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Preview Atmospheric Research 1994: Vol 33 Table of Contents

Special Issue 11TH CONFERENCE ON CLOUDS AND PRECIPITATION Edited by A. WALDVOGEL ETH, Ziirich, Switzerland CONTENTS Part I (Vol. 32/1-4) NTE tyes Sa DE TS FEE ON ENN RR a oS ear UN Seer Oe ener SIONAL MRO ET WE Cee eR ART CR a Microphysics (Chapter 1) On the symmetry of snow dendrites Fe PE HE GI isi ics ities eieicecs a hinpcasieiin aces icblclcelahcn abcde encamped l Initiation of ice: comparison of numerical model results with observations of ice development in a cumulus cloud Edi. SE, Sk; Sis a OT. TG iii iiss pecs eccinsesccsp sored hchetiicrnneaionnanes 13 Surface microphysical mechanism for ice crystal growth habit development Ui: a a oa dak pa dase peeled ne cag log abmiaehibis 31 Ice particle generation during evaporation Fo Ba, Re iy ils cs deca nisdstienaccavcidensuhainaesctcndeieaciadid nieiaeeoniedeaees 45 Requisites of graupel formation in snow clouds over the Sea of Japan T. Matsuo, H. Mizuno, M. Murakami and Y. Yamada.................cccccccccccseeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeees 55 Preliminary investigation of convective heat transfer of hailstone models I a 75 Hailstone heat and mass transfer theory and three-component Nusselt numbers RENE Ie ees OR DE Tone SoD PIL US SE ReyP UAN AON BE TOME ESE MS RN EM HT AST OT 85 Stochastic models of ice accretion Or, a, FT I I iii ii ccsinesiicinaveiuniiiiniina mdeiteiisdbictmamnddieeaiaercsibvabie 95 Microstructure of cirrus clouds observed by HY VIS H. Mizuno, T. Matsuo, Mi. Wurakarni ad ¥ . VORA ..csis..10::0ccecesescevesesceosssonesenesseseceseneneosoare 115 Small crystals in cirriform clouds: A case study of residue size distribution, cloud water content and related cloud properties J. Strém, J. Heintzenberg, K.J. Noone, K.B. Noone, J.A. Ogren, F. Albers and M. Quante.... 125 A study of bimodal droplet size distributions in stratiform clouds BaA E, Ms ises:ccisndiciasincsciadess itasitaidsilsaiinsa NEii aias csiinkaedidda-dubaiailihndwcbiepetkienibadseisiadeintsinabinaiieaineageadia s 143 Theoretical collision efficiencies for riming and aerosol impaction TEASE EA ALS LL OT LONE EL TS LTDA ASSN ORME RE eT Ror TENS BT Heme 171 A simple droplet spectrum derived from entropy theory Te i i acide citable lhc ac ac la asian LMS Ra 189 Experimental modelling of the Arctic steam fogs N.K. Didenko, Y.N. Ivanov, Yu.A. Puzov and V.V. Smirnov ................cccceeeeeesesssessseseseeeeeeneees 195 vi Chemistry (Chapter 2) The influence of riming and frontal dynamics on winter precipitation chemistry in level terrain Os, isu veasdvncicvenibedseaanchbosvensanchabubanveadebiiaesheoneeioiovensvess 203 The influence of entrainment-induced variability of cloud microphysics on the chemical composition of cloudwater a racsec k odenep arec odanirehe emNeNaSblenmuligbaaeneneerteens 215 A 2-D spectral model simulation of the scavenging of gaseous and particulate sulfate by a warm marine cloud Pe aie ws, Sacha cieededairadadl salahe ia eh py oulisahccdsieinyn votes t eniiieladens vbbcenntenovenevanyiedinnpeaiennin 233 A numerical study on the influence of different cloud treatment in a chemical transport model on gas phase distribution a hasdecsk ihs de ane evhodllnwnsenciadseiedevanthsdhesonwvbe rowiiwhecertses 249 Case study on the interaction of size dependent multiphase chemistry and detailed microphysics a Gasa ca alana ovees badduaelveaennaeivhei wusngsebivebanbenbeoseas 273 Electron m.icroscope analyses of insoluble components in acid rain, Guilin City, China Is INNA Tg ciomnp hnd een daievasbbuakwaen d easlanetaesatenreserecss 289 A study of acid precipitation in the oceanic environment of Xiamen Island rs iy ee en, Fee CE, FR, CI NE WF. UNI oie occ scvcesncsecscecisasiccdscestnstencnvennstonnesebenseeeienss 297 Part II (Vol. 33/1-4) Convective Clouds (Chapter 3) An aircraft study of rapid precipitation development and electrification in a growing convective cloud PLY. Wiss, J. Featiett, R.A. Bisck arid W. POmGsicus ....65.ccceisccccsccccsssciccesssssesoessvonsetercesenenenevoces | Observations of microphysical evolution in a High Plains thunderstorm anvil A.G. Detwiler, P.L. Smith, J.L. Stith and D.A. Burrows ................ccccesssscceccccesseeeccccececeeseeeeeeeees 25 Simultaneous polarization and Doppler observations of severe convective storms in central Alberta A.R. Holt, P.I. Joe, R.M cGuinness, E. Torlaschi, T. Nichols, F. Bergwall and as ERR RIRRSRMERED Pree cee Cer eD: HM oes gm A EP OTE CODE MIS ROME SEES ERS? MERU EMER oR ree PREECE 37 Hailstone size distributions in southwestern France i Loa sal haW hraipsrsale vid lcdenn avd naunign epuiiutennetonieas 57 Study of a convective storm series and of precipitated hail in south Argentina is ee cs eR a Oo so cas cic unatoao bnnsabesdeubauanenapldinusnieesalvesnyesinaanbcanke s 75 A study of microphysical processes in the 2 August 1981 CCOPE supercell storm en eT, ON I i sscnccinca vastalinbdadaainnciecnnnalekecbonnaveekbseeahiissoconsoneseens 93 On vortex formation in multicell convective clouds in a shear-free environment CE i PREIS SS DEE ae READ SELES Cat ORDER IETF ee SNE RTS PONE 125 Models (Chapter 4) . The effect of CCN regeneration on the evolution of stratocumulus cloud layers ¥.A.. Rogen, D.K. Lilly, Z.N. Kowan and V.V. Fityushkint .....4..........ccssccssccssesseccosssascssscsecsseceess 137 Concerning primary ice nuclei concentrations and water supersaturations in the atmosphere ea es, re, CE OE MURS = 0, ssanneciehundvonasvansahn bbsenssdededabousndsvcaoanensss 151 Modeling the trade cumulus boundary layer ENE RES ES TTR NY TOT TT ERE EN PRP OPES AINE RETO 169 A parameterization of warm cloud microphysical conversion processes SEER RI TRIE LIE AETRRNS BCE ESSB e RCO TOROS ONO SME ROMS T OTE DOSE CFD ay 193 An explicit cloud microphysics/LES model designed to simulate the Twomey effect G. Feingold, B. Stevens, W.R. Cotton ad R.L. Walko........:.ccccccccccsccccsescscscccecccscscssctscseresaseses 207 Vii Characteristics of convection over the Arabian Sea during a period of monsoon onset Bars: SUE SE iid PUI cosas siiesiece kiissee cabs baiaanaabataeaind oadedas baketabtomdededsdanbintaubestistaceebebienttees Vertical transport of passive tracers by midlatitude thunderstorms: A 3-D modeling study Ss WINE OE a oc cclnpam veg gb snh pcan oSi aes adi esate aeda eaMnAd dekcaveh aioli A three-dimensional atmospheric radiative transfer model based on the discrete-ordinates method Pg: ie x,C E UE, Tr. PRINT sa cussispnceiindssacrcwvesnias ieaneeetianidedenbete ibieiibenendnnditsecdies A comparative study on hailstone trajectories using different motion equations, drag coefficients and wind fields N.E. Castellano, C.M. Scavuzzo, O.B. Nasello, G.M. Caranti and L. Lev1...................eeeeeeeeeees Numerical studies of dynamics and cloud microphysics of the frontal rainbands Pit OE UNE Ts Fs,P IT voiisticceniin cineca ties sniatiad tata dvicediialanladcasanemmetcansiniiionwhies Analysis to numerical simulation of the optimal droplet spectrum scale of seeding water- abundant warm clouds SOU UNA incu ical bleak sl ec ashes hla aa aoeunnc aa dada lan aitaa nea Part III (Vol. 34/1-4) Observations (Chapter 5) Aircraft measurements to validate and improve numerical model parametrisations of ice to water ratios in clouds es ee ee I ii iitcitesitstcelinn nccancedieenseenniasanaaaaates Measurements of the radiative and microphysical properties of stratocumulus over the South Atlantic and around the British Isles Wes I isiisciiscacesNiodocecaaaceakac cesarean ncaa tic Microphysical and radiative development of a cirrus cloud during FIRE: implications for dynamical effects FS OE FG, SI hii sicscisciccnclaciavaccsnrneeia naalitnveseenaddidbeedlnaiaaniiniedirantacmiavainen Tropical high cloud characteristics derived from SAGE II extinction measurements P.-H. Wang, M.P. McCormick, L.R. Poole, W.P. Chu, G.K. Yue, G.S. Kent and SR, III Sic «a caincubtmiapiieda aici uasascapinte aac iaeadS a amb ame ehde A sedans Addis, tn nic linhea cancers aerate Remote sensing the susceptibility of cloud albedo to changes in drop concentration Sh I Ee It sc ciias iotemibadbekuesinklunad kien ooaenieninisab aliniobe: Microphysical characteristics of a marine stratiform cloud obtained from lidar and in situ measurements J.-F. Gayet, G. Febvere, G. Beonmsen ard PF. Maen incicccecciicccccvisceissicconsecesossavctsnensavnssstectuenedeness Vertical distribution of clouds over Hampton, Virginia observed by lidar under the ECLIPS and FIRE ETO programs on i ERR CRESS IRA RTE SIO SENET MOD eT a 95 GHz polarimetric radar measurements in a cloud compared with model computations K. Aydin, C. Tang, A. Pazmany, J. Mead, R. McIntosh, M. Hervig, R. Kelly and G. Vali...... Remote sensing of liquid water content with combined radar-radiometer system Bi I isi ia cricicictor sata piacissuupunde iss aecaning tks sdadanabanpldeidicmdecscseaedaloetamesiaieensma Winter precipitation variability over European Russia in different types of fronts originated over Arctic, Atlantic and Mediterranean regions TRIER tienc ert soeS rW eiay teya eee tr It a ee ees SEER Te MRT ROE eR me MON TENA The origin and evolution of dust clouds in Central Asia V.V. Smirnov, D.A. Gillette, G.S. Golitsyn and D.J. MacKinnon...............ceeeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees Techniques (Chapter 6) Identification of icing water clouds by NOAA AVHRR satellite data BF. Semecnns, FET: Pit renmeias We TF, DP vise cesca seis onde desakbsssissicpcsncspvcancnsssindindesecerces Computer assisted aircraft icing forecast: progress and experiences i Se I To. coca eacnorinn calebetniba cccini nsedea manedakddvaniuniadeeuueenenmiaaanone Vili 2D image population analysis C. Duroure, H.R. Larsen, H. Isaka and P. Personne .......................ccccscscssccosscccssscececsssccsscoescoees 195 Corrections to empirical relations derived from rainfall disdrometer data for effects due to drop size distribution truncation eae en sc aE onacceudderaia badd an vindrvesueseiocwoivbehdabdaastbeenscoveubcecusauinsasabbianicenee 207 On correlation, with applications to the radar and raingage measurement of rainfall i i calc casks cba sdebddpdckemuslpdenunevndnsdeindonenhinxcnsiveentrddibenveseneysesimaetsrsecosess 217 Investigation of relationships between Ka-band radar reflectivity and ice and liquid water contents si ann I 8 i calendars Uacacenns aovedsdbackibs wctvcdeis cnbncbvinkeewansebetedudeness 231 Radar imagery nowcasting using adaptive stochastic models AY. HCROCRRICOVERY, FE. U VOCE GRE K.. IRCA 2.0.0... ccccsscsecccsesesccccccessccsiscccvessevsvssecsssssesoseusssess 249 Retrieving micrcphysical properties near the tops of potential rain clouds by multispectral analysis of AVHRR data I A hnsn lin an drea aneurin delansoas 259 Satellite estimation of the tropical precipitation using the METEOSAT and SSM /I data Ie I aoodc aleuaimndibabeaivecins kaetis baaabienseaninandawavndorenavecees 285 On the limitation of using asymmetry factor for radiative transfer involving cirrus clouds Ba RES TIDES Fae Renen e? 5 SET Mee SEN POR DU Ee R eR eo RTs ea E SOA 299 A universal regression retrieval method of the ground-based microwave remote sensing of precipitable water vapor and path-integrated cloud liquid water content EERE RRNA? CODES Wie vane eR Le See ORONO La Ne PRT OLR SOR CER Tae A Fe St ON 309 Instrumentation (Chapter 7) Lidar-acoustic sensing of clouds Ue ar ae a caster assssreincScdedecs tage Gilbane Shedds uetA aevesedncoidacdinceanin ine utesiaeaceaip tian yiseiew enon 323 Retrieval of hydrometeor distributions over the ocean from airborne single-frequency radar and multi-frequency radiometric measurements ia I a caoiendia ciipipsivie sadinucinendeh db bali eumeadveesrogeaeverdasonbedeenbiiees 329 Spectral imaging of clouds using a digital array scanned interferometer Pur. Pemmeer, FPF. Veliere aia) WEF, Sei acne. cies ssccnsecnvesssccssessnccscescensensvsvnsesievseevessasees 347 The pluviospectrometer: classification of falling hydrometeors via digital image processing er I a us, cs siesvonnncdecteenankavaetedusiccvawnscussabeiacseetaoddopanevs 367 Error analysis of GBPP-100 probe IE LS hs hdln ininlnscsbdep pls omega doen secure nsoloniesrotetiaeauceretlsalinleieesbie 379

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