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AAttllaass--ttii:: AAnn IInnttrroodduuccttoorryy WWoorrkksshhoopp Session 1: Approaching Qualitatively Day & Date: Monday 01/09/08 (9.30 –10.30 a.m.) K. Rambaree (Ph.D.) University of Mauritius Research Week 2008 QQuuaalliittaattiivvee rreesseeaarrcchh:: TTrraaddiittiioonnaall Interpretive v/s positivist traditions. l The positivist: based on assumptionsthat truths can be l explained and predicted; and holds the belief in objectivity guided by the quantitative methodology (Lee, 1992) The interpretive: based on the belief that human beings l create meanings that could be observed and studied through qualitative inquiries (Silverman, 2000). Qualitative researchers espouse a constructivist l ontological view of the world (Broom, 2005). K. Rambaree QQuuaalliittaattiivvee rreesseeaarrcchh:: AA NNeeww EErraa Beyond exploratory l Qualitative: gaining recognition in domains traditionally l inclined to more positivistic methods (Alttride-Stirling, 2001; Barnes et al., 1999; Black, 1996). Quant. & Qua: Mutually exclusive l N.B. quant.and qua.views added together do not provide l a total view of the reality (Lee, 1992). K. Rambaree QQuuaalliittaattiivvee DDaattaa Structured text l (writings, narratives, official documents, articles, etc). Unstructured text l (transcriptions, interviews, focus groups, conversations, memos) Audio recordings l (Interviews, discussions, conversations, music) Video recordings l (Films, Documentaries, as above) Others l (graphics, pictures, visual designs) K. Rambaree QQuuaalliittaattiivvee DDaattaa:: CCoolllleeccttiioonn Personal Interviews l (Struc. Semi-Struc, Unstructured) Group Interviews/Discussions l Observations l (Part or Non-Part) Narratives l (Oral or Written) Photographic Evidence l Video-Evidence l Secondary Data l (Docs, Diaries, Newspapers, Articles) K. Rambaree QQuuaalliittaattiivvee DDaattaa:: TThhee CChhaalllleennggeess Amount of Data l Formats of Data l Data Reduction l Types of Analysis l How to proceed l Data presentation l Ensure for Rigour l K. Rambaree QQuuaalliittaattiivvee DDaattaa:: TTyyppeess ooff AAnnaallyyssiiss Content Analysis l (Critical) Discourse Analysis l Thematic (Thematic Network) Analysis l Grounded Theory Analysis l Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) l K. Rambaree CCoonntteenntt AAnnaallyyssiiss Most common notion: a content analysis simply means l doing a word-frequency count (Stemler, 2001) Compressingmany words of text into fewer content l categories based on explicit rules of coding E.g. l l Source: Rambaree & BacklundRambaree (2007) K. Rambaree CCoonntteenntt AAnnaallyyssiiss ((CCoonntt..)) Mayring (2000: 11 & 14) Inductive Process Deductive Process K. Rambaree ((CCrriittiiccaall)) DDiissccoouurrssee AAnnaallyyssiiss Discourse refers “to the manner in which individuals l and institutions communicate through written texts and spoken interaction” (Lupton, as quoted in Horsfall and Cleary, 2000: 1292) DA examinesways in which knowledge and meanings l are socially constructed (Gee and Green, 1998). CriticalDA:makingacriticalanalysisoftheuseof l languageandthereproductionofdominantideologies (beliefsystems)indiscourse(asagroupofideasor patternedwayofthinkingwhichcanbeidentifiedbothin textualandverbalcommunicationsandlocatedinwider socialstructures) (Lupton1992,HorsfallandCleary,2000). K. Rambaree

ComplementaryTherapiesinMedicine,Vol.13,p65-73 l Attride-Stirling,J., Atlas-ti: An Introductory Workshop K. Rambaree constructive activities like theory building
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