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Athetha wakya deepanya, or, A collection of Sinhalese proverbs, maxims, fables PDF

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Preview Athetha wakya deepanya, or, A collection of Sinhalese proverbs, maxims, fables

* ,~N>. ,~^*+.v,1 01 ^OM^AkiL 7 f- ATHETHA WAKYA DEEPANYA | OB A COLLECTION OF Sinhalese Proverbs, Maxinis, Fables &c. [LBD A2*D HtANSLATED INTO ENGLISH ALEXANDER MENDIS SENANAVAKA ARATCHY. £2 f3 cpd a © a a ^5 |\4M Riyhts reserved.'} £Kl::XEi) AT THE CATHOLIC PB—KSg, COL: «^ a , 3 6 §G3 03. ©Sb©^ ©S&SsJ© ^0©3 as3) ©9 ©C35>3S?-5>333 ©XS5J C$5)®)©@erf ©JS^WKS'g ©353jos<55©65 ©9cQ ©DasssstfcS ®ea<s£8- <£|<3) ©Did? ©(§9 as^ca) o<^3?co' caerfs^-'^s:© e£3s5 <J(g©j3 f)«69o ©i-ed^ ©©co<S' ccadaa^-'qpjdJs.Sw 05*55 ®.-s-osf ©satf}C©S5<3' cc&3&)$--»®x»% tt©tttf*9© ©<?©,§ ©^^^©X^ C©3 q2S$2D) (^©©S-'cB35?65355 65t 6^© £©SJ 65i65g' CS«f» ©653©C3«J Q03©j3g«F ©0233:2 ©eSko^xO s^cB o©6565) ss^ eajcceg ©<x<£%) ©^3355 i^^^S-'-ag^g'SjQ ©35>g ©aso©^" ©s-cr<5' cosJes 'g«©S^o 22533032335' <»65)§ ©25 cased §&gz'x&j ^gxieS^i)^gsjg i;c5 Qt£* «y£5oaf cod cc©>^cctS §§) St)?>cc(Sq gasaaaS-'assagd©} e^x tf«fg©35235gf aytf^ ®c8^(2© ©^cdS'-x65*65 '(§3 <f3^ ©.©dq©255©63253 §s e3<@scd- eSiOxasJs-Q.rJ -es-agd© §g ©as^sc^vS-©^©^ ee&35o©©:£<; *Q*» <9®S-'fSanO asOc5o35)£><J? §>erfD©i#Q65i ©©S3fi' K<sd55 g^DCEgayO)© §3i£ge3&>63r 65© o<-:Joa)35X3 ©55 tS§>63(J3©d<33 <^6£l?.C0(S K33 C?^^63655}©K<S<° d»®aa <$§©3©.©gS$ gas33c9£;(3-'®>33c8 ©eS co^ *55 ©5)55©£525} ©C^asS St'QOS) ©S3>(5'©653©©3' C065 J899 gafl&aSeJ d>*aa>§)<; ©c^arfea^SeS63© S)$j ©j<y«i9w«fseS ©Serf as© qDcss^asgrfgS 65©id3 ©£)o»*rcfl o©3 gss>ica<3-®>©©e5 g'iseoa $=g©f63*53© KD ©<2JaS 0)555, ©sb^ ^6525555 aSJ^lOj" <£63C53i.<3g 036* £>55j© e3t^S©^6f g>csJdr5©63'g ®© «g3i ©0365 »Qiascaj SQed 8s5 ^Scccgqj £>5y55J ©© a* c5*cccjQ aro, Sc^g ^Q9dc5'^b 2Q©4s) a:©s5 «>£) -js>e, c0aS3 §><9<fl3 €1 Oi^ ©55» c$3?.©ao vci?asi 53:>©5<5?2ic5'^CC5£N <5>©)®k:$ gsr-CpdeUa (31 ^«ai-i) ©OiS-Jif ggf 80oa? CT5<8.3:C ©s^csJ cp^tf -icemoerf355 cp§i?s«ta ©t«J^flS ®-s5a3:>a*>:3- tfj^jy-c) o©sS g^s) ete>cgK5ay.5 ftoins^inf g8S) $&£^l (3(^te^C9e$?i ^©D^GOi3^535 S^«5c?^cj Serf £a)i S^.-no-J szr&'ri c?(g§ soas*erf s^itSSja} ®>t) CJj a?^}? ©) TL^i S3<^<fl6JS?J©>JOCOSE<SJ5 C5(3<Sf £>t <~,c<5erf o^S'55 ©•agjfirf &o®q®&3£i*s>c>J qpo)>:5' ft© g,%n'; oqjs cSt©3^J ©i? a^La5-0-*35S^©),^>3? ©vccd c?J <$<Q3'f>@>a3$£ ©33} gS,3 ^toc35Wxd A. Mknjms, Azktcky, PREFACE. The following work isa collection ofproverbs, maxims, fables etc. (current at the present day amongthe Sinhalese), the majority ofwhich have heen handed downorally from time immemorial. A few however are of recent introduction as is evidenced by their form, though their origin is beyond therenijmbrance of thatmythicalperson- age, "the oldest inhabitant." The present work is substantially thesame as the "Athethi wakya deepenya" published by my late lamented father A. Mendis Mudaliyar. A con- siderable amountofnew matterhas been added in the presentwork besides an English translation and afew notes intended to explain obsolete terms, allusions to antiquated customs &c. which arenot known tothe generality ofreaders. Ourreaders will findthat severalproverbs &c. have been left untranslated. This has been the case with those which lose their pointand beauty when translated into English and thu3 appear either utterly tame or entirely meaningless to onewhoisunabletoread the Sinhalese original. Additions made in the proofs have for the most part no English translation subjoined. It is hardly necessaryto tell ourreaders that many Sinhalese proverbs owe their beauly to alliterations, puns, &c. which cannot be exhibited in an English translation. As instance* w*3 inaj — give the following gs2j<*6 830 ®s&. An observing reader will see that most of ihe proverbs mentioned in the following pages have their equivalents in other languages. For instance c*g«5 §><305><3>©5 ^wa^D 8&$*&&!&)£,, exactly corresponds to the English proverb, A new broom sweeps well; CIO' tS3L& £<§9 sz&&) C<^c§)^oc> is similar to the Tamil, eSljiT<c6lik>jor (VjLp&i Qfjpztn'jJ^fB'STrrLo', and s>»j»j £cc 83^ €02S<3 S^i^^Wj 0^iDS is equivalent to the Latin, "Bastions expectat dumdefluat amnis." The compiler cannot be too sensibleof the many defects aud imperfections of the present work. He however hopes that an indulgent public willover-look them and extend tohim the same degree of encouragement and patronage as was accorded to his father.

Publisher: Printed at the Catholic PressDate: 1901Pages: 86The following work is a collection of proverbs, maxims, fables etc. (current at the present dayamong the Sinhalese), the majority of which have heen handed down orally from time immemorial.A few however are of recent introduction as is evide
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