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Ref. p. 31 General introduction 1 General introduction A Definition and substances The free radicals considered in these tables are paramagnetic atoms, molecules and ions which derive their paramagnetism from a single unpaired s- or p-electron. They may be chemically stable or transient. It is usual in organic chemistry to define a free radical as a paramagnetic molecule with one unpaired electron (seef or instance: J. B. Hendrickson, D. J. Cram, G. S. Hammond: Organic Chemistry, 3rd ed. New York: McGraw- Hill 1970). However, alternatively all speciesc an be classified as free radicals “that have a short lifetime in the gaseous phase under ordinary laboratory conditions” regardless of their electronic states (G. Herzberg: The Spectra and Structures of Simple Free Radicals. Ithaca: Cornell University Press1 971).T he substancesin cluded in these tables are all paramagnetic and fulfill the first definition. Most of them also are transient and would fulfill the requirements of the alternative definition. In particular, the tables include: a) Atoms and atomic ions in ‘S and 'P states, b) Molecules or molecular ions which arise or may be thought to arise from the break of a single bond in a diamagnetic organic or inorganic molecule or molecular ion, c) Mono-(tri-, penta-, etc.)-negativeo r -positive ions of neutral organic or inorganic compounds, d) Several molecules which are paramagnetic in their normal binding states and have one unpaired electron (e.g. NO, NO,). Not classified as free radicals are atoms or moleculesi n ground or excited electronic statesw ith multiplicities larger than two (e.g. 0,), transition metal ions and their complexes deriving their paramagnetic properties from d- or f-electrons, charge transfer complexes, aggregateso f free radicals as for instance pairs of radicals not chemically linked to one another in solid matrices, and polyradicals, i.e. molecules or molecular ions, with more than one unpaired s- or p-electron and exchangec ouplings which are of the same order of magnitude as the hyperline interactions. The following tables deal with substanceso f type a) to d). In addition one table lists available information on polyradicals. It has been included becauset he magnetic properties of polyradicals often resemble those of the corresponding monoradicals. Only compounds with unambiguously verified or at least very plausible structures are included. Papers which only state the presenceo f free radicals in a sample and do not give detailed struct.uresn or magnetic pro- perties of the radicals have not been reviewed. Also not reviewed are papers which deal exclusively with other topics than experimental determinations of magnetic properties of free radicals. Such papers may however be mentioned in footnotes or as further referencesa t the appropriate entries. The ordering of the substancesc lassified as free radicals into subclassesis to be seeni n the general table of contents. The ordering within the subclassesis explained, where not selfexplanatory, in introductory sections to the individual tables. B Magnetic properties The magnetic properties of free radicals are representedb y the parameters describing their interaction with external magnetic fields and the parameters of intramolecular hype&e interactions. For many free radicals, in particular 2S-atomsa nd radicals in liquid or solid environments where the orbital and rotational components of angular momentum are quenched, the parameters are conveniently given by the elements of the tensors g and uL of the spin-Hamiltonian g is the spectroscopic splitting or g-tensor. It is symmetric, and for many radicals its principal elementsd eviate only slightly from the g-factor of the free electron g,=2.002319278f0.000000006. The isotropic part of g, i.e. the average of the principal elements, gis=+Cgii I is called the g-factor of the free radical. Fischer 1 Land&-BBmsteiri, N&e Serie IIPa 2 Allgemeine Einleitung [Lit. S.3 n,, the hyperfine coupling tensor, describes the magnetic interaction between the electronic spin momentum and the nuclear spin momentum of the nucleus ). of the radical. If a radical contains several nuclei which interact with the electron spin, then there are several tensors a,. The coupling tensor is also often considered symmetric, its isotropic part Uis=fCUii I is called hyperline coupling constant or splitting parameter. For polyatomic radicals in the gaseousp hase the above spin-Hamiltonian does not apply. Here, the presence of unquenchend orbital and rotational angular momenta necessitates the introduction of several magnetic hyperfine coupling constants to describe the interaction between one nucleus and the free electron. These are defined and explained in the introduction to the tables on inorganic radicals. Polyradicals have magnetic properties derived from Zeeman (g) and hyperfine (a) interactions and in addition from exchangea nd dipolar coupling of the individual radical electrons. The display of the appropriate parameters is explained in the introduction to the tables on polyradicals. There are a variety of techniques for the determination of the various parameters of the spin-Hamiltonian. Often applied are Elec!ron Paramagnetic or Spin Resonance (EPR, ESR), Electron Nuclear Double Resonance (ENDOR), Electron Electron Double Resonance( ELDOR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance( NMR), occassionally utilizing effects of Chemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (CIDNP), Optical Detection of Magnetic Resonance (ODMR), Atomic Beam Spectroscopy and Optical Spectroscopy. The extraction of the magnetic parameters from the spectra obtained by application of these and related techniques follows procedures which may in detail depend on the technique, the state of the sample (gaseous,l iquid, unordered solid, ordered solid) and on spectral resolution. For particulars, the reader is referred to the general references( D). Further, magnetic moments of free radicals can be obtained from static susceptibility measurements.I n the last years such determinations are rare, and they are only occassionally mentioned in the tables. For a list of referencesc overing the literature up to 1964, see: H. Fischer: Magnetic Properties of Free Radicals, Landolt-Biirnstein, New Series, Group II, Vol. 1. Berlin, Heidelberg. New York: Springer 1965. C Arrangement of the tables The following tables give the spin-Hamilton parameters g and a, of free radicals as determined mainly by spectroscopic measurementso n liquid or solid samples. Gaseous phase di- and tri-atomic radicals are included in the tables on inorganic radicals. There is a special table on organic polyradicals and a collection of information on spin-labelled biomolecules. For the display of the data the substancesw hich are classified as free radicals are subdivided into several classes,a nd one individual table contains the information on the radicals of one particular class. Each table is headed by an introduction to the subject of the table which may specify the chemical speciesb elonging to the class, details of the arrangement and ordering of the substances,a nd in some casesa lso special abbreviations. The table is followed by the list of references. Within the individual tables the radicals are grouped into families. The data are arranged in columns in the following manner which, as far as possible, is applied to all species: The first column describes the structure of the radical and contains the gross formula, the name (where useful and appropriate) and the structural formula (or a footnote referring to the structural formula). The secondc olumn briefly describes the generation of the radical and specifiest he matrix or solvent in which the radical was measured. For stable radicals (naturally occurring or synthesized by common chemical routes) the generation may not be specified. The third column specifies the method used to determine g and a. The abbreviations for the methods most frequently used are explained in the list of abbreviations, p. 4. If other abbreviations and other methods appear they are explained in footnotes. The third column also states the sample temperature during the measurement in units K. 300 normally means room temperature. The fi~rrrh column (g-factor) states the absolute values of the elements of the g-tensor g. If for one radical four values are given, the first three are the principal elements of g, the fourth is the isotropic part gi,. If only one value is given without further explanation it is the isotropic part. Principal axes of g are not given. Errors are quoted in parentheses after the values. The fiifth column (a-value) contains the elements of the hyperline coupling tensors a, of the coupling nuclei and states the nuclei. Where possible the signs of the tensor elements are given. The unit is mT (milli-Tesla), except for gaseousr adicals where MC/S( = MHz) is applied. In many original papers Gauss or MC/Sa re used as units. Fischer General introduction 3 The conversion is : 1 mT; 10 Gauss2 28.0247( g/g,) MC/S If column five gives four values of a for one nucleus the first three are the principal elementso f the coupling tensor, the fourth is the isotropic part. If only one value is given without further explanation it is the isotropic part. Errors are quoted in parentheses. The nucleus to which the parameters belong is characterized by its chemical symbol, a left superscript may indicate the isotope, if another than the most abundant is meant. Entries within parenthesesa fter the chemical symbol specify different positions of the nucleus in the radical (e.g. 170(2): The values belong to the isotope 170 in position 2 of the structural formula). If several nuclei with the same chemical symbol couple with the same hyperfine coupling constants the parameters are given only once and the number of equivalent nuclei is stated before the chemical symbol (e.g. 3 H: The values belong to 3 equivalent H atoms of the molecule). The arrangement of columns four and five may differ for the caseso f gaseousr adicals and polyradicals from that described above. For these casest he entries are explained in the individual tables. The sixth column (Ref./add. Ref.) lists the referencef rom which the data are taken. This referencei s followed by additional referencest o the same subject. All referencesb elonging to one individual table are found in the bibliography after that table. The literature was considered for the period from 1964 to the end of 1975. For several tables literature of 1976 has also been included. Magnetic properties of free radicals published before March 1964 are found in: H. Fischer: Magnetic Properties of Free Radicals, Landolt-Bornstein, New Series,G roup II, Vol. 1. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 1965. D Important monographs 67Atl Atkins, P. W., Symons,M . C. R.: The Structure of Inorganic Radicals. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1967. 67Ayl Ayscough, P.B.: Electron Spin Resonancei n Chemistry. London: Methuen 1967. 67Cal Carrington, A., McLachlan, A.D.: Introduction to Magnetic Resonance.H arper International 1967. 67Gel Gerson, F.: Hochauflosende ESR-Spektroskopie. Weinheim: Verlag Chemie 1967. 67Pol Poole, C. P., Jr.: Electron Spin Resonance.N ew York: Interscience 1967. 68All Alger, R. S.: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance.N ew York: Interscience 1968. 68Kal Kaiser, E.T., Kevan, L.: Radical Ions. New York: Interscience 1968. 7OScl Scheffler,K ., Stegmann,H .B.: Elektronenspinresonanz. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 1970. 72Gel Geschwind, S., Editor: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance.N ew York: Plenum Press 1972. 72Mul Muus, L.T., Atkins, P.W ., Editors: Electron Spin Relaxation in Liquids. New York: Plenum Press 1972. 72Swl Swartz, H.M., Bolton, J. R., Borg, D. C.: Biological Applications of Electron Spin Resonance. New York: Wiley 1972. 72Wel Wertz, J.E., Bolton, J.R.: Electron Spin Resonance.N ew York: McGraw-Hill 1972. 73Atl Atherton, N.M.: Electron Spin Resonance,T heory and Applications. New York: Halsted 1973. 73Bul Buchachenko,A .L., Wasserman,A .L.: Stable Radicals. Weinheim: Verlag Chemie 1973. 73Kol Kochi, J.K., Editor: Free Radicals. New York: Wiley 1973. 73Nol Norman, R. O.C., Editor: Electron Spin Resonance.L ondon: The Chemical Society 1973f f. 74Cal Carrington, A.: Microwave Spectroscopy of Free Radicals. London: Academic Press1 974. Fischer 4 Allgemeine Einleitung [Lit. S.6 1 E Symbols and abbreviations Symbols ‘%,A, empirical parameters, see 1.1.4 !T g-tensor a, b, c, d [MHz] magnetic hyperfine coupling isotropic part of g (g-factor) gis constants in Mega-Hertz, see1 .1.4 nuclear g-factor of nucleus 1 aisC mTl isotropic part of a in milli-Tesla spin-Hamilton operator aAC mTl hyperfine coupling tensor of external magnetic field vector nucleus R in milli-Tesla nuclear spin operator of nucleus R I.‘, Bohr magneton effective electron spin operator i’s nuclear magneton temperature in Kelvin Abbreviations General: CIDNP chemically induced dynamic NMR nuclear magnetic resonance nuclear polarization ODMR optical detection of magnetic e electron resonance ELDOR electron electron double resonance P proton ENDOR electron nuclear double resonance phot. photolysis EPR electron paramagnetic resonance RF radio frequency ESR electron spin resonance shfs superhyperfine splitting eV electron Volt sol. solution hfs hyperfine splitting uv ultraviolet Hz ( = c/s) Hertz (= cycles per second) UV-irr., irradiation, photolysis by UV light irr. irradiation UV-phot. is isotropic X X-ray mol. molecular K B a-, /I-particles MW microwave Y y-radiation n neutron Substnnces or parts of arbsfmces: ADP ammonium dihydrogen phosphate KDP potassium dihydrogen phosphate bu butyl me methyl cP cyclopentadienyl MTHF 2-methyltetrahydrofuran diglyme di-ethylene glycol di-ethyl ether ph phenyl DME dimethoxy ethane pr wwl DMF dimethyl formamide TBO . t-butoxy radical DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide t-bu 00 t-bu di-t-butyl peroxide et ethyl THF tetrahydrofuran HMPA hexamethyl phosphorus amide TMS tetramethyl silane Fischer Ref. p. 61 1 Inorganic radicals: 1.1 Introduction 5 1 Inorganic radicals 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 Extent and method of survey The literature of Electron Spin Resonanceh as been surveyedf rom 1964 to 1975 inclusive; abstraction ceased at the end of December, 1976.T he source-book for the survey was Chemical Abstracts, under the main headings Magnetic ResonanceA bsorption and Electron Spin Resonance.F or the post-1970 literature, appropriate key words were used to search Science Citation Index. 1.1.2 Radicals included in survey “Inorganic” was taken to mean “containing not more than one carbon atom”, except that certain ligands (for example, CO; and CN) were regarded as inorganic per se, and not included in the carbon enumeration. “Radicals” was assumed to mean “paramagnetic atoms, molecules or ions deriving their paramagnetism from a single, unpaired s or p electron.” Following this definition, data for atomic or molecular triplet states (0, ?; 0,) 3z) and quartet states( N, 4s) have not beeni ncluded. The vast literature of transition-metal complexes has also been discarded as these speciesd erive their paramagnetism from unpaired d electrons*). On the other hand, data for transition-metal atoms in zS or ‘P states (e.g., Cu’, Zn+, Cd+) have been included. 1.1.3 Arrangement of the tables The division of earlier tabulations into atoms, moleculesa nd ions has been discontinued. Instead, the radicals are arranged in order of increasing atomic number of the central atom. Here, “central atom” means the geo- metrically central atom, not necessarilyt he atom on which most of the electron spin resides. For example, in CO; the central atom is carbon, whereast he spin-density is primarily on the three oxygens.I n the caseo f diatomic radicals, the atom having the higher atomic number is defined as the “central” atom, although a cross-reference using the other atom is also given (for example, NO is listed with oxygen radicals, but has a cross-reference under nitrogen). Radicals having a given central atom**) are arranged as follows: (a) by increasing number of ligands, (b) by increasing total atomic number of the atoms which are directly bound to the central atom, (c) by increasing negative charge, (d) by electronic state of the radical, (e) by the following criteria for the matrix/solvent: (cd chemical composition, (8) temperature. For symbols and abbreviations, seep age 4. 1.1.4 Gas-phase free radicals [52frl, 61ral] The presence of unquenched orbital and rotational components of angular momentum in a free radical necessitatest he introduction of several additional terms into the Hamiltonian for the energy of the molecule in a magnetic field. In the caseo f diatomic free radicals, Frosch and Foley have shown that four magnetic hyperfine coupling constants a, b, c and d are neededt o describet he interaction between a nucleus and the electron, where *) For thesec ompoutldss, eeV ol. II/2 and II/S of the New Serieso f Landolt-Bernstein. **) Isotopesa re listed together,o nly ‘H, *H, 3H are listed separately. Morton/Preston 6 1 Anorganische Radikale: 1.1 Einleitung The determinable parameters from gas-phase electron resonance spectra are functions of combinations of these constants, and in general it is not possible to obtain unique values of a, b, c and d from the experimental data. Where possible, we have quoted values of the empirical parameters A, and A,, as defined by Radford, for the hyperfine interaction constants of gas-phaser adicals. These parameters appear in the expressions W+=(A,+A,)m,m,, W-=(A,-A,)m,m, for the first-order hfs energieso f the l-doublet components and are, in general, complex’functions of a, b, c and n. In view of the complexity of the total Hamiltonian for gas-phase radicals, conversion of values for A, and A, measured in MHz into units of mT seemedt o us to be of little value. Accordingly, we have presented data in these Tables for gas-phase radicals other than free atoms in units of MHz. 1.1.5 Review articles 52frl Frosch, R.A., Foley, H.M.: Magnetic Hyperfine Structure in Diatomic Molecules. Phys. Rev. 88 (1952) 1337. 61ral Radford, H.E.: Microwave Zeeman Effect of Free Hydroxyl Radicals. Phys. Rev. 122 (1961) 114. 64mol Morton, J.R.: Electron Spin Resonance Spectra of Oriented Radicals. Chem. Rev. 64 (1964) 453. 65~111 zu Putlitz, G.: Determination of Nuclear Moments with Optical Double Resonance. Ergeb. Exakt. Natunv. 37 (1965) 105. 67atl Atkins, P.W., Symons, M.C.R.: The Structure of Inorganic Radicals. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1%7. 67ayl Ayscough, P.B.: Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy in Chemistry. London: Methuen 1967. 671~1 Carrington, A., McLachlan, A.D.: Introduction to Magnetic Resonance. New York: Harper and Row 1967. 68cal Carrington, A.: Electron Resonance of Gaseous Free Radicals. Proc. Roy. Sot. (London) Ser.A 382 (1968) 291. 68kal Kaiser, E.T., Kevan, L., Editors: Radical Ions. New York: Interscience 1968. 69fel Fessenden,R . W.: Determination of the Relative Signs of ESR Hypertine Constants. J. Magn. Resonance 1 (1969) 277. 7Ocal Carrington, A., Levy, D.H., Miller, T.A.: Electron Resonance of Gaseous Diatomic Molecules. Advan. Chem. Phys. 18 (1970) 149. 72frl Freed, J.H.: Electron Spin Resonance. Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 23 (1972) 265. 72gel Geschwind, S., Editor: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. New York: Plenum Press 1972. 72wel Wertz, J.E., Bolton, J.R.: Electron Spin Resonance. New York: McGraw-Hill 1972. 73atl Atherton, N.M.: Electron Spin Resonance, Theory and Applications. New York: Halsted 1973. 73nol Norman, R.O.C., Editor: Electron Spin Resonance. London: The Chemical Society 1973. 74cal Carrington, A.: Microwave Spectroscopy of Free Radicals. London: Academic Press 1974. 74nol Norman, R.O.C., Editor: Electron Spin Resonance. London: The Chemical Society 1974. 74psl Pshezhetskii,S .Y.: EPR of Free Radicals in Radiation Chemistry. New York: Wiley 1974. 74shl Shields, H.: ESR of Free Radicals Produced in Solids by Ionizing Radiation. Magn. Resonance Rev. 3 (1974) 375. 76bol Boate, A.R., Morton, J.R., Preston, K.F.: Analysis of ESR Spectra of Radicals Having Large Hyperline Interactions. J. Magn. Resonance 24 (1976) 259. Morton/ Preston 1.2 Tables Substance Generation/ Method/ g-Factor a-Value Ref./ Matrix or Solvent UK1 CmTl add. Ref. 1.2.1 Hydrogen - centered radicals (H, ‘H, 3H) H Gas discharge/ ‘I/ 2.002284 (2) H: 50.6850 (2) 65Bal Hydrogen atom Inert gas - H (1 ‘St) Gas discharge/ ‘Y 2.002284 2, H: 50.68499832 (4) 3, 68Br3/ Argon gas - alna, 65Bal -=3.59 (2). 10-r’ m2N-’ 8P y-irr. of nonmetal hydrides/ EPR/ 68Ja2 Ar 4 2.00108 H: 51.297 Kr 1.99894 H: 51.037 Xe 1.99999 H: 50.223 y-irr:/ EPR/ 2.002 H: 50.1 66Shl 77 H2O X-, UV-irr./ EPR/ 65Zh3 HF aqueous 77 2.0026 (9) H: 50.41 (10) HCl aqueous 77 2.0021 (9) H: 50.11 (10) HCIO, aqueous 77 2.0026 (9) H: 50.11 (10) y-irr./ EPR/ 2.00210 (2) H: 50.211 66Mal HClO, 77 y-irr./ EPR/ 2.00230 (4) H: 50.231 (5) 7OUIl HClO,: H20 77 X-, UV-irr./ EPR/ 2.0024 (9) H: 50.35 (10) 65Zh3 (continued) H,PO, aqueous 77 ‘) Optical pumping. ‘) Assumed (see [65Bal]). 3, Extrapolated to zero pressure. Substance Generation/ Method/ C-Factor tr-Value Ref./ Matrix or Solvent TCKI CmTl add. Ref. H y-irr./ EPR/ 2.00213 (2) H: 50.380 66Mal (continued) H,PO, 77 X-, UV-irr./ EPR/ 2.0029 (9) H: 50.69 (10) 65Zh3 H,SO, aqueous 77 y-irr./ EPR/ 2.00217 (2) H: 50.501 66Mal H,SOa 77 2.5 MeV e-irr./ EPR/ 64Ogl NaH,PO, 77 2.0020 H: 50.321 Na,HPO, 77 2.0017 H: 50.221 Ca3(PQJ2 77 2.0019 H: 50.334 Ca(H2P0&. H,O 77 2.0018 H: 50.540 y-irr./ EPR/ 2.0020 (5) H: 50.68 (2) 70Dul LiF:OH- 300 X-irr./ EPR/ 2.0032 H: 49.870 66Ha6/ NaCl 66 65Be2 UV-irr./ EPR/ 2.0024 H: 48.26 7OSpl NaCl: OH- 80 4Cl 5): 2.29; 1.24; 1.24; is: 1.59 UV-phot./ EPR/ 2.0020 H: 53.10 7OSpl KF:OH- 55 4F 5): 8.80; 2.94; 2.94; is: 4.89 4K ‘): 0.38; 0.22; 0.22; is: 0.27 X-irr./ EPR/ 2.0024 H: 50.258 66Ha6/ KC1 20 65Be2 UV-phot./ EPR/ H: 49.40 65Gol (continued) KCI 77 4Cl 5): 0.88 ‘) Lattice hfs. Substance Generation/ Method/ I g-Factor 1 a-Value Ref./ Matrix or Solvent UK1 1C mTl add. Ref. L I H UV-phot./ EPR, 2.0030 (1) H: 49.14 (2); 69Spl/ (continued) KCl:OH- ENDOR/ 439K 5): 0.0677 (1); 0.0181 8 (1); 66Sp1, 77 0.0188 (1); 67Sp1, is: 0.035 7OSpl 435C1 5): 1.326 (1); 0.61 ( 1); 0.61 (1); is: 0.847 UV-phot./ EPR/ 2.0062 H: 47.61 7OSpl KBr: OH- 55 4Br ‘): 6.9 (1); 2.9 (1); 2.!) (1); is: 4.3 UV-irr./ EPR/ 2.0244 (10) H: 45.36 (7) 71Ha2 KI: SH- 32 41 “): 8.52 (5); 3.58 (5); 3.. 58 (5); is: 5.23 UV-phot./ EPR, H: 49.56 (1) 69Lel RbCl: OH- crystal ENDOR/ 48sRb ‘): 0.651 20 435C1 “): 0.619 UV-phot./ EPRf 2.0075 H: 48.01 7OSpl RbBr : OH- 55 4Br ‘): 5.3; 2.0; 2.0; is: 3.1 UV-irr./ EPR/ 2.0038 H: 49.34 7OSpl RbCl:OH- 80 4Cl “): 1.01; 0.42; 0.42; is: 0.62 UV-phot./ EPR/ 2.007 H: 44.6 73Bll CsCl: SH- 26 235C1 5): 4.22; 2.22; 2.22. is: 2.89 4133cs 5): 1.74; 1.02; 1.0: is: 1.26 UV-phot./ EPR/ 1.994; H: 42.9 73Bll CsBr: SH- 26 2.028; 279Br: 22 2. 113.,. 11.3.2 2.028; is:’ 1’4.9 is: 2.017 4’33Cs 5): 1.11; 0.64; 0.61 (continued) is: 0.79 ‘) Lattice hfs. Substance Generation/ Method/ e-Factor a-Value Ref./ Matrix or Solvent UK1 CmTl add. Ref. H X-irr. CaF, : H,/ ‘7 71Sll (continued) CaF, powder 52.25 ml 52.20 I 5 52.15 50 100 150 200 250 300 K 350 Experimental variation of a with temperature at constant aressure. Circles are data points [71Sll]. Y-irr./ EPR/ !.00235 (6) H: 51.36 (1) 69Be2/ ClaF, 77 6F ‘): 6.00 (2); 1.88 (1); 1.88 (1); 67Be4 is: 3.25 (1) +irr./ 3PR/ !.0048 (1) H: 49.588 (5) 64Kol (continued) ZaSO, a5 H,O powder loo ‘) g= 2.0023 assumed in calculating a”. ‘) Lattice hfs.

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