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Assessment of soil bacterial communities with emphasis on the phylum Acidobacteria PDF

164 Pages·2008·12.43 MB·English
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Preview Assessment of soil bacterial communities with emphasis on the phylum Acidobacteria

Assessment of soil bacterial communities with emphasis on the phylum Acidobacteria DISSERTATION DER FAKULTÄT FÜR BIOLOGIE DER LUDWIG-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN vorgelegt von Isabella Heidi Koch im Januar 2008 1. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Jörg Overmann 2. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Kirsten Jung Tag der Abgabe: 22. Januar 2008 Tag des Promotionskolloquiums: 24. April 2008 - für Markus - PUBLICATIONS ORIGINATING FROM THIS THESIS Chapter 3 Koch, I. H., F. Gich, H. Hoffelner, and J. Overmann. 2008. Inverse correlation of bacterial culturability and abundance in an alpine soil. (manuscript) Chapter 4 Koch, I. H., F. Gich, P. F. Dunfield, and J. Overmann. 2008. Edaphobacter modestus gen. nov., sp. nov., and Edaphobacter aggregans sp. nov., two novel acidobacteria isolated from alpine and forest soils. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. (in press, Ms.No. 64534) Chapter 5 Koch, I. H., F. Gich, and J. Overmann. 2008. Significance of inducers and bacterial interactions for the cultivation of soil bacteria. (manuscript) CONTRIBUTIONS BY THE COAUTHORS Chapter 3 Dr. F. Gich has supervised the diploma-thesis from H. Hoffelner who has contributed the alpine soil sample, the data for the ATP activity in soil slurries, the data of the preliminary tests for detachment of soil bacteria from soil particles, and has produced the MicroDrop cultures. Chapter 4 Dr. F. Gich has supplied the unidentified acidobacterial enrichment culture of the alpine soil sample. Dr. P. F. Dunfield has contributed the acidobacterial pure culture of strain Wbg-1 of the forest soil sample and its complete 16S rRNA gene sequence. Chapter 5 Dr. F. Gich has supervised the diploma-thesis from H. Hoffelner who has contributed the alpine soil sample. I hereby confirm the above statements. Isabella Koch Prof. Dr. Jörg Overmann

The phylum Acidobacteria mostly consists of environmental 16S rRNA gene . To date, many studies have been conducted in soils, .. was assessed in different laboratory media with humic acid analogs (HA), a mixture of polymers.
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