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Audio power amplifier techniques with energy efficient power conversion. Vol. 2 PDF

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Preview Audio power amplifier techniques with energy efficient power conversion. Vol. 2

Audio Power Amplifier Techniques With Energy Efficient Power Conversion Volume II Appendices Ph D. Thesis Karsten Nielsen Department of Applied Electronics, Building 451 Technical University of Denmark DK-2800 Lyngby April 30,1998 DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. Appendix A - Contents A. 1. Efficiency for various amplifier classes...................................................................A.2 A.2. Class B..........................................................................................................................A.2 A.2.1. Realistic Class B model........................................................................................A. 3 A.2.2. Class B2..................................................................................................................A.4 A.2.3. Class BX.................................................................................................................A.5 A.3. Class G..........................................................................................................................A.5 Appendix B - Contents B.l Double Fourier Series development for PWM...........................................................B.2 B.2 DFS expressions for fundamental NPWM schemes..................................................B.5 B.2.1 Natural sampling - AD - Single sided (NADS)................................................B.5 B.2.2 Natural sampled - BD - Single sided modulation (NBDS)...............................B.6 B.2.3 Natural sampled - AD - Double sided modulation (NADD)............................B.9 B.2.4 Natural sampled - BD - Double sided modulation (NBDD)..........................B. 10 B.3 Double Fourier Series development for PSCPWM.................................................B.12 B.3.1 DFS synthesis for NS PSCPWM......................................................................B. 12 B.3.2 DFS synthesis for ND PSCPWM......................................................................B.15 B.4 DFS synthesis for BNS1 PSCPWM...........................................................................B.18 B.4.1 DFS for BNS 1 differential output.....................................................................B.20 B .4.2 DFS for BNS 1 commonmode output................................................................B .22 B.5 DFS for BND1 PSCPWM...........................................................................................B.23 B.5.1 DFS for BND1 differential output....................................................................B.26 B.5.2 DFS for BND1 commonmode output...............................................................B.27 B.6 DFS synthesis for BNS2 PSCPWM...........................................................................B.29 B.6.1 DFS for BNS2 differential output.....................................................................B.31 B.6.2 DFS for BNS2 commonmode output................................................................B.33 B.7 DFS synthesis for BND2 PSCPWM..........................................................................B.36 B.7.1 DFS for BND2 differential output....................................................................B.38 B.7.2 DFS for BND2 commonmode output...............................................................B.40 B.8 DFS synthesis for BNS3 PSCPWM...........................................................................B.44 B.8.1 DFS for BNS3 differential output.....................................................................B.46 B.8.2 DFS for BNS3 commonmode output................................................................B.46 B.9 DFS synthesis for BND3 PSCPWM..........................................................................6.48 B.9.1 DFS for BND3 differential output....................................................................B.50 B.9.2 DFS for BND3 commonmode output...............................................................B.51 B.10 DFS derivation for uniform sampling...................................................................B.51 B.10.1 Uniform sampled - AD - Single sided modulation (UADS)..........................B.52 B.10.2 Uniform sampled - AD - Single sided modulation (UBDS)..........................B.53 B.10.3 Uniform sampled - AD - Double sided modulation (UADD)........................B.54 B.10.4 Uniform sampled - BD - Double sided modulation (UBDD)........................B.55 Appendix C - Contents C.l Nielsen, Karsten "High Fidelity PWM based Amplifier Concept for active speaker systems with a very Low Energy Consumption" 100th AES Convention. Copenhagen, May 1996. Preprint 4259. C.2 Anderskouv, Niels, Nielsen, Karsten, Andersen, Michael "High Fidelity Pulse Width Modulation Amplifiers based on Novel Double Loop Feedback Techniques" 100th AES Convention. Copenhagen, May 1996. Preprint 4258. C.3 Nielsen, Karsten " A Review and Comparison of Pulse Width Modulation methods for analog and digital input switching power amplifier systems " 102nd AES Convention. Munich, March 1997. Preprint 4446. C.4 Nielsen, Karsten " Parallel Phase Shifted Carrier Pulse Width Modulation (PSCPWM) - A novel approach to switching power amplifier design " 102nd AES Convention. Munich, March 1997. Preprint 4447. C.5 Anderskouv, Niels, Nielsen, Karsten, Andersen, Michael " Single Phase Low Distortion DC/AC Inverter With High Bandwidth To Switching Frequency Ratio " EPE 97. Trondheim, Norway. 8-10 September 1997. pp. 2214-2219. C.6 Nielsen, Karsten " High Fidelity PWM based Amplifier Concept for active speaker systems with a very Low Energy Consumption " Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. July/August 1997. pp. 554-570. C.7 Nielsen, Karsten " Pulse Edge Delay Error Correction (PEDEC) - A Novel Power Stage Error Correction Principle for Power Digital - Analog Conversion” 103rd AES Convention. New York, September 1997. Preprint 4602 (47 pages). C.8 Nielsen, Karsten, Taul, Thomas, Andersen, Michael " A Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Control Methods for Power Stage Error Correction in Switching Power Amplifiers “ 104th Convention of the AES. Amsterdam, Holland. May 1998. C.9 Nielsen, Karsten " PEDEC - A Novel Pulse Referenced Control Method for High Quality Digital PWM Switching Power Amplification " IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference (PESC). Japan, May 1998. Appendix A A. 1 Appendix A Contents A. 1. Efficiency for various amplifier classes.....................................................................2 A.2. Class B............................................................................................................................2 A.2.1. Realistic Class B model.............................................................................................3 A.2.2. Class B2.......................................................................................................................4 A.2.3. Class BX.......................................................................................................................5 A.3. Class G............................................................................................................................5 A.2 Appendix A A.l. Efficiency for various amplifier classes In the following, the power and energy efficiency is investigated for three widely used analog power amplifier methods. Analytical expression for the ideal efficiency are derived and subsequently compared. Following, more realistic models are investigated. First, some important parameters used throughout the following are introduced. Let x denote the relative output level. The amplifier output power is then: PlM = xlWL (A.1) The power efficiency is the ratio of utilized power over the supplied power: Pjfxf tj(x) = Ps(x) (A.2) The energy efficiency is defined as the ratio of used energy over the supplied energy over time. This requires knowledge of how the amplifier is used. Consider a set of date for the amplifier use and power dissipation: (nl > Pq,\ ’ ^£>,1)’ (n2 ’ Pq,2 ’ ^£>,2 )> •" (ft-N’Po.N ’Pd,n) (A.3) where (nJ,P0 j,PDJ) refers to that the output power in average is p0 j in nj percent of the time, and PD j refers to the losses at the given output power. The effective output power and the effective power dissipation are. The energy efficiency is derived directly from these data as: Sn-'V, ! L,E L,E (A.4) P n i D JV N SI “ Z", fzu+Z", P., /=! 77E represents the real amplifier energy efficiency, i.e. TjE is directly indicates how much of the supplied energy, that is utilized in the speakers. A.2. Class B Fig. A.l shows the simple Class B output stage topology. The output devices are only active during half of the signal cycle. Fig. A.l (right) shows the output voltage and the supply rail voltage, that determines the voltage drop over the active output device. The supplied power can be found as a function of x by integration over a period of the signal: 1 r xV 2V2 Ps,B(x) = 2—jV—sin(QX)d((Ot) = x^- (A.5) The efficiency can now be derived: Appendix A A.3 ■=F V Fig. A.l Class B amplifier (left) and essential signals (right). , . 2 Rl n nAx)=~^~=xi, (A.6) kR, Another interesting parameter to consider is the power dissipation which is used in heat sink design considerations. The total power dissipation is: Pd (*) - Pc(x)~ Pl W -—(----~) (A.7) RL x 4 Or relative to the maximal output power: Pdn (-*•)' (A.8) PL, maxO) 2 K The ideal power amplifier thus has a maximal power dissipation of: PD,max = 0.4PL „ (A.9) A.2.1. Realistic Class B model It has been assumed above, that the class B amplifier was ideal. However, a practical class B amplifier will either implement zero quiescent losses or a 78% efficiency. If two factors are added a more realistic model arrives. • Quiescent losses. This is caused by the inevitable bias current that are necessary to linearize the output stage [Be88].). The is also called Class AB since the angle of operation in each transistor is now more than 180 degrees. • A finite headroom. The output transistors have a saturation voltage and general amplifiers will clip at 85%-90% of the supply as opposed to 100% for the ideal amplifier. This With these two simple modifications the resulting model is remarkably accurate. A.4 Appendix A ■=p (l-a)V ■=f (l-a)V Fig. A.2 Class B amplifier (left) and essential signals (right). A.2.2. Class B2 A simple improvement of the classical class B amplifier topology is shown Fig. A.2. By using four power supply rails considerable improvements in overall efficiency can be obtained. When the output signal is lower than aV, all current is delivered from the lower supply rails, i.e. the power dissipation in the bottom transistors are reduced. Since the top transistors are not conducting at all in this situation the overall efficiency is improved over class B. Although Class B2 is topologically simple, the implementation is complicated by the requirement for four power rails which increases the complexity of the power supply. The total supplied power is now the sum of two contributions: 2 7: x------a (x<a) (A. 10) n 2 V2 x—K R—l “ + (1-a)LAsin(ax)d(ax) (x>a) The two partial expressions: 2 V PS1,B2(*<°0 = (A.ll) 1t kl 2 y- /— PSiBi(x,a) = x-—(l-a) 2 sin(oyt)d(ax) (A. 12) nIT. RK. V/'vaSisnifn—(-)) x Represent the contributions from the dual supplies ±aV and ±V respectively. The efficiency as a function of relative output level can now be written as: Appendix A A. 5 Fig. A.3 Class B amplifier (left) and essential signals (right). y- (;«%) 4 a (A.13) 7]B2(x,a) = - n (jc>a) (z,«) 5,82 a + (l-a)\2 sm(cot)d(ax) JasinC—) The integral contains integration limits that makes it complicated to solve. Instead, numerical methods is use to investigate the expression below. The normalized power dissipation for class B2 is: 2x x2 . —cc-----(x < cc) (x,a) n 2 (x,a) = D,B 2 (A.14) ‘ DN,B2 Pl, 2x-a a + (l-a)f* a sin(<Br)d(fi») x (x>a) 7t Jasin(-) ~2 The voltage division factor a can be used to optimized the amplifier energy efficiency. A.2.3. Class BX Class B2 could be extended to Class BX with 2X power rails total. However, practical implementation issues puts strong limitations on such extensions, and 6 levels total (3 positive and negative) is thus considered the maximum. A.3. Class G Another possible amplifier topology can be realized by a more intelligent control of the power supply voltage. If the positive and negative supply levels are both controlled by a DC-AC inverter, the rails can be controlled such that the voltage drop over the output transistors is dropped. Note, that the power supplies are now effectively amplifiers generating an AC output form a rectified DC input, controlled from an AC input source. The bandwidth requirements for the power supply are the same as for the amplifier. One might argue that the system consists of three amplifiers i.e. the topology is complex. Only the linearity and noise requirements for the switching power supplies are not necessarily as high as for the amplifier, since power supply rejection ratio can be provided by feedback. A.6 Appendix A The total supplied power from the power supplies is found as the sum of the equal contributions from the positive and negative power supply: T • _ 2 r* xV -sin(cof)[xV' sin(mt) + fiV\l(ox) 2k Jo Rl (A.15) ]xV £ x sin2 (<ut) + /? sin(<Hf )c? (cot) K Rl V2 f+2f) =XT,{ Where it is assumed that the power rail voltage is the load voltage plus the factor ft V. The efficiency can now be derived: PlW 1 (A. 16) X-(- ) 4 P+x* Obviously, the efficiency increases as the voltage headroom factor ft is reduced.

A novel approach to switching power amplifier design " PEDEC - A Novel Pulse Referenced Control Method for High Quality . With these two simple modifications the resulting model is remarkably accurate. loop feedback after the post filter can not be applied without performance degrading lead.
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