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ASYMPTOTIC NORMALITY FOR TRACES OF POLYNOMIALS IN INDEPENDENT COMPLEX WISHART MATRICES 7 0 0 WL ODZIMIERZBRYC 2 n a J 1 Abstract. Wederiveanon-asymptoticexpressionforthemomentsoftraces 1 of monomials in several independent complex Wishart matrices, extending someexplicitformulasavailableintheliterature. Wethendeducetheexplicit ] expression for the cumulants. From the latter, we read out the multivariate R normal approximation to the traces of finite families of polynomials in inde- P pendent complexWishartmatrices. . h t 1. Introduction a m ThecomplexWishartdistributionwasintroducedbyGoodman(Goodman 1963b), [ and studied by numerous authors, starting with (Goodman 1963a; Khatri 1965b; Khatri 1965a; Srivastava 1965). Following (Graczyk, Letac & Massam 2003), we 1 define the complex Wishart law by specifying its Laplace transform. v 8 Definition1.1. LetΣbeanN×N Hermitianpositive-definitematrix(i.e. x∗Σx> 1 0 for all non-zero x ∈ CN), and p ∈ {1,2,...,N}∪(N,∞). We will say that a 3 1 random Hermitian matrix W has complex Wishart law with shape parameter p 0 and scale parameter Σ if the joint Laplace transform of its entries is 7 (1.1) E(exp(tr(θW)))=(det(I −θΣ))−p 0 h/ for all Hermitian matrices θ such that Σ−1−θ is positive-definite. t a WewriteW∈W (Σ,p). Thisnotationisdeliberatelymodeledon(Anderson 2003, N m Section 7.2), but the reader should keep in mind that this paper is devoted solely : to the complex case. v i From Gindykin’s theorem, see (Graczyk, Letac & Massam 2003), we know that X (1.1) is indeed the Laplace transform of a probability measure which is supported r onthesetofN×N Hermitianpositivematrices,(i.e. onAsuchthatx∗Ax≥0for a allx∈CN). ItisalsowellknownthatW∈W (Σ,p)withp∈Ncanbeexpressed N as a quadratic form in a complex Gaussian matrix with i. i. d. entries, see (3.4). Asymptotic normality for traces of polynomials in a single real Wishart matrix withΣ=I isknownsincetheworkof(Arharov 1971)and(Jonsson 1982,Theorem 4.1), who relied on combinatorial methods similar to ours. More general unitary- invariantensembleshavebeenstudiedstartingwith(Diaconis & Shahshahani 1994); for recent work and references, see (Collins, Mingo, Sniady & Speicher 2006). Date: Created: August 17, 2006; Revised: October 18, 2006; January 10, 2007; Printed: February2,2008. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 62H05;Secondary: 15A52. Key words and phrases. ComplexWishart,moments,normalapproximation, ResearchpartiallysupportedbyNSFgrant#DMS-0504198. 1 2 WL ODZIMIERZBRYC (Bai & Silverstein 2004) proved asymptotic normality and derived elegant inte- gral formulas for the means and the variances of traces of analytic functions of a more general class of empirical covariances. Asymptotic normality for multi- matrix models was studied in (Cabanal-Duvillard 2001) who used stochastic anal- ysis to establish asymptotic normality for traces of polynomials in two indepen- dent complex Wishart matrices with Σ = I, and in (Mingo & Nica 2004) and (Kusalik, Mingo, & Speicher 2005)whostudiedpolynomialsinseveralindependent unitarily invariant Wishart matrices by combinatorialmethods. Our main result extends (Mingo & Nica 2004, Corollary 9.4) to more general covariances,and is proved by the closely related combinatorial method. Theorem 1.2. Fix λ ,...,λ > 0 and let p (N) = ⌈λ N⌉, j = 1,...,s. Fix a 1 s j j sequence of positive-definite N ×N matrices C (N),...,C (N) such that 1 s 1 lim tr(q(C (N),...,C (N))) 1 s N→∞N exists for all non-commutative polynomials q ∈ Chx ,...,x i. Suppose W(N) ∈ 1 s 1 W (1C (N),p (N)),...,W(N) ∈W (1C (N),p (N)) are independent. N N 1 1 s N N s s Given polynomials q ,...,q ∈Chx ,...,x i, define the Cd-valued random vari- 1 d 1 s able Z =(ξ (N),...,ξ (N)) by N 1 d ξ (N)=tr(q (W(N),...,W(N))). j j 1 s Then there is a pair (X,Y) of jointly Gaussian mean zero Rd-valued random vari- ables such that Z −E(Z )−D→X+iY. N N ThestatementofTheorem1.2doesnotspecifythecovariancematrixofthelim- itingnormallaw,andusuallythelawofZ=X+iYfailstobe“complexGaussian”, asthecovariancesofXandYmaydiffer. Theexpressionforthejoint(2d)×(2d)co- varianceof(X,Y)thatcanbereadoutfromtheproofbecomesmoreexplicitinsim- plesituations,seeExample5.1below. Moreconvenientrepresentationofthecovari- ancecouldbeofinteresttostatistics,see(Edelman, Mingo, Rao & Speicher 2006). We remark that if λ ≥ 1 for some j, we can take as shape parameter p = j j λ N instead of the first larger integer ⌈λ N⌉. We also note that under natural j j assumptions, the centering is linear in N, see (2.10). Theorem1.2 is aconsequenceofa number ofnon-asymptoticresults. InSection 2 we state the formula for mixed moments of traces of monomials in independent Wishartmatrices,andwe use itto derivesome ofthe explicitexpressionsavailable in the literature. In Section 3 we prove the formula for moments. In Section 4, we computemultivariatecumulantsofthetracesofmonomialsinindependentWishart matrices. In Section 5 we use the cumulants to prove Theorem 1.2. 2. Mixed moments of independent complex Wishart matrices ExplicitformulasformomentsofpolynomialsinonecomplexWishartmatrixap- pearin(Lu & Richards 2001),(Hanlon, Stanley & Stembridge 1992),(Graczyk, Letac & Massam 2003). HaagerupandThorbjørnsen(Haagerup & Thorbjørnsen 2003) compute the gener- ating function Etr(expsW) for Wishart matrices W with scale parameter Σ = I. Mingo and Nica (Mingo & Nica 2004) give explicit formulas for moments and cu- mulants of monomials in several independent Wishart matrices of the same shape POLYNOMIALS IN INDEPENDENT COMPLEX WISHART MATRICES 3 parameter p and the same scale parameter Σ = I. Here we adapt their technique to more general shape and scale parameters. 2.1. We consider moments of monomials q (x ,x ,...,x ) of degree n in π,t,h 1 2 s non-commuting variables x ,x ,...,x , which are parameterized by permuta- 1 2 s tions π ∈ S , functions t : {1,...,n} → {1,...,s} and matrix-valued functions n h : {1,...,n} → M (C). The interpretation of these parameters is as follows: n×n the cyclesofpermutationπ determinehowthe monomialis factoredintothe prod- uctoftraces;indext(j)describeswhichofthevariablesappearsatthej-thposition inthemonomial,andh(j)isanoptionalparameterwhichcanbeused,forexample, to extract information about the moments of a single entry of the product. Let C(σ) denote the set of cycles of permutation σ. Define (2.1) q (x ,x ,...,x )= tr h(j)x . σ,t,h 1 2 s t(j)   c∈YC(σ) Yj∈c   Herethenotationtr h(j)x istobeinterpretedasthetraceoftheproduct j∈c t(j) of the matrices taken(cid:16)in the same or(cid:17)der in which the integers j appear in the cycle Q c. If h≡I we will write q ; if t≡1, we will write q . σ,t,I σ,1,h For example, (tr(W W ))2 =q (W ,W ) with 1 2 σ,t,I 1 2 (2.2) σ =(1,2),(3,4), t(j)=(3+(−1)j)/2. Clearly, this representation is not unique; (Hanlon, Stanley & Stembridge 1992) indextheirmonomialsbythecycletypeofpermutationσ,i.e.,byapartitionλ⊢n, seeCorollary2.3. However,thestatementofTheorem2.1reliesoncompositionsof permutations, so the notation q is more convenient here. We also remark that π,t,h monomials q are natural generalizations to several variables of the monomials σ,t,h r introduced in (Graczyk, Letac & Massam 2003), see Corollary 2.2. σ For a fixed t:{1,...,n}→{1,...,s}, let (2.3) S (t)={π ∈S :t=t◦π} n n bethesetoft-preservingpermutations. Undertheinterpretationthattassignsone ofthescolorstoeachoftheintegers{1,...,n},theseare”color-preserving”permu- tations,andthisishowwewillrefertothem. Eachα∈S (t)maybeidentifiedwith n thek-tupleofpermutationsoftheknonemptysetsamongt−1(1),t−1(2),...,t−1(s). Accordingly, we decompose the set of cycles C(α) = s C (α) into the union of j=1 j sets C (α) of cycles on t−1(j), j = 1,2,...,s; here we allow the possibility that j S t−1(j)=∅ for some j, in which case C =∅. j If σ,α∈S , by σα we denote the composition of permutations, i.e. the permu- n tation σ◦α. With the above notation, we state the main result of this section. Theorem 2.1. If W ∈ W (Σ ,p ),W ∈ W (Σ ,p ),...,W ∈ W (Σ ,p ) 1 N 1 1 2 N 2 2 s N s s are independent and σ ∈S , then n (2.4) E(q (W ,W ,...,W )) σ,t,h 1 2 s = p#C1(α)p#C2(α)...p#Cs(α)q (Σ ,Σ ,...,Σ ). 1 2 s σα,t,h 1 2 s α∈XSn(t) 4 WL ODZIMIERZBRYC Theorem 2.1 follows by induction with respect to s from the formula in (Graczyk, Letac & Massam 2003, Theorem 2), which we state as Corollary2.2 be- low. However,the notationfor sucha proofis cumbersome,so inSection 3 wegive a direct elementary proof based on techniques of (Mingo & Nica 2004). 2.2. We now use Theorem 2.1 to derive several explicit formulas which already have appeared in the literature. (The statements are re-cast into our notation.) Corollary 2.2 ((Graczyk, Letac & Massam 2003, Theorem 2)). For π ∈ S , h : n {1,...,n}→M (C), define n×n r (h ,...,h )(x)= tr xh . π 1 n j   c∈YC(π) Yj∈c If W∈W (Σ,p), then   N (2.5) E(r (h ,...,h )(W))= p#C(π1−1π0)r (h ,...,h )(Σ). π0 1 n π1 1 n πX1∈Sn Proof. Notice that π and π−1 have the same cycle type (i.e., their cycles have the 1 1 same lengths), and tr(A A ...A )=tr(A∗...A∗A∗). 1 2 k k 2 1 Since t≡1, we have S (t)=S . So with σ =π−1, formula (2.4) gives n n 0 E rπ0(h1,...,hn)(W) =E(qσ,1,h∗(W))= p#C(π)qσπ,1,h∗(Σ). (cid:16) (cid:17) πX∈Sn Substituting π−1 =σπ we get 1 E rπ(h1,...,hn)(W) = p#C(σ−1π1−1)qπ1−1,1,h∗(Σ) (cid:16) (cid:17) πX1∈Sn = p#C(π0π1−1)r (h ,...,h )(Σ). π1 1 n πX1∈Sn Thisendstheproofafterwerecallthatconjugationpreservesthenumberofcycles: since ασ and σα are conjugated, (2.6) #C(ασ)=#C(σα). (cid:3) Corollary 2.3 ((Hanlon, Stanley & Stembridge 1992, Corollary 2.4)). For λ = (λ ,λ ,...)⊢n, let p (x)=tr(xλ1)tr(xλ2).... If W ∈W (I,p), and σ ∈S has 1 2 λ N n cycle type λ, then (2.7) E(p (W))= p#C(α)N#C(ασ). λ αX∈Sn Proof. Since p (W) = q (W) and tr(I) = N, (2.7) follows from (2.4) by (2.6). λ σ,1,I (cid:3) Corollary2.4((Mingo & Nica 2004,Lemma9.1)). IfW ,W ,...,W ∈W (I,p) 1 2 s N are independent, then (2.8) E(q (W ,...,W ))= p#C(α)N#C(α−1σ). σ,t,I 1 s α∈XSn(t) POLYNOMIALS IN INDEPENDENT COMPLEX WISHART MATRICES 5 Proof. Using (2.6), E(q (W ,...,W ))= p#C(α)N#C(ασ) = p#C(α−1)N#C(α−1σ), σ,t,I 1 s α∈XSn(t) α−1X∈Sn(t) which gives (2.8), as #C(α)=#C(α−1). (cid:3) For asymptotic normality in Theorem1.2, it is interesting to determine how the first moment of a trace depends on N in a special setting. Fix n ≥ 1, σ = (1,2,...,n) ∈ S , t : {1,...,n} → {1,...,s}, and λ > 0. n Let S◦(t) ⊂ S (t) denote the set of color-preserving permutations α such that n n #C(α)+#C(σα)=n+1. Corollary 2.5. Suppose W(N),...,W(N) ∈ W (C /N,⌈λN⌉) are independent. 1 s N N If there exist numbers m such that k (2.9) lim tr(Ck )−Nm =0 N k N→∞ for all k ∈N, then (2.10) lim E tr(W(N)...W(N)) −N λ#C(α) m = 0. N→∞ t(1) t(n) #c (cid:16) (cid:17) α∈XSn◦(t) c∈YC(σα)   Proof. Denote p(N)=⌈λN⌉. By Theorem 2.1, E tr(W(N)...W(N)) t(1) t(n) (cid:16) (cid:17) #C(α) p(N) =N N#C(α)+#C(σα)−n−1 tr (C#c). N N N α∈XSn(t)(cid:18) (cid:19) c∈YC(σα) It is known, see (Jacques 1968) and (Mach`ı 1984, Theorem 1), that (2.11) #C(α)+#C(σ)+#C(σα)=n+2−2g for some g = g(α) ∈ {0,1,...,⌊(n − 1)/2⌋}. Clearly, g(α) = 0 for α ∈ S◦(t). n Therefore, #C(α) p(N) E tr(W(N)...W(N)) =N N−2g(α) tr (C#c) t(1) t(n) N N N (cid:16) (cid:17) α∈XSn(t)(cid:18) (cid:19) c∈YC(σα) p(N) #C(α) =N m #c N α∈S◦(t)(cid:18) (cid:19) c∈C(σα) Xn Y #C(α) p(N) + N tr (C#c)− m N  N N #c α∈XSn◦(t)(cid:18) (cid:19) c∈YC(σα) c∈YC(σα)   ⌊(n−1)/2⌋ p(N) #C(α) + N1−2g tr (C#c). N N N Xg=1 α∈Sn(Xt):g(α)=g(cid:18) (cid:19) c∈YC(σα) Since n is fixed, p(N)/N →λ and (2.9) holds, this implies (2.10). (cid:3) Remark 2.6. Inverses of permutations in S◦ appear in (Biane 1997), see the dis- n cussion of noncrossing permutations in (Mingo & Nica 2004, Remark 2.10). 6 WL ODZIMIERZBRYC Example 2.1. Under the assumptions of Theorem 2.1, formula (2.4) used with h(1) = E , the matrix with exactly one non-zero element at (i,j)-th position, i,j h=I otherwise, gives E(W W ...W )=p p ...p Σ Σ ...Σ . 1 2 s 1 2 s 1 2 s Indeed, we can identify the (i,j)-th entry of the matrix on the left hand side from E(tr(E W W ...W )). The only color-preserving permutation is the identity i,j 1 2 s permutation. Ofcourse,thesameanswerarisesbyconditioningfromtheunivariate case. 2.3. Example of covariance calculation. Thepurposeofthissectionistoillus- trate certain graphical representations which will be used in Theorem 4.6 and to derive formulas for Example 5.1. For complex-valued square-integrable random variables ξ,η, we denote (2.12) cov(ξ,η)=E(ξη)−E(ξ)E(η); in this notation, cov(ξ,ξ) is a complex number. Suppose W ,W are as in Theorem 2.1 so tr(W W ) is real-valued. From Ex- 1 2 1 2 ample 2.1 we know that E(tr(W W ))=p p tr(Σ Σ ). To compute the variance 1 2 1 2 1 2 oftr(W W )wethereforecomputeE(tr2(W W ))using(2.4)withn=4andσ,t 1 2 1 2 from (2.2). α (1)(2)(3)(4) (1)(3)(2,4) (1,3)(2)(4) (1,3)(2,4) σα (1,2)(3,4) (1,2,3,4) (1,4,3,2) (1,4)(2,3) contribution p21p22tr2(Σ1Σ2) p21p2tr((Σ1Σ2)2) p1p22tr((Σ1Σ2)2) p1p2tr2(Σ1Σ2) ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 4 4 graph 2 4 2 4 2 2 • • • • • • • • 1 3 1 3 1@@@@ 3~~~~ 1@@@@ 3~~~~ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Table 1. Four possible α ∈ S (t) and their contributions are listed in Table 1. The last 4 rowshowsgraphicalrepresentationsofthe[airs(σ,α)whichwewilluseinSection4: the cycles of σ as cyclic clockwise permutations of edges aroundthe black vertices, and the cycles of α as cyclic clockwise permutations of edges around the ”colored” verticesmarkedascircles. The firstgraphcorrespondsto (E(tr(W W )))2, sothe 1 2 remaining connected graphs give the terms contributing to the variance. Similar situation occurs for higher order cumulants, where again the contributions come only from the connected graphs. Similarly, we can analyze tr(W W W ). With σ = (1,2,3)(4,5,6), there are 1 2 3 seven terms contributing to cov(tr(W W W ),tr(W W W )). Graphical repre- 1 2 3 1 2 3 sentation of one such term with contribution p p p tr((Σ Σ Σ )2) is depicted on 1 2 3 1 2 3 the right in Fig. 1. We have therefore the following formulas. POLYNOMIALS IN INDEPENDENT COMPLEX WISHART MATRICES 7 Example 2.2 (Example 2.1, continued). If W ∈ W (Σ ,p ), W ∈ W (Σ ,p ), 1 N 1 1 2 N 2 2 W ∈W (Σ ,p ) are independent, then 3 N 3 3 1 1 Var(tr(W W ))=p2p2 + tr((Σ Σ )2)+p p tr2(Σ Σ ); 1 2 1 2 p p 1 2 1 2 1 2 (cid:18) 1 2(cid:19) (2.13) cov(tr(W W W ),tr(W W W )) 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 =p2p2p2 + + tr((Σ Σ Σ )2) 1 2 3 p p p 1 2 3 (cid:18) 1 2 3(cid:19) +p p p (p +p +p )tr2(Σ Σ Σ )+p p p tr((Σ Σ Σ )2). 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 In particular, if p =p =p =p and Σ =Σ =Σ =Σ then 1 2 3 1 2 3 cov(tr(W W W ),tr(W W W ))=3p5tr(Σ6)++3p4tr2(Σ3)+p3tr(Σ6). 1 2 3 1 2 3 A similar calculation yields cov(tr(W W W ),tr(W W W ))=3p5tr(Σ6)+3p4tr(Σ2)tr(Σ4)+p3tr3(Σ2). 1 2 3 3 2 1 3. Proof of Theorem 2.1 In the proof, by [A] we denote the (i,j)-th element of A. It will also be i,j convenient to write h =h(j). j Following (Mingo & Nica 2004), we write q (x ,...,x ) as follows. π,t,h 1 s Lemma 3.1. n (3.1) q (x ,...,x )= [h x ] . π,t,h 1 s i t(i) J(i),J(π(i)) J:{1,...,nX}→{1,...,N}iY=1 Proof. For a single cycle c=(i ,i ,...,i ) of π, 1 2 w tr h x = [h x ] . r t(r) i t(i) J(i),J(π(i)) ! rY∈c J:c→X{1,...,N}Yi∈c Thus q (x ,...,x )= [h x ] , π,t,h 1 s i t(i) J(i),J(π(i)) J:{1,...,nX}→{1,...,N}c∈YC(π)Yi∈c and (3.1) follows. (cid:3) Proof of Theorem 2.1. Wefirstreducetheprooftothecasewhentheshapeparam- eters p ,...,p are positive integers. By independence and (1.1), the joint Laplace 1 s transform of W ,...,W is 1 s s s E exp( tr(θ W )) = (det(I−Σ θ ))−pr. r r r r ! r=1 r=1 X Y Denoteθ =ℜ[θ ] ,θ =ℑ[θ ] ,W =ℜ[W ] ,W =ℑ[W ] . r,i,j,0 r i,j r,i,j,1 r i,j r,i,j,0 r i,j r,i,j,1 r i,j Since N N tr(θ W )= θ W +2 (θ W +θ W ) r r r,i,i,0 r,i,i,0 r,i,j,0 r,i,i,0 r,i,j,1 r,i,j,1 i=1 i=1 j<i X XX 8 WL ODZIMIERZBRYC we therefore can compute the expectations of the entry-wise products n n (3.2) (2−δ )E W ik,jk rk,ik,jk,εk ! k=1 k=1 Y Y ∂n s = (det(I −Σ θ ))−pr r r ∂θr1,i1,j1,ε1...∂θrn,in,jn,εn rY=1 (cid:12)(cid:12)θ1=θ2=···=θs=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) for any 1 ≤r ≤s, 1≤i ,j ≤N and ε ∈{0,1} such that ε =0 when i =j . k k k k k k k As a function of p ,...,p , the right hand side of (3.2) is a polynomial. Since the 1 s left hand side of (2.4) is a linear combination of the expressions appearing on the left hand side of (3.2), this shows that (2.4) is an identity between polynomials so it is enough to prove it for p ,p ,...,p ∈N. 1 2 s We now prove (2.4) with the assumption that p ,p ,...,p ∈ N. For r = 1 2 s 1,2,...,s, let X be a p ×N matrix with i. i. d. complex normal entries such r r that for i=1,2,...,p ,j =1,2,...,N we have r (3.3) E([X ] )=E [X ]2 =0, E |[X ] |2 =1. r i,j r i,j r i,j (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:16) (cid:17) We also assume that matrices X ,...,X are independent. It is well known 1 s ((Goodman 1963b)) that with Σ =A A∗, formula r r r (3.4) W =A∗X∗X A r r r r r defines independent complex Wishart matrices W ∈W (Σ ,p ), r =1,...,s. r N r r Expanding matrix multiplications in (3.1), we write the polynomial on the left hand side of (2.4) as (3.5) q (W ,W ,...,W ) σ,t,h 1 2 s n = [X∗ ] [X ] t(i) K(i),L(i) t(i) L(i),M(i) ! J,K,L,M i=1 X Y n × [h A∗ ] [A ] , i t(i) J(i),K(i) t(i) M(i),J(σ(i)) i=1 Y where the sum is now taken over all functions J,K,M : {1,...,n} → {1,...,N} and over all functions L from the set L:={L:{1,...,n}→N:L(i)≤p for all i}. t(i) Wick’s formula expresses the expectation of the product of jointly normal cen- tered random variables as the sum over all pairings of products of covariances. Under (3.3), the only contributing pairings are those that pair [X∗ ] with t(i) K(i),L(i) [X ] . Thusthecontributingpairingsaredeterminedbythepairs(i,α(i)) t(j) L(j),M(j) POLYNOMIALS IN INDEPENDENT COMPLEX WISHART MATRICES 9 with α∈S (t), and the expectation becomes n n E [X∗ ] [X ] t(i) K(i),L(i) t(i) L(i),M(i) ! i=1 Y n = E [X ] [X ] t(i) L(i),K(i) t(α(i)) L(α(i)),M(α(i)) ! α∈XSn(t) iY=1 = 1L=L◦α,M=K◦α−1. α∈XSn(t) This allows us to write the expectation of (3.5) as E(q (W ,W ,...,W )) σ,t,h 1 2 s n = 1L=L◦α,M=K◦α−1 [hiA∗t(i)]J(i),K(i)[At(i)]M(i),J(σ(i)) J,KX,L,Mα∈XSn(t) Yi=1 n = 1L=L◦α [hiA∗t(i)]J(i),K(i)[At(i)]K(α−1(i)),J(σ(i)) XJ,Kα∈XSn(t)LX∈L iY=1 Since t(j)=t(α−1(j)) and 1 = s p#Cr(α), this becomes L∈L L=L◦α r=1 r s Pn Q n pr#Cr(α) [hiA∗t(i)]J(i),K(i) [At(α−1(j))]K(α−1(j)),J(σ(j)) ! α∈XSn(t)rY=1 XJ,K Yi=1 jY=1 s n = p#Cr(α) [h A∗ ] [A ] r i t(i) J(i),K(i) t(i) K(i),J(σ(α(i))) α∈XSn(t)rY=1 XJ,KiY=1 s n = p#Cr(α) [h A∗ A ] r i t(i) t(i) J(i),J(σα(i)) α∈XSn(t)rY=1 XJ iY=1 s = p#Cr(α) tr h A∗ A r i t(i) t(i) ! α∈XSn(t)rY=1 c∈YC(σα) Yi∈c s = p#Cr(α) tr h Σ r i t(i) ! α∈XSn(t)rY=1 c∈YC(σα) Yi∈c s = p#Cr(α)q (Σ ,Σ ,...,Σ ). r σα,t,h 1 2 s α∈XSn(t)rY=1 (cid:3) 4. Formal power series, cumulants, and graphical enumeration As a motivation, consider the integral (4.1) Z (u ,...,u ):=E e−NVu(W1,...,Ws) , N 1 m where (cid:16) (cid:17) m Vu(W1,...,Ws)= ujtr(qj(W1,...,Ws)), j=0 X 10 WL ODZIMIERZBRYC and q ,...,q ∈ Chx ,...,x i are non-commutative monomials. Of course, the 1 m 1 s integral might diverge, so it cannot be studied without additional assumptions. In view of recent progress (Maurel-Segala 2006) in multimatrix models, it would be interestingtofindthesufficientconditionsfortheasymptoticexpansionasN →∞ for lnZ . N In this section our interest is limited to the formal power series expansion for lnZ ,whichiswelldefinedwithoutanyassumptionsonthemonomials,andserves N as a convenient notation to encode certain combinatorialrelations. The ”formula” we give should not be interpreted as a statement about the actual function Z N thatinspired the formalexpansion. Onthe other hand, the formalpowerseries for lnZ is a well defined object which we will use to prove asymptotic normality for N the traces of polynomials. In order to avoidmisinterpretation, we will place the tilde overall formalpower series, even if they arise from familiar analytic functions like ln(1+x), or exp. 4.1. Formalpowerseries. Aringofformalpowerseriesinmvariablesu ,...,u 1 m is the set of all complex infinite sequences a = {a : k ≥ 0}, with the al- k1,...,km j gebraic operations (linear combination, multiplication, differentiation, integration, and sometimes composition) that are defined as if they were inherited from the e corresponding operations on the infinite power series a(u ,...,u )= uk1...ukma . 1 m 1 m k1,k2,...,km k1,..X.,km≥0 Well defined opeerations on formal power series are those that rely only on the finite numberofthe coefficients. Thusthe (k ,k ,...,k )-thcoefficientshouldnot 1 2 m depend on the value of M when the operations are performed on the polynomials ofdegreeM whichwereobtainedbytruncation mod uM...uM ofaformalpower 1 m series for all large enough M ≥M (k ,k ,...,k ). Such operations act on infinite 0 1 2 m sequencesa,bregardlessofthe issuesofconvergence,andthe powerseriesnotation serves only as a convenient mnemonic device. In particular, if a is a formal power series in oeneevariable, then the composition a(b) is a well defined formal power series,wheneverb0,...,0 =0. Forexample,ifa(u)= n≥1n!un,ethena(a(u))iswell defined, and the first few terms are a(a(u))=eu+e 2·2!u2+2(3!+(2!)2)u3+.... P To shorten the notation, we will write e e e e e k a(u1,...,um)= u ak. k1,..X.,km≥0 We will also write k!=ke!k !...k !. 1 2 m Every infinitely-differentiable function f(u ,...,u ) gives rise to the formal 1 m power series dk k f(u ,...,u )= u , 1 m k! k1,..X.,km≥0 where e ∂k1...∂km dk = f . ∂uk11...∂ukmm (cid:12)(cid:12)u=0 (cid:12) Of course, the series does not have to converge, a(cid:12)nd even if it does, it may fail to (cid:12) converge to f(u).

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