Asymptotic properties of the development of conformally flat data near spatial infinity ∗ Juan Antonio Valiente Kroon School of Mathematical Sciences, 7 Queen Mary, University of London, 0 Mile End Road, 0 London E1 4NS, 2 United Kingdom. n a J February 7, 2008 0 3 1 Abstract v 6 Certainaspectsofthebehaviourofthegravitationalfieldnearnullandspatialinfinityfor 6 thedevelopmentsofasymptoticallyEuclidean,conformallyflatinitialdatasetsareanalysed. 1 Ideasandresultsfromtwodifferentapproachesarecombined: ontheonehandthenullinfin- 1 ityformalism related totheasymptoticcharacteristic initialvalueproblemandontheother 0 the regular Cauchy initial value problem at spatial infinity which uses Friedrich’s represen- 7 tationofspatialinfinityasacylinder. ThedecayoftheWeyltensorforthedevelopmentsof 0 theclass of initial dataunderconsideration is analysed undersome existenceand regularity / c assumptions for the asymptotic expansions obtained using the cylinder at spatial infinity. q Conditions on the initial data to obtain developments satisfying the Peeling Behaviour are - r identified. Further,thedecayoftheasymptoticshearonnullinfinityisalsoexaminedasone g approaches spatial infinity. This decay is related to the possibility of selecting the Poincar´e v: group out of the BMS group in a canonical fashion. It is found that for the class of initial i data under consideration, if the development peels, then the asymptotic shear goes to zero X at spatial infinity. Expansions of the Bondi mass are also examined. Finally, the Newman- r Penrose constants of the spacetime are written in terms of initial data quantities and it is a shownthattheconstantsdefinedatfuturenullinfinityareequaltothoseatpastnullinfinity. PACS: 04.20.Ha, 04.20.Ex,04.20.Gz 1 Introduction Penrose’sdefinitionofasymptoticsimplicity isanattempttoprovideacharacterisationofisolated systems in General Relativity [37, 38, 39]. It offers a framework on which diverse notions of physicalinterestcanbedefinedandhandledinapreciseandrigorousmanner. Thereis,however, anotoriouslackofnontrivialexampleswheretheassociatedformalism—seee.g. [26,36,39,55]— hasbeenactuallybeenusedtoextractsomephysics. Theobviousreasonforthisisthescarcityof radiative exact solutions to the Einstein field equations other than the boost-rotationsymmetric ones [2]. A more conspicuous consideration in this regard is the fact that radiative spacetimes have to be constructed starting from an initial value problem where, say, some Cauchy initial data are provided. Up to fairly recently, there has not been a way of relating the properties of the initial data to the radiative properties of the development. For example, how does an initial data set have to be so that the resulting spacetime peels? —that is, the components of the Weyl tensor in an adapted gauge having a distinctive decay in terms of powers of an affine parameter of the generators of outgoing light cones [39, 42]. Another natural question on these lines would be how does the ADM mass and the Bondi mass relate? Similarly, is there any relation between ∗E-mailaddress: [email protected] 1 theangularmomentumdefinedatspatialinfinityandthatdefinedatnullinfinity? Whichclasses ofinitialdataallowtoselectthePoincar´egroupoutofthegroupofasymptoticsymmetries—the BMS group— in a canonical fashion? Arguably, there is a shortage of general results about the evolution of initial data sets for the Einstein field equations near spatial infinity. This particular has made the idea of relating the structure of initial data with radiative properties a daunting endeavour. However, work by Friedrich[20,23]onthe regular initial value problem at spatial infinity fortime symmetric initial datasetshasprovidedatooltoaddressquestionssimilartotheonesraisedinthefirstparagraph through a systematic approach. Friedrich has introduced a representationof spatial infinity as a cylinder —the cylinder at spatial infinity, — in stark contrast to the usual representation as a I point. The cylinder at spatial infinity can be regarded as a limit set of incoming and outgoing characteristicsofthe Einsteinfield equations, andas such it happens to be a total characteristic. Assuch,itallowstotransportinformationfromtheCauchysurfacetonullinfinitywithoutbeing contaminated by any sort of boundary conditions. The construction which led to the cylinder at spatial infinity allows an unfolding of the evo- lution process, which in turn can be analysed in all detail and to the desired order. The latter can be thought of as enabling the construction of a certain kind of asymptotic expansions which are completely determined by the Cauchy data near infinity. Friedrich’s seminal work has been extended in several directions, automatising, in some sense, the calculation of the asymptotic expansions of the relevant field quantities [50, 49] and to include more general classes of initial data sets [52, 53]. The analysis described in these references has exhibited the existence of a hierarchy of obstructions to the smoothness of null infinity which goes beyond that arising from a mere considerationof the linear aspects of the field equations as described in e.g. [20, 46]. The existence of the hierarchy of obstructions has nurtured a rigidity conjecture on the smoothness of null infinity which, broadly speaking, states that the only Cauchy initial data sets which have a development with a smooth null infinity1 are those which are stationary close to infinity. Sim- ilarly, a given degree of differentiability at null infinity, say Ck, would only be possible if the initialdataisstationarytoagivenorder—whichdepends onk. Thekindofinitialdatarequired can be constructed by means of the gluing techniques of [9, 10, 7]. Intuitively, the absence of gravitationalradiationnearspatialinfinitywhichtherigidityconjectureasserts,suggeststhatthe incoming radiation has to die off in the infinite future, and at the same time the system cannot have emitted gravitationalwaves for all times in the infinite past. Now, the calculation of the asymptotic expansions which arise from the construction of the cylinder at infinity is performed in a gauge2 which is adapted to a Cauchy initial value problem —remarkably,thegaugealsoallowstoreadoffthestructureandlocationofinfinitydirectlyfrom the initial data. On the other hand, the discussion of the gravitational field near null infinity is usually done using a gauge which is based on geometric structures of null hypersurfaces. Having two different gauges, hampers, to a certain extent, extracting the physics of the system. It also difficults the attempts to assess the relevance of the presence of obstructions to the smoothness tonullinfinityintheasymptoticexpansions. Oneoftheaspectsoftheanalysisoftheasymptotic behaviour of the gravitational field via the definition of asymptotic simplicity and related con- structions is that it allows to rephrase the decay of the fields in terms of differentiability at the conformalboundary. Thus,itisnaturaltoexpectthatthepresenceofobstructionstosmoothness in the asymptotic expansions may result in a modified peeling behaviour —this idea has already been explored in [51]. A first study of the transformation between the gauge used in Friedrich’s analysis of spatial infinity andthegaugegenerallyusedtodiscussnullinfinityhasbeengivenin[24]. Inthe present article their analysis will be extended to the developments of a class of initial data sets which are not time symmetric. The consideration of initial data sets with a non-vanishing second fundamental form will allow us to examine some time asymmetric aspects of the structure of the conformal boundary of asymptotically flat spacetimes which up to now have remained terra incognita. On the other hand, the discussion shall be restricted to conformally flat initial data 1Hereandinthesequel,smooth willalwaysmeanC∞. 2Inthisarticle,agauge choice isunderstoodas acertainchoiceofcoordinates, vector orspinorialframe,and alsoachoiceofrepresentativeintheconformalclassofthe physicalspacetime. 2 sets. This is done for conciseness and for the ease of calculations and presentation. Previous analysis with conformally flat initial data sets —see e.g. [50, 52]— have shown that most of the crucial phenomena and structure observed in this setting admit a counterpart when discussing non-conformally flat data sets —like in [49, 53]. Furthermore, the detailed understanding of conformally flat initial data sets is of relevance in view of their use in the numerical simulation of black hole spacetimes —see e.g. [27] for a recent discussion on this. A cautionary note is, however,due: mostoftheconformallyflatinitialsetsconsideredinthenumericalsimulationsare boosted. This is done on physical grounds. Here, initial data sets with linear momentum —i.e. boosted— will not be considered. The reason being that, as it will be discussed in the sequel, they are more technically involved and less smooth. The effects of this lower regularity are of interest in themselves and will be discussed elsewhere. Thearticleisstructuredasfollows: section2discussessomeideasofthebasissetupandfixes some notation; section 3 describes some aspects of the “cylinder at spatial infinity”-formalism; section4considersrelevantaspectsoftheclassofinitialdatasetstobeused;section5musesover the asymptotic expansions that can be calculated using the cylinder at spatial infinity; section 6 goes briefly about the construction of a frame adapted to null infinity —the NP gauge— while section 7 discusses how it is related to the gauge used in the expansions of section 5. This article revisits the analysis carried out in [24] of “Bondi type” systems —what here is called the Newman-Penrose gauge— and combines it with the asymptotic expansions for the development of conformally flat initial data sets which have been calculated in [52]. In section 8 analysis of the implications of these expansions and the related obstructions to the smoothness of null infinity is done —under some existence and regularity assumptions. In section 9 the machinery is used to calculate expansions of the spin coefficient σ on null infinity in the NP gauge. The behaviourofthiscoefficientisrelatedtovariousphysicalaspectsofthetheoryofisolatedsystems. The implications of these expansions are analysed. It is shown that if the spacetime peels, then the behaviour of σ is such that it is always possible to single out the Poincar´e group out of the asymptotic symmetry group in a canonical way. Expansions of the Bondi mass are also considered. In section 10 the formalism is used to write down the Newman-Penrose constants of thedevelopmentsoftheclassofinitialdataunderconsiderationintermsofinitialdataquantities. These expressions allow to show that the constants at future null infinity are equal to those at past null infinity. There is much more to the aforementioned analysis than what is presented in this article. In particular, most of the calculations involved in the analysis have been carried out using ex profeso scripts in the computer algebra system Maple V. A first subset of the scripts constructs the initial data; anothersubset determines the coefficients ofthe asymptotic expansions in terms of initialdata quantities; finally a thirdsubset calculatesthe transformationbetween gaugesand allows to calculate the asymptotic expansions of NP objects. In order to keep the presentation at a reasonable length, the explicit expressions of intermediate steps will be omitted, and more emphasis will be put on to the qualitative aspects of the results. Some familiarity with the use of spinors —in particular the space-spinor formalism of [41]— will be assumed. Details of the diverse other formalisms used—the cylinder at spatialinfinity, the formalismofnull infinity, the construction of gauges, and how to relate them— is kept to the minimum necessary to motivate the analysis and to point out the many subtleties arising. In any case, the reader is referred to the various references cited for more complete details. Finally, are some concluding remarks and a brief appendix containing some useful spinorial expressions. 2 Basic setup Let ( ,g ) be a vacuum spacetime arising as the development of asymptotically Euclidean µν M Cauchy initial data (S,h ,χ ). Let Cµ be the conformally invariant Weyl tensor of the e αβ αβ νλρ metric g˜ . Tilded quantities will refer to quantities in the physical spacetime, whereas untilded ones willµdνenote,genereiceally,qeuantitiesin anunphysical —i.e. conformallyrescaled—spacetime. Indices µ,ν,λ,... (second half of the Greek alphabet) are spacetime indices taking the values 0,...,3; the indices α,β,γ,... are spatial ones with range 1,2,3. The Latin indices a,b,c,... will be used in spatial expressions which are valid for a particular coordinate system (usually a 3 Cartesian normal one). The indices i,j,k,... are spatial frame indices, while A,B,C,... will be spinorial indices taking the values 0,1. The initial data sets are taken to be maximal —that is, χ = χα = 0, and the metric to be α h negative definite —the latter in order to ease the later use of spinors. For simplicity and αβ e e definiteness, it shall be assumed that the initial hypersurface contains only one asymptotic end e —that is, a region which is diffeomorphic to R3 minus a ball. The analysis shall be concentrated in the region of spacetime near null and spatial infinity. In order to discuss the behaviour of the development of the initial data sets in the asymptotic region use will be made of the so-called conformal picture. Let i denote the point at infinity correspondingtotheasymptoticendunderconsideration. Thepointiisobtainedbyconformally compactifying the hypersurface with a conformal factor Ω which can be obtained by solving S theEinsteinconstraintequations—seesection(4). Let betheresultingcompact3-dimensional S manifold. Themanifoldisidentifiedinastandardwaywith i . Mostofthediscussionwillbe S\{ } carriedoutinasufficientsmallneighbourhood (i)ofradiusacentredoniandonthe resulting a B associated domains of influence and dependence =J+( (i)) J−( (i)). a a N B ∪ B Asit iscustomary,the discussionofthe initialdatawillbecarriedoutinterms ofthe tensors h =Ω2h˜ =ϑ−4˜h , χ =Ωχ =ϑ−2χ˜ , ψ =Ω−1χ˜ =ϑ2χ˜ (1) αβ αβ αβ αβ αβ αβ αβ αβ αβ on the conformally rescaled manifold . In this work attention will be restricted to conformally S flat initial data sets and their developments. This assumption will prove fruitful and will allow to infer features of the development of more general types of initial data sets. Under these assumptions coordinates xa can be chosen such that: h= δ dxadxb, in (i). (2) ab a − B Unless otherwise stated, xa denote some normal coordinates with origin at i based on a h- { } orthonormal frame e . j 3 The Friedrich-gauge In [20] a certain representation of the region of spacetime = J+( (i)) J−( (i)) —which a a canbe thoughtofasthatclosetonullinfinity, I =I− IN+,andspBatialin∪finityB, i0—hasbeen ∪ introduced. The standard representation of this region of spacetime depicts i0 as a point. In contrast, the representation of [20] depicts spatial infinity as a cylinder —the cylinder at spatial infinity. The technicalandpracticalgroundsforintroducing this descriptionhavebeen discussed at length in the seminal reference. The original construction in [20] was carried out for the class of time symmetric metrics with analytic conformal metric h . However, as seen in [52, 53], the ab construction can be adapted to settings without a vanishing second fundamental form. Friedrich’s construction makes use of a blow up of the infinity of the initial hypersurface to S2. The blow up of i to S2 requires the introduction of a particular bundle of spin-frames over a(i). Let τAA′ be the spinorial version of a timelike vector τµ. Assume the normalisation τAA′τBAA′ = 2. Let SU( a(i)) denote the fibre bundle of spinorial dyads δA A=0,1 = oA,ιA B { } { } over a(i)withprojectionπ,suchthatτAA′ =oAo¯A′+ιA¯ιA′. ThefibresofSU( a(i))areoftype SU(2B,C)={tAB ∈SL(2,C)|τAA′tABt¯A′B′ =τBB′}. With this notation, definBe the set = δ(ρ,tA ) SU( (i)) ρ <a, tA SU(2,C) , (3) Ca B ∈ Ba | | B ∈ (cid:8) (cid:12) (cid:9) (cid:12) where ρ is an affine parameter of horizontal curves on SU( (i)) which project to geodesics on a (i) starting at i. The matrices tA SU(2,C) can beBregarded as “angular coordinates”. Ba B ∈ Crucial for the applications is that, 0 = π−1(i) = ρ = 0 , the fibre over i, is such that 0 SU(2,C). Thus, working on CI(i) provides a re{present}ation of (i) where i has been a a I ≃ B “blown up” to a sphere. Note, however, that while (i) is 3-dimensional, is 4-dimensional. a a B C This extra dimension can be interpreted as giving rise to the spin-weight of the diverse spinorial objects when lifted from (i) to . This issue will arise again in section 7. a a B C 4 I+ I+ I τ I0 S ρ I− I− Figure 1: Figure 2: The region of the —unphysical spacetime— near spatial and null infinities. The con- formal factor leading to this representation is given by Θ=ωΩ−2(1 τ2). − Theconformalstructureofthespacetime( ,g)isexploitedbytheintroductionofconformal M Gaussian coordinates based on a certain type of conformal invariants: conformal geodesics — see e.g. [21]. Accordingly, the spinor field τAA′ will be thought of as being tangent to timelike conformal geodesics which are orthogonal to (i). For a gauge based on conformal Gaussian a B coordinates, there exists a canonical conformal factor, Θ —i.e. a choice of representative of the conformal class of the metric g . It is given by µν κ2τ2 2Ω Θ=κ−1Ω 1 , with ω = =ρ+ (ρ), (4) (cid:18) − ω2 (cid:19) D ΩDαΩ O α | | p where Ω = (ρ2) is the conformal factor of the initial hypersurface —usually obtained from O solvingthe constraintequations—,κ=κ′ρ, withκ′ smooth,κ′(i)=1,andτ anaffine parameter of the conformal geodesics. The function κ expresses the remaining conformal freedom in the construction. For the ease of future calculations the choice κ=ω, (5) willbemade. Asitwillbeseen,withthischoice,thelocus ofnullinfinitycorrespondstoτ = 1. ± Other choices are possible, and indeed, the calculations in [24] use the apparently simpler κ=ρ which renders a more complicated expression for the locus of null infinity. Inordertocompletetheconstructionofarepresentationof =J+( (i)) J−( (i))—the a a N B ∪ B region of spacetime close to null and spatial infinity— consider the set = κ1/2 of scaled a,κ a C C spinor dyads κ1/2o ,κ1/2ι . Define the bundle manifold A A { } = (τ,q) q , 1 τ 1 , (6) a,ω a,ω M ∈C − ≤ ≤ (cid:8) (cid:12) (cid:9) see figure 1. The conformal factor Θ given(cid:12)by (4) can be used to define the following relevant sets: = (τ,q) ρ(q)=0, τ <1 , a,ω I ∈M | | ± =(cid:8) (τ,q) a,ω(cid:12)(cid:12) ρ(q)=0, τ = (cid:9)1 , I ∈M ± I± =(cid:8) (τ,q) a,ω(cid:12)(cid:12) q a,ω 0, τ =(cid:9) 1 , ∈M ∈C \I ± (cid:8) (cid:12) (cid:9) which will be referred to as, respectively, the cyli(cid:12)nder at spatial infinity, the critical sets where null infinity touches spatial infinity and future and past null infinity. Consistent with the structure of the bundle space it is possible to introduce a calculus a,ω based on operators X , X and X —related to a baMsis of the Lie algebra su(2,C)— and the + − derivatives ∂ρ, ∂τ. For this, use will be made of a frame cAA′ and the associatedspin connection coefficients ΓAA′BC of . Conforming with the use of space-spinors one writes ∇ cAA′ =τAA′τEE′cEE′ −τBA′cAB, cAB =τ(AB′cB)B′, (8) 5 with τEE′cEE′ = √12∂τ, cAB =c0AB∂τ +c1AB∂ρ+c+ABX++c−ABX−. (9) It is also convenient to introduce an unprimed version of ΓAA′BC, ΓABCD =τBB′ΓAB′CD, ΓAA′CD =ΓABCDτBA′, (10) which will be decomposed as 1 1 Γ = (ξ χ ) ǫ f , (11) ABCD √2 ABCD− (AB)CD − 2 AB CD where χ agrees on (i) with the second fundamental form of the initial hypersurface. ABCD a B The discussion of the curvature will make use of the spinor ΘAA′BB′, related to the Ricci tensor of the Weyl connection which can be constructed from and a spinor fAA′ with spatial ∇ part given by fAB —fAA′ is related to the acceleration of τAA′. For later use, define ΘABCD =τCA′τDB′ΘAA′BB′. (12) TheremainingpartofthecurvatureisencodedintherescaledWeylspinorφ —thespinorial ABCD counterpart of the rescaled Weyl tensor, dµ =Θ−1Cµ . νλρ νλρ Proposition 1. There is a frame cAA′ on a,ω for which M τAA′cAA′ =√2∂τ, (13a) τAA′fAA′ =0, fAB = τCC′ΓCC′AB, (13b) − τBB′ΘAA′BB′ =0, ΘABCC =0. (13c) The description of in terms of the manifold , with the conformal factor Θ given by a,ω N M (4), and the frame cAA′ of proposition 1, will be called the Friedrich gauge —F-gauge for short. In many parts of the sequel it will be necessary to lift objects defined in the base manifold to the manifold . Scalar and space spinorial objects can be lifted in a natural way, with a,ω Ntheir “angular depeMndence” expressed in terms of the matrices tA SU(2,C). Functions from SU(2,C) to C canbe expandedinterms ofcertainfunctions T l wBh∈ichcanbe thoughtofas the nk lifts of spin-weighted spherical harmonics —see [20, 23] for a more extended discussion: 2n+1 Y ( i)s+2n−m T n−m . (14) s nm 7→ − r 4π 2n n−s TheoperatorsX ,X andX canbedefinedbytheiractiononT l . TheT l ’sformacomplete + − nk nk set of orthonormal functions with respect to the Haar measure of SU(2,C) —this fact will be used severaltimes. 4 Conformally flat data without logarithmic singularities A discussion of conformally flat initial data which is well suited for the purposes here presented has been given in [13]. Its translation into the language of space-spinors has been carried out in [53, 54]. Here, the main results required are presented. The space-spinorial versions of the momentum and Hamiltonian constraints are given by 1 DABψ =0, DABD ϑ= ψ ψABCDϑ−7. (15) ABCD AB ABCD 8 The spinorial translation of the approach adopted in [13] —see e.g. [50]— suggests a solution of the form —see the appendix for a definition of the irreducible spinors involved—: ξ η¯ η 1 1 ψ = (3x x +h )+ (x y +x y )+ (x z +x y ) ABCD ρ3 AB CD ABCD ρ3 AB CD CD AB ρ3 AB CD CD AB µ¯ µ 2 2 +2 (y y )+2 (z z ), (16) ρ3 AB CD ρ3 AB CD 6 where ξ =X2λR+A+ρQ, (17a) − 2 η = 2ρ∂ X λR+X λI +ρX Q+iX J, (17b) 1 − ρ − 2 − 2 + + µ =2ρ∂ (ρ∂ λR)+X X λR 2λR 2λR ρ∂ λI, (17c) 2 ρ ρ 2 + − 2 − 2 − 2 − ρ 2 with3 λ =X2λ=X2λR+X2λI =λR+λI, (18) 2 + + + 2 2 andλistheliftofaC∞functionon (i) i . Notethatanoverbardenotescomplexconjugation. a B \{ } Finally, J =3(iJ J )T 0 +3iJ T 1 3(iJ +J )T 2 , (19a) 1− 2 2 1 3 2 1− 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 Q= (iQ +Q )T 0 + (Q )T 1 + (iQ Q )T 2 . (19b) 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 2− 1 2 1 Intheaboveexpressions,A,denotesaconstantrelatedtotheexpansionsconformalKillingvector. The term J expresses the angular momentum of the initial data, while Q is associated with the so-calledconformalboosts. Notethatboostedinitialdatasets—i.e. withlinearmomentum—are excludedfromtheclassunderconsideration. Iftheinitialdataissuchthatithasanon-vanishing linear momentum, then it can be shown that the asymptotic expansion of ϑ around infinity will contain logarithmic terms already at order (ρ2). As firstly noted in [20, 50], even completely O regular initial data sets —e.g. time symmetric, conformally flat— may give rise to obstructions to the smoothness of null infinity. It is expected that initial data with logarithms will render further obstructions. This kind of obstructions arising from particular non-smooth features of the data have not yet been studied. Thus, attention is restricted to initial data sets which are as regular as possible. Even if the initial data sets are non-boosted, there is still the possibility of having solutions to the Hamiltonian constraint whose asymptotic expansions contain logarithms. The conditions under which the solutions to the Euclidean momentum constraint give rise to logarithm-free solutions of the Hamiltonian constraint have been spelled in [13]. From their results it follows that if λ♭ λ= +λ♮, (20) ρ where λ♭ and λ♮ are the lifts of C∞ functions on (i), then the asymptotic expansion of the a B conformalfactor ϑ contains no logarithms. Recalling that the lift of an analytic function f to a C admits an expansion of the form ∞ 2q f = f T k ρp, (21) p;2q,k 2q q Xp=0q∈XQ(p)Xk=0 whereQ(p)= 0,2,...,p ifpisevenandQ(p)= 1,3,...,p ifpisodd,thefollowingassumption { } { } is made: Assumption 1. The class of initial data ( ,h ,χ ) under consideration is conformally flat αβ αβ S and with a solution to the momentum constraint given by (16) where the lift of the complex function λ to is of the form a C ∞ p 2q λ= λ T k ρp. (22) p;2q,k 2q q Xp=2Xq=2kX=0 For the class of initial data comprised by assumption 1, the lift of the conformal factor ϑ to admits the parametrisation a,ω M ϑ=1/ρ+W, (23) 3Inolderaccounts—seee.g. [33]—,λR andλI arereferredtoas,respectively,theelectric andmagnetic parts 2 2 ofλ2. 7 where ∞ p 2p m 1 W = + W , W = w T k , (24) 2 p! p p p;2q,k 2q q Xp=1 Xq=0Xk=0 with m the ADM mass, and w C satisfying reality conditions so that W =W. p;2q,k ∈ 4.1 A further regularity condition Attention will be now given to a different type of regularity condition on the initial data. In [20] it has been shown that, generically, a specific class of obstructions to the smoothness of null infinity will be present unless certain coefficients in the expansion of the spinor φ on the ABCD initial hypersurface, , satisfy a particular relation. In what follows, objects expressible in terms S ofinitialdatawhichconroltheregularityofthedevelopmentatnullinfinitywillbereferredtoas obstructions. The obstructions described in [20] are relatedto the structure of the principal part of the evolution equations (30b), and are shared by zero-rest-mass fields —see [46]. For the case of time symmetric data sets these conditions on the Weyl spinor can be rewritten as a condition on the Cotton-Bach tensor. Namely: D D b (i)=0, p=0,1,..., (25) (ApBp··· A1B1 ABCD) where b is the spinorialversionof the Cotton-Bachtensor. The way the above formula has ABCD to be modified in order to accommodate initial data sets which are not time symmetric is not known. However, the conditions on the coefficients of the expansion of the Weyl tensor given in [20]canbe calculatedexplicitly uptoanydesiredorderforconformallyflatinitialdatasets. One finds that —cfr. with [53]—: λ +λ¯ =0, (26) p;2p,k p;2p,k with p=2,3, , k =0,...,2p. ··· An explicit calculation shows that at least for p= 2,...,6 the conditions (26) are equivalent to D D Cℜ (i)=0, p=1,...,6, (27) (Ap−1Bp−1··· A1B1 ABCD) where Cℜ =√2DE χℜ , (28) ABCD (A BCD)E χℜ = Ω2ψℜ , with ψℜ being the part of the general solution to the Euclidean mo- ABCD ABCD ABCD mentum constraint which is obtained arising from the real part of λ, that is, λR 4. It is noted that for the class of data under consideration, Cℜ (i) = 0, hence this particular condition ABCD poses no restriction on λ. The equivalence of the conditions (26) and (27) to all orders p will be discussed elsewhere. 5 Expansions near spatial infinity Theevolutionofthespinorialquantitiescµ ,Γ ,Θ andφ describingthegeome- AB ABCD ABCD ABCD try ofthe manifold willbe givenby means ofthe conformal propagation equations [20,23]. a,ω M The procedure described in section 3, by which the point i0 is replacedby the cylinder at spatial infinity , rendersregulardataandequationsfor the unphysicalspacetime. Moreover,itleadsto I an unfolding of the evolution mechanism which allows to analyse the process at arbitrary order and in all details. This kind of analysis is made possible by the total characteristic character of the cylinder at spatial infinity with regard to the conformal propagation equations — can be I understood as a limit set of incoming and outgoing light cones. 4ThetensorialequivalentofCABCD isgivenby Ckl=Diχj(kǫijl). 8 In order to briefly discuss the equations implied by the extended conformal equations it is convenient to write: υ = cµ ,Γ ,Θ , (29a) AB ABCD ABCD φ=(cid:0)(φ ,φ ,φ ,φ ,φ ), (cid:1) (29b) 0 1 2 3 4 In this manner, one can write the propagationequations concisely in the form ∂ υ =Kυ+G(υ,υ)+Lφ, (30a) τ √2E∂ φ+AABcµ ∂ =B(Γ )φ, (30b) τ AB µ ABCD where K, G denote, respectively, linear and quadratic functions with constant coefficients, L de- notes a linear function with coefficients depending on the coordinates via Θ and related objects, while E denotes the (5 5) unit matrix, AABcµ are (5 5) matrices depending on the coordi- × AB × nates and B(Γ ) is a linear matrix-valued function of the connection Γ with constant ABCD ABCD coefficients acting on φ. The reader is referred to [20] for a full list of the equations. Theevolutionequations(30a)and(30b)aretobesupplementedwithinitialdatawhichcanbe readilycalculatedonceaninitialdataset( ,h ,χ )satisfyingthevacuumconstraintequations αβ αβ S is known —see [52] for the details. Theunfoldingoftheevolutionprocessreferredtointhepreviousparagraphscanbethoughtas the calculationofa certaintype ofasymptoticexpansionsforthe diversefieldquantities grouped in the vectors υ and φ. Consistent with the class of initial data under consideration —which is expandable in terms of powers of ρ— one can put forwardthe following expansion Ansatz: 1 υ υ(p)ρp, (31a) ∼ p! Xp≥0 1 φ φ(p)ρp. (31b) ∼ p! Xp≥0 The upper limits of the above summations have been intentionally left open to emphasise some convergenceissueswhichwillbediscussedlater. Transportequationsfortheaboveequationscan be calculated by differentiating the propagation equations (30a)-(30b) and then evaluating at I —that is, ρ=0. These equations are schematically of the form ∂ v(p) =Kv(p)+G(v(0),v(p))+G(v(p),v(0)) τ p−1 + G(v(j),v(p−j))+L(j)φ(p−j) +L(p)φ(0), (32a) Xj=1(cid:16) (cid:17) √2E+AAB(c0 )(0) φ(p)+AAB(cC )(0)∂ φ(p) =B(Γ(0) )φ(p) AB AB C ABCD (cid:0) (cid:1)p p + B(Γ(j) )φ(p−j) AAB(cµ )(j)∂ φ(p−j) , (32b) Xj=1(cid:18)j(cid:19)(cid:16) ABCD − AB µ (cid:17) These equations will be referred to as the transport equations of order p. A crucial feature of the transport equations is that their principal part is universal. The solution for p = 0 is also universal —that is independent of the initial data— and agrees with the solution for Minkowski spacetime. For p 1 they are linear differential equations for the unknowns of ≥ order p. Furthermore, note that the subsystem (32a) consists only of differential equations. The transport equations (32a)-(32b) are decoupled in the following sense: knowledge of φ(j), φ(j), j = 0,...,p 1, together with the initial data v(p) allows us to solve the subsystem (32a) to I0 − | obtain the quantities v(p). With v(k), φ(l), k = 0,...,p and l = 0,...,p 1 and the initial data − φ(p) at hand one could, in principle, solve the equations (32b) to get φ(p). I0 | Inpractise,inordertocarryouttheabovedescribedalgorithmonemakesuseofthefactthat allthefieldquantitiesappearingintheevolutionequations(30a)-(30b)haveadefinitespin-weight and expansiontype. Thus, the coefficients v(j), φ(l), 0 j,l p can be rewritten in terms of the ≤ ≤ 9 functions T m and τ-dependent coefficients. For example, for the coefficients appearing in the n k components of the rescaled Weyl tensor one writes: p 2q 1 φ = a (τ)T k ρp. (33) j p! j,p;2q,k 2q q−2+j p≥X|2−j|q=X|2−j|kX=0 The products of functions T m which naturally arise in (32a)-(32b) are linearised by means of n k the use ofthe Clebsch-Gordancoefficients ofSU(2,C) —note thatthe products appearingin the principal part of the equations are somehow trivial as they involve the function T 0. The above 0 0 “decomposition in terms of spin-weighted spherical harmonics” allows for an implementation in a computer algebra system5 whereby the diverse transport equations in the hierarchy and their solutions are explicitly calculated to a given order p. The order p is restricted by the computer resources available —generally up to p = 7 for a spacetime without axial symmetry. Theassumptionofaxialsymmetryallowstocarrythe calculationsuptoacoupleofordersmore. Animportantquestionintheprogrammeisthesense—ifany—inwhichtheexpansions(31a) and (31b) approximate the solutions of the equations (30a)-(30b). In particular, one would like to be able to estimate the residues p R (υ)=υ 1 υ(p′)ρp′, (34a) p+1 − p′! pX′=0 p R (φ)=φ 1 φ(p′)ρp′. (34b) p+1 − p′! pX′=0 The estimation of the above residues and proving that the asymptotic expansions actually do approximate the solution to the conformal field equations is one of the remaining outstanding problems in the analysis of the structure of spatial infinity. It is expected that some suitable extension of the estimates discussed in [22] in the case of the spin-2 massless field (linearised gravity) will permit to remove this hurdle. Some of the technical complications of the problem lie in the degeneracy of the principal part of the equations (30b) and (32b) at the critical sets ±, which precludes the use of standard methods of the theory of partial differential equation. I Further,asdiscussedin[20,23,50,52,53],this degeneracytranslatesinanon-smoothbehaviour of the solutions of the transport equations —which presumably will also extend to the actual solutions of the field equations. It can be seen that for the data of assumption 1 and if the further regularity conditions (26) hold, then up to p=4 the coefficients in (31a) and (31b) have all polynomial dependence in τ. Starting with p = 5, logarithmic terms which are singular at τ = 1 appear. This adds further complexity to the analysis of the asymptotic expansions. ± Hence, most of the calculations of expansions are stopped once the first logarithmic divergences have appeared. In order to proceed with the analysis of this article, the following assumption will be made: Assumption 2. For the class of initial data under consideration, the propagation equations (30a)-(30b) have a uniquesolution in . Further, the expansions (31a) and (31b) where their a,ω M coefficients are given by the solutions of equations (32a) and (32b) approximate these solutions in the sense that the residues (34a) and (34b) can be suitably estimated and are finite in the region of interest. The regularity of the solutions is at least that of the τ-dependence of the expansions. 6 The Newman-Penrose gauge This section discusses a certain class of gauge conditions on the spacetime ( ,g ) near each µν component of null infinity —i.e I+ and I−— known as the Newman-PenMrose gauge —NP gauge. This class of gauge conditions is convenient for the analysis of radiative properties of the spacetime, like its peeling behaviour and its mass loss. The NP gauge consists of certain requirements on the conformal gauge of the spacetime, together with adapted coordinates and 5Thecomputer algebrasystemmaple Vhasbeenusedforthispurpose. 10