Astronomische Nachrichten, 13 January 2016 Asteroseismology of red giants: from analysing light curves to estimating ages G.R.Davies1,(cid:63) and A.Miglio1 School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, B15 2TT, UK. Received XXXX, accepted XXXX Published online XXXX 6 1 0 Key words stars: fundamental parameters – stars: interiors - stars: oscillations 2 Asteroseismologyhasstartedtoprovideconstraintsonstellarpropertiesthatwillbeessentialtoaccurately n reconstruct the history of the Milky Way. Here we look at the information content in data sets representing a currentandfuturespacemissions(CoRoT,Kepler,K2,TESS,andPLATO)forredgiantstars.Wedescribe J techniques for extracting the information in the frequency power spectrum and apply these techniques to 2 Keplerdatasetsofdifferentobservinglengthtorepresentthedifferentspacemissions.Wedemonstratethat 1 for KIC 12008916, a low-luminosity red giant branch star, we can extract useful information from all data sets, and for all but the shortest data set we obtain good constraint on the g-mode period spacing and core ] R rotation rates. We discuss how the high precision in these parameters will constrain the stellar properties of stellar radius, distance, mass and age. We show that high precision can be achieved in mass and hence age S when values of the g-mode period spacing are available. We caution that tests to establish the accuracy of . h asteroseismic masses and ages are still “work in progress”. p - Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher o r t s 1 Introduction a [ In recent years asteroseismology has entered its golden 1 age.WiththeadventoftheKepler(Boruckietal.2010) v 2 and CoRoT (Baglin et al. 2006) space missions, time 0 series measuring stellar variability of very-high quality 8 havebecomewidelyavailable.Analysisofthesetimese- 2 riescandeliverpreciseestimatesofstellarages(Davies 0 et al. 2015; Lebreton et al. 2014; Meibom et al. 2015; . 1 Metcalfe et al. 2015; Miglio et al. 2013b; Silva Aguirre 0 et al. 2015) - a quantity critical for reconstructing the 6 1 history of the Milky Way. With the re-purposed Ke- : pler mission K2 (Howell et al. 2014) currently captur- v ing solar-like oscillations (Chaplin et al. 2015; Stello F0 Near Galactic Anti−center M35, NGC2304 i CoRoT fields Kepler field F1 North Galactic Cap X etal.2015)inanumberofdifferentgalacticdirections, F2 Near Galactic Center M4, M80, M19, Upr Sco, rhoOph r and the future missions of TESS (Ricker et al. 2014) K2 fields FF34 SMo4u5 t h(P Gleaialadcetisc) ,C NaGp CN1e6p4tu7n, eHyades Taurus a and PLATO (Rauer et al. 2014) adding to this, ages F0 Near Galactic Anti−center M35, NGC2304 F5 M44 (Beehive), M67 F1 North Galactic Cap F6 North Galactic Cap for many thousands of stars in many different galactic F2 Near Galactic Center M4, M80, M19, Upr Sco, rhoOph F7 Near Galactic Center, NGC6717 F3 South Galactic Cap Neptune F8 South Galactic Cap, Uranus distancesanddirectionspresentanexcitingpossibility. F4 M45 (Pleiades), NGC1647, Hyades Taurus F9 Galactic Center, Baade’s Window F5 M44 (Beehive), M67 Figure 1 shows fields of view for the Kepler, CoRoT, F6 North Galactic Cap Fig.F17 Near GalacAtic Cnenter, NaGrCt6i71s7t’s conception of our Milky and K2 space missions. F8 South Galactic Cap, Uranus WayF9 Galactgic aCelnatexr, Byaade’s Win(dCowREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech One method of using variability to estimate stellar php?release=2010- ageisasteroseismology.Inthisworkwerestrictourdis- 179) with fields of view for Kepler, CoRoT, and K2. cussionstotheasteroseismologyofsolar-likepulsators. Solar-like pulsators are a class defined by the presence ofsurfaceconvection.Thisturbulentconvectionexcites star.Becausemodefrequenciesaresensitivetothesize (andintrinsicallydamps)modesofacousticoscillation. of the cavity and the sound speed in the cavity, oscil- Themodesofoscillationcanpropagatethroughoutthe lation modes are probes of the structure of the stellar (cid:63) Correspondingauthor:[email protected] interior. For more details see Chaplin & Miglio (2013). Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher 2 G.R.Davies and A.Miglio: Estimating the ages of red giants with Asteroseismology In this proceedings we discuss the measurement of 105 seismic parameters from frequency power spectra and how these observables can provide constraint on in- 104 ferred stellar properties. We start by considering the 103 ) power spectrum for an example star and discuss how 1¡ toreducethedatatoobservablesthatcanbecompared Hz 102 ¹ with stellar models. We finish by showing examples of 2m 101 1.2 the constraint on stellar mass and age that these ob- pp 1.0 servables provide. D ( 100 D0.8 S P0.6 P10-1 P0.4 0.2 2 The power spectrum 10-2 0.0 156 160 Frequency (¹Hz) Here we presentresults ofa power spectrummodelling 10-3 102 procedureappliedtoasinglesectionofthepowerspec- Frequency (¹Hz) trum of KIC 12008916. This star is a low-luminosity red giant and exhibits an exquisite pattern of mixed Fig.4 BackgroundfittothepowerspectrumofKIC mode oscillations in the Kepler observations spanning 12008916. Main plot: black, unsmoothed power spec- Q0 through to Q17. trum; blue, box-car smoothed power spectrum; green, Thelightcurvewaspreparedfrompublicdataavail- models of draws from the markov chains representing able through the KASOC website. The raw light curve the fit to the data. Insert: Posterior probability distri- wasdetrendedusingasimplesmoothingalgorithmand bution of νmax. then the power spectrum was computed following the procedure of Garc´ıa et al. (2011). The mode power large separation (cid:104)∆ν(cid:105) and ν . With the addition of spectrum, and the section in frequency we fitted our max the stellar effective temperature (T ) the mass (M) detailed model to, can be found in Figures 2 and 3. eff andradius(R)canbeestimatedfromthecommonscal- Markedintheseplotsareexamplesofthepropertieswe ing relations (scaled to solar values): will consider here: the so called global properties, the frequency of maximum power νmax and the large fre- (cid:18) R (cid:19) (cid:18) ν (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:104)∆ν(cid:105) (cid:19)−2(cid:18) T (cid:19)0.5 quency spacing ∆ν; and properties related to the core, (cid:39) max eff , (1) R ν (cid:104)∆ν(cid:105) T the gravity-mode period spacing of the dipole modes (cid:12) max,(cid:12) (cid:12) eff,(cid:12) ∆Π and the frequency splitting of the gravity dipole 1 and modesasaresultofcorerotationδν .Wewillseethat g the νmax, ∆ν, and ∆Π1 measured in red giants can be (cid:18) M (cid:19)(cid:39)(cid:18) νmax (cid:19)3(cid:18) (cid:104)∆ν(cid:105) (cid:19)−4(cid:18) Teff (cid:19)1.5. (2) combined to give excellent constraint on stellar age. M ν (cid:104)∆ν(cid:105) T (cid:12) max,(cid:12) (cid:12) eff,(cid:12) Our ability to extract properties of solar-like oscil- lationsdependsonanumberoffactors,butprincipally 3.1 Estimating ν the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the oscillations to max background and the length and cadence of the obser- To estimate the frequency of maximum oscillation vations. The star we study here (KIC 12008916) ex- power we fitted a background model to the data. We hibits a very high SNR (Corsaro et al. 2015) for the fitted model H of Kallinger et al. (2014), comprised of best modes of oscillation (>250), but detections of in- two Harvey profiles, a Gaussian oscillation envelope, dividual oscillations are possible at much lower SNR and an instrumental noise background. For the esti- (typically 8). In the absence of instrumental noise (in- mate of ν we took the central frequency of the max cludingshotnoise),theSNRofthepulsationspectrum Gaussian component. Figure 4 shows the fit to the is typically determined by the properties of the star data and the resulting marginalised posterior proba- (for pulsations see Huber et al. 2010 and background bilitydensityforν .Wesummarisedthenormal-like max see Kallinger et al. 2014). Instrumental noise is some- posteriorprobabilitywiththemedianandthestandard what specific to each space mission but is in general deviation. In this fit to the full data set we obtained a function of stellar magnitude, so that brighter stars ν =160.9±0.5µHz. max have lower instrumental noise and hence higher SNR. 3.2 Estimating (cid:104)∆ν(cid:105) 3 Obtaining global properties of the oscillations Toestimatetheaveragelargefrequencyspacingwefit- ted a simple model to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) The global properties of oscillation modes are com- spectrum. We calculated the SNR spectrum by divid- monly summarised by two parameters: the average ing the power spectrum by our background fit (with Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher asna header will be provided by the publisher 3 20000 6000 ) ) 1¡ 1¡ z z H H ¹ ¹5000 2m15000 2m p p p p4000 y ( ¢º ¢º y ( ¢º ¢º sit sit n10000 n3000 e e d d al al ctr ctr2000 e º e º p 5000 max p max s s er er 1000 w w o o P P 0 0 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Frequency (¹Hz) Frequency (¹Hz) Fig.2 PowerspectraforKIC12008916.Left:lengthofdataset1335days.Right:lengthofdataset70days.We have illustrated the plot with mode frequencies and identifications, together with the global properties. Symbols represent the radial modes (red squares), the dipole modes (green triangles with extended bars), quadrupole modes(bluepentagons),andoctupolemodes(yellowhexagons).Wehaveshownexamplesofthelargeseparation (∆ν) between radial modes and have illustrated the oscillation envelope of power, the maximum of which is labelled as ν . max 7000 1Hz)¡14000 1Hz)¡6000 ¹12000 ¹ 2ppmal density (1680000000000 ±ºg¢¦1 2ppmal density (435000000000 ±ºg¢¦1 pectr 4000 pectr2000 wer s 2000 wer s1000 o o P P 0 0 158 160 162 164 166 168 158 160 162 164 166 168 Frequency (¹Hz) Frequency (¹Hz) Fig.3 Power spectra for KIC 12008916. Left: length of data set 1335 days. Right: length of data set 70 days. We have illustrated the plot with g-mode dipole frequencies (green up triangles), rotational splitting (magenta left or right triangles), the radial p-mode frequency (red square), and the octupole p-mode frequency (yellow hexagon). We have shown an example of the g-mode period spacing and the core rotational splitting parameter. Note that we do not observe simple g modes but in fact observe a more complex pattern of modes with mixed p and g character. the Gaussian oscillation component suppressed) giv- ity of (cid:104)∆ν(cid:105). Again, we summarise the posterior proba- ing a noise spectrum with mean background of unity bility with the median and the standard deviation. In plus some modes of oscillation. We selected a region this fit to the full length of the time series we obtain in frequency around ν plus and minus twice an ini- (cid:104)∆ν(cid:105)=12.89±0.01µHz. max tial estimate of (cid:104)∆ν(cid:105). We then fitted a model as the sum of Lorentzian profiles that represent radial and quadrupole modes separated by some large and small 4 Detailed modelling of the power frequencyseparations.Theaveragelargeseparationes- spectrum timated was then simply the summary statistics (me- dianandstandarddeviation)oftheposteriorprobabil- In order to model the detail in the power spectrum we ity distribution of the large spacing parameter. Figure used asymptotic expressions to determine model mode 5 shows the fit to the data and the posterior probabil- frequencies(Unnoetal.1989).Weusedconceptsofthe Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher 4 G.R.Davies and A.Miglio: Estimating the ages of red giants with Asteroseismology mixing function, 70 35 30 (cid:20) α(ν) (cid:21)−1 60 25 ζ(ν)= 1+ , (4) PPD2105 qβ(ν) 50 10 5 where 0 Frequency (µHz) R40 (cid:18) (cid:18) 1 (cid:19)(cid:19) N α(ν)=cos2 π −(cid:15) ν2∆Π , (5) S ν∆Π g 1 30 1 and 20 (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) ν−ν β(ν)=∆ν cos2 π p,1 . (6) 10 ∆ν 0 We then calculated the rotational splitting as: 140 150 160 170 180 Frequency (µHz) (cid:18) (cid:19) δν δν nlm = g −δν ζ(ν )+δν , (7) Fig.5 Radialandquadrupolemodefittothesignal- m 2 p nl p to-noise ratio spectrum of KIC 12008916. Main plot: where δν is a splitting parameter for a g-like mode black, unsmoothed power spectrum; red, models of g with high inertia, and δν is the rotational splitting of draws from the markov chains representing the fit to p anominalpmode.Theg-likemodesplittingisdivided the data. Insert: Posterior probability distribution of 2 to account for the so called Ledoux parameter that (cid:104)∆ν(cid:105). accounts for splitting due to the Coriolis force. To estimate mode line widths (Γ) and amplitudes mode inertia to determine the properties of each mode (A)weusedthemixingfunction(ζ(νnlm)).FromBeno- of oscillation. We started by describing a model of the mar et al. (2014), we state that the ratio of the inertia power spectrum from a range in frequency that incor- ofaradialanddipolemodecanbeapproximatedusing: porates the radial mode of oscillation and the dipole modesofoscillation.Octupolemodeswillbepresentin (cid:115) I A Γ the same frequency range but typically at low signal- n,1 (cid:39)1.5 n,0 n,0, (8) I A Γ to-noiseratio.Wedeliberatelyexcludedthequadrupole n,0 n,1 n,1 modes to keep the parameter space we explore to an where the subscripts are labels identifying modes and absolute minimum. labelling the mode degree. Mode amplitude is related We defined the frequency of the radial mode as a to mode height (H) as: free parameter, ν . We determined the frequencies of n,0 π the dipole modes using the roots of the asymptotic ex- A2 = ΓH. (9) 2 pression of Mosser et al. (2012) (see also Mosser et al. 2015): We defined the mode linewidth of the dipole mode us- ing ζ as: (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) π(ν−ν ) π p,1 =arctan qtan −(cid:15) , (3) Γ =Γ (1−ζ(ν )), (10) ∆ν ∆Π ν g n,1 n,0 nlm 1 i.e., that mode linewidth for a nominal dipole p mode where ν is the independent variable, νp,1 is the fre- is the same as the linewidth of the radial mode, and quencyoftheanominaldipolepmode,∆ν isthelarge thatthelinewidthsoftheg-dominatedmodesarevery frequency spacing, q is the magnitude of the coupling small. Modes of oscillation that are unresolved, i.e., which is a measure of the p mode and g mode phases, those that have very small line widths, are not well ∆Π1 the asymptotic dipole mode period spacing, and modelledinapowerspectrumthathasfinitefrequency (cid:15)g is a phase term. We solved for the roots using a resolution. A correct model would convolve the mode sparse grid and interpolation between points. shapewiththesincsquaredresponseofthepowerspec- Given the frequencies of a set of dipole mixed trum. In order to remain computationally efficient, we modes,weaddedintheeffectsofrotationthatsplitthe did not apply this convolution but instead limited the dipole modes into a rotational triplet. The amount of mode linewidth to the frequency resolution or above. rotational splitting is dependent on the way in which Wethencalculatedthemodeamplitudebythesub- the mode is sensitive to the interior of the star and stitution equation 10 into 8. the stars rotation profile. Here we used the asymptotic Our model for the signal-to-noise ratio spectrum in work of Deheuvels et al. (2015) for a description of the our defined range in frequency was then the sum of all rotation. We defined the function ζ, which is the mode theradialanddipolemodesplussomeflatbackground Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher asna header will be provided by the publisher 5 term.EachmodewasrepresentedbyaLorentzianpro- file, to represent a damped harmonic oscillator, giving the model as (cid:88)(cid:88)(cid:88) M(ν)=W+ n l m (11) ε(θ,l,m)H nlm , 1+4/Γ2 (ν−ν −δν ) nlm nlm nlm whereW istheflatnoisebackgroundandε(θ,l,m)isa function that accounts for the visibility of the m com- ponents given the angle of inclination of the rotation of the star (θ, see Gizon & Solanki (2003)). We assessed the probability of observing the data (D) given the model as the negative log likelihood (S) usingthestandardlikelihoodfunction(Andersonetal. Fig.6 Fit of the model to the signal-to-noise ra- 1990): tio spectrum. The data are shown in black. In blue (cid:88) D we show models drawn from every 1000th step in the S =−lnL= lnM + , (12) M MarkovChainstoprovidearepresentationofhowwell i the model fits the data. The radial mode at 158.0µHz where the sum over i represents the sum of each fre- hasbeenremovedbyfittingandthendivingthepower quency bin in the power spectrum. spectrumthrough.Insetposteriorprobabilitydistribu- We estimated the parameters of the model by per- tion for ∆Π in seconds. 1 forming a fit using a parallel tempered affine-invariant Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) ensemble sam- pler(Foreman-Mackeyetal.2013).Thisalgorithmwas couplingtermiswellenoughconstrainedtoprovidein- capable of exploring the complex likelihood-parameter sight on the internal structure of the star. spaceandwasabletoconvergetostablesolutionsgiven enough time (that is, given sufficient walkers and it- For this study we have examined a low-luminosity erations). The algorithm allowed us to estimate the red giant. In a number of ways this presents a best marginalised posterior probability densities for all pa- case scenario. For high-luminosity stars with low ν rameters. Formally, each parameter must have some max we detect only a small number of modes, not the rich prior probability distribution. These priors were se- spectrumweseeinKIC12008916.Asaresult,forhigh- lected based on our a priori knowledge of the charac- luminositygiantsitmaynotbepossibletoestimatethe teristics of redgiants(i.e., see Mosser et al. (2014)and g-modeperiodspacingatall.Otherchallenges,suchas references there in) or were set as broad uninformative disentangling period spacing signature from rotational or uniform priors. splitting in red clump stars, can be over come with thestatisticaldescriptionofthemodelandparameters 5 Results given above. Figure 6 shows the power spectrum and a selection of Forthepurposeofreconstructingthehistoryofthe models that fit the data. The fitted models clearly re- Milky Way, the key derived asteroseismic quantities produce the mode structure in terms of mode frequen- for red giant stars are the stellar radius (and hence cies and mode line widths. The structure in terms of distance), mass, and age. Excellent constraint on the modeamplitude(orheight)islesscleartotheeye.The radius can be gained by considering the radial modes selection of models drawn include a number of models and the dipole nominal p-mode frequencies. The high- that would appear to overestimate the amplitude of est levels of precision and accuracy are believed to be themodes.Infact,themeanvaluesofmodeamplitude obtainedwhencomparingobservedindividualfrequen- or height are much closer to values that are consistent ciestostellarmodels.Whenconsideringthefrequencies with the data but the tail of the distribution confuses of individual modes but care must be exercised to ac- the eye. count got the line-of-sight radial velocity contribution Table 1 displays the summary statistics of the pos- to the frequency (Davies et al. 2014). While an ensem- teriorprobabilitydistributionsfortheparametersthat blestudyofmanyredgiantstarsisyettobeperformed we have fitted. It is clear that we obtain high preci- using individual frequencies, for main sequence stars sion estimates of the period spacing and the rotational the precision on radius is of order a few percent, mass splitting of the g-dominated modes. Furthermore, the around5%,andforage14%(SilvaAguirreetal.2015). Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher 6 G.R.Davies and A.Miglio: Estimating the ages of red giants with Asteroseismology Parameter 1335 Days 730 Days 351 days 150 Days 70 Days 27 Days Kepler PLATO TESS CoRoT TESS, or K2 TESS T (K) 4830±100 eff [Fe/H] 0.05 ∆ν(µHz) 12.89±0.01 12.88±0.01 12.89±0.01 12.90±0.02 12.88±0.02 12.98±0.2 ν (µHz) 160.9±0.5 160.3±0.5 160.7±0.6 160.6±1.0 160.4±1.5 161±2 max Radius (R ) 5.26±0.10 5.25±0.10 5.25±0.1 5.24±0.11 5.25±0.11 5.2±0.2 (cid:12) Mass (M ) 1.31±0.07 1.30±0.07 1.31±0.07 1.30±0.07 1.31±0.08 1.3±0.1 (cid:12) ∆Π (s) 80.450±0.002 80.452±0.008 80.454±0.04 80.46±0.25 79.3±1.4 - 1 q 0.145±0.001 0.141±0.002 0.138±0.003 0.15±0.01 0.14±0.02 - (cid:15) 0.008±0.003 0.008±0.007 0.0±0.1 0.0±0.3 0.3±1.1 - g ν (µHz) 164.577±0.007 164.56±0.01 164.57±0.02 164.61±0.05 163.9±0.4 - p,1 δν (µHz) 0.886±0.005 0.87±0.01 0.87±0.01 0.83±0.03 0.88±0.1 - g δν (cid:63) (µHz) 0.002±0.002 0.006±0.008 0.02±0.01 0.07±0.04 0.3±0.1 - p θ (◦) 88±2 83±3 80±4 81±5 45±14 - Table 1 Parameters obtained by fitting the model to the power spectrum of the Kepler data set of KIC 12008916 for different length of time series. Each length of data set approximately corresponds to data lengths thatmaybeprovidedbydifferentspacetelescopes.Massesandradiiaretakenfromthestandardscalingrelations (Eq 1 and 2). (cid:63) Note that the posterior probability distribution for the rotational splitting of the envelope is not well described by the summary statistics provided here. 6 Precision for different space missions As evinced from Fig. 7, the combination of obser- vational constraints on (cid:104)∆ν(cid:105),ν , and ∆Π is in prin- max 1 Table 1 shows parameters determined from varying ciple able to set exceptionally tight limits on global length of time series representing different space mis- stellar properties such as mass, radius and luminosity sions. Clearly the precision on the measurements in- (hence distance). It is however crucial to keep in mind creases with increasing length of observation. As ex- that our ability to make use of these constraints may pected,returnsdiminishasthelengthofthetimeseries be limited by uncertainties related to e.g. metallicity becomes very long (see Hekker et al. (2012) for more and, crucially, by known shortcomings of current stel- details on the global properties). lar models (e.g. see Cassisi 2014, for a recent review). Whileradiusisaparameterofinterest,particularly Weshalldiscussinwhatfollowshowsomeoftheseun- if estimating distance, it is mass (or at least initial certainties affect the inferred stellar properties. mass) that is the fundamental parameter. For mass, wecanseethatreasonableuncertaintiesofaround10% 8 From precise to accurate stellar or better are achievable by using scaling relations with properties even the shortest data sets. This is important because K2andTESS(andPLATOinitsstep-and-starephase) Seismic data analysis and interpretation techniques willcoverlargeareasofsky.Thiscoverage,andtheas- have undergone a rapid and considerable development teroseismic precision, will allow us to build a detailed in the last few years. However, they still suffer from picture of stellar mass (and hence age) as a function of limitations, e.g.: location in the galaxy. – determination of individual oscillations mode pa- rameters has been carried out for a limited set of 7 Inferring precise stellar properties Sun-like stars, and for only a handful of red giants; – stellar mass and radius estimates in most cases are Asanexampleofhowtheseismicindicesintroducedin based on approximated scaling relations of average Sec.2maybeusedtoinferprecisestellarproperties,we seismic properties ((cid:104)∆ν(cid:105) and ν ), under-utilising consider as observational constraints (cid:104)∆ν(cid:105), ν , and max max the information content of oscillation modes; and: ∆Π asdeterminedfroma150-dtimeseries(seeTable 1 – systematic uncertainties on the inferred stellar 1). To determine stellar properties, we compare such propertiesduetolimitationsofcurrentstellarmod- observational constraints with predictions from a set els have not yet been quantified. This is crucial for of stellar evolution models. We have used the MESA age estimates, which are inherently model depen- code(Paxtonetal.2011)tocomputestellarevolution- dent. ary tracks of solar metallicity with mass from 1.21 M (cid:12) to1.50M instepsof0.01M ,adoptingthesamemi- Here, we mention some of the key sources of un- (cid:12) (cid:12) cro and macro physics prescriptions as in Bossini et al. certainty on current estimates of stellar age and how, (2015). in some cases, we hope to make progress. We focus on Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher asna header will be provided by the publisher 7 22 ity, chemical composition and mass are constrained by iso mass (evolutionary tracks) both observables and the requirement that matching iso radius 1−σ observed ν models of stellar evolution must satisfy the equations max 20 6 Rsun 11−−σσ oobbsseerrvveedd ∆<∆Πν > ofstellarstructure.Thisleadstoamuchimprovedpre- 1 cision on the inferred properties, including age, albeit attheexpenseofanincreasedmodeldependence.More details will be presented in Rodrigues et al, in prepa- 18 1.50 M sun ration. 5.5 R Given the mass range typical of the observed solar- sun like oscillating giants (1–3 M ), we can probe ∼ 1.5 16 (cid:12) orders of magnitude in age. Figure 8 demonstrates the 1.21 M sun age-mass relation of giant stars predicted by stellar Lsun14 5 R models. The synthetic population shown in the figure L/ sun hasbeencomputedwiththeTRILEGALcode(Girardi etal.2005),andisrepresentativeofthin-diskstarpop- ulation as observed by the nominal Kepler mission. 12 What is challenging, however, is that if we wish to determine ages to 30% or better, then we need to be able to the determine masses with an accuracy better 10 4.5 Rsun than 10%. Testing the accuracy of the asteroseismic mass scale to 10% or better is very much “work in progress”. Comparisons against accurate and indepen- 8 4 R sun dentmassdeterminationsare,however,limitedtostars in binary systems and, most notably, stars in clusters (for a review see, e.g., Brogaard et al., this volume). 6 5000 4950 4900 4850 4800 An example of possible systematic biases concern- T [K] eff ing the mass determination are departures from a sim- Fig.7 HR diagram representing stellar properties ple scaling of (cid:104)∆ν(cid:105) with the square root of the stel- satisfying the combination of predictions from stellar lar mean density (see e.g. Belkacem et al. 2013; Miglio evolutionary tracks (M = 1.21−1.50 M in steps of et al. 2012, 2013a; White et al. 2011). Suggested cor- (cid:12) 0.01 M , solid green lines), and the asteroseismic con- rections to the (cid:104)∆ν(cid:105) scaling are likely to depend (to a (cid:12) straintsavailableforKIC12008916.Dashedblacklines level of few percent) on the the stellar structure itself. represent lines of constant radius (in steps of 0.1 R ). Moreover,theaverage(cid:104)∆ν(cid:105)isknowntobeaffected(to (cid:12) As evinced from the plot such a combination of allows alevelof∼1%intheSun)byourinaccuratemodelling an extremely precise - yet model dependent - determi- of near-surface layers. In most cases the main effect of nation of stellar properties. using model-predicted (cid:104)∆ν(cid:105) is a reduction ≈ 10% or less of the mass estimate for RGB stars based on Eq. 2.Athoroughdescriptionofthe(cid:104)∆ν(cid:105)corrections,their evolved stars, and refer to Lebreton et al. (2014), and limitationsandtheirdependencesonstellarproperties, references therein, for the case of main-sequence stars. will be presented in Rodrigues et al., in preparation. Stellar mass is a particularly valuable constraint in A way forward would be to determine the star’s the case of giants, since for these stars age is primarily mean density by using the full set of observed acous- afunctionofmass.Theageoflow-massred-giantstars tic modes, not just their average frequency spacing. is largely determined by the time spent on the main This approach was carried out in at least two RGB sequence, hence by the initial mass of the red giant’s stars (Huber et al. 2013; Lillo-Box et al. 2014), and progenitor(τ ∝M/L(M)∝M−(ν−1)withν =3−5, led to determination of the stellar mean density which MS ini e.g. see Kippenhahn et al. 2012). is ∼ 5−6% higher than derived from assuming scal- Knowledge of the star’s metallicity is also key to ing relations, and with a much improved precision of determining the age. Based on predictions from stellar ∼1.4%. evolutionary tracks, if one were to consider the stel- While a relatively simple mass-age relation is ex- lar mass as known, an uncertainty of 0.1 dex in [Fe/H] pected for RGB stars (Fig. 8, left panel), the situation would lead to a 10% uncertainty on the age of a red- for red-clump (RC) or early asymptotic-giant-branch giant star (as can be qualitatively inferred also from (AGB) stars is different (Fig. 8, right panel). If stars Fig.8).However,inpractice,constraintsonthechemi- undergoasignificantmasslossnearthetipoftheRGB, calcompositionandmasswillbecoupledtoadditional then the mass-age relation is not unique (for a given constraints(e.g.radius,T ,∆Π ,luminosity).Inreal- composition and input physics), since the mass ob- eff 1 Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher 8 G.R.Davies and A.Miglio: Estimating the ages of red giants with Asteroseismology Thin disk, RGB stars, ν < 350 µHz Thin disk, He−core−burning stars, ν < 350 µHz max max 1010 1010 0.4 0.4 Age ∝ M−3.2 Age ∝ M−3.2 0.2 0.2 ge (yr)109 0 Fe/H] ge (yr)109 0 Fe/H] A [ A [ −0.2 −0.2 −0.4 −0.4 −0.6 −0.6 108 108 0.9 1 1.2 1.5 2 3 0.9 1 1.2 1.5 2 3 Mass (M ) Mass (M ) sun sun Fig.8 Age-mass-metallicity relation for red giants in a TRILEGAL synthetic population representative of thin-disk stars observed by Kepler. While on the RGB (left panel) the age-mass relation follows the expected simpletrend,He-core-burningstars(rightpanel)deviatefromthatrelationduetomasslossoccurring(following the prescription by Reimers 1975 ) near the RGB tip. Mass loss is expected to affect significantly low-mass stars only. served at the RC or early-AGB stage may differ from thedependenceonmixingprocessesinpriorevolution- the initial one. From a closer inspection of Fig. 8, it ary states (Lagarde et al. 2015). Seismic signatures of is worth noticing that for stars with M < 1.5 M the sharp-structure variations can potentially lead to esti- (cid:12) age-massrelationbifurcatesduetothesignificantmass mates of the envelope He abundance (see Broomhall loss (∼ 0.1−0.2 M ) experienced by low-mass stars et al. 2014), or to detailed constraints on near-core (cid:12) near the tip of the RGB (if one adopts the mass-loss regions (Bossini et al. 2015; Constantino et al. 2015; prescriptionbyReimers1975).Consequently,RCstars Cunha et al. 2015; Montalb´an et al. 2013). Promis- are younger than stars on the RGB with the same ac- ing indicators of global stellar properties include the tual mass (and metallicitiy). We can, however, remove smallseparationbetweenradialandquadrupolemodes thisdegeneracyintheage-massrelationthankstoaddi- (Montalb´an et al. 2012) and the properties of mixed tional seismic constraint, particularly from the g-mode modesandcouplingtermwhichmayleadtoadditional periodspacing∆Π ,whichallowsacleardistinctionto indirect constraints on the stellar mass (see e.g. Beno- 1 be made between RGB and RC stars (Bedding et al. mar et al. 2013). 2011),andearly-AGBstars(Montalb´an&Noels2013). Knowledgeoftheefficiencyofmasslossishoweverstill 9 Summary and outlook neededtodetermineaccurateagesofRCstars(seee.g. Miglio et al. 2012 and Handberg et al. 2015 for a dis- Current space missions (Kepler, CoRoT, K2) are pro- cussion on seismic constraints on mass loss efficiency). viding, and future missions (K2, TESS, PLATO) will Whendiscussingsystematicuncertaintiesonagees- provide, a wealth of observational photometric data timates, it is worth recalling that uncertainties on the that we are learning to efficiently and precisely inter- inputphysicsmayaffectmain-sequencelifetimes,hence pretforthepurposesofasteroseismology.Herewehave theageofredgiants.Athoroughcomparisonofagepre- demonstratedmethodsforanalysingthepowerspectra dictions from various stellar evolution codes, and with of a low-luminosity red giant and comparison of the differentassumptionsconcerningtheinputphysics,will resulting observational parameters with stellar mod- be presented in Miglio et al. in preparation (see also els. When able to leverage the global properties (∆ν, ν ) and the g-mode property (∆Π ) we are able to max 1 Additional seismic diagnostics are still to be fully derive high precision masses, and hence ages. We have utilised and their dependence on stellar properties un- shown that for data sets of varying temporal length, derstood. The use of the dipole g-mode period spacing representing the different space missions, we are able to infer mass, although very promising (see Fig. 7), is to estimate all three critical seismic parameters for all in its infancy. Studies are progressing that are testing but the shortest data sets. therobustnessoftheuseofthe∆Π parameter,testing However, we are still faced with a number of chal- 1 for any bias between observed and model values, and lenges that are focused around tests of the accuracy Copyrightlinewillbeprovidedbythepublisher asna header will be provided by the publisher 9 of stellar models that determine the properties of stel- Constantino, T., Campbell, S. W., Christensen- lar populations can be determined. Robust predictions Dalsgaard, J., Lattanzio, J. C., & Stello, D. 2015, from stellar models are key to determining accurate MNRAS, 452, 123 stellar properties such as mass, radius, surface grav- Corsaro,E.,DeRidder,J.,&Garc´ıa,R.A.2015,A&A, ity and, crucially, age. A critical appraisal of how nu- 579, A83 merical and systematic uncertainties in model predic- Cunha, M. S., Stello, D., Avelino, P. 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