ATV & UTV ACCESSORIES atv/utv accessOries fOr Pricing visit www.maverickdistributing.cOm CYCLE COUNTRY PLOW SYSTEMS Looking to utilize your ATV, UTV or quad for snow removal this winter? Look no farther than Cycle Country and our extensive lineup of snow plows and accessories for most ATV and UTV makes and models, including Arctic Cat, Can Am, Honda, Kawasaki, Polaris, Suzuki and new PrOducts Yamaha. Designed and manufactured to take on the toughest tasks, Cycle Country plow systems feature durable steel plow blades, or our all new tires, tubes & Poly plow blades that are as tough as traditional steel blades without the weight. We offer several options of mounts, push tubes and wHeeLs blade sizes so you can customize a plow system designed to meet your needs and expectations. How to Build Your Custom Cycle Country Plow System 1. Choose Your Make & Model HeLmets & aPPareL 2. Choose Your Mounting Location 3. Choose Your Push Tube 4. Choose Your Plow Blade atv/utv 5. Choose Your Lift System/Winch (optional) accessOries CHOOSE YOUR MAKE & MODEL Choose your ATV or UTV make & model to build your custom Cycle mOtOrcYcLe Country Plow System accessOries CHOOSE YOUR PLOW MOUNT KIT rOds, bearings, ATV OPTIONS AVAILABLE : cams & cYLinders A. Front Mount ◊Easy on/off ◊Superior blade lift for snow stacking axLes, cHains, sPrOckets & drive B. Mid Body Mount ◊Traditional/Heavy Duty ◊Strongest place to mount on ATV engine & PerfOrmance UTV OPTION AVAILABLE: ◊16-0000 Front Mount and Pushtube ◊Front Mount eLectricaL & ◊Easy on/off batteries ◊Superior blade lift for snow stacking CHOOSE YOUR PUSH TUBE Cycle Country offers several Push Tube options based upon which mount system you prefer, front or mid body. Each of our push tubes is dvd constructed of extremely durable steel for outstanding strength and impact resistance. All of our push tubes easily attach to our mount systems, and each style is compatible with all of our current steel and Poly plow blades. sPeciaLtY tOOLs CHOOSE YOUR PLOW BLADE Cycle Country offers 3 distinct types of blades, our traditional straight steel blades, state steel blade, and Poly XT blades. Each blade is unique in design and material offering different advantages for different plowing conditions, and each plow blade style is also offered in several different widths to accommodate your specific plowing needs. Pwc CHOOSE YOUR LIFT SYSTEM OR WINCH If your vehicle is not already equipped with a winch, Cycle Country offers several plow lift options for you. Just select the lifting system you want to use for your custom plow system...either an ATV Manual Lift, a QuickLift manual lift, a PowerMax Electric Lift or one of our Runva Winches. 116 2016/2017 maverick distributing 1-800-661-9653 fOr Pricing visit www.maverickdistributing.cOm atv/utv accessOries STRAIGHT STEEL BLADES 52” POLY BLADES ◊Made with heavy-duty 12-gauge steel ◊Will never rust and lighter than steel, will last a lifetime. ◊15.5 inch blade height ◊Weight: 34 lbs. new PrOducts ◊Weighs just 47 lbs- 48” Blade ◊Height: 15.5” ◊Weighs just 49 lbs- 52” Blade ◊Wear bar: 3” Double-Sided ◊Comes with 3” double-sided, long life steel replaceable wear ◊Made of: Frameless Poly with RibCore Technology bar 52” POLY bLades tires, tubes & ◊Other accessories available include: plow markers, end flaps, wHeeLs and top flap Part # descriPtiOn ◊Limited lifetime warranty straigHt steeL bLades CYC10-0260 52” POLY BLADE HeLmets & aPPareL Part # descriPtiOn CYC10-0020 48” BLACK BLADE atv/utv CYC10-0370 52” BLACK BLADE accessOries CYC10-0170 54” BLACK BLADE CYC10-0030 60” BLACK BLADE mOtOrcYcLe CYC10-0090 72” BLACK BLADE accessOries rOds, bearings, cams & cYLinders POLY XT BLADES ◊Proven equal to, or better, than competitive steel blades for axLes, cHains, performance and durability. sPrOckets & drive ◊Lighter, quieter and more friendly to plowing surfaces and they will never rust! ◊Blade height is 21” (53.34 cm)..... approximately 6” (15.24 cm) engine & taller than competitive blades and our standard blades. PerfOrmance ◊Blade radius is also 6” (15.24 cm).....deeper than standard blades. ◊Weight 59 lbs - 60” eLectricaL & ◊Weight 70 lbs - 66” batteries ◊Weight 77 lbs -72” STATE STEEL BLADE ◊Patented RibCore construction (US 7,685,748 B1) ◊24” high on one side, 16” on the other ◊Limited lifetime warranty ◊Constructed of durable 12 gauge steel dvd POLY xt bLades ◊52” wide and 60” wide sizes available state steeL bLades Part # descriPtiOn sPeciaLtY tOOLs Part # descriPtiOn CYC10-0440 60” BLACK BLADE CYC10-0450 66” BLACK BLADE CYC10-0081 52” BLACK BLADE CYC10-0460 72” BLACK BLADE CYC10-0151 60” BLACK BLADE Pwc 2016/2017 maverick distributing 1-800-661-9653 117 atv/utv accessOries fOr Pricing visit www.maverickdistributing.cOm PLease see Page 121 fOr frOnt mOunt and 123 fOr beLLY mOunt aPPLicatiOns new PrOducts FRONT MOUNT ATV/UTV PUSH TUBE ATV MANUAL LIFT KIT ◊Designed for fast attachment and removal using self-aligning ◊Requires a low lift effort, while achieving serious lift. connections and stainless push-pin fasteners ◊You’ll get at least 5.5” of lift with as little as 25 lbs (13 kg) of ◊Maintains ATV’s original ground clearance and approach angle effort. tires, tubes & 20” to 32” lift height (ground to wear bar) using winch lift ◊The ATV Manual Lift works universally for most ATVs. wHeeLs ◊Built-in stops prevent over-lifting to protect ATV T◊o ensure safe operation, the blade locks securely in the up ◊Reinforced 5-position blade angle adjustment position. ◊Reversible pistol grip manual angle adjuster to clear winch ◊When you’re done plowing, the lift removes with the push tube, HeLmets & aPPareL cable so when you’re trail riding the equipment is not in your way. atv/utv frOnt mOunt PusH tube ◊15-0090 Fits Push Tube 15-0070. atv manuaL Lift kit Part # descriPtiOn atv/utv accessOries Part # descriPtiOn CYC16-0000 PUSH TUBE, FRONT UTV/ ATV CYC15-0090 MANUAL LIFT FITS 15-0070 mOtOrcYcLe accessOries rOds, bearings, cams & cYLinders axLes, cHains, sPrOckets & drive engine & PerfOrmance MID-MOUNT ATV PUSH TUBE POWERMAX ELECTRIC LIFT KIT ◊Push Tube for all Mid-Body ATV Mount Kits (#15-xxxx) - sold ◊Faster than other electric lifts separately ◊750 lb lift capacity eLectricaL & ◊Heavy-duty, V-style round tube construction ◊2000 lb lift strap won’t break like some cables (Strap is 1” x 39”) batteries ◊3” longer for added vehicle clearance and lift ◊Easily mounted switch activates lift. ◊Built of heavy-duty 1.5” steel tubing ◊Electric lift mounts to push tube. ◊5-position blade angle adjustment POwermax eLectric Lift kit dvd ◊Four-way cutting edge adjustment ◊Quick-pin attachment ◊Reversible pistol grip manual angle adjuster to clear winch Part # descriPtiOn cable CYC15-0060 ELECTRIC LIFT KIT sPeciaLtY tOOLs atv beLLY mOunt PusH tube Part # descriPtiOn Pwc CYC15-0070 PUSH TUBE, BELLY- MOUNT ATV 118 2016/2017 maverick distributing 1-800-661-9653 fOr Pricing visit www.maverickdistributing.cOm atv/utv accessOries PLOW MARKER KIT HIGH STRENGTH WEAR BARS ◊Increases visibility of plow edges for ◊Made with high strength hardened steel added safety ◊Testing has proven that these bars average 30% longer life than new PrOducts ◊Easily bolts to sides of plow blades other high strength bars wear bars tires, tubes & Part # descriPtiOn wHeeLs CYC12-0120 Wear Bar 42” DouBle SiDeD CYC12-0130 Wear Bar 48” DouBle SiDeD PLOw marker kit CYC12-0140 Wear Bar 52” DouBle SiDeD HeLmets & aPPareL CYC12-0150 Wear Bar 52” DouBle SiDeD Part # descriPtiOn CYC12-0160 Wear Bar 60” DouBle SiDeD CYC12-0165 Wear Bar 66” DouBle SiDeD atv/utv CYC10-0140 PLOW MARKER KIT (PAIR) CYC12-0170 Wear Bar 72” DouBle SiDeD accessOries PLOW WING mOtOrcYcLe accessOries ◊Reduces snow overflow ◊Bolts to side of blade ◊Adjustable to fit 42” to 72” blades rOds, bearings, ◊Does not fit our Poly Blades cams & cYLinders PLASTIC WEAR BAR ◊These wear bars have softer impact so they are great for axLes, cHains, paved stone driveways. sPrOckets & drive ◊3/4” Ultra High Molecular Weight Plastic. PLOw wing engine & Part # descriPtiOn PLastic wear bar PerfOrmance CYC10-0400 PLOW WINg Part # descriPtiOn eLectricaL & CYC10-0220 WEAR BAR 48” PLASTIC KIT batteries RUBBER BLADE FLAP - CYC10-0221 WEAR BAR 60” PLASTIC KIT UNIVERSAL dvd ◊Keeps snow from flying into your face ◊Available in any size from 42” to 72” RUBBER PLOW FLAPS ◊Comes standard on State Plows ◊Keeps the snow from flying back in your face. sPeciaLtY tOOLs ◊Comes standard on State Plows. ◊Cut to any size. 42”-72” Pwc rubber bLade fLaP - universaL rubber PLOw fLaPs Part # descriPtiOn Part # descriPtiOn CYC10-0190 RUBBER BLADE FLAP - CYC10-0190 UNIVERSAL RUBBER BLADE UNIVERSAL FLAP 42” - 72” 2016/2017 maverick distributing 1-800-661-9653 119 atv/utv accessOries fOr Pricing visit www.maverickdistributing.cOm PUSH TUBE XTENDER FOR TRACKS PUSH TUBE REPLACEMENT ◊The 15” Plow Xtender works with all ATV Track Systems. PARTS BOX ◊ Easily bolts between the Cycle Country plow and standard ◊The Cycle Country Push Tube refur- new PrOducts Push Tube bish kit has replacement parts to make your push tube good as new. PusH tube xtender fOr tracks ◊The kit includes the blade position lever, blade stop, blade spring attach- tires, tubes & ing braket, bolts, washers, nuts, roller Part # descriPtiOn wHeeLs bushing, spring, spring blade lever and bushings. CYC15-0020 PUSH TUBE EXTENSION KIT FOR TRACKS PusH tube rePLacement Parts HeLmets & aPPareL Part # descriPtiOn atv/utv CYC12-0015 PUSH TUBE PARTS KIT accessOries MANUAL LIFT mOtOrcYcLe REFURBISH KIT accessOries ◊This kit provides all the re- placement parts you need to MANUAL PLOW ANGLE KIT overhaul your manual lift. rOds, bearings, ◊Adjust the angle of your plow with- ◊It includes the cable, slotted out leaving your seat. cams & cYLinders stop, cable guide, pully, washers, ◊Quick and easy to install. nuts, sleeve bushings, spacers, spring and adjustable strap. manuaL Lift Parts kit axLes, cHains, sPrOckets & drive manuaL PLOw angLe kit Part # descriPtiOn CYC12-0015 PUSH TUBE PARTS KIT Part # descriPtiOn engine & PerfOrmance CYC10-0050 REMOTE BLADE ANgLE KIT HEAVY DUTY SKID KIT (2) eLectricaL & ◊If you are needing to replace both PLOW REPLACEMENT PARTS BOX batteries sides of your Heavy Duty Skid Set, ◊A parts box made just for dealers. this kit provides the Skid, Washers, ◊Includes bushings, clevis pins, u-bolts, roller bushings, Spacers, Quick Pin and Mounting carriage bolts, hairpins, and locknuts. Brackets. dvd PLOw Parts kit HeavY dutY skid kit (2) Part # descriPtiOn Part # descriPtiOn sPeciaLtY tOOLs CYC10-0003 PloW HarDWare rePlaCeMeNT ParTS CYC10-0060 HeaVY DuTY SKiD KiT (2) Pwc PARTS PIN HEAVY DUTY SKID KIT KIT KIT (SInglE) if you are needing to replace both sides of your Heavy Duty Skid Set, this kit REPLACEMENT PIN KIT provides the Skid, Washers, Spacers and Quick Pin. ◊Includes six clevis pins and six hair pins for your plow mount rePLacement Pin kit HeavY dutY skid kit (1) Part # descriPtiOn Part # descriPtiOn CYC12-0001 REPLACEMENT PIN KIT CYC10-0055 HeaVY DuTY SKiD KiT (1) 120 2016/2017 maverick distributing 1-800-661-9653 fOr Pricing visit www.maverickdistributing.cOm atv/utv accessOries cYcLe cOuntrY 16-0000 frOnt mOunt aPPLicatiOn cHart make model Year Part # new PrOducts HONDA Honda 420 Rancher 4x4 2007-2013 16-1030 HONDA Honda 500 Foreman 2005-2011 16-1020 tires, tubes & HONDA Honda 500 Foreman 2012-2013 16-1040 wHeeLs HONDA Honda 500 Rubicon 2005-2015 16-1020 HONDA Honda 650 Rincon 2003-2005 16-1010 HONDA Honda 680 Rincon 2006-2015 16-1010 HeLmets & aPPareL HONDA Honda Big Red 2009-2013 16-1050 HONDA Honda Pioneer 500 ALL 16-1070 HONDA Honda Pioneer 700 ALL 16-1060 atv/utv accessOries KAWASAKI 360 Prairie 4x4 2006-2012 16-2020 KAWASAKI 650 4x4 (solid axle) N/A N/A mOtOrcYcLe KAWASAKI 650 4x4i 2007-2010 16-2010 accessOries KAWASAKI 750 4x4i 2007-2015 16-2010 KAWASAKI 610 Mule (& 610 XC) 2010-2015 16-2030 KAWASAKI 4010 Mule (All Models) 2009-2012 16-2040 rOds, bearings, cams & cYLinders KAWASAKI 4010 Mule (All Models) 2013 16-2070 (Includes winch mount) KAWASAKI Mule Pro FXT 2015 16-2080 axLes, cHains, KAWASAKI Teryx 2008-2014 16-2050 sPrOckets & drive KAWASAKI Teryx4 2012-2014 16-2050 POLARIS 500, 700 & 800 X2 2006-2010 16-3010 engine & PerfOrmance POLARIS 500 & 800 Touring 2008-2010 16-3010 POLARIS 500 EFI & HO Sportsman 2006-2010 16-3010 POLARIS 700 & 800 Sportsman 2006-2010 16-3040 eLectricaL & POLARIS 550 & 850 Sportsman (All) 2009-2015 16-3020 batteries POLARIS 400/500/570/800/EV 2010-2015 16-3050 Ranger-Mid-Size POLARIS 500/700/800 Ranger (Full- 2009-2014 16-3060 dvd Size) NOT 2009 Ranger Crew/6x6 POLARIS 800 Ranger RZR & RZR-S 2007-2014 16-3030 POLARIS 900 XP/570 FULL SIZE 2013-2015 16-3070 sPeciaLtY tOOLs Ranger SUZUKI 450-500-750 King Quad 2008-2015 16-4010 Pwc YAMAHA 350-450 grizzly (NO 450 2007-2015 16-5020 EPS) YAMAHA 550-700 grizzly 2007-2015 16-5010 YAMAHA 450/660/700 Rhino 2004-2013 16-5030 YAMAHA Yamaha Viking ALL 16-5040 ARCTIC CAT 400/500/550/650/700/1000 2005-2014 16-6010 ARCTIC CAT Prowler 2011-2012 16-6020 ( Req trim of OEM Winch mt) 2016/2017 maverick distributing 1-800-661-9653 121 atv/utv accessOries fOr Pricing visit www.maverickdistributing.cOm cYcLe cOuntrY 16-0000 frOnt mOunt aPPLicatiOn cHart new PrOducts make model Year Part # CAN-AM 400 2005-2014 16-7010 (Includes Winch Mount) CAN-AM 500/650 Outlander (all) 2005-2012 16-7010 (Includes Winch Mount) tires, tubes & CAN-AM 500 Outlander 2013-2015 16-7020 wHeeLs CAN-AM 650 Outlander 2013-2015 16-7020 CAN-AM 800/800R/ Outlander (all) 2006-2011 16-7010 (Includes Winch Mount) CAN-AM 800R Outlander Max 2012 16-7010 (Includes Winch Mount) HeLmets & aPPareL CAN-AM 800R & 1000 Outlander 2012-2015 16-7020 CAN-AM 800 & 1000 Commander 2011-2015 16-7030 atv/utv accessOries KYMCO 500 & 500I MXU 2007-2012 16-8010 KYMCO 500 UXV 2009-2011 16-8020 mOtOrcYcLe JOHN DEERE 625-825 2012-2014 16-8030 accessOries rOds, bearings, cams & cYLinders axLes, cHains, sPrOckets & drive engine & PerfOrmance eLectricaL & batteries dvd sPeciaLtY tOOLs Pwc 122 2016/2017 maverick distributing 1-800-661-9653 fOr Pricing visit www.maverickdistributing.cOm atv/utv accessOries cYcLe cOuntrY 15-0000 beLLY mOunt aPPLicatiOn cHart make model Year Part # new PrOducts HONDA TRX 250 Recon 2003-2012 15-1521 HONDA TRX 300 1993-2000 15-1510 HONDA TRX 350 Rancher 2000-2003 15-1550 tires, tubes & wHeeLs HONDA TRX 350 2004-2006 15-1591 HONDA TRX 400 Foreman 02 & Older 15-1580 HONDA TRX 400 Rancher 2004-2007 15-1591 HeLmets & aPPareL HONDA TRX 420 Rancher 2007-CURRENT 15-1620 HONDA TRX 420 Rancher 2014-2015 15-1630 HONDA TRX 450 Foreman 1998-2004 15-1580 atv/utv HONDA TRX 500 Rubicon 04 & Older 15-1560 accessOries HONDA TRX 500 Foreman 2005-2011 15-1600 HONDA TRX 500 Rubicon 2005-2014 15-1600 HONDA TRX 500 Rubicon 2015 15-1630 mOtOrcYcLe accessOries HONDA TRX 500 Foreman 2012-2013 15-1610 HONDA TRX 500 Foreman 2014-2015 15-1630 HONDA TRX 650 Rincon 2003-2005 15-1570 rOds, bearings, cams & cYLinders HONDA TRX 680 Rincon 2006-2015 15-1570 KAWASAKI 360 Prairie 2002-2012 15-2590 axLes, cHains, KAWASAKI 650 Brute Force 4x4 2005-2011 15-2570 sPrOckets & drive KAWASAKI 650 Brute Force 4x4i 2006-2009 15-2610 KAWASAKI 650 Prairie 4x4 2002-2003 15-2570 engine & KAWASAKI 700 Twin Prairie 4x4 2004-2006 15-2570 PerfOrmance KAWASAKI 750 Brute Force 4x4i 2005-2014 15-2610 POLARIS 250 4x4 & 4x6 1989-2001 15-3520 eLectricaL & batteries POLARIS 250 Xplorer 4x4 2002 15-3562 POLARIS 300 4x2 & 4x4 1996-1999 15-3530 POLARIS 300 Hawkeye / Sportsman 2006-2008 15-3640 dvd POLARIS 325 Magnum 01 & Older 15-3570 POLARIS 330 Magnum & ATP 2003-2005 15-3591 POLARIS 335 Sportsman 00 & Older 15-3550 sPeciaLtY tOOLs POLARIS 350 2x4, 4x4 & 6x6 93 & Older 15-3520 POLARIS 400 2x4 / 4x4 1994-1997 15-3520 POLARIS 400 Scrambler 1998-2002 15-3541 POLARIS 400 Sportsman 2001 15-3550 Pwc POLARIS 400 Sportsman 2002-2005 15-3591 POLARIS 400 Sportsman H.O. 2008-2010 15-3640 POLARIS 400 Sportsman H.O. 2011-2014 15-3591 POLARIS 425 Magnum 4x4 & 4x6 98 & Older 15-3520 POLARIS 445 Diesel 1999 15-3550 POLARIS 450 Sportsman 2006-2007 15-3591 POLARIS 500 Magnum 1999-2001 15-3570 POLARIS 500 Scrambler 1998-2005 15-3541 POLARIS 500 Sportsman 6x6 2000-2002 15-3562 2016/2017 maverick distributing 1-800-661-9653 123 atv/utv accessOries fOr Pricing visit www.maverickdistributing.cOm cYcLe cOuntrY 15-0000 beLLY mOunt aPPLicatiOn cHart new PrOducts make model Year Part # POLARIS 500 Sportsman X2 2006-2009 15-3660 POLARIS 550 Sportsman (All Models) 2009-2014 15-3670 tires, tubes & POLARIS 570 Sportsman (All Models) 2014 15-3591 wHeeLs POLARIS ACE-ALL 2014-2015 15-3680 POLARIS 600 Sportsman 2003-2004 15-3591 POLARIS 700 Sportsman 2002-2007 15-3591 HeLmets & aPPareL POLARIS 700 Sportsman X2 2008 15-3660 POLARIS 800 Sportsman (Excluding 2005-2014 15-3591 6x6) atv/utv POLARIS 800 Sportsman X2 2007-2009 15-3660 accessOries POLARIS 850 Sportsman (All Models) 2009-2015 15-3670 POLARIS 1000 XP Sportsman 2015 15-3670 mOtOrcYcLe accessOries SUZUKI 250 2x4 1997-2001 15-4521 SUZUKI 280 King Quad 98 & Older 15-4521 SUZUKI 300 King Quad 1999-2001 15-4521 rOds, bearings, cams & cYLinders SUZUKI 400 Eiger 2002-2004 15-4550 SUZUKI 400 Eiger 2005-2007 15-4581 SUZUKI 400 King Quad 2008-2013 15-4581 axLes, cHains, SUZUKI 450 King Quad 2008-2010 15-4590 sPrOckets & drive SUZUKI 500 King Quad 2009-2014 15-4590 SUZUKI 500 Quad Runner 02 & Older 15-4550 engine & SUZUKI 500 Vinson 2002-2007 15-4550 PerfOrmance SUZUKI 700 Twin Peak 2004 15-2570 SUZUKI 700 King Quad 2005-2007 15-4590 eLectricaL & SUZUKI 750 King Quad 2008-2014 15-4590 batteries YAMAHA 350 Bruin 2004-2006 15-5590 YAMAHA 350 Raptor 2005-2006 15-5531 dvd YAMAHA 350 Wolverine 05 & Older 15-5531 YAMAHA 350 grizzly 2007-2014 15-5590 YAMAHA 400 Big Bear 2000-2012 15-5531 sPeciaLtY tOOLs YAMAHA 400 Kodiak 2003-2006 15-5590 YAMAHA 450 grizzly (& 450 EPS) 2007-2013 15-5590 YAMAHA 450 Kodiak 2003-2004 15-5590 Pwc YAMAHA 450 Wolverine 2006-2007 15-5630 YAMAHA 550 grizzly 2009-2014 15-5640 YAMAHA 600 grizzly 01 & Older 15-5520 YAMAHA 660 grizzly 2002-2008 15-5640 YAMAHA 700 grizzly 2007-2014 15-5640 ARCTIC CAT 250 2x4 2006-2007 15-5531 ARCTIC CAT 250 4x4 2001-2005 15-6510 ARCTIC CAT 300 4x4 2002-2005 15-6510 ARCTIC CAT 366 4x4 2008-2011 15-6570 124 2016/2017 maverick distributing 1-800-661-9653