arXiv:math.PR/1107.4142 Asymptotics of the Invariant Measure in Mean Field Models with Jumps∗ 2 Vivek S. Borkar† 1 0 Department of Electrical Engineering 2 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Powai, Mumbai 400076, India n e-mail: [email protected] a and J 9 Rajesh Sundaresan‡ 2 Department of Electrical Communications Engineering ] Indian Institute of Science R Bangalore 560012, India P e-mail: [email protected] . h Abstract: We consider the asymptotics of the invariant measure for the t process of the empirical spatial distribution of N coupled Markov chains a inthe limitofalargenumber ofchains. Eachchainreflects thestochastic m evolution of one particle. The chains are coupled through the dependence [ ofthetransitionratesonthisspatialdistributionofparticlesinthevarious states.Ourmodelisacaricatureformediumaccessinteractionsinwireless 2 local area networks. It is also applicable to the study of spread of epi- v demicsinanetwork.Thelimitingprocesssatisfiesadeterministicordinary 2 differentialequationcalledtheMcKean-Vlasovequation.Whenthisdiffer- 4 entialequationhasauniquegloballyasymptoticallystableequilibrium,the 1 spatial distributionasymptotically concentrates onthis equilibrium.More 4 generally,itslimitpointsaresupportedonasubsetoftheω-limitsetsofthe . McKean-Vlasovequation. Usingacontrol-theoretic approach, weexamine 7 thequestionoflargedeviations oftheinvariantmeasurefromthislimit. 0 1 AMS 2000 subject classifications: Primary 60K35, 60F10, 68M20, 1 90B18,49J15, 34H05. : Keywords and phrases: decoupling approximation, fluid limit, invari- v antmeasure,McKean-Vlasovequation, meanfieldlimit,smallnoiselimit, Xi stationarymeasure,stochasticLiouvilleequation. r a 1. Introduction Spurred by the seminal work of Bianchi [5], there has been a flurry of activity in the communication networks community on mean field models for carrier ∗A part of this paper without proofs was presented as an invited paper at the 2011 An- nual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton, IL, USA, September 2011. †WorksupportedbyaJ.C.BoseFellowshipandbyIFCPAR(Indo-FrenchCentreforthe PromotionofAdvancedResearch), Project4000-IT-1. ‡Work supported by IFCPAR (Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Re- search),Project4000-IT-1. 1 Borkar and Sundaresan/Invariant Measure inMean Field Models 2 sense multiple access (CSMA) protocols and their large time behavior. The continuous-timemodelforthewirelesslocalareanetwork(WLAN)isasfollows. ThereareN particles(nodes)inthenetwork.Ateachinstantoftime,aparticle’s stateisaparticularvaluetakenfromthefinitestatespaceZ ={0,1,··· ,r−1}. Aparticle’sstaterepresentsthenumberoffailedattemptsattransmissionofthe head-of-the-line packet at that particle’s queue. When a particle is in state i, a successfultransmissiongetsthepacketoutofthesystem,andtheparticlemoves tostate0toservicethe nextpacket.Afailedtransmissionmovestheparticleto statei+1(modr).Inthecasewheniwasinitiallyr−1,i.e., r−1unsuccessful transmissionattempts were alreadymade,another failed attempt results in the discarding of the packet. The particle then moves to state 0 with the next packetreadiedfortransmission.Wemayinterpretr asthemaximumnumberof transmissionattempts. The transition rate for a particle from state i to state j isgovernedbymean field dynamics,i.e.,thetransitionrateisλ (µ (t))where i,j N (N) µ (t)isthe empiricaldistributionofthe statesofparticlesattime t.IfX (t) N n is the state of the nth particle at time t, then one may write µ (t) as N N 1 µ (t)= δ . N N {Xn(N)(t)} n=1 X The particles interact only through the dependence of their transition rates on the current empirical measure µ (t). N The transitions allowed in the above model are i to either i+1 (mod r) or 0. Let us say that E denotes the set of allowed transitions. In the above model, E={(i,i+1),i=0,1,··· ,r−1}∪{(i,0),i=0,1,··· ,r−1} where the addition is taken modulo r. The process X(N)(·) = {X(N)(·),1 ≤ n ≤ N} is clearly a Markov process. n But one difficulty needs to be surmounted in analyzing this system: the size of the state space grows exponentially in the number of particles. A step towards addressing this difficulty is to consider the evolution or flow of the empirical measureovertime,whichweshallcallempirical process.ThisisastochasticLi- ouvilleequationthatlivesonasmallerstatespace.Intheinfinite particlelimit, this evolutionturns outto be deterministic andis givenby the McKean-Vlasov equation,whoselargetime behaviorisanindicatorofwhatonemightexpectof a finite but large population. In particular,if the deterministic evolution, given by the McKean-Vlasov equation, has a unique globally asymptotically stable equilibrium,thenthestatesofafinitenumberoftaggedparticlesareasymptot- icallyindependentandtheirjointlawisgivenbytheproductofthisequilibrium measure. The idea in fact was introduced by Kac as a simple model in kinetic theory [23] and was later studied by McKean and others (see, e.g., [25]). See [32] for an extensive account and [22] for a treatment of processes with jumps. Several papers have provided rigorous analyses of Bianchi’s heuristic for studying WLANs. See, e.g., [9], [27], [8], [33], [3], [26]. See [16] for an excel- lent survey, [31], [1], [2] for early precursors, and [4] for an application of the Borkar and Sundaresan/Invariant Measure inMean Field Models 3 same technique in game theory. As remarkedin [16], experimental evidence for CSMAprotocolsindicatesthatthemodelandthepredictionsmadebytheanal- yses are surprisingly accurate even for small populations. Indeed, this is one of themainreasonsforthemodel’senormouspopularity.Asastepinthedirection ofunderstandingthisconcentrationphenomenon,westudythecontinuous-time model in this paper with the following goals. 1. Obtain a large deviation principle over finite time durations for the se- quence of empirical measures and empirical flow, uniformly in the initial condition. This is of course rough asymptotics for large N, but suggests exponentially fast convergence to the deterministic limit. 2. Obtain a large deviation principle for the sequence of invariantmeasures, with single or multiple stable limit sets. This helps resolve which of the several equilibria, if present, will be selected in the large N limit. It also helps understand metastable behavior in such systems. 3. Provide a control theoretic framework to solve the problem of invariant measure in order to expose its strength and limitation. As we will see, we cangoquite somedistance using this deterministic approach,but eventu- ally need to study the noisy system for resolution of some degeneracies. It must be noted that the above continuous-time model does not perfectly captureallaspectsinaWLAN.Inparticular,interactionsandchangesofstates occur indiscrete-time units of slotsin WLANs, andmultiple nodes maytransit in one slot. Multiple transitions never occur, almost surely, in our continuous- time model. Nevertheless, if the discrete-time model’s transition rates and the slot sizes are appropriately scaleddown as N growsso that the transitionrates approach constants, our continuous time model provides accurate predictions of behavior on the discrete-time model. Our model also has wider applicability, one example being the study of spread of epidemics in a network; see [15, Sec. 2.4]. Large deviation principles over compact time durations for interacting diffu- sions and interacting jump Markov processes have been well-studied by several authors, e.g., [11], [24], [15], [19], [10], [14]. The works [15], [10], [14] establish large deviation principles for empirical measures in path space over finite time durations and characterize the rate functions, while [19] considers infinite time durations under the inductive topology.The works[11], [24], [15], [10], and [20] also study large deviation of the empirical process from the McKean-Vlasov limit, over finite time durations or infinite time durations under the inductive topology ([20]). The rate function measures the difficulty of passage of the em- pirical process in the neighborhood of a deviating path. For a fixed N, when t → +∞, the stationary or invariant measure is of interest. When the limiting McKean-Vlasov dynamics has a unique globally asymptotically stable equilibrium, the invariant measure converges weakly in the infinite particle limit to the point mass at the equilibrium of the McKean- Vlasovdynamics(see,e.g.,[3]).Whentherearemultipleequilibria,theinvariant measure concentrates on a subset of the ω-limit sets for the McKean-Vlasov dynamics ([21, Ch. 6] and [4]). Large deviations from this limit have been well- Borkar and Sundaresan/Invariant Measure inMean Field Models 4 studied (see [21, Ch. 6], [30]). As indicated earlier, large deviation results for the invariant measure help resolve which of several possible ω-limit sets may be selected in the limit of a large number of nodes. They also help understand and predict metastable behavior in such systems. If the system is trapped in an undesirable equilibrium, exit times from domains and likely paths can be predicted. Our approach for solving the large deviations of invariant measure exploits a control-theoretic view described in [6], which considers a class of diffusions and generalizes results of [29] and [12] on small noise asymptotics of invariant measuresandexitprobabilitiesindiffusions.See[28]forsmallnoiseasymptotics of exit probabilities in processes with jumps. The control-theoretic approach differsfromthoseofFreidlinandWentzell[21]andShwartzandWeiss[30].The latter rely on a study of an embedded Markov chain of states at hitting times of neighborhood of the stable limit sets (see, e.g., [21, Ch. 6.4]). Our control- theoretic approach is, in a sense, a noise-free approach. It gives a complete solutionwhenthereisauniquegloballyasymptoticallystableequilibriumforthe McKean-Vlasovdynamics.Whendealingwithmultipleω-limitsetsthough,our approach requires the study of the noisy system associated with the embedded Markov chain described above, for resolution of certain boundary conditions. We now outline our main arguments and describe the paper’s organization. We begin with a formal description of the model in Section 2.1. In Section 2.2,wefirstestablishalargedeviationprincipleforempiricalmeasuresofpaths overfinite durations.Forpurejump processeswithinteractions,this wasestab- lished by [24], [15], [19], [10], [14], as indicated earlier. While [24] considers a fixed initial condition for all the particles, [10], [19], and [14] consider random, independent, and identically distributed (i.e., chaotic) initial conditions for the particles. To establish the large deviation principle for the interacting system, they first establishthe large deviationprinciple for the independent andnonin- teractingsystemviaSanov’stheorem,thenexploittheGirsanovtransformation to describethe probabilitymeasurefor the interactingcase,andthen apply the Laplace-Varadhan principle. In order to eventually pass to the invariant mea- sure,weneedto establishastrongeruniformlargedeviationprinciplewhenthe initial conditions of the particles are such that the initial empirical measures convergeweakly,butareotherwisearbitrary.(See theremarkfollowing[19,Th. 4.1].)Thelimitingempiricalmeasuredefinestheinitialconditionforthelimiting deterministic McKean-Vlasov dynamics. This stronger uniform large deviation principlealludedtoaboveisavailablefordiffusionswithmeanfieldinteractions in [11] and for certain classes of jump processes in [15] where the holding times alonearemediatedbytheinteractionandnotthejumpprobabilities.Ourresult is a mild extension facilitated by a generalization of Sanov’s theorem given in [11]. While this part of our result is not surprising, we could not find a ready reference in the literature,andso we state the resultin Section 2.2 andprovide a proof in Section 3 based on the approach in [24]. We reemphasize that this resultisonlyforfinitedurations,andisonlyasteptowardsaddressingournext goal of asymptotics of the invariant measure. InSection2.3,weapplythe contractionprincipletoobtainresultsonalarge Borkar and Sundaresan/Invariant Measure inMean Field Models 5 deviation from the McKean-Vlasov limit. As in [24], we prove this under the fineruniformnormtopology.InSection2.4,weonceagainapplythecontraction principle to argue a large deviation principle for terminal measure. We then establish some crucial estimates on the rate function for use in later sections. Finally in this section, we argue that if the initial measures satisfy a large deviation principle, then so do the joint initial and terminal measures. In Sections 2.5 - 2.7, we study the large deviation principle for the invariant measure.To do this, we firstestablisha subsequentiallargedeviationprinciple, then argue that the rate function satisfies an integral version of the Hamilton- Jacobi-Bellmanequationforaparticularcontrolproblem,andthenfinallyshow that the rate function is unique if the associatedMcKean-Vlasovdynamics has auniquegloballyasymptoticallystableequilibrium.Theargumentstoestablish the uniqueness of the rate function parallel those of [6] with the significant differencethatwhiletheHamilton-Jacobi-Bellmanequationwasarrivedatin[6] viathetheoryofviscositysolutions,hereweusethecontractionprinciple.While this providesa complete resultincase ofa single globallyasymptoticallystable equilibrium, it leaves some indeterminacy regarding uniqueness of the so called ‘potentialfunction’whoseglobalminimathe invariantmeasureconcentrateson in the large N limit. To resolve this, one has to fall back upon the framework of Freidlin and Wentzell [21, Ch.6] with minor modifications. The latter are detailed in the Appendix. Proofs that are not central to our control-theoretic view point are relegated to Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6. The Appendix details the minor modifications to the argumentsofFreidlinandWentzell[21,Ch.6]forresolutionofthe ratefunction values at the stable limit points. 2. The model and main results Consider N interacting Markov chains denoted by X(N)(t), 1≤n≤N, t≥0, n ona finite state space Z :={0,··· ,r−1},with dynamics as follows.Let µ (t) N be the empirical measure of the particles at time t, i.e., N 1 µ (t)= δ ∈M (Z). N N {Xn(N)(t)} 1 n=1 X Here and later M (···) will denote the set of probability measures on “···” 1 with an associatedσ-algebrathat will be clear from the context. Let E be a set of directed edges (i,j)∈Z×Z defining an irreducible directed graph G(Z,E). The subsetZ ={j ∈Z such that (i,j)∈E} isthe neighborsetofi.A particle i n in state i transits to state j ∈Z with a rate λ (µ (t)) that depends on the i i,j N states of the other particles only through the empirical measure at that time. Thus the processes interact only through the dependence of their transition rateson the currentempiricalmeasure.Further assumptionswill soonbe made Borkar and Sundaresan/Invariant Measure inMean Field Models 6 on the rates λ (·) for (i,j) ∈ E. Our study is on the large N asymptotics of i,j the process µ (·) and the asymptotics of its invariant measure. N Thefirststepinourapproachtothisasymptoticsisalargedeviationprinciple in path space, obtainedfrom Sanov’s theorem.Towardsthis end, we follow [24] and formally define the model. 2.1. Formal description Let T ≥0,and let X(N) :[0,T]→Z denote the process ofevolution of particle n n over time. This is an element of the set D([0,T],Z) of all cadlag paths from [0,T] to Z equipped with the Skorohod topology. We set the path to be left continuous at T. Let XN =(X(N),1≤n≤N)∈D([0,T],ZN) n denote the full description of paths of all N particles. The initial condition at time t=0 is zN =(z ,1≤n≤N). n For notationalconvenience,we treat Z as the groupZ with modulo r addi- r tion,and define ∆ =j−i (mod r), so that j =i+∆ (mod r). Of course,a i,j i,j ∆ transition can occur for a particle in state i to state j = i+∆ (mod r) i,j i,j only if j ∈Z . Henceforth, we shall omit “mod r”. i The law P(N) of XN is a solution to the martingale problem on the space zN D([0,T],ZN) associated with the infinitesimal generator defined by N N 1 A(N)Φ(xN)= λ δ Φ(xN +e ∆ )−Φ(xN) xn,j N xn′ n xn,j nX=1j∈XZxn" nX′=1 !#(cid:0) (cid:1) (2.1) with domain B (ZN) := the set of all bounded measurable functions on ZN, b and the initial condition zN. In (2.1), xN = (x ,1 ≤ n ≤ N), e is the unit n n vector having 1 in the nth coordinate and 0s elsewhere, and Φ∈B (ZN). The b definition in (2.1) is a compact way of saying that particle n when in state x = i transits to state j = x +∆ with a rate λ (µ ) that depends on n n xn,j i,j N the empirical measure µ =(1/N) N δ . N n′=1 xn′ We make the following assumption: P (A) There exist positive constants c > 0 and C < +∞ such that, for every (i,j) ∈ E, the bounds c ≤ λ (·) ≤ C hold, and moreover, the mapping i,j µ7→λ (µ) is Lipschitz continuous over M (Z). i,j 1 The upper boundedness of the rates implies that the martingale problem as- sociated with the generator A(N), domain B (ZN), and the initial condition b zN ∈ZN admits a unique solution P(N) ∈M (D([0,T],ZN)) (see for e.g., [17, zN 1 Problem 4.11.15, p. 263]). We close this subsection with a remark on why our work on the invariant measure is not subsumed by the works of [30] and [21]. The process µ (·) N Borkar and Sundaresan/Invariant Measure inMean Field Models 7 is obviously a Markov process with jumps. When a transition occurs, say a particle jumps from state i to state j, then µ (t)(i) decreases and µ (t)(j) N N increases by 1/N. The transition rate for such a jump when the state is µ (t) N is (µ (t)(i))λ (µ (t)). While λ (µ (t)) is indeed bounded away from zero, N i,j N i,j N (µ (t)(i))λ (µ (t))isnot,andsothe logarithmofthese ratesisnotbounded, N i,j N arequirementin [30].Next,the processµ takesvalues onlyinM (Z), andso N 1 whenattheboundaryM (Z),itisconstrainedtomoveonlyinthosedirections 1 that keep it within M (Z). As a consequence, a finiteness condition [21, p.146, 1 II] on the associated Lagrangianfunction does not hold. 2.2. Empirical measure Let G denote the mapping that takes the full description xN to the empirical N measure N 1 G :(x ,1≤n≤N)∈D([0,T],ZN)7→ δ ∈M (D([0,T],Z)). N n N xn 1 n=1 X Given the random variable XN, the random empirical measure, denoted M , N is thus M =G (XN)∈M (D([0,T],Z)). N N 1 Clearly, the law of M depends on the initial condition zN only through its N empirical measure ν = (1/N) N δ . Write P(N) for the law of M , the N n=1 zn νN N push forwardof P(N) under the mapping G , i.e., P(N) =P(N)◦G−1. zN P N νN zN N The M (Z)-valued cadlag empirical process is 1 N 1 µ :t∈[0,T]7→µ (t)= δ ∈M (Z), N N N {Xn(N)(t)} 1 n=1 X and the corresponding mapping is denoted γ :(x ,1≤n≤N)∈D([0,T],ZN)7→µ :[0,T]→M (Z). N n N 1 Observe that µ (0) = ν , and that µ (t) is the projection π (M ) at time t, N N N t N and we write µ =π(M ). We thus have N N µ =π(M )=π(G (XN))=γ (XN). N N N N Consider now a hypothetical tagged particle. When there is no interaction, when all transition rates for (i,j)∈E transitions are unity, and when all other transition rates are 0, we can define the evolution of the tagged particle by the law P which is the unique solution to the martingale problem in D([0,T],Z) z associated with the generator AoΦ(i)= 1·(Φ(j)−Φ(i)) jX∈Zi Borkar and Sundaresan/Invariant Measure inMean Field Models 8 with domain B (Z) and the initial condition z. The existence of a solution and b the solution’s uniqueness hold because the transition rates are upper bounded (see [17, Problem 4.11.15]). For any fixed µ ∈ D([0,T],M (Z)), let P (µ) be 1 z the unique solution to the martingale problem in D([0,T],Z) associated with the (time-varying) generator A Φ(i)= λ (µ(t))·(Φ(j)−Φ(i)) (2.2) µ(t) i,j jX∈Zi defined on B (Z) and the initial condition z. Again, by the upper boundedness b assumptiononλ (·), P (µ) is unique, andthe density ofP (µ) withrespectto i,j z z P can be written as (see [24, eqn. (2.4)]) z dP (µ) z (x)=exp{h (x;µ)} (2.3) 1 dP z where h (x;µ)= 1 logλ (µ(t−)) (2.4) 1 {xt6=xt−} xt−,xt 0≤t≤T X − (λ (µ(t))−1) dt. xt,j Z[0,T]j∈XZxt Consider the product distribution Po,(N) = N P where the N particles zN n=1 zn evolve independently, with the nth particle’s initial condition being z . Again n with ν = (1/N) N δ , let Po,(N) = Po,(NN)◦G−1. A simple application of N n=1 zn νN zN N Girsanov’s formula yields that (see [24, eqn. (2.8)]) P (N) dP νN (Q)=exp{Nh(Q)} (2.5) dPo,(N) νN where h is related to h (·;·) as follows: for a Q∈M (D([0,T],Z)), 1 1 h(Q)= h (x;π(Q)) Q(dx). (2.6) 1 ZD([0,T],Z) Let us define the spaces and topologies of interest. As in [24], consider the Polish space (X,d) where X = x∈D([0,T],Z)| 1 <+∞, {x(t)6=x(t−)} 0<t≤T (cid:8) X and for each t∈(0,T] with x(t)6=x(t−), we have x(t)∈Z x(t−) (cid:9) with metric d(x,y)=dSko(x,y)+|ϕ(x)−ϕ(y)|, x,y ∈X Borkar and Sundaresan/Invariant Measure inMean Field Models 9 where dSko stands for the Skorohod (complete) metric, and ϕ:x∈X 7→ 1 ∈R {x(t)6=x(t−)} 0<t≤T X denotesthenumberofjumps.ϕisnonnegativeandcontinuous(see[24,p.299]). For a function f :X →R, define |f(x)| ||f|| = sup , ϕ 1+ϕ(x) x∈X denote C (X)={f |f :X →R is continuous and ||f|| <+∞} ϕ ϕ and M (X)= Q∈M (X)| ϕ dQ<+∞ . 1,ϕ 1 (cid:26) ZX (cid:27) ThisisasubsetofthealgebraicdualC (X)∗ ofC (X).EndowthesetM (X) ϕ ϕ 1,ϕ withtheweak*topologyσ(M (X),C (X)),theweakesttopologyunderwhich 1,ϕ ϕ Q →Q as N →+∞ if and only if N f dQ → f dQ for each f ∈C (X). N ϕ ZX ZX This topology is obviously finer than the topology of weak convergence in M (X). 1 For a measure ν ∈M (Z), let P be the mixture given by 1 dP(x)= ν(z)dP (x). (2.7) z z∈Z X and let P(µ) be the mixture given by dP(µ)(x)= ν(z)dP (µ)(x). (2.8) z z∈Z X Define therelativeentropyH :M (X)→[0,+∞]ofQ(withrespecttoP) 1,ϕ as log dQ dQ if Q≪P H(Q|P)= X dP (2.9) ( R +(cid:16)∞(cid:17) otherwise. Also define the function J :M (X)→[0,+∞] 1,ϕ J(Q)= sup f dQ− ν(z)log ef dP . (2.10) z f∈Cϕ(X)"ZX z∈Z ZX # X We first state a simple extension of [24, Th. 2.1]. See remarks following the statement on the nature of the extension. Borkar and Sundaresan/Invariant Measure inMean Field Models 10 Theorem2.1. Supposethattheinitialconditionsν →ν weakly.Thesequence N (P(N),N ≥ 1) satisfies the large deviation principle in the space M (X), νN 1,ϕ endowed with the weak* topology σ(M (X),C (X)), with speed N and good 1,ϕ ϕ rate function I(Q)=J(Q)−h(Q). Furthermore, for each Q∈M (X), I(Q) 1,ϕ admits the representation H(Q|P(π(Q))) if Q◦π−1 =ν I(Q)= 0 (2.11) +∞ otherwise. (cid:26) Remarks: This is a mild generalization of [24, Th. 2.1]. First, as in [24], the statement is stronger than usual statements pertaining to the topology of weakconvergencesincethetopologyσ(M (X),C (X))isfiner.Second,while 1,ϕ ϕ [24] studied z = z for some fixed z so that ν = δ , we need to consider n 0 0 N z0 more general starting points for each particle, with the only proviso that the initialempiricalmeasuresν convergeweaklytoν.Thisgeneralizationalsogoes N beyond the chaotic initial conditions considered in [10], [19], and [14]. Third, there is another difference with [24] in that not all transitions are allowed, but only those in E. To get the same results, irreducibility of the directed graph G(Z,E) suffices. Proof. This is a straightforward extension of the proof of [24, Th. 2.1]. The arguments needed for the extension are highlighted in Section 3 for the sake of completeness. 2.3. Empirical Process Recall the mapping γ :(x ,1≤n≤N)∈D([0,T],ZN)7→µ :[0,T]→M (Z). N n N 1 The flow µ takes values in the space D([0,T],M (Z)). Equip this space with N 1 the metric ρ (ξ,ξ′)= sup ρ (ξ ,ξ′), ξ,ξ′ ∈D([0,T],M (Z)), (2.12) T 0 t t 1 0≤t≤T where ρ is taken to be a metric on M (Z) that metrizes the topology of weak 0 1 convergence on M (Z). The space D([0,T],M (Z)) with the metric ρ is not 1 1 T separable.Wearenowinterestedinthelawp(N)ofµ whichisthepushforward νN N p(N) = P(N) ◦γ−1. Since µ = π(M ), we can also write p(N) as the push νN zN N N N νN forward p(N) =P(N)◦π−1. νN νN Lemma 2.1. The mapping π : M (X) →D([0,T],M (Z)) is continuous at 1,ϕ 1 each Q ∈ M (X) where J(Q) < +∞. In particular, for each t ∈ [0,T], the 1,ϕ projection π : M (X) → M (Z) is continuous at each Q ∈ M (X) where t 1,ϕ 1 1,ϕ J(Q)<+∞. Proof. The proof is included immediately after Lemma 3.8 in Section 3.2.