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ASSESSMENT OF PLANT BIODIVERSITY IN WECHIAU COMMUNITY GHANA HIPPOPOTAMUS SANCTUARY IN Oteng-Yeboah Alex Asase^ Alfred A. and Ghana Council Research for Scientific Industrial (CSIR) Ghana M32 of R Box University 0. GHANA Box LG 55 Legon- P.O. Accra, GHANA Legon-Accra, [email protected] ^corresponding author ABSTRACT A study was conducted in the Wechiau Community Hippopotamus Sanctuary in Ghana in order to assess the plant biodiversity found in the sanctuary. The study was conducted over a period of three years (2000-2003) through botanical inventories and using sample plots. A total number of 227 species of plants belonging to 72 families were identified and three vegetations types: Riverine forest, Floodplain Many and Upland flora were found in the sanctuary. of the species of plants were Mesophanerophytes and Thereophytes whereas a paucity of the species was Heleophytes, Hydrophytes, Hemicryptophytes and Chamaephytes. The results of the study are discussed and made recommendations for further research to support the conservation and sustainable use of plants in the sanctuary. Key Words: Plant biodiversity, Wechiau, Hippopotamus, Ghana, conservation RESUMEN Se realizo un estudio en Wechiau Community Hippopotamus Sanctuary en Ghana para valorar biodiversidad vegetal presente en el la un el santuario in. El estudio se realizo durante periodo de tres anos (2000-2003) mediante inventarios botanicos y usando parcelas de un muestreo. Se identificaron total de 227 especies de plantas pertenecientes a 72 famllias y tres tipos de vegetacion: bosque de rivera, Uanuras de inundacion y tierras altas en el santuario. Muchas de las especies de plantas fueron mesofanerofitos y terofitos mientras que las especies minoritarios fueron helofitos, hidrofitos, hemicriptofitos y camefitos. Se discuten los resultados del estudio y se hacen recomendaciones para investigaciones posteriores con vistas a la conservacion y el uso sostenible de las plantas en el santuario. INTRODUCTION The Wechiau Community Hippopotamus Sanctuary community-based Upper West Region a initiative in the is of Ghana protect the remaining unprotected hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphihius) population in the to Black Volta River, which would help to develop the ecotourism potential for the area. The other population km of hippopotamus in Ghana found in the Bui National Park, which about 56 from the present sanc- is is tuary. This population of hippopotamus in the park under threat with the government's plan to develop is dam power hippopotamus a for hydro-electrical generation. It is anticipated that the present population of when dam in the Bui National Park will migrate to the sanctuary the finally developed. is The chiefs and people of Wechiau traditional area with technical assistance from local non-gov- a ernmental organization, Nature Conservation and Research Centre (NCRC) have decided conserve to hippopotamus and They hope the populations of other biological resources in their area. also to generate income through the promotion of ecotourism focused improve the livelihood of the rural communities. to The sanctuary one of the two examples in Ghana where the local people are taking control of the is full management of their biological resources through a Sanctuary Management Board (SMB). There however is no on making management baseline information the plant biodiversity in the sanctuary that will assist in and decisions the conservation sustainable use of the plant resources in the sanctuary. for The present study was therefore conducted in order to assess the plant biodiversity in the Wechiau Community Hippopotamus Sanctuary Ghana. in AND METHODS MATERIALS Study area km Wa The study was conducted Wechiau about 40 southwest of in the Upper West Region of Ghana. at The study area positioned between latitudes 02'^4rN and 02'^49'N and between longitudes 09°43'W and is - Texas 549 556. 2007 J. Bot. Res. Inst. 1 (1): 550 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 1(1) 09^53'W. The has been demarcated and conserved Wechiau Community Hippopotamus Sanctuary area as Km^ and occupies an area of about 40 along the banks of the Black Volta River. The vegetation of the sanctu- & ary primarily Guinea savanna (Oteng-Yeboah Asase 2002) and the terrain mostly is is flat. METHODS The plant biodiversity in the sanctuary was assessed through botanical inventories and using sample plots over a period of three years (2000-2003). Botanical inventories entailed walking through different areas of the vegetation of the sanctuary whiles picking and identifying plants with identification aids. Each species of plant identified was monitored for form (sensu Raunkiaer 1934) throughout the period of the study. its life The botanical inventories were conducted through twelve the sanctuary and voucher specimens field visits to of the species of plants encountered were collected and have been deposited the Ghana Herbarium (GC) at the Department of Botany, University of Ghana. The preliminary identifications of the plants were at field & checked using the Flora ojWest Tropical Africa (Hutchison Dalziel 1954-1972) and by comparison with GC specimens herbarium. identified the at m m In order to determine the species richness in the sanctuary, sample plots measuring 25 x 25 m, 5 m Im Im X 5 and x were randomly demarcated in the sanctuary. Forty-one of each plot size was studied. m m m m The 25 x 25 plot was used to study trees and 5 x 5 used to assess small trees and shrubs whereas Im Im the X plots was used to study the ground flora (herbaceous and grass species). The species richness was evaluated from the average number of species count the plots examined each plot for all for size. RESULTS and Species richness composition A mean total of 227 species of plants belonging to 71 families were identified in the sanctuary The numbers m m of species of trees was 7.62 in 5.3 families from the 25 x 25 plots and that of small trees and shrubs was m m 4T0 3.33 species in 2.62 families from the 5 x 5 plots whiles that of ground flora species was species m m from in 3.92 families the x plots. 1 1 Many of the plant species in the sanctuary (85.5%) belong to the dicotyledonous group (Appendix 1). The monocot group contributed 14.1% of the species and only one species of Pteridophyte (Ophioglossum costatum) was identified from the sanctuary (Appendix 2 and Within the dicotyledonous group, the family 3). number and The Papilionaceae contributed the largest of genera (9.2%) species (8.2%). other dicotyledonous many families that contributed species and genera the of the sanctuary were Rubiaceae, Asteraceae, to flora Euphorbiaceae, Ceasalpinaceae, Mimosaceae, Verbanaceae, and Combretaceae. many The monocotyledonous group contained genera and species of the families Poaceae, Liliaceae, Cyperaceae, Araceae, and Commelinaceae. However, the families Hypoxidaceae, Orchidaceae, and Zingib- eraceae contributed only one genus and species each to the flora of the sanctuary. and Vegetation types species composition The vegetation of the sanctuary changes gradually from Riverine forest vegetation through Floodplain vegeta- tion to Upland flora vegetation as one moves inland from the Black Volta River. The three vegetation types found in the sanctuary were largely based on their physiognomy and species composition. — Upland flora yegetation. The appearance and species composition of this vegetation type similar is to the general characteristics of the Guinea Savanna vegetation. The species diversity is very high in this compared two with from vegetation type to that of the other vegetation types species of trees the families Mimosaceae Sapotaceae (Vitellaria paradoxd), (Entada ajricana, Parkia higlobossa), Caesalpinaceae (Ajzelia ajricana, Daniellia oliveri and Tamarindus indica), Anacardiaceae (Haematostaphis harteri^ Lannea acida and Lannea Bombacaceae (Adansonia Bomhax Meliaceae (Khaya and costatum), senegalensis kerstingii), digitata, Com- Simaroubaceae (Hannoa and Pseudocedrela undulata), Papilionaceae (Pterocarpus erinaceus) kostchyi), and bretaceae (Terminalia avicennoides Terminalia species). Smaller trees and shrubs were from the families Euphorbiaceae (Brideliajerruginea), Cochlospermaceae . Asase and Oteng-Yeboah, Flora of the Wechiau Community Hippopotamus Sanctuary 551 (Codospermum and Combretaceae (Comhretum Comhretum and planchonii C. tinctorium), ghasalense, molle Comhretum spp.X Celastraceae (Maytenus senegalensis), Chrysobalanaceae (Parinari curattejollia and Parinari and polyandrd), Olacaceae (Ximenia americand), Caesalpinaceae (Piliostigma thonningi Swatzia madacasgarensis) and Polygalaceae (Securidaca longepedunculatd). The herbaceous flora also included species from the families Liliaceae but currently in Asparaga- s.l, ceae (Asparagus Hypoxidaceae (Curculigo Euphorbiaceae (Sapium grahamii, Euphorbia haga, flagellar pilosa), is), Euphorbia ladermannniana) and Zingiberaceae (Kaempjeria Grass species were mainly Andropogon aethiopica). gayanus, Hyparhennia subplumosa, Hyperthelia spp., and Ctenium newtonii. In areas where the vegetation has previously been intensively farmed, paradoxa and Parkia Vitellaria biglobossa were the main trees found and the herbaceous species consisted of ruderal plants from the fami- lies Asteraceae (Ageratum conyzoides, Emilia sp., Tridax procumhens), Rubiaceae (Mitracarpus scaber, Borreria and Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia Euphorbia radiata) hirta, heterophylla). — Floodplain \egetation. This vegetation was found next the Upland vegetation towards the to flora Black Volta River. The vegetation area often flooded during the rainy season and the ground becomes is patchy in the dry season. Trees and climbers were few but with a very dense grass cover in the rainy season. The main tree species were from the families Rubiaceae (Mitragyna inermis) and Mimosaceae (Acacia nilotica and Acacia gourmaensis) Other species of trees were from the families Balanitaceae (Balanities aegyptiaca), . Rhamnaceae (Ziziphus mauritianum) Rubiaceae (Crossopteryx Combretaceae (Terminalia macrop- Jebrijuga), , Anacardiaceae (Eannea acida and Papilionaceae (Pterocarpus erinaceus) and Meliaceae tera), L. kerstingii), (Pseudocedrela kotschyi). The ground flora was predominated by members of the family Poaceae (including Vetiveriajulvibarvis, Andropogon gayanus, Brachiariajubata, and Hyparhhenia subplumosa). Herbaceous species of the families Mi- mosaceae (Cassia mimosoides), Papilionaceae (Crotalaria goorensis and Tephrosia platycarpa), Amaryllidaceae Commelinaceae and (Crinum humile) Polygonaceae (Polygonum senegalensis) (Aneilema Floscopa ajricana, sp., , common. Murdannia and Spenocleaceae were simplex) (Sphenoclea zeylanica) also — , Riyerine forest vegetation. ^This vegetation type was found on either side of the Black Volta River. The vegetation was very dense as a result of large number of climbers and relatively trees that formed tall a canopy. Species of tree from the families such as Sterculiaceae (Cola laurijolia), Papilionaceae (Pterocarpus common. and Bignoniaceae found along permanent were Other santaliniodes)^ (Kigelia africana) that are rivers common were from Combretaceae Ulmaceae Bombacaceae trees (Anogeissus leiocarpus), (Celtis integrijolid), and Ebenaceae (Ceiha pentandra), (Diospyros mespilijormis) Among members the smaller trees and shrubs were of the families: Caesalpinaceae (Cassia sieberiand), Papili- Mimosaceae onaceae (Milletia zechiana), (Endata abyssinica)^ Elacourtiaceae (Cassipourea congoensis, Dissomeria Rutaceae and Verbanaceae crenata), (AJraegle paniculatd), (Vitex chrysocarpa). Climbers and herbaceous were mainly from Sapindaceae species (Paullinia pinnata), Passifloraceae Annonaceae (Passiflora sp.), Colchicaceae (Gloriosa superba), (Monantho taxis sp.), Capparidaceae (Capparis ery thro carpus), Araceae (Achomanes Mjelwitchii), Liliaceae but strictly in the family Anthericaceae (Chloro- s.l, phy turn pusilium) and Papilionaceae (Aeschynomene afraspera). , forms and composition Life species Many The 227 plants identified in the sanctuary belong to 9 life-forms categories (Table of the species 1). of plants in the sanctuary were Mesophanerophytes and Thereophytes with few species of Heleophytes, Many Hydrophytes and Hemicryptophytes in the sanctuary. of the species of Thereophytes in the sanctuary members were of the families Rubiaceae, Asteraceae and Euphorbiaceae. Also the Mesophanerophyte and Microphanerophyte were made up of species from Caesalpinaceae, Meliaceae, Anacardiaceae and Mimosa- The Chamaephytes made up from Annonaceae, and Cochlo- ceae. of species the families Aristolochiaceae members spermaceae whereas the species of Nanophanerophtes were from of Sapindance and Verbenaceae. commonly members Geophytes were Amaryllidaceae and Commelinaceae. of the 552 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 1(1) Table Life form composition of species of plants in Wechiau Community Hippopotamus Sanctuary in Ghana. 1. Life-form Total number of Contribution of form to the life species contributed flora of the sanctuary (%) Thereophyte herb (ThH) 60 27.75 Thereophyte climbing herb (ThI) 3 Chamaephyte herb (ChH) 5 7.05 Chamaephyte climbing herb (ChHI) 6 Chamaephyte shrub (ChS) 5 Hydrophyte herb (HyH) 3 1.32 Helophyte herb (HeH) 0.045 1 Geophyte herb (GrH) 26 11.45 Hemicryptohyte (Her) 3.52 Mesophanerophyte tree (MPT) 17 28.21 Mesophanerophyte shrub (MPS) 36 Microphanerophyte shrub (mpS) 15 8.37 Microphanerophyte epiphye (mpE) 2 Microphanerophyte (mpWI) 2 liana Nanophanerophyte shrub (NpS) 21 11.89 Nanophanerophyte (NpWI) 6 liana DISCUSSION The present study the attempt to compile an authoritative checlclist of the plant biodiversity in the is first Wechiau Community Hippopotamus Sanctuary and the study has shovv^n that the composition of plant species in the sanctuary similar to that of Guinea savanna vegetation (Hopkins 1974; Lawson 1985). The is species richness and diversity in their life-forms of the plants in the sanctuary also similar to Guinea vv^as savanna by Oteng-Yeboah vegetation studied (1996) Bushfires impact on plant biodiversity and therefore important the Sanctuary Management for is it Board make management from and to strategic plans that will protect core areas of the sanctuary bushfires human With other activities such farming. the exception of species of plants such Afraegle paniculata fevv^ 2iS & many (Schum. Thonn.) Engl, Commiphora dalzidli Hutch, and Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn, of the species of plants identified in the sanctuary were generally very common. The Sanctuary Management Board could initiate species specific management programs such as the collection of seeds and other propagules of these uncommon subsequent species of plants for their cultivation in the sanctuary. hoped on that this information the plant biodiversity in the sanctuary will serve as a baseline It is data for making management decisions for the conservation of the sanctuary resources and promotion of recommended ecotourism activities in the area. however that further research should investigate the It is quantitative abundance and distribution of the species of plants as well as the indigenous uses of the plants in sanctuary. APPENDIX Checklist of dicotyledonous plants in Wechiau Community Hippopotamus Sanctuary in Ghana. See Table for definition of life-form. 1 MPT Amaranthaceae Lanneo & Engl. Krause; kerstllgii K. ThH Spondiasmombin MPS Celosia trigyna L; L; ThH Pondiakainvolucrata (Moq.) Jackson; B.D. Annonaceae Anacardiaceae Annonag/aucaSchumach. &Thonn.;ChS MPT ChS Haematostaphis Annonasenegalensis barterl Hook.f.; Pers.; MpS NpWI Ozofoa Hexalobus monopetalus insignis Delile; Engl. Diels.; <& MPT Lannea acida A. Rich.; Asase and Oteng-Yeboah, Flora of the Wechiau Community Hippopotamus Sanctuary 553 Apocynaceae Celastraceae mPWI ThH Saba senegalensis (A. DC.) Pichon; IHippocratea africana Loes. ex Engl.; Strophanthus hispidus DC; NpS Maytenus senegalensis TLam.) ExelL; npS Chrysobalanaceae Aristolochiaceae mpS Aristolochiaalbida Duch.; ChHI Parinari curatellifolia Planch, ex Benth.; mpS polyandra Parinari Benth.; Asclepiadaceae W.T npS Cochlospermaceae Calotropisprocera (Alton) Alton; Pachycarpus (Decne) npS Cochilospermum planchoni Hook, ChS lineolatus Bullock; f.; ChH Cochilospermum tinctorum A. Rich.; Asteraceae Acanthospermum hispidum DC.;ThH Combretaceae MPT & Ageratum conyzoides L.;ThH Anogessius leiocarpus Gulll. Perr.; mpS CD. Adams; ThH Combretum aculeatum Aspilia africana (Pers.) Vent.; mpS Blumea DC; ThH Combretum & aurita ghiaselense Engl. Dlels.; mpS GrH Combretum EchinopslongifoliaA. tiypopilinum Rich.; Diels.; mpS Gomphrena ThH Combretum L celosoldes Mart.; molle ex G. Don.; Br. mpS Combretum & Synedrella nodlflora Gaertn.;ThH nigricans Leprleur ex Guill. Perr.; Tridaxprocumbens L;ThH Combretum NpWI paniculatum\/er\t:, Vernonlaamygdalina Dellle; npS Combretum sericeum G. Don.; ChH mpS ThH & Vernonia perrottetil Sch.Bip. ex Walp.; Pteleopsis suberosa Engl. Dlel.; MPS \/emon/(7pL/rpa/'eaSch.Blp.exWalp.;ThH Quisqualis indica L.; mpS ThH & Dandy; Vicoa leptoclada (\Nebb) Terminalla avicenoides Gulll. Perr.; MPS Terminalia laxiflora Engl.; Balanitaceae mPT & macroptera Terminalia Gulll. Perr.; MPS Balanites aegyptiacus Dellle; Convolvulaceae Bignoniaceae npS Evolvolus alsinoides MPT L.; Kigelia africana (Lam.). Benth.; NpWI Ipomoeasp.; MPS Stereospermum l<unthianum Cham.; Cucurbitaceae Bonnbacaceae Zehneria Hook. halli f.;ThHI MPT Adansonia digitata L; Bombax MPT Ebenaceae costatum Pellegr. &Vulllet; MPT MPT Ceiba pentandra Gaertn.; Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex A. DC; (L.) Boraginaceae Euphorbiaceae MPS l-leliotropium indicum L.;ThH Bridellia ferruginea Benth.; Euphorbia baga Chev.;ThH A. Burseraceae ThH Euphorbia convolvuloides Hochst ex Benth.; mpS Commiphora Hutch.; dalzielli & Euphorbia ladermaniana Pax Hoffin.;ThH K. Caesalpinaceae ThH Euphorbia macrophylla Pax.; MPS Burl<ea africana Hook.; Euphorbia npS poissonii Pax.] L-JhH Cassia absus npS Euphorbia sp- mimmosoides ThH Cassia L; MPS Hymenocardia acida Jul.; MPS DC; Cassia sieberiana npS Jatropha curcas L.; loraL'JhH Cassia npS Jatrophagossypiifolia L.; MPS Dalium gu/neem/s Willd.; amarus Schum &Thonn.;ThH Phyllantus MPT & Daniellia oliveria (Rolfe) Hutch. Dalz.; Sapium grahamiPt3\ri.]JhH & MPS Detarium microcarpum Gulll. Perr.; ChS Securinega virosa (Willd) Baill.; MPT & Isoberlina dol<a Cralb Stapf; Tragia vogelii Keay.;ThH mpS (Schumach.) Piliostigma tlionningii Dellle-Redh.; Flacourtiaceae Caesalpinaceae MPS Oncoba spinosa Forssk.; MPT Tamarindus indica L; Lamiaceae Senna ThH occidentalis Link.; (L.) Ocimum canum ThH Sims; Capparaceae Loganiaceae Cleome viscosa L.;ThH MPS Strychnosinnocua Dellle; Cadaba farinosa Forssk.;ThH MPS Strychnos spinosa Lam.; NpWI Capparis erytlirocarpos isert; & NpWI Ritchiea reflexa Gllg Benedict; 554 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 1(1) Loranthaceae & ThH Tephrosia platycarpa Guill. Perr.; mpE DC; ThH Tapinanthus dodeneifolius (DC.) Danser.; Urariapicta (Jacq) mpE & Tapinathus bangwensis fEng. Krause) Danser.; Passifloraceae Malvaceae ThH Passiflora foetida L.; ThH Hibiscus asper Hook.f.; SidaalbaL'JhH Pedaliaceae Sesarnum a/atumThonn.;ThH S/c/asp.;ThH Sesamum ThH indicum L.; Meliaceae MPT Khaya senega Polygalaceae lensis A. Juss.; mpT MPS Pseudocedrela Harms.; Securidaca longepedunculata l<otschyi Fresen.; mpS emetica Vahl; Trichilia Polyonoaceae Menispernnaceae Polygonum Hy senegalensis Meisn.; Cissampelos mucfonata ChHI A. Rich.; Portulacaceae Mimosaceae Talinum Willd.;ThH trigulare fJacq.) MPS Acacia gourmaensis A. Chev.; Rhamnaceae mpS De Acacia hockii Wild.; ChS Ziziphus mauritiana Lam.; L MPS Acacia nilotica (Delile).; Rhizophoraceae npS Acacia sp.] MPS DC; MPT Cassipourea congoensis ex Br R. Afzelia africana Sm.; mpS Dicrostachys glomerata CIniov.; Rubiaceae mpS Entada abyssinica Steud.; DC; ThH Borreria radiata mpS & Entada africana Gu'iW. Perr.; &Thonn.) Schum.;ThH scaber Borreria {Schurf] K. L;ThH Minnosapigra mpS Ctiassalia sp.; MPT Parkia biglobosa fJacq.) R. Br. ex G. Don; Chrysanthellum americanum ThH Rich.; MPT Proposis africana J^ub.] MPT Don) Crossopteryx febrifuge (Afzel. ex G. Benth.; npS Fadogia Schweinf. ex Moraceae agrestis Heirn.; ThH apodanthera MPS Feretia Del.; Ficusabutilifolia (Miq) Miq.; Gardenia Schum. &Thonn.; npS MPS ternifolia capens/s Thunb.; F/cas scaberZuccrJhH Mitracarpus MPS Ficusplatyphylla Del.; mPT Mitragyna inermis (Willd). 0. Ktze.; Moringaceae mpS Nauclea Sm.; latlfolia MPS Moringa Lam.; oleifera corymbose Oldelandia L.;ThH Myrtaceae Polysphaeria arbuscula Schum.; npS K. ThH Eugenia subherbacea A. Chev.; Rutaceae mPT Nyctaginaceae Afraegie paniculata Engl.; ThH Boerhavia diffusa L; Zanthoxylum xanthoxyloides (Lam.) Waterman.; nPS Samydaceae Olacaceae ThH MPS Boerhavia diffusa L; Dissomeria crenata Hook. ex Benth.; f. Sapindaceae Opiliaceae & mPWI NpWI Opilia End!, ex Walp.; Allophyllusafricanus R Beauv.; celtidifolia (Guill. Perr.) MPT Blighia sapida Konig; Papilionaceae Cardiospermum grandiflorum SW.;ThHI Abrus precatorius L.;ThHI NpWI Paulliniapinnata L.; Aeschynomene ThH i afraspera Leonard.; ThH Sapotaceae Alysicarpus ovalifolius Leonard.; J. MPT Malacantha Canc7\/a//asp.;ThH alnifolia Pierre; MPT & ThH paradoxa Crotalaria goreensis CF. Gaertn. Gu'iW. Perr.; Vitellaria f.; mpS DC; Erytlirinasenegalensis Scrophulariaceae & MPS Lonchocarpus laxiflorus GuiW. Perr.; hermonthica Benth ;ThH Striga Lonchocarpus npS sericeus (Poir) H.B.K.; //near/fo//a(Schumach.&Thonn.) Hepper.;ThH Str/ga Millettiazechiana Harms; npS Simaroubaceae Dunn MPS Ostryoderris stuhlnnannii (Jaub.) ex Harms; MPT Hannoa undulata Meeuwen; MPS Planch.; Pericopsis laxiflora (Benth. ex Baker) MPT Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir.; Solanaceae MPT Pterocarpus santalinoides LH'er ex DC; L]JbH Datura mete! MPS Swarztia madagascarensis Desv.; Asase and Oteng-Yeboah, Flora of the Wechiau Community Hippopotamus Sanctuary 555 Sphenocleaceae Ulmaceae MPT Hy Sphenocleazeylsnica Gaertn.; Celt integrifolia Lam.; is NpS Trema Blume.; orlentalis Sterculiaceae MPT Verbenaceae Cola laurifolia Mast.; StercuHa MPS Clerodendron capitatum Schum. &Thonn.; NpS setigeria Delile; ChH ThH Lantana Waltheria indica A. trifolia L; L. .; ChH Moldenke; Lippia rnultiflora Taccaceae ThH Stachtarpheta Indica L; GrH Tacca leontopetaloides Kuntze.; (L) NpS Vitexchrysophylla Planch.; Tiliaceae MPS Vitexdoniana Sweet; ThH Co chorus olitorius L; f Vitaceae MpS Grewia carpi nifolia Juss.; ChH Cissus flavicans Planch.; & ChH Grewla Hutch. cissoides Dalziel; & ChH Cissuspopulnea Guill. Perr.; MpS Grewia mollis ]uss.; APPENDIX Checklist of monotyledonous in Wechiau Community Hippopotamus Sanctuary in Ghana. See Table for 1 definition of life-form. Amaryllidaceae Anthericaceae Crinum humlle A. Chev.; GrH Chloroptiytum pusillum Schweinf. ex Baker; GrH Araceae Hyacinthaceae & hiaemanthius rupestrls Baker; GrH Scillapicta A. Chev. ex Hutch Dalziel.; GrH Amorphophallus GrH dracontioides N.E. Br.; Orchidaceae Anchomanes GrH welwitchii Rendle; GrH Eulophia cristata Lindl.; & Kotschy GrH Stylochiton lancifolium Peyr; Poaceae Connmelinaceae Andropogon gayanus Kunth; Her GrH Aneilemasetiferum A. Chev.; Brachiaria lata (Schumach.)C.H. Hubb.; Her GrH Floscopa africana C.B. Clarke; CL; Brachiaria sp- Her Murdannia GrH simplex Brenan; (Vahl) Ctenium GrH villosum Berhaut.; Cyperaceae Cymbopogon giganteus Her Ch'iov- GrH Cynodon Cyperusambilis\/3h\] dactylon Her (L) Pers.; Fimbristylis sp- Her Dactyloctenium aegyptium Willd.; GrH /ngasp.;GrH sp-GiH Digitaria Mariscus GrH Hyperrhenia Her foliosus C.B. Clarke; sp.] Hypethelia Her sp.; Hypoxidaceae cum maximum GrH Pan! Jacq.; (Schum. &Thonn.) GrH Curcullgopilosa Engl.; Saccharum spontaneum HyH L.; Aloaceae Liliaceae GrH s.l. Setaria sp.; GrH Aloe buetteneri A. Berger; Zingiberaceae Asparagaceae Kaempferia aethiopica Solms ex GrH Engl.; ChH Asparagus Baker; flagellaris Pteridophyte species in Wechiau Community Hippopotamus Sanctuary in Ghana. See Table definition for 1 of life-form. Ophioglossaceae Ophioglossum costatum GrH R. Br.; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We SMB are thankful to the communities living in the sanctuary and the for their hospitality and logistic We support throughout Earthwatch provided the study. Institute the financial assistance for the study. are NCRC Deimissew (ETH) and Edeoga Okpara also grateful to for logistics support. Sebsebe Hilary O. (Michael Umuahia, Univ. of Agriculture, Nigeria) provided reviews. critical 556 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 1(1) REFERENCES Savanna and Heinemann, Ibadan and London, 1974. Hopkins, forest. B. and West & Crown Dalziel Hutchinson, J.M. Dalziel 1954-1972. Flora of Tropical Africa. Vols.1, 2 Agents, Lon- 3. J. don. West Ghana Lawson, G.W. 986, Plant in Africa. Universities Press. life 1 Oteng-Yeboah, A.A. 996. Biodiversity three traditional groves Guinea Savanna, Ghana. in in 1 and Wechiau Community Hippopotamus on Oteng-Yeboah, A,A. A. Asase. 2002. Sanctuary-Preliminary data floristic. Ghana Book Science Asssociation of Abstracts, P 57. C 1934. The forms of plants and plant geography. Clarendon Oxford, Raunkier, statistical Press, life

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