Thursday-Saturday, May 24-26, 2018 36TH ANNUAL FAMILY LAW INSTITUTE 14 CLE Hours, Including 1 Ethics Hour | 1.5 Professionalism Hours | 5.5 Trial Practice Hours Sponsored By: Institute of Continuing Legal Education Copyright © 2018 by the Institute of Continuing Legal Education of the State Bar of Georgia. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ICLE. The Institute of Continuing Legal Education’s publications are intended to provide current and accurate information on designated subject matter. They are offered as an aid to practicing attorneys to help them maintain professional competence with the understanding that the publisher is not rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Attorneys should not rely solely on ICLE publications. Attorneys should research original and current sources of authority and take any other measures that are necessary and appropriate to ensure that they are in compliance with the pertinent rules of professional conduct for their jurisdiction. ICLE gratefully acknowledges the efforts of the faculty in the preparation of this publication and the presentation of information on their designated subjects at the seminar. The opinions expressed by the faculty in their papers and presentations are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Institute of Continuing Legal Education, its officers, or employees. The faculty is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional advice and this publication is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. This publication was created to serve the continuing legal education needs of practicing attorneys. ICLE does not encourage non-attorneys to use or purchase this publication in lieu of hiring a competent attorney or other professional. If you require legal or other expert advice, you should seek the services of a competent attorney or other professional. Although the publisher and faculty have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the publisher and faculty do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. The Institute of Continuing Legal Education of the State Bar of Georgia is dedicated to promoting a well organized, properly planned, and adequately supported program of continuing legal education by which members of the legal profession are afforded a means of enhancing their skills and keeping abreast of developments in the law, and engaging in the study and research of the law, so as to fulfill their responsibilities to the legal profession, the courts and the public. Printed By: HOW CAN WE HELP YOU? Who are we? How does SOLACE work? What needs are addressed? SOLACE is a program of the State If you or someone in the legal Needs addressed by the SOLACE Bar of Georgia designed to assist community is in need of help, simply program can range from unique medical those in the legal community who email [email protected]. Those emails conditions requiring specialized referrals have experienced some significant, are then reviewed by the SOLACE to a fire loss requiring help with clothing, potentially life-changing event in their Committee. If the need fits within the food or housing. Some other examples lives. SOLACE is voluntary, simple and parameters of the program, an email of assistance include gift cards, food, straightforward. SOLACE does not with the pertinent information is sent meals, a rare blood type donation, solicit monetary contributions but to members of the State Bar. assistance with transportation in a accepts assistance or donations in kind. medical crisis or building a wheelchair ramp at a residence. Contact [email protected] for help. The purpose of the SOLACE program is to allow the legal community to provide help in meaningful and compassionate ways to judges, lawyers, court personnel, paralegals, legal secretaries and their families who experience loss of life or other catastrophic illness, sickness or injury. TESTIMONIALS In each of the Georgia SOLACE requests made to date, Bar members have graciously stepped up and used their resources to help find solutions for those in need. A solo practitioner’s A Louisiana lawyer was in need A Bar member was dealing Working with the South quadriplegic wife needed of a CPAP machine, but didn’t with a serious illness and in Carolina Bar, a former rehabilitation, and members have insurance or the means the midst of brain surgery, paralegal’s son was flown of the Bar helped navigate to purchase one. Multiple her mortgage company from Cyprus to Atlanta discussions with their members offered to help. scheduled a foreclosure on (and then to South Carolina) insurance company to obtain her home. Several members for cancer treatment. the rehabilitation she required. of the Bar were able to Members of the Georgia and negotiate with the mortgage South Carolina bars worked company and avoided the together to get Gabriel and pending foreclosure. his family home from their long-term mission work. Contact [email protected] for help. v FOREWORD Dear ICLE Seminar Attendee, Thank you for attending this seminar. We are grateful to the Chairperson(s) for organizing this program. Also, we would like to thank the volunteer speakers. Without the untiring dedication and efforts of the Chairperson(s) and speakers, this seminar would not have been possible. Their names are listed on the AGENDA page(s) of this book, and their contributions to the success of this seminar are immeasurable. We would be remiss if we did not extend a special thanks to each of you who are attending this seminar and for whom the program was planned. All of us at ICLE hope your attendance will be beneficial as well as enjoyable We think that these program materials will provide a great initial resource and reference for you. If you discover any substantial errors within this volume, please do not hesitate to inform us. Should you have a different legal interpretation/opinion from the speaker’s, the appropriate way to address this is by contacting him/her directly. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Sincerely, Your ICLE Staff Jeffrey R. Davis Executive Director, State Bar of Georgia Tangela S. King Director, ICLE Rebecca A. Hall Associate Director, ICLE vii AGENDA Presiding: R. Scot Kraeuter, Program Chair; Vice Chair, Family Law Section, State Bar of Georgia; Johnson Kraeuter & Dunn LLC, Savannah, GA THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2018 7:30 FIRST TIMERS’ BREAKFAST 7:30 REGISTRATION AND CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST (All attendees must check in upon arrival. A jacket or sweater is recommended.) 8:00 OPENING REMARKS 8:15 HOW TO HANDLE A D FCS INVESTIGATION Moderator: ivory t. brown, Secretary, Family Law Section; ivory t. brown, p.c., Atlanta, GA Hon. Belinda E. Edwards, Judge, Fulton County Superior Court, Atlanta, GA Kelly Thornton, Division of Family and Children’s Services, Lead Field Program Specialist, Brunswick, GA Deidre’ Stokes Merriman, Former Associate SAAG and Child Welfare Attorney, Atlanta, GA 8:45 HANDLING THE UNMANAGEABLE CLIENT Hon. Shana M. Rooks, Judge, Clayton County Superior Court, Jonesboro, GA Barry B. McGough, Past Chair, Family Law Section; Warner Bates McGough McGinnis & Portnoy PC, Atlanta, GA 9:15 HOT TIPS: FORENSIC ACCOUNTING Moderator: Shiel G. Edlin, Past Chair, Family Law Section; Stern Edlin Family Law PC, Atlanta, GA Ansley L. Callaway, CPA/CFF, CVA, CDFA, Callaway & Company, LLC, Atlanta, GA Sherri Holder, CPA/ABV/CFF, CVA, The Holder Group LLC, Marietta, GA Elizabeth J. Garrett, J.D., CPA, CVA, Frazier & Deeter LLC, Atlanta, GA 9:45 BREAK AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 9:55 NAVIGATING CONTESTED CUSTODY LITIGATION AND PROFESSIONALISM: AVOID THE PITFALLS Moderator: J. Ashley Sawyer, Sawyer Family Law LLC, Roswell, GA Hon. Tangela H. Barrie, Chief Judge, Stone Mountain Circuit Superior Court, Decatur, GA Hon. Ashley Wright, Judge, Augusta Circuit Superior Court, Augusta, GA Hon. John E. Morse, Jr., Judge, Eastern Circuit Superior Court, Savannah, GA Hon. J. Stephen Schuster, Judge, Cobb Circuit Superior Court, Marietta, GA Hon. Verda M. Colvin, Judge, Macon Circuit Superior Court, Macon, GA Hon. J. Kevin Chason, Judge, South Georgia Circuit Superior Court, Cairo, GA Hon. Michael T. Muldrew, Judge, Ogeechee Circuit Superior Court, Statesboro, GA 10:55 ATTORNEY’S FEES: STATUTES AND COLLECTION TIPS Hon. Horace J. Johnson, Jr, Judge, Alcovy Circuit Superior Court, Covington, GA Hon. J. Wade Padgett, Judge, Augusta Circuit Superior Court, Augusta, GA Tina Shadix Roddenbery, Past President, Young Lawyers Division; Past Chair, Family Law Section; Holland Roddenbery LLC, Atlanta, GA 11:25 DOMESTIC PRACTICE AND ETHICS Hon. Meng H. Lim, Judge, Tallapoosa Circuit Superior Court, Tallapoosa, GA Hon. Penny Haas Freesemann, Judge, Eastern Circuit Superior Court, Savannah, GA Paula J. Frederick, General Counsel, State Bar of Georgia, Atlanta, GA Douglas V. Chandler, Chandler & Moore Law, LLC, Atlanta, GA 12:25 HIDDEN CRIMINAL L AW L ANDMINES FOR THE FAMILY LAW PRACTITIONER Hon. Kathy S. Palmer, Chief Judge, Middle Circuit Superior Court, Swainsboro, GA K. Paul Johnson, Past Chair, Family Law Section; Johnson Kraeuter & Dunn LLC, Savannah, GA Steven Beauvais, Zipperer Lorberbaum & Beauvais PC, Savannah, GA 12:55 TRUSTS AND EQUITABLE DIVISION: GIBSON V. GIBSON Hon. Robert Dale Leonard, II, Judge, Cobb County Superior Court, Marietta, GA Hon. Arthur L. Smith, III, Judge, Chattahoochee Circuit Superior Court, Columbus, GA Kevin J. Rubin, Marple Law Firm, LLC, Atlanta, GA Emily Shoemaker Newton, King & Spalding LLP, Atlanta, GA 1:40 RECESS 1:40 FAMILY L AW SECTION DIVERSITY COMMITTEE LUNCH 1:55- OPTIONAL SESSION: AAML: BRING YOUR FILE 2:40 5:30- WELCOME RECEPTION 8:30 Conference Center Front Lawn (Rain location: Conference Center) 7:30- JUDGES’ AND SPEAKERS’ DINNER 9:00 Westin Hotel FRIDAY, MAY 25, 2018 7:30 CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 8:00 FEDERAL TAX ISSUES AND PITFALLS IN DIVORCE Hon. Michael L. Karpf, Chief Judge, Eastern Circuit Superior Court, Savannah, GA Martin S. “Marty” Varon, CPA/CFF/ABV, CVA, J.D., IAG Forensics & Valuation, Marietta, GA Dan Branch, CPA/ABV, ASA, IAG Forensics & Valuation, Marietta, GA Andrew M. “Drew” Wilkes, Oliver Maner LLP, Savannah, GA 8:45 PSYCHOLOGIST PANEL: NARCISSISM AND DIVORCE Moderator: Sean M. Ditzel, Abernathy Ditzel, LLC, Atlanta, Marietta, GA Hon. Robert S. Reeves, Judge, Middle Circuit Superior Court, Swainsboro, GA Allison B. Hill, Ph.D., J.D., Peachtree Psychological Associates, Atlanta, GA Nancy McGarrah, Ph.D., Cliff Valley Psychologists P.A., Atlanta, GA 9:30 EVIDENCE PART I Hon. Denise Marshall, Judge, Dougherty County Superior Court, Albany, GA Hon. Kimberly A. Childs, Judge, Cobb County Superior Court, Marietta, GA Paul Milich, Professor of Law and Director of Lawyering Advocacy, Georgia State University College of Law, Atlanta, GA 10:00 BREAK, ANNOUNCEMENTS AND LEGISLATIVE UPDATE 10:15 COURT OF APPEALS OF GEORGIA ORAL ARGUMENT (10 minute Q&A to follow oral arguments.) Hon. Anne Elizabeth Barnes, Presiding Judge, Atlanta, GA Hon. Carla Wong McMillian, Judge, Atlanta, GA Hon. Clyde L. Reese, III, Judge, Atlanta, GA Introduction: Nancy I. Jordan, Warner Bates McGough McGinnis & Portnoy PC, Atlanta, GA 12:15 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: TOP CASES OF THE PAST YEAR Sarah McCormack, Hoelting & McCormack, LLC, Atlanta, GA Jonathan V. Dunn, Johnson Kraeuter & Dunn LLC, Savannah, GA 1:00 RECESS 1:00 YLD BEACH PARTY 6:30- FAMILY LAW SECTION RECEPTION WITH THE SPECIFIC DEVIATIONS 9:30 Conference Center Front Lawn (Rain location: Conference Center) FRIDAY BREAK OUT SESSIONS 10:00 BRINGING IN REINFORCEMENTS, WHEN TO ASSOCIATE CO-COUNSEL AND HIRE EXPERTS Hon. Bemon G. McBride, III, Chief Judge, Chattahoochee Circuit Superior Court, Columbus, GA Sheri T. Lake, Smith & Lake LLC, Atlanta, GA Kimberly G. Ader, Davis, Davis Matthews & Quigley PC, Atlanta, GA 10:30 BASIC USE OF A PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR Brent M. Williams, Hawk Professional Investigations, Inc. Atlanta and Savannah, GA Regina Irene Edwards, Edwards Family Law, Atlanta, GA 11:00 HOW TO PREP A C LIENT TO TESTIFY Hon. Robert W. Guy, Jr., Judge, Camden County Superior Court, Woodbine, GA Leigh F. Cummings, Editor, Family Law Section, State Bar of Georgia; Connell Cummings LLC, Atlanta, GA Cherese C. Clark-Wilson, Clark Lowery & Lumpkin LLC, Atlanta, GA