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Association Between Corporate Governance Structures and Agency Problems in Small Firms PDF

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Jaana Lappalainen Association Between Corporate Governance Structures and Agency Problems in Small Firms – Evidence on Finnish SMEs The aim of this dissertation is to ad- dress the question whether corporate Jaana Lappalainen governance structures are associated with growth and profitability, and Association Between whether the funding and investment behaviors of family and non-family Corporate Governance firms differ. The sample consists of private small and medium-sized Structures and Agency Finnish firms. Problems in Small Firms – Evidence on Finnish SMEs Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Dissertations in Social Sciences and Business Studies Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Dissertations in Social Sciences and Business Studies isbn 978-952-61-1434-7 issn 1798-5757 Association Between Corporate Governance Structures and Agency Problems in Small Firms – Evidence on Finnish SMEs Dissertations in Social Sciences and Business Studies No 81 JAANA LAPPALAINEN Association Between Corporate Governance Structures and Agency Problems in Small Firms – Evidence on Finnish SMEs Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Dissertations in Social Sciences and Business Studies No 81 Itä-Suomen yliopisto Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta Kuopio 2014 Kopijyvä Oy Joensuu, 2014 Senior Editor: Prof. Kimmo Katajala Editor: Eija Fabritius Sales: University of Eastern Finland Library ISBN (print): 978-952-61-1433-0 ISSN (print): 1798-5749 ISSN-L: 1798-5749 ISBN (PDF): 978-952-61-1434-7 ISSN (PDF): 1798-5757 Lappalainen, Jaana Association Between Corporate Governance Structures and Agency Problems in Small Firms 52 p. University of Eastern Finland Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, 2014 Publications of the University of Eastern Finland, Dissertations in Social Sciences and Business Studies, no 81 ISBN (print): 978-952-61-1433-0 ISSN (print): 1798-5749 ISSN-L: 1798-5749 ISBN (PDF): 978-952-61-1434-7 ISSN (PDF): 1798-5757 Dissertation ABSTRACT The overall purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the association between corporate governance structures and agency problems in small firms. The aim is to address the question whether ownership structure and board composition are associated with growth and profitability, and whether attitudes towards and the use of different funding sources and the investment behaviors differ between family and non-family firms. This dissertation provides evidence that both ownership structure and board composition are significant determinants of firm performance in the sample of pri- vate small and medium-sized Finnish firms. The results imply that the ownership structure may be a more important determinant of the growth and profitability of small firms than board composition. The findings reveal that pecking order theory is a relevant theory in explaining the funding behavior of family firms. The results obtained support the prior evidence that family firms are more interested in maintaining control within the family. The results on the funding behavior could also imply that family firms may be more financially constrained than their non-family counterparts and they face more severe agency problems between the firm and potential lenders due to information asymmetry. The results on the investment behavior suggest that family firms are more likely to reject an investment than are non-family firms. However, the findings on the amount of investment indicate that no statistically significant difference exists between family firms and non-family firms. The result could imply that both fam- ily and non-family firms may be concerned with their firm’s future performance and ability to survive in competition, thus, affecting their investment behavior in a similar way. Keywords: corporate governance, agency problems, growth, profitability, fund- ing, investment, small firms Lappalainen, Jaana Corporate governancen ja agenttiongelmien välinen yhteys suomalaisissa pk- yrityksissä. 52 s. Itä-Suomen yliopisto Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta, 2014 Publications of the University of Eastern Finland, Dissertations in Social Sciences and Business Studies, no 81 ISBN (print): 978-952-61-1433-0 ISSN (print): 1798-5749 ISSN-L: 1798-5749 ISBN (PDF): 978-952-61-1434-7 ISSN (PDF): 1798-5757 Väitöskirja ABSTRAKTI Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on tutkia corporate governancen ja agenttiongel- mien välistä yhteyttä pk-yrityksissä. Väitöskirjassa tutkitaan vaikuttavatko omis- tusrakenne ja hallituksen kokoonpano pk-yritysten kasvuun ja kannattavuuteen ja eroavatko perheyritykset ja ei-perheyritykset rahoitus- ja investointikäyttäyty- misessä. Tutkimustulosten mukaan yrityksen omistusrakenne ja hallituksen kokoon- pano vaikuttavat pk-yrityksen kasvuun ja kannattavuuteen. Kuitenkin omistusra- kenteella on enemmän vaikutusta kasvuun ja kannattavuuteen kuin hallituksen kokoonpanolla. Rahoituskäyttäytymisen osalta perheyritykset näyttävät käyttä- vän ostovelkoja, rahoitusyhtiöitä ja nykyisiä omistajia rahoituslähteenään useam- min kuin ei-perheyritykset. Kuitenkin perheyritysten omistaja-johtajien asenteet ovat negatiivisemmat pankkilainoja ja ostovelkoja kohtaan ja positiivisemmat omistajien lisäsijoituksia kohtaan kuin ei-perheyrityksissä. Yritykset näyttävät noudattavan pääosin pecking order- teoriaa rahoituskäyttäytymisessään. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että perheyrityksillä on enemmän agenttiongelmia yrityksen ja rahoittajien välillä kuin ei-perheyrityksillä. Tutkimustulokset paljastavat, että perheyritykset joutuvat hylkäämään inves- tointeja useammin kuin ei-perheyritykset mm. rahoituksen saannin vaikeuden vuoksi. Tämä viittaa agenttiongelmiin yrityksen ja ulkopuolisten rahoittajien välillä. Investointien määrän osalta perhe- ja ei-perheyrityksillä ei näytä olevan tilastollisesti merkittäviä eroja. Avainsanat: corporate governance, agenttiongelma, kasvu, kannattavuus, rahoi- tus, investoinnit, pk-yritykset Acknowledgements I am grateful to all those who have helped me with this research process. Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisors, Professor Mervi Niskanen and Professor Jyrki Niskanen, for supervising, valuable support and advice dur- ing the research process. Especially Professor Mervi Niskanen has given valuable support and counselling during this research process. Secondly, I am also grateful to the official dissertation preliminary examiners, Professor Minna Martikainen and Professor Markku Vieru. Thirdly, I appreciate my employer Kajaanin ammat- tikorkeakoulu (Kajaani University of Applied Sciences) for making my study leave and this research possible. I would like to thank Mrs. Heli Itkonen, the Head of School of Business at Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu, for being interested in my research work and for supporting me during this research process. For financial support, I thank the Jenny ja Antti Wihurin rahasto (Foundation), the Kluuvin Säätiö (Foundation), and Nordea Pankin säätiö (Nordea Bank Foundation). From a more personal respective, thanks are due to my friends, especially Ms. Merja Piippo and Ms. Ulla Parkkila. I also owe my gratitude to some of my col- leagues and some other persons whom I will not define here. I have needed very much physical training during this dissertation project just to relax, get scientific thinking out of my mind for a while. Therefore, I would like to thank the staff in Liikuntakeskus IsoHoo, which has offered challenging and enjoyable guided physical training. My special thanks go to Ms. Marjut Heikkinen. Without my good physical condition I could not have been able to complete this challenging process. I have needed many trips abroad just to change the environment to en- hance my performance. During my stay in Greece I have enjoyed both the country and writing this dissertation. Finally, I owe my warmest gratitude to my husband Sakari and our son Paavo for their understanding and patience throughout the research process. Without their unfailing faith in my ability to complete the work, this doctoral dissertation would not have been possible. Korholanmäki, April 2014 Jaana Lappalainen

the corporate finance and governance literature in recent decades. international because of the nomination of foreign board members (Liljeblom &.
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