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Asymptotic High Energy Total Cross Sections and Theories with Extra Dimensions J. Swain and A. Widom Physics Department, Northeastern University, Boston MA USA Y.N. Srivastava Physics Department & INFN, University of Perugia, Perugia IT Therateatwhichcrosssectionsgrowwithenergyissensitivetothepresenceofextradimensions inarathermodel-independentfashion. Weexaminehowrateswouldbeexpectedtogrowifthereare more spatial dimensions than 3 which appear at some energy scale, making connections with black holephysicsandstringtheory. Wealsoreviewwhatisknownaboutthecorrespondinggeneralization of the Froissart-Martin bound and the experimental status of high energy hadronic cross sections which appear to saturate it up to the experimentally accessible limit of 100 TeV. We discuss how 3 extra dimensions can be searched for in high energy cross section data and find no room for large 1 extra dimensions in present data. Any apparent signatures of extra dimensions at the LHC would 0 seem to have to be interpreted as due to some other form of new physics. 2 n PACSnumbers: 11.10.Jj,11.10.Kk,11.25.-w,11.25.Wx,11.55.-m a J 2 I. INTRODUCTION of order unity at a distance 2 (cid:126)S(E) Thereisawealthofpossibleconstraintsonnewphysics R= . (2) h] which can be obtained without the need to look for spe- 2µckB p cific exclusive processes which may be difficult to detect (iii) The total cross section for shadow scattering is then - and distinguish from backgrounds simply by looking at p given by σ =2πR2 yielding how cross sections grow with energy. We review simple total e h arguments for how cross sections are expected to grow π (cid:20) (cid:126) (cid:21)2(cid:20)S(E)(cid:21)2 [ with energy, and connect them with black hole thermo- σ (E)= . (3) dynamics and string-theoretical models. Allowing for total 2 µc kB 3 a number of space dimensions greater than 3 we find, v 3 in agreement with earlier discussions of the Froissart- The asymptotic E → ∞ total cross section is thereby 5 Martin bound in higher dimensions, much faster growth determined by the entropy S(E). 5 ofcrosssectionswithenergythanisallowedbyunitarity A typical entropy estimate may be made via the fol- 2 in 3+1 dimensions. Since the experimental results satu- lowing reasoning: The equipartition theorem for a gas 4. rate the unitarity bounds, we find there is no room for of ultra-relativistic particles implies a mean particle en- 0 extra dimensions[1] at scales below 100 TeV and point ergyvaryinglinearlywithtemperature;(cid:15)≈c|p|≈3kBT. 1 out that the best way to search for such dimensions may A Boltzmann gas of such particles has a constant heat 1 well be via measurements of the energy dependence of capacity. A system with a constant heat capacity C∞ v: cross sections rather than via searches for exclusive pro- obeys i cesses. X dE dE E =C T =C ⇒ dS =C , (4) r ∞ ∞dS ∞ E a II. HIGH ENERGY TOTAL CROSS SECTION yielding an entropy logarithm (cid:18) (cid:19) A clear physical argument[2] for predicting the high E S(E)=C ln . (5) center of mass energy E total cross section is the follow- ∞ E 0 ing: (i)Iftheelasticscatteringamplitudeathighenergy is dominated by the exchange of the lightest mass µ par- By virtue of Eqs.(3) and (5), the total cross section for a ticle, then the probability of the exchange in space reads constant heat capacity system, (cid:20) 2µcr S(E)(cid:21) π (cid:20)(cid:126)C (cid:21)2 (cid:18) E (cid:19) P(r,E)∼exp − + , (1) σ (E)= ∞ ln2 , (6) (cid:126) k total 2 µck E B B 0 where 2µr/(cid:126) is the WKB factor for a particle to move saturates the Froissart-Martin bound[3, 4]. In a more a space-like distance r and the entropy S(E) determines general thermodynamically stable situation, the entropy the density of final states. (ii) The probability becomes S(E) is determined parametrically by the heat capacity 2 as a function of temperature Note that the energy, C(T)= dE(T) =TdS(T) , E = MPc2 , (14) dT dT MPc2 8πkBT (cid:90) T E = C(T(cid:48))dT(cid:48), decreasesasthetemperatureincreasesinviolationofthe second law of thermodynamics, i.e. the black hole heat 0 (cid:90) T dT(cid:48) capacity C = dE/dT < 0. This instability is a common S = C(T(cid:48)) . (7) feature of classical self-gravitationally bound systems. T(cid:48) 0 The saturation Eqs.(5) and (6) will then hold true only inthehighanergyandhightemperaturelimitofastable IV. HAGEDORN-STRING ENTROPY heat capacity C(T →∞)=C . ∞ To compute the total high energy cross section for Theorieswithextradimensionsgrewoutofstringtheo- models with extra dimensions, the central theoretical riesofinteractionswhichwouldincludeinprinciplegrav- problem is to understand the entropy implicit in such itational theories. A classical picture of a rotating string models. In so far as extra dimensional theories are can be developed. If one considers a string of length L, thought to describe the gravitational interaction, the re- then the lowest resonance frequency obeys sulting entropy may be expected to exhibit a second law πc violation. Let us first review this second law instability ω = . (15) L for the well known case of the black hole entropy. Treatingtheresonantfrequencyω asanangularvelocity conjugate to the string angular momentum J one finds III. BLACK HOLE ENTROPY dE ω = (16) dJ The gravitational coupling strength of a black hole with a mass M may be defined via where the energy is related to the string tension τ via S GM2 S E =τSL. (17) α (M2)= = , (8) G (cid:126)c 4πk B Eqs.(15), (16) and (17) imply the differential equation, whereinS istheblackholeentropy,E =Mc2istheblack EdE hole energy and dJ = , (18) πcτ S (cid:18) (cid:19) G whose solution is the linear Regge trajectory, S =4πk E2. (9) B (cid:126)c5 J =(cid:126)(cid:0)α +α(cid:48)E2(cid:1). (19) 0 The black hole temperature is then In Eq.(19), α is the Pomeranchuck intercept[5, 6] and 0 1 dS (cid:18) (cid:126)c (cid:19) = ⇒ E =2πτ , (10) 1 T dE G kBT 2πτS = (cid:126)cα(cid:48) (20) wherethegravitationalvacuumtensionτ isdetermined is the generalized string tension analog of the gravita- G by tional tension Eq.(11) which is now determined by the Reggetrajectoryslopeparameterα(cid:48). Letusconsiderthe 2πτ = c4 ≈4.816×1042 Newton. (11) entropy consequences of these types of models. G 8πG The physical meaning of the vacuum gravitational ten- A. Hagedorn Temperature sion becomes evident if the Einstein field equations for the energy-pressure tensor are written in the form The canonical partition function for a system in an (cid:20) 1 (cid:21) environmental temperature T˜ has the form T =2πτ R − g R . (12) µν G µν 2 µν Z(T˜)=(cid:88)Ω(E)exp(−E/k T˜), (21) B The Planck mass M is defined via Eq.(8) employing E P αG(MP2)=1, whereΩ(E)isthenumberofquantumstateswithenergy E. In terms of the entropy (cid:114) (cid:126)c M = ≈6.88×10−5gm≈3.86×1028eV/c2. (13) P G S(E)=kBlnΩ(E) (22) 3 and the canonical free energy C. String Theory F(T˜)=−k T˜lnZ(T˜), (23) B The extra dimension value n for space-time is related to the full dimension of space-time D via one finds from Eqs.(21), (22) and (23) that (cid:34) F(T˜)(cid:35) (cid:88) (cid:20)S(E) E (cid:21) D =3+1+n=4+n. (33) exp − = exp − . . (24) kBT˜ E kB kBT˜ The Hagedorn entropy for string theories is illustrated by bosonic string example where the entropy can be The Hagedorn string entropy has the form[7, 8] computed from the number theory integer partition functions[9]. It is (cid:18) (cid:19) E E S(E)= −k ηln +k γ, (25) (cid:115) T B k T B S(E) (cid:20)D−2(cid:21) H B H =2πE α(cid:48) k 6 wherein η and γ are dimensionless constants and T is B the Hagedorn temperature. H (cid:18)D+1(cid:19) √ − ln( α(cid:48)E) 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) D−1 D−2 ln2 B. Statistical Thermodynamics ln − , (34) 4 24 2 In order that the partition function in Eq. (21) con- which is clearly a special case of the general Hagedorn verge, the environmental temperature T˜ must be less string entropy Eq.(25). For the supersymmetric string than the Hagedorn temperature T . whichincludesfermions,thefunctionalformoftheHage- H dorn entropy in Eq.(25) is expected to remain intact. T˜ <T , (26) However, the detailed dependence of the parameters H T ,η and γ on D is expected to depend on the specific H On the other hand, the string temperature T given by, string model chosen. 1 dS = , (27) T dE V. COMPACT EXTRA DIMENSIONS yields a positive energy Let us suppose that n extra dimensions are compact (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) T T with a gravitational length scale Λ. For distance r large E =ηk T ≡Φ >0, (28) B H T −T T −T on the length scale Λ, the Newtonian attraction is deter- H H mined by the gravitational string tension in Eq.(11); Eq.(28) implies a string temperature larger than the m m Hagedorn temperature, −U =G 1 2 r T >T , (29) 1 (cid:20)(m c2)(m c2)(cid:21) H = 1 2 16π2 τ r G as well as a threshold for the string excitation energy 1 (cid:20)(m c2)(m c2)(cid:21) = 1 2 (r (cid:29)Λ). (35) E >Φ=ηkBTH, (30) 16π2 σnΛnr Note the inequalities Thenatureofaddingncompactextradimensionsisillus- trated schematically in FIG.1. For short distances, the T˜ <T <T, (31) power law energy has an exponent H which imply an environmental temperature T˜ which is −U ∝(cid:20)(m1c2)(m2c2)(cid:21) (r (cid:28)Λ). (36) lessthathestringtemperatureT. Thatathermodynam- σ r1+n n ically stable environment cannot come into equilibrium with a string is due to the latter having negative heat Similar considerations apply for the string entropy capacity with n extra dimansions each of length Λ. For a grav- itational string one may begin with an entropy of the (cid:20) (cid:21) dE T Hagedorn form as given in Eq.(25); i.e. as E →∞ C = =−Φ H <0 (32) dT (T −T )2 H (cid:20) (cid:21) S (E) E 0 =(cid:36) √ +··· , (37) which is a thermodynamic second law violation. k 0 (cid:126)cτ B G 4 section in the high energy limit π (cid:20) (cid:126) (cid:21)2 σ (s)= × total 2 µc (cid:12)(cid:12) C (cid:18) s (cid:19) (cid:114)(cid:126)c (cid:12)(cid:12)2 (cid:12) ln +(cid:36) s(n+2)/4+···(cid:12) (39) (cid:12)k s n σ (cid:12) (cid:12) B 0 n (cid:12) √ wherein the center of mass energy E =(cid:126)c s→∞. Be- lowthethresholdfortheobservationofextradimensions (cid:20) (cid:16)σ (cid:17)2/(2+n)(cid:21) s (cid:28)s(cid:28) n , 0 (cid:126)c π (cid:20) C(cid:126) (cid:21)2 (cid:18) s (cid:19) σ (s)= ln2 . (40) total 2 k µc s B 0 Above the threshold for the observation of extra dimen- sions, (cid:20)(cid:16)σ (cid:17)2/(2+n) (cid:21) n (cid:28)s , FIG.1: Foraonedimenisionalstringoflengthr undergrav- (cid:126)c itational tension, τ ≡ σ , the energy of stretching τ r en- ters into Newton’sGgravit0ational law as in the denomGinator σ (s)= π(cid:36)n2(cid:126)c(cid:20) (cid:126) (cid:21)2s(n+2)/2. (41) of Eq.(35). If the string has one extra dimension of length total 2σ µc n Λ(cid:28)r, then the stretching two dimensional membrane is de- scribed by a surface tension σ = τ /Λ. If the string has The transition from Eq.(40) to (41) at the energy 1 G twoextradimensionseachoflengthΛ(cid:28)r,thenthestretch- ingthreedimensionalsquareprismisdescribedbyanegative (cid:16)σ (cid:17)1/(2+n) pressureσ2 =τG/Λ2. Forthecaseofn≥1addeddimensions, Etransition ∼(cid:126)c (cid:126)nc one finds σn =τG/Λn as in Eq.(35). (cid:16)τ (cid:17)1/(2+n) (cid:126)c ∼ G (42) (cid:126)c [Λn]1/(n+2) wherein (cid:36) is a dimensionless constant of order unity. 0 whichdependsonboththenumbernofextradimensions With n extra compact dimensions and the compact length scale Λ. S (E) (cid:20) E (cid:21)(cid:18)E(cid:19)n/2 n =(cid:36) √ +··· k n (cid:126)cσ (cid:126)c B n VII. THE FROISSART BOUND IN HIGHER (cid:114)(cid:126)c (cid:18)E(cid:19)1+(n/2) DIMENSIONS =(cid:36) +··· . (38) n σ (cid:126)c n The discussions above have been quite physical, but Thiscanbecomparedwiththestringscatteringresults one can also directly generalize the Froissart bound by ofAmati,CiafaloniandVenezianowhofindforthetotal, repeating the original argument but now in more than 3 diffractiveandinclusivecrosssectionsσtot,σdif andσinel spatialdimensions. ThishasbeendonebyChaichianand respectively Fisher[10] who find that cross sections must be bounded D−2 σtot ∼sD−4 byhigherpowersofln(s)orevenaspowersofsmultiplied σ ∼s by logarithms. dif σ ∼(ln(s))D−2 inel athighenergies,whereD isthenumberofdimensionsof VIII. GENERIC EFFECTS OF HIGHER spacetime. DIMENSIONS We now discuss how extra compact dimensions have an effect on the total hadron-hadron cross section in the A key observation of this paper is that if one assumes linit of high center of mass energy. that there are extra dimensions of space, one generically expects a qualitative change in how cross sections rise with energy. That change is that they rise significantly VI. TOTAL HADRONIC CROSS SECTION faster than one would expect in 3 spatial dimensions as soon energies rise high enough that those extra di- From the relationship between the total cross section mensions are accessible. This is an essentially model- entropyinEqs.(3), (5)and(38),onefindsthetotalcross independent statement, and due physically to the fact 5 the adding dimensions opens up phase space for decays. asymptotic domain) may be written as This is true whether or not the Standard Model mat- s ter particles are restricted to lie on some 3-dimensional σ(pp,pp¯)(s)=C [ln( )]2 “brane”[1]. As long as one can excite degrees of free- total 1 GeV2 s domwhichseemorethan3spacedimensions,therateat + C [ln( )] which cross sections grow will be higher than one would 2 GeV2 expect in 3. Note that such behavior could even be ex- +C3+..., (44) pectedsimplyondimensionalgrounds,withthematerial presented above being a clarification of this point. where the constants Ci, i = 1,2,3 are determined from the data. Nowitiswell-knownthathadroniccrosssectionssatu- ratetheunitarityboundssoonecouldsearchforevidence • GGPS[14]: Thisisanindependenttheoreticalanal- of extra dimensions simply by search for energies above ysis -developed over two decades- which is based which cross sections grow faster than with energy than on mini-jets, incorporating aspects of confinement at lower dimensions. A detailed fit with two functional and soft-gluon resummation. It has been quite formsaboveandbelowE asdefinedabovecould transition successful in obtaining a rather complete descrip- be used to clarify the nature and number of such extra tionoftotalcross-sectionsforpp,pp¯,πp,γp,γγ pro- dimensions, should any evidence for them at all arise. cesses. This group finds the rise to be (ln(s/s ))q o However, as we show in the following section, extra di- where 1 < q < 2, with a phenomenological value: mensions seem to be ruled out up to scales of about 100 4/3<q <3/2. TeV already from the present data. Thus,allviablephenomenologicalanalysesoftotaland √ inelastic cross-sections up to s = 100 TeV conclude that IX. CONSTRAINTS ON COMPACT DIMENSIONS FROM HIGH ENERGY σ(s) → σ [ln(s/s )]q, with q ≤ 2. (45) o o CROSS-SECTION DATA Eq.(45)isatcompleteoddswithEq.(41)evenforn = 1. Hence,thereappearstobenoroomforanycompactified The experimental situation on high-energy hadronic dimensions whose thresholds are below 100 TeV. cross-sections may be summarized as follows. High qual- √ ity data exist up to s = 2 TeV for σ(pp¯)(s) from the √ total Tevatron and up to s = 0.2 TeV for σ(pp)(s). Less total X. CONCLUSIONS precise data from cosmic rays are available for σ(pp)(s) √ total up to s = 100 TeV. Recently, the ATLAS group We argue on general grounds, and via concrete calcu- at LHC has released preliminary data on σ(pp) (s) at lations,thatifextraspacedimensionsareaccessibletoat √ inelastic s = 7 TeV. least some excitations produced in high energy hadronic Therearethreereasonablycompletephenomenological collisions above some energy scale Ecritical one should analyses of the above cross-section data which may be see an increase in the rate at which total cross sections summarized as follows: rise. This suggests a general means to search for such extra dimensions by looking at cross sections as a func- tion of energy. Such searches are particularly attractive • PDG[12]: They assume that σ (s) rises as since they are highly model-independent and largely un- total (ln(s/s ))2,themaximumriseallowedbytheFrois- affected by single events which might, due to statistical o sartbound. Theirparametrizationforalltheavail- fluctuations,seemtosupportsomemodelwithhigherdi- able data reads mensions. Since the data so far apparently saturate the Froissart-Martinboundin3+1dimensions,thereappears σ(pp,pp¯)(s)=(0.308mb) [ln( s )]2 to be no room for any compactified dimensions whose total GeV2 thresholdsarebelow100TeV.Thislimitcanbeextended +(35.45mb)+..., (43) as data from ever higher energy collisions are obtained, butforthenearfuturethiswillhavetocomefromcosmic ray data. Any events which might seem to be signals of the dots meaning non-leading terms vanishing at extraspacetimedimensionsattheLHCwouldhavetobe high energy. A χ2/d.o.f. = 1.05 -for all data attributed to some other sort of new physics. considered- is given. Since this paper was written, Block and Halzen [15](who have accepted our work with an aim to extend- • BH[13]: BlockandHalzenalsofindstrongevidence ing it) have suggested that higher dimensions might be thattheFroissartboundissaturated. Thatis,their ruled out to arbitrarily high energies via the same argu- result for a generic hadronic cross-section (in the ment, but they use a Froissart bound which is tied to 6 3+1 dimensions, which as discussed above, is dimension- None of these publications changes the conclusions of dependent. FurtherrecentdiscussionsincludethatofFa- our paper. gundes, Menon and Silva [16, 17] (see also the commen- tary by Block and Halzen[18]) who suggest that energy dependence of hadronic total cross section at high ener- XI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS gies may be an open problem still). Block and Halzen have also recently argued that the Auger cross section datasupportstheideathatprotonasymptoticallydevel- J. S. thanks National Science Foundation for its sup- ops into a disk[19]. port via NSF grants PHY-0855388 and PHY-1205845. [1] SeeK.AgasheandA.Pomarol,NewJ.Phys.12075010 Shekhovtsova and Y.N. 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