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Preview Atomic teleportation via cavity QED and position measurements: efficiency analysis

Atomic teleportation via cavity QED and position measurements: efficiency analysis Michele Tumminello1 and Francesco Ciccarello1,2 1Dipartimento di Fisica e Tecnologie Relative, Universit`a di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 18, I-90128 Palermo, Italy. 2Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze Fisiche della Materia (CNISM), Italy, NEST-INFM (CNR) & Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche ed Astronomiche, Universit`a degli Studi di Palermo, Via Archirafi 36, I-90123 Palermo, Italy. WehaverecentlypresentedanovelprotocoltoteleportanunknownatomicstateviacavityQED and position measurements. Here, after a brief review of our scheme, we provide a quantitative study of its efficiency. This is accomplished by an explicit description of the measurement process that allows usto derivethe fidelity with respect to theatomic internalstate to beteleported. 8 PACSnumbers: 42.50.-p,32.80.Lg,03.65.Ud 0 0 2 I. INTRODUCTION n a J The key roleplayedby quantumentanglementin anumber ofcrucialquantuminformationprocessingtasks is now 3 firmly grounded [1]. One of the most striking applications harnessing such powerful resource is the teleportation of an unknown qubit, the unit of quantum information, between two distant systems first proposed in famous paper ] by Bennett et al. [2]. The idea is essentially to transfer an unknown quantum state from an input qubit A to a h target qubit B by using an ancilla, e.g. a third auxiliary qubit C. Teleportation is achieved via preparationof initial p - maximallyentangledstatesbetweenqubitsBandC andsuccessiveBellmeasurementsonAandC. Thisphenomenon t soon obtained large attention especially after in its experimental demonstrations [3, 4, 5, 6]. n a Ofcourse,due to its purely quantumnature,teleportationcanbe attainedin systemsthat exhibita fully quantum u behaviour. This is one of the reasons why cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), where coherentcoupling between q Rydberg atomsand the quantizedelectromagnetic(e.m.) field is possible [7],has been soonaddressedasa promising [ scenario to achieve teleportation [8]. In cavity-QED schemes for teleporting states between two atoms, the typical 1 strategy is indeed to harness the coherent atom-field interactionusing cavity e.m. modes and/or additional atoms as v ancillary systems. 4 Among these works are some recent schemes where direct (in general quite difficult) projections onto Bell states 9 areavoided[9, 10,11, 12, 13]. Inparticular,Zhenghasproposeda scheme forapproximatelyteleporting anunknown 4 internal state between two atoms which successively interact with a cavity mode according to the Jaynes-Cummings 0 Hamiltonian [11]. Ye and Guo have presented another scheme that does not require projections onto Bell-state and . 1 makesuseofthreeatomsandasingle-modecavityfieldoutofresonance[12]. Theatom-atomcouplingviathevirtual 0 excitations of the cavity field is exploited for teleporting a quantum state between two atoms. The probability of 8 success ofthe Zheng scheme is 1/4,whereasthe teleportationis successfulwith probability1/2in the proposalby Ye 0 and Guo. Noticeably, both the schemes require precise tuning of the atom-cavity field interaction time [11, 12]. : v Very recently, we have proposed the first cavity-QED scheme that exploits the atomic translational dynamics in i X ordertoaccomplishteleportationbetweentwoatoms[14]. Amongthemajoradvantagesaretheprobabilityofsuccess of1/2,the needtomeasureonlyproductstates aswellastheability ofthe protocolto workwithoutanyholonomous r a constraint on the atom-photon interaction times. In particular, the latter feature implies that, unlike other schemes [11, 12] no precise tuning of the atom-cavity field interaction times is required. It only suffices that such times are large enough in order for which-path information of the two atoms to become accessible. In Ref. [14], we have provided evidence that position measurements enable successful teleportation in the regime of accessible which-path information. This phenomenon was shownto stem fromthe asymptotic orthogonalityof the field-deflectedatomicwavepackets[15, 16]. Inthis work,wemakesuchconclusionsmoreexactbyexplicitly including the measurement process of the atomic positions. This allows us to calculate the fidelity with respect to the state to be teleported as a function of the parameters entering the dynamics. We derive a lower bound for such a quantity and study its dependence on the measured atomic positions and the atom-cavity interaction times. This paper is organizedas follows. InSec. II, weintroduce the systemandthe Hamiltonian. In Sec. III, we review the teleportation scheme of Ref. [14]. In Sec. IV, we calculate the final state of the atom-field system once all the necessary measurements required for successful teleportation have been explicitly taken into account. In Sec. V we analyze the efficiency of the scheme in terms of the fidelity with respect to the atomic state to be teleported. We also provide a lower bound for such a quantity and investigate its behaviour as a function of the measured atomic positions and the atom-field interaction times. Finally, in Sec. VI we draw our conclusions. 2 II. SYSTEM AND APPROACH Weconsidertwoidenticaltwo-levelatoms,labeled1and2,ofmassmandBohrfrequencyω. Theatomsinteractin successionwiththee.m. fieldofthesamee.m. cavity. Weassumethatthevelocityofeachatomalongthez-direction (orthogonal to the x-cavity axis) is large enough that the motion along the z-axis is not affected by the cavity field and can be treated classically. Denoting by a and a† the annihilation and creation operators of the cavity field and assuming the resonance condition, the free Hamiltonian H can be written as 0 pˆ2 H = i +~ωS +~ωa†a, (1) 0 z,i 2m i=1,2(cid:20) (cid:21) X where – for each atom i = 1,2 – S ,S are the usual spin-1/2 operators and pˆ = i~(d/dx ) is the x-component z,i ±,i i i − of the momentum operator. In the Rotating Wave Approximation, each atom i couples to the cavity field according to the interaction Hamiltonian H =~εsin(kxˆ ) a†S +aS (i=1,2) (2) if i −,i +,i with k and ε standing for the wave number of the e.m(cid:0). mode and the(cid:1)atom-field coupling constant, respectively, and where xˆ is the ith atomic position operator along the cavity axis. i Hamiltonian (2) accounts for the spatial structure of the e.m. field along the x-cavity axis. Based on such Hamil- tonian model, a number of observable phenomena have been shown such as the optical Stern-Gerlach effect [17], self-induced transparency [18], modulation of the atomic decay in a damped cavity [19] and non-dissipative damping of the Rabi oscillations [15, 16]. When both the atomic wavepackets have width σ small enough compared with the cavity wavelength 2π/k xi (σ 2π/k) and in a nodal region of the cavity H , can be approximated as [20] xi ≪ i H = ~εkxˆ a†S +aS , (3) iN i −,i +,i where xˆi stands for the atomic position operator of the it(cid:0)h atom with re(cid:1)spect to the nodal point. At time t = 0, atom 1 enters the cavity and interacts with the field for a time t . At a later time t > t , atom 2 1 2 1 enters the cavity and couples to the field state modified by the first atom. At time t > t atom 2 exits the cavity. 3 2 At times t t both the atoms are therefore out of the cavity and evolve freely. In the interaction picture, the 3 ≥ Hamiltonian at all times reads pˆ pˆ HI (t) = ~εk xˆ + 1t µ (0,t )u +~εk xˆ + 2t µ (t ,t )u , (4) N 1 m t 1 1 2 m t 2 3 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) wherewehaveintroducedtheatom-fieldoperatorsu =a†S +aS andwherethetime intervalduringwhicheach i −,i +,i atom interacts with the cavity mode is accounted for by means of the function µ (t′,t′′) = θ(t t′) θ(t t′′), θ(t) t being the usualHeavisidefunction. Ofcourse,inthe time interval[t ,t ]andfort t HI (t)va−nishe−ssinc−eno atom 1 2 ≥ 3 N is inside the cavity. The Hamiltonian operator of Eq. (4) can be used to derive the exact dynamics of a given initial state of the two-atom-field system at times t t through the respective evolution operator UI(t t ) ≥ 3 N ≥ 3 i t3 UI(t t )=T exp HI (t)dt (5) N ≥ 3 −~ N (cid:20) Z0 (cid:21) withT standingforthetime-orderingoperatorandwherethesecondintegrationboundisduetothefactthatHI =0 N for t t . 3 Du≥e to the fact that atom 2 enters the cavity after atom 1 has come out of it, it is possible to split up UI(t t ) into the product of two evolution operators UI (t t ) and UI (t t ). Each operator UI (t t ) onNly a≥ffec3ts N,1 ≥ 3 N,2 ≥ 3 N,i ≥ 3 the dynamics of atom i. In formulae (from now on, whenever unnecessary, the time argument “(t t )” and/or the 3 ≥ apex “I” in the evolution operators will be omitted) U =U U (6) N N,2 N,1 · with i t1 U =T exp HI (t)dt =U (xˆ ,pˆ ,u ), (7) N,1 −~ N N,1 1 1 1 (cid:20) Z0 (cid:21) i t3 U =T exp HI (t)dt =U (xˆ ,pˆ ,u ), (8) N,2 −~ N N,2 2 2 2 (cid:20) Zt2 (cid:21) where in the right-hand side of both equations we have explicitly indicated the quantities the U ’s depends on N,i according to Eq. (4). 3 III. TELEPORTATION SCHEME We denote the ground and excited states of the ith atom by g and e , respectively. Assume that atom 2 is the i i | i | i one whose initial internal state, say α , is to be teleported. Such state is written as | i2 ϑ ϑ α =cos e +eiϕsin g (9) | i2 2 | 2i 2 | 2i with ϑ [0,π] and ϕ [0,π]. ∈ ∈ By indicating the Fock states of the cavity field as n (n = 0,1,...), we consider the initial state of the system | i Ψ(0) = ϕ (0) e ϕ (0) α 0 where ϕ (0) (associated with each atom i= 1,2) is a Gaussian wavepacket of m| inimium|un1cerita|in1ity,|su2chtih|ati2th|eiproduct|beitweientheinitialpositionandmomentumwidthsfulfillsσ σ =~/2. xi· pi Consider now the usualdressedstates ofthe ith atom χ± =(e n g n+1 )/√2 (n=0,1,...). These states n,i | ii| i±| ii| i areeigenstatesofthe u operatorssince u χ± = √n+1 χ± (while u g 0 =0). The dressedstatestogether i i n,i ± (cid:12) (cid:11) n,i i| ii| i with g 0 (i=1,2) represent an orthonormalbasis o(cid:12)f the corresponding Hilbert space. As u commutes with U | ii| i (cid:12) (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:11) i N,i according to Eqs. (4), (7) and (8), the effe(cid:12)ctive representatio(cid:12)n U(n,±) of U , as applied to a dressed state χ± , is N,i N,i n,i obtained by simply replacing u with √n+1 in Eqs. (7) and (8). This yields i ± (cid:12) (cid:11) (cid:12) U(n,±) =U (xˆ ,pˆ, √n+1) (n=0,1,...), (10) N,i N,i i i ± while the effective representation of U – as applied to state g 0 – reduces to the identity operator for both the N,i i | i| i atoms i=1,2. The operators in Eq. (10) clearly affects only the atomic translational dynamics and therefore allows to define a family of atomic translational wavepackets Φ± according to Φ± =U(n,±) ϕ (0) such that n,i n,i N,i | i i UN,i|ϕi(0)i χ(cid:12)(cid:12)±n,i (cid:11)= Φ±n,i χ±n,i (cid:12)(cid:12). (cid:11) (11) (cid:12) (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:12) (cid:11) Once the time evolution operator (6) is applied to th(cid:12)e initial(cid:12)state (cid:12)Ψ(0) , the state of the whole system at a time | i t t – when both the atoms are out of the cavity – can be written in the form 3 ≥ ψ(t ) = λ ϕ (0) g 0 + λη Φη χη , | 3 i | 0,1i| 2 i| 2i| i n,1 n,2 n,2 n=0,1η=−,+ X X (cid:0)(cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:1) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where the λ states of atom 1 are defined according to Φ+ + Φ− ϑ λ = 0,1 0,1 eiϕsin e , (12) 0,1 1 | i (cid:12) (cid:11) 2 (cid:12) (cid:11)! 2 | i (cid:12) (cid:12) Φ+ + Φ− ϑ Φ+ Φ− ϑ λ± = 0,1 0,1 cos e 0,1 − 0,1 eiϕsin g , (13) 0,1 (cid:12) (cid:11)2√2(cid:12) (cid:11)! 2 | 1i± (cid:12) (cid:11)2√2(cid:12) (cid:11)! 2 | 1i (cid:12) (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Φ+ Φ− ϑ λ± = 0,1 − 0,1 cos g . (14) 1,1 (cid:12) (cid:11)2√2(cid:12) (cid:11)! 2 | 1i (cid:12) (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) By indicating the time spent inside the cavity by atoms 1 and 2 with τ =t t and τ =t t , respectively, the 1 2 1 2 3 2 states Φ± appearing in Eq. (12) fulfill the following important property [16−, 21, 22] − n,i (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:11) lim Φ+ Φ− =0. (15) τi→∞ n,i n,ii (cid:10) (cid:12) According to Eq. (15), wavepackets Φ+ and Φ− exh(cid:12)ibit a negligible overlap for long enough times of flight τ . n,i n,i i Times of flight of the order of a few Rabi oscillations are sufficient in order to get negligible overlapping [21, 22]. Such noticeable circumstance allows(cid:12)(cid:12)to d(cid:11)istingu(cid:12)(cid:12)ish t(cid:11)he elements of the set of translational states Φ± through { n,i } measurementsofthe atomicpositions alongthe x-axis. As canbe shown,Eq.(15)yields thatallthe termsappearing in (12) are mutually orthogonal provided τ and τ are sufficiently large. By expressing the dresse(cid:12)(cid:12)d st(cid:11)ates χ± 1 2 n,2 appearinginEq.(12)intermsofstates g n and e n ,onerecognizestheoccurrenceofcaseswheremeasurements | 2i| i | 2i| i (cid:12) (cid:11) ofthe photonnumber,of the internalstate ofatom2 andofthe positionsof the two atomscanmake atom1 co(cid:12)llapse into the initial internal state of atom 2 (α ), i.e. a successful teleportation can take place. For instance, a photon- | i2 number measurement signaling a single photon in the cavity projects ψ(t ) onto the cavity field state 1 . This 3 | i | i 4 |ni Int. 2 Tr. 1 Tr. 2 Result Int. 1 Pfail 2 – – – Unsuccessful – 1(1+cosϑ) 8 |e2i – – Unsuccessful – 18(1+cosϑ) |g2i ˛˛Φ−0,1¸ ˛˛Φ−0,2¸ Successful cosϑ2 |e1i+eiϕsinϑ2 |g1i – 1 |g2i ˛˛Φ−0,1¸ ˛˛Φ+0,2¸ Successful [24] cosϑ2 |e1i−eiϕsinϑ2 |g1i – |g2i ˛˛Φ+0,1¸ ˛˛Φ+0,2¸ Successful cosϑ2 |e1i+eiϕsinϑ2 |g1i – |g2i ˛˛Φ+0,1¸ ˛˛Φ−0,2¸ Successful [24] cosϑ2 |e1i−eiϕsinϑ2 |g1i – |g2i – – Unsuccessful – 14(1−cosϑ) |e2i ˛˛Φ−0,1¸ ˛˛Φ−0,2¸ Successful cosϑ2 |e1i+eiϕsinϑ2 |g1i – 0 |e2i ˛˛Φ−0,1¸ ˛˛Φ+0,2¸ Successful [24] cosϑ2 |e1i−eiϕsinϑ2 |g1i – |e2i ˛˛Φ+0,1¸ ˛˛Φ+0,2¸ Successful cosϑ2 |e1i+eiϕsinϑ2 |g1i – |e2i ˛˛Φ+0,1¸ ˛˛Φ−0,2¸ Successful [24] cosϑ2 |e1i−eiϕsinϑ2 |g1i – TABLE I: Teleportation measurement scheme. Each case is represented by given outcomes of the number of photons (1st column), theinternal stateof atom 2 (2nd column) and thedeflected wavepackets(3th and 4th columns). Inthe5th column it isindicatedwhetherornotteleportationhasbeensuccessful. Ifsuccessful,thestateontowhichatom1isprojected,i.e |αi or 1 |α′i =−σ |αi (σ istheusualPaulimatrix),ispresented (6th column). Ifunsuccessful, theassociated unconditionalfailure 1 z 1 z probability P is given in the last column. fail event occurs with probability (3+cosϑ)/8. Assume now that a further measurement of the internal state of atom 2 is made. If the outcome of such measurement is e , atom 1 is projected onto the ground state g and thus 2 1 | i | i no teleportation of the initial state of atom 2 has occurred. The unconditional probability for this failing event is calculated as P = (1+cosϑ)/8. However, it can be noticed that if atom 2 is found in the ground state g a fail 2 furthertranslationalmeasurementonthetwoatomswithoutcomes Φ+ Φ+ or Φ− Φ− projectsatom1|onito 0,1 0,2 0,1 0,2 state α = cosϑ e +eiϕsinϑ g . This means that the initial internal state of atom 2 (α ) has been in fact | i1 2 | 1i 2 | 1i (cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:12) (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:12) (cid:11)| i2 teleported into atom 1. On the other hand, when the wavepackets (cid:12)Φ+ (cid:12)Φ− or (cid:12)Φ− (cid:12)Φ+ are found (after that 0,1 0,2 0,1 0,2 the state g has been measured) atom 1 collapses into state cosϑ e eiϕsinϑ g = α′ = σ α (σ is the usual Pau|li2mi atrix). Clearly, α′ can be straightforwardly trans2f(cid:12)(cid:12)o|rm1ie(cid:11)−d(cid:12)(cid:12)into(cid:11)α2(cid:12)(cid:12)|th1iro(cid:11)u(cid:12)(cid:12)g|h ai1(cid:11)π-ro−tazti|oni1arouznd the | i1 | i1 z-axis in order to faithfully reproduce the initial state of atom 2 and complete the teleportation. In a similar way, it turns out that when the field vacuum state 0 is found the outcome g cannot transfer the initial state of atom 2 | i | i 2 into atom 1, whereas successful teleportation is attained when atom 2 is found to be in the excited state e . All 2 | i the possible outcomes of the protocol are summarized in Table I. For each case – corresponding to given outcomes of the cavity Fock state n (1st column), the internal state of atom 2 (2nd column), and the two atomic wavepackets | i (3th and 4th columns) – it is shown whether or not teleportation has been successful (5th column). If successful, the state onto which atom 1 is projected (α or α′ = σ α ) is presented (6th column). If unsuccessful, the | i1 | i1 − z| i1 associatedunconditionalfailure probabilityP is given(lastcolumn). The totalfailureprobability,obtainedasthe fail sum of the unconditioned failure probabilities (last column of Table I), is 1/2. Teleportation is thus successful with probability1/2. Remarkably,notice how onlylocal measurementson the twoatoms andthe cavity field arerequired. Direct projections onto highly entangled states are thus avoided. Furthermore, unlike other cavity-QED protocols [11, 12] the interaction time of each atom with the cavity does not need to fulfill any holonomous constraint. It is only required that it is large enough in order for (15) to hold with reasonable approximation. IV. MEASUREMENT PROCESS ThediscussiondevelopedinthepreviousSectionshouldmakeitclearhowtheteleportationschemeworks. However, the translational measurements of the atomic wavepackets Φ+ and Φ− , even though compatible with property 0,i 0,i (15), do not formally correspond to position measurements. In this section, we therefore aim at describing more (cid:12) (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:11) explicitly the measurement process required in order to atta(cid:12)in successfu(cid:12)l teleportation. To teleport the initial unknown state of atom 2 into atom 1, we need to perform measurements on the overall Hilbert space of the ancillary system, i.e. the cavity mode and the translational degrees of freedom of both atoms, 5 and on the internal degrees of freedom of the input atom 2. Looking at Table I we see that a necessary condition for successful teleportation is that measurements of the internal state of atom 2 and of the photon-number respectively give the outcomes g and 1 or e and 0 . Setting ρ = Ψ(t ) Ψ(t ), such measurements project the system 2 2 3 3 | i | i | i | i | ih | onto state g 1 ρ(t ) g 1 + e 0 ρ(t ) e 0 ρ′ = | 2ih | 3 | 2ih | | 2ih | 3 | 2ih | . (16) Tr(g 1 ρ(t ) g 1 + e 0 ρ(t ) e 0) 2 3 2 2 3 2 | ih | | ih | | ih | | ih | As the denominator equals the probability of successful teleportation (1/2) in the limit of accessible which-path information [cfr. Eq. (15)] and using Eq. (12), the trace of state (16) over the field and the internal degrees of freedom of atom 2 yields 1 ρ′′ = (1+µ ν ) Φµ1 Φµ2 Φν1 Φν2 µ ,µ ν ,ν , (17) 8 2 2 0,1 0,2 0,1 0,2 | 1 2i1h 1 2| µ1,Xµ2=± ν1,Xν2=± (cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:10) (cid:12)(cid:10) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where η,η′ = cosθ e +ηη′eiϕsinθ g (η,η′ = ) is an internal state of atom 1 such that η,η′ = α for η =η′ |and iη1,η′ =2α|′1i= σ α fo2r|η1i=η′. Once±the first set of measurements have given the|outcio1mes| gi1 1 | i1 | i1 − z| i1 6 | 2i| i or e 0 with probability 1/2, assume now to perform further position measurements on the two atoms along the 2 | i| i x-cavity axis. If atom 1 and 2 are found at positions x and x , respectively, the final internal state of atom 1 ρ is 1 2 1f obtained by applying the projector x ,x x ,x onto (17) and tracing over the translational degrees of freedom of 1 2 1 2 | ih | both atoms according to x ,x ρ′′ x ,x 1 2 1 2 ρ = h | | i , (18) 1f Tr x ,x ρ′′ x ,x 1 1 2 1 2 h | | i where Tr stands for the trace over the internal degree of freedom of atom 1. 1 V. FIDELITY Accordingto the discussionofSectionIII,itturnsoutthatinordertoquantifythe efficiency ofthe presentscheme we need to calculate the two functions F (x ,x ,θ) = α ρ α , (19) α1 1 2 h |1 1f| i1 Fα′1(x1,x2,θ) = hα′|1ρ1f|α′i1, (20) namely the fidelity with respect to states α and α′ , respectively [as suggestedby the notation such functions do | i1 | i1 not depend on ϕ due to Table 1 and Eq. (17)]. Notice how the efficiency of the teleportation scheme is maximum when either Fα1(x1,x2,θ) = 1 and Fα′1(x1,x2,θ) = 0 or Fα1(x1,x2,θ) = 0 and Fα′1(x1,x2,θ) = 1. Using Eqs. (17) and (18), such fidelities can be put in the form Bsin2 θ F (x ,x ,θ) = 1 2 , (21) α1 1 2 − A+B+Ccosθ 2 Asin2 θ Fα′1(x1,x2,θ) = 1− A+B+C2cosθ, (22) 2 where A, B and C are functions of x and x according to 1 2 A(x ,x ) = Φ+ (x )2 Φ+ (x )2+ Φ− (x )2 Φ− (x )2, (23) 1 2 | 0,1 1 | | 0,2 2 | | 0,1 1 | | 0,2 2 | B(x ,x ) = Φ+ (x )2 Φ− (x )2+ Φ− (x )2 Φ+ (x )2, (24) 1 2 | 0,1 1 | | 0,2 2 | | 0,1 1 | | 0,2 2 | C(x ,x ) = Φ+ (x )2+ Φ− (x )2 Φ+ (x ) Φ− (x ) ∗+c.c. , (25) 1 2 | 0,2 2 | | 0,2 2 | 0,1 1 0,1 1 where the starred symbol stand for t(cid:2)he complex conjugate. (cid:3)Ithturns ou(cid:0)t that fu(cid:1)nctions (i23)-(25) are real valued. Furthermore,A(x ,x ) andB(x ,x ) canhaveonly positive values. Using these properties,thefollowinginequalities 1 2 1 2 hold B F (x ,x ,θ) F =1 , (26) α1 1 2 ≥ α1 − A+B C −| | A Fα′1(x1,x2,θ) ≥ Fα′1 =1− A+B C , (27) −| | (28) 6 FIG. 1: Panels (a), (b), (c) and (d): lower bound for the fidelity with respect to |αi1 Fα1 as a function of x1 and x2 at the rescaled atom-cavity interaction times ετ =1 (a), ετ =5 (b), ετ =8 (c) and ετ =10 (d). Panels (e), (f), (g) and (h): lower ′ bound for thefidelitywith respect to|αi1 Fα′1 as a function of x1 and x2 at therescaled atom-cavity interaction times ετ =1 (e), ετ =5 (f), ετ =8 (g) and ετ =10 (h). The atomic positions are in units of σ (width of the initial atomic wavepackets). x The parameters used are: λ=10−5m, ε=105 sec−1,m=10−26 kgand σ =λ/10 [25]. x Spatial functions Fα1 and Fα′1 therefore represent θ-independent lower bounds for Fα1(x1,x2,θ) and Fα′1(x1,x2,θ), respectively. For the sake of simplicity, we consider equal initial translational states for both the atoms with zero mean position and momentum along the x-cavity axis. In such a case, the field-deflected wavepacketsΦ+ (x ,τ) and 0,i i Φ− (x ,τ) (i=1,2) have the explicit form [15] 0,i i x±aτ2 2 Φ± (x ,τ)= e∓im~aτxe−„4σx2+2i2~m«τ (29) 0,i i (2π)1/4 σ + i~τ x 2mσx q where a = (~kε/m). Notice that Φ+ (x ,0) = Φ− (x ,0). Eq. (29) shows how the wavefunctions Φ+ (x ,τ) and 0,i i 0,i i 0,i i Φ− (x ,τ) travel with constant acceleration a towards the negative and positive semi-axis, respectively. It follows 0,i i that, provided the atom-field interaction time is large enough (of the order of some ε−1), the overlap between the two packets becomes negligible and a measurement of the atomic position is able to distinguish them. In Fig. 1 we plot the lower bounds for the fidelity Fα1 and Fα′1 against x1 and x2 at the rescaled atom-cavity interaction times ετ = 1,5,8,10. Notice how at small times both Fα1 and Fα′1 are non-zero and markedly lower than 1. However, at larger times their maxima start approaching 1 up to the point that, in the considered ranges of x and x , F = 1 1 2 α1 in the domain x1x2 >0 and Fα1 =0 atx1x2 <0,whereas Fα′1 =1 in the domain x1x2 <0 and Fα1 =0 atx1x2 >0. Suchregimeisreachedprovidedετ 10anditisthereforeexperimentallyaccessiblewithpresent-daycavitycoherence ≃ times [26, 27]. In summary, these results provide clear evidence that large enough atom-field interaction times allow to perform efficient teleportation via atomic position measurements. VI. CONCLUSIONS Insummary,inthispaperwehaveconsideredacavity-QEDteleportationschemethatallowstoteleportanunknown quantum state between two atoms flying through a cavity via position measurements on their translational degrees of freedom. Among the major advantages of the scheme are the success probability of 1/2 and its ability to be performed both without direct projections onto highly entangled subspaces and with no holonomous constraints on the atom-cavity interaction times to be fulfilled. The detailed measurement process able to give rise to successful teleportation has been explicitly described in order to derive the final reduced density matrix associated with the 7 state of the target qubit. This has allowed us to perform an efficiency analysis of the scheme in terms of two fidelity functions. We have derived a lower bound for each of them as a function of the possible outcomes of the position measurements performed on the two atoms. Our analysis has shown that a few Rabi oscillations are enough in order to attain the maximum efficiency in a wide range of atomic positions. 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