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Asymptotic behaviour of ground states for mixtures of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions in a dilute regime 7 1 Andrea Braides 0 Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit`a di Roma Tor Vergata 2 via della ricerca scientifica 1, 00133 Roma, Italy n a J Andrea Causin 6 DADU, Universit`a di Sassari 1 piazza Duomo 6, 07041 Alghero (SS), Italy ] R Andrey Piatnitski P . The Arctic University of Norway, Campus in Narvik, N-8505 Narvik, Norway h t Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS, a m Bolshoi Karetnyi 19, Moscow, 127051, Russia [ Margherita Solci 1 v DADU, Universit`a di Sassari 2 piazza Duomo 6, 07041 Alghero (SS), Italy 8 4 4 0 Abstract . 1 We consider randomly distributed mixtures of bonds of ferromagnetic and an- 0 7 tiferromagnetic type in a two-dimensional square lattice with probability 1 p − 1 and p, respectively, according to an i.i.d. random variable. We study minimizers : of the corresponding nearest-neighbour spin energy on large domains in Z2. We v i prove that there exists p0 such that for p p0 such minimizers are characterized X ≤ by a majority phase; i.e., they take identically the value 1 or 1 except for small − r disconnected sets. A deterministic analogue is also proved. a MSC 2000 subject classifications: 82B20, 82D30, 49K45, 60D05 Keywords and phrases: Isingmodels,randomspinsystems,groundstates,asymptoticanalysis of periodic media 1 −1 +1 1 Introduction Q γ̃ i β α s+1 s s Weconsiderrandomlydistributedmixturesofbondsofferromagneticandaintiferromag- s+1 netictypeinatwo-dimensionalsquarelatticewithprobability1 pandp, respectiveQly, i − s according to an i.i.d. random variable. For each realization ω of that random variable, i we consider, for each bounded region D, the energy s (a) (b) (c) Fω(u,D) = cωu u , − ij i j i,j (cid:88) where the sum runs over nearest-neighbours in the square lattice contained in D, u 1,+1 is a spin variable, and cω 1,+1 are interaction coefficients corre- i ∈ {− } ij ∈ {− } sponding to the realization. A portion of such a system is pictured in Fig. 1: ferro- c =−1 c =+1 ij ij i s+2 γ̃ β α s s i i s+1 k i i s−2 s (a) (b) (c) Figure 1: representation of a portion of spin system for some c = cω ij ij magnetic bonds; i.e, when cωij = 1, are pictured as straight segments, while antFifeirgrou-re 1: .... magnetic bonds are pictured as wiggly ones (as in the two examples highlighted by the gray regions, respectively). In this paper we analyze ground states; i.e., absolute minimizers, for such energies. Proposition 3. There exists p > 0 such that for every p < p and � > 0: This is a non trivial issue since in general, ground states u are frustr0ated; i.e., the 0 j { } energycannotbeseparatelyminimizedonallpairsofnearestneighbors. Inotherwords, minimizing arrays u may not satisfy simultaneously u = u for all i,j such tha#t �(N) j i j { } p cω = +1 and u = u for all i,j such that cω = 1. However, in [14] it is shloiwmn that B = 0. ifijthe antiferromi agn−etijc links are contained inijwell−-separated compact regioNns, th+en th#e p(N) ! 1 C ground states are characterized by a “majority phase”; i.e., they mostly take only the value 1 (or 1) except for nodes close to the “antiferromagnetic islands”. In the case − of random interactions we shPowrotohaft. thWiseisfithxe saampeainththe�dilute cas(eN; i.)e.,wwihtehn t�heN k 4p N2, where p = 2pN2 . Then, probability p of antiferromagnetic interactions is sufficiently sm2allP. kMore precisely, we   N N b2N2 c show that there exists p sucthhtheatniuf pmisbneort gorefatsepritnhansypsttheemn aslmocst sureilny for a(lNl ) for which � is a separating path depends 0 0 ij p sufficiently large regular bounded domain D R2 the minimizers of th{e ene}rgy F(C,D) only on k and it is given by forse formulare meglio ⊂ · are characterized by a majority phase. min k,2p N2 2 { N } k 2N2 k f (k,N) = � . p j 2p N2 j N j=k/2 ✓ ◆✓ � ◆ X Since 4p N2 4p N2 N N � k 2 # (N) # (N) f (k,N) 3 N f (k,N) p k p p B  {P }  k= �N k= �N X X b c b c 2N2 # (N) = Cp 2p N2 N ✓ ◆ we get the estimate #Bp�(N) m(N) 2m+1N 3kN2f (k,N) 2N2 �1 # (N)  0 p 2p N2 1 p N C m=m(�) k=2mN ✓ ◆ X X @ A where m(�) = log (�) 1 and m(N) = log (4p N) 1. Noting that 2 2 N b c � b c � 2p N2 2(1 p )N2 2p N2 2(1 p )N2 N N N N � � j k j  k/2 k/2 ✓ ◆✓ � ◆ ✓ ◆✓ ◆ 3 The proof of our result relies on a scaling argument as follows: we remark that proving the existence of majority phases is equivalent to ruling out the possibility of large interfaces separating zones where a ground state u equals 1 and 1, respectively. − Such interfaces may exist only if the percentage of antiferromagnetic bonds on the interface is larger than 1/2. We then estimate the probability of such an interface with a fixed length and decompose a separating interface into portions of at most that length, to prove a contradiction if p is small enough. Interestingly,theprobabilisticproofoutlinedabovecarriesonalsotoadeterministic periodic setting; i.e., for energies F(u,D) = c u u ij i j − i,j (cid:88) such that c 1,+1 and there exists N N such that c = c for all ij i+kj+k ij ∈ {− } ∈ i and j Z2 and k NZ2. In this case ground states of F may sometimes be ∈ ∈ characterized more explicitly and exhibit various types of configurations independently of the percentage of antiferromagnetic bonds: up to boundary effects, there can be a finite number of periodic textures, or configurations characterized by layers of periodic patterns in one direction, or we might have arbitrary configurations of minimizers with no periodicity (see the examples in [9]). We show that there exists p such that 0 if the percentage p of antiferromagnetic interactions is not greater than p then the 0 proportion of N-periodic systems c such that the minimizers of the energy F( ,D) ij { } · are characterized by a majority phase for all D R2 bounded domain large enough ⊂ tends to 1 as N tends to + . The probabilistic arguments are substituted by a ∞ combinatorial computation, which also allows a description of the size of the separating interfaces in terms of N. This work is part of a general analysis of variational problems in lattice systems (see [7] for an overview), most results dealing with spin systems focus on ferromagnetic Ising systems at zero temperature, both on a static framework (see [18, 2, 8]) and a dynamic framework (see [11, 15, 16, 17]). In that context, random distributions of bonds have been considered in [14, 13] (see also [12]), and their analysis is linked to some recent advances in Percolation Theory (see [4, 19, 20, 22, 24]). A first paper dealing with antiferromagnetic interactions is [1], where non-trivial oscillating ground states are observed and the corresponding surface tensions are computed. A related variational motion of crystalline mean-curvature type has been recently described in [10],highlightingneweffectduetosurfacemicrostructure. Theclassificationofperiodic systems mixing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions that can be described by surface energies is the subject of [9]. In [14], as mentioned above, the case of well-separated antiferromagnetic island is studied. We note that in those papers the analysis is performed by a description of a macroscopic surface tension, which provides the energy density of a continuous surface energy obtained as a discrete-to-continuum Γ-limit [6] obtained by scaling the energy F on lattices with vanishing lattice space. In 3 the present paper we do not address the formulation in terms of the Γ-limit but only study ground states. 2 Random media Given a probability space (Ω, ,P) we consider a Bernoulli bond percolation model in F Z2. This means that to each bond (i,j), i,j Z2, i j = 1, in Z2 we associate a ∈ | − | random variable c and assume that these random variables are i.i.d. and that they ij take on the value +1 with probability 1 p, and the value 1 with probability p, where − − 0 < p < 1. The detailed description of the Bernoulli bond percolation model can be found for instance in [23] We denote by the set of nearest neighbors N = i,j : i,j Z2, i j = 1 N {{ } ∈ (cid:107) − (cid:107) } and, for each i,j in , [i,j] will be the closed segment with endpoints i and j. { } N Definition 1 (random stationary spin system). A (ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic) spin system is a realization of the random function c( i,j ) = c (ω) 1 defined ij { } ∈ {± } on . We will drop the dependence on ω and simply write c . The pairs i,j with ij N { } c = +1 are called ferromagnetic bonds, the pairs i,j with c = 1 are called ij ij { } − antiferromagnetic bonds. 2.1 Estimates on separating paths We say that a finite sequence (i ,...,i ) is a path in Z2 if i ,i for any 0 k s s+1 { } ∈ N s = 0,...,k 1 and the segment [i ,i ] is different from the segment [i ,i ] for any s s+1 t t+1 − s = t. The path is closed if i = i . The number k is the length of γ, denoted by l(γ), 0 k (cid:54) and we call the set of the paths with length k. To each path γ we associate the k k P ∈ P corresponding curve γ˜ of length k in R2 given by k 1 − 1 1 γ˜ = [i ,i ]+ , . (1) s s+1 2 2 s(cid:91)=0 (cid:16) (cid:17) Note that γ˜ is a closed curve if and only if γ is closed. In Fig. 2 we picture a path (the dotted sites of the left-hand side) and the corresponding curve (on the right-hand side picture). Given two paths γ = (i ,...,i ) and δ = (j ,...,j ), if i = j and the sequence 0 k 0 h k 0 (i ,...,i ,j ,...,j ) is a path, the latter is called the concatenation of γ and δ and it 0 k 1 h is noted by γ δ. ∗ 4 −1 +1 Q γ̃ is+1 βs αs i s+1 Q is i s (a) (b) (c) cij=−1 cij=+1 i s+2 γ̃ β α s s i i s+1 k i i s−2 s (a) (b) (c) Figure 2: a path γ and the corresponding curve γ˜ Figure 1: .... Wenotethatforeachstheintersection(i +[0,1]2) (i +[0,1]2)isasegmentwith s s+1 Proposition 3. There exists p >0 such that for every p<p a∩nd �>0: endpoints α ,β 0; then, given a spin system 0c , for each path γ = (i ,...,i ) s s ij 0 k { } ∈ N { } we can define the number of an#tife�r(rNo)magnetic bonds of γ as lim Bp =0. N + # p(N) µ(γ) = µ(γ!, 1c )C= # s 0,...,k 1 : c = 1 . (2) { ij} { ∈ { − } αsβs − } Proof. IWf eγ˜fiixs athpeacthur�ve2cPorkr(eNsp)ownidthin�gNtoγkdefi4npeNdNa2b,owvhe,ertehpenN t=heb22npNNu2m2cb. eTrhµen(γ,) counts the the numanbteirfeorfrosmpinagsnyesttiecmisntecractiinons(“Nin)teforrsewcthiincgh”�γ˜is(saeeseFpiagr.at2i)n.g path depends ij p { } C only on k and it is given by forse formulare meglio Definition 2 (Separating paths). A path γ of length k is a separating path for a spin system cij if µ(γ) > km/i2n{.k,2pNN2} k 2N2 k { } fp(k,N)= j 2p N�2 j . Remark 3. The terminolojg=Xyk/s2epar✓ati◆ng✓paNth ev�oke◆s the fact that only closed separat- ing paths may enclose (separate) regions where a minimal u is constant. Indeed, if i Since we have u = 1 on a finite set A of nodes in Z2 which is con{ne}cted (i.e., for every pair i i,j of points in A4pNthNe2re is a path of points in4pNAN2with i as initial point and j as final poin#tB)p�a(nNd)ui= −1 on#al{lPnke(iNgh)b}fopu(rki,nNg)nodes, then3kthNe2fbpo(ukn,Nda)ry of A (i.e., the set of points i ∈ A withk=Xab�Nnecarest neighbour not ink=AXb�)Ndcetermines a path. If such a path is not separating then2tNhe2 function u˜ defined as u˜ = u for i A and u˜ = u elsewhere has#anCpe(Nne)rgy=stric2tplNyNlo2wer than u. i − i ∈ i i ✓ ◆ we getRtheemesatirmkat4e. For a path γ of length l(γ) = k the probability that γ be separating can be estimated as follows Indeed,##thBCepp�((pNNro))babmilm=Xit(myN()�t)h0atk2=mcX2i+jm1PNNis{3eµkq(Nuγa2)fl>pt(okk,/N21})a✓≤t2kp2p/NNk2/N22fi22xk◆e�d1p1laces is equal to pk/2. Sin(3ce) k @ − A where m(�k)/2=blodgo2e(s�)nco�t 1exacnededm2(kN,)th=ebdloegs2ir(4epdNeNst)icm�at1e.sNfooltlionwgst.hat (cid:16) (cid:17)2p N2 2(1 p )N2 2p N2 2(1 p )N2 Lemma 5N. There exi�stsNp > 0 suchNthat for an�y κN> 0 and for all p < p almost j k j0  k/2 k/2 0 surely f✓or suffic◆ien✓tly lar�ge n in◆a cu✓be Q =◆[✓0,n]2 there is◆no a separating path γ with n l(γ) (log(n))1+κ. ≥ 3 5 Proof. We use the method that in percolation theory often called ”path counting” argument. The number of paths of length k starting at the origin is not greater than 3k. Therefore, in view of (3) the probability that there exists a separating path of length k that starts at the origin is not greater than pk/22k3k. Letting p = (1/12)2 we 0 have pk/22k3k 2 k for all p p . − 0 ≤ ≤ Then, if p p , the probability that there exists a separating path of length k in a 0 cube Q do≤es not exceed n22 k. For k log(n)1+κ this yields n − ≥ P there exists a separating path γ Q of length k n { ⊂ } n22 log(n)1+κ = n2 c1log(n)κ − − ≤ with c = log2. Finally, summing up in k over the interval [log(n)1+κ,n2] we obtain 1 P there exists a separating path γ Q such that l(γ) log(n)1+κ n { ⊂ ≥ } n4 c1log(n)κ − ≤ Since for large n the right-hand side here decays faster than any negative power of n, the desired statement follows from the Borel-Cantelli lemma. 2.2 Geometry of minimizers in the random case Let D be a bounded open subset of R2 and u: D Z2 1 . Then, denoting by ∩ → {± } (D) the set of nearest neighbors in D, F(u,D) is defined by N F(u,D) = c u u . (4) ij i j − i,j (D) { }(cid:88)∈N Note that the energy depends on ω through c . We will characterize the almost-sure ij behaviour of ground states for such energies. We define the interface S(u) as S(u) = S(u;D) = i,j (D) : u u = 1 ; i j {{ } ∈ N − } we associate to each pair i,j S(u) the segment s = Q Q , where Q is the { } ∈ ij i ∩ j i coordinate unit open square centered at i, and consider the set Σ(u) = Σ(u;D) = s . (5) ij i,j S(u) { }(cid:91)∈ If we extend the function u in Q by setting u = u in Q , and define i D Z2 i i i ∈ ∩ (cid:83) q(D) = int Q , (6) i (cid:16)i∈D(cid:91)∩Z2 (cid:17) 6 then the set Σ(u) q(D) turns out to be the jump set of u and we can write ∩ Σ(u) = ∂ u = 1 ∂ u = 1 . { }∩ { − } Inthefollowingremarkwerecallsomedefinitionsandclassicalresultsrelatedtothe notionofgraphwhichwillbeusefultoestablishpropertiesoftheconnectedcomponents of ∂ u = 1 . For references on this topic, see for instance [5]. { } Remark 6 (Graphs and two-coloring). We say that a triple G = (V,E,r) is a multi- graph when V (vertices) and E (edges) are finite sets and r (endpoints) is a map from E to V V, where denotes the symmetric product. The order of a vertex v is ⊗ ⊗ # e E : r(e) = x v for some x V +# e E : r(e) = v v , so that the loops { ∈ ⊗ ∈ } { ∈ ⊗ } are counted twice. A walk in the graph G is a sequence of edges (e ,...,e ) such that 1 n there exists a sequence of vertices (v ,...,v ) with the property r(e ) = v v for 0 n i i 1 i − ⊗ each i; if moreover v = v , then the walk is called a circuit. The multigraph G is n 0 connected if given v = v in V there exists a walk connecting them, that is a walk such (cid:48) (cid:54) that v = v and v = v in the corresponding sequence of vertices. 0 n (cid:48) We say that G is Eulerian if there is a circuit containing every element of E exactly once (Eulerian circuit). A classical theorem of Euler (see [5, Ch. 3] and [21] for the original formulation) states that G is Eulerian if and only if G is connected and the order of every vertex is even. A multigraph G is embedded in R2 if V R2 and the edges are simple curves ⊂ in R2 such that the endpoints belong to V and two edges can only intersects at the endpoints. An embedded graph is Eulerian if and only if the union of the edges e e E is connected, and its complementary in R2 can be two-colored, that is R2 ∈e is \ e(cid:83)E the union of two disjoint sets B and W such that ∂B = ∂W = e. ∈ e E (cid:83) ∈ Remark 7 (Eulerian circuits in ∂ u = 1 ). Let C be a con(cid:83)nected component of { } ∂ u = 1 . We can see C as a connected embedded graph whose vertices are the points { } in (Z2+(1/2,1/2)) C and two vertices share an edge if there is a unit segment in C ∩ connecting them. By construction, R2 C can be two-colored, hence C is an Eulerian \ circuit (see Remark 6). Recalling the definition of path and the definition (1), this corresponds to say that there exists a closed path η such that η˜= C. We say that a path γ is in the interface S(u) if the corresponding γ˜ Σ(u). k ∈ P ⊂ Let G be a Lipschitz bounded domain in R2. Theorem 8. Let p < p , and let u be a minimizer for F( , 1G). Then for any κ > 0 0 ε · ε almost surely for all sufficiently small ε > 0 either u = 1 or u = 1 is composed ε ε { } { − } of connected components K such that the length of the boundary of each K is not i i greater than log(ε) 1+κ. | | Proof. Wesaythatapathγ isintheinterfaceS(u)ifthecorrespondingγ˜ Σ(u). k ∈ P ⊂ The proof of Theorem essentially relies on the following statement. 7 Proposition 9. For any Λ > 0 a.s. for sufficiently small ε > 0 and for any open bounded subset D ( Λ/ε,Λ/ε)2 such that the distance between the connected com- ponents of ∂q(D) i⊂s gr−eater than log(ε) 1+κ for a minimizer u of F( ,D) there is no path in the interface S(u) of lengt|h great|er than log(ε) 1+κ. · | | Proof. Let γ be a path in the interface S(u) with k log(ε) 1+κ. We denote by k ∈ P ≥ | | C the connected component of ∂ u = 1 containing γ˜. Remark 7 ensures that C = η˜ { } where η is a closed path; hence, up to extending γ in η, we can assume without loss of generality that γ is a path of maximal length in the interface S(u). We start by showing that there exists a closed path σ = σ(γ) such that γ˜ σ˜ C ⊂ ⊂ satisfying the following property: r different paths η ,...,η exist such that σ˜ Σ(u) = η˜ 1 r ∩ t t (7) l(η ) log(ε) 1+κ/2 for all t. t (cid:83) ≥ | | If γ is closed, then we set σ = γ = η . Otherwise, γ˜ connects two points in ∂q(D). 1 If these endpoints belong to the same connected component of ∂q(D), then we can chooseapathδ suchthatδ˜liesin∂q(D)andhasthesameendpointsofγ˜ and, recalling the notion of concatenation of paths, we can define σ as γ δ, and again γ = η . 1 ∗ It remains to construct σ when the endpoints of γ˜ belong to different connected components of ∂q(D). We consider the set V of the connected components of ∂q(D) and the set E of the connected components of η˜ Σ(u) (note that γ˜ E). By the ∩ ∈ existence of the path η, each element of E is a curve connecting two (possibly equal) elements of V, then (V,E) is a multigraph. Since η˜ is a closed curve containing γ˜, it realizesinthegraphanEuleriancircuitcontainingγ˜. Therefore, thereexistsaminimal Euleriancircuit(γ˜ = η˜ ,η˜ ,...,η˜ )and,byminimality,theorderofeachvertextouched 1 2 r by this circuit is 2 (see Remark 6). Denoting by ∆ the vertex shared by η˜ and η˜ t t t+1 for t < r, and by ∆ the vertex shared by η˜ and η˜ , for each t we can find a path δ r r 1 t such that δ˜ ∆ and such that the path σ = δ η δ η is closed and satisfies t t 1 1 r r ⊂ ∗ ∗···∗ ∗ the property (7). Sinceσ isaclosedpath, thenσ˜ isaclosedproperlyself-intersectingcurvesothatall the vertices of the corresponding embedded graph have even order. Remark 6 ensures that the embedded graph corresponding to σ˜ is Eulerian, hence its complementary R2 σ˜ can be two-colored, that is it is the union of two disjoint sets B and W such \ that ∂B = ∂W = σ˜. Setting u˜ as the extension to i D Z2Qi of the function ∪∈ ∩ u in B D Z2 u˜i = iu in W∩ D∩ Z2 i (cid:26) − ∩ ∩ it follows that F(u,D) F(u˜,D) = 2 n (l(η ) 2µ(η )), where µ(η ) stands for the − t=1 t − t t number of antiferromagnetic interactions in η as defined in (2). Since u minimizes t (cid:80) F( ,D), we can conclude that, for at least one index t, µ(σ ) l(σ )/2; that is, σ t t t · ≥ 8 is a separating path of length greater than log(ε) 1+κ, contradicting Lemma 5 and | | concluding the proof. We turn to the proof of Theorem 8. Letting G = q(1G), we consider the connected ε ε components of the interface Σ(u ). Since each of them corresponds to a path, they are ε either closed curves, denoted by Ci for i = 1,...,n, or curves with the endpoints in ε j ∂G , denoted by D for j = 1,...,m. Since for ε small enough the distance between ε ε two connected components of ∂G is greater than log(ε) 1+κ, Proposition 9 ensures ε that in both cases the length of such curves is less t|han lo|g(ε) 1+κ. The distance between the endpoints of a componen|t Dj is| less than log(ε) 1+κ, ε | | and, since G is Lipschitz, for ε small enough we can find a path in ∂G with the same ε endpoints and length less than C˜ log(ε) 1+κ. This gives a closed path Sj with length ε less than C˜ log(ε) 1+κ containing|Dj. | ε | | The set R2 Ci Dj has exactly one unbounded connected component, \ i ε∪ j ε which we call Pε.(cid:16)T(cid:83)he func(cid:83)tion u(cid:17)ε is constant in Pε∩Gε. Assuming that this constant valueis1, then∂ u = 1 iscontainedin Ci Dj andtheboundaryofevery { ε − } i ε∪ j ε connected component Kεi of {uε = −1} has(cid:16)l(cid:83)ength le(cid:83)ss tha(cid:17)n C|log(ε)|1+κ. 3 Periodic media We now turn our attention to a deterministic analog of the problem discussed above, where random coefficients are substituted by periodic coefficients and the probability of having antiferromagnetic interactions is replaced by their percentage. 3.1 Estimates on the number of antiferromagnetic interactions along a path In order to prove a deterministic analogue of Theorem 8, we need to give an estimate of the length of separating paths corresponding to the result stated in Lemma 5. We start with the definition of a periodic spin system in the deterministic case given on the lines of Definition 1. Definition 10 (periodic spin system). With fixed N N, a deterministic (ferromag- ∈ netic/antiferromagnetic) spin system is a function c( i,j ) = c 1 defined on ij { } ∈ {± } . The pairs i,j with c = +1 are called ferromagnetic bonds, the pairs i,j with ij N { } { } c = 1 are called antiferromagnetic bonds. We say that a spin system is N-periodic ij − if c( i,j ) = c( i+(N,0),j +(N,0) ) = c( i+(0,N),j +(0,N) ). { } { } { } Inthesequelofthissection,whenthereisnoambiguityweusethesameterminology and notation concerning the random case given in Section 2. 9 Definition 11 (spin systems with given antiferro proportion). For p (0,1) we con- ∈ sider the set (N) of N-periodic spin systems c such that the number of antiferro- p ij C { } magnetic interactions in [0,N]2 is 2pN2 , and for any λ (0,1) we define (cid:98) (cid:99) ∈ λ(N) = c (N) : γ (N) separating path for c with k λN (8) Bp {{ ij} ∈ Cp ∃ ∈ Pk { ij} ≥ } where (N) is the set of paths γ = (i ,...,i ) such that i [0,N]2 for each s. k 0 k k s P ∈ P ∈ Proposition 12. There exists p > 0 such that for every p < p and λ > 0: 0 0 # λ(N) lim Bp = 0. N + # p(N) → ∞ C Proof. We fix a path γ ∈ Pk(N) with λN ≤ k ≤ 4pNN2, where pN = (cid:98)22pNN22(cid:99). Then, the number of spin systems c in (N) for which γ is a separating path depends ij p { } C only on k and it is given by min{k,2pNN2} k 2N2 k fp(k,N) = j 2p N−2 j . N j=k/2 (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) − (cid:19) (cid:88) Since 4pNN2 4pNN2 # λ(N) # (N) f (k,N) 3kN2f (k,N) Bp ≤ {Pk } p ≤ p k= λN k= λN (cid:88)(cid:98) (cid:99) (cid:88)(cid:98) (cid:99) 2N2 # (N) = Cp 2pNN2 (cid:18) (cid:19) we get the estimate #Bpλ(N) m(N) 2m+1N 3kN2f (k,N) 2N2 −1 #Cp(N) ≤ m=m(λ)k=2mN p (cid:18)2pNN2(cid:19)  (cid:88) (cid:88)   where m(λ) = log (λ) 1 and m(N) = log (4p N) 1. Noting that (cid:98) 2 (cid:99)− (cid:98) 2 N (cid:99)− 2p N2 2(1 p )N2 2p N2 2(1 p )N2 N N N N − − j k j ≤ k/2 k/2 (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) − (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) for each j = k/2,...,min k,2p N2 , we get N { } 2N2 −1 min{k,2pNN2} k 2N2 k 2N2 −1 fp(k,N) 2p N2 = j 2p N−2 j 2p N2 N N N (cid:18) (cid:19) j=k/2 (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) − (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:88) = min{k,2pNN2} 2pNN2 2(1−pN)N2 2N2 −1 (9) j k j k j=k/2 (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) − (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:88) k min k,2p N2 g (k,N) N p ≤ { }− 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) 10

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