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Preview Aster pseudoglehni (Asteraceae), a New Species from Korea

周,,4P1yJ8直一!!: hwmA2 Lor町内BLu一時ノbuσウム雑しmwHa1号百士心づ山nU nu 3今、、.F , Aster pseudoglehni (Asteraceae)aN ew Species from Korea Yo ngseok LIM ,aJin-O HYUNb and Hyunchur SHINc Department of Biology,S oonchunhyang University,A san,C hungnam,3 36-745 KOREA aE-mail address:[email protected]; bE-mail address:[email protected]; .E-mail address:[email protected] (Received on January 16,2 003) Aster pseudoglehni,fo rmerly misidentified as A. glehni or A. glehni var. hondoensis in Ullung Island,K orea,is described and illustrated. This species is most similar to but differs markedly from A. ageratoides by petiolate median leaves with 8-20 pairs of ser- rate teeth and multinerved veins,a nd compact corymb-like capitulescences consisted of more than 40 heads. Key words: Aster,A steraceae,K orea,n ew species. Ullung Island,a v olcanic island located in 300 m NE of Seokmundong,N amyang-ri, East Sea between Korean Peninsula and Seo-myeon,5 Oc .t 2002,L im 2002002 Jap an Islands,co ntains about 700 species of (Holotype SNU; Isotypes AJOU,S NU). vascular plants (Sun and Stuessy 1998). Paratypes. Korea. Kyungpook. Ullung Aster glehni F.Schmidt was first reported in Island. Seo-myeon,S ataenam,2 N ov. 2000, this island by Nakai (1919). Since then,m ost Hyun & Kim s. n. (AJOU [6 sheets]), Korean taxonomists have considered this Namyang-ri,N amseodong,5 O ct. 2002,L im taxon as au nique floristic element in Ullung 2002021 (AJOU); Ullung eup,S adong-ri, Island,K orea,a nd have not examined its Sadong Gogae,5 Oct. 2002,L im 2002026 taxonomic identity,e xcept for the considera- (AJOU),S adong-ri,K anryung,5 O ct. 2002, tion as A. glehni var. hondoensis Kitam. by Lim 2002022 (AJOU [2 sheets]),Je odong-ri, several Korean taxonomists. However,A . Na esueon, 5 Oct. 2002, Lim 2002034 glehni is distributed only in Sakhalin and the (AJOU). Kuril Islands of Russia and Hokkaido of Haec species ab Astere ageratoidete v 紅. Japan (Tamamshyan 1959),n ortheastward ageratoidete differt foliis medianorum far from Ullung Island,a nd its variety is only petiolatis,d entibus 8-20-jugatis,m ultinervi- in Honshu of Japan (Ito 1995). It was con- bus nec trinervibus,c apitibus plus quam 40, firmed that the plants,k nown as A. glehni or ca. 1.5 cm diametro,d ispositis in corymbis A. glehni v hondoensis, emisidentified, composltorum. 紅. 紅 and should be described as an ew species. Herbs perennial; apically branched,4 0- 100 cm tall; rhizomes creeping,sh ort; stems Aster pseudoglehni Lim,H yun & Shin erect,t erete,g labrous,3 -5 mmd iameter. sp. nov. [Fig. 1] Leaves simple, alternate; rosette leaves Type :K orea. Ky ungpook. Ullung Island. puberulent, blades narrowly elliptic to ne aroad along the foot of mountains,ca . obovate,3 -5 cml ong,1 -3 cmw ide,ac ute at 訂 -203- 204 植物研究雑誌第78巻第4号 平成15年8月 K nu 2 m m 3mm M J c 0 Fig. 1. Aster pseudoglehni Lim,H yun &S hin. A. Habit. B. Leaf margin,a baxial surface. C-F. Bracts,C and D,b elow the corymb,E a nd F,b elow the head. G. Head. H. Involucre,r emoved the floral part. 1. Outer phyllary. J. Inner phylly.K. Disk floret. L. Ray floret. M. Pappus. 訂 Drawn from Lim 2002002 (holotype,S NU). apex,a ttenuate to base,m ginsmucro- anthesis; median leaves elliptic to 紅 se汀ateor irregulaly dentate,pe tioles 2-9 cm oblanceolate,8 -20 cm long,4 -7.5 cm wide, long; lower leaves usually withering before apex acute,b ase attenuate or cuneate,m ar- August 2003 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo .l78 No. 4 205 gins irregular seatewith 8-20 pairs of ca. 500 m above sea level,a nd from open 町 teeth,s ometimes irregularly mucro-serrate, land to forest. The plants occurred at forest both surfaces glabrous or rarely strigose, have larger leaves and taller stems than those m ginsstrigose,v eins several,p etioles 1-4 at seaside,a nd those at open land has more 訂 cml ong; upper leaves elliptic or narrowly el- or less strigose and smaller leaves. The for- liptic,1 .3-5 cm long,0 .5-2 cm wide,a pex ests inhabited by Aster pseudoglehni consists acute,b ase attenuate,b oth sUrfaces glabrous of Fa gus multinervis and Acer okαmoto- or rarely strigose,m ginsstrigose,p etioles anum, and the f100r was occupied by 紅 shorter than 5m mo r sessile. Heads ca. 1.5 Cαmpanula takesimensis, Solidago virga- cm across,m ore than 40 and densely ar- aurea var. coreana,D ystaenia takesimensis ranged in ac orymb; peduncles puberulent, and Hedera rhombea. bracts narrowly elliptic or lanceolate,2 -8 The plants of Aster pseudoglehni,m is- mml ong,0. 5-2 mmw ide,ac ute at apex,se s- identified as A. glehni or A. glehni var. sile,p uberulent. Involucres campanulate,4 - hondoensis until now,d o not coincide with 5m ml ong,3 -4 mmw ide,4 -7 mmw hen the description of A. glehni or any of the dry; phyllaries 3-4-seriate,u nequal in size, infraspecific taxa or coespondwith the 町 outer phyllaries elliptic to ovate,1 .6-2.5 mm specimens collected in Russia and Jap an and long,0 .6-1.2m mw ide,a cute at apex,m ar- identified as A. glehni,ei ther: Aster glehni, gins pubescent,s carious in lower portions, described by Schmidt (1868), and var. adaxial surfaces dark green,v eucoseat hondoensis,d escribed by Kitamura (1935) 町 apex,i nner phyllaries pale green,n arrowly have pubescent leaves and phyllaries,a nd elliptic to oblong,4 -4.5 mml ong,0. 6-1 mm their bracts below the heads are lanceolate to wide,ac ute or obtuse at apex,a pex and mar linear, stems e70-150 cm tall, outer 訂 四 gins sc ious,later splitted and hairy. Ray phyllaries and inner are nearly equal in 紅 f10rets 10-13,8 -9.5 mml ong; ligules white length. However,t hose of A. pseudoglehni or rarely pale pink,4 -6 mml ong,1 -2.5 mm have the unequal phyllaries,an d the glabrous wide, 3(- 4)-veined, shortly 2-3-10bed at leaves and phyllaries except their margins. apex; tubes green 1.5-2.4 mml ong,ca . 0.2 In the sense of Flora of Japan (Ito1 995), mmw ide,gl abrous. Disk f10rets yellow,3 8- USSR (Tamamshyan 1959) and China (Ling 52,f unnelform,5.5-6.5 mml ong; upper et al. 1985),As ter pseudoglehni is assignable 同 tubes campanulate,1 .6-2 mml ong,1 .6-2.3 to Section Aster, Section Ageration mm wide, glabrous, 5-10bed, lobes Tamamsch. and Section Orthomeris A.Gray, lanceolate,a cute at apex; lower tubes 1.5- respectively,in having f1at achenes,p appus 2.3 mml ong,c a. 0.3 mmw ide,g labrous. shorter than corolla of disc floret,i nner Ovary oblanceolate to obovate,1 .2-2.1 mm phyllaries longer than outer,c ampanulated long, 0.3-0.6 mm wide, compressed, involucre, heads ranged in compound 紅 puberulent,h airs ca. 0.2 mml ong. Achenes corymbs and 1-3 cm in diameter. On the obovate,2 .4-2.7 mm long, 0.9-1.2 mm other hand,A . glehni has been placed in wide,p uberulent,h airs ca. 0.2 mml ong,2 - Section Amellus Nees (Tamamshyan 1959) 3-ridgged,p appus 3.5-4 mml ong. or Section Aster (Ito1 995). Among the nu- Distribution: The species has been merous taxa of above three sections,A ster collected only in Ullung Island,K orea. In ageratoides Turcz. is most similar to this this island,t he plants of this species grow species in having olbong-lanceolate leaves, mainly near the seaside. 2-3-seriated phyllaries, and small heads Habitat: It occurs throughout Ullung (1.5-3 cm across) (Ohwi 1984,K itamura Island,f rom the seaside to higher altitude, 1981). It is known that A. ageratoides in 206 植物研究雑誌第78巻第4号 平成15年8月 Table 1. Morphological comparisons between Aster pseudoglehni and A. ageratoides var. ageratoies Character 一A:一PcdEV一e一uめ一一00'''ι-一dlν一ιnn一.,,h'- A. ageratoides var. ageratoies* Stem pubescence gl泊且ous glabrescent or scarcely pubescent Median leaf shape elliptic or oblanceolate lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate vem multinerved distinctly 3-nerved number of teeth pair 8-20 3-9 Head nda汀iuamambneegtererm o efn thead pLHnupivOMa l:・中間LaφtzJdbccnm0l I4 yo m LU l03o.ot6 os- e1n. uc2moce rrymom ubs Phyllary aco町laorn gement 司、vAUa一d4V且lrLh 問。raAVA ap --且d胞e σb v且e e n 4σb司・-T且3自4泊町0'且a VA・・‘6AVEトem 中司・・且---A ob h *Based on the description of Ito( 1995). Japan is consisted of five (110 1995) to 12 research was supported by ag rant from the (Ohwi 1984) infraspecific taxa,a nd these Soonchunhyang University,K orea (grant no. infraspecific taxa were mainly identified by 20030077). the size of involucres and heads,th e length References and width of cauline leaves,th e shape of leaf ItoM . 1995. Genus Aster L. In: Iwatsuki K., Yamazaki base and apex,a nd have occupied the nar- T.,B oufford D. E. and Ohba H. (eds.),F lora of rowly limited easas the endemics of Jap an. Japan IIIb: 59-73. Kodansha,T okyo. 訂 Kitamura S. 1935. Miscellaneous notes on Of them,A. ageratoides var. ageratoides is Compositae. J. Jpn. Bot. 11: 165-170. very similar to A. pseudoglehni in having 一一一 1981.Genus Aster L. In: Satake Y.,O hwi J., more or less glabrous stems and leaves. Kitamura S.,W atari S. and Tominari T. 伶(eむdりs..) However,A . pseudoglehni clearly differs 羽r弓引ildflowers of Japan. Herbaceous pμlant岱sIII:193 一 from A. ageratoides var. ageratoides in 198. Heibonsha Ltd.,T okyo (in Japanese). Ling Y.,C hing Y.-L. and Shih C. 1985. Genus Aster L. petiolated median leaves with 8-20 pairs of In: Ling Y. and Ching Y.ーし (eds.), Flora serrate teeth and several veins,a nd compact Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 74: 133-254. corymb-like compound infloresences con- Science Press,B eijing (in Chinese). sisted of more than 40 heads (Table 1). Nakai T. 1919. Report on the Vegetation of Dagelet Whereas, all infraspecific taxa of A. Island,C orea. The Government of Chosen,S eoul ageratoides in China,c onsisted of 11 taxa, (in Japanese). Ohwi J. 1984. Flora of Japan (in English). Smithsonian have the pubescent leaves. In Korea and Institution,W ashington DC. USSR,A. αgeratoides,w ithout infraspecific Schmidt F. 1868. Reisen im Amur-lande und auf der designation,ha s been described to have hairs Insel Sachalin, im Aufgrage der kaiserlich- on upper and lower leaf surface and stem, russischen geographischen gesellschaft ausgeftehrt, blue-purple ray florets,a nd differs from A. Botanischer Theil. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint Petersbourg VII,1 2: 1-227. pseudoglehni with glabrous leaves and stem, Sun B. Y. and Stuessy T. F. 1998. Preliminyobs and white ray florets. 紅 紅白 vations on the evolution of endemic angiosperms of Ullung Island,K orea. In: Stuessy T. F. and M. Wew ould like to thank the directors of TI, Ono (eds.),E volution and Speciation of Island TNS,M AKa nd KYOw ho permitted kindly Plants,p p. 181-202. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. to examine their valuable specimens. This August 2003 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo .l78 No. 4 207 Tamamshyan S. G. 1959. Genus Aster L. In: Shishkin Leningrad (English edition printed in 1990 by B. K. (ed.),F lora URSS 25: 80-116. Nauka, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh,D ehra Dun). , 林容錫,玄異昨,申絃哲:韓国産シオン属 の1新手重Aslerpseudoglehni (キク手ヰ) 韓国ウルルン(欝陵)島からキク科シオン属の が密集して散房状の複合花序につくこと,総壱片 1新種,Aster pseudoglehni Lim,H yun & Shinを記 は3-4列であることなどで区別される (Table1, 載した.Aster pseudoglehniはシロヨメナA.agera- Fig. 1).本植物は,かつてウルルン島産のエゾゴ toides Turcz. var.αgeratoidesに最も似ているが, マナA.glehni F.Schmidt var. glehniあるいはゴマ 中部の茎葉には三行脈ではなく多数の羽状脈があ ナA.glehni var. hondoensis Kitam.と誤認されたき ること,鋸歯は 8-20対あること,葉柄が明瞭に認 た植物である(韓国順天郷大学校生物学部) められること,頭花は直径約1.5cmで40個以上

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