Digitized by the Internet Archive 2011 with funding from in LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/aubade200737univ ? Aubade AUBADE 2007 Editorial Staff Co-Editors-in-Chief Liz Gerber Sarah Sherman Art Editor, Design and La>out Anduin Vaid Poetiy Editor Leali Triplett Prose Editor Suzanne Volinski Mission Statement The Aubade is tlie official literan' mag^izine of tlie Universitv' of Man' Washington. Published an- niialh' in tlie spnng, tlie Aubade seeks to showcase the best ofwhat die artistic conimunit\- at Mai">' Washington has to otter. Submissions of short fiction, poetn', and artwork from Man' W^ashing- ton students aie accepted from tlie first \\'eek of die fall semester up to die first hidf of die spring semester. All submissions aiejudged anomTiiously by die reading staffand editors ofdie Aubade. Submissions should be sent to [email protected]. TABLE OF CONTENTS LITER^VITRE Erica Mason Liz Gerber School Days 8 First Date 30 Documentary 9 ^Vedding Gift 31 Meghan Coyle Zach Bowman Magnets 10 James 33 Route 39 Two-Step 34 Alyssa deGuzman Paris Nights 11 Tyler Babbie anyone who knows the woods 36 Mike Isaacson sees Tlie Den 13 ^Valtz 47 Anduin Vaid Title Forty-Four 37 Stephanie Barnes Degrees 14 David Moore 8 38 Alex Cardia New \Va\e 39 Me Playing at the Diner 22 Mere Inches 23 Katie Molinaro He is sui-^'ixed b\' his wife 41 EricaJackson U-Bahn 24 Elizabeth Bodi Thinned Time 46 Leah Triplett Hurricane 26 Sarah Sherman Tree House 27 Anni\ersar\- Dinner 48 ARTWORK NataKe Be'er Winners of the 2007 Aubade awards Jenna 7 for outstanding contributions The Blue Mosque 28 ARTWORK Alex Cardia Jen Stewart, Portrait Study no. 1 Untitled 12 POETRY Jen Stewart Zach Bowman,James Monotypes & 2 20 1 PROSE Portrait Stud)' no. 21 1 Katie Molinaro, He Sunixed by is Anduin Vaid his Wife E\-es 9 25 Ahran Lee Fury 29 Chelsea Seachord Sounion Dreamer 32 Emily Frank Droplets 40 Jenna Natalie Be'er 7 MASON School Days Field Trip At last, the rupture of the bulbs forced all the photographers to replace their flashes; the monkeys reached for branches, pink toys, treats, or an)' other mechanism the trainers used to keep them buoyant. The chimpanzees took se\-eral minutes to diffuse, a myriad still loitered near the thicket of lemur tails which coiled and became Re-takes illuminated in the beams of white and yellow artificial light. At last, when I sat down on the stool, ready to ha\'e my torso twisted and head cranked, the photographer screwed in a new flash, and asked an assistant tojingle fi\'e httle bells; an attempt to improxe my expression. But first he glanced at my original pictures, and I know he wondered why I wasn't photogenic like animals in the primate house. 8