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Preview assessment of the contribution of agroforestry to poverty alleviation in lushoto district

July IJPSS Volume 2, Issue 7 ISSN: 2249-5894 2012 _________________________________________________________ Productivity of the Agroforestry Systems and its Contribution to Household Income among Farmers in Lushoto District, Tanzania Baltazar M.L. Namwata* Zacharia S. Masanyiwa* Omari B. Mzirai* __________________________________________________________ Abstract This paper investigates the productivity of the agroforestry systems and its contribution to household income among farmers in Lushoto District, Tanga, Tanzania. Specifically, the study aimed to determine and compare the level of household’s farm production and net income between farmers practicing and not practicing agroforestry. A total of 134 respondents from four villages in Soni and Ubiri wards were involved. Data were collected using structured questionnaire, focus group discussion and through non- participant observation. Distribution of responses, central tendency and dispersion, and multiple linear regression analyses were carried using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) computer software. Results indicate that farmers practicing agroforestry had significantly higher contribution to the household’s level of farm production and net income than those who were not practicing agroforestry. Given the average farm size of 3.1 ha, 2.3 cows and 9.2 chicken, the annual production for farmers practicing agroforestry was 425.9 kg for maize, beans 225.7 kg, coffee 101.1kg, and 163.9 bunches of banana, 999.12 litres and 373.5 eggs compared to 342.6 kg of maize, 202.1 kg of beans, 75 kg of coffee, 108 bunches of banana, 1120.6 litres of milk and 338.6 eggs for farmers not practicing agroforestry. The average household annual net income was Tshs 664,992 and 547,608 for farmers practicing and not practicing agroforestry respectively. The income per capita was Tshs 100,756 for farmers practicing and Tshs 82,971 for farmers’ not practicing agroforestry. However, the level of household farm production and net income was generally lower compared to most findings from other agroforestry systems. There * Institute of Rural Development Planning, P.O. Box 138, Dodoma. A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage, India as well as in Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us 369 July IJPSS Volume 2, Issue 7 ISSN: 2249-5894 2012 _________________________________________________________ was partial adoption of the agroforestry technologies by some farmers (some households had few numbers of trees/shrubs for timber, fodder, fruits, firewood etc) and poor management which resulted from constraints like inadequate extension services, higher prices of most of the agricultural inputs, low soil fertility and unattractive producer prices. Therefore, overcoming these constraints could improve and probably sustain productivity of the agroforestry systems and its contribution to household income. Key words: Agroforestry systems, crop production, household income, net income Introduction Kitalyi et al (2009) reported that Tanzania is listed among the thirteen African countries worst affected by climate change impacts and vulnerability, and having the least adaptive capacities. A review of the status of Tanzania’s Agricultural Sector Development Program notes that the country is lagging in achieving its targets on reducing poverty and in achieving the Millennium Development Goals due to low agricultural productivity. Low agricultural productivity is mainly due to low and declining soil fertility. Soil fertility is low and declining due to reduced use of inorganic fertilizers and continuous cropping. The resource poor farmers can not afford the fertilizers in sufficient quantities and sometimes do not apply the fertilizer at all on some of the lands. This is mainly because the farmers can not afford the fertilizers especially after the introduction of the Economic Structural Adjustment Programme in 1989 to 1991 when fertilizer subsidies were withdrawn. Tanzania faces the challenge of revitalizing her agricultural sector by improving the natural resource base: soil, water and biodiversity. Agroforestry, the integration of trees in agricultural landscapes, offers robust options to improve productivity and achieve environmental sustainability. Incorporating agroforestry systems into national agricultural development programmes offers more affordable and sustainable sources of soil nutrients through deep soil extraction and nitrogen fixation. On the other hand, practicing agroforestry or integrating agroforestry into the farming systems can potentially improve the livelihoods of farmers through improved agricultural productivity (SECAP, 1991; Semgalawe, 1998). Young (1989) defines agroforestry as a collective name for land use systems and practices in which woody perennials (trees, shrubs etc) A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage, India as well as in Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us 370 July IJPSS Volume 2, Issue 7 ISSN: 2249-5894 2012 _________________________________________________________ are grown in association with herbaceous plants (crops, pastures) and/or livestock in a spatial arrangement, rotation or both and in which there are both ecological and economic interactions between the trees and non-tree components of the system. Tanzania is home to several traditional agroforestry systems that have been in practice for hundreds of years. Some have been documented: the Chagga home-gardens, the related Mara region home-gardens known as Obohochere and the traditional Wasukuma silvopastoral system called Ngitili and those of Kagera. One outstanding aspect of these traditional methods is the use of multi-layered systems with a mixture of annual and perennial plants, which imitate natural ecosystems (O’kting’ati, 1985; Rugalema, 1992). In effect, many projects with various packages of agroforestry technologies have been launched in various parts of the country. Some of these projects include Soil Erosion Control and Agroforestry Project (SECAP) in Lushoto, Soil Conservation and Agroforestry Project Arusha (SCAPA), “Hifadhi Mazingira” (HIMA), “Hifadhi Ardhi Dodoma” (HADO), Land Management Programme (LAMP), Handeni Integrated Agroforestry Project (HIAP), Hifadhi Ardhi Shinyanga (HASHI) to mention a few. A lot have been done by these projects; starting from the point of sensitization to integration of various agroforestry technologies into the poor rural farming systems (Kerkhof, 1990; Johansson, 2001). In Lushoto district where the SECAP project has been implemented since 1981, previous studies have shown that, the project has been successful in improving the livelihood strategies of farming households (Kerkhof, 1990, SECAP, 1999; Johansson, 2001). While the contribution of agroforestry to poverty reduction is well documented in many places, there is paucity of information on whether or not agroforestry systems significantly contribute to the farm productivity and household income in Lushoto District. Therefore, this paper examined the productivity of the agroforestry systems and its contribution to household income in the district. A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage, India as well as in Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us 371 July IJPSS Volume 2, Issue 7 ISSN: 2249-5894 2012 _________________________________________________________ Materials and Methods This study was carried out four selected villages namely Ngulwi and Ubiri in Ubiri ward, and Soni and Shashui villages in Soni ward in Lushoto district in the northeastern part of Tanzania. The exiting land use pattern in the district is divided into four categories namely dry land farming constituting 58%, tree crops or irrigated area (11%), forest reserves (16%) and grazing areas (15%). This land use pattern makes the West Usambaras one of the most intensely farmed areas of Tanzania (Pfeiffer, 1990). A cross-sectional research design was adopted in this study because it allows data to be collected at a single point in time without repetition from the representative sample. The reason for the choice of such a design is that, it is easier and economical to conduct especially where resource constraints like time, labour and money dictate the results, as it was the case for this study. Primary data were collected through household questionnaire survey using structured questionnaires with both open-ended and closed-ended questions, focus group discussion with the key informants using a checklist of questions and physical observation, while secondary data were collected through documentary review. The aim was to cross check and verify information obtained through these different methods regarding the topic in question. The target group for this study was all farmers practicing and not practicing agroforestry in the Lushoto district. The sampling unit was the household. A household in this study is referred to as a single person or group of persons who live and eat together and share common living arrangements i.e. share expenses (URT, 1994). Since for any land use system to qualify as an agroforestry system, there must be woody perennials (trees, shrubs etc) deliberately combined with herbaceous plants and or livestock in spatial, rotational or both in which there are both ecological and economical interactions between the tree and non-tree components of the system (Young, 1989; ICRAF, 1996). In addition, since it was also hardly possible to find a single household’s farm without trees and /or shrubs in the study area, then, the criterion used to obtain farmers practicing and not practicing agroforestry was based on the number of trees found in the household’s farm. Farmers who had less than 20 trees/ ha were regarded as not practicing agroforestry while those with more than 20 trees were practicing agroforestry. A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage, India as well as in Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us 372 July IJPSS Volume 2, Issue 7 ISSN: 2249-5894 2012 _________________________________________________________ It was assumed that, other factors being constant, farmers with many agroforestry trees and which are properly arranged and managed could have higher income resulted from positive interactions between the tree and non-tree components of the system(s) than those with fewer trees. After identifying farmers practicing and not practicing agroforestry; simple random sampling technique was applied to select households from the study villages. Equal number of households from both farmers practicing and not practicing agroforestry in each village were picked for the interview for easy comparison. A random sampling intensity of at least 5% was used to determine the sample size of the households interviewed in each village as described by Boyd et al. (1981) cited by Kayunze (1998). Overall, a total of 134 households were selected for the study. This study was carried out in two phases. Phase one involved a reconnaissance survey. The second phase was mainly based on questionnaire survey. The reconnaissance survey was conducted in order to observe the general conditions of the farming systems; make researcher be acquainted with the study area; select study villages and the sample size required; and pre-test the questionnaires to check for its validity and reliability, to fit the local condition as recommended by Goldman and Macdonald (1987) cited by Kayunze (1998). Questionnaires were pre-tested using 44 respondents from four villages. Eight respondents (4 from participants and 4 non- participants of the agroforestry practices) and 3 key informants were picked from each village. However, most of the questions were responded thus, very little modifications were made to the original questions. Descriptive and inferential statistics methods were applied to analyse the quantitative data while qualitative data were analysed by using Content and Structural-Functional methods (Merina, 2001). Multiple linear regression model was developed in order to predict whether or not the dependent and independent variables were significantly related and measure the strength of their relationship. The dependent variable, net income of household’s farm production was regressed on the independent variables (farm size, household size, number of trees planted, number of livestock kept, varieties of crops grown and cost of production) to find the standard regression A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage, India as well as in Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us 373 July IJPSS Volume 2, Issue 7 ISSN: 2249-5894 2012 _________________________________________________________ coefficient, the beta weight (ß) of each independent variables, the multiple correlation, R, and the multiple coefficient of determination, R2. These six independent variables were included because they were thought to be able to account for more of the variation in the dependent variable. The general model used in linear regression was: Y = a + b x + b x + ……………+ bx + e i 1 1 2 2 j j i Where: Y = The ith observed value of the net income of the household’s farm i production (dependent variable). a = Intercept b to b = Independent variable coefficients 1 6 X1 = Farm size X2 = Household size X3 = Number of trees planted X4 = Number of animals kept X5 = Varieties of crops grown X6 = Cost of farm production e = Random error i Results and Discussion Socio-economic characteristics of farmers The socio-economic characteristics of farmers examined in this study were sex, marital status, age, household size, farm size, education level and the main occupation. The purpose of choosing A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage, India as well as in Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us 374 July IJPSS Volume 2, Issue 7 ISSN: 2249-5894 2012 _________________________________________________________ these characteristics was to get general overview of what the respondents are composed of and how these characteristics could influence agroforestry practices towards poverty reduction in the study area. Results in Table 1 show that, the highest percent of farmers (79.1%) were men while only 20.9% were women despite the fact that women are the key players in most of the household’s farm activities. The possible explanation for this trend is that the study targeted households’ heads as main decision makers of the household affairs. Except for the few households which were female headed, the majority were male headed. Sometimes, women had to respond on behalf of their husbands due to some special excuses like when were not around. Therefore, combining some of the households which were male headed and the female headed; 87.3% of the interviewed farmers were heads of the households while 12.7% not heads of the households. The findings also show that 85.8% of the respondents were married, 6.7% divorced, 3.7% widowed and 3.7% separated. The study found the age of farmers to range from 22–70 years. The average age was 45 years. Over three quarters (79.1%) were in the age group of 31–64 years, whereas 12.7% were above 64 years and 8.2% below 30 years. This implies that most of farmers were in the economically productive age group with great experience in agroforestry both before and after SECAP. Therefore their experience was very useful in the success of this study. According to Mandara (1998) and Mtenga (1999), household members are considered economically productive from the age of 16 to 64 years. The age bracket below 16 years is children some of whom may be attending schools and others too young to participate in farming activities. The age group above 64 years is considered less economically active because the members are too old. Table 1: Characteristics of respondents (n = 134) Variable Characteristics Frequency Percent Sex Male 106 79.1 Female 28 20.9 A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage, India as well as in Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us 375 July IJPSS Volume 2, Issue 7 ISSN: 2249-5894 2012 _________________________________________________________ Marital status Married 115 85.8 Divorced 9 6.7 Widowed 5 3.7 Separated 5 3.7 Age group Below 30 years 11 8.2 Between 30 – 64 years 106 79.1 Above 64 years 17 12.7 Education level No formal education 5 3.7 Adult education 11 8.2 Primary education 96 71.6 Secondary education 19 14.2 Diploma 3 2.2 Farm size Less than 2.0 ha 51 38.0 2.0 – 3.0 ha 45 33.6 More than 3.0 ha 38 28.4 The mean household size was 6.6 persons. The smallest household had 3 persons while the largest had 11. This figure is higher than the district average of 4.7 persons reported in the National Population and Housing Census (URT, 2002) and lower than that of 8.8 persons reported by Moshi (1997) in the west Usambaras. The average household size below the age of 16 years was 3.0 persons, 2.8 persons between 16 – 64 years and 0.8 persons above 64 years. This implies that at least every household in the study area has an average of 2.8 persons who can actively participate in farming activities. A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage, India as well as in Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us 376 July IJPSS Volume 2, Issue 7 ISSN: 2249-5894 2012 _________________________________________________________ Close to three quarters of respondents (71.6%) had primary education, 14.2% secondary, 8.2% adult education, 3.7% no formal education while 2.2% diploma education. Generally, except for the minority (3.7%) who had no formal education, most of the respondents were educated. This implies that, introduction of various agroforestry innovations in the study area are likely to be successfully adopted because the majority could not only be trained by the extensionists but also read from books and newsletters and other sources of information. With regard to farm size, over one third of respondents (38%) had farm sizes below or equal to 2 hectares. The mean farm size was found to be 3.1ha. The minimum and maximum farm sizes were 0.7 and 4.5 hectares respectively. However, majority of the households with farm sizes greater than 3 hectares had plots of woodlots some planted with black wattle (Acacia meansii) and others planted various tree species for timber, firewood, poles and other building materials among which being eucalyptus and grevillea. Further, observations have shown that there is high farm fragmentation ought to be influenced by the former system of shifting cultivation. Farmers have several farm plots of various shapes and sizes located into different places within and sometimes even out of the sample village. Close to three thirds of respondents (61.2%) complained that their farms were not enough. However, further observations have shown that the average farm size of 3.1 ha could be large enough to meet requirements of most of the reported household size of 6.6 persons. However, most farms were not well managed including adding enough manure and planting improved crop seeds. Historically, the study area had faced serious soil erosion resulted from poor soil conservation measures before SECAP thus leading to low soil fertility. Therefore, if farmers could manage them properly as recommended, will improve the systems productivity and thus meet most of the household daily requirements and surplus for cash income. Productivity of the agroforestry systems Various levels of farm production were observed in the study area between farmers practicing and not practicing agroforestry as described in the subsections here under. A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage, India as well as in Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us 377 July IJPSS Volume 2, Issue 7 ISSN: 2249-5894 2012 _________________________________________________________ Animal husbandry Findings in Tables 2 and 3 show the distribution of various livestock per household for farmers practicing and those not practicing agroforestry respectively. Nearly every household (94%) keeps at least one kind of livestock. Chicken was the most preferred livestock (88.8%), followed by cows (46.5%), goats (43.8%), sheep (22.4%) and ducks (9.7%). Chicken was the most preferred because it is relatively easy and cheap to manage as needs only small initial capital compared to other livestock species. On average, every household had 9.7 chicken, 2.4 cows, 3.1 goats, 2.6 sheep and 1.2 ducks. The minimum and maximum number was 2 and 25 for chicken, 1 and 5 cows, 1 and 10 goats, I and 6 sheep, and 1 and 4 for ducks respectively. Table 2: Average number of livestock kept per household for farmers practicing agroforestry Village Average number per household Cows Goats Sheep Chicken Ducks Ubiri 2.7 3.3 3.3 10.5 2.0 Ngulwi 2.8 3.1 4.8 11.6 1.0 Soni 2.6 3.2 2.6 9.9 0.0 Shashui 2.8 3.9 4.0 9.1 2.0 Average 2.7 3.4 3.7 10.3 1.3 Generally, farmers practicing agroforestry had significantly higher numbers of livestock than those not practicing (P<0.05). Sheep and ducks were the least preferred animals in the study area. In Soni village for example, none of the farmers practicing agroforestry kept ducks (Table 2), whereas in Ngulwi and Shashui villages results show that none of them was kept either sheep or ducks among farmers not practicing agroforestry (Table 3). Table 3: Average number of livestock per household for farmers’ not practicing agroforestry Village Average number per household A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage, India as well as in Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us 378

Zacharia S. Masanyiwa*. Omari B conducted in order to observe the general conditions of the farming systems; make researcher be acquainted
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