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Auctioning Public Assets: Analysis and Alternatives PDF

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This page intentionally left blank Auctioning Public Assets Inmanycountriesallovertheworld,governmentsareprivatisingfirms thatwerepreviouslyunderpubliccontrol.Thisishappening,forexam- ple,inpublicutilitysectorssuchasgas,waterandelectricity,intransport sectorssuchasrailandmetroandinradioandtelephony.Thisbookpro- videsanoverviewoftheeconomicissuesthatareinvolvedinthistransfer ofownershipofpublicassets.Combiningatheoreticalframeworkwith asetofcasestudiesofrecentsalesofstate-ownedassetsfromEurope andtheUSA,itaskswhichsortofallocationmechanismcanagovern- mentadopt?Whichismostsuitedtoaparticularsale?Andhowwillthe choice of allocation mechanism affect future market outcomes? With contributionsfrominternationalexperts,thisbookoffersanaccessible introductiontoauctiontheoryandaninvaluable,non-technicalanalysis ofexistingknowledge.Itwillbeofinteresttostudents,non-specialists andpolicy-makersalike. maarten janssen isaprofessorofmicroeconomicsatErasmusUni- versityRotterdam.Hismainresearchinterestsareingametheoryand theeconomicsofinformation.Hisresearchhasfocusedonco-ordination games, consumer search and adverse selection. He has been advising firmsandgovernmentbodiesonissuesrelatedtomarketstructure. Auctioning Public Assets Analysis and Alternatives Editedby Maarten Janssen cambridge university press Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge cb2 2ru, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521830591 © Cambridge University Press 2004 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published in print format 2004 isbn-13 978-0-511-16518-4 eBook (EBL) isbn-10 0-511-16518-8 eBook (EBL) isbn-13 978-0-521-83059-1 hardback isbn-10 0-521-83059-1 hardback isbn-13 978-0-521-53757-5 paperback isbn-10 0-521-53757-6 paperback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Contents Listoffigures pagevii Listoftables viii Listofcontributors ix Preface xiii Introduction 1 maarten janssen PartI Theory 1 Auctiontheoryforauctiondesign 19 tilman börgers and eric van damme 2 BeautyContestdesign 64 maurice dykstra and nico van der windt 3 Preventingcollusionamongfirmsinauctions 80 timothy c. salmon 4 Levellingtheplayingfieldinauctionsandthe prohibitionofstateaid 108 emiel maasland, yves montangie and roger van den bergh 5 Allocationmechanismsandpost-allocationinteraction 130 maarten janssen and benny moldovanu PartII Casestudies 6 SpectrumauctionsbytheUnitedStatesFederal CommunicationsCommission 147 timothy c. salmon v vi Contents 7 AnanalysisoftheEuropean3Glicensingprocess 177 emiel maasland and benny moldovanu 8 Auctionsofgastransmissionaccess:the Britishexperience 197 tanga morae mcdaniel and karsten neuhoff 9 ThedesignofTreasurybondauctions:some casestudies 230 joseph swierzbinski and tilman börgers 10 Matchingmarkets 257 benny moldovanu 11 Competitiveprocurementofreintegrationservices intheNetherlands 273 maurice dykstra and jaap de koning 12 Theprovisionofrailservices 296 luisa affuso and david newbery Index 310 Figures 2.1 Differentprocedurescanleadtodifferentoutcomes page73 6.1 Mobiletelephoneoperatorcoveragebycounty 170 8.1 Competitioninthegassupplysector,UK 201 8.2 Gasconsumption,UK 203 8.3 SharesofUKgasproduction 203 8.4 GaspipelinesintheUKandtheNorthSea 205 8.5 StFergusandBactonconstraintcosts 208 8.6 ElfExploration’sexcessnominations 209 8.7 Priceinsecondarycapacityauction 210 8.8 NTSchargesandfloorprices 212 8.9 Energyavailabilityandsales 213 8.10 Percentagebywhichauctionpriceexceedsreserveprice: averageoverfourrounds 220 8.11 Monthlyaveragedpricedifferencebetweenday-aheadspot marketsforgasatStFergusandNationalBalancingPoint andweightedaveragepricespaidinauctionformonthly entryrights 221 8.12 Availableentrycapacityinmonthlyauctionsfor StFergus 222 8.13 MonthlyaveragesofspotpricesattheNationalBalancing PointandStFergus 223 vii Tables 1.1 Anexampletoillustratethemulti-unitVickrey auction page30 1.2 Descriptionofthestateofasimultaneous ascendingauction 32 1.3 Player’sbiddingrightsinroundtinasimultaneous ascendingauction 33 1.4 Increasingmarginalvalues(forplayer1) 47 1.5 Theexposureproblem 49 1.6 Thefree-riderproblem 50 2.1 Biddingrules 74 2.2 Evaluationofbiddingrules 76 3.1 Biddervalues 84 4.1 BandwidthinMHzforeachlicence 123 5.1 Biddervaluations 139 6.1 Biddervalues 148 7.1 Classificationoflicensingmethods 178 8.1 Capacitybuy-backs,April2000–February2001 224 9.1 Summaryofcasestudies 254 10.1 Reserveprices 268 10.2 Possiblematching 268 11.1 Organisationsinvolvedinsocialsecurityandactivelabour marketpolicyintheNetherlands 276 12.1 Thebid-scoringsysteminArgentina 305 viii

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