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Asymptotic freedom in low-energy quantum gravity 8 0 0 2 Michael A. Ivanov n Physics Dept., a J Belarus State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, 1 1 6 P. Brovka Street, BY 220027, Minsk, Republic of Belarus. ] E-mail: michai@mail.by. h t - p February 2, 2008 e h [ Abstract 3 v 1 It is suggested in the model of low-energy quantum gravity by 9 the author, that the background of super-strong interacting gravitons 2 exists. It is shown here that micro-particles at very small distances 0 . should be almost free if the gravitational attraction is caused by a 1 pressure of these gravitons. 0 8 0 In the model of low-energy quantum gravity [1], the Newtonian attraction : v arises as a result of the two stochastic processes: a pressure of graviton pairs i X and a repulsion due to single scattered gravitons after destruction of these r pairs. A force of attraction of two bodies due to pressure of graviton pairs, a F2, is equal to (in notations of [1]): F2 = Z0∞ σ(E24,π<r2ǫ2 >) ·4σ(E1,< ǫ2 >)· 13 · 4f2(2cω,T)dω = (1) 2 6 38 · D c(πk3Th¯)3rm2 1m2 ·I2, where I2 is a constant. Here, a portion of screened gravitons for big dis- tances between the bodies is described by the factor σ(E2,< ǫ2 >)/4πr2, which should be much smaller of unity. A net force is attractive, and it 1 is equal to F2/2. For small distances, the condition σ(E2,< ǫ2 >) ≪ 4πr2 will be broken. For example, σ(E2,< ǫ2 >) ∼ 4πr2 for two protons and < ǫ2 >∼ 10−3 eV at distances r ∼ 10−11 m. This quantity is many orders larger than the Planck length. I noted in [1] that the screened portion may tendtoafixedvalueatsuper-short distances, anditwillbesomething similar to asymptotic freedom of strong interactions [2, 3] - and there I stopped. But when I compute a pressure force of graviton pairs in the limit case of super-short distances I was surprised: it turns out that this force almost 2 vanishes. Forthis limit case, we should replace the factorσ(E2,< ǫ2 >)/4πr by 1/2 if a separation of interacting particles has a sense. Of course, it is an idealization because this factor depends on a graviton energy. If we accept this replacement, we get for the pressure force (acting on body 1) instead of (1): F2 = ∞ 1 ·4σ(E1,< ǫ2 >)· 1 · 4f2(2ω,T)dω = (2) Z0 2 3 c 5 38 · Dπ(k2Th¯3)c3E1 ·I5, where I5 is the new constant: ∞ x4(1−exp(−(exp(2x)−1)−1))(exp(2x)−1)−3 I5 ≡ Z0 exp((exp(2x)−1)−1)exp((exp(x)−1)−1) dx = (3) 4.24656·10−4. Then the corresponding limit acceleration is equal to: wlim = G π · I5 = 3.691·10−13 m/s2, (4) D(kT)c2 I2 where G is the Newton constant (which is computable in the model). This extremely small acceleration means that at very small distances (which are meantime many orders of magnitude larger than the Planck length) we have in this model the property which never has been recognized in any model of quantum gravity: almost full asymptotic freedom. References [1] Ivanov, M.A. Gravitons as super-strong interacting parti- cles, and low-energy quantum gravity. In the book ”Fo- cus on Quantum Gravity Research”, Ed. D.C. Moore, Nova 2 Science, New York, 2006, pp. 89-120; [hep-th/0506189], [http://ivanovma.narod.ru/nova04.pdf]. [2] D.J.Gross,F.Wilczek, Phys.Rev.Letters30(1973)1343-1346. [3] H. D. Politzer, Phys. Rev. Letters 30 (1973) 1346-1349. 3

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