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ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS A European Journal Volume 290 1994 Published by Springer International on behalf of the Board of Directors Astronomy and Astrophysics A European Journal Board of Directors Chairman: Vice Chairman: A. Maeder (Switzerland) A.G. Hearn (The Netherlands) D. Alloin (France) R. Giacconi (ESO) C. Perola (Italy) B. Szeidl (Hungary) R. Canal (Spain) P. Harmanec (Czech Republic) J. Pfleiderer (Austria) R. Wielen (Germany) G. Contopoulos (Greece) R. Mattila (Finnland) Aa. Sandqvist (Sweden) J. Zverko (Slovak Republic) M. Crézé (France) P.G. Mezger (Germany) J.1. Smak (Poland) J. Einasto (Estonia) P.E. Nissen (Denmark) P. Smeyers (Belgium) Editors-in-Chief Letter Editor J. Lequeux M. Grewing S.R. Pottasch Astronomy and Astrophysics Astronomy and Astrophysics Kapteyn Astronomical Institute Editorial Office Editorial Office P.O. Box 800 Observatoire de Paris c/o Astronomisches Institut NL-9700 AV Groningen 61 avenue de |l’Observatoire Waldhauserstrasse 64 The Netherlands F-75014 Paris D-72076 Tiibingen ; a Tel. (31-50) 634093 France Germany Telex (44) 53572 stars nl Tel. (33-1) 43290541 Tel. (49-7071) 294982 Telefax (31-50) 636100 Fax (33-1) 43290557 Telefax (49-7071) 293458 e-mail: [email protected] (internet) Telex (41) 7262714 ait d mesioa:: aanda (span) e-mail: Internet [email protected] uni-tuebingen.de SPAN AITMVX::AAPTUE Editorial secretaries Miss B. Perche Mr. W.M. Wettlaufer Mrs. J. Zwegers-Morris Mrs. M. Rougeot The exclusive copyright © for all languages and countries, including the right for photomechanical and any other reproduction, also in microform, ist vested in European Southern Observatory (ESO). rhe use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Springer International 1994 Printed in Germany Printing and bookbinding: Druckhaus Beltz, 69494 Hemsbach Volume 290 1994 Contents Letters to the Editor NGC 5506: physics of the extended narrow line region Maiolino R., Stanga R., Salvati M., Rodriguez Espinosa Reconstructing the CMB power spectrum M. 40 White M. Galaxies with a low gas content in the Coma I cloud of Observational evidence for a spurious dependence of slab galaxies QLT proton mean free paths on the magnetic field angle Gerin M., Casoli F. 49 Wanner W., Jaekel U., Kallenrode M.-B., Wibberenz G., Schlickeiser R. On the origin of the variability of superluminal radio sources similar to 3C 273 Asymmetries in disk galaxies. How often? How strong? Roland J., Teyssier R., Roos N. Richter O.-G., Sancisi R. On the origin of extragalactic y-ray bursters Generation of auroral whistler-mode radiation via nonlinear Roland J., Frossati G., Teyssier R. coupling of Langmuir waves and Alfvén waves Chian A.C.-L., Lopes §.R., Alves M.V. Properties of M 31 OB associations Haiman Z, Magnier E.A., Battinelli P., Lewin W.H.G., Optical identification of two soft ROSAT sources in the old van Paradijs J., Hasinger G., Pietsch W., Supper R., open cluster M67 Triimper J. Pasquini L., Belloni T:, Abbott T:M.C. Spatially correlated diffuse Ha and radio continuum emission Identification of the 1600 A feature in Lambda Bootis stars from the halo of NGC 891 Holweger H., Koester D., Allard N.F. Dahlem M., Dettmar R.-J., Hummel E. The Cl 2236-04 lens cluster. Looking for a third gravitational Silicate dust discs as sources of the AGN IR-emission image? Stenholm L. Kneib J.P., Melnick J., Gopal-Krishna Diffuse X-ray emission around high-redshift, radio-loud ROSAT observation of the Sgr A region QSOs Predehl P., Triimper J. Bartelmann M., Schneider P., Hasinger G. Photometric study of polar-ring galaxies. I. UGC 7576 and UGC 9796 Cosmology Reshetnikov V.P., Hagen-Thorn V.A., Yakovleva V.A. Galaxy formation in dark matter models Discovery of an emitting ring in the Seyfert 1 galaxy UCM Xiang S.P. 2329+2500 Gallego J., Zamorano J., Rego M., Vitores A.G. Dynamical friction in head-on galaxy collisions. I. Analytical Extragalactic astronomy calculations and restricted three-body simulations Séguin P., Dupraz C. The variable source responsible for the photometric behav- Optical observations of a ROSAT sample of clusters of iour of OJ 287 in the IR-optical-UV region during the 1980's galaxies. I. Techniques and X-ray/optical analysis Pierre M., Bohringer H., Ebeling H., Voges W., Hagen-Thorn V.A., Yakoleva V.A., Takalo L.O., Schuecker P., Cruddace R., MacGillivray H. Sillanpdd A. Gas fueling to the central 10pc in merging galaxies Carbon abundances in the LMC globular cluster NGC 1818 Bekki K., Noguchi M. Meliani M.T., Barbuy B., Richtler T. Structure of the outer regions of accretion discs in Active Galactic Nuclei Huré J.-M., Collin-Souffrin S., Le Bourlot J., Pineau des Foréts G. Structure of the outer regions of accretion discs in Active Galactic structure and dynamics Galactic Nuclei: the influence of opacity Huré J.-M., Collin-Souffrin S., Le Bourlot J., Pineau Core overshooting and the enigma of NGC 1866 des Foréts G. Brocato E., Castellani V., Piersimoni A.M. IV Volume Index 290 Short times characterisations of stochasticity in nonintegrable On the temporal behaviour of the Crab pulsar as seen by galactic potentials COMPTEL Kandrup H.E., Mahon M.E. Carramifiana A., Bennett K., Buccheri R., Busetta M., A multicolor survey of absolute proper motions: galactic Connors A., Hermsen W., Kuiper L., Lichti G.G., structure and kinematics in the direction of the galactic center Ryan J., Schénfelder V., Strong A. at intermediate latitude Neutron star recoils from anisotropic supernovae Ojha D.K., Bienaymé O., Robin A.C., Mohan V. Janka H.-Th., Miiller E. Structure and evolution of long-lived spiral patterns in The radio-gamma time delay of the Crab pulsar galaxies Masnou J.L., Agrinier B., Barouch E., Comte R., Donner K.J., Thomasson M. Costa E., Christy J.C., Cusumano G., Gerardi G., Lemoine D., Mandrou P., Massaro E., Matt G., Mineo T:, Niel M., Olive J.F., Parlier B., Sacco B., Salvati M., Scarsi L. Stellar clusters and associations Stellar OH masers toward globular clusters The luminosity function of stars in the intermediate age open Frail D.A., Beasley A.J. cluster NGC 7789 The optical and radio counterpart of the X-ray Nova Ophiuchi Martinez Roger C., Paez E., Castellani V., Straniero O. 1993 The stellar population of the globular cluster M3. I. Photo- Della Valle M., Mirabel I.F., Rodriguez L.F. graphic photometry of 10000 stars Termination of AGB-evolution by hydrogen recombination Buonanno R., Corsi C.E., Buzzoni A., Cacciari C., Wagenhuber J., Weiss A. Ferraro F.R., Fusi Pecci F. (RN) The y-ray pulsars and the generation order para- High-resolution kinematical mapping of the core of the meter globular cluster M 15 = NGC 7078 Lu T:, Wei D.M., Song L.M. Dubath P., Meylan G. Towards an understanding of very massive stars. A new The cases of the “disk” globular clusters NGC 6496, NGC evolutionary scenario relating O stars, LBVs and Wolf-Rayet 6624, and NGC 6637 stars Richtler T., Grebel E.K., Seggewiss W. Langer N., Hamann W.-R., Lennon M., Najarro F., Pauldrach A.W.A., Puls J. Analysis of ROSAT pointed observations of 15 hot DA white Formation, structure and evolution of stars dwarfs Case A evolution of massive close binaries: formation of Jordan S., Wolff B., Koester D., Napiwotzki R. contact systems and possible reversal of the supernova The second order asymptotic theory for the solar and stellar order low degree acoustic mode predictions Pols O.R. Lopes I., Turck-Chiéze S. The evolution of the mass gainer in massive close binaries Fourier analysis of spotted star light curves as a tool to detect Vanbeveren D., de Loore C. stellar differential rotation. II. Spots’ evolution and binarity Absolute visual magnitudes of low-mass X-ray binaries Lanza A.F., Rodond M., Zappala R.A. van Paradijs J., McClintock J.E. The age-mass relation for chromospherically active binaries. I. The evolutionary status Stellar atmospheres Barrado D., Ferndéndez-Figueroa M.J., Montesinos B., De Castro E. Chemical composition of the metal-poor carbon star Fragmentation of shocked interstellar gas layers HD 187216 Whitworth A.P., Bhattal A.S., Chapman S.J., Disney Kipper T., Jorgensen U.G. M.J., Turner J.A. Fe II-line emission from Be stars A search for near-infrared variability in LSI+61°303 Tarafdar §.P., Apparao K.M.V. Hunt L.K., Massi M., Zhekov S.A. Forbidden lines in Herbig Ae/Be stars: the [OI] (IF) A long-term X-ray variability study of the O-type stars o 6300.31 A and 6363.79 A lines. I. Observations and qualita- Orionis and © Orionis tive analysis Berghéfer T.W., Schmitt J.H.M.M. Bohm T., Catala C. Distances and luminosities for RR Lyrae stars in M5 and Boron in the extreme Population II star HD 140283 and the M 92 from a Baade-Wesselink analysis production of light elements in the Early Galaxy Storm J., Carney B.W., Latham D.W. 443 Edvardsson B., Gustafsson B., Johansson S.G., Kiselman D., Lambert D.L., Nissen P.E., Gilmore G. Direct URCA processes involving hyperons and cooling of neutron stars Circumstellar CO around bright oxygen-rich semi-regulars Haensel P., Gnedin O-Y. 458 Kahane C., Jura M. NGC 2024-IRS 2: an outburst in its near-infrared line and Images of low excitation HC;N emission from IRC+10°216 continuum emission Wootten A., Nguyen-Q-Rieu, Truong-Bach Nisini B., Smith H.A., Fischer J., Geballe T.R. More (on) red giants with unusual dust shells Systematics of dwarf nova outbursts: a parameter study in the Groenewegen M.A.T. framework of the disk-instability model Lithium in old binary stars Ludwig K., Meyer-Hofmeister E., Ritter H. Spite M., Pasquini L., Spite F. Volume Index 290 Radiative shocks in atomic and molecular stellar-like atmo- HST-GHRS observations of f Pictoris: additional evidence spheres. VI. Influence of the Lyman-a flux on the precursor for infalling comets structure Vidal-Madjar A., Lagrange-Henri A.-M., Feldman Huguet E., Lafon J.-P.J., Gillet D. P.D., Beust H., Lissauer J.J., Deleuil M., Ferlet R., Radiative shocks in atomic and molecular stellar-like atmo- Gry C., Hobbs L.M., McGrath M.A., McPhate J.B., spheres. VII. Influence of the excited level of the hydrogen Moos H.W. atom: the wake structure Characteristics of ,spiral arm‘ clouds, from CS absorption line Huguet E., Lafon J.-P.J., Gillet D. observations A revised model for circumstellar molecular emission Greaves J.S., Williams P.G. Groenewegen M.A. T. Discovery of the new emission nebula G 4.4+6.4 The mass loss rates of OH/IR 32.8-0.3 and OH/IR Xilouris K.M., Papamastorakis J., Sokolov N., 44.8-2.3 Paleologou E., Reich W. Groenewegen M.A.T. The collimation of jets and bipolar outflows in young stellar An accelerated lambda iteration method for multilevel radia- objects: inertial confinement tive transfer. III. Noncoherent electron scattering Frank A., Noriega-Crespo A. Rybicki G.B., Hummer D.G. A dusty nebula around the luminous blue variable candidate Ultraviolet Fe Il lines in the spectra of high galactic latitude HD 168625 early-type stars Hutsemékers D., Van Drom E., Gosset E., Melnick J. Kendall T.R., Conlon E.S., Dufton P.L., Keenan F.P. The gasdynamic evolution of spherical planetary nebulae. Two-fluid models for stationary dust-driven winds. I. Mom- Radiation-gasdynamics of PNe III entum and energy balance Mellema G. Kriiger D., Gauger A., Sedlmayr E. Location of PN central stars on the HR diagram Carbon abundances in F and G dwarfs Cazetta J.O., Maciel W.J. Andersson H., Edvardsson B. A new measurement of the interplanetary hydrogen density (RN) S 269-IRS 2: a massive young stellar object powering with ALAE/ATLAS 1 Herbig-Haro emission Quémerais E., Bertaux J.-L., Sandel B.R., Lallement Eiroa C., Casali M.M., Miranda L.F., Ortiz E. R. Optical outflows in the vicinity of the southern Herbig Ae/Be The polarized water maser in Orion: A proto-planetary star vdB 65b ring? Ray T-P., Eisléffel J. Abraham Z., Vilas Boas J.W.S. Near-IR excess of Be stars Dougherty S.M., Waters L.B.F.M., Burki G., Coté J., The Sun Cramer N., van Kerkwijk M.H., Taylor A.R. Circumstellar dust shells around long-period variables. Two key processes in dust/gas chemical modelling: photopro- II. Theoretical lightcurves of C-stars cessing of grain mantles and explosive desorption Winters J.M., Fleischer A.J., Gauger A., Sedlmayr E. Shalabiea O.M., Greenberg J.M. A new analysis of the butterfly diagram for solar filaments Inversion of Thomson scattered spectropolarimetric line Mouradian Z., Soru-Escaut I. profiles to yield the velocity structure of rotating or expanding circumstellar discs Time evolution of fine structures in the solar chromosphere Brown J.C., Wood K. Tsiropoula G., Alissandrakis C.E., Schmieder B. Helium chemistry of ONC supergiants Thick penumbra in a magnetostatic sunspot model Smith K.C., Howarth I.D. Jahn K., Schmidt H.U. The shock wave propagation effects in BL Herculis. II. Non- Polarimetry and spectroscopy of a simple sunspot. IV. Um- linear model and theoretical profile of Ha bral structures observed in Fe! 1027 nm Fokin A.B., Gillet D. Balthasar H., Schmidt W. Abundances of four very metal-poor stars of the BPS The Ha and Hf emissions in solar prominence structures survey Stellmacher G., Wiehr E. Primas F., Molaro P., Castelli F. Magnetic reconnection theory for coronal loop interaction Abundance analysis of the hot post-AGB star Barnard 29 Li X-Q., Zhang Z., Smartt R.N. Conlon E.S., Dufton P.L., Keenan F.P. On the temporal behaviour of the Evershed effect Rimmele TR. A search for chaotic behaviour in solar activity Carbonell M., Oliver R., Ballester J.L. Diffuse matter in space (including HI regions and plane- Transition region lineshifts in the rebound shock spicule tary nebulae) model Radio and infrared emission from a [WC]-type planetary Hansteen V.H., Wikstol @. nebula in the LMC Zijlstra A.A., van Hoof P.A.M., Chapman J.M., Loup C. The solar system Molecular line observations of a comet-shaped cloud Abundance and origin of the CH} ions in the coma of comet (LBN 437) in the Lacerta OB1 association P/Halley Olano C.A., Walmsley C.M., Wilson T.L. Altwegg K., Balsiger H., Geiss J. VI Volume Index 290 On Io’s excitation and the origin of Jupiter’s decametric Photometric and spectroscopic observations of the spotted radiation T Tauri star V 410 Tauri Leblanc Y., Dulk G.A., Bagenal F. 660 Petrov P.P., Shcherbakov V.A., Berdyugina S.V., Relationship between the astrometric z-term, the Earth Shevchenko V.S., Grankin K.N., Melnikov S.Y. 1019 rotation and the southern oscillation index More ultraluminous IRAS galaxies as interacting systems Li Z.X., Gambis D. 1001 Andreasian N., Alloin D. 1019 Atomic data from the IRON project. IV. Electron excitation Celestial mechanics and astrometry of the ?P°3,-?P*,, fine structure transition in fluorine-like ions Solar radiation pressure perturbations for Earth satellites. Saraph H.E., Tully J.A. 1019 III. Global atmospheric phenomena and the albedo effect Vokrouhlicky D., Farinella P., Mignard F. 324 Photometric and Coravel observations of stars in the open cluster IC 2714 On the dynamics of the relativistic restricted three-body Clarida J.J., Mermilliod J.-C., Piatti A.E., Minniti D. 1020 problem Maindl T.I., Dvorak R. Catalogue-based of optical and radio positions Andrei A.H. 1020 An analysis of visibility-based continuum subtraction Physical and chemical processes Sault R.J. 1020 Conditions for condensation and preservation of amorphous Determining photometric dead time by using hydrogen ice and crystallinity of astrophysical ices filters Kouchi A., Yamamoto T., Kozasa T., Kuroda T., Morris §.L., Naftilan S.A. 1020 Greenberg J.M. 1009 Stellar associations in the Large Magellanic Cloud. I. LH 15, LH 47, 48, 49, LH 52, 53, LH 83, LH 91, 95 Instruments, data processing, and computational meth- Kontizas M., Kontizas E., Dapergolas A.., ods Argyropoulos §., Bellas-Velidis Y. 1021 An optical interferometer with wavelength dispersion Time-variable coma structures in comet P/Swift-Tuttle Bedding T.R., Robertson J.G., Marson R.G. 340 Boehnhardt H., Birkle K. 1021 A Newton iteration method for obtaining equilibria of rapidly Modelling of geometric transformations of solar images rotating stars Molowny-Horas R. 1021 Aksenov A.G., Blinnikov S.1. 674 A search for spiral galaxies with extended HI disks A trial-and-error approach to the determination of the orbital Broeils A.H., van Woerden H. 1021 parameters of visual binaries Observation of global solar oscillations with a modified optical Pourbaix D. 682 resonance spectrometer Boumier P., van der Raay H.B., Roca Cortés T. 1022 Abstracts of articles which have been published in A&A Erratum Quantitative morphology of E-SO galaxies. Supplement Series 107, No. 1 1019 III. Coded and parametric description of 108 galaxies in a complete sample Long-term spectroscopic monitoring of P Cygni-type stars. Michard R., Marchal J. 1022 II. Spectroscopic variations of P Cygni during 1990-1992 Erratum Stark broadening of Bill lines astrophysical inter- Stahl O., Wolf B., Gdng T., Kaufer A., Szeifert T., est Zhao F. Dimitrijevié M.S., Popovié L.C. 1022

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