The Bow Times “Of the People, By the People, For the People” BOW, NH VOL 23, NO. 8 August 2016 FREE COMCAST BOW ROTARY AWARDS JON RUGGLES THE TOWN WORKER SAFETY COMMITTEE CONTRACT CLUB SERVICE AWARD FINALLY REVIVED By Donna Deos ANNUAL REPORTS ARE MISSING To ensure a safe workplace for town employees, state law requires that employer and em- The town entered into a con- ployee representatives serve on a tract for the cable television fran- joint loss management committee. chise in the Town of Bow on July RSA 281-A:64’s safety provisions 1, 2011. That contract has now ex- call on the committee to carry out pired and the Town Manager is ne- workplace safety programs and gotiating with Comcast as to wheth- meet four times a year according er the contract should or would be to section 130-4 of the town ordi- renewed and, if so, on what terms. nances. The committee met twice Revenue from the contract is avail- in 2014 to discuss panic buttons, able with up to 5% of the franchise fire drills, and a facility emergency gross receipts from Bow with cer- action plan among other things. tain adjustments. Whether or not No meetings were held in the this makes sense depends on what two year period from June 2014 to has been happening in Bow with June of 2016. Why the eight meet- the old contract. ings for the two year period were The 47-page contract contains not conducted is unknown. in Exhibit E an annual report that The state Department of Labor is to be filed with the town. That visited the town recently because report by Comcast would include the town safety program was last customer service statistics such as updated in 2013. The law requires the number of reports of system updates every two years. Changes outages and the response time for to the plan were approved at the such outages. July 6 meeting of the Joint Loss The annual report also requires Management Committee. Comcast to produce a summary of PHOTO BY ERIC ANDERSON written complaints and a descrip- tion of the resolution of those com- The Bow Rotary Club proudly perfect attendance from day one! SELECTMEN SUSPEND plaints. awarded the 2016 Club Service That’s 36 years. That alone is some- RENAMING/ After meeting with Manager Award to Jon Ruggles of R&T thing to be very proud of, but is not Stack the Bow Times requested Electric. This award is given to a why he was awarded the Club Ser- RENUMBERING copies of those last five years of Rotarian who has demonstrated, vice Award. It’s not because of 36 ORDINANCE reports but Mr. Stack responded through action, a commitment to years of exemplary service to our on August 2 that there have been the goals and ideals of Rotary. Ro- community and our club. But rath- The 2013 ordinance that no such filings and he will now at- tary International has a motto of er, it is because there isn’t a com- required massive renaming and tempt to obtain them. Section 9.13 “Service Above Self” and the Bow mittee that he hasn’t touched in renumbering of streets in Bow has of the Comcast contract with Bow Club’s own motto is “We Help his time in the club. There isn’t an been suspended. New Selectmen says that Comcast would meet an- Others.” Jon exemplifies both. event we have held that he hasn’t Chris Nicolopolous made the nually with the Board of Selectmen This award is given to that per- been instrumental in making come motion to suspend which was if they so requested it and that the son who always says “yes” when alive. To tell you a bit about this seconded by Eric Anderson. The company would submit the annual asked to serve, and frequently steps I would like to draw your atten- 5-0 vote follows a town meeting report on the anniversary dates of forward without being asked. Jon tion to the fact that our Gazebo in vote in March to change the the contract. Ruggles is a man who never says Bow has power. Summer concerts selectmen’s ordinance. None of that has happened to no, for the auction committee, are held there (which are going on The decision is to have the date. helping with Christmas trees, the now weekly on Sundays at 6pm). town manager and Bryan Westover car show or any other club activity Our Annual Auction is held in the of the Building Department, redraft – he always seems ready to help. Community Building and thanks the 2013 ordinance to eliminate the He has been a member of the club ELECTION DATES since January of 1980 and has had Ruggles cont. on p. 8 automatic renumbering requirement if a building permit is pulled on a street. Currently the nine streets The State Primary will be held on the renumbering list are: One on Tuesday, September 13th at Stack Drive, Beaver Brook Drive, Bow Memorial School, 20 Bow Chelsea Drive, Dunbarton Center Road, Crescent Drive, Tallwood Center Road. Polls will be open Drive, Thibeault Drive, and South from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Bow Road. The last day to register to vote before the Primary Election is September 6, 2016; however, BOW ROTARY SUMMER you can register to vote at the CONCERT SERIES HUGE SUCCESS AT THE GAZEBO polls. The last day to get an (LEFT) absentee ballot in person is September 9, 2016. PHOTO BY ERIC ANDERSON MONTHLY BOW TIMES IS DELIVERED TO 3,000 RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES - FREE THE BOW TIMES VOL 23, NO. 8 August 2016 FREE 2 EDITORIALS LOW TAXES SELECTMEN NEED TO ADOPT A BUILDING IS STACK DROPPING ARE THE PERMIT FEE WAIVER POLICY THE BALL? In just two stories in this is- RESULT Accountability in government is not only necessary, but logical in a sue of the paper we learn that the democracy where the voters are supposed to be in charge. Worker’s Safety Committee did not At page 151 of the 2014 Town Report our auditors, Roberts & Greene, meet for two years despite town OF LOW LLC, of Concord criticized the town’s financial management saying: regulations requiring four meetings “In reviewing and reconciling revenue for building permits, we noted a year. We also learned that the there is no formal policy on when permit fees may be waived. We recom- annual filing for Comcast has not SPENDING mend that no Town fees be waived without the written authorization of been done for the last five years and the Town Manager or the Board of Selectmen, and we further recommend the contract is now up for renewal. that the Board adopt such a policy and ensure that all Town employees How can the selectmen and the are made aware of it.” The Bow Times manager vote on a contract unless When this paper asked the Town Manager if a policy had been ad- they know what the performance opted since then the only response was to send us an email from then- has been for the last five years? It Publisher – The Bow Times, LLC Finance Director Bob Blanchette dated December 22, 2014 that said: may well be stellar but no one will Editor – Chuck Douglas 224-1988 “Any potential permit fees that are waived will need written authori- know what the volume of outages Co-Editor - Debra Douglas zation by the Town Manager or Board of Selectmen.” or customer complaints were if the 496-0265 Was that the “policy”? When I called Bob Blanchette to ask him why manager is asleep at the switch and Sales Manager – Gary Nylen he sent that email to a number of town officials, his response was that he not obtaining that information in a 496- 5239 “sent the email out as a head’s up, but Dave Stack as the Town Manager timely manner. It is not up to this [email protected] was to draft a policy. In two years he has never done so.” newspaper to get him to do his job It is time for the Manager to prepare and send to the Selectmen a Technical Editor – Denise Ehmling – that is the job of the Selectmen. policy on such waivers so that waivers are not made on a random or ad 724-7853 It looks like it’s time for a review hoc basis. [email protected] of his performance to determine Whim and friendships should not be the standard. That is why poli- whether or not he is on top of the cies are written. Travel Talk Editor - Chase Binder duties that he is suppose to be per- After two years it is long overdue. forming. Food Editor - Debra Barnes Wine Editor - Nicole Habif A WALK OR A SHOVE? Contributing Writers – Joyce Kim- ball, Faye Johnson and Donna Deos “A key part of the agreement Photographs - Eric Anderson was that Bill Klubben agreed that Printer – Seacoast Media Group he will “not be able to sue the Town for causes arising out of his Mailing address for news or employment relationship.” notices: 40 Stone Sled Lane, Bow Email: [email protected] So once again readers, have you ever seen a retirement that includes DEADLINES: 1st of the month; a waiver of suing the Town of classifieds must be prepaid -- Bow? What were the causes to sue cash, check or pay online at www. that arose out of his employment anyway? ADVERTISEMENT ERRORS: We The Personnel Plan for Bow will be responsible for errors in ad- was adopted by vote of the Board vertisements only to the extent of of Selectmen on July 12, 2011. The correcting the same in the next issue first sentence says that “the purpose using space equal to the items in er- of this plan is to establish uniform ror. administrative practices for all employees of the Town of Bow.” LETTERS POLICY: We will print letters to the editor on a space avail- Section 136-2 says that the able basis. Letters should be no more manager is responsible for the than 200 words, typed or e-mailed. overall administration of the plan Letters must be signed with an ad- but the Board of Selectmen shall dress. “establish the policies that comprise the plan.” PHOTO SUBMISSIONS: We en- courage individuals and groups to Nowhere in the 28 page submit photos of their events or ac- document is there a provision that tivities, by email or call the Technical the Manager can change benefit Editor. So did Bill Klubben decide. levels for a particular employee. retire on his own or was he CORRECTIONS POLICY: We pushed? On July 19th Manager Dave We can only assume that if strive to present accurate news re- Stack emailed this paper to explain the Manager deviated from the ports. We will correct factual inaccu- the tens of thousands of dollars paid Personnel Policy of the town the The official line was set forth racies in our coverage. We encour- in vacation and sick leave over and Board must have approved it. above as a retirement. above the 40 hours set forth in the age readers to tell us if we have made a mistake. But this paper’s right to personnel policy of the Town. His When? Why? response said that: know law request produced a Postal Information: Bulk rate post- “Separation Agreement” that said “The Town has the right Chuck Douglas age paid at Portsmouth, N.H. Post- “that it is in their mutual interests to negotiate terms other than master. Send address changes to the that the Employee’s employment what’s in the personnel plan if Bow Times Permit #130. relationship with [the] Town be For a free press, circumstances warrant it. In concluded with a termination date this case, the severance package A proud member of the New of August 14.” satisfied both parties.” Je suis Charlie Does that sound like a voluntary Hampshire Press Association retirement on August 14? You THE BOW TIMES VOL 23, NO. 8 August 2016 FREE 3 To the Editor: I’ve been hearing a lot about the Senate race in our state this year. There are so many negative ads that it’s hard to know what’s Letter to the Editor true about each candidate. When I went to find out how each candidate felt about the As a Bow resident, I am issues, I could hardly tell what disappointed to learn about the Maggie Hassan stood for. She recent termination of some of the seems to like to say that she’s Town employees. for everything good and against I understand about “em- everything bad, but where are ployment at will,” however, that her policy prescriptions? It seems shouldn’t give someone the right like when she does take positions, to pull another’s livelihood right they’re just copying what national out from underneath them without Democrats believe. I guess there’s warning or reason. What about the not really any difference between human factor? Behind every posi- Governor Hassan and the rest of tion is a person with a family. the Washington Democratic elite I also find it concerning that who are out of touch with what’s employees are not getting evalu- facing us here in New Hampshire. ated and I wonder why? Does our Also, it’s hard to know what’s Town Manager not have the time going on in your home state when in his $102,000 position to point you’re constantly traveling to out employee strengths, as well fundraise and rub elbows with as areas that may need improve- Hillary Clinton. I could not believe ment? Or is it simply a matter of that Governor Hassan had been out convenience so that he can fire on of state for more than 50 days this a whim? Is anyone evaluating the year already, but I guess she is just Town Manager, or is this Concord another politician who wants my resident allowed to do whatever he vote without having any real policy wants in Bow including suddenly solutions to share, nor any plans firing “at will”? for what she will do if elected. BOW RESIDENT Sam Selleck, Bow NAME WITHHELD BY EDITOR WHAT ABOUT A FIRE HOUSE GRILL? BOW GOLFERS HELp RAISE FUnDS FOR GREATER COnCORD CHAmBER OF COmmERCE When the committee to study Coral, Florida. www.fordsgarage. Bow golfers help raise funds for Greater Concord Chamber of how to revamp the Community com. Commerce to support the Capital Area Student Leadership Program at Building after the fire department A fire department theme for the Beaver Meadow Golf Course on August 3. leaves starts its work, some suggest Fire House Grill could include a leasing the Northwest corner to a three alarm chili and Bow Burgers. restaurant. Tucker’s has restaurants in Bow does not have a restaurant Hooksett, Concord and New in the area of the Community Build- London. Might they be interested? ing. What about Bow’s Doug Dow Could a lunch/dinner upscale, whose very successful CC Tomatoes but casual, dining experience work in Penacook has a great menu? there? If it had take out and a brick Plans should be flexible enough oven style restaurant with a full bar for a private public-partnership for the demand is here. a lease to a good restaurateur in part The three doors to the fire house of the building. could be raised in good weather, much like the very successful It is time to think outside of the Ford’s Garage Restaurant in Cape box and be creative Bow. pictured left to right are Chuck Douglas, Dominic Lucente, Select- men Chris nicolopoulos and Ben Kiniry. Photo by Mike St. Germain THE BOW TIMES VOL 23, NO. 8 August 2016 FREE 4 Stock Market Got You Down? At The Abbott Bennett Group, we understand that retirees face many important decisions that can affect their long-term financial success; some of which revolve around making decisions that will help create a hedge against outliving their income, impact of inflation, taxation, and rising healthcare costs. Because over 90% of our clients are retirees with similar concerns, we are in an advantageous position to approach such challenges with experience and skill. Annuities • Retirement • Insurance • Trust Planning Protected Growth Strategies • Superior Fixed Interest Rates 5-Year Fixed Rate Interest, 2.85%! GUARANTEED LIFETIME INCOME, NEVER TO BE OUTLIVED! AbbottBennett Call for a FREE CONSULTATION MICHAEL D. ABBOTT • CHRISTOPHER M. BENNETT or to attend one 3 Convenient Locations: of our dinner Concord, NH • Bedford, NH • W. Stewartstown, NH workshops! 603-224-6969 Support your LOCAL AffiliAtions: Financial Professionals! Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce Chamber of the North Country Visit us online: THE BOW TIMES VOL 23, NO. 8 August 2016 FREE 5 PLEASE TELL OUR ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR AD IN THE BOW TIMES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Compass Compass currently serves over a hundred clients from three states. Innovative Behavior In an interview, Dan indicated that Bow was chosen for the com- Strategies Moving pany’s headquarters “by design.” It is centrally located and very con- Headquarters From venient for their clients. The fact Bedford, NH To Bow that Ally grew up in Bow may have also influenced their decision. Mrs. Dube raised a son with autism and Earlier this summer a fast- she knows how difficult it can be to growing startup relocated its head- find appropriate care that is afford- quarters from Bedford, NH to Bow able and accessible. The wait list is Technologies Center on Robinson often twelve to eighteen months for Road. Compass Innovative Behav- agencies offering similar services, ior Strategies was established in but Compass Behavior’s ability to November 2014 by Ally and Dan grow quickly has allowed it to pro- Dube. The agency’s mission is to vide services with no wait list. Mr. provide personalized behavior ther- & Mrs. Dube are both committed apy for children and adults with au- to removing barriers here in New tism and other developmental dis- Hampshire for those needing ser- abilities. Ally is a Bow native and vices for autism and other devel- a Board Certified Behavior Analyst opmental disabilities. Welcome to (BCBA). Dan is a seasoned entre- Bow! preneur who has started a number of companies in the tech industry. TOM O’DONOVAN APPOINTED TO Shortly after starting the company, Keller Industries to two new partners joined, Don and DRINKING WATER COMMISSION Kathy Farland; their expertise in of- Expand in Bow fice management has been essential Tom O’Donovan of Bow was sworn in on July 19 as a new member of for the company’s growth. On July 19 Gary York and the Bow Drinking Water Commission. Mr. O’Donovan is a veteran of 28 The services provided are based Bob Keller met with the Board of years in the U.S. Army with tours in Bosnia and Afghanistan and many on an Applied Behavior Analysis Selectmen to discuss expansions of other overseas and US assignments. (ABA) approach, which has proven Structures Unlimited and Kalwal. to be very effective in treating au- The genesis of the companies was He just completed five years in the Northwest with the Department of En- tism. Compass is one of the only 1968 when their first facility in Bow ergy working many areas including environmental and reliability issues. agencies in the State that provides was opened. They now employ 600 Tom and his wife Denise are avid cyclists. home-based ABA therapy and also people with 100 being from Bow. accepts Medicaid as an in-network The two Keller Industries intend provider. This has placed the com- to employ a second shift and have pany’s services in high demand. other expansion plans that require VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES In fact the company outgrew its hooking up to the water system offices in Bedford in less than six along the Route 3-A development months and is now already consid- There are currently openings on the Conservation Commission and the corridor. ering leasing additional space at its Bow Recycling and Solid Waste Committee. The Conservation Commis- Bob Keller said that he looks current location here in Bow. The sion meets the third Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. and the Recycling forward to a working sewer system company got its start with four em- and Solid Waste Committee meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 in that corridor so he plans to ployees, including Ally and Dan; it p.m. construct for it now. Gary York now has over sixty employees and explained that more users on the is projected to have a hundred by town water system in that area will Volunteer applications are available at the Town Manager’s office and at the end of the year. It has a second help stabilize pressure and make the office in Laconia and will be open- system operate more efficiently. ing a third in Berlin in October. THE BOW TIMES VOL 23, NO. 8 August 2016 FREE 6 WHAT IS MEDICAID? By BEn KInIRy, ESQ. Last month you read about community property laws or the Guardianships and Conservator- nature of the ownership of the as- ships, which may become neces- set. sary if a loved one’s health begins Elder Law to decline and they are unable to • Assets of married couples, take care of their daily needs. Un- however, receive special treatment Estate Planning der a Guardianship you are able to so that the spouse who remains Probate Law aid your loved one with managing living at home will not be unduly their money and making decisions impoverished. Such a commu- Veterans Pension regarding their healthcare. nity spouse is permitted to keep Special Needs Trust/ Now we look forward to that one-half of all of the available as- same loved one’s health declining sets (up to a federally-established Disability Planning to the point of needed care either in maximum) and is allowed to keep Conservatorships/ the home or the community. As you a minimal amount of income of the Guardianships are no doubt aware, paying for nurs- has Medicare coverage may also couple in order to provide for sup- ing care is a rather expensive under- qualify for Medicaid benefits. port expenses at home. Asset Protection/ taking. What happens when your Medicaid Planning loved one does not have the income What You Need to • In addition, there are certain Retirement Account or principal to pay for their needed resources that are considered non- Know nursing care? countable for eligibility purposes; “Stretch” Trust The Medicaid program is the Medicaid is considered to be these include the family residence, Providing Peace of Mind answer for many families. What one of the most complex laws of the household contents, a vehicle, a is Medicaid? The following para- United States and, further compli- prepaid burial fund and other nec- One Family at a Time! graphs explain what you should cating matters, each state has a dif- essary items. know about the Medicaid program ferent version of Medicaid. Many 9 Van Ger Drive as a starting point. The following Elder Law attorneys have carefully • It is important to be aware of Bow, NH 03304 paragraphs were taken from a writ- studied the Medicaid statutes and the state specific eligibility provi- Tel: (888)471-2903 ing by the national Academy of regulations and are able to assist sions and exemptions so that as- Elder Law Attorneys, Inc. (nAE- clients. sets will not be unnecessarily spent LA). Medicaid is often of impor- down before applying for Medic- tance to middle-income Americans aid. “The Issue" because Medicare does not cover Medicaid is a joint federal and the costs of long-term care for ill- • Finally, it is important to state program that provides payment nesses such as Alzheimer’s disease know that there are appeals pro- for medical care for persons unable or paralysis caused by a stroke. cesses built into the Medicaid to afford to pay. Medicaid covers Most people who need such care system. If you are unhappy with physicians’ services, hospital care, for extended periods will eventually eligibility determinations, care de- supplies and other necessary ser- deplete their assets and become un- cisions or placements made under vices once a person has been made able to pay the costs of their care. Medicaid, there is a process for an eligible for the program. It also pays At such a time Medicaid is administrative hearing and even for the expenses of longterm care in available to pay the difference be- court proceedings to enforce your a nursing home. tween their income and the actual rights. The Medicaid program is ad- costs of care provided in a nursing Where to Go For ministered independently in each home, including room and board, state. While the basic eligibility as well as physicians’ care, hos- Help standards are the same throughout pital care and all other reasonable There are books published con- White Rock S enior Living the United States, there are signifi- necessary medical expenses. Med- cerning the Medicaid program and cant differences between the state icaid covers the costs of such care its rules and you should check your Community Medicaid programs. Despite these in nursing homes, adult care homes, library or bookstore for current differences, eligibility is generally hospices, and, in appropriate cases, All are Welcome titles. The internet can be another based upon the amount of assets a in the individual’s own home. source of Medicaid information. person has along with the income If faced with the possibility of Keep in mind that the Medicaid “Happy Hookers” that the person receives. Eligibility such long-term care expenses, there laws and rules vary between states is determined at state Medicaid of- are certain rules that you should be Knitting Club and are constantly changing so fices and, in the case of married in- aware of: make certain that whatever you dividuals; the assets and income of Meets on Tuesdays read is state specific and up to date. both spouses are considered in the • In determining eligibility for There have been major changes At 9:0 0 AM determination process. Medicaid payment for long-term in the Medicaid program during It is important to distinguish care expenses, the eligibility team At Whit e Rock the last few years. Family support between Medicare and Medicaid. will review the individual’s actual groups and organizations such as All are W elcome Medicare is an insurance program need for care, the person’s available the Alzheimer’s Association and providing payment for medical resources (including life insurance AARP provide assistance and of- needs for persons 65 and over and and retirement plans) and income Tuesday—Friday Evening ten have literature available. Local for certain people with disabilities. received from any source. In some Area Agencies on Aging (pursuant *Come Join Us For Dinner* All persons 65 and over, regardless states, if monthly income exceeds to the Older Americans Act) also of financial resources or income, a certain amount, then the individ- Public Invited have comprehensive advice and lit- are eligible for Medicare. Medicare ual is ineligible for Medicaid, even Minimal Cost $7.50 erature available concerning Med- and Medicare supplemental insur- though the individual’s long– term icaid. The state Medicaid Eligibil- Reservation Required ance, however, provide very limited care expenses exceed his or her in- ity Office may be a good source of coverage with regard to the cost of come. Please Call basic information about the pro- long-term care in nursing homes. gram, its services and the require- Elizabeth’s Kitchen These non-covered services must • In determining eligibility, a ments for eligibility.” At 848-2949 be paid privately by the individual, person will be disqualified from unless the individual has coverage Medicaid for gifts made within the For Reservations national Academy of Elder under a long-term care insurance previous few years. Law Attorneys, Inc.: Guardian- policy. Medicaid, on the other hand, ship & Conservatorship (2008) Room Rentals Available pays for medical needs for those of • In determining eligibility for (NAELA).The information provid- any age that have been determined one spouse, the assets and income ed in this article does not constitute For Your Partie s or Functions to be eligible. In fact, a person with for both spouses are considered, re- legal advice. limited income and resources who gardless of premarital agreements, THE BOW TIMES VOL 23, NO. 8 August 2016 FREE 7 are you getting fitt? By Jim olson Using some basic fitness body quickly adapts to cardio based sion for optimal fat loss. Re- workouts. The more you do the same member, more is not necessar- principles can get you routine, the more efficient your ily better. greater results without body becomes, causing you to burn the monotony. fewer calories from your fat stores • Type refers to the activity used each time you exercise. Most people to create a stimulus. Example, One of the great things about make their cardio sessions longer treadmill, stair master, fitness summer is the beautiful weather which increases the likelihood that boxing, etc... Any activity that for outside training. One of the your body is breaking down muscle continuously uses larger muscle more popular questions that many rather than fat. groups and is repetitive is best. of my athletes and my personal The most effective cardio So in closing, fall back into training clients ask me about is how programs are designed around fitness and let’s all make it our to decrease body fat to not only the FITT Principles: Frequency, happiest and healthiest fall ever! increase their appearance and self Intensity, Time, and Type. Keep lean and tight now because esteem, but also to increase their athletic performance. • Frequency refers to the not only will you be healthier, your performance will increase as well. Anyone who has a family number of times cardio is per- history of body fat related disease formed each week. No less than Call this week to schedule your Jim Olson or illness really needs to be mindful three days per week with no free consultation and workout with of their diet and exercise program. more than two days between it does not always like to lose body me. Thirty days from now you will Weight training is the best way to workouts is ideal. fat. As a matter of fact, your body be happy that you did. Have a great increase your metabolism due to will try to hold onto as much fat as day and be extra good to your body the fact that the more muscle that • Intensity is described as the possible for survival purposes. today. your body has, the higher your speed and/or the workload of Your body would rather metabolism will be. the workout. It is important to sacrifice muscle (which is protein Diet is easily the most important continually monitor the intensi- Committed to = 4 calories per gram) than burn fat part of the body transformation ty level of the workout to ensure (fat = 9 calories per gram) due to the process. Diet has proven to be 60%- that you reach your fitness goals your Performance fact that your body does not know 70% of the process of changing in the least amount of time. when it will be fed again (which your body, not to mention anything is the primary reason that we are about your health related concerns. • Time is the length of time Jim olson supposed to eat small meals every But how about cardiovascular an exercise is performed, not 3 hours). exercise (aka cardio)? How much? When doing cardio, you must including a warm up or cool individual fitness How often? How long? What is the down. It is recommended to do be sure that you are doing “smart most effective? The human body is no less than 20 minutes and no cardio” due to the fact that your a very tricky thing sometimes and more than 60 minutes per ses- THE BOW TIMES VOL 23, NO. 8 August 2016 FREE 8 FITNESS FROM P. 7 Public Safety and gym-time, Tip-Tap-Toe and THE BOW COMMUNITY MEN’S CLUB Rising Star Dance Classes, Fitness Building Project Programs for all ages and abilities 2015 ANNUAL REPORT – (PART II) Update that include, Zumba, Yoga, Boot By Charlie Griswold Camp, 50+ Fitness Mindful Medi- You can watch a video, taken tation & Body Blast! Tennis les- by a drone flying over the building sons are back, along with Girls on A new venture in 2015 was ment. It would appear that our pri- site. Just visit The Run, Archery, Dog Obedience, the hosting of the Anniversary Pic- mary activities seem to involve food and click on the construction photo. Volleyball and Basketball. Stop by nic for all of the staff and crews of of some kind, but it does help us to The official project groundbreaking and pick up a brochure or check it the Exel liquor warehouse cooked raise cash to support other projects ceremony was held on Thursday, out on Registra- and served at their new facility on and causes which require our at- August 4th. Work on the project is tion is open now! Rte.3A. Three of our new members tention. The last such meal was a are employees of Exel. We once prime rib dinner for the firemen’s moving right along. The major site again teamed up with the Heritage annual Christmas Party. Some of work has almost been completed police Department Commission to do coffee and do- us got to wear our new chefs’ tunics and the sewer connection has been nuts at the old schoolhouse, lunch furnished by Matt Bailey and Saint installed. The contractor will soon points To Know when Con- at the old town hall, and beverages Paul’s School. be pouring the concrete footings tacting the police Department: for the organ recital at the Bow Bog The club continues to support and the slab. Meeting House. Heritage Day has Scout Troop75, Pack 75 and Deputy Fire Chief Mitchell Address become a popular event with the Venture Crew 75 with their projects; Harrington is working with vendors 12 Robinson Road, Bow, NH townspeople. The members of the right now they are considering a on the phone and computer sys- 03304 commission deserve a great big permanent campsite with assistance tems for the new building and Po- Administrative Line shout out for organizing this out- from the club. We also continue lice Chief Erin Commerford, Fire 603-228-1240/Fax 603-226-0934 standing event. We were asked to support the food pantry and Chief Dana Abbott and Emergency to cook a lunch to supplement pot McKenna House homeless shelter Management Director Lee Kimball Administrative Hours* luck items for the Young at Heart with both gifts of money and food. are finalizing the communications Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 group. Tom Francis and Dik Daga- Sadly, long time member and security system plans with ven- p.m. varian cooked the meat entrées and George Tasker passed away on dors. DPW Director Tim Sweeney we served over 80 people and noth- December 16th. Several members is working with Unitil and Fairpoint *Most calls made to the ad- ing got cold! About 100 people of the club were able to attend the to relocate the power lines away ministrative phone line, commu- showed up for our annual Lobster beautiful service at the NH Veterans from the driveway entrance and nications sent, and visits made to Fest and chicken barbecue. Cemetery. His cheerful smile and provide power to the new building. the Department during these hours, This year we also served about wry sense of humor will be sorely The NH Municipal Bond Bank will be received by a person. All 500 cotton candy cones at the an- missed. finalized the repayment schedule Departmental e-mail may be sent to nual Halloween party at the high We are looking forward to an- for the bond that was sold to finance [email protected]. school. Thanks to Cheryl Stack, other productive year in 2016 and the project. The Town will save Bill Kuch, Mike Wayne, Dave urge any guy of any age who enjoys $918,951 over the life of the bond There is a newly installed Stack and crew. All of us got really camaraderie and community service due to the 2.16% interest rate that locked mailbox in the front foyer of involved in the production and left to check us out. If you need addi- was received. Significant savings the Police Department. It is video the hall in various shades of pink tional information please visit our have been realized due to the rate monitored and is available 24 hours and purple. A similar number of web site at being 1% lower than had been es- a day for paperwork drop off. folks showed up at the high school or Charlie at 228-9621. We meet timated and by the Board of Select- for the seventh annual Turkey Trot on the fourth Thursday evenings, men choosing to go with a shorter The following can be accepted: Road Race. We again furnished hot January through May, September repayment term of 15 years. Vacant House Check (VHC) forms, beverages and donuts for the run- and October at the Old Town Hall pistol permit applications, state- ners and spectators. This event is on Bow Center Road for fellowship, Emergency ments, and parking tickets with sponsored by Bow Police Depart- great food and excellent speakers. Management exact fee. A user is not required to have contact with Department per- Through the efforts of Emer- sonnel if using the mailbox. Ruggles Cont. from p. 1 daughter Jackie. Seeing the two of them together brings smiles to ev- gency Management Director Lee to the hard work and generosity of Kimball, the Town was awarded a The Bow Police Department Jon and R&T Elelectric, working eryone. You couldn’t ask for a better $24,090 Emergency Management is dispatched by the Merrimack in conjunction with town officials, Grandfather or Rotarian than Jon. Performance Grant (EMPG) by the County Sheriff’s Office. Officers the Electrical has been not only en- Thank you Jon (& Jackie) Ruggles NH Department of Safety. The grant are available 24 hours a day at 603- hanced over the years but brought for all that you do for the Bow Rotary will be used to outfit the Emergency 228-0511. up to speed last year in order for Club and the Bow Community.The Bow Rotary Club, chartered in Operations Center in the new Safe- us to continue to use this building ty Building with a Smart Board, If a visitor comes to the Police to hold the annual auctions, which 1970, is a member of Rotary Inter- chairs, table, overhead projector, Department outside of the adminis- net $25,000 a year for scholarships, national. The clubs motto is “We screens, carrying cases, storage trative hours, and the visitor is not camperships and other community help others,” and is a service club carts for furniture, book cases, com- greeted, there is a direct dial phone support. He also brings power and of approximately 55 local men and puter, weather station, color printer in the foyer of the Police Depart- generators to our car show and oth- women who engage in a wide vari- and other equipment. ment that will connect to a dis- er key events. We have Christmas ety of volunteer activities to support patcher when the receiver is picked both local community activities as lights at the tree sales held at the Parks and up. The dispatcher will provide community building thanks to Jon. well as health and community assis- direct assistance or call the on duty tance projects around the world. We He “does everything with enthusi- Recreation officer to return to the Department. meet Friday mornings at 7:30am at asm and a smile.” He also brings Emergencies only - dial 911. the Old Town Hall at 91 Bow Cen- one other very special person to all ter Road -- come join us! We have soccer, floor hockey of our events and that is his Grand- Quality Cash Market LLC Great Foods & Meats 11 Eastman St. Coffee Checkout our Deli 225-9661 226-2818 Providing the Best Quality TThhee B Beesstt Meats in Concord Donuts KKaabboobbss I Inn We Sell Over 50,000 Meatball CCoonnccoorrdd Ready to Cook Sausage Exit 16 Eastman St. Pastries Chicken Kabobs a Year Lamb Kabobs Beef Kabobs also at Cimos THE BOW TIMES VOL 23, NO. 8 August 2016 FREE 9 CROSSWORD pUZZLE LocalBank.LocalLenders.LocalLoans. ACROSS Sugar River Bank’s Lending Team is looking Terri Crate 1.Resorts forward to underwriting and servicing all VP & Senior Retail Loan Officer, 5.Top of a wave Upper Valley Mary of your local loan needs. We’re your 603.381.3096 Sullivan 10.Surety full-service Hometown Bank. NMLS #419840 Mortgage Loan 14.Trail Christine Heath Originator, 15.Show respect How can we help you? Mortgage Origination Officer CGonrecaotredr New London, Sunapee, towards Grantham & Warner Area, 603.843.6221 603.477.3865 16.Roman moon NMLS #751779 NMLS #613744 goddess Travis Craig 17.Balm ingredient Loan Officer, 18.Stupid Newport, Claremont & Surrounding Areas 20.Estate 603.843.6221 NMLS #751779 New 22.Blight Newport |Concord |Grantham |New London |Sunapee Hampshire 23.Type of dog Warner | 800-562-3145 || Member FDIC |EQUAL HOUSING LENDER 24.Homes for birds 25.Line drawing SUGAR RIVER BAnK AnnOUnCEmEnTS 32.Awry 33.Comfortable 34.Not cold Vp promotion and Retirement Internal Audit Manager. 37.Wealthy of 40 year Employee 38.Blow up Sugar River Bank Announces 39.Start over DOWn Sugar River Bank is announcing Employee Graduations 40.French for 1.WW1 plane 21.Stars 42.A Freudian the recent retirement of Nancy "Summer" 2.Wan 25.Have the nerve stage Dickerman, Senior Vice Presi- Sugar River Bank has announced 41.Strike 42.Moses' brother 3."Smallest" particle 26.Send forth 44.Away from the dent, Internal Audit Manager. Ms. the recent graduations of two em- 43.Muckrakers 4.Docile 27.Bloodsucking sea Dickerman was with the Bank for ployees, Ann O’Clair and Tina 5.Alter insects 45.Anagram of 45.Brownish gray 40 years and has played an integral Blythe, from the Stonier Graduate 6.Was a passenger 28.Bitter "Coast" 49.Henpeck role in the success of the institu- School of Banking. The program 7.Terminate 29.Gloats 46.Any animal 50.Pacify tion. Ms. Dickerman volunteered is administered by the American 8.Only 30.Drive forward with no feet 53.Asserted 9.3 31.Frequently, in 47.Litto a higher much of her time to the Newport Bankers Association and held at 57.A lyric soprano 10.Nonchalantly poetry degree Rotary Club and the Newport the University of Pennsylvania. 59.An amount of unconcerned 34.Not there 48.Menial Chamber of Commerce. Mark Since 1935, Stonier has provided medicine 60.Norse god 11.Cars 35.Smell laborers Pitkin, President and CEO, stated executive education to more than 61.Indian antelope 12.Unreactive 36.A large amount 51.Back talk that “Nancy will be greatly missed. 20,000 senior-level bankers and 13.Loads 38.Large 52.French for 62.Alley She has dedicated her entire ca- regulators, including some of the 19.Cent flightlessbird "State" 63.Collections reer to the Bank and to the com- most respected banking executives 39.Unevenly 53.Operatic solo 64.Place munities in which it serves.” With in the U.S. The program empha- 41.Besmirch 54.Objective 65.Anagram of "Lyme" 55.Feudal worker Ms. Dickerman’s retirement, Tara sizes strategic planning, financial 56.Consider Booth has been promoted to Vice management, and leadership. Answers on pg. 23 58.Utilize President/Compliance Officer and k A s u t o e b n A a p o P r DOS OMS ROBERT C. KUEPPER, D.D.S. Diplomate, American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Ro6ert C Kuepper, D.D.S. at Pembroke Place 5 Sheep Davis Road Pembroke, NH. 03275 Tel: (603) 224-7831 122 Airport Road, Concord, NH * 603-225-5991 * THE BOW TIMES VOL 23, NO. 8 August 2016 FREE 10 BY CHASE BINDER TRAVEL TALK- THE FELLS of the Main House is classic and pure New Hampshire turn-of-the- century lakeside bliss. The gardens are, well, perfectly situated among the rock walls, tall trees and gentle meadows. The house itself seems just right—not too big, not too small. Here and there a sculpture invites contemplation. The lawns bring to mind ladies in white dresses playing croquet while frock-coated gentlemen smile and sip brandy. Even better, the Fells is one of those rare (nowadays, anyway) his- torical estates that seems well-cared for and restored in an authentic and respectful manner. We were greeted by an enthusiastic volunteer, who Chase Binder immediately began explaining the Bud and I love exploring ex- estate’s provenance. The Fells, Photo courtesy of the Fells otic places. The thrill of visiting an meaning rocky upland pastures in elephant sanctuary in Burma; the Scottish, came to be when Ameri- fall there are educational programs shore of Lake Sunapee. drama of a leopard snoozing on a can statesman John Milton Hay be- focusing on history, horticulture and Programs and events continue sturdy overhead limb in South Af- gan buying Newbury farms in 1888. ecology as well as art and litera- through November—why not take rica; the other-worldliness of riding Hay accumulated almost 1000 acres ture—for example, the evening of the kids or grandkids to Hay Day a camel at the base of Egypt’s Pyra- and built a summer house overlook- Daniel Thomas Moran’s poetry that Family Day on Sunday August 21, mids! ing Lake Sunapee, moving in in Bud and I attended. The setting was or gather some gal pals for Ladies But while the world beyond 1891. the expansive Veranda—perfect for Night on Wednesday November New Hampshire’s borders is full Hay, it turns out, was an inter- wine and nibbles, greeting some old 9th? For more info and details, in- of adventure and the anticipation esting fellow. Getting his start work- friends, meeting some new ones, cluding the noted Christmas at The of the unknown, every so often we ing on Abraham Lincoln’s presiden- and, above all, getting a glimpse Fells, or even how to reserve the es- stumble upon a destination right tial campaign, he served as private of a world that lay just beyond our tate for your own wedding or other here in our home state that delights secretary and assistant to President fields of vision. special event, visit If us and even inspires us to dip our Lincoln in the White House. He But wait, there’s more! In ad- I’ve piqued your interest in Daniel toes into new areas of interest. This was at Lincoln’s death bed and later dition to the house, gardens and Thomas Moran poetry, “A Shed happened a couple of weeks ago co-wrote with John George Nicolay grounds, The Fells also has exten- for Wood” and several of this other when we were invited to visit The a defining biography of Lincoln. sive walking paths. One goes to a books can be found at Fells in nearby Newbury to hear our Later, he served as Ambassador to Fairy Village where children of all Even better is to shop local and go friend and much-acclaimed poet, the United Kingdom and then as ages are invited to build woodland to Gibson’s Book Store at 45 South Daniel Thomas Moran of Webster, Secretary of State under President creations, another passes by a state- Main Street in Concord. gibsons- read some of his works. McKinley—and remained Secre- ly maple planted by Theodore Roo- I won’t say that such an evening tary of State under President Teddy sevelt in 1902. Yet another hugs the was outside of our comfort zone… Roosevelt. Notably, he negotiated well, at least not very far outside. the treaties that cleared the way for We’ve enjoyed hearing Mozart per- the Panama Canal. form in a small church in Prague And all the while he wrote po- Is Your Medical Alert System Current? and spent hours in Jane Austen’s etry, biography and other literature. homestead in the English country- Imagine a man like that in today’s side. The same, sort of. But we’d political world! Hay died at the Is your Medical Alert System dialing the right number? A only heard the name “The Fells” a Fells in 1905, and in 1906 his son Medical Alert System is an electronic key chain, necklace, few times, and certainly had no idea Clarence took over and began ex- or bracelet that is used to request an ambulance, should of what—or even exactly where— panding the gardens and renovating you be unable to get to your phone. These systems it was. Even so, the late afternoon the property—a process he con- typically dial the vendor’s centralized monitoring station. sunlight was warm and dreamy. tinued well into the 1930’s. Today We’d read and enjoyed Dan’s lat- the estate is owned, maintained and est collection of poems “A Shed for managed by The Fells nonprofit THE MONITORING STATION SHOULD CONTACT Wood.” Off we went! and local volunteers. FIRE DISPATCH, NOT THE FIRE STATION. Our first surprise was sheer The Main House is full of art, loveliness of The Fells estate and history and the ambiance of the If you or a loved one has a Medical Alert System, please grounds. It’s not evident from the age. The Fells is not content to be a verify with your vendor that a request for an ambulance understated Gatehouse on New- static museum, though. Throughout bury’s Route 103A, but the setting the late spring, summer and early will go to Concord Fire Dispatch at (603) 225-3355. Free In-Home Water Commercial Testing and Estimates! Insurance Arsenic & Radon Sample Collection for Air and Water (lab fee extra) Personal Insurance Employee WATER TREATMENT Home Insurance Benefits Complete well pump system service. SPECIALISTS Auto Insurance Bonds Complete whole-house water treatment systems for hard water, odors, staining, arsenic & more. Night & Weekend Life & Health Insurance & Complete annual and semi-annual maintenance. Appointments Available! Recreational Vehicles & Boat Insurance Specialty Sanitization: Well and whole-house chlorination and sanitization to eliminate Umbrella Insurance Products bacteria and mineral build up. Service: Most major brands, and will match or beat most written estimates. 555222555---777555111888 AAAllllllWWWaaattteeerrrNNNHHH@@@gggmmmaaaiiilll...cccooommm *** AAAllllllWWWaaattteeerrrWWWooorrrkkksss...cccooommm 1100 Elm St. Manchester, NH. 03101 603-669-3218