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Attempt by Redvented Bulbul Pycnonotus Cafer To Feed on a Young House Gecko Hemidactylus Flaviviridis PDF

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Preview Attempt by Redvented Bulbul Pycnonotus Cafer To Feed on a Young House Gecko Hemidactylus Flaviviridis

MISCELLANEOUSNOTES References Ali, S. & S.D. Ripley (1983): A Handbook ofBirds of Short,L.L.(1982):WoodpeckersoftheWorld, Delaware IndiaandPakistan,CompactEdition,OUP. MuseumofNaturalHistory. ATTEMPT BY REDVENTED BULBUL PYCNONOTUSCAFER TO FEED 13. ONAYOUNG HOUSEGECKOHEMIDACTYLUSFLAVIVIRIDIS The food of the redvented bulbul catchholdofthe geckoandcarried ittothe wall Pycnonotus cafer consists offruits and berries, where itswungthevictim’sheadviolently from flowernectar,andlargeinsects.Amongthefood side to side and even struck it against the wall. brought for a nestling was a young lizard 9 cm All through, it was very agitated, and soon the long which caused the death of a 5-6 days old crippledyounggeckowasplacedonthe ground. chickattemptingtoswallowit(handbookofbirds Thebird attemptedto swallow it, butthe morsel ofIndiaandPakistan, AliandRipley 1983, Vol. appeared,unmanageable, so it was left. 6, pp 85-88). Similar observations were made by my However, on May 20, 1999 around 0830 brother in his garden at Raipur some time ago, hrs, a bird was seen moving from one flower butinthis case, thebirdkeptitselfstationary for bedtoanotherinourresidenceatDurg,Madhya quite sometimebeforeattemptingtocapturethe Pradesh. For quite some time, the birdbehaved juvenilegecko. inthis manner. Ultimately, it approached a rose bedclosetotheboundarywallwhereitperched, July 15, 1997 A.M.K. BHAROS still looking here and there. Soon it flew down B-101, GayatriNagar, to the gap between the rose plant and a bush, P.O. ShankerNagar, andpeckedatahouse geckohatchling about40 Raipur 492 007, mm long. After some attempts, it managed to Madhya Pradesh. FLOCKING AND ALTITUDINAL MOVEMENTS OF 14. THE BLACKBULBULHYPSIPETESMADAGASCARIENSIS IN THE SOUTHERN WESTERN GHATS, INDIA The black bulbul Hypsipetes move “in parties of six to ten, but sometimes ( madagascariensis)isoneamongseveralspecies numbering up to ahundred individuals ...” (Ali of Indian hill birds that exhibit seasonal and Ripley 1983). Here I describe some altitudinal movements. In the Western Ghats it observations on flocking behaviour and daily m breedsbetween 1000 andthe summits during altitudinal movements of black bulbuls in the March to June, descending to the foothills in Sengaltheri area ofthe Kalakad-Mundanthurai thenon-breeding season(Ali andRipley 1983). Tiger Reserve in southern Tamil Nadu. Beingmainlydependantonfruitforfood, italso The study areainthe southern extremityof m sharesthepenchantforshorttermlocalnomadic the Western Ghats mountain range is ca. 1000 movements seen among frugivorous species, above msl. The vegetation is of the medium possibly tracking changes in food supply over elevationwetevergreenforesttypedescribedby several localities. It has been noted in the Pascal (1988). Systematic observations on 600 H m Himalayan subspecies m. psaroides) that long linetransects andpointcounts (between ( . m during the non-breeding season, the bulbuls 900 and 1350 altitude) were supplemented 320 JOURNAL. BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY. 96(2) AUG. 1999

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