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PROCEEDINGSOFTHE AMERICANMATHEMATICALSOCIETY Volume131,Number1,Pages291–302 S0002-9939(02)06557-7 ArticleelectronicallypublishedonMay8,2002 ASYMPTOTICS OF ALMOST HOLOMORPHIC SECTIONS OF AMPLE LINE BUNDLES ON SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLDS: AN ADDENDUM BERNARD SHIFFMAN AND STEVE ZELDITCH (Communicated byChristopherD.Sogge) Abstract. WedefineaGaussianmeasureonthespaceH0(M,LN)ofalmost J holomorphic sections of powers of an ample line bundle L over a symplectic manifold(M,ω),andcalculatethejointprobabilitydensitiesofsectionstaking prescribed values and covariant derivatives at a finite number of points. We prove that they have a universalscalinglimitas N →∞. This resultwillbe used in another paper to extend our previous work on universality of scaling limitsofcorrelationsbetween zerostothealmost-holomorphicsetting. 1. Introduction Thisnoteisanaddendumtoourstudyin[ShZe2]ofalmostholomorphicsections of powers of ample line bundles LN → M over almost complex symplectic man- ifolds (M,ω,J). Motivated by the important role now played by ‘asymptotically holomorphic’sectionsinsymplecticgeometry(see[Aur,Don]andmanyrelatedar- ticles), we studied in [ShZe2] a conceptually related but different class H0(M,LN) J of ‘almost holomorphic’ sections defined by a method of Boutet de Monvel and Guillemin [BoGu]. The main results of [ShZe2] were the scaling limit law of the almost-complex Szeg¨o projectors Π :L2(M,LN)→H0(M,LN) N J and various geometric consequences of it. Our purpose in this addendum is to develop[ShZe2]in a probabilistic direction, inthespiritofourearlierworkwithP.Bleherontheholomorphiccase[BSZ1],and tocompletethediscussionin[BSZ2]ofcorrelationsbetweenzerosinthesymplectic case. The space H0(M,LN) is finite dimensional and carries a natural Hermit- J ian inner product (see (7) and (14)). We endow the unit sphere SH0(M,LN) in J H0(M,LN) with Haar probability measure ν and consider the joint probability J N distribution (JPD) DN =DN(x1,...,xn,ξ1,... ,ξn;z1,...,zn)dxdξ (z1,...,zn) ofarandomsections ∈SH0(M,LN)havingtheprescribedvaluesx1,...,xn and N derivatives ξ1,... ,ξn at n points z1,...,zn ∈ M. To be more precise, we choose ReceivedbytheeditorsAugust3,2001. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary53D50,53D35,60D05. Research partially supported by NSF grants #DMS-9800479, #DMS-0100474 (first author) and#DMS-0071358(second author). (cid:13)c2002 American Mathematical Society 291 292 BERNARD SHIFFMAN AND STEVE ZELDITCH localcomplex coordinates{z ,...,z }anda nonvanishinglocalsectione ofL on 1 m L an open set containing the points {z1,...,zn}; then DN is the JPD of the (z1,...,zn) n(2m+1) complex random variables (cid:10) (cid:11)(cid:12) (cid:10) (cid:11)(cid:12) (1) xp =(cid:10) e∗LN,sN (cid:12)zp, ξqp =(cid:11)(cid:12) e∗LN,N−12∇∂/∂zqsN (cid:12)zp, ξmp+q = e∗LN,N−12∇∂/∂z¯qsN (cid:12)zp, 1≤p≤n,1≤q ≤m. As the name implies, almost holomorphic sections behave in the large N limit much as do holomorphic sections on complex manifolds. The main result of this notebearsthisoutbyshowingthattheJPDinthealmostcomplexsymplecticcase hasthesameuniversalscalinglawasinthe holomorphiccase,therebyfinishingthe proof of Theorem 1.2 of [BSZ2] on universal scaling limits of correlations between zeros in the symplectic case. Theorem 1.1. Let L be the complex line bundle over a 2m-dimensional compact integral symplectic manifold (M,ω) with curvature ω. Let P ∈ M, and choose a 0 local frame e for L and local complex coordinates centered at P so that ω| and 0 P0 g| are the usual Euclidean Ka¨hler form and metric respectively, (cid:107)e (cid:107) =1, and P0 L P0 ∇e | =0. Then L P0 (cid:0) (cid:1) DN √ √ −→D∞ (z1,...,zn)∈Cmn , (z1/ N,...,zn/ N) (z1,...,zn) where the measures D∞(z1,...,zn) =γ∆∞(z) are the same universal Gaussian measures as in the holomorphic case; in particular, they are supported on the holomorphic 1-jets. Let us review the formula for γ∆∞(z). We recall that a (complex) Gaussian measure on Ck is a measure of the form e−(cid:104)∆−1z,z¯(cid:105) (2) γ = dz, ∆ πkdet∆ where dz denotes Lebesgue mea(cid:0)sure o(cid:1)n Ck, and ∆ is a positive definite Hermitian k×k matrix. The matrix ∆= ∆ is the covariance matrix of γ : αβ ∆ (3) (cid:104)z z¯ (cid:105) =∆ , 1≤α,β ≤k . α β γ∆ αβ Sincetheuniversallimitmeasuresγ∆∞(z) vanishalongnon-holomorphicdirections, theyaresingularmeasuresonthespaceofall1-jets. Todealwithsingularmeasures, weintroducein§3generalizedGaussianmeasureswhosecovariancematrices(3)are only semi-positive definite; a generalized Gaussian measure is simply a Gaussian measuresupportedonthesubspacecorrespondingtothepositiveeigenvaluesofthe covariance matrix. Thecovariancematrix∆∞(z)isgivenalongholomorphicdirectionsbythesame formula as in the holomorphic case [BSZ1, (97)], namely (cid:18) (cid:19) ∞ m! A∞(z) B∞(z) (4) ∆ (z)= , c (L)m B∞(z)∗ C∞(z) 1 ASYMPTOTICS OF ALMOST HOLOMORPHIC SECTIONS: ADDENDUM 293 where z =(z1,...,zn) and A∞(z)pp(cid:48) = (cid:40)ΠH1 (zp,0;zp(cid:48),0), ΠH1 (u,0;v,0)= π1meu·v¯−12(|u|2+|v|2) , B∞(z)p = (zqp(cid:48) −zqp(cid:48)(cid:48))ΠH1 (zp,0;zp(cid:48),0) for 1≤q ≤m, p(cid:48)q(cid:48) 0 for m+1≤q ≤2m,  (cid:16) (cid:17)  δqq(cid:48) +(z¯qp(cid:48) −z¯qp)(zqp(cid:48) −zqp(cid:48)(cid:48)) ΠH1 (zp,0;zp(cid:48),0) C∞(z)pp(cid:48)qq(cid:48) =  for 1≤q,q(cid:48) ≤m, 0 for max(q,q(cid:48))≥m+1. In other words,the coefficients of ∆∞(z) correspondingto the anti-holomorphic directionsvanish,whilethecoefficientscorrespondingtotheholomorphicdirections are given by the Szeg¨o kernel ΠH for the reduced Heisenberg group (see [BSZ1, 1 §1.3.2]) and its covariant derivatives. A technically interesting novelty in the proof is the role of the ∂¯ operator. In the holomorphic case, DN is supported on the subspace of jets of sections (z1,...,zn) satisfying∂¯s=0. Inthealmostcomplexcase,sectionsdonotsatisfythisequation, so DN is a measure on the higher-dimensional space of all 1-jets. However, (z1,...,zn) Theorem 1.1 says that the mass in the non-holomorphic directions shrinks to zero as N →∞. An alternate statement of Theorem 1.1 involves equipping H0(M,LN) with a J (cid:101) Gaussian measure, and letting DN be the corresponding joint probability (z1,...,zn) distribution, which is a Gaussian measure on the complex vector space of 1-jets (cid:101) of sections. We show (Theorem 4.1) that these Gaussian measures DN also have the same scaling limit D∞, so that asymptotically the probabilities are the same as in the holomorphic case, where universality was established in [BSZ2]. It is (cid:101) then easy to see that DN =γ , where ∆N is the covariance matrix of the (z1,...,zn) ∆N randomvariables in (1). The main step in the proofis to show that the covariance (cid:101) matrices ∆N underlying DN tend in the scaling limit to a semi-positive matrix ∆∞. It follows that the scaled distributions D(cid:101)N tend to the generalized Gaussian γ∆∞ ‘vanishing in the ∂¯-directions.’ In a subsequent article [ShZe3], we obtain further probabilistic results on holo- morphicandalmostholomorphicsections. Regardingalmostholomorphicsections, we prove that a sequence {s } of almost holomorphic sections satifies the bounds N (cid:112) (cid:112) (cid:107)sN(cid:107)∞/(cid:107)sN(cid:107)L2 =O( logN), (cid:107)∂¯sN(cid:107)∞/(cid:107)sN(cid:107)L2 =O( logN) almost surely. Hence almost holomorphic sections satisfy bounds similar to those satisfied by asymptotically holomorphic sections in [Don, Aur]. Finally,wementionsomeintriguingquestionsrelatingourprobabalisticapproach toalmostholomorphicsectionstothe now-standardcomplexity-theoreticapproach to asymptotically holomorphic sections in symplectic geometry, due to Donaldson andfurtherdevelopedbyAurouxandothers. Fromananalyticalviewpoint(which ofcourseisjustonetechnicalsideoftheirwork),thekeyresultsareexistencetheo- rems for one or severalasymptoticallyholomorphic sections satisfying quantitative transversality conditions, such as s(z)=0 =⇒(cid:107)∂¯s(z)|<|∂s(z)| ∀z ∈M 294 BERNARD SHIFFMAN AND STEVE ZELDITCH in the case of one section. Can one use the probabalistic method to prove such ex- istence results? It is the global nature of the problem which makes it difficult. On small balls, our methods rather easily give lower bounds for quantitative transver- sality of the type C µ{s: |∂¯s(z)|<|∂s(z)| ∀z ∈B (z )such thats(z)=0} > 1− ε . √D 0 N1−ε N √ However,thereareroughlyC Nm ballsofradius1/ N,soonecannotsimplysum m this small-ball estimate. To globalize, one would need to partition M into small cubesasin[Don]andthenanalyzethedependenceoftransversalityconditionsfrom one cube to another. Remark. Thispaperand[ShZe2]wereoriginallycontainedinthearchivedpreprint [ShZe1]. Inrevisingthatpaper forpublicationas[ShZe2],we expandedthe section ontheSzego¨kernel,addedadiscussionontransversality,andrelocatedthematerial on the JPD to this article. In particular, Theorem 1.1 is Theorem 0.2 of [ShZe1], and Theorem 4.1 is Theorem 5.4 of [ShZe1]. 2. Background To avoid duplication, we only set up some basic notation and background, and refer to [BSZ1, BSZ2, ShZe2] for further discussion and details. Let (M,ω,J) denote a compact almost-complex symplectic manifold such that [1ω] is an integral cohomology class, and such that ω(Jv,Jw) = ω(v,w) and π ω(v,Jv) > 0. We further let (L,h,∇) → M denote a quantizing Hermitian line bundle andmetric connectionwith curvature iΘ =ω. We denoteby LN the Nth 2 L tensor power of L. We give M the Riemannian metric g(v,w) = ω(v,Jw). We denote by T1,0M, resp. T0,1M, the holomorphic, resp. anti-holomorphic, sub-bundle of the complex tangent bundle TM; i.e., J =i on T1,0M and J =−i on T0,1M. We now recall our notion of ‘preferred coordinates’ from [ShZe2]. They are important because the universal scaling laws are only valid in such coordinates. A coordinatesystem(z ,...,z )onaneighborhoodU ofapointP ∈M ispreferred 1 m 0 at P if any two of the following conditions (and hence all three) are satisfied: 0 i) ∂/∂z | ∈T1,0(M), for 1≤j ≤m, j P0 ii) ω(P )=ω , 0 0 iii) g(P )=g , 0 0 where ω is the standard symplectic form and g is the Euclidean metric: 0 0 (cid:88)m (cid:88)m i ω = dz ∧dz¯ = (dx ⊗dy −dy ⊗dx ), 0 j j j j j j 2 j=1 j=1 (cid:88)m g = (dx ⊗dx +dy ⊗dy ). 0 j j j j j=1 Here we write z = x + iy , and we let { ∂ , ∂ } denote the dual frame to j j j ∂zj ∂z¯j {dz ,dz¯ }. j j Asin[BSZ1,BSZ2,ShZe2],itisadvantageoustoworkontheassociatedprincipal S1 bundle X → M, and our Szeg¨o kernels will be defined there. Let π : L∗ → M denote the dual line bundle to L with dual metric h∗, and put X = {v ∈ L∗ : ASYMPTOTICS OF ALMOST HOLOMORPHIC SECTIONS: ADDENDUM 295 (cid:107)v(cid:107)h∗ = 1}. We let rθx = eiθx (x ∈ X) denote the S1 action on X. We then identify sections s of LN with equivariant function sˆon L∗ by the rule N (cid:0) (cid:1) (5) sˆ (λ)= λ⊗N,s (z) , λ∈X , N N z where λ⊗N = λ⊗···⊗λ; then sˆ (r x) = eiNθsˆ (x). We denote by L2 (X) the N θ N N space of such equivariant functions transforming by the Nth character. When working on X, covariant derivatives on sections of L become horizontal derivativesofequivariantfunctions. Weconsiderpreferredcoordinates(z ,...,z ) 1 m centered at a point P ∈ M and a local frame e for L such that (cid:107)e (cid:107) = 1 0 L L P0 and ∇e | = 0. This gives us coordinates (z ,...,z ,θ) on X corresponding to x=eiθ(cid:107)LeP0(z)(cid:107)e∗(z)∈X. We showed in [ShZe12, §1.2]mthat L L (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) ∂h ∂ i ∂ ∂h ∂ i ∂ (6) = + z¯ +O(|z|2) , = − z +O(|z|2) , j j ∂z ∂z 2 ∂θ ∂z¯ ∂z¯ 2 ∂θ j j j j where ∂h (resp. ∂h ) denotes the horizontal lift of ∂ (resp. ∂ ). ∂zj ∂z¯j ∂zj ∂z¯j The almost-complex Cauchy-Riemannoperator∂¯ on X does not satisfy ∂¯2 =0 b b in general, and usually it has no kernel. Following a method of Boutet de Monvel andGuillemin, wedefined in[ShZe2]the spaceHN ofequivariantalmost-CRfunc- J tions onX as the kernelofa certaindeformationD¯ ofthe ∂¯ operatoronL2 (X). 0 b N The space H0(M,LN) is then the corresponding space of sections. The Szeg¨o ker- J nel Π (x,y) is the kernel of the orthogonal projection Π : L2 (X) → HN. The N N N J dimension d =dimH0(M,LN) satisfies the Riemann-Roch formula (see [BoGu]) N J c (L)m (7) d = 1 Nm+O(Nm−1). N m! Since H0(M,LN)is finite dimensional,the Szego¨kernelΠ is smoothandisgiven J N by (cid:88)dN Π (x,y)= SN(x)SN(y), N j j j=1 where {SN} is an orthonormalbasis for H0(M,LN). j J It would take us too far afield to discuss the definition or significance of the spaces H0(M,LN) here; we refer the reader to [ShZe2] for background. J 3. A generalized Poincar´e-Borel lemma In this section,we give a generalizationof the Poincar´e-Borellemma concerning the asymptotics of linear push-forwards of measures on spheres of growing dimen- sions, which we shall use in the proof of Theorem 1.1. Recall that a Gaussian measure on Rn is a measure of the form γ = e−12(cid:104)∆√−1x,x(cid:105) dx ···dx , ∆ 1 n (2π)n/2 det∆ where ∆ is a positive definite symmetric n×n matrix. The matrix ∆ gives the second moments of γ : ∆ (8) (cid:104)x x (cid:105) =∆ . j k γ∆ jk This Gaussian measure is also characterized by its Fourier transform (cid:80) (9) γ(cid:99)∆(t1,...,tn)=e−12 ∆jktjtk. 296 BERNARD SHIFFMAN AND STEVE ZELDITCH Ifwe let ∆ be the n×n identity matrix,we obtainthe standardGaussianmeasure on Rn, 1 γn := (2π)n/2e−12|x|2dx1···dxn, withthe propertythatthex areindependentGaussianvariableswithmean0 and j variance 1. ByageneralizedcomplexGaussianmeasureonCn,wemeanageneralizedGauss- ian measure γc on Cn ≡R2n with moments ∆ (cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:10) (cid:11) z =0, z z =0, z z¯ =∆ , 1≤j,k ≤n, j γc j k γc j k γc jk ∆ ∆ ∆ where ∆ = (∆ ) is an n×n positive semi-definite Hermitian matrix; i.e. γc = jk ∆ γ , where ∆c is the 2n×2n real symmetric matrix of the inner product on R2n 1∆c 2 inducedby∆. As weareinterestedhereincomplexGaussians,wedropthe‘c’and write γc =γ . In particular, if ∆ is a strictly positive Hermitian matrix, then γ ∆ ∆ ∆ is given by (2). Thepush-forwardofaGaussianmeasurebyasurjectivelinearmapisalsoGauss- ian. In the next section, we shall push forward Gaussian measures on the spaces H0(M,LN) by linear maps that are sometimes not surjective. Since these non- J surjectivepush-forwardsaresingularmeasures,we needto consider the case where ∆ is positive semi-definite. In this case, we use (9) to define a measure γ , which ∆ we call a generalized Gaussian. If ∆ has null eigenvalues, then the generalized Gaussianγ is a Gaussianmeasure onthe subspace Λ ⊂Rn spannedby the pos- ∆ + itive eigenvectors. (Precisely, γ∆ = ι∗γ∆|Λ+, where ι : Λ+ (cid:44)→ Rn is the inclusion. For the completely degenerate case ∆ = 0, we have γ = δ .) Of course, (8) also ∆ 0 holds for semi-positive ∆. One useful property of generalized Gaussians is that the push-forward by a (not necessarily surjective) linear map T : Rn → Rm of a generalized Gaussian γ on Rn is a generalized Gaussian on Rm: ∆ (10) T∗γ∆ =γT∆T∗ Another useful property of generalized Gaussians is the following fact: Lemma 3.1. Themap∆(cid:55)→γ isacontinuousmapfromthepositivesemi-definite ∆ matrices to the space of positive measures on Rn (with the weak topology). Proof. Suppose that ∆N → ∆0. We must show that (∆N,ϕ) → (∆0,ϕ) for a compactlysupportedtestfunction ϕ. We canassume thatϕ is C∞. Itthenfollows from (9) that (γ ,ϕ)=(γ(cid:100),ϕ(cid:98))→(γ(cid:100),ϕ(cid:98))=(γ ,ϕ). ∆N ∆N ∆0 ∆0 We shall use the following ‘generalizedPoincar´e-Borellemma’ relating spherical measures to Gaussian measures in our proof of Theorem 1.1 on asymptotics of the joint probability distributions for SH0(M,LN). J Lemma 3.2. Let TN : RdN → Rk, N = 1,2,..., be a sequence of linear maps, where dN →∞. Suppose that d1NTNTN∗ →∆. Then TN∗νdN →γ∆. ASYMPTOTICS OF ALMOST HOLOMORPHIC SECTIONS: ADDENDUM 297 Proof. LetVN beak-dimensionalsubspaceofRdN suchthatVN⊥ ⊂kerTN,andlet pN :RdN →VN denote the orthogonal projection. We decompose TN =BN ◦AN, where AN =d1N/2pN :RdN →VN, and BN =d−N1/2TN|VN :VN →≈ Rk. Write AN∗νdN =αN, TN∗νdN =BN∗αN =βN. We easily see that (abbreviating d=d ) N (11) (cid:40) √ σd−k[1− 1|x|2](d−k−2)/2 for |x|< d, αN =AN∗νd =ψddx, ψd = σddk d 0 otherwise, where dx denotes Lebesgue measure on V , and σ = vol(Sn−1) = 2πn/2 . (The N n Γ(n/2) casek =1, d=3of(11)isArchimedes’formula[Arc].) Since[1−|x|2/d](d−k−2)/2 → e−|x|2/2 uniformly on compacta and σd−k → 1 , we conclude that α → γ . σddk (2π)k/2 N k (This is the Poincar´e-Boreltheorem; see Corollary 3.3 below.) Furthermore, (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 (d−k−2)/2 d−k−2 1− |x|2 ≤exp − |x|2 ≤ek+22e−12|x|2 d 2d √ for d≥k+2, |x|≤ d, and hence (12) ψ (x)≤C e−|x|2/2. dN k Now let ϕ be a compactly supported continuous test function on Rk. We must show that (cid:90) (cid:90) (13) ϕdβ → ϕdγ . N ∆ Suppose on the contra(cid:82)ry that (13) does(cid:82)not hold. After passing to a subsequence, we may assume that ϕdβ → c (cid:54)= ϕdγ . Since the eigenvalues of B are N ∆ N bounded, we can assume (again taking a subsequence) that B →B , where N 0 1 ∗ ∗ ∗ B B = lim B B = lim T T =∆. 0 0 N→∞ N N N→∞dN N N Hence, (cid:90) (cid:90) ϕdβ = ϕ(B x)ψ (x)dx N N dN Rk VN (cid:90) (cid:90) e−|x|2/2 → ϕ(B x) dx= ϕ(B x)dγ (x), 0 (2π)k/2 0 k VN VN where the limit holds by dominated convergence, using (12). By (10), we have B0∗γk =γB0B0∗ =γ∆, and hence (cid:90) (cid:90) ϕ(B x)dγ (x)= ϕdγ . 0 k ∆ VN Rk Thus (13) holds for the subsequence, giving a contradiction. 298 BERNARD SHIFFMAN AND STEVE ZELDITCH We note that the aboveproofbegan by establishing the Poincar´e-Borel theorem (which is a special case of Lemma 3.2): Corollary 3.3 (Poincar´e-Borel). Let P :Rd →Rk be given by d √ P (x)= d(x ,...,x ). d 1 k Then Pd∗νd →γk. 4. Proof of Theorem 1.1 We return to our complex Hermitian line bundle (L,h) on a compact almost complex 2m-dimensional symplectic manifold M with symplectic form ω = iΘ , 2 L where Θ is the curvature of L with respect to a connection ∇. We now describe L then-pointjointdistributionarisingfromourprobabilityspace(SH0(M,LN),ν ). J N We introduce the Hermitian inner product on H0(M,LN): (cid:90) J 1 (14) (cid:104)s ,s (cid:105)= hN(s ,s ) ωm (s ,s ∈H0(M,LN)), 1 2 1 2 m! 1 2 J M and we write (cid:107)s(cid:107) = (cid:104)s,s(cid:105)1/2. Recall that SH0(M,LN) denotes the unit sphere 2 J {(cid:107)s(cid:107)=1} in H0(M,LN) and ν denotes its Haar probability measure. J N We let J1(M,LN) denote the space of 1-jets of sections of LN. Recall that we have the exact sequence of vector bundles (15) 0→T∗ ⊗LN →ι J1(M,LN)→ρ LN →0. M We consider the jet maps J1 :H0(M,LN)→J1(M,V) , J1s= the 1-jet of s at z, for z ∈M. z J z z The covariant derivative ∇ : J1(M,LN) → T∗ ⊗LN provides a splitting of (15) M and an isomorphism (16) (ρ,∇):J1(M,LN)−≈→LN ⊕(T∗ ⊗LN). M Definition. The n-point joint probability distribution at points P1,...,Pn of M is the probability measure (17) DN(P1,...,Pn) :=(JP11 ⊕···⊕JP1n)∗νN on the space J1(M,LN) ⊕···⊕J1(M,LN) . P1 Pn Since we are interested in the scaling limit of DN, we need to describe this measuremoreexplicitly: SupposethatP1,...,Pn lieinacoordinateneighborhood of a point P ∈ M, and choose preferred coordinates (z ,...,z ) at P . We let 0 1 m 0 zp,...,zp denote the coordinates of the point Pp (1 ≤ p ≤ n), and we write 1 m zp = (zp,...,zp). (The coordinates of P are 0.) We consider the n(2m + 1) 1 m 0 complex-valued random variables xp, ξp (1 ≤ p ≤ n, 1 ≤ q ≤ 2m) on SH2 (X) ≡ q N SH0(M,LN) given by J (18) xp(s)=s(zp,0), 1 ∂hs 1 ∂hs (19) ξp(s)= √ (zp), ξp (s)= √ (zp) (1≤q ≤m), q N ∂zq m+q N ∂z¯q for s∈SH0(M,LN). J ASYMPTOTICS OF ALMOST HOLOMORPHIC SECTIONS: ADDENDUM 299 We now write x=(x1,...,xp), ξ =(ξqp)1≤p≤n,1≤q≤2m, z =(z1,...,zn). Using (16) and the variables xp, ξp to make the identification q (20) J1(M,LN) ⊕···⊕J1(M,LN) ≡Cn(2m+1), P1 Pn we can write DN =DN(x,ξ;z)dxdξ, z where dxdξ denotes Lebesgue measure on Cn(2m+1). Before proving Theorem 1.1 on the scaling limit of DN, we state and prove a z corresponding result replacing (SH0(M,LN),ν ) with the essentially equivalent J N Gaussian space H0(M,LN) with the normalized standard Gaussian measure J (cid:18) (cid:19) d dN (cid:88)dN (21) µN := πN e−dN|c|2dc, s= cjSjN, j=1 where{SN}isanorthonormalbasisforH0(M,LN). Thismeasureischaracterized j J bythepropertythatthe2d realvariables(cid:60)c ,(cid:61)c (j =1,...,d )areindependent N j j N Gaussian random variables with mean 0 and variance 1/2d ; i.e., N 1 (22) (cid:104)c (cid:105) =0, (cid:104)c c (cid:105) =0, (cid:104)c c¯ (cid:105) = δ . j µN j k µN j k µN d jk N Our normalization guarantees that the variance of (cid:107)s(cid:107) is unity: 2 (cid:104)(cid:107)s(cid:107)2(cid:105) =1. 2 µN We then consider the Gaussian joint probability distribution (23) D(cid:101)N(P1,...,Pn) =D(cid:101)N(x,ξ;z)dxdξ =(JP11 ⊕···⊕JP1n)∗µN. Sinceµ isGaussianandthemapJ1 ⊕···⊕J1 islinear,itfollowsthatthejoint N P1 Pn probability distribution is a generalized Gaussian measure of the form (24) DN(x,ξ;z)dxdξ =γ . ∆N(z) Weshallseebelowthatthe covariancematrix∆N(z)isgivenintermsoftheSzeg¨o kernel. We have the following alternate form of Theorem 1.1: Theorem 4.1. Under the hypotheses and notation of Theorem 1.1, we have D(cid:101)N √ √ −→D∞ . (z1/ N,...,zn/ N) (z1,...,nn) Proof. We use the coordinates (z ,...,z ,θ) on X given by preferred coordinates 1 m atP ∈M andalocalframee forLwith(cid:107)e (cid:107) =1and∇e | =0asin§2. The 0 L L P0 L P0 covariance matrix ∆N(z) in (24) is a positive semi-definite n(2m+1)×n(2m+1) Hermitian matrix. If the map J1 ⊕···⊕J1 is surjective, then ∆N(z) is strictly z1 zn (cid:101) positivedefiniteandDN(x,ξ;z)isasmoothfunction. Ontheotherhand,ifthemap (cid:101) is not surjective, then DN(x,ξ;z) is a distribution supported on a linear subspace. (cid:101) For example, in the integrable holomorphic case, DN(x,ξ;z) is supported on the holomorphic jets, as follows from the discussion below. 300 BERNARD SHIFFMAN AND STEVE ZELDITCH By (8), we have (cid:18) (cid:19) A B ∆N(z)= , B∗ C (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:10) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:10) (25) A= Ap = xpx¯p(cid:48) , B= Bp = xpξ¯p(cid:48)(cid:105) , C= Cpq = ξpξ¯p(cid:48)(cid:105) , p(cid:48) µN p(cid:48)q(cid:48) q(cid:48) µN p(cid:48)q(cid:48) q q(cid:48) µN (cid:48) (cid:48) p,p =1,...,n, q,q =1,...,2m. (We note that A, B, C are n×n, n×2mn, 2mn×2mn matrices, respectively; p,q index the rows, and p(cid:48),q(cid:48) index the columns.) We now describe the the entries of the matrix ∆N in terms of the Szego¨ kernel. (cid:80) We have by (22) and (25), writing s= dN c SN, j=1 j j (26) Ap =(cid:10)xpx¯p(cid:48)(cid:11) = (cid:88)dN (cid:10)c c¯ (cid:11) SN(zp,0)SN(zp(cid:48),0)= 1 Π (zp,0;zp(cid:48),0). p(cid:48) µN j k µN j k dN N j,k=1 We need some more notation to describe the matrices B and C. Write 1 ∂h 1 ∂h ∇ = √ , ∇ = √ , 1≤q ≤m. q m+q N ∂zq N ∂z¯q We let ∇1, resp. ∇2, denote the differential operator on X ×X given by applying q q ∇ to the first, resp. second, factor (1 ≤ q ≤ 2m). By differentiating (26), we q obtain (27) Bp = 1 ∇2 Π (zp,0;zp(cid:48),0), p(cid:48)q(cid:48) d q(cid:48) N N (28) Cpq = 1 ∇1∇2 Π (zp,0;zp(cid:48),0). p(cid:48)q(cid:48) d q q(cid:48) N N We now use the scaling asymptotics of the almost holomorphic Szego¨ kernel Π (x,y) given in [ShZe2]. In addition to the above assumption on the local frame N e , we further assume that L ∇2e | =−(g+iω)⊗e | ∈T∗ ⊗T∗ ⊗L. L P0 L P0 M M (In [ShZe3], we called such an e a ‘preferred frame’ at P , and the resulting coor- L 0 dinateswerecalled‘Heisenbergcoordinates.’) Thenwehave(see[ShZe3],Theorem 2.3) N−mΠ (√u , θ;√v , ϕ) N N N N N (29) = π1mei(θ−ϕ)+u·v¯−12(|u|2+|v|2) (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:80) × 1+ Kr=1N−r2br(P0,u,v)+N−K2+1RK(P0,u,v,N) , where (cid:107)RK(P0,u,v,N)(cid:107)Cj({|u|+|v|≤ρ}) ≤CK,j,ρ for j =1,2,3,.... It follows from (26)–(28) and (29), recalling (6)–(7), that (cid:18) (cid:19) (30) ∆N(√z )→∆∞(z)= m! A∞(z) B∞(z) N c1(L)m B∞(z)∗ C∞(z) in the notation of (4).

BERNARD SHIFFMAN AND STEVE ZELDITCH of 'almost holomorphic' sections defined by a method of Boutet de Monvel and. Guillemin [BoGu].
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