V O L U M E 5 Thorax, Abdomen,(cid:13) Blood, Endocrine,(cid:13) and(cid:13) Metabolic Disorders(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) Atlas of the Newborn Rudolph V O L U M E 5 Thorax, Abdomen, (cid:13) Blood, Endocrine,(cid:13) and (cid:13) Metabolic (cid:13) Disorders (cid:13) (cid:13) Atlas of the Newborn Arnold J. Rudolph, . . M D (1918-1995) Professor of Pediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynecology Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas ii V O L U M E 5 Thorax, Abdomen, (cid:13) Blood, Endocrine,(cid:13) and (cid:13) Metabolic (cid:13) Disorders (cid:13) (cid:13) Atlas of the Newborn Arnold J. Rudolph, M.D.(cid:13) (Deceased)(cid:13) 1918-1995 Professor of Pediatrics(cid:13) Baylor Medical College(cid:13) Houston, Texas 1997(cid:13) B.C. Decker Inc.(cid:13) Hamilton • London B.C. Decker Inc. 4 Hughson Street South P.O. Box 620, L.C.D. 1 Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3K7 Tel: 905 522-7017 Fax: 905 522-7839 e-mail: [email protected] © 1997 B.C. Decker Inc. All rights reserved. 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Foreword Sir William Osler stated, “There is no more with thrombocytopenia), Klippel-Trénaunay difficult task in medicine than the art of syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, Waardenburg’s observation.” The late Arnold Jack Rudolph syndrome, neurocutaneous melanosis, mas- was an internationally renowned neonatolo- tocytosis (urticaria pigmentosa), and incon- gist, a teacher’s teacher, and, above all, one tinentia pigmenti (Bloch-Sulzberger syn- who constantly reminded us about how much drome) are among the best that I have seen. could be learned by simply observing, in his Cutaneous manifestations are associated case, the newborn infant. with many perinatal infections. The varied This color atlas of neonatology represents a manifestations of staphylococcal infection of distillation of more than 50 years of observing the newborn are depicted vividly in photomi- normal and abnormal newborn infants. The crographs of furunculosis, pyoderma, bullous Atlas begins with a section on the placenta, impetigo, abscesses, parotitis, dacryocystitis, its membranes, and the umbilical cord. Jack inastitis, cellulitis, omphalitis, and funisitis. Rudolph delighted in giving a lecture entitled Streptococcal cellulitis, Haemophilus influen- “Don’t Make Mirth of the Afterbirth,” in zaecellulitis, and cutaneous manifestations of which he captivated audiences by showing listeriosis all are depicted. There are numer- them how much you could learn about the ous photomicrographs of congenital syphilis, newborn infant from simply observing the showing the typical peripheral desquamative placenta, its membranes, and the umbilical rash on the palms and soles, as well as other cord. potential skin manifestations of congenital In a few more than 60 photomicrographs, syphilis which may produce either vesicular, we learn to read the placenta and gain insight bullous, or ulcerative lesions. The various into such disorders as intrauterine growth radiologic manifestations of congenital retardation, omphalitis, cytomegalic inclu- syphilis, including pneumonia alba, ascites, sion disease, congenital syphilis, and congen- growth arrest lines, Wegner’s sign, periostitis, ital neuroblastoma. Congenital abnormalities and syphilitic osteochondritis, are depicted. of every organ system are depicted along with Periostitis of the clavicle (Higouménaki’s the appearance of newborn infants who have sign) is shown in a photograph that also been subjected in utero to a variety of differ- depicts periostitis of the ribs. A beautiful pho- ent drugs, toxins, or chemicals. We also learn tomicrograph of Wimberger’s sign also has to appreciate the manifestations of birth trau- been included; this sign, which may appear in ma and abnormalities caused by abnormal an infant with congenital syphilis, reveals intrauterine positioning. radiolucency due to erosion of the medial More than 250 photographs are used to aspect of the proximal tibial metaphysis. illustrate the field of neonatal dermatology. The Atlas also includes a beautiful set of The collection of photographs used in this photographs which delineate the ophthalmo- section is superior to that which I have seen logic examination of the newborn. Lesions in any other textbook or atlas of neonatology which may result from trauma, infection, or or dermatology; this section alone makes this congenital abnormalities are included. There reference a required addition to the library of are numerous photographs of the ocular man- any clinician interested in the care of infants ifestations of a variety of systemic diseases, and children. Photographs of the Kasabach- such as Tay-Sachs disease, tuberous sclerosis, Merritt syndrome (cavernous hemangioma tyrosinase deficiency, and many more. v Photographs of disturbances of each of the He was the Director of the Newborn various organ systems, or disorders affecting Section in the Department of Pediatrics at such organ systems, also are included along Baylor College of Medicine for many years, with numerous photographs of different forms until he voluntarily relinquished that posi- of dwarfism, nonchromosomal syndromes and tion in 1986 for reasons related to his health. associations, and chromosomal disorders. In Nevertheless, Jack Rudolph continued to short, this Atlas is the complete visual work extraordinarily long hours in the care of textbook of neonatology and will provide any the newborn infant, and was at the bedside physician, nurse, or student with a distillation teaching both students and house staff, as of 50 years of neonatal experience as viewed well as his colleagues, on a daily basis until through the eyes of a master clinician. just a few months before his death in July Arnold Jack Rudolph was born in 1918, 1995. grew up in South Africa, and graduated from Although Dr. Rudolph was the author or the Witwatersrand Medical School in 1940. co-author of more than 100 published papers Following residency training in pediatrics at that appeared in the peer-reviewed medical the Transvaal Memorial Hospital for literature, his most lasting contribution to Children, he entered private pediatric prac- neonatology and to pediatrics is in the legacy tice in Johannesburg, South Africa. After of the numerous medical students, house staff, almost a decade, he left South Africa and fellows, and other colleagues whom he taught moved to Boston, where he served as a Senior incessantly about how much one could learn Assistant Resident in Medicine at the from simply observing the newborn infant. Children’s Medical Center in Boston, This Atlasis a tour de force; it is a spectacular Massachusetts, and subsequently pursued fel- teaching tool that has been developed, col- lowship training in neonatology at the same lated, and presented by one of the finest clin- institution and at the Boston Lying-In ical neonatologists in the history of medicine. Hospital, Children’s Medical Center and It is an intensely personal volume that, as Dr. Harvard Medical School under Dr. Clement Rudolph himself states, “is not intended to A. Smith. rival standard neonatology texts,” but rather In 1961, Dr. Rudolph came to Baylor to supplement them. This statement reveals College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, the Dr. Rudolph’s innate modesty, since with the school at which he spent the remainder of his exception of some discussion on pathogenesis career. He was a master teacher, who received and treatment, it surpasses most neonatology the outstanding teacher award from pediatric texts in the wealth of clinical information medical students on so many occasions that that one can derive from viewing and imbib- he was elected to the Outstanding Faculty ing its contents. We owe Dr. Rudolph and Hall of Fame in 1982. Dr. Rudolph also those who aided him in this work a debt of received numerous awards over the years from gratitude for making available to the medical the pediatric house staffs for his superb teach- community an unparalleled visual reference ing skills. on the normal and abnormal newborn infant. Ralph D. Feigin, M.D. June 13, 1996 vi Preface I first became attracted to the idea of pro- senting sign. It seems probable that the find- ducing a color atlas of neonatology many ings depicted will change significantly in the years ago. However, the impetus to synthesize decades to come. In this way duplication has my experience and compile this current col- been kept to a minimum. Additional space lection was inspired by the frequent requests has been devoted to those areas of neonatal from medical students, pediatric house staff, pathology (e.g., examination of the placenta, nurses and others to provide them with a multiple births and iatrogenesis) which pose color atlas of the clinical material provided in particular problems or cause clinical concern. my “slide shows.” For the past few decades I Obviously, because of limitations of space, have used the medium of color slides and it is impossible to be comprehensive and radiographs as a teaching tool. In these week- include every rare disorder or syndrome. I ly “slide shows” the normal and abnormal, as have tried to select both typical findings and words never can, are illustrated. variations in normal infants and those found “I cannot define an elephant but I know one in uncommon conditions. Some relevant when I see one.”1 conditions where individual variations need The collection of material used has been to be demonstrated are shown in more than added to constantly with the support of the one case. pediatric house staff who inform me to “bring As the present volume is essentially one of your camera” whenever they see an unusual my personal experience, it is not intended to clinical finding or syndrome in the nurseries. rival standard neonatology texts, but is pre- A thorough routine neonatal examination sented as a supplement to them. It seems is the inalienable right of every infant. Most logical that references should be to standard newborn babies are healthy and only a rela- texts or reviews where discussion on patho- tively small number may require special care. genesis, treatment, and references to original It is important to have the ability to distin- works may be found. guish normal variations and minor findings Helen Mintz Hittner, M.D., has been kind from the subtle early signs of problems. The enough to contribute the outstanding section theme that recurs most often is that careful on neonatal ophthalmology. clinical assessment, in the traditional sense, is I have done my best to make the necessary the prerequisite and the essential foundation acknowledgements to the various sources for for understanding the disorders of the new- the clinical material. If I have inadvertently born. It requires familiarity with the wide omitted any of those, I apologize. My most range of normal, as well as dermatologic, car- sincere appreciation and thanks to Donna diac, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, genitouri- Hamburg, M.D., Kru Ferry, M.D., Michael nary, neurologic, and musculoskeletal disor- Gomez, M.D., Virginia Schneider, PA, and ders, genetics and syndromes. A background Jeff Murray, M.D., who have spent in general pediatrics and a working knowl- innumerable hours in organizing and culling edge of obstetrics are essential. The general the material from my large collection. We layout of the atlas is based on the above. wish to thank Abraham M. Rudolph, M.D., Diseases are assigned to each section on the for his assistance in reviewing the material. basis of the most frequent and obvious pre- vii We also wish to thank the following people as provide them with an overall perspective for their photo contributions to this work: of neonatology, a field in which there contin- Cirilo Sotelo-Avila, Gerardo Cabrera-Meza, ues to be a rapid acceleration of knowledge Ed Gonzalez, Vicky Gresik, Claire Langston, and technology. One must bear in mind the Edward Singleton, and Milton Wagner. caveat that pictures cannot supplant clinical It is hoped that this atlas will provide experience in mastering the skill of visual neonatologists, pediatricians, family physi- recall. cians, medical students and nurses with a 1. Senile dementia of Alzheimer’s type — normal aging or basis for recognizing a broad spectrum of nor- disease? (Editorial) Lancet1989; i:476-477. mal variations and clinical problems as well Arnold J. Rudolph, M.D. viii CONTENTS Volume 5 Thorax, Abdomen, Blood, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders 1. Cardiorespiratory System 1 2. Gastrointestinal System 63 3. Nutritional Disorders 115 4. Genitourinary System 123 5. Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders 169 6. Hematology, Jaundice, and Oncology 191 Index 211 ix