Asymptotic representations for some functions and integrals connected with the Airy function 5 0 0 A.I. Nikishov and V.I. Ritus † 2 n Lebedev Physical Institute, 119991, Moscow, Russia a † J e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] 5 2 Abstract 1 v TheasymptoticrepresentationsofthefunctionsAi (x),Gi(x),Gi′(x),Ai2(x),Bi2(x) 1 2 are obtained. As a by-product, the factorial identity (21′) is found. The derivation of 6 ∞ 0 asymptotic representations of the integral dxAi(x)h(x,v) for v and inte- v → −∞ 1 grals, differing from it by the change of Ai(xR) by Ai′(x) or Ai (x), is presented. For the 1 0 Airy function Ai(z), as an example, the Stokes’ phenomenon is considered as a con- 5 0 sequence of discontinuous behavior of steepest descent lines over the passes. When z / crosses the Stokes ray, the steepest descent line over the higher pass abruptly changes h p the direction of its asymptotic approach to the steepest descent line over the lower - pass to the direction of approach to the opposite end of this line. Therefore, when the h t integration contour, drawn along the steepest descent lines, goes over the higher pass, a m it begins or stops to go over the lower pass while z crosses the Stokes ray, and as a result the recessive series (contribution from the lower pass) discontinuously appears : v or disappears in the asymptotic representation of a function containing the dominant i X series. r a 1 Introduction In the theory of quantum processes with particles in a constant or slowly varying field, the Airy function, related functions and integrals with these functions play an important role [1, 2]. In this paper [which is the Lebedev Phys. Inst. Preprint N 253 (1985)] we give the asymptotic expansions for some frequently occurring functions. 2 Asymptotic behavior of Hi(z), Gi(z), Ai (z) and deriva- 1 tives Hi (z), Gi (z) ′ ′ We define the Airy function and related functions as in [3, 4], but without the factor π−1. Starting from ∞ Hi(z) = dtezt−t33 (1) Z 0 1 and integrating by parts, we have n ∞ Hi(z) = q(k−1)(0)( z)−k +ε (z), ε (z) = ( z)−n dtq(n)(t)ezt, (2) n n − − Z X 0 k=1 q(t) = e−t3/3, q′(t) = t2q(t), − q′′(t) = ( 2t+t4)q(t), q(3)(t) = ( 2+6t3 t6)q(t), ... . (3) − − − The relation (2) holds for any z, but it is useful only for Rez 1 (more exactly ≪ − for z , ph( z) < 2π/3, see p.432 in [4], when the remainder term ε (z) is small n | | → ∞ | − | compared with the terms of the sum). This is not the case for z 1 in (2). So the decrease ≫ of terms in the sum (2) does not provide any guarantee of smallness of the remainder term [4, 5]. Its magnitude depends on proximity of saddle points (in general, critical points) to the integration path. Assuming z fixed and Rez 1 we shall increase n in (2). The terms ≪ − of the sum first decrease in magnitude then increase, as the representation is asymptotic. It is clear that the sum of increasing terms, generally speaking, grows with n and this must be compensated bytheremainder term; therepresentation withsuch atermisstillexact. When n and the remainder term is dropped, we get the asymptotic series and the problem → ∞ of interpretation of diverging part of the series arises [5]. Dingle [5] suggested that the remainder term can be restored just from the general term in each considered series. Indeed, the remainder term can be restored using, when necessary, the additional information about the function. For this reason it is convenient to regard the divergent sum of late terms as a symbolic representation of the remainder term [5]. With this understanding the asymptotic seriesuniquely representsitsfunctionandisthecompleteasymptoticexpansion(foracertain phaserangeofz). Ingeneral,thecompleteasymptoticexpansionconsistofseveralseries(two for solutions to second-order homogeneous differential equations) each of which determines its own function [5]. In this case the complete asymptotic expansion expresses the linear dependence of the initial function upon other functions each of which is represented by its own series in the considered sector of z. This linear dependence between the functions holds in all sectors of the complex variable z, but outside the considered sector the representation of each function by one series may be unsatisfactory, that is the remainder term may be not small. Asymptotic expansions with remainder terms exactly determine their functions. How- ever, even in the case when the remainder terms are represented only symbolically by the increasing terms of infinite series, it is still possible to require, that complete asymptotic expansions satisfy the same relations as the functions themselves [5]. Returning now to eq.(2), for n we have [4] → ∞ ∞ (3n)! 2π Hi(z) , ph( z) < . (4) ∼ − 3nn!z3n+1 | − | 3 Xn=0 Another and more simple way of obtaining (4) consists of expanding exp( t3/3) in power − series and subsequent term by term integration. The integrable series is convergent every- where, but nonuniformly , so the integrated series is asymptotic. We consider now the real z = x 1. The integrand in (1) first exponentially increases ≫ (up to the saddle point t = √x) then decreases. In accordance with this the asymptotic c 2 expansion consists of a series of exponentially large terms (contribution from the saddle point) and, as we shall see below, of the series (4) (contribution from the lower limit of integration). As mentioned above, complete asymptotic expansion should satisfy the same relations as the functions themselves. The relation Ai (x) = π +Hi(x)Ai′(x) Hi′(x)Ai(x), (5) 1 − where ∞ ∞ t3 Ai (x) = dtAi(t), Ai(x) = dt cos xt+ , (6) 1 Z Z (cid:18) 3(cid:19) x 0 is important for us here. It is easily verified by differentiation and using the equations Hi′′(x) xHi(x) = 1, Ai′′(x) xAi(x) = 0. (7) − − We shall obtain the asymptotic expansions for Hi(x), Hi′(x) and Ai (x) and check them 1 up using (5) and the known asymptotic expansions for Ai(x) and Ai′(x) [3, 4]. The complete asymptotic expansion for Hi(x), x , can be obtained in the following → ∞ manner. Substituting t = τ +√x, we have for the exponent in (1) t3 2 τ3 xt = x3/2 x1/2τ2 , τ = t √x. (8) − 3 3 − − 3 − Next we expand exp( τ3/3) in power series and integrate term by term over τ from √x to − − . If we simply extend the region of integration to the whole real axis (using the condition ∞ √x 1), we get only the exponentially large terms and the relation (5) will not be satisfied. ≫ So we write ∞ 0 Hi(x) = dtext−t33 dtext−t33, T 1. (9) Z −Z ≫ −T −T In the first integral we use (8) and perform the indicated operations. In the second integral we expand exp( τ3/3) in power series and integrate term by term. Letting T , we get − → ∞ ∞ ∞ c (3n)! Hi(x) π1/2x−1/4eζ n , x , (10) ∼ ζn − 3nn!x3n+1 → ∞ Xn=0 Xn=0 2 Γ(n+ 1)Γ(n+ 5) (6n 1)!! ζ = x3/2, c = 6 6 = − . (10′) 3 n 2n+1n!π 63nn!(2n 1)!! − The relation (10) agrees with the relation Hi(x) = Bi(x) Gi(x) (11) − for the functions ∞ t3 t3 Bi(x) = dt exp(xt )+sin(xt+ ) , (12) Z { − 3 3 } 0 ∞ t3 Gi(x) = dtsin(xt+ ), (13) Z 3 0 3 for which the asymptotic expansions are known [4] ∞ c 2 Bi(x) π1/2x−1/4eζ n, ζ = x3/2, (14) ∼ ζn 3 Xn=0 ∞ (3n)! Gi(x) , x . (15) ∼ 3nn!x3n+1 → ∞ Xn=0 (Assuming Bi(x) = 1[Bi(x+iǫ)+Bi(x iǫ)], ǫ 0, it is easy to show that the asymptotic 2 − → expansion for Bi(x), x + , consists of only one series (14), cf. Chap.3 Sections 3.4 and → ∞ 3.5 in [6] and p.52 in [5].) The asymptotic expansions for Ai (x) can be obtained by integration of the asymptotic 1 expansion for Ai(t), which for t + has the form [3,4] → ∞ ∞ 1 c 2 Ai(t) π1/2t−1/4e−ζ ( 1)n n, ζ = t3/2, (16) ∼ 2 − ζn 3 Xn=0 c aregiven in(10′). Using thedefinition(6)forAi (x), let usreplacetheintegrationvariable n 1 t by ζ. Then integrating by parts the leading term on the right-hand side of (16), we have ∞ 2 1/2 ∞ dte−ζt−1/4 = dζe−ζζ−1/2 = Z (cid:18)3(cid:19) Z v ξ 2 1/2 1 2 1/2 ∞ 2 e−ξξ−1/2 dζe−ζζ−3/2, ξ = v3/2. (cid:18)3(cid:19) − 2 (cid:18)3(cid:19) Z 3 ξ We unite the last (integral) term with the integral of term with c on the right-hand side of 1 (16) and integrate by parts again. Repeating the process, we get ∞ 1 a 2 Ai (v) π1/2v−3/4e−ξ ( 1)n n, ξ = v3/2, v . (17) 1 ∼ 2 − ξn 3 → ∞ Xn=0 Here a are connected with c by the recurrence relation n n 1 n Γ(n+ 1) Γ(n+ 1) n 1 5 a = c + n a = 2 c = 2 2kB k + ,k + , n n (cid:18) − 2(cid:19) n−1 Γ(k + 1) k 2π3/2 (cid:18) 6 6(cid:19) Xk=0 2 Xk=0 41 9241 52 203009 a = 1, a = , a = , a = · , ... . (18) 0 1 23 32 2 27 34 3 210 37 · · · It can be shown now that the asymptotic series for Ai (x), Hi(x), Ai(x), see (17), (10), 1 (16) and the series for derivatives Hi′(x), Ai′(x), ∞ ∞ d (3n+1)! Hi′(x) π1/2x1/4eζ n + , (19) ∼ ζn 3nn!x3n+2 Xn=0 Xn=0 ∞ 1 d 6n+1 Ai′(x) π1/2x1/4e−ζ ( 1)n n, d = c , (20) ∼ −2 − ζn n −6n 1 n Xn=0 − 4 satisfy the relation (5). (Each series of a complete asymptotic expansion corresponds to its own analytic function, so one can differentiate asymptotic series, see p.21 in [4], and consequently the complete asymptotic expansion). To do this, we use the equality 2s ( 1)nc d = 0, s 1, (21) n 2s−n − ≥ Xn=0 equivalent to 2s Γ(k + 1)Γ(k + 5)Γ(2s k 1)Γ(2s k + 7) ( 1)k 6 6 − − 6 − 6 = 0, (21′) − k!(2s k)! Xk=0 − which can be regarded as a result of substitution of asymptotic series for Ai(x) and Bi(x) in the Wronskian Bi′(x)Ai(x) Bi(x)Ai′(x) = π. (22) − Using (11) and (22), the relation (5) can be rewritten in the form Ai (x) = Gi′(x)Ai(x) Gi(x)Ai′(x). (23) 1 − This can easily be checked by differentiation and using the equations Gi′′(x) xGi(x) = 1, Ai′′(x) xAi(x) = 0. − − − With the help of (23) and asymptotic series (16), (20), (15) for Ai(x), Ai′(x), Gi(x) and the series ∞ (3n+1)! Gi′(x) , x , (24) ∼ − 3nn!x3n+2 → ∞ Xn=0 obtained by differentiation, it is easy to recover the asymptotic expansions (17) for Ai (x). 1 The agreement of the series for Ai (x), obtained with the help of (23) and by direct inte- 1 gration of series for Ai(x), is a check of correctness of series (15), (24) for Gi(x) and Gi′(x). Now we note that the leading term of the asymptotic series for Gi′(x) given in handbook [3], 7 Gi′(x) x−2, x , ∼ 96 → ∞ disagrees with (24) and its integration (integration of asymptotic series is always possible [4]) does not reproduce the leading term of series for Gi(x). It is worth-while to get the asymptotic expansion for Ai (x) with the remainder term. 1 Assuming v > 0 and using Ai′′(x) = xAi(x), we have ∞ ∞ Ai (v) = x−1dAi′(x) = x−1Ai′(x) ∞ + x−2Ai′(x)dx = (25) 1 Z v Z v (cid:12) v (cid:12) ∞ ∞ v−1Ai′(v)+ x−2dAi(x) = v−1Ai′(v) v−2Ai(v)+2 x−3Ai(x)dx. − Z − − Z v v 5 Continuing the integration by parts with the help of the relation ∞ x−nAi(x)dx = v−n−1Ai′(v) (n+1)v−n−2Ai(v)+ Z − − v ∞ (n+1)(n+2) x−n−3Ai(x)dx, (26) Z v we easily find n (3k)! (3k +1)! Ai (v) = [ Ai′(v)+ Ai(v)]+ 1 − (3k)!!!v3k+1 (3k)!!!v3k+2 X k=0 (3n+2)! ∞ + x−3n−3Ai(x)dx, (3n)!!! = 3 6 9 ... 3n = 3nn!. (27) (3n)!!! Z · · · · v For fixed n and v the remainder term is negligible compared with the terms of the → ∞ sum. For v 1 and n we obtain again the asymptotic expansion in the form (23) ≫ → ∞ with the series for Gi(x) and Gi′(x) given in (15) and (24). For v < 0 we proceed similarly ∞ v v Ai (v) = dxAi(x) dxAi(x) = π x−1dAi′(x) = 1 Z −Z −Z −∞ −∞ −∞ v π v−1Ai′(v) v−2Ai(v) 2 x−3Ai(x)dx. (28) − − − Z −∞ Finally we get n (3k)! (3k +1)! Ai (v) = π [ Ai′(v)+ Ai(v)]+ 1 − (3k)!!!v3k+1 (3k)!!!v3k+2 X k=0 (3n+2)! v x−3n−3Ai(x)dx, v < 0. (29) (3n)!!! Z −∞ Assuming v 1 and letting n , we obtain the asymptotic expansion in the form ≪ − → ∞ of the right-hand side of (5) with the series (4) for Hi(v) and the series for Hi′(v), obtained from (4) by differentiation: ∞ (3n+1)! Hi′(x) , x . (30) ∼ 3nn!x3n+2 → −∞ Xn=0 We note that the leading term of the series for Hi′(x), given in [3], 3 Hi′(x) x−2, x , ∼ −2 → −∞ disagrees with (30) and its integration does not provide the leading term of (4) for Hi(x). 6 The analog of (17) for v is → −∞ π1/2 ∞ a π a π Ai (v) = π ( 1)k[ 2k cos(ζ + )+ 2k+1 sin(ζ + )], 1 − ( v)3/4 − ζ2k 4 ζ2k+1 4 − Xk=0 2 ζ = ( v)3/2, v . (31) 3 − → −∞ Here a are the same as in (18). n To get the asymptotic expansion for Gi( x), x , we use (11) and the asymptotic − → ∞ expansion for Bi(x), see [3] or (35) below. Then we obtain π1/2 ∞ c π c π ∞ (3n)! Gi( x) ( 1)n[ 2n cos(ζ + )+ 2n+1 sin(ζ + )]+ , − ∼ x1/4 − ζ2n 4 ζ2n+1 4 3nn!( x)3n+1 Xn=0 Xn=0 − 2 ζ = x3/2, x . (32) 3 → ∞ Differentiating it , we have ∞ π π Gi′( x) π1/2x1/4 ( 1)n[d ζ−2nsin(ζ + ) d ζ−2n−1cos(ζ + )] 2n 2n+1 − ∼ − 4 − 4 − Xn=0 ∞ (3n+1)! . (33) 3nn!( x)3n+2 Xn=0 − c and d are the same as in (10′) and (20). n n 2 2 3 Asymptotic expansions for Ai (x) and Bi (x) for x → −∞ In this case [3] π π ( x)1/4Ai(x) Ssin(ζ + )) Ccos(ζ + ), (34) − ∼ 4 − 4 π π 2 ( x)1/4Bi(x) Scos(ζ + )+Csin(ζ + ), ζ = ( x)3/2, x , (35) − ∼ 4 4 3 − → −∞ where ∞ ∞ S = √π ( 1)kc ζ−2k, C = √π ( 1)kc ζ−2k−1. (36) 2k 2k+1 − − X X k=0 k=0 So the combinations 1 [Ai2(x) Bi2(x)] w (x) (37) 1,2 2 ± ≡ are respectively the nonoscillatory and oscillatory parts of Ai2(x). Writing ∞ 1 π e w (x) = [Ai2(x)+Bi2(x)] n (38) 1 2 ∼ 2 ( x)3n+1/2 Xn=0 − 7 and substituting it in the equation w′′′(x) 4xw′(x) 2w(x) = 0, (39) − − satisfied by Ai2(x) and Bi2(x) [3], we get (6n 1)(6n 3)(6n 5) (6n 1)!! e = − − − e = ( 1)n − . (40) n − 25 3n n−1 − 25n 3n n! · · · According to (34)-(36) e = 1. Consequently 0 1 π ∞ ( 1)n(6n 1)!! w (x) = [Ai2(x)+Bi2(x)] − − . (41) 1 2 ∼ 2 25n 3n n!( x)3n+1/2 Xn=0 · · − Similarly for the oscillatory part of Ai2(x) we write 1 w (x) = [Ai2(x) Bi2(x)] 2 2 − ∼ ∞ π g g 2 [ 2n sin2ζ + 2n+1 cos2ζ], ζ = ( x)3/2. (42) 2 ( x)3n+1/2 ( x)3n+2 3 − Xn=0 − − Substitution in (39) gives the recurrence relation (3n 5)(3n 3)(3n 1) 27n2 27n+5 g = − − − g +( 1)n − g . (43) n 25 3 n n−2 − 23 3 n n−1 · · · · The initial g = 1 and g = 5 are easily obtainable from (34)-(36). The rest are deter- 0 1 −23·3 mined from (43): 5 41 5 7 11 59 5 7 11 12769 g = · , g = · · · , g = · · · , ... . (44) 2 −27 32 3 210 34 4 215 35 · · · 4 Stokes’ phenomenon and the choice of saddle points In this Section using as an example the function w(z), defined by the contour integral (45), we consider the Stokes’ phenomenon, that is an abrupt appearance or disappearance of component series of a complete asymptotic expansion at certain phases of z. The complete asymptotic expansion consists of several series; the number of these component series is different in different sectors of the complex variable z. Each series corresponds to a contri- bution from a single saddle point and determines its own function. So in different sectors of the complex plane z the asymptotic expansion is determined by different number of saddle points. The problem of choosing of the saddle points, determining an asymptotic expansion, is connected with the topology of steepest decent lines and the disposition of ends of the integration path in the integral representation for the function. For this reasons we draw the integration path along the steepest descent lines and will watch over its deformation with the change of z in the complex plane. For definiteness we consider the solution of the Airy equation w′′ = zw given by the integral w(z) = i dte−i(zt+t33), (45) Z C 8 where the contour C goes from infinity in the sector π/3 < ph t < 2π/3 to infinity in the sector π/3 < pht < 0 (sectors 1 and 3 in fig.1-6). − We note that w(z) can be represented by the sum of two integrals over imaginary and real positive half-axes: 0 ∞ w(z) = g(z)+f(z), g(z) = i dte−i(zt+t33), f(z) = i dte−i(zt+t33). (46) Z Z i∞ 0 By substitution t = iτ the integral g(z) is reduced to Hi(z). The integral f(z) = Gi(z) + iAi(z). Then from (11) it follows w(z) = Hi(z)+Gi(z)+iAi(z) = Bi(z)+iAi(z). (47) Introducing the modulus and phase of the parameter z = z eiϕ and the integration | | variable t = t eiθ, we write the exponent in (45) in the form | | t3 1 1 i(zt+ ) = t [ z sin(ϕ+θ)+ t 2sin3θ] i t [ z cos(ϕ+θ)+ t 2cos3θ]. (48) − 3 | | | | 3| | − | | | | 3| | The steepest decent lines are determined by the constancy of imaginary part of (48), that is by the condition 1 t [ z cos(ϕ+θ)+ t 2cos3θ] = Const. (49) −| | | | 3| | The saddle points t = z 1/2exp[i(ϕ π)/2]. For the steepest decent lines, passing over the 1,2 | | ∓ saddle points t ,t , the values of the constants on the right-hand side of (49) differ in sign: 1 2 2 3ϕ Const = z 3/2sin . (50) ∓3| | 2 Therefore the steepest decent lines from the passes t ,t meet and coincide below the lower 1 2 pass only in exceptional cases, when the constant (50) becomes zero, i.e. when phase of the parameter z is equal to 2π 4π ϕ = 0, , , ... . (51) ± 3 ± 3 The lines of these exceptional values in the complex plane of the parameter z are called the Stokes rays. Where go the ends of steepest descent lines for t ? From (49) it follows | | → ∞ 1 z cos(ϕ+θ)+ t 2cos3θ 0, t , (52) | | 3| | → | | → ∞ i.e. π θ θ = (2k +1), k = 0,1,2, ... . ∞ → ±6 Of these directions those ones, for which the real part of (48) goes to for t (i.e. −∞ | | → ∞ sinθ < 0), just correspond to descent and not to ascent. But π sin[ (2k+1)] = ( 1)k ±2 ± − 9 is negative at odd k for the upper sign and at even k for the lower sign. Hence π 3π 5π θ = , , , ... . (53) ∞ −6 6 − 6 In fig.1-6 in the complex t-plane the locations of saddle points t ,t and the behavior of 1 2 steepest descent lines from the passes are qualitatively indicated for the specific values of phase of the parameter z, which changes in its own complex plane, see fig.7. The arrows mark off the integration path in (45) going from the sector π/3 < pht < 2π/3 into the sector π/3 < pht < 0 along the steepest descent lines. When the parameter z happens to be on − a Stokes ray, the steepest descent lines, passing over two saddle points, meet one another at the lower saddle point. The integration path going over this saddle point either retains its direction or abruptly changes it by π/2. In the latter case the integration path passes over both saddle points; the lower one (situated at the break) appears at the integration path when the parameter z crosses the Stokes ray. This is a manifestation of the Stokes’phenomenon: when z crosses the Stokes ray the integration path begins or stops to pass over the second (the lower) saddle point. At the absence of break on the integration contour it contains only one (lower) saddle point. In this case both before and after z crosses the Stokes ray, the integration contour goes over only one (the lower) saddle point and Stokes phenomenon does not occur. In other words, the steepest descent lines, going over different saddle points, generally do not meet, but in one of the sectors their ends asymptotically approach each other. When the parameter z approaches the Stokes ray, these ends come closer and closer at a greater length. For z at the Stokes ray, they merge up to the lower saddle point; in this case the steepest descent line from the higher pass (active line) approaches the steepest descent line from the lower pass (passive line) at the angle of π/2. When z goes beyond the Stokes ray, the active line breaks away from the half of the passive line and goes to infinity along the other half of the line. So, when z crosses the Stokes ray, the passive line changes limply, but the active one drastically reverses the direction of its approach to the end of the passive line in order to approach the other end of that line. If the integration path for z near the Stokes ray contains the active line, then at z crossing the Stokes ray the passive line is included in (see fig.6, 1, 2) or excluded from (see fig.2, 3, 4) the integration path, bringing in it or out of it the lower saddle point. This is the Stokes’ phenomenon. If the integration path for z near the Stokes ray contains only the passive line of descent (see fig.4, 5, 6), then at z crossing the Stokes ray, the active line (with its higher pass) is not contained in the integration path, which, as before, goes only over the lower pass. So for z outside the Stokes ray, the integration path contains one or two lines of steepest descent with the ends going to infinity. Asymptotic expansion for the integral over each such line is obtained in usual manner by the saddle point method. For this reason, in order to get the asymptotic expansion for the considered integral, it is convenient to start from one of the expressions w(z) = w (z), (54) 13 w(z) = w (z)+w (z), (55) 12 23 where w are defined by the same representation (45) as w(z) but with integration path C ij ij beginning in the i and ending in the j sector at infinity. These expressions hold for any z, − − 10