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Atherosclerosis, 87 (1991) 251-253 © 1991 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland, Ltd. 0021-9150 /91/$03.50 Author Index (V ol. 87) Ailhaud, G., see Barkia, A. (87) 135 Fruchart, J.-C., see Barkia, A. (87) 135 Amartey, J.K., see Hodis, H.N. (87) 109 Funaki, C., see Hayashi, T. (87) 23 Annuzzi, G., Rivellese, A., Capaldo, B., Di Marino, L., Iovine, Fusco, G., see Jossa, F. (87) 129 C., Marotta, G. and Riccardi, G. A controlled study on the effects of n —3 fatty acids on Galasso, R., see Jossa, F. (87) 129 lipid and glucose metabolism in non-insulin-dependent di- Gambert, P., see Shoulders, C.C. (87) 239 abetic patients (87) 65 Genest Jr, J., see Ordovas, J.M. (87) 75 Aronica, A., see Catalano, M. (87) 17 Ghalim, N., see Barkia, A. (87) 135 Asai, K., see Hayashi, T. (87) 23 Gilligan, M., see Shoulders, C.C. (87) 239 Giumetti, D., see Jossa, F. (87) 129 Ball, M.J., see Shoulders, C.C. (87) 239 Gotto, Jr., A.M., see Loose-Mitchell, D.S. (87) 169 Barbaras, R., see Barkia, A. (87) 135 Groener, J.E.M., van Ramshorst, E.M., Katan, M.B., Mensink, Barcew-Wiszniewska, B., see Wdjcicki, J. (87) 9 R.P. and van Tol, A. Barkia, A., Puchois, P., Ghalim, N., Torpier, G., Barbaras, R.., Diet-induced alteration in the activity of plasma lipid trans- Ailhaud, G. and Fruchart, J.-C. fer protein in normolipidemic human subjects (87) 221 Differential role of apolipoprotein Aj-containing particles in cholesterol efflux from adipose cells (87) 135 Harry, P.J., see Shoulders, C.C. (87) 239 Bjérntorp, P., see Seidell, J.C. (87) 203 Hautvast, J.G.A.J., see Seidell, J.C. (87) 203 Blankenhorn, D.H., see Hodis, H.N. (87) 109 Hayashi, T., Ishikawa, T., Naito, M., Kuzuya, M., Funaki, C., Born, G.V.R., see Lendon, C.L. (87) 87 Asai, K., Hidaka, H. and Kuzuya, F. Low level hyperlipidemia impairs endothelium-dependent Capaldo, B., see Annuzzi, G. (87) 65 relaxation of porcine coronary arteries by two mechanisms. Carr, S.J., Thomas, T.H., Laker, M.F. and Wilkinson, R. Functional change in endothelium and impairment of en- Lipid lowering therapy leads to a reduction in sodium- dothelium-dependent relaxation by two mediators (87) 23 lithium countertransport activity (87) 103 Heck, D., see Rokita, E. (87) 183 Carzaniga, G., see Catalano, M. (87) 17 Hegland, J., see Yuan, J. (87) 147 Catalano, M., Aronica, A., Carzaniga, G., Seregni, R. and Hidaka, H., see Hayashi, T. (87) 23 Libretti, A. Hiramoto, M., see Imaizumi, T.-a. (87) 47 Serum lipids and apolipoproteins in patients with essential Hodis, H.N., Amartey, J.K., Crawford, D.W., Wickham, E., hypertension (87) 17 Sharma, R.C. and Blankenhorn, D.H. Charzewska, J., see Seidell, J.C. (87) 203 Relationship of arterial wall uptake of radiolabeled lipo- Cichocki, T., see Rokita, E. (87) 183 somes to the presence of monocyte/macrophage cells in the Cigolini, M., see Seidell, J.C. (87) 203 hypertensive and atherosclerotic arterial wall (87) 109 Civeira, F., see Ordovas, J.M. (87) 75 Hunninghake, D.B., see Yuan, J. (87) 147 Craig, S., see Ordovas, J.M. (87) 75 Huttunen, J.K., see Manttari, M. (87) 1 Crawford, D.W., see Hodis, H.N. (87) 109 Imaizumi, T.-a., Satoh, K., Yoshida, H., Kawamura, Y., Davies, M.J., see Lendon, C.L. (87) 87 Hiramoto, M. and Takamatsu, S. Di Marino, L., see Annuzzi, G. (87) 65 Effect of cigarette smoking on the levels of platelet-activat- ing factor-like lipid(s) in plasma lipoproteins (87) 47 Elliott, R.J., see McGrath, L.T. (87) 211 Iovine, C., see Annuzzi, G. (87) 65 Ellsinger, B.-M., see Seidell, J.C. (87) 203 Ishikawa, T., see Hayashi, T. (87) 23 Ito, H., see Kanayasu, T. (87) 57 Farinaro, E., see Jossa, F. (87) 129 Frascatore, S., see Jossa, F. (87) 129 Jarczyk, L., see Rokita, E. (87) 183 Frossard, P.M., see Ordovas, J.M. (87) 75 Jossa, F., Trevisan, M., Krogh, V., Farinaro, E., Giumetti, D., 252 Fusco, G., Galasso, R., Panico, S., Frascatore, S., Mellone, McKenna, M., Wolfson, S. and Kuller, L. C. and Mancini, M. The ratio of ankle and arm arterial pressure as an indepen- Serum selenium and coronary heart disease risk factors in dent predictor of mortality (87) 119 southern Italian men (87) 129 Meade, T., see Ordovas, J.M. (87) 75 Juzwiak, S., see Wéjcicki, J. (87) 9 Mellone, C., see Jossa, F. (87) 129 Juzyszyn, Z., see Wojcicki, J. (87) 9 Mensink, R.P., see Groener, J.E.M. (87) 221 Morita, I., see Kanayasu, T. (87) 57 Kadlubowska, D., see Wojcicki, J. (87) 9 Morrisett, J.D., see Loose-Mitchell, D.S. (87) 169 Kanayasu, T., Morita, I., Nakao-Hayashi, J., Ito, H. and Murota, S.-i., see Kanayasu, T. (87) 57 Murota, S.-i. Enhancement of migration in bovine endothelial cells by Naito, M., see Hayashi, T. (87) 23 eicosapentaenoic acid pretreatment (87) 57 Nakao-Hayashi, J., see Kanayasu, T. (87) 57 Karadi, I., see Malle, E. (87) 159 Nawata, H., see Uchida, E. (87) 195 Katan, M.B., see Groener, J.E.M. (87) 221 Nordestgaard, B.G. and Lewis, B. Kawamura, Y., see Imaizumi, T.-a. (87) 47 Intermediate density lipoprotein levels are strong predictors Knight, B.S., Perombelon, Y.F.N., Soutar, A.K., Wade, D.P. of the extent of aortic atherosclerosis in the St. Thomas’s and Seed, M. Hospital rabbit strain (87) 39 Catabolism of lipoprotein(a) in familial hypercholes- North, J.D., see Shoulders, C.C. (87) 239 terolaemic subjects (87) 227 Knipping, G., see Malle, E. (87) 159 Ordovas, J.M., Civeira, F., Genest Jr, J., Craig, S., Robbins, Koga, S., see Uchida, E. (87) 195 A.H., Meade, T., Pocovi, M., Frossard, P.M., Masharani, Koskinen, P., see Manttiari, M. (87) 1 U., Wilson, P.W.F., Salem, D.N., Ward, R.H. and Schaefer, Kostner, G.M., see Malle, E. (87) 159 BJ. Krogh, V., see Jossa, F. (87) 129 Restriction fragment length polymorphisms of the apoli- Kuller, L., see McKenna, M. (87) 119 poprotein A-I, C-III, A-IV gene locus. Relationships with Kuzuya, F., see Hayashi, T. (87) 23 lipids, apolipoproteins, and premature coronary artery dis- Kuzuya, M., see Hayashi, T. (87) 23 ease (87) 75 Overturf, M.L., see Loose-Mitchell, D.S. (87) 169 Lagrost, L., see Shoulders, C.C. (87) 239 Laker, M.F., see Carr, S.J. (87) 103 Panico, S., see Jossa, F. (87) 129 Leis, H.J., see Malle, E. (87) 159 Perombelon, Y.F.N., see Knight, B.S. (87) 227 Lendon, C.L., Davies, M.J., Born, G.V.R. and Richardson, Pocovi, M., see Ordovas, J.M. (87) 75 RD: Poorman, J.A., see Loose-Mitchell, D.S. (87) 169 Atherosclerotic plaque caps are locally weakened when Powell, J. macrophages density is increased (87) 87 Models of arterial aneurysm: for the investigation of patho- Lewis, B., see Nordestgaard, B.G. (87) 39 genesis and pharmacotherapy — a review (87) 93 Libretti, A., see Catalano, M. (87) 17 Prenner, E., see Malle, E. (87) 159 Loose-Mitchell, D.S., Poorman, J.A., Smith, S.A., Overturf, Puchois, P., see Barkia, A. (87) 135 M.L., Morrisett, J.D., Gotto, Jr., A.M. and Soma, M.R. Cholesterol metabolism in hypercholesterolemia-resistant Riccardi, G., see Annuzzi, G. (87) 65 rabbits (87) 169 Richardson, P.D., see Lendon, C.L. (87) 87 Rivellese, A., see Annuzzi, G. (87) 65 Malle, E., Sattler, W., Prenner, E., Leis, H.J., Karadi, L., Robbins, A.H., see Ordovas, J.M. (87) 75 Knipping, G., Romics, L. and Kostner, G.M. Rokita, E., Cichocki, T., Heck, D., Jarczyk, L. and Strzatkow- Platelet membrane fluidity in type IIA, type IIB and type ski, A. IV hyperlipoproteinemia (87) 159 Calcification of aortic wall in cholesterol-fed rabbits (87) Mancini, M., see Jossa, F. (87) 129 183 Manninen, V., see Manttari, M. (87) 1 Romics, L., see Malle, E. (87) 159 Manttari, M., Koskinen, P., Manninen, V., Tenkanen, L. and Rdzewicka, L., see Wojcicki, J. (87) 9 Huttunen, J.K. Lifestyle determinants of HDL,- and HDL,-cholesterol Sakamoto, S., see Uchida, E. (87) 195 levels in a hypercholesterolemic male population (87) 1 Salem, D.N., see Ordovas, J.M. (87) 75 Marotta, G., see Annuzzi, G. (87) 65 Samochowiec, L., see Wojcicki, J. (87) 9 Masharani, U., see Ordovas, J.M. (87) 75 Satoh, K., see Imaizumi, T.-a. (87) 47 Masumoto, A., see Uchida, E. (87) 195 Sattler, W., see Malle, E. (87) 159 McGrath, L.T. and Elliott, R.J. Schaefer, E.J., see Ordovas, J.M. (87) 75 Formation of a lipid gradient across the human aortic wall Seed, M., see Knight, B.S. (87) 227 during ageing and the development of atherosclerosis (87) Seidell, J.C., Cigolini, M., Charzewska, J., Ellsinger, B.-M., 211 Bjérntorp, P., Hautvast, J.G.A.J. and Szostak, W. 253 Fat distribution and gender differences in serum lipids in Effect of insulin, glucagon or dexamethasone on the pro- men and women from four European communities (87) 203 duction of apolipoprotein A-IV in cultured rat hepatocytes Seregni, R., see Catalano, M. (87) 17 (87) 195 Shah, N.F., see Shoulders, C.C. (87) 239 Sharma, R.C., see Hodis, H.N. (87) 109 Van Ramshorst, E.M., see Groener, J.E.M. (87) 221 Shoulders, C.C., Harry, P.J., Lagrost, L., White, S.E., Shah, Van Tol, A., see Groener, J.E.M. (87) 221 N.F., North, J.D., Gilligan, M., Gambert, P. and Ball, M.J. Variation at the apo AI/CIII/AIV gene complex is associ- Wade, D.P., see Knight, B.S. (87) 227 ated with elevated plasma levels of apo CIII (87) 239 Ward, R.H., see Ordovas, J.M. (87) 75 Smith, S.A., see Loose-Mitchell, D.S. (87) 169 White, S.E., see Shoulders, C.C. (87) 239 Soma, M.R., see Loose-Mitchell, D.S. (87) 169 Wickham, E., see Hodis, H.N. (87) 109 Soutar, A.K., see Knight, B.S. (87) 227 Wilkinson, R., see Carr, S.J. (87) 103 Strzalkowski, A., see Rokita, E. (87) 183 Wilson, P.W.F., see Ordovas, J.M. (87) 75 Szostak, W., see Seidell, J.C. (87) 203 Wojcicki, J., Rdézewicka, L., Barcew-Wiszniewska, B., Samochowiec, L., Juzwiak, S., Kadtubowska, D., Tustanow- Takamatsu, S., see Imaizumi, T.-a. (87) 47 ski, S. and Juzyszyn, Z. Tenkanen, L., see Manttari, M. (87) 1 Effect of selenium and vitamin E on the development of Thomas, T.H., see Carr, S.J. (87) 103 experimental atherosclerosis in rabbits (87) 9 Torpier, G., see Barkia, A. (87) 135 Wolfson, S., see McKenna, M. (87) 119 Trevisan, M., see Jossa, F. (87) 129 Tsai, M.Y., see Yuan, J. (87) 147 Yoshida, H., see Imaizumi, T.-a. (87) 47 Tustanowski, S., see Wojcicki, J. (87) 9 Yuan, J., Tsai, M.Y., Hegland, J. and Hunninghake, D.B. Effects of fluvastatin (XU 62-320), an HMG-CoA re- Uchida, E., Masumoto, A., Sakamoto, S., Koga, S. and Nawata, ductase inhibitor, on the distribution and composition of H. low density lipoprotein subspecies in humans (87) 147 Atherosclerosis, 87 (1991) 255-256 © 1991 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland, Ltd. 0021-9150/91/$03.50 Subject Index (V ol. 87) Acyl-CoA : cholesterol acyltransfersase, (87) 169 Glucagon, (87) 195 Adult, (87) 119 Glycemic control, (87) 65 Ageing, (87) 211 Albumin, (87) 195 Alcohol, (87) 1 HDL,-cholesterol, (87) 1 Aneurysm, (87) 93 HDL,-cholesterol, (87) 1 Animal model, (87) 93 High-fat diet, (87) 9 HMG-CoA reductase, (87) 169 Aorta, (87) 211 Apolipoprotein A-IV, (87) 195 HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, (87) 147 Apolipoproteins, (87) 17 Hypercholesterolemia, (87) 39; (87) 109; (87) 169 Apolipoproteins A-I—C-III—A-IV, (87) 75 Hyperlipidemia, (87) 23; (87) 103 Arterial pressure, (87) 119 Hyperlipoproteinemia, (87) 159 Atherosclerosis, (87) 17; (87) 23; (87) 39; (87) 47; (87) 109; Hypertension, (87) 17; (87) 109 (87) 169; (87) 183; (87) 211 Hypertriglyceridemia, (87) 39; (87) 65 Autoradiography, (87) 109 Immunohistochemistry, (87) 109 Blood pressure, (87) 129 Insulin, (87) 195 Insulin secretion, (87) 65 Calcification, (87) 183 Insulin sensitivity, (87) 65 Cardiovascular diseases, (87) 17 Intermediate density lipoprotein, (87) 39 Cholesterol, (87) 39; (87) 203 In vivo turnover, (87) 227 Cholesterol diet, (87) 183 Cholesterol efflux, (87) 135 Cholesterol ester, (87) 211 LDL, (87) 23; (87) 211 Cholesterol metabolism, (87) 169 LDL receptor, (87) 169; (87) 227 Cholesteryl ester transfer protein, (87) 221 LDL subspecies, (87) 147 Cigarette smoking, (87) 47 Lipids, (87) 17; (87) 129; (87) 203 Connective tissue matrix, (87) 211 Lipid transfer protein, (87) 221 Coronary artery disease, (87) 75 Lipoprotein, (87) 221 Coronary heart disease, (87) 129 Lipoprotein(a), (87) 227 Cultured rat hepatocytes, (87) 195 Lipoproteins, (87) 47 Liposomes, (87) 109 Dexamethasone, (87) 195 Low density lipoprotein, (87) 39 Diet, (87) 221 LpA,, (87) 135 LpA;: Ay, (87) 135 Eicosapentaenoic acid, (87) 57 Elastic lamina, (87) 211 Man, (87) 221 Electrophoresis, (87) 147 Mechanical properties, (87) 87 Endothelial cells, (87) 57 Membrane fluidity, (87) 159 Endothelium-dependent relaxation, (87) 23 Migration, (87) 57 Endothelium-derived relaxing factor, (87) 23 Monocyte density, (87) 87 Experimental atherosclerosis, (87) 9 Monocyte/macrophage cells, (87) 109 Monounsaturated fatty acics, (87) 221 Familial combined hyperlipidemia, (87) 39 Familial hypercholesterolaemia, (87) 227 Fat distribution, (87) 203 New Zealand White rabbits, (87) 109 Fish oil, (87) 65 n—3 fatty acids, (87) 65 Fluvastatin, (87) 147 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, (87) 65 256 Obesity, (87) 203 Selenium, (87) 9: (87) 129 Smoking, (87) 1: (87) 129 Physical activity, (87) 1 Sodium-lithium countertransport, (87) 103 Plaque rupture, (87) 87 St. Thomas's Hospital rabbit strain, (87) 39 Plaque ulceration, (87) 87 Platelet-activating factor (PAF), (87) 47 Trace elements, (87) 129 Platelets, (87) 159 Triglycerides, (87) 203 Polyunsaturated fatty acids, (87) 221 Type IIA, (87) 159 Prognosis, (87) 119 Type IIB, (87) 159 Type IV, (87) 159 Rabbit aorta, (87) 183 Ultracentrifugation, (87) 147 Rabbits, (87) 9 Relative weight, (87) 1 Vascular diseases, (87) 119 Remnant lipoproteins, (87) 39 Very low density lipoprotein. (87) 39 RFLPs, (87) 75 Vitamin E, (87) 9

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