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Preview Asteroseismology of the Beta Cephei star Nu Eridani: photometric observations and pulsational frequency analysis

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed2February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Asteroseismology of the β Cephei star ν Eridani: photometric observations and pulsational frequency analysis G. Handler1, R. R. Shobbrook2, M. Jerzykiewicz3, K. Krisciunas4,5, 5 0 T. Tshenye6, E. Rodr´ıguez7, V. Costa7, A.-Y. Zhou8, R. Medupe6,9, 0 2 W. M. Phorah6, R. Garrido7, P. J. Amado7, M. Papar´o10, D. Zsuffa10, n a L. Ramokgali6, R. Crowe11, N. Purves11, R. Avila11, R. Knight11, J 3 E. Brassfield11, P. M. Kilmartin12, P. L. Cottrell12 1 1 1 Institut fu¨r Astronomie, Universit¨at Wien, Tu¨rkenschanzstrasse 17, A-1180 Wien, Austria v 2 VisitingFellow, Australian National University,Canberra, ACT, Australia 3 3 Wroclaw University Observatory,ul. Kopernika 11, 51-622 Wroclaw, Poland 6 4 Cerro Tololo Inter-AmericanObservatory, National Optical Astronomy Observatory, Casilla 603, La Serena, Chile 2 5 Las Campanas Observatory, Casilla 601, La Serena, Chile 1 6 Theoretical Astrophysics Programme, Universityof the North-West, Private Bag X2046, Mmabatho 2735, South Africa 0 7 Institutode Astrofisica de Andalucia, C.S.I.C., Apdo. 3004, 18080 Granada, Spain 5 8 National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100012, China 0 9 South African Astronomical Observatory, P.O. Box 9, Observatory 7935, South Africa / h 10 Konkoly Observatory, Box 67, H-1525 Budapest XII, Hungary p 11 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawaii - Hilo, 200 West Kawili Street, Hilo, Hawaii, 96720-4091, USA - 12 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand o r t s Accepted 2003July17.Received2003August13;inoriginalform2003September 10 a : v i ABSTRACT X r We undertook a multisite photometric campaign for the β Cephei star ν Eridani. a Morethan600hoursofdifferentialphotoelectricuvyV photometrywereobtainedwith 11 telescopes during 148 clear nights. The frequency analysis of our measurements shows that the variability of ν Eri can be decomposed into 23 sinusoidal components, eight of which correspond to in- −1 dependent pulsation frequencies between 5–8 cd . Some of these are arranged in multiplets, which suggests rotational m-mode splitting of nonradial pulsation modes as the cause. If so, the rotation period of the star must be between 30 – 60 d. One of the signals in the light curves of ν Eri has a very low frequency of 0.432 −1 cd . It can be a high-order combination frequency or, more likely, an independent pulsation mode. In the latter case ν Eri would be both a β Cephei star and a slowly pulsating B (SPB) star. The photometric amplitudes of the individualpulsation modes of ν Eriappearto have increased by about 20 per cent over the last 40 years. So do the amplitudes of the dominant combination frequencies of the star. Among the latter, we only could identifysumfrequencieswithcertainty,notdifferencefrequencies,whichsuggeststhat neitherlight-curvedistortioninitssimplestformnorresonantmodecouplingaretheir single cause. Oneofourcomparisonstars,µEridani,turnedouttobevariablewithadominant timescaleof1.62d.WebelievethatitiseitheranSPBstarjustleavingitsinstability strip or that its variations are of rotational origin. Key words: stars: variables: other – stars: early-type – stars: oscillations – stars: individual: ν Eridani – stars: individual: µ Eridani – techniques: photometric 2 G. Handler et al. 1 INTRODUCTION profilevariationsorphotometriccolouramplituderatiosand phase shifts. Unfortunately, such methods may not always Lengthymultisiteobservationsofmultiperiodicallypul- yield unambiguous results (e.g. see Balona 2000). However, sating stars have become a standard tool in variable star Handler et al. (2003) recently showed that mode identifi- research.Thebenefitofsucheffortsarelong,uninterrupted cation from photometric colour amplitudes works well for time series of the variations of the target stars, which are slowly rotating β Cephei stars and they estimated that a necessary to resolve complicated pulsational spectra. The relative accuracy of 3 per cent in theamplitude determina- more individual variations are present in a given pulsator, tionsaresufficienttoachieveanunambiguousdetermination the more one can learn about its interior by modelling the of ℓ. observed mode spectra. This technique is called asteroseis- Consequently, the β Cephei stars are indeed suitable mology. for asteroseismic studies. If successful, many interesting as- The most extensive observational efforts for asteroseis- trophysical results can be expected. For instance, angular mology have been performed with dedicated telescope net- momentumtransportinthesestarscanbestudied.Thefre- works. For instance, the Whole Earth Telescope (Natheret quenciesofsomepulsationmodesofβ Cepheistarsaresen- al. 1990) has already observed 40 individual targets, more sitivetotheamountofconvectivecoreovershooting(Dziem- thanhalfofwhicharepulsatingwhitedwarfstars,theothers bowski&Pamyatnykh1991).Deviationsfromtherotational being pulsating sdB stars, rapidly oscillating Ap stars, cat- frequencysplittingofnonradialmodemultipletscanbedue aclysmic variables etc. The Delta Scuti Network (e.g. Zima to interior magnetic field structure of those stars (Dziem- et al. 2002) has studied 10 different objects during23 cam- bowski & Jerzykiewicz 2003). Once the interior structures paignsandacquiredatotalofmorethan1000hoursofmea- ofseveralβ Cepheistarsinvariousphasesoftheirevolution surement for some δ Scutipulsators. aredetermined,main-sequencestellarevolutioncalculations The very first coordinated multisite observations were can be calibrated and more accurately extrapolated to the obtained as early as 1956, on the β Cephei star 12 (DD) supernova stage, which can in turn constrain spectral and Lacertae (de Jager 1963). This effort even included both chemical evolution theories of galaxies. spectroscopic and multicolour photometric measurements. Henceitisjustifiedtodevotelargeobservationalefforts In more recent times, however, β Cephei stars were (aside to β Cephei stars that seem suitable for asteroseismology. from a large campaign for BW Vul, Sterken et al. 1986) Theselection ofagood candidateisoneofthemost impor- rarelythetargetsofextendedobservingcampaigns.Therea- tantprerequisitesforsuchastudy.Forthepresentwork,our son may be the sparse frequency spectra of β Cephei stars choice was ν Eri (HD 29248, V =3.92). Itsmode spectrum compared to pulsating white dwarfs or δ Scuti stars. For revealshighasteroseismicinterest:fourpulsationfrequencies many years, the record holder was 12 (DD) Lac with five wereknown,asingletandanequallyspacedtriplet(Kubiak knownindependentmodesofpulsation(Jerzykiewicz1978), 1980,Cuypers&Goossens1981). Thesinglet hasbeensug- which was recently superseded by the six modes of V836 gestedtobearadialmode,andthetripletisconsistentwith Cen (Aertset al. 2003). a dipole (Aerts, Waelkens & de Pauw 1994, Heynderickx, However, the apparent paucity of frequencies in the Waelkens& Smeyers1994). modespectra of β Cepheistars may bequestioned.Experi- If this triplet contained at least two rotationally split ence with δ Scuti stars has shown that the more the detec- m-components of a mode, ν Eri would also be a slow rota- tion level for periodic light variations is pushed down, the tor,ahypothesissupportedbyitsmeasuredvsini(themost more pulsation modes are detected (e.g. see the sequence recent determination being 20 km/s, Abt,Levato& Grosso of papers by Handler et al. 1996, 1997 and 2000). In fact, 2002).Thisisimportantbecausetheadverseeffectsofrota- mostofthepulsationmodesofthesestarshavelightampli- tional mode coupling (see Pamyatnykh 2003 or Daszyn´ska- tudes around or below 1 mmag, an amplitude quite easily Daszkiewiczetal.2002)inasubsequenttheoreticalanalysis detected with the large data sets of 2 to 3 mmag precision would be diminished. Finally, ν Eri is a bright equatorial differentialphotometryobtainedduringthesecampaigns.As star,soitcanbeobservedfrombothhemisphereswithpho- the pulsational driving of the β Cephei stars (Moskalik & tometric and high-resolution spectroscopic instruments. Dziembowski 1992) is based on essentially the same mech- We therefore organised a multisite campaign for ν Eri, anism (the κ mechanism) as that of the δ Scuti stars, just applying both observing methods mentioned above (Han- operatingonheavierchemicalelements,itcanbesuspected dler & Aerts 2002). In the following, we will report the re- thatmanylow-amplitudemodesarealsoexcitedinβCephei sults from the photometric measurements. The analysis of stars but have not yet been detected simply because of a the spectroscopy, pulsational mode identification and seis- lack of suitable data. Indeed, this idea is supported by re- mic modelling of the identified oscillations will be the sub- centhigh-qualityobservations(Stankovetal.2002,Cuypers ject of future papers. et al. 2002, Handleret al. 2003). Besidesthedetectionofmanypulsationmodes,another 2 OBSERVATIONS AND REDUCTIONS necessaryingredientforasteroseismologyisthecorrectiden- tification of these modes with their pulsational quantum Ourphotometric observations were carried out with 11 dif- numbers, k, the radial overtone of the mode, the spheri- ferent telescopes and photometers at 10 observatories on cal degreeℓ and theazimuthal orderm.Forpulsating stars 5 different continents; they are summarised in Table 1. In whose frequency spectra do not show any obvious regulari- most cases, single-channel differential photometry was ac- tiescausedbyrotationally splitmodesorconsecutiveradial quiredthroughtheStr¨omgrenuvyfilters.However,atSierra overtonestheuseofmodeidentificationmethodsisrequired. Nevada Observatory (OSN) a simultaneous uvby photome- Thismayforinstancebespectroscopicdiagnosticsfromline ter was used, so we included the b filter as well, and at the Asteroseismology of ν Eridani: photometry 3 fourobservatorieswherenoStr¨omgrenfilterswereavailable multiperiodic signals including harmonic, combination, and we used Johnson V. Some measurements through the H equally spaced frequencies. As will be demonstrated later, β filters were also obtained at OSN. The total time base line ouranalysis requires some of these features. spanned by ourmeasurements is 157.9 d. We started by computing the Fourier spectral window We chose two comparison stars for ν Eri: µ Eri (HD ofthefinallightcurvesineachofthefilters.Itwascalculated 30211, B5IV, V = 4.00) and ξ Eri (HD 27861, A2V, V = as theFourier transform of a single noise-free sinusoid with 5.17).Anothercheckstar,HD29227(B7III,V =6.34)was a frequency of 5.7633 cd−1(the strongest pulsational signal also monitored at OSN. We note that µ Eri was the single ofν Eri)andanamplitudeof36mmagsampledinthesame comparisonstarinallpublishedextensivephotometricstud- way as were our measurements. The upper panel of Fig. 2 ies of ν Eri (van Hoof 1961, Kubiak& Seggewiss 1991) and containstheresultforthecombinedyandV data.Anyalias that its HIPPARCOS photometric data (ESA 1997) imply structures that would potentially mislead us into incorrect someslowvariability(Koen&Eyer2002).Thestarisalsoa frequencydeterminationsarequitelowin amplitudedueto spectroscopicbinary(Porb =7.35890d,e=0.26,Hill1969). ourmultisite coverage. Inthehopethatwecouldalsounderstandthevariabilityof We proceeded by computing the amplitude spectra of µEriwithourmultisiteobservations,andhopingtousethat the data itself (second panel of Fig. 2). The signal desig- knowledge in re-analyses of the published data of ν Eri, we natedf dominates,butsomeadditionalstructuresnotcom- 1 retainedµEriasacomparison star.Duringdatareduction, patiblewith thespectral window sidelobes arealso present. wetookcarethatthevariationsofµEriwouldnotinfluence Consequently, we prewhitened this signal by subtracting a theresults on our primary target. syntheticsinusoidal lightcurvewithafrequency,amplitude Data reduction was therefore started by correcting for and phase that yielded the smallest possible residual vari- coincidence losses, sky background and extinction. Nightly ance,andcomputedtheamplitudespectrumoftheresidual extinction coefficients were determined with the Bouguer light curve(third panel of Fig. 2). method from the ξ Eri measurements only; second-order Thisresultedinthedetectionofasecondsignal(f )and colourextinctioncoefficientswerealsodetermined.Wethen 2 of another variation at the sum frequency of thetwo previ- calculated differential magnitudes between the comparison ously detected. We then prewhitened a three-frequency fit stars (in the sense µ Eri - ξ Eri). Heliocentrically corrected from the data using the same optimisation method as be- versionsofthesetimeserieswereset asideforlateranalysis foreandfixedthecombinationtermtotheexactsumofthe of the variability of µ Eri, towhich we will return later. two independent frequencies. We continued this procedure Thenightly(µEri-ξ Eri)differentialmagnitudeswere (furtherpanelsofFig.2)untilnosignificantpeakswereleft fitted with low-order polynomials (n<4). The residuals of in the residual amplitude spectrum. the nondifferential µ Eri magnitudes with respect to that We consider an independent peak statistically signifi- fit were combined with the ξ Eri data and were assumed cant if it exceeds an amplitude signal-to-noise ratio of 4 in toreflecttheeffectsoftransparencyanddetectorsensitivity the periodogram; combination signals must satisfy S/N > changesonly.Consequently,thesecombinedtimeserieswere 3.5 to be regarded as significant (see Breger et al. 1999 for binned into intervals that would allow good compensation amorein-depthdiscussionofthiscriterion).Thenoiselevel fortheabovementionednonintrinsicvariationsinthetarget wascalculatedastheaverageamplitudeina5cd−1interval startimeseriesandweresubtractedfromthemeasurements centred on thefrequency of interest. ofν Eri.Thebinningminimisestheintroductionofnoisein thedifferential light curveof thetarget. Werepeatedtheprewhiteningprocedurewiththeuand The timings for this differential light curve were helio- v data independently and obtained the same frequencies centrically corrected as the next step. Finally, the photo- within the observational errors. We then determined final metric zeropoints of the different instruments, that may be values for the detected frequencies by averaging the values different because of thedifferent colours of ν Eri and ξ Eri, from theindividualfilters,weightedbytheirS/N.Thepul- were examined at times of overlap with a different site and sational amplitudes were then recomputed with those fre- adjustedifnecessary.MeasurementsintheStr¨omgrenyand quencies; theresult is listed in Table 2. Johnson V filters were treated as equivalent and analysed The residuals from this solution were searched for ad- together due to the same effective wavelength of these fil- ditional candidate signals that may be intrinsic. We have ters.Theresultingfinalcombinedtimeserieswassubjected firstinvestigated theresiduals intheindividualfilters, then to frequency analysis; we show some of our light curves of analysedtheaveragedresidualsinthethreefilters(whereby ν EriinFig.1.Intheend,wehadmorethan3000measure- theu data were divided by1.5 to scale them to amplitudes ments in each filter with accuracies of 3.7 (u filter), 3.0 (v and rms scatter similar to that in the other two filters), filter) and 3.0 mmag (y/V filters) per datapoint available. and finally applied statistical weights according to the rec- ommendation by Handler (2003). Some interesting features were found and are listed in Table 3. 3 FREQUENCY ANALYSIS Inthistable,thesignalat0.254cd−1isformallysignifi- cantinthev filterdata,andnoticeablepeaksarepresentat 3.1 The program star thesamefrequencyinboththeuandyfilterdata.However, Ourfrequencyanalysesweremainlyperformedwiththepro- wefindtheevidencefromallthedatasetstakentogethernot gram PERIOD 98 (Sperl 1998). This package applies single- sufficiently convincing to claim reality for this peak. Simi- frequencypowerspectrumanalysisandsimultaneousmulti- lar comments apply to the other signals listed in Table 3. frequency sine-wave fitting. It also includes advanced op- Wewouldhoweverliketopointoutthatthevariationsnear tions, such as the calculation of optimal light-curve fits for 6–8 cd−1may all be components of multiplets that include 4 G. Handler et al. Table 1. Log of the photometric measurements of ν Eri. Observatories are ordered according to geographical longitude. Sites that acquiredV measurementsonlyaremarkedwithasterisks. Observatory Longitude Latitude Telescope Amountofdata Observer(s) Nights h SierraNevadaObservatory −3◦23’ +37◦04’ 0.9m 18 53.59 ER,VC,RG,PJA CerroTololoInteramericanObservatory −70◦49’ −30◦09’ 0.6m 8 43.19 KK FairbornObservatory −110◦42’ +31◦23’ 0.75mAPT 24 114.54 −− LowellObservatory −111◦40’ +35◦12’ 0.5m 10 46.01 MJ MaunaKeaObservatory∗ −155◦28’ +19◦50’ 0.6m 4 7.78 RC,NP,RA,RK,EB MountJohnUniversityObservatory +170◦28’ −43◦59’ 0.6m 1 3.83 PMK SidingSpringObservatory +149◦04’ −31◦16’ 0.6m 31 117.70 RRS Xing-LongObservatory∗ +117◦35’ +40◦24’ 0.85m 3 15.72 AYZ SouthAfricanAstronomicalObservatory +20◦49’ −32◦22’ 0.5m 37 151.82 GH,TT,RM,WP,LR SouthAfricanAstronomicalObservatory +20◦49’ −32◦22’ 0.75m 7 39.31 GH Piszkesteto¨ Observatory∗ +19◦54’ +47◦55’ 0.5m 5 11.86 MP,DZ Total 148 605.35 Table 2.Multifrequencysolutionforourtime-resolvedphotom- detected modes. The signals at frequencies higher than 17 etry of ν Eri. Formal error estimates (following Montgomery & cd−1all coincide with combinations of detected modes. O’Donoghue1999)fortheindependentfrequenciesrangefrom± 0.00001 cd−1 for f1 to ± 0.00035 cd−1 for f8. Formal errors on the amplitudes are ± 0.2 mmag in u and ± 0.1 mmag in v and 3.2 The comparison stars y.TheS/Nratioquotedisforthey filterdata. We still have to analyse the light curves of µ Eri−ξ Eri. To this end, we computed the amplitude spectrum of these ID Freq. uAmpl. vAmpl. yAmpl. S/N (cd−1) (mmag) (mmag) (mmag) dataand showthemintheupperpanelof Fig.3.Onepeak standsout;prewhiteningitleavesstrongevidenceforfurther f1 5.76327 73.5 41.0 36.9 137.0 f3 5.62006 34.6 23.9 22.7 83.6 variability of this star (Fig. 3, second panel), but no more f4 5.63716 32.2 22.4 21.0 77.7 periodicities can be detected. f2 5.65393 37.9 26.4 25.1 92.6 The single periodicity that may be present in the light ff67 66..2246420085 32..99 21..59 21..68 96..88 curvesofµErihasafrequencyof0.61638±0.0005cd−1and f8 7.19994 1.3 0.9 1.1 4.3 uvyamplitudesof10.2,6.4and5.0mmag,respectively.Itis f5 7.89780 4.3 3.1 3.0 11.7 statistically significant with S/N ratios between 6.3 and4.4 fA 0.43218 5.5 3.2 3.2 7.1 f2+f3 11.27399 2.8 1.7 1.4 6.4 inthedifferentfilters,butitisnotclearifitsfrequencyand f1+f3 11.38333 11.1 7.9 7.5 34.9 amplitudewereconstantthroughouttheobservingwindow. f1+f4 11.40043 10.9 7.7 7.1 33.2 f1+f2 11.41720 12.6 9.0 8.4 39.3 Theresidualamplitudespectrumafterprewhiteningthissig- 2f1 11.52654 4.5 3.1 2.9 13.8 nal still shows a very strong 1/f component and indicates f1+f5 13.66107 1.6 1.2 1.1 6.4 thatthevariabilityofµEriiscomplicated.However,further f1+f3+f4 17.02049 1.0 0.7 0.7 4.7 f1+f2+f3 17.03726 4.4 3.1 2.6 16.9 analysesofthedifferentialµEri−ξ Erilight curves,suchas f1+f2+f4 17.05435 1.0 0.8 0.9 6.1 searchingfor variations with nonsinusoidal pulseshapes us- f1+2f2 17.07113 0.8 0.7 0.5 3.5 ing the residualgram method (Martinez & Koen 1994) or 2f1+f3 17.14660 1.8 1.4 1.2 8.0 2f1+f4 17.16370 1.7 1.2 1.0 6.6 by folding the data with the orbital period, all remained 2f1+f2 17.18047 1.9 1.4 1.3 8.2 inconclusive. 2f1+f2+f3 22.80053 1.5 1.0 0.9 6.9 Ontheotherhand,wenoticedthattheamplitudespec- trum of the de-trended comparison star magnitude differ- ences (with a low-order polynomial fitted to each night of Table 3. Possible further signals. The data set in which they datatoremovetheslowvariabilityofµEri)hasthehighest attainedhighestS/N areindicated. peak at 10.873 cd−1in all the filters. It is even significant with a S/N = 5.2 in the v filter data, where it reaches an ID Frequency S/N amplitudeof 0.6 mmag. (cd−1) To examine whether this peak is real and if so, from 0.2543 4.0(v) what star it originates, we computed the differential (ν Eri 6.221 3.6(uvy,weighted) −µEri)and(νEri−ξEri)lightcurves.Wethenprewhitened 7.252 3.4(uvy,weighted) the frequency solution from Table 2 from these data and 7.914 3.1(u) computedtheresidualamplitudespectra.Wealsoexamined f1+2f3 17.0034 3.2(u) the (ξ Eri – HD 29227) data from OSN for this purpose. f1+2f2+f3 22.6912 3.5(u) Unfortunately,thesetestswerenot fully conclusivebecause 3f1+f2+f3 28.5638 3.1(u) the noise level in these amplitude spectra is higher than in the ones of the de-trended differential comparison star magnitudes only. All we can say is that if real, the 10.873 Asteroseismology of ν Eridani: photometry 5 Figure1.Somelightcurvesofν Eri.PlussignsaredataintheStro¨mgrenufilter,filledcirclesareourvmeasurementsandopencircles representStro¨mgreny andJohnsonV data.Thefulllineisafitcomposedofalltheperiodicitiesdetected inthelightcurves(Table2). Theamountofdatashownhereisabouthalfthetotal. cd−1variation is more likely to originate from ξ Eri. In any 3.3 Re-analysis of literature data case, ourassumption that ξ Eriisphotometrically constant does not affect ouranalysis of ν Eri. We have reanalysed the photometric measurements by van Hoof(1961) andKubiak&Seggewiss (1991). Thefirstdata set was retrieved from the IAU archives (as deposited by 6 G. Handler et al. Figure2.Amplitudespectraofν Eri.Theuppermostpanelshowsthespectralwindowofthedata,followedbytheperiodogramofthe data.Successiveprewhiteningstepsareshowninthefollowingpanels;notetheirdifferentordinatescales.Seetextfordetails. Cuypers & Goossens 1981) and consists of two seasons of minute bins and by removing poor data, sometimes whole ultravioletU andoneseasonofyellowY measurements(the nights. The frequency analysis of the resulting U data set Y bandpassisidenticaltoJohnsonV,seeLyng˚a1959).The revealed the presence of frequencies f to f as well as the 1 4 frequencyanalysiswasperformedontheU dataastheyare sumfrequenciesoff withthef ,f ,f triplet.Theampli- 1 2 3 4 considerably more numerous, whereas we determined only tude spectrum after prewhitening the corresponding multi- the amplitudes in the Y data with frequencies fixed to the frequencyfitshowsastrongincreaseofnoisethatprecludes values derived from the U measurements. the detection of further signals. We note that neither the We homogenised these data by averaging them into 7- Asteroseismology of ν Eridani: photometry 7 Table 4. Multifrequency solution for the U and Y data of van Hoof (1961). The identifications of the signals are the same as inTable 2. Formal errorestimates (Montgomery & O’Donoghue 1999) for the independent frequencies range from ± 0.00001 cd−1 for f1 to ± 0.00017 cd−1 for f6. Formal errors on the U amplitudesare±0.3mmag.However,therealerrorsarebelieved tobehigherbecauseofthezeropointadjustmentswemade.The formaluncertainty ontheY amplitudesis±0.8mmag. ID Freq. U Ampl. Y Ampl. S/N (cd−1) (mmag) (mmag) f1 5.76345 52.8 28.9 78.2 f3 5.62018 25.5 20.1 37.7 f4 5.63738 26.5 19.5 39.2 f2 5.65385 27.9 20.8 41.3 f6 6.24417 2.7 2.1 4.0 f7 6.26227 3.7 4.0 5.6 f5 7.89830 2.1 2.0 3.1 f1+f3 11.38363 8.1 6.2 13.0 f1+f4 11.40083 8.1 5.5 13.0 f1+f2 11.41730 9.2 7.0 14.7 2f1 11.52690 2.8 3.8 4.4 Figure 3. Upper panel: amplitude spectrum of (µ Eri-ξ Eri) in the y filter. Second panel: residual amplitude spectrum after prewhitening f1. Lower panel: residual amplitude spectrum of (µEri-ξEri)outtotheNyquistfrequency;nofurthervariations aredetected. low 0.432 cd−1variation of ν Eri nor the suspected 0.616 cd−1periodicity of µ Eri could bedetected. To enable a search for further signals known from our analysis in those data, we determined the zeropoints of the residuallightcurvesoftheindividualnightsandsubtracted Figure 4. Schematic amplitude spectrum of ν Eri. Solid lines them from the data. Fourier analysis of this modified data represent detected modes, whereas the dashed lines indicate the set allowed thedetectionoffourmoresignals established in positionsofpossiblefurthersignals. ourmeasurements.Theirfrequenciesandamplitudesrecov- eredinvanHoof’sU dataarelistedinTable4togetherwith This figure shows intriguing structures. Besides the thecorresponding Y amplitudes. knowntripletoffrequenciesnear5.64cd−1,thereisanother ThephotometricmeasurementsbyKubiak&Seggewiss doubletnear6.24cd−1withasuspectedfurthercomponent, (1991) consist of two runs of 17.1 and 5.1 days time base, and the two other signals near 7.2 and 7.9 cd−1may also respectively,separatedby4years.Thef ,f ,f tripletcan 2 3 4 bypartsofmodemultiplets.Webelievethatthesearesigns therefore not be resolved in thesedata, butf can besepa- 1 of rotational splitting of nonradial pulsation modes. If so, ratedfrom itanditsuvby amplitudescanbeestimated.We obtain amplitudes of 55±3 mmag in u, 30±2 mmag in v, the rotation period of ν Eri must be between 30 and 60 d, 28±2 mmag in b, and 27±2 mmag in y for signal f . The dependingonthetypesofmodewesee(pand/orgmodes). 1 0.616 cd−1variation of µ Eri may bepresent in these data. The low-frequency triplet is asymmetric. Dziembowski & Jerzykiewicz (2003) calculated the asymmetry as A = obs f + f − 2f = −7.1 ± 0.3 × 10−4cd−1(using the nam- 2 3 4 ing convention from Table 2) from archival data, whereas 4 DISCUSSION our measurements indicate A =−3.3±0.4×10−4cd−1. obs ComparingTables2and4,itappearsthatourvalueforthe 4.1 The β Cephei-type pulsation frequencies triplet centroid frequency f is less accurate than the for- 4 We have detected eight independent signals in the light malerrorswould suggest -whichisplausiblegiventhatour curves of ν Eri that are in the typical frequency domain observational time base is only about 2.6 times the inverse for β Cephei star pulsation, i.e. they are pressure (p) and triplet splitting. gravity(g)modesoflowradialorder.Weshowtheschematic A comparison of Tables 2 and 4 allows another inter- amplitudespectrumcomposedofthesemodesandoffurther estingconclusion:thepulsationalamplitudesofallmodesof suspected signals in Fig. 4. ν Eri seem to have increased between van Hoof’s and our 8 G. Handler et al. measurements. Allowing for the different wavelength pass- Althoughthisslowvariabilitywasdetectedinthemea- band of the archival U measurements that also included a surementsinallthreeStr¨omgrenfiltersused,wetookspecial silvered mirror (Lyng˚a1959) and ourStr¨omgren udata,an careindeterminingwhetherthesevariationsareintrinsicto increase in the pulsational amplitudes of about 20 per cent the star. Consequently we computed amplitude spectra of canbeestimated.Itispossiblethatmostofthisincreasehas thefourlargesthomogeneoussubsetsofdata(i.e.thosethat occurredinthelast15–20yearsastheuamplitudeoff in used the same filters and detectors throughout the whole 1 thedatabyKubiak&Seggewiss (1991) isalsoconsiderably campaignandthatspannedatimebaselongerthan70days) smaller than in our data. inallthreefilters.Wefoundapeakat0.432cd−1presentin all these amplitude spectra, and we are therefore sure it is not an artifact of the observing or reduction procedures; it 4.2 The combination signals is dueto intrinsic variations of ν Eri. Unfortunately, there is some doubt as to whether this The light curves of ν Eri are not perfectly sinusoidal is an independent frequency or not. A possible high-order (cf. Fig.1); therefore combination signals result from our combination frequency (3f −3f ) would be located only 1 3 method of frequency determination. It is not well known 0.0026 cd−1away from f , which is much larger than the A whatthephysicalcauseofcombinationfrequenciesis.Some formalerrorestimate of±0.0001 cd−1forthefrequencyun- ofthemostprominenthypothesesincludesimplelight-curve certainty of f , butsmaller than the0.0063 cd−1frequency A distortions due to the pulsations propagating in a nonlin- resolutionofourdata.Itwouldbesurprisingifsuchahigh- early responding medium or independent pulsation modes order difference frequency were present in our data when excited by resonances. there is no evidence for lower-order ones. We thus suspect Incaseofthelight-curvedistortionhypothesis,theam- thatf isanindependentfrequency,butonlynewmeasure- A plitudes and phases of the combination frequencies can be mentsincreasing thetime baseof our dataset will allow us predicted. They also contain some information about the to answer this question unambiguously. medium that distorts the light curves (see Wu 2001 and If f were an independent periodicity, what would be A references therein). In the simplest case, the amplitudes of thephysicalreason for suchavariability?Asargued above, the combination signals scale directly with the product of the rotation period of ν Eri must be between 30 and 60 d; the amplitudes of the parent modes (e.g. see Garrido & theobserved2.3-dperiodcanthereforenotbeconnectedto Rodr´ıguez 1996). rotation. ν Eri is also not known to be a binary; extensive As we do not have a pulsational mode identification radial velocity studies are available and no variability ex- available at this point, we cannot examine the two above- cept that due to the short-period pulsations has ever been mentioned hypotheses quantitatively, but some statements reported.Inaddition,thewavelengthdependenceoftheam- canstillbemade.Forinstance,simplelightcurvedistortion plitude of the 0.432 cd−1signal excludes a pure geometric should producecombination sum and differencefrequencies origin of this variability. of about the same amplitude. However, difference frequen- Hence, the slow variations are probably due to high- cies are completely absent in our multifrequency solution order g-mode pulsations of the star, which is also consis- (Table 2) although the strongest of these signals should be tentwith thecolouramplitudes. Wenotethat Jerzykiewicz easily detectable in our data. (1993) also detected a low-frequency variation in his light The amplitude variations we reported before can also curves of the β Cephei star 16 (EN) Lac, which he inter- be examined. We note that the amplitude of the sum fre- pretedtobeeitherduetoapairofspots-orduetog-mode quenciesoff with thef ,f ,f triplet increased byabout 1 2 3 4 pulsation. 20percent,whichisthesameastheincreaseoftheindivid- ualamplitudes of theparent modes, butless than expected for the simple light curvedistortion hypothesis. 4.4 The variability of µ Eri The absence of the difference frequencies also poses a In Sect. 3.1 we reported that one of our comparison problem for the resonant mode coupling hypothesis.As the stars, µ Eri, shows rather complex light variations with stellar eigenmode spectrum is much denser at low frequen- a time scale of about 1.6 days. To examine their origin, cies than at high frequencies due to the presence of many we first determined its position in the HR diagram. As gravity modes, one would expect to see many more differ- a start, we retrieved the standard Str¨omgren and Geneva ence frequencies in case of mode coupling, which is not the colours of µ Eri from the Lausanne-Geneva data base case. (http://obswww.unige.ch/gcpd/gcpd.html). Thestar’sGenevacoloursthenimplyT =15670±100 eff KaccordingtothecalibrationsbyKu¨nzlietal.(1997).The 4.3 The low-frequency variation star’s HIPPARCOS parallax (ESA 1997), combined with Wefoundasignalof0.43218cd−1inthelightcurvesofν Eri a reddening correction of A = 0.06 determined from its V and evidence for other periodic low-frequency signals. Such Str¨omgren colours and Crawford’s (1978) calibration, bolo- variability is an order of magnitude slower than β Cephei- metriccorrections byFlower (1996) andDrilling &Landolt type pulsation. These variations are not due to the slowly (2000) resultinM =−3.6±0.4.WecanthusplaceµEri bol variablecomparisonstarµEri:theyoccuratfrequenciesdif- in the theoretical HRdiagram (Fig. 5). ferentfromthedominantvariationofthelatterstarandwe Interestingly, µ Eri seems to be an object just at or havetakencarethatitsvariabilitydoesnotaffect ouranal- shortly after the end of its main sequence life. It is located ysisofν Eriinourreductionprocedures.Theyaretherefore within the instability strip of the slowly pulsating B (SPB) present in our light curvesof ν Eri. stars, and the time scale (cf. De Cat & Aerts 2002, Pamy- Asteroseismology of ν Eridani: photometry 9 such a pulsator. The frequency analysis of these measure- ments revealed the presence of eight independent pulsation modes,whichisthemosteverdetectedforsuchastar.These are normal β Cephei-typevariations (p and g modes of low radialorder),butoneadditionalsignalmaybeahigh-order gravity-mode pulsation. ν Eri could therefore be not only a β Cephei star, but also an SPB star. It would thus the second example of a star exhibiting two different types of pulsation.Thehigh-orderg-modesofthefirstsuchstar,HD 209295, arehoweverbelievedtobetriggered bytidaleffects (Handleretal.2002).Aswehavenoevidenceforbinarityof ν Eri,itmaythereforebethefirststarinwhichtwotypesof pulsationwithtimescalesmorethananorderofmagnitude different are intrinsically excited. TheβCephei-typepulsationfrequenciesshowsomereg- ular structures, i.e. some are contained in multiplets that may be due to nonradial m-mode splitting. If so, the rota- Figure 5. Theposition of µEriinthe theoretical HR diagram. tion period of ν Eri is between 30 – 60 d,dependingon the Somestellarmodelevolutionarytrackslabelledwiththeirmasses type of modes in these multiplets. These multiplets are a (full lines) for vsiniZAMS = 200km/s are included. The theo- strong constraint for pulsational mode identification, which retical borders of the β Cephei and SPB star instability strips will be the subject of a future paper. In any case, the low- (Pamyatnykh 1999, thick dashed and dotted lines) are included forcomparison.Theevolutionarytracksaresomewhatshiftedto order p and g mode spectrum of ν Eri as reported here is theZAMS(fulldiagonalline)andtotheinstabilitystripbound- suitable for detailed seismic modelling. ariesbecausethelatterdonotincluderotational effects. atnykh2002)andcomplexityofitsvariabilityaswellasthe ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS colourdependenceofitsamplitudesonwavelength arecon- This work has been supported by the Austrian Fonds zur sistent with it being an SPB star. µ Eri may have many F¨orderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung under grant pulsation modes excited which are so closely spaced in fre- R12-N02. MJ’s participation in the campaign was partly quency that we cannot resolve them with the time base of supported by KBN grant 5P03D01420. MJ would also like our measurements. to acknowledge a generous allotment of telescope time and However, pulsation is not the only possible physical thehospitality of Lowell Observatory. cause of the light variations of µ Eri. For the 1.622 d time We thank the following students of the University of scale of the variability of the star to be due to rotational Hawaii fortheirassistance duringsomeof theobservations: effects, an equatorial rotational velocity of 193 km/s is re- DanBolton,AlexandreBouquin,JoshBryant,ThelmaBur- quired. The published estimates of the projected rotational gos, Thomas Chun, Alexis Giannoulis, Marcus Lambert, velocity vsini of µ Eri range from 150 km/s (Abt et al. AmandaLeonard,AlexMacIver,DaniellePalmese, Jennale 2000) to 190 km/s (Bernacca & Perinotto 1970), which is Peacock, David Plant, Ben Pollard, Sunny Stewart, Dylan consistent with that constraint. A double-wave light varia- Terry and Brian Thomas. tionwithtwicethatperiodwouldhoweverbeinconflictwith GHwishestoexpresshisthankstoLouBoydandPeter the measured vsini. The complexity of the light variations Reegen for their efforts in maintaining and controlling the of µ Eri argues against a rotational origin. FairbornAPTs,toMarcinKubiakforsupplyinghisarchival The same argument can be used against an interpreta- measurementsofν Eri,toJan Cuypersfor helpfulinforma- tion of µ Eri’s variability in terms of binarity. In addition tion on the passbands of the archival data, and to Conny (as argued above for the long period detected for ν Eri), AertsandAnamarija Stankovfor commentson a draft ver- the wavelength dependence of the colour amplitudes in our sion of this paper. measurements suggests that a pure geometric origin of this variability is unlikely.Most importantly,however, the7.3-d spectroscopic binary period of µ Eri is quite different from ThispaperhasbeentypesetfromaTEX/LATEXfileprepared bythe author. the observed time scale of its light variability or from an integral multipleof it. Hence, we cannot unambiguously determine the cause ofthevariability ofµEri.Ahigh-resolution, highsignal-to- REFERENCES noise spectroscopic studywill probably allow todistinguish Abt,H.A.,LevatoH.,GrossoM.,2002,ApJ573,359 between the two viable hypotheses, pulsation or rotational AertsC.,Waelkens C.,dePauwM.,1994,A&A286,136 modulation. Aerts C., Thoul A., Daszynska J., Scuflaire R., Waelkens C., Dupret M. 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