Atlas of the Basal Ganglia in Parkinsonism By R. Hassler Arrangement of the Planes of Section 251 The stereotaxic treatment of the Parkinson syn 2.0 mm; with the magnification of 5: 1, the distance drome is based on a functional anatomical local equals 10 mm. In addition, the grid has been subdi ization in the structures of the diencephalon and vided on the edge of the pictures at distances of particularly of the thalamus. It is necessary to illus 2 mm (in the enlargement, the subdivision equals trate a series of cerebral sections from this area 10 mm). The reader can use this series for the in order to determine known as well as new target choice of a target point by comparing the coordi points, as has been done in all three planes of nates in the brain of the individual patient with the sections by one of us (HASSLER, 1959 b, 1977 c). those of this atlas series to avoid the problematic In the past, in order to determine the individual "average" target. target points in stereotaxic operations on patients A precise differentiation of the individual tha suffering from Parkinson's disease, brains or pic lamic nuclei is possible only in a cytoarchitectonic tures from an atlas of brains of young adults who preparation. We have, therefore, added these in died suddenly but not of a brain disease, were the middle of the thalamus at a distance of 4 mm used as models. Such a series of sections does not from anterior to posterior in order to achieve such enable one to determine with a high degree of a differentiation. In order to make cytoarchitec accuracy the changes of the diencephalic system tonic differences visible, the magnification has to of coordinates that occur in the cerebral disease be twice as powerful (10). The frontal sections are of Parkinson. As a result, a wrong target point supplemented by three pairs of sagittal sections could be determined. For this reason we have with Nissl and fiber stains at distances from the chosen for the series of frontal sections the hemi edge of the third ventricle of 9.5, 6, and 14 mm. sphere of a Parkinson patient who was not oper The boundaries of all nuclear and fiber struc ated on. The pictures must extend beyond the area tures are drawn in, as is done in the previously of the selected target structure in order to enable illustrated cases with post mortems, in order to the reader to orient himself as well as possible enable the reader to see clearly the exact extension to the structures surrounding the coagulation and of the aimed-at structure, to avoid unintended le the unintended extensions of the coagulated area. sions of neighboring structures, and to determine In the illustrated series the cell and fiber structures whether the structure has been completely have been demonstrated by staining of adjacent destroyed. It must be borne in mind that the (20 11m thick) section. It is inevitable to consider boundaries of these structures have been deter the fiber structures during stereotaxic interventions mined after detailed microscopic study. as targets to be inactivated and their avoidance as functionally important neuronal structures, more important than the nerve cell nuclei since these structures in the thalamus can be dis 2. Arrangement of the Planes of Section tinguished only to a very limited degree in a fresh cerebral section, or even when it is considerably enlarged in the cytoarchitectonic picture. The frontal plane of the section lies at a right angle to the "baseline of the thalamus," which we introduced (1954). The latter line runs in the median plane from the anterior edge of the poste 1. Architectonic Differentiation and rior commissure to the ventral border of the inter Methods of Staining ventricular (Monro) foramen, which corresponds anatomically to the caudal edge of the fornix where it enters the hypothalamus. The length of this base We therefore show frontal serial sections of a Par line in this Parkinson brain is 24 mm. kinson brain at intervals of 2 mm, with staining In the serial sections, the length of the thalamus of myelinated fibers according to HEIDENHAIN as determined in the encephalogram, forms the WOLCKE at a magnification of 5. Abbreviations basis for the calculation of shrinkage. The dis of the names of the individual nuclei of the thala tances between the sections are given correspond mus and fiber bundles are indicated directly on ing to the original length of the thalamus. In the the picture. To enable the reader to use this series myelin fiber pictures, a distance of 2 mm has been for measurements, a grid has been drawn onto selected between individual sections of the series. the pictures. The distance between the lines is At a thickness of 20 11m, this corresponds to every 252 Atlas of the Basal Ganglia in Parkinsonism 100th or to every 87th 23 !-lm. In this series the 3. Introduction to the Determination baseline of the thalamus has been entered in order of Individual Target Points to make it possible to determine the vertical coor dinates; + indicates the mm above, - indicates the mm below the baseline. We have illustrated The following steps are taken in practice when neighboring cellular sections in those planes where determining the target point for the stereotaxic areas meet which, in extrapyramidal motor dis operation, according to HASSLER and RIECHERT eases, are of pathophysiologic significance. These (1954a, 1955): see Fig. 143a, b. illustrations have double magnification, x 10, so 1. Determination of the target points in the serial they show, for technical reasons, smaller areas. sections; this is best done in a series from a patient Most atlases, even of the diencephalon, are who suffered from Parkinson's disease, as is the based on planes at right angles to the ventral sur case in the accompanying atlas series; faces of the anterior and posterior commissure. 2. Measuring the distance of the target point They are, therefore, at an angle of about 8.50 to a) from the wall of the third ventricle (frontal coor the planes of section we have chosen. The plane dinate) that ANDREWS and WATKINS (1969) used in their b) from the baseline of the thalamus (vertical coor atlas is at right angles to the line connecting the dinate) and, upper edge of the interventricular foramen with c) measuring the distance of the section containing the posterior commissure, and does not quite coin the target point from the interventricular foramen cide with ours. It will be explained later why we (s. Fig. 143 b) or from the posterior commissure preferred the line connecting the lower edge of (sagittal coordinate); the interventricular foramen to the most anterior 3. Calculating the real values of baseline, height point of posterior commissure as our baseline of of the thalamus (s. Fig. 143a), and width of the the thalamus. ventricles or the hemispheres in the brain of the The frontal series illustrated here was taken from patient by reducing the distortions of the x-ray a 65-year-old patient suffering from Parkinson's in the lateral and anterior-posterior (a.p.) encepha disease who died from a lung embolism following logram; a stereotaxic operation in the nondemonstrated 4. Calculating the proportion factors between diencephalon. We chose this series of frontal sec the brain in the atlas and that of the patient for tions deliberately because the relationships in the each of the three coordinates; area of the basal ganglia correspond more to those 5. Calculating the individual coordinates of the of patients suffering from Parkinson's disease who target point in the patient by multiplying by the are candidates for operation than the usually factors obtained in step 4; selected series of so-called normal brains of youn 6. Enlarging the three coordinates of the individ ger individuals killed, as a rule, in accidents. ual target point by the radiologic distortions and We have not investigated the variability of the transfering them to the radiologic pictures of the individual thalamic nuclei and fiber structures be patient on the day of the operation by using bony cause it seems unnecessary when using the method reference points; described below of determining the individual 7. Determining the three coordinates of the indi target point by comparing each patient's brain with vidual target point relative to the zero points of one particular model brain. Our method, therefore, the basal ring as it is fixed on the day of the differs from that of ANDREWS and WATKINS (1969) operation; and others, who in their atlas calculated the aver 8. Locating the target point on the phantom age boundaries of individual nuclei based on 20 basal ring and fixing the stimulating electrode onto normal brains. this target point with the help of the aiming bow; 9. Transferring the aiming bow with the angles fixed on it to the basal ring fixed to the patient's head. Introduction to the Determination of Individual Target Points 253 I. Fig. 143. (a). Coordinate system of diencephalon for stereotaxic operation from medial aspect of hemisphere. Base line of thalamus starts in Monro foramen (interventricular foramen, F.Mo) and ex tends to most rostral point of posterior commissure (Co.p). Aquaeductus cerebri (Aq) starts below Co.p. Aq is continued by the IV th ventricle. Height of thal amus is measured from middle of base line (from F.Mo and Co.p) to superior border of thalamus. (b). Comparison of this anatomic prepa ration with lateral x-ray of brain in which ventricles are filled with air. Baseline is drawn in between inferior border of in terventricular foramen and most anterior point of shadow of posterior commis sure. Height of thalamus in middle of baseline is marked (h). BL baseline (of thalamus); Co.hh com missura habenularum; corpus cal losum; Fx fornix; In! infundibulum; Q. superior colliculus; Sp/ splenium of cor pus callosum; II optic chiasma; x stria medullaris thalami 254 Atlas of the Basal Ganglia in Parkinsonism 4. Description of the Series Fig. 145. Frontal section in the plane of the inter of Frontal Sections ventricular (Monro) foramen (Fo.Mo) at a right angle to the baseline: The starting point of the baseline is the caudobasal point of the fornix be The following is a description of frontal serial fore it disappears in the hypothalamus. In this brain sections with fiber stain in a case of Parkin plane both parts of the pallidum (Pa.e and Pa.i) son's syndrome. The sections were taken at distan are seen. Below them is the rostral part of the ces of 2.0 mm at a right angle to the baseline from ansa lenticularis (A.le). Parallel to the ansa lenticu the lower edge of the interventricular foramen to laris, forms an accumulation of fibers above the the anterior edge of the posterior commissure with optical tract (II) in the rostral continuation of the a magnification of 5 x (Fig. 144). ansa peduncularis (A.pel), root of the inferior tha The basal length oft he thalamus from the poste lamic peduncle (Pd.if). Above the genu of the inter rior lower edge of the interventricular foramen to nal capsule (Ca.i), which is seen here, lies the stria the posterior commissure is 24.0 mm, the height terminalis (Str.!) with the terminal vein (Ve.t) B of the thalamus at the middle of this distance mea nucleus basalis. x 5. sures 150 mm. Fig. 144. Medial aspect of unoperated hemisphere of Par between anterior (C.a) and posterior commissure (C.p). kinson patient, showing baseline of thalamus and perpen Arrow in brainstem shows Meynert's axis. Pi pineal gland; dicular to it, levels of sections showing distance from Pu pulvinar Spl splenium of corpus callosum; Fx Fornix. interventricular foramen. Hatched line is commissural line Scale 1: 1 Description of the Series of Frontal Sections 255 Fig. 145. For description see opposite page 22 22 mm mm 20 20 18 18 15 15 {i" lL. 1L. 12 12 " 10 10 8 8 5 5 4 2 2 f ' t 0 0 ~ ~ 2 2 L. 4 5 5 8 8 10 10 0 2 4 5 8 10 12 14 15 18 20 22 24 25mm 256 Atlas of the Basal Ganglia in Parkinsonism Fig. 146. For description see p. 260 o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28mm 22 22 mm mm 20 20 18 18 16 ~--+----~--+---r---+----~-.+-~~ 16 14 ~---+----~--+----r--+--~~~ 14 12 12 10 +----L......---f-~f---h __ 10 8 6 6 2 t o +--...... ~ t 2 -I--~tp..... ... 4 6 --...,..-- 6 8 o 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28mm Description of the Series of Frontal Sections 257 Fig. 147. For description see p. 260 mm mm 22 22 20 20 18 18 16 16 14 II. 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 I. I. 2 2 t t 0 0 + • 2 2 4 I. 6 6 8 8 10 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 II. 16 18 20 22 24 26 28mm 258 Atlas of the Basal Ganglia in Parkinsonism Fig. 148. (a) For description see p. 260 8 10 12 If. 16 18 20 22mm mm 20 18 16+---_+~~r---4---_+--~~~1 16 14+----+--~~--+- 14 12~~~----r---;---_+~ ':I-:---+---/r 10 8 8 6 +--\-,. 6 i"DIFn;:;;Fhij 2 ;~;;;! t . 2 l, +-~-+ 6 6 8 +---'--1-- --If----+----+-~-"+o-~8 ~--4_--~--~----4---_+~~r_--~--_+----+_~ 10 , 12~---+~~~---+---_+----r_--_+_--_;----~--~--~r_--+_--- 12 o 2 6 8 10 12 II. 16 18 20 22mm Description of the Series of Frontal Sections 259 Fig. 148. (b) For description see p. 260 o 2 6 10 12 mm mm 8 • 8 6 -~-Ifj .... / / ~ .'.: I ~~~~r.-----~~~--7----r--~----+---2 :2 -tt--- .~~-------r------~~~------t---2 I '" .. .. / f 4-;r---~~~~~+-~t--~~---H·'-·~-----+--~~--+-~~--~---4 o 2 6 8 10 12mm