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Atomic Displacements Prod by Fission Fragments, Neutrons in Matter [declassified] PDF

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Preview Atomic Displacements Prod by Fission Fragments, Neutrons in Matter [declassified]

e .. I' 'c' I 1 ,E,-%.-= ** lo ment orcontract*p%h the Commission. =*. f: his er provides,access to, any information pursuant to em- prepares, handles or distributes, I ployee or contractor of the Commission to the extent that such ehployee or contractor As used in the above, "penon acting on beholf of the Commission" includes .any em- this in report. use of any infqmtion, apparatus, method, or process disclosed B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the fringe privately owned rights; or *- _- - this use of any *ky&mation, appamtus, method, or .process disclosed in report may not in- this report, or that t,b cumcy, com&&ess, or usefulness of the information contained in A. Mak;s,clny warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the ac- United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the LEGAL NOTICE . .- . : -. ., u $ 4 k XI 0 b d J %- 2 0 a- - j?: i, B K k a 21 0 a k cc s 3 k 0 E 4 0 -P - .... <..- : . ... ,. . , Q "*' ;e 3 I ' ATOMIC DISPLAC EM lION MD FISSION NEUTRONS I N UTTER The Passage of Fission Fragments Through Matter I Introduction 1 About four-fifths of the energy of the fission process is shared by the two heavy fragments into which the nucleus splits. This energy, of about 80 MeV. per fragment, i s transferred to the medium in which the fission takes place in two ways. First, because ea,ch fragment is stripped of about half of its electrons during most of its path, it w i l l interact I strangly with electrons and thus lose energy through ionizing collisions with other atoms. Secondly, the fragments w i l l lose energy by elastic collisions with atoms as a whole. Each fragment leaves in its wake a cloud of moving electrons and atoms. This cloud w i l l roughly resemble a cylinder vipose radius w i l l increase with time on account of the motion of the struck electrons and atoms. 'Ne may now investigate"two features #-?a'* i , i C I l I of the slowing down process,> First.as it affects the fragment, i.e. we , : (I ,', calculatel'i ts range, stragglinlig I, etc,. Andk~ econdly I we may work out the motion of the cylinder of moving particles, its effect on the medium, etc. - e----_.- .i__ 11. The Energy Losses of Fission F’raPments A. Methods W e w i l l show in the following that the energy losses, both to electrons and to atoms may be calculated in a simple classical way. It - “d is well known that Quantum Mechanics reduces to classical mechanics x provided that the wave length of the moving partiple is small compared to the extent of the potential, a; and that the interaction ,is sufficiently strong. W e can see this by the following argument due (1) to E. J. Williams. In order for a classical treatment to apply it must be possible to determine experimentally the calculated orbit of the pgrticle. Let the potential be of the order of V over a distance of the order of a. Then, first, since we are specifying distances of ‘h @- the order of a, the indeterminacy in momentum w i l l be /a and this . must be small compared to the momentum of the particle. Thus we get . x < < < < the cQndition %/a Mv or a. Secondly the deflexion must be well defined. Here thig is determined by the change in momentum in the collision and this is of the order of V/v. The indeter- minacy, $/a, must be small compared to this in order that the de- (< flexion be well defined. Hence the condition %/a V/v or Va/‘t\v >>1, -_ expressing the strength of the interaation. For a Coulomb field this - 2 z Z e -- - ’ )> becomes 1. The conditions for the applicability 7iv 137p w- ‘n (< of classical methods are then: 1, (( 1. a z z .-7 (1) Rev. Mod. Phys. 17, 217 8 A fission fragment starts out with an energy of about 10 e.v. In z z the table below we give values of $/a and 137p' for fission frag- I elec tr on s fragments Energy 6 8 6 8 10 ev. 10 ev. 10 ev. 10 ev. 100 ev. x /a 1.7 .17 10-4 10-5- lo-* - z z 41 4.1 3760 376 3 .76x10r 137p Classical methods will certainly work for the collision losses at these energies and for electron losses down to energies of a few MeV. W e w i l l see later that losses to electrons cease at about this energy BO that the failure of tpe classical method is of no conse- . 1 quencg The conditions for the validity of the Born Approximation are 3- << ' (< 1 and 1 in the case of a Coulomb field. However, a it is well known thati, for $he case of the Coulomb field, the wave method of Born and the classical method give the same scattering formula and it might be thought that it is immaterial which method is used here. This is not so, however, since the field of the nucleus is cut off by (1) the electrons and so is no longer a Coulomb field. Thus Williams shows ' 9 that, though the probability of scattering through an angle is (1) loc. cit. I formally the same in the two treatments, the field which gcatters i n t o d in the classical case is at a distance rc, in the wave case at r and rc W -- -zz and rw are related by the equation: rc Now the effect of 137p rW* the electrons is to cut off the Rutherford scattering at impact parameters larger than the atomic radius, i.e. small angle scattering. The cut-off i taKes place at a larger energy (of the struck atom) in the classical (1) case than in the wave case. As Williams shows, the two cut-off angles dc = -&. are related by The difference in the two treat- 137 @ ments is that the classical one gives higher average and lowest energies of the struck atoms. That this is actually so is shown by comparing the ts which are given later in this treatmeat with those obtained by (2) Seita using the Born Approximation. For the atoms struck by a fission fragment of 80 MeV. energy, the Born Approximation gives 375 ev. for the average energy and that half of the energy lost is given to atoms whose h energy is lgss than 25 ev. In the same case, the classical method gives 1900,ev. for the flverage energy, and no recoil atoms with energies less than about 350 ev. Bavihg shown that classical mechanics is a good approximation to quantq mechanics in this problem, we go on now to calculate the energy losses to electrons and atoms. (1) loa. cit. (2) F. Seitz, "Irradiation Physics Notes", page 78 et seq. B. Energy Losses to Electrons. In general, when a particle of energy E, mass M collides elastically with a particle at rest, mass m, the conservation of energy and momentum laws give the equation: 2 AE = 4E& Mm cos2d - - - - - - - (1) for the energy, A E given to the struck particle. /y is the reduced $ mass and is the angle $he recoil makes with the incident, direction. Now if the force between the two particles of charges 2 and z is a 4 Coulomb force, then the relation between and the impact parameter b, is: where rE-, = zZe2u; u = Z1/3/aao; a = %2 / me2 = Bohr radius, U,sLng (2) 0 we find the energy taken up by the struck particle to be: -+ 2 - 1 AE = Pdm I+ b’2v4u2 i3) for an impact pargmeter = b. If there are N particles per cm3 then the number having impact parameters in db at b is 2 ‘TINbdb and so tde energy .. loss per cm. of path is: b A -- --- ..I c Re apply this equation to the electron losses of a fission frag- i ment. Then m is the electron mass, e = 1, /cr /J m = mass of the electron, =I 2 1 Z* = effective charge of the fission fragment; N = NoZ where Z is the atomic number of the material. b2 is chosen according t o Bohr's well max - .. knob oondition, viz, bmgx = s j b mx = %v/E. where Ei is the bipding v E; 1 .vi .L energy of the ith electron. W e can take into account that for values of 8 . ss than about l/u, thg charhe of the fission fragment is unFhielded . R and so is Z rather than Z We find then the equation: f ir .. I ' Ignoring the correction due to cloee collision6 which is not large Bnd also Aity in the second log term we get: We uext nlaice the substitution E = Meso that is tbe energy of m 4n electron moving with the same velocity as the fission fragment and (6) becomes : The sum is to be taken over all possible modes of excitation of the Pound electrons in the atom ieg involved are less than E. 4 e ..II € The sum may be written n ( c ) log where n( € ) is the number -c Z s Ep EA L of terms and E is the geometric mean o the excitation energies which are . less than i'or large 2, such as we have here, n( E. ) and E can probably - be estimated fairly closely by the use of the Tpomas-Fermi model. E, for example, could be found by considering the oscillations of an appropriate (1). ' Fermi &as sphere after the manner of Bloch Here we w i l l adopt a much simpler procedure and assume th8t: (i n(€) = PO. of electrons in the charge cloud in a Thomas-Fermi atom = which are bound with energy less than and (ii E E,, the Eydberg en- . : ergy. This amounts to saying that all electrons with energies less than can be excited and that the geometric mean of the possible eycitation energies is E To In the Thomas-Fermi model the potential is V = 2 e u -e- X , and the X e 2 - = = charge density of electrons is = 2 e e-x where x ur and u ''' 4.n X 8 = 0.479 Z /ao 0.905 3'1Z x 10 cm-l. blow tpe fraction f of charge out- side a distance x is: r4, e and the, value of x at which the binding energy of an electron is is (1) Bloch, Zeits fur Ph,y.s.l 8 363, 1933 D L It can be shown from (8) and (9) that f varieg as 6' for the values of 6 of interest to us. Then we may write: (1) (2) This is the same energy dependence of f as found by Bohr and by Lamb Eq. (10) may also be used to estimate the charge of the moving fission fragment for it w i l l have a tendency to lose electrons which are bound 2 , e . with energy less than Thus the effective charge is given by: . The values of f, for d and A are: fu = 0.471 and f = 0.64 for Go = gE % 2 . 500 ev. Then 2x2 = 0.41 Zf - and n(€) = f, &@ = 0.471 Zu I -F 4, e* 0 Experimental evidence(31 on the charges of fission fragments gives values of f somewhat lower than the ones we have calculated here. On the basis of the expebiments we w i l l chooBe values of 0.k7 for f *g and 0.35 for fu. substituting these into q. (7) we obtain: Eq. (12) indicfztes that, except for the log term, the velocity loss of the particle is.constant through out its range. This is found to (1). be so experimentally to a very good approximation Assuming the log s, (1)B ohr, Phys. Rev. 270, 1941 (2) Seitz, Irradiation Physics hotes (3) Perfilov C.R. Acad. Sc. U.R.S.S. 28, 5, 1940 term is constant we may calculate the range by jntekrating Eq. (12). W e get: A log 2 0.22 Zf %3 eo Putting in the value = 500 ev. we find for the range of a typical fragment : R = 4.3 x cm. C. Energy Losses Due to Collisions with Other Atoms W e w i l l again use the Thomas-Fermi model. The potential of a neutral atom is: V I -ze e-ur - - - - - - r (4) The potantial energy of a second atom, in the field of the first may be obtained as follows: The charge distribution which produces the potantial . (14) can be found from Poisson's equation: V r? V = - 4Tp This gives 2 f ) = - k zTo theis deistri bution/we must add a point charge I p +Ze at the origin. This and the charge density then produce the potential of (4).T he potential energy of this charge distribution in the field (4),i s then giv between centres) :

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