavingbysolvinga(cid:133)nitehorizondynamicproblem. Toclarifynotation and timing, we de(cid:133)ne the following terms: W income in period t t (cid:15) (cid:17) p price of policy i in period t it (cid:15) (cid:17) m medical expenses in period t t (cid:15) (cid:17) (cid:21) ACG health status realization for period t (realized in period t 1) t (cid:15) (cid:17) (cid:0) O (m) out of pocket expense for policy i with medical expenses outcome m i (cid:15) (cid:17) S savings chosen in period t t (cid:15) (cid:17) W W +(1+r)S are funds available in period t t t t 1 (cid:15) (cid:17) (cid:0) c(mi )=p +O (m) is the consumer(cid:146)s total medical expenses under policy i given m (cid:15) j t it it t Timing: In each period t, the consumer chooses an insurance policy, ((cid:21) ;m ) is realized, and then a t+1 t savings decision, S , is made. Given (cid:21) , m is then drawn in period t+1 from a distribution t t+1 t+1 F (m (cid:21) ). Thus, period t savings are decided after observing health expenses for period t and t+1 t+1 t+1 j period t+1(cid:146)s health status. This assumption re(cid:135)ects a (cid:135)uid (cid:133)nancial market where individuals can takealastminuteloaniftheywereunluckyordepositextracashiftheywerehealthierthanexpected. Solving the model: We start in period T and solve for optimal savings backward. In period T given realization (cid:21) and T starting savings plus income W consumer expected utility is: T E[e(cid:0)(cid:13)[WT(cid:0)c(mTjiT)] (cid:21)T]= E[e(cid:0)(cid:13)[WT(cid:0)c(mTjiT)] (cid:21)T]e(cid:0)(cid:13)(1+r)ST(cid:0)1 (cid:0) j (cid:0) j Given that i ((cid:21) ) is the consumer(cid:146)s policy choice at T when he has health status (cid:21) , expected period (cid:3)T T T T utility is: E[e(cid:0)(cid:13)[WT(cid:0)c(mTji(cid:3)T((cid:21)T))] (cid:21)T]e(cid:0)(cid:13)(1+r)ST(cid:0)1 (cid:0) j 7 which is a function of (cid:21) and S . We can thus denote the value function in period T as a function T T 1 (cid:0) of the state, V ((cid:21) ;S ). Optimal period T 1 saving S (saving for period T) solves: T T T 1 T 1 (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:0) max E[e(cid:0)(cid:13)[WT(cid:0)1(cid:0)c(mT(cid:0)1jiT(cid:0)1)] (cid:21)T 1]e(cid:13)ST(cid:0)1 +(cid:14)VT((cid:21)T;ST 1) ST(cid:0)1;iT(cid:0)1(cid:0) j (cid:0) (cid:0) which in turn delivers V ((cid:21) ;S ): T 1 T 1 T 2 (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:0) In this manner, we recursively solve the optimal savings level all the way backwards to period 1 for every possible history. Once we have V ((cid:21) ;0) we compute the ex-ante welfare of an unborn individual 1 1 who does not yet know her future (cid:21) as: 1 W (W)=E (V ((cid:21) ;0)): 0 (cid:21)1 1 1 The ex-ante welfare depends on the income pro(cid:133)le W =[W ;W ;::;W ], on the initial distribution 1 2 T of types, and on the regulatory pricing regimes we want to evaluate. A pricing regime a⁄ects expected welfare through both the out of pocket expenses O (m ) as well as the premium paid, p ((cid:21) ): We i t i t translate the ex ante welfare di⁄erence between pricing regimes into yearly certainty equivalent values as in Section 5 in the main text. C.1 Computation To implement the dynamic problem we need assumptions about the evolution of the state variable. Unlike the primary welfare analysis in the paper (which assumed a steady state population) the com- putation here requires transitions across health states (predictive ACG index) over time. Namely, at any point in time, we need to compute the expected evolution of the future uncertainty, to (cid:133)gure out optimal savings. We estimate health state transitions using the observed transitions in our sample. So that we have enoughsamplesizetonon-parametricallyestimatethistransitionmatrix,wedividethepopulationinto 7groupsbasedonhealthstatusandcomputea7-by-7transitionmatrixforeachof8(cid:133)veyearagebins (25-30, 30-35,..). Weassumethattheestimatedtransitionmatrixforeach(cid:133)veyearagebinre(cid:135)ectsthe transition probabilities for consumers in that (cid:133)ve year age bin transitioning to a given health status level for the next (cid:133)ve year age bin. Within each period, consumers experience (cid:133)ve years of identical health claims in the insurance contract they chose for that period, appropriately discounted. For each age bin, health type, and regulatory pricing regime, we use the static market equilibrium outcomes from our primary analysis i ((cid:21)) and determine the actual choice each individual makes in each period, (cid:3) yielding her premia and out of pocket expenses.1 We assume consumers have (cid:135)at income pro(cid:133)les over 1Market outcomes are assumed to be the same as those in our primary equilibrium analysis. They thus do not accountforapotentiale⁄ectthatborrowingandsavingwouldhaveonconsumerinsurancechoices. Accountingforthese dynamic e⁄ects would likely push consumers more towards lower insurance, and thus likely not have a large impact on equilibrium outcomes. This re(cid:135)ects the goal of this section, which is to quantify the impact of savings on the welfare numbers,keepingotherthings(includingstaticmarketequilibriumoutcomes)equal. Inthatspiritwekeeptheequilibrium predictionunchanged,asdescribedinthepaperforeachpricingregime,andseehowarepresentativeindividual(cid:146)swelfare would change ifshe is allowed to borrow orsave. 8 time (W = W) (as in the (cid:133)rst column of Table 6) in order to neutralize the other channels through t which savings could impact welfare. Given this setup, we solve the 8-period dynamic problem as described above. Once we recover the value function for an unborn individual (prior to age 25) for each possible realization of the initial health state, we compute the certainty equivalent of each regime x as: T=8 7 (cid:12)te(cid:0)(cid:13)CEx = pje(cid:0)(cid:13)V1((cid:21)j;0): (cid:0) (cid:0) t j X X The results from this model are presented and discussed in Section 6.3. 9 Figure D1: This (cid:133)gure presents the distribution of (cid:21) predicted for t ; for all individuals in the data 1 (including dependents) present during both t and t . Predicted expected expenses are normalized 0 1 by the average in this sample of $4,878 (thus equal to 1 in this chart). The distribution presented is truncated at 5 times for this chart, but not in estimation / analysis. D Online Appendix: Additional Analysis This appendix contains several additional (cid:133)gures and tables discussed in the text. Figure D1 presents the distribution of (cid:21) predicted for t ; for all individuals in the data (including dependents) present 1 during both t and t . Predicted expected expenses are normalized by the average in this sample 0 1 of $4,878 (thus equal to 1 in this chart). The distribution presented is truncated at 5 times for this chart, but not in estimation / analysis. See Handel (2013) for additional detailed analysis of expected expenditures for employees at dependents at the (cid:133)rm we study. Table D1 presents descriptive statistics for the pseudo-sample of individuals used in our insurance exchange simulations. The sample has a risk preference mean and standard deviation similar to those of the choice model estimation sample. Moreover, the distribution of income and health status are similar to those in the estimation sample and in the general population. The table just below in the texthereillustratesthatthesimulationsample(asinourdataoverall)hasafairlyuniformdistribution of age between 25 and 65, consistent with our assumption of a steady state population in the welfare analysis. See Section 3.6 for further details on the sample used in our counterfactual analyses. Quantile 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 Age 26 28 33 37 41 45 49 52 56 60 62 Table D2 shows average costs as a function of age 25 risk preferences, to illustrate the relationship between risk preferences and age that exists in our welfare framework. Following the choice model 10

August 29, 2006 To appear in: A. Mitchell Polinsky & Steven Shavell (eds) Handbook of Law and Economics forthcoming 2007 REGULATION OF NATURAL MONOPOLIES
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